Meanwhile, I want you guys to help me see something...it's after the cut...
What is he always thinking about? Lol. If you don't see it, please do not worry your innocent head about it! Hehe
News, Events, Entertainment, Lifestyle, Fashion, Beauty, Inspiration and yes... Gossip! *Wink*
Its normal abeg
Naughty Linda!
Linda, it doesn't need to be hard or erect to cause an outline.
All it needs is not to be restricted by underwear.
The thing naturally tilts outwards from it's base before hanging.
but why your avid interest in konko below na????
go and get your own - biko
Chei, lindiway ur such a spoilt girl... Y r U̶̲̥̅̊ lookin @ anoda womans pirinri? If it is standin na U̶̲̥̅̊ him dey tink about? Yeye girl... Go & look @ ur bobos own abeg! As dis boiz r flying private lik dis, let †ђξ jet b covered in †ђξ holy spirit sha!!!
hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahha,linda wentin u c again,hey u done spoil finish,funny gal.lmao.
He (Peter) is taking somethig that makes his AMU erect because may be he is trying to feel like a model.
linda, u r a bad,bad gal!
Lmao Linda I get u o!i can c it too......lmao
as a bag sharp guy, he's already thinking ahead of the kampala female loyal fans who will do him the honours..........loooooool
take am easy o
It appears that he doesn't wear underwear Linda, just give up.
Peter I'm tired of seeing ur....lol
Dirty Linda......I'm sure you are referring to his "Boyz Quarter" revealing Arabian harem pants!
I can see the CAPtain straining for attention.....Peter Okye is no doubt a GROWER and not a SHOWER.
Linda abi you don reach there?
kai...linda, ur mind don spoil
hmm linda u have a dirty mind ,maybe its his belt lol
Lindaaaaaa....... chei.
Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.u re a naughty girl.
He should just learn to wear jeans lyk his broda...Nt his fault yall know lola is pregs .he's got to go thru dis alone
innocent head Abi? Lol. Thanks to you mine its no longer innocent. And he is thinking about you, u know you are a hottie
linda y are ur eyes always going there? smh
Linda n ds guy' penis. Hmmmmmm!
Lindiway, you are not only spoilt but rotten! na wa for you. no bi the "thing" wey bulge out you dey refer to?
Lol...linda, i see it, u'r not serious oo....lmao
Like seriously why does dat happen to him when its phototime!!! Bdw lindiway u re a bad bad girl..... He shud see cossy cos she's been acting starved n could use gud action!! #Justsaying......
He's thinking about sexing Linda.
linda!!!! LOL!! the question is "how u dey always see am!!" hehehehehehehehehehehe!!
When a preacher with an eternal assignment and far busy schedule fly a private jet people cry their head offmbut when entertainer does the same no qualm
Linda Linda Linda, how many times did i call you eeeehhhh, one day u will see what u are looking for. ekwu chee kwaa mmmm.
hahahahha !!!
Linadaaaaa !huh ?
Lool linda hmnn why do u like this thing like these hmnn...ok o..
looolz and u Lindiway oneday u'll get what u're looking for. It comes with 9months imprisonment.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
Maybe that is the length of the kpanla so it can not fold up or lay down hence the punching through the trouser all the time.... PS. Love to my one and only Bona
Linda eeehh! No kii me abeg, meanwhile, I'm beginning to suspect dis isn't wat it seems o, cos he can't be hvng dat stuf all d time, I'm thinking ders more to it. Maybe a growth or somefin. #jstsaying. *lips sealed*
Hahaha.... Linda!! Why are your eyes always going down there? I also asked the same question the last time you posted a pic of Peter having it hard down there, "what's this dude always thinking about?" Maybe its just naturally huge down even when he is not horny or something. Hehe.. All good though!
LOL linda, the question should be why u"re always seeing it o!!!! hehehehehehehheheh!!!!
Its gud 4 d twins. So when papa Ayo oritsejafor says d same tin, u guys shud understand! He needs it to go around 4 d gospel. Or better still, dey shud use donkey or camel, after all dey are christians, dey shud do what jesus did in his time. Lol!
Lindaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa...how many times did I call you? Go marry o..ehn ehn..
Peter needs to go get boxers that r his size and stop showing us his small thin weenie.who d fuck cares?
OluwaLinda...go marry o...stop polluting our 'innocent' minds abeg...only saw something looking like a..... below the waist region of one of the guys..
this Psquare little boyus are so timid... typical example of "money can't buy class"
they are so cheap in theiir thinking... whats the madness with posing in a private jet, no as if it is theirs...
Psquare, u guys are poor in the mind.. poverty driven minds....
mtchewww... private jet, private canoe, private boxers and private balls and penis....
I think Peter do not wear briefs anymore be4 putting on his trouser. it's getting too much na or abi na becos e wife don go USA to go born??? no body waist to hold...????? abeg Peter stay faitful oooo...
lmao. linda i can a tonto popping up on d one of d left. lmao. u get sharp eyes linda
Loooool,wetin carry ur eye go dere,but seriously wat was in his mind?.
He's always thinking about you nah! If you like no post my comment. BTW I'm feeling the one with dreds.His first pic is sexy
Lol linda. I can see Peter's small dik
money they talk there linda
This peter's hairstyle na die! D ting no fit am abeg!
*covering eyes* aunty Linda pls dnt spoil me more dan dis o. Lmao @ 'i want u guys 2 help me c sumtin'.. Na we wan c am 4 u? Abeg c alone o. Anyways,i won't bother my innocent head *skips away*
With thousands of beautiful women screeming and literally throwing themselves at the duo, one of the two is likely going to have an erection. But if the erection lasts for more than 42 hours, then there is a problem. If I were him, instead going to see a doctor, I'd rather see a prostitute.
this your eyes ehn...anya uwa!
Notin much bad here jaare...anyway anytn wey u c na u sabi...mtcheeew jus bcus of pjet
Lindiway u dey alwayz c below nawa 4u ooh.
Good....work hard PLAY HARD
I think its high time you spare us of this your obsession with Peter Okoye.
If you wanna be his 2nd baby mama, just come out and say so abeg!
And if u like dont post my comment. Mtcheew
Linda i know say the okoye brothers na ur pally but i must say this i have never heard the okoye brothers charter private jet to America u.k europe why e be say na only African country's esp war torn nations like Rwandan Congo, Sudan Angola etc abi dem ban dem for to do concert for western countries abi if dem dey go western countries them dey enter commercial airlines
so na only 3world countries dem dey charter jet o-kk i get it its cheaper to enter commercial plane to western countries and far cheaper to charter private plane to war torn countries oh now i see their economic reason these guys na bad sharp business boys my prayer for them be say amke the planes get parachute o
Lmao @ AMU...funny!
Good for dem, as for me, Baba God carry me reach dis level also.....Meanwyl, Linda, hmmmm.....ya obsession wit Peter's 'John Thomas' don de nack roof o..... Jus arrange wit am mk him show u as e de go....LOL!!
Phil 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Phil 4:8
8 Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good report ; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things.
Lmao! I can see it oh! Its true Linda, what is he always thinking about, Abi his baby mama was at the photo shoot ni? Anyway, big fan of Psquare. :* :*
"Peter says flying private is no longer a luxury, it's now a necessity considering how often they need to travel for concerts......." And y'all were after the men of God buying private jets who travel often for the kingdom work? Shame on all those who opposed the advancement of such, but wishes the wordly musicians flying one and even buying expensive cars the best.
lol at ......private jet, private canoe, private boxers and private balls and penis....real lwkmd
anonymous 3:05... you must be a mumu, can u read at all... the private jet doesn't belong to them. it was perhaps hired... bt the men of God you seem to be talking about buy theirs. there's a huge difference
Linda is a Naughty gal stop ego trippin dis is the second time o!
Linda abeg don't spoil me more than this ooh.... U alwyz see, dis ur eye mmmmh one day
Over exposure can kill celebrity status. Go easy on rthe pics. Hotel rooms kwa? Ah ah!
Linda, Only your eye camera go see something like that. I fit hook you up for ONE NIGHT STAND
Linda..take ur eyes of it
oh yeah we forgot he's supposed girlfriend is pregnant and just jetted off to give birth. now i see
oh yeah we forgot his supposed girlfriend is pregnant and just jetted off to give birth. now i see
lindibaby,i hail thee! u don spoil patapata!
Linda!!!! Bad bad bad girl! LMAO!
Abeg sharrap!!! There is no excuse for a pastor to cruise a private jet. Stop looking for reasons to side with the physical world. Pastor should focus on heavenly things, period!
How did you all knw that linda is spoilt if u r not spoilt
Most people would want their private life stays private. But this people wants their private life out there every day. What is there to gain from telling people who don't care about how your life is fun or dull.I know I don't care about private jets or hotel rooms. I am not gonna respect you more because I saw your picture on a private jet or some hotel room in Uganda. Allow your work to speak for you and respect and admiration would follow. I love Femi Kuti but I have never seen picture of his hotel room or him flying in a jet.
Hey guys, too much of everything is sure not good.You are showing us too much of you. I don't wanna take a ride in your life as a public figure or how fun your life is. I just wanna listen to your music and take a nap.
dis peter is the most attention seeking person i know unlike his twin who is more relxed and good looking..i will do paul anytime but peter nooooo...i like them cool,less bitchy and handsome but peter not my type.
Linda you dey dream dat thing under peter's pant but you no go get am atall. U no reach their level
Awwwwww, poor baby, does it hurt to see them? Pele
hehehheheheeh, linda is jes a goat; lmao
While P-square focus on earthly things. Just listen to yourself, most pastors travel all year round yet they don't deserve a private jet but P-square does. I don't blame you! Ignorance
Anno6:14pm all u wud have done was to ignore the update on Peter n Paul cos frm ur epistle u seem sadly tormented while they r probably enjoying their hotel room,without even knowing u exist!
Get ur own life and leave it d way u wanna live and stop wasting ur time and energy analysing other ppls lifes.They don't care and they r happy without ur input. That goes for d person that says she prefers Paul to Peter! They don't even know u exist so stop writng jibrish!!
Getting too much sef,enuf of this already, kmft,rme
His small dick.
Report says world go end today. Abeg trumpet don sound for una area?? My neighbour gen no allow person hear word Oh
But then,dats not an erection!
Its just his D**k dat is so tiny its poking its head
Big guy small peepee!
Linda go just post something con waka, all of us go dey here dey worry our heads while she dey there dey laugh us! Aunty Linda, u for dey try dey answer some this our comments na... Like a moderator! E go sweet pass!
Oh u shut d fuck up. U r d ignorant one. Dey travel all around so fucked what.. Is dat an excuse to own a private jet. Abeg stop being gullible n btw psquare hires deirs unlike ur socalled pastors. .. Rubbish
cant love dz guys enof. Lin Lin, u and dat thing nawa o..becoming an obsession. P2- expecting another sold-out, record-smashing concert. Trust u guys.
@Hrm paul Ojeih: hope u arnt a lousy hater. so Cameroun and even Ghana are war-torn too, right?? thot they are safer than Naija. keep lamenting like u wrote d book of Lamentations. U say they fly private within Africa alone, yet I think u havnt flown business-class from Lagos to Abuja. Pls stop acting like poverty-stricken haters, Ojeih!!! Bless you more P-Square.
Kingdom work or keeping up with the joneses?
Naijadeltapikin... Aye ka ye on th air psquare make una carry gooooo Ooº°˚˚°ºoo
shut up an close dat ur stadium pussy,small dick bt dick don produce 1 fine boi an d second on d way.
Abeg what are you saying.....are these pastors not meant to preach the gospel.......commercial planes convey people...so they are meant to preach in commercial planes and not luxurious rooms...go and read on Warren buffet and you would see that even though he is one of the richest men in the world an sells these private jets,he does not own one cuz he sees it as unnecessary......get your facts right and don't be a gullible xtian......
=))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=)) @war-torn countries! Aren't u mouthy? Mek dem dey jolly dey go jor.
REALLY!!! Guys we get the message 'WHEN YOU ARE BIG YOU ARE BIG' I guess its time you stop posting these stupid pictures everytime you get on a private jet and posting your hotel rooms. Grow up and behave like the fathers you are.
Linlin, u sure know how to get ur readers's comments.... The comments r so funny..#lindaandherasawotinzz.
Hiv is real..attitudes like this don't help.
@8:41 obviously dis is Peter Okoye cos u just performed in a stadium in Ghana lolzzz
What i dont understand is if the frequent use of charted jets is a necessity (obviously because Akon music pays lol) why the need to always be taking pics and posting on twitter and so on? its still shacking them na thats y, trying to act like bg boys, please...We've been flying private jets since the 80s when only the few real people were privilaged to use it.. Private jet is now like pure water common, every tom dick and harry goes on that crap....boring...ON TO THE NEXT Jare... if its no biggie to them they will still not be posting pics up..anyway i dont blame them they never thought they would even smell plane talkless private jet! Lol
Badt geh linda! Hehehe I see the rising of the rod! LMFAO!
These guys are defiitely rich. no doubt;but they should stop posting these pics of them in a private jet anymore. we know they can afford. It is childish. they need to grow up like their counterparts in the USA. How many times have we seen Akon posting a pic of him in a private jet? bush boys
This dudes told us @ GTBank party last week Saturday, 18/12, they were @ Uganda a night before dat day for a show @ Uganda stadium, that they came back on that Saturday morning. Is that how crazy Ugandians are crazy about them or they only told d usual entertainment lies?
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