Rihanna's shift with Chris Brown ends. Karrueche's shift begins :-) | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Sunday, 9 December 2012

Rihanna's shift with Chris Brown ends. Karrueche's shift begins :-)

Rihanna and Karrueche are both sharing Chris Brown and for some reason, the two ladies don't seem to mind. After spending last week on tour with Rihanna in Germany, Chris Brown is spending this week with Karrueche in Paris, pictured above in Paris with Chris' stylist Ugo Mozie.


kemsugar said...

Chris breezy!!!!! He's hot so I don't blame em...‾̴̴͡͡‾̴̴͡͡‎​.

Anonymous said...

Na wa for you o Linda, Karrueche is a stylist too na! She probably went as a co-stylist to assist Ugo. U can't say for sure that Chris Brown is still interested in her. What if she forced herself down there? I believe she saw an opportunity and decided to make use of it.

mz irene said...

Linda of liife,get ur facts right riri aint sharing breezy wit no tran,she's friends with ugo mozie who's breezys stylist and she wants to learn from him since she wants to dabble in fashion so she's his intern and works whatever shoot he's working...thank you don't mention


We found love in a hopeless place(in Rihanna's voice).

~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310

Anonymous said...

Mschew! If CB were a nigerian, sure I wud v wives n concubines! Little Rat!

Anonymous said...

FOOLS! we see them and think theirs is a perfect life.they can't find genuine love,they cry themselves to sleep and smoke dangerous stuff to calm down and die miserable and broke later.is this life? Fame and riches is not always everything.

★★PRINCE CHARMING™★★ said...

There is a saying.. "Girls have a bad habit of holding on for too long and guys have a bad habit of letting go too easily" and with this development between Chris,Riri and K, Breezy is the one benefiting more. Breezy,since both still want your company that bad, Enjoy jor! #TeamBreezy

galore said...

wonders of Chris Browns ETIGHI(Pennis)......@ last the women suffers....SmH

Anonymous said...

For a second there I tot it was kimye nd karrueche

Anonymous said...

That person doesn't look like chris brown though..... More like Kanye, and d girl on d left resemble kim.... Jstsaying

Unknown said...

Chaaiiiii..............chris Brown gat Doinz shaaa....picking thingz Here and dere......datzjuxok.com....

Anonymous said...

Learning from tuface

Anonymous said...

Jst can't understand. This chris must be really good in bed. None of them want to let go #SMH

Anonymous said...

They should continue oo. I'd love to see how this ends. Interesting!

Anonymous said...

but linda chris brown is not in that pics above apart frm d one his on stage and that does not prove anyting pls get ur facts straight.

BLOGLORD said...

Na so this CHRIS thing sweet reach???What a shame to both girls. where is you dignity? rubbish.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Chris brown.... Bad ass n the girls crazy bitches

Unknown said...

*Everytime I try to leave something keeps pulling me back, me back, telling me I need u in my life* ♩♪♬♭♯ Guess dis shld be chris' explanation in lyrical form.

Anonymous said...

Aawww hs stylis is igbo:)

Anonymous said...

Lobatan! But why are these girls short-changing themselves na? Hissss

Anonymous said...

This guy prefer kurre to Rihanna but Rihanna is just forcing herself

qarrym said...

Chris brown biko fuck dem both

AnyiOj said...

Illuminatii whore...nonsensical Fool ...I hate them and their stories

bonnie said...

Na wa 4 chris brown....badt guy

OSHODI said...

it has become a season movie,so you either get a seat, relax and enjoy it or you just ignore.


promise michealz said...

If it doesn't boda dem, I dnt care

Anonymous said...

I've forgotten who this happened with also...


MJ said...

Thats Bad,What's so special about chris,That they cant let go?Visit/Follow My Blog-Maryjanedavidson.blogspot.com

miss pepe said...

Gbogbo wan ti ya werey...

Anonymous said...

Goodluck to them...

ihuoma said...

Now tell me linda in two brief and well rehearsed sentences HOW this means they are sharing Chris Brown? Gbo?

sugar said...

Who kares?????????????

Anonymous said...

Rihanna,i knew u can't have breezy all 2 urself!take heart okay?

Anonymous said...

linda dont be like MTO and start making news out of stupid assmptions

ETHAN said...

Madness of the highest order!I'm nt surprised thou cos of wat bible book of Isaiah 4 verse 1 says.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who thinks Chris and Rihanna would end up together or 'true love' is sick............Chris would use Rihanna and end u with K or he would still be firends with K but date another chick....but Rihanna? let her keep dreaming thats why she released a new naked pic to get his attention...sigh

bunny said...

Lmaoo @ sharing, na them sabi.. Maybe d 3 have a mutual understanding.. Chris Brown is a badt guy sha :)

Anonymous said...


Hello Kitty said...

na wa oh Linda. please try and get ur facts right. Karruche & ugo are Chris' stylists and she's prolly there to help style him. and anyway cant they remain friends? besides theres no official report that chris and that she devil rihanna are back together. anyways i hope he and Kae get back together!

Deze said...

If u ask me, i think Riri is bein played for a fool by Breezy n karrueche. Poor girl...Riri nwa, bikonu leave dis guy alone for his gf, Karrueche! Haba! Babes, as u fine reach, u dey allow dis guy treat u like dirt! SMH

Anonymous said...

Ugo na ibo boy. Only fine nigerians in America are igbos.

Anonymous said...

no dulling!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Saw same tin too

lilian said...

I thought there was paint on chris b 2 make him black
Chris u neeD deliverance

lilian said...

Partners in the making

lilian said...

Excuse me meaning (˘̶̀̾ v˘̶́̾)ง
Watch ur mouth

Anonymous said...

I soooo agree with you.

Ajoke said...

Chris Brown is really irritating me with everything he has been doing for the past week . Karrueche irritates my soul. You're young . Do something with your life . Go to university and get a degree , bitch
The person I really pity is my dear RiRi. Chris Brown needs to figure himself out , being in a relationship shouldn't be his priority right now

Anonymous said...

Chris can I baby sit Riri for u? Wonder what she wud do if she sees ma big dick? She's beEn stripping her clothes off lately on instagram like d toddlerd she is!

TWITS said...

Ugo Mozie: correct guy. Keep styling and doin' us proud, brother. Ji sike!

Anonymous said...

The only thing that got my attention in this post is UGO MOZIE. NO marra what I am proud to be nigerian we are everywhere good forgerit!

Anonymous said...

Ugo n Karrueche r very close friends... She didn't force herself, she went with Ugo.

Anonymous said...

That person is Ugo Mozie, not Chris Brown... The other girl is Mimi.. Friends with Ugo as well...

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