Gay rumors have followed Jamie Foxx for years but now Katt Williams is naming names and offering proof. During a recent stand up routine Katt Williams told the crowd,
"I know all the comedians and actors secrets.”
“Who’s gay: Jamie Foxx”
“I can tell you the name of the dude he f**ks”
“His name is Marcus Anthony. He’s the only dude signed to Jamie Foxx’s label.”
“Check it out, then twitter the dude and ask him and see if he don’t say yes."Oh dear, Jamie won't like this. Katt said much more about Jamie. See the video after the cut...
Linda so blc he has two children he cannot be GAY . how ignorant is that statement or is it lack of exposure.......abeg off you go to Google and check
thank me later **
That's a strong alligation there
Wow. But can't see no video. First to comment. Kendra
Orisirisi! What's his business if he's gay?
Whose business is it anyway? I don't know if it is true ir not but people need to stop getting to the top of other people's back.
That's obviously a joke! Katt Williams was also suspected to be guy one time like that.... Jamie isn't gay! Its jst a joke!
Whr d video? Aunty!!
Linda, it might be true. Gay is not written on someone face. Too poor for Jamie Fox
1 Cor 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that THE WICKED WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor MALE PROSTITUTES NOR HOMOSEXUAL OFFENDERS 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
1 Cor 6:9-10
9 Do you not know that THE WICKED WILL NOT INHERIT THE KINGDOM OF GOD? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor MALE PROSTITUTES NOR HOMOSEXUAL OFFENDERS 10 nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God.
Pls whr's d vid oooo. Cnt find it
Oh dear, is there some kinda gay pollution in the air now
On 2nd tots, hw can jamie b gay??
Linda I can't see any video o! And yes, a man can be gay and even have kids, it happens. Some people are sexually oriented in both ways.
we have never seen him with a girl before, he gos to award shows with his mother sometimes his daughter
Who cares? They can be fucking each other for all I care
I doubt if Jamie is gay,coz gay dudes hardly get their priorities STRAIGHT.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
It's just an ironic statement. Cheap headline.
His having Kids was Just a decoy,dats what dem gay guys ddo...but Den if Jamie can be gay,then every guy can!
He looks too holy.
bcos he has two children wiv diff women doesnt mean he is nt gay. hve u hrd downlow linda. And im nt sayin he is gay.
If he is gay, is that supposed to be a punchline for a comedy show? Katt williams shud think abt redeeming his badly battered image and stop lookin for who to pull down. CRAB!
Instead of laughing off ds end of the year rumour, it Should serve as a food for thought. Its gonna happen one day, it can even be tomorrow. We Should Really ask ourselves if we are prepared for it.
That na pure water.
Jamie foxx ÃÚª a guy dat loves women especially in movie,he loves 2 play dat role A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ never forget dat katt williams ÃÚª a comedian A̶̲̥̅̊₪d̶̲̥̅̊ also an actor..so maybe he decided 2 make dis up JƱڪτ̲̅ 2 catch .¸¸.•°`t̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊Ñ”̲̣̥¸.•°`` attention of the crowd
Linda,how on earth does this reduce the price of garri in the market???
The guy i a comedian for crying out loud
Lol!its allegation dear
Linda! Get the American joke! Smh....lol
Crappy comment!I ve never replied u b4 n mosttyms,I feel bad wen pple attack u,but ds particular comment of urs is supercrappy!really,u musnt talk.u can just kip quiet if u ve got nuthn to say
Lol!its allegation dear
Bonario, bonario, why r u so dry?? Bt really tho, I'm nt hating or anything, neither am I picking on u, bt do u work, go to sch, have a family or smth??? Cos anytime I hv time 2 check LiB, I always jam u, nd ppl always complain bout u as well.
Lots of Down Low Brothers all over the world, including Nigeria. Married men, or men who are straight in public, but behind closed doors they are sleeping with men.
I agree with Katt..Majority of those celebrities u guys worship are actually gay, bi-sexual or paedophiles..Name dem..Trey songz, Frank Ocean, Lady gaga, Lenny kravitz, Rihanna,Nicki Minaj, Kanye West, britney spears...infact,95% of celebrities u know..Most of dem sold their souls to the devil for fame and fortune..they are being used as weapons of a satanic conspiracy to take over the world..You can choose to believe me or shout me down...If u're still crazy about these devils,U are in trouble!
waffi gal learn to spell.
He is bisexual. doing both male and female. Am not even surprised.
I want to watch the Video
true.........Men like dt portray dem selves as womanizer,,,,while deep down,dey are Gay.....example:@John dumelu.......@kayne west,,,,@jay zee
first to comment for ur mind bah?
Katy Williams is a Comedian! So pls next.
Has Jamie screwed him b4??? Just askin. Cos I wonder y he'll make dat comment.
So he is gay and what? does that end his life.... whats up with this gay thing.... I believe we all make our different choices and if we take full responsibilities of these choices... then that's whats up!!! PLEASE!!!!
Linda its kat williams, the joker, who just got into major probs for assaulting folks. Please you must have better news than crap from a not so credible and irrelevant source
wetin com concern us na? #munching kuli-kuli#
Kafayat Who name u kendra?.
This has been going about for a while. I've read it so many times that he's supposedly bisexual, like most of them in Hollywood.
Na wa for you Linda, that's obviously a joke. I love Jamie and don't think he's gay
I understand lesbians but
I can never understand guys being gay. What's so attractive about a man's body to another man?
John Dumelo ?
#J Said#
Hahhahahah "kafayat"
Hahahhaha" getting to the top of other people's back"
Alligator ni, stay in school & fuck off blogs
Does Jamie have to screw him first? Some comments are so dumb, whew!
This isn't news to me I have heard it said before that Jamie Fox is gay since he chooses to remain in †̥ђε̲̣̣̣̥ closet katt williams should respect that and let him be.
Linda ur comment on him having kids is really naïve, what's new?
LWM mess tear my pant,Zaynab haff killed me dead!Bonario see ur life,make u no go commit suicide o...on 2nd thots that might be a good way to be rid of ur useless comments.
Linda stop raising dust, that was obviously a joke, u just dint get the sense of humour in it.. #next PLS!
waaat! Some people are so dumb,look well before u start abusing urself out of ignorance.
Bonario was just doing wordplay. When u're gay u can't be STRAIGHT.
Believe me Bonario is d most witty commenter on Lib.
@anon and especially Malyka or whatever,leave Bonario alone before u bully him out like u did Maximus,Omo iwo,Anwuli Oputa etc. Can't u get over it dat someone is doing what u can't.
Haba! Bitter people inshort Bonario u too much,don't mind them I quite understood d gist here,GAY and STRAIGHT.
LWM mess tear my pant,Zaynab haff killed me dead!Bonario see ur life,make u no go commit suicide o...on 2nd thots that might be a good way to be rid of ur useless comments.
No it's alligator
A comedian makes a joke and we are debating about it? Please skip this already...
www.2tyte.com "...making everyone a star"
What kate said is right jamie foxx is a gay for real
Id be very shocked if this were truE...hes my best actor/singer to hit d'stage
Chai warri girl u don make us carry last,dat why I dey tell pipu for dis blog,if u can't speak english please type for pidgin..ofcourse I am articulate...
I tire for Linda too oh! Is it not the same kat that has been having run in with the law and also drinking problems?
Shut the fuck up asshole! And who did you sell your pathetic soul to? Ignorance and bigotry? Go get a life or do us all a favour and jump off a bridge!
I suppose while you were meditating on whether you are prepared for the end of he world, you stopped by LIB to get your daily fix of celebrity gossip, abi? Now, there's your food for thought.
Nor will douchebags like you. By the way, what's a self-righteous prick like you doing on LIB? Let me guess... Trying to win souls?
Someone pls kill dis Bonario b4 I kill myself! The guy is so annoying! I feel so sorry for his parents. Total waste of sperm
@prince charming,am sure u like watchin cricket cos dey swing both ways.am sure ur sexuality too is like dat
is it a crime to be handsome
is it a crime to be handsome
Sorry, my bad. Tipsy tinz *eyes closed*
Crab kor lobster ni...it crap u crustacean someborrri!
Too late to comment kaffy Kendra
U talk like a child dude. Which one is Gay pple hardly get their priorities straight. Are you a learner??? How old are u really???
Jus read d trash u wrote up there n tell me if it makes sense to u the writer. U 4ked!! N dats me being polite here.
How can u say that about smebody. So u dnt like sme's comments. Then ignore. Its Linda's blog, so SHE shld b d one bothered.
I actually admire he's courage cos pple like u keep insulting nd bullying him BUT he keeps coming back.
Sme1 even advised him to commit suicide.
Its jst unfair
loolz like my friend will say,let me die before u bury me.
Zainab &co U can't be GAY and at d same time STRAIGHT. Is it dis hard to comprehend. Trust me not to sound rude.loooooooolz
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
What u've just said's like saying reverse back.Who better to out a gay man than a man with a weave n a name like katt?
Why do people hate BONARIO so much? Where is this guy from. People find him so irritatating on this blog. Dude where Aré you from?
Lol @ BONARIO ...the most hated soul on the planet...dude seriously you need a complete overhaul ...Jamie can be gay that's his headache.
Bonario is more than you guys attacking him
Is this another opportunity to voice homophobia? If he's gay or bi, what about it? I think there's medical evidence that most people have both tendencies: it depends on which prevails. Having two children does not 'prove' anyone is straight. Until we stop queer-bashing, and recognise that gay is natural just like straight, we'd be groping in the dark and adding to our country's social problems. Really, we should have reached a state of enlightenment where being gay or bi is no longer an issue. If I can't understand a woman being attracted to another woman, or a man being attracted to another man, they still have a right to be. The world belongs to all of us.
Hello no Jammie foxx aint gay katt is going for cheap publicity the punks name katt is even feminine his hair style is feminine he forgets that Jammie use to be a stand up comic he can give it back to him. Soon we go hear say d banj na gay come to think of it linda who is d banj dating we don't even know. soon dey go say linda ikeji na lesbo who is she is dating well no comment merry Christmas ya all both tot he gays the lesbos and the straights
@ d annon who jst said Bonario was a waste of sperm..ur own mother should have just aborted you!! Fool!! Infact ur parents should never have hooked up!
No surprise. See d way the guy cock d ass in his acts.
*katt williams was also suspected to b guy......*......didnt knw katt is a gurl
Lol. This your comment no get equal. Laugh wan kill me
Just because a comedian said it doesn't make it a joke,notice how specific a statement it was...he wasn't being hypothetical.
@ 10:47 it's his courage not he's courage.The suicide joke was in bad taste i quite agree but was a joke non the less...people need to quit taking blog comments so seriously,half d pple leaving comments're just doing it 4 laughs n d other half're just high n jobless.Bonario like Cossy doesn't mind d popularity any which way it comes...negatively or positively.
Way to put up the gayest looking photo of him :)
Guy who ask you???
Abegii! Jamie is soo gay! Sido I believe you jare
I dont get why ppl attack others on dz blog for no jus cause. Alot of ppl av stopped commentin bc of d insults but dem idiats hide under anonymous to kill others wit insults..How can u ask a man to commit suicide for writing hz opinion like everyone else is? Ekwensu miaa gi onu all u haters..As a mata of fact i so gbaduu Bonario for being super strong above all and Linda needs to give him an xmas package. Plus he is one guy that uses idioms n wot have u in English to comment while doz dt claim to be I too know will misunderstand d poor boy and start throwing insults at him, y'all shud get a life biko! Wen he said he was a great Lion, i jus reserved my comment cz the boy is good and most importantly i m happy tht u neglected all dt and kept comin back... Nice one bro
Matt Williams is crazy and is currently waiting assault charges. All his friends are trying to help him get off drugs so would not pay much attention to his craziness!!
LOTR, winning souls is obviously nt a totally bad idea in dis perverse generation of ours. The insult was absolutely un-called for. Some of u jst think insulting others makes u look good. Have a rethink pls. Briddle ur tongue if u have to.
@Anon 7:35, and u ar sure bcos u are "who" exactly? Shiooor.
Those wt sharp IQ(s) obviously figured out d joke, some will still not gt d joke till 2013. Bonario goun soun jare. Oshisco, haters always gon hate.
People, pls get Kat Williams point: he doesn't really mean that Jamie Foxx is gay. He's dissing him cos of his role in the soon to be released movie: Django Unchained. He said he went on the set for that movie himself and does not think it right that a brother should be in it. He says the script has "F u Nigger" 176 times.
Me personally o, while I get where Kat Williams is coming from, I dont have any beef with Jamie Foxx taking the role. The stories of slavery in America have to be told somehow, and it can never be told realistically if we stick to using euphemisms. Plus, Jamie Foxx is a super talented actor and an uber cool person. im go do d role justice.
Relax yall, he aint gay
Na lie! Tipsy or clear-eyed, u still dey shell!
Lmaoooo @ Anon7:35am
You guys are bullies! It's sickening to watch!
The next tines u see a child bullied and u feel terrible..think about the fact that you are no better!....#nuffsaid
Nigeria needs freedom fighters o...
I hate you all. Your grammer and spelling is a slap in the face of every frustrated elementy school teacher who, at the very least, tried to teach you not to pick your ass and smell it. Witch you probably still do.
Man u really love them gays dont ya fag
Atleast someone want our soul not no fagot loving bitch
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