Late former governor of Kaduna state, Patrick Yakowa came to Oronto Douglas' father's burial in a private chopper he hired, but when leaving the venue, he abandoned the chopper he came in and decided to join Gen Azazi in a Navy helicopter en-route Port Harcourt. Five minutes into the return flight, the military helicopter exploded in the skies as it came down in flames, killing all the six people on board.
Please continue...
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Scene of the crash |
Quite a number of Muslim youths jubilated over Yakowa's death on Saturday. Yakowa was Kaduna's first Christian governor
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The pilot of the ill fated helicopter, late Commander Murtala Daba |
Meanwhile, all commercial activities came to a halt today in Kaduna over Yakowa's death. The government declared today a work free day to mourn the amiable governor.
Also the deputy governor, Dr. Mukhtar Ramalan Yero, has been sworn-in as governor of Kaduna state.
Oma shey OH see d young couple d lady now a widow eh oluwa shanu oH!
The first comment I posted here about this issue when the news of the crash came in was that "I hope this wasn't politically motivated" It will be so disheartening if it turns out that way. Why would muslims celebrate over his death? That's so sad! Wasn't he a worthy citizen? Wasn't he a Nigerian serving his country? Smh...
Off topic Linda when are you going to give us our xmas bonus.igbo pple and their business sense.make it fast biko we've been giving we deserve some return
God rest his soul
Same exact story that happened in kenya 3 months ago with two ministers mysteriously dying in a helicopter crash entourage to a funeral that exploded in flames. Too sad. May their souls rest in perfect peace.
Kaduna state myt neva see anoda xtian governor again shaa, let God's will b done anyway, may his soul rest in peace. I smell foul play, buh wat has hapnd has hapnd. (Barbie)
Only God knows, RIP Yakowa!
nawa ooo.....what a great lost,but come to think of it,they should hv paid d late governor his last respect before the deputy goes in as Governor.
I beleve sumtn cuning is going on
The conspiracy was to finish Azazi!
For Yakowa its quite unfortunate....may God not let us be at d wrong place at the wrong time!
May their souls rest in peace!
linda politics is for better or for wars,ontill death do them aparts,, and who knows the grands of the river?from swiss
Azazi was the target. Sad about Yakowa but their killers will be happy they killed two of them.
I read somewhere else that Yakowa's chopper was delayed for his return flight so that may have been a ploy to get him to fly with Azazi.
GEJ should be careful. He's on their trail. Oronto Douglas is so powerful that they all had to go for his father's burial. He's an SSA and i know a powerful one. Only in Nigeria.
Dont worry God is watching us all on His 3D.
What Northern Conspiracy is that? u haven't head the chopper was on its 15th trip for the day when it crashed?
Linda, this your new back ground or display sucks. Discourages me from looking further. I say this with love for d blog and u
May d soul of d departed rest in peace n not in pieces,Aviation industry needs overhauling
I read Simon Kolawole's column where he noted that Yakowa was PERSUADED to fly with Azazi. We may never know but my 2 cents are that there is a Presidency connection. This may turn out to be an outright assassination. If indeed it is, we have descended to a new low as a nation
Hmm nkan nbe
I'm still in shock. With d way dis story is going,its beginning to sound lyk a well planned conspiracy. Nigeria! May God deliver us frm d evil ones. May d souls of d departed rest in peace. Amen.
Hmmmm... Na wao, i smell somtin
Its not ruled out. I fear for this country. Almost every other day, more and more reasons emerge as to why we arnt meant to be together. To imagine sensible ppl jubilating over thr gov's demise, simply bcos he isnt muslim?? Speechless. RIP all.
There is more to it than meets the eyes. One nigeria indeed
God knows best! Rip Governor Yakowa n oda deceased persons.. To those left to mourn, God is in control.
Just so sad that at this stage some Nigerians do not see the good a person has done but see only the religion or ethnic grp despite the fact that he was a northerner because he was a christain they had to kill him. Anyways they now have a muslim governor hope they are happy.Guess they don't mind suffering as long as their gov is a muslim.RIP dear governor.
So sorry for the pilot , poor guy and his family , killed by a system that is in shambles , rest in peace my brother the lord be with your family @ this time.
Dey should probe well! But its obvious yakowa wuz @ d wrong place, d bomb wuz meant 4 azazi. RIP sirs
Very painful to read, may their soul RIP.
It is well. . . . Even in d Well
God have mercy on us,but not that of johnson.
Killed by you know who. The one who masterminds most killings in Naija. This is just the start and their target is Jonathan. If he insists on staying in 2015 he'll be blown away. Let's watch.
Plz close ya teeth,,,
people celebrated Abacha's and Yar Adua's death too. so dont judge anyone pls.
A bit related to this yea, Linda did'nt you see Dino Melaye's tweet after this crash. he said "privtae jet equals private death. stop the stealing now"
i wonder who he is referrring to.
back to the post proper....for me, i know this is a political, well calculated, well planned crash. may their souls rest in peace.
see how they turned the pilot's wife into a young widow. and i heard she just had a baby. mscheww! poor woman
Please Linda remove this your background.Its not okay at all.
All politicians are the same regardless of religion or tribe. Either way RIP
GEJ GEJ GEJ! How many times I call U? 3 times. U need to be over careful cos ur being targeted every minute. D death is nt a natural one. I was master minded.
If we lose GEJ un naturally ,d south no go gree O! Rather we will prepare to fight again . Mtcheeee. RIP all
Linda, Linda.........it can not be "the late former Governor" he is either the former governor or the late governor (the latter is correct bcos he died in office)
Yep, Murtala was experienced and well trained and just recently promoted.We were in NMS together, same set. Small but mighty!:)Great guy indeed. I am sooo so sad. Adieu my friend.rest in peace forever!.
Even if I also mourn the dead, I disagree with the way our leaders are going with the aftermath of this incident; instead of using this as an eye opener to look at ways to mitigate such in the future, everyone is using this to play politics. The Navy have said they are investigating the cause of the crash, and will be employing the services of the makers of the aircraft; so why are the following mumus also claiming to investigate (Govs forum, National Assembly, Presidency)? Can't we stop duplicating tasks and wasting money in this country?
Besides, many citizens of this great country perish everyday due to the state of roads, and yet no one says a thing. Is the life of Azazi or Yakowa more important or precious than any other Nigerian?
The government should ask themselves why a trip that should take a car about 1.5hrs can't be done by road? But everybody has to fly. government wake up and fix our roads oh, don't use these deaths as a means to show political strength, just do what you are supposed to do by providing quality infrastructure and by that, you will be saving many many lives. Thank you!
People were happy to be free of abach bcos of his tyranny and not bcos he was muslims. Muslim youth go ahead and cheer urselves rto oblivion cos ur leaders are like vampires sucking ur life force. One day u will be at the mercy of the world like those in sudan. Soon u will beg to be free of ur leaders like the middleeast. Continue to support evil una hear? Evil will come visiting and never leave una house. Amen
I suspect foul play, sabotage!! May his soul RIP...
Why uptil now there is no video or pictures of muslims jubilating? Do know why? Because the whole story of muslims youth jubilating is a lie
if the muslim were rejoicing, that to shows that, muslims are responsible for the northern riot against the christian. Muslim claim to be a religion of peace. Even the blind and deaf man knows that they are not. May God help all of us. gosh!!! Yakowa.
if the muslim were rejoicing, that to shows that, muslims are responsible for the northern riot against the christian. Muslim claim to be a religion of peace. Even the blind and deaf man knows that they are not. May God help all of us. gosh!!! Yakowa.
To jubiliate at the death of any person is barbaric and to kill an innocent person is murder and lack of respect for human life. Its a planned attack. Period. Its a pity these gentlemen are victims of circumstance. May they rest in peace.
To jubiliate at the death of any person is barbaric and to kill an innocent person is murder and lack of respect for human life. its a planned attack. Period. Its a pity these gentlemen are victims of circumstance. May they rest in peace.
Silence is a common sense u lack. Broke ass...lookin for freegift...go play lotto na, at least baba ijebu dey evrywhere... Bendeho!
It painfull RIP
It painfull RIP
@Queen Bee Amen.....He was at the wrong place at the right time.....May God guide and protect us all....#AMEN.
The dead buring the dead the dead crying for the dead WHAT A LIFE
It painfull RIP
True... Naija is soooo divided, truth is d problem is not d people but d leader, cuttin across political, administrative, religious and traditional rulers and leaders, they've all failed this GREAT country... Funniest thing is "we watch n expect divine help"
It painfull RIP
Gbam!thank u o,its so freaking obvious!
When you post a side of the story without the other, then you show how your credibility as a blogger is flawed.
Why didn't anything happen to the hired chopper he came with? Why didn't you mention that there is also a speculation that the target was Gen. Azazi because of his public denouncement of PDP as the cause of corruption, injustice and other forms of problems in Nigeria?
Take note, in every death, it is either a joy for some people and sadness for others. This is just human nature.
Yar'adua died, some Christians jubilated because a christian was coming to rule. Abacha died and so many people jubilated. I am sure many of your relatives were happy about it. So why present a sided-story when we can look other side as worth mentioning? Objectivity is the way to journalism. Learn more from Robert Fisk, a Brit journalist to see how he presents news.
Nobody celebrated yar adua s death oh,it was sad,but all dose NAF(no future ambition) muslims celebrating yakowa s death,will die before the end of this year...by fire
If indeed people jubilated over his death, then his won't be the first, so people should stop bringing in religious angles and being sentimental.
It's now you people are saying religion should not be a factor in choosing a leader- was religion not the only reason people refused to vote for Buhari? It's now easy to say because a Christian is involved! I smh for all of you
Yeah right my dear!do not judge,I could remember clearly was in 1996,I was only in JSS2 in a private school in kaduna,wen d news of Abacha's death flew in d next day,all d christian students were jubilating and teachers too of course!wat a life!we r all guilty of dat sentiments,if we wld sit down and reason dat dis pple we have sentiments for will not assist us individually...we wnt behave dis way!and fastforward to 2000 wen yar'adua died,my 2 xtian neighbours were jubilating and watching d swearing in of GEJ...Yakowa was a humble peace maker,my condolence and best wishes goes to his family!post my comment Linda.
With every indication i have not seen any reason that make us to be one,but since we can't see the reall true hand writing in the wall,we will continue to withness more of this,Boko haram carried gun and explosive amunition distroying lifes and property becos Nigerian President is a Christian,
They will see another christain! God has something great for kaduna state.
Abacha's death was celebrated not because of religion but because he was a menace to all Xtians n Muslims alike. Yar Adua's death was not celebrated; people just felt relieved to know the truth as we had all been kept in limbo for a while
Death is an inevitable end for all, a debt we all owe. Whether or not is politcally motivated, those who conspired together will not live forever. Their death is going to be worse because they have blood stain in your hands. For the low lives celebrating, they don't know any better. May his soul rest in peace.
Call me a conspiracy theorist, but I believe Gen. Azazi was the intended target and Yakowa was merely an unfortunate accidental collateral damage along with other passengers (who also have the misfortune of being forgotten in the midst of all the 'political commiseration')!
linda dont be bias when writting up things like this, ur suppose to promtoe peace, ppl read ur blog it should be an avenue for u to try and unite everyone. where you there wen u saw muslims celebrating?as sum1 said up there, abacha and 'yar adua died ppl celebrated. celebrate or mourn one day we shall all go. will like to comment on yakowa, he was a gud person, peace loving, caring name it....just dat the good ones dnt stay long.
May their souls rest in perfect peace, but why will anyone rejoice over another's death.
May God have mercy on them.
no offence to anybody or religion, buh the truth is dat, so many muslims - especially kids have been so brainwashed so much so dat d only true happpiness that they can ever experience is wen they kill a christian... Though not all muslims are like this. I dnt fink anyfin can be done to change dis, i have given up hope on dis issue, but in my heart of hearts, i still look up to God and hope dat sumday, he will help.... RIP to all those dah died in d crash
I don't think their celebration has anything to do with religion but a lot to do with ignorance. Death is never celebrated in any religion. If I'm not wrong Muslims also died in the crash.
Muslim Girl
am shrt of wrds but i mst say smtn. Evry hand dat tak a soul mst parish. Der is dfinately smtn fishy in yakowa's daeth, so sad wht politics is al abt but may God not let d dvil shit on our face. Muslims plz stop ds killins of xtains, lets liv as 1 nigeria we profes. Y mak us liv in fear of u n our country. Baba God na ur hand we de o. RIP Yakowa.
Nigeria and conspiracy, may God deliver us from them all. May the souls of the departed rest in perfect peace.
heard the muslim youths of kKaduna were rejoicing cos the governor was a Christian......nuff said!
God is watching them in 3D!
May His Soul Rest in Peace!!!
Dunno about Yaradua but Abacha was a dictator...a reason to celebrate. If u hear about a death of a boko haram member, sure u ll celebrate. Makes no sense to celebrate just bcos of tribal or religious differences. Smh
My dear,that background u talking about is paying her bills right now. So u see, there is nothing u or anyone can do about it.. Get over it!
No wonder my friend's dad ( a senator in the south west region) never agrees to join a govt arranged flight. now i understand better.
@ anon 5:00am, pple celebrated abacha's death bcos he was a dictator! Jeez! If all Nigerians think the way u do den Nigeria is doomed!
Its certain we av anoda abacha lurking! Den it was letter bomb, tea poisoning,death by hanging! Nw, its helicopter explosion!!
Am so so saddened by yakowa's death.nd y wud some muslims be happy for God sake?y do some of dem like violence like dis?I didn't even no he was a xtain yet I loved him so much.God wud take control of dis situation.
What is really happening in our country? are we going to seat down and watch them finish.
Linda biko,I neva see my comment oh,why do u do away wit some comments and post some dirty n biased ones?NAWAAAAAAOOOOOO!
May God help up o
Yes!it is true dat s0me muslims were jubilating..I am a living witnes c0s I stay in kd nd my BBM c0ntact dat were muslim were als0 jubilating..dis man was. A v.g00d man..0ne thing I want d muslims t0 knw is dat Death is inevitable.RIP yak0wa nak0wa
C dis idiot u 4got jonathan had to b sworn in b4 yar'adua was finally laid to rest. N u LINDA wat has their jubilation got to do wit dis, atleast dey didn't kill him! If u like don't post my comment
Yakowa,your death is so painful but we are left with no option than to accept the fact He gives and takes.May your gentle soul rest at the bossom of our Lord Jesus Christ.
TOPDAWG, has said my mind. Linda Ikeji, Haba? That line stuck out like a sore thumb. You must remain balanced. Your excuse might be that you are blogger and not a journalist. However, you must remember that many people read your blog.
Nigeria's problem? Failure of each individual to act responsibly. Change is our collective responsibility.
true, Linda you need to do like a promo or context where a winner wins something and also give outs to your top commenter's like Bonario. It has been a good year for you with many freebies, GIVE ALSO so that your hand would remain ontop
You are nothing actually without your readers so appreicate them
Navy commander Murtala Daba was a very good friend of mine it's not even up to a week since we spoke last on d phone u will be missed may your soul rest in peace n may God never 4get d people u left behind especially ur young wife and your two year old daughter bye bye my friend.
Navy commander Murtala Daba was a very good friend of mine it's not even up to a week since we spoke last on d phone u will be missed may your soul rest in peace n may God never 4get d people u left behind especially ur young wife and your two year old daughter bye bye my friend.
How can a naval plane crash. a plane that was in top condition all of a sudden plane takes off and explodes up in the skies kai Nigerians dey don do am again.
The pilot was tops in the flight strata of the naval aviation in Nigeria that was why he was selected to fly Gen Azazi who be no means is the generals General the pilot has to his credit over 400 safe take off so why now will he have difficulties with the chopper he did not even struggle with the plane which indicates the plane had no technical fault it just exploded of course we know how they brought the plane down its no secret but let them continue may the dead rest in peace
Linda am writing with sadness, for more than a year now you refused to publish my comment Why?
if the muslims are celebrating his death... is this still part of the jihad?
Dat is so true
I live in kaduna,nd yes muslims were jubilating.I saw a few happy and makn calls f celebration..Sm even stormed d govt house.So dose f u waiting 4 celebration pix to confirm,kip waiting..mtcheeew. And it was abacha's death nt yar'aduas dt ppl jubilated abt. Even sm f my muslim teachers den were happi abt it. So wot r we nt sayn.. God hlp xtians dt stay n kaduna,bcos ds deputy dt has been sworn n s a callous man nd neva agreed wt Yakowa. Wot a world!!
@ Anonymous 12:13 Am, please show some empathy for the loved ones of the departed and stop acting like a decendant of Ted Bundy! Haba! Is this the right time for such frivolity, whether as an aside or not? My dear timing is very important in every aspect of life! Personally I feel your comment was posted @ the wrong time. Wisdom is profitable to direct. May God rest their souls and grant fortitude to their relatives to bear this hard blow!
Nigeria my country
Nigeria my country, we sit and watch ,who will stand and fight
¸.•´ ¸.â„“oâ„“ •*¨) ¸.•*¨)
=)) ¸¸.•´=D(¸.•´(¸.• =)) I concur... Dat teeth wud sure mak one fall in d "well"... RIP to d sirs' dat won't bend to d corrupt system calld Nigerian politics
Navy commander Murtala Daba was a close friend of mine he died as a result of corruption why use a naval helocopter for political use.May the soul of the two innocent naval officers that died in the crash rest in peace.May God be with his wife n young daughter that is only 2 years old.Rest in peace u died while serving Nigeria.ADIEU MY GOOD FRIEND.
U better kip ur mouth shut who told u that Muslims kills may God help u and Linda why u like posting what u re not sure of this us not d matter of religion
Thank you my brother, most they fly? Nigerian leaders are beginning to reap the fruits of their wastefulness and "asèju" "Awon omo aijoberi to nwa obe saya"
may the Almighty daddy grant their souls into heaven
please read this.....http://saharareporters.com/column/hard-view-unsuitable-celebration-hannatu-musawa
pls read this.....http://saharareporters.com/column/hard-view-unsuitable-celebration-hannatu-musawa
Well said, Muslim girl God bless..
God bless u!well written...
Well said..
That is painful, may their gentle soul rest in perfect peace.
Anonymous 9:56am Stop ur silly shorthand, gave me headache! Speak good english, or better still use shorthand where appropriate, not in all words, or better still, don't comment! Phew!....TC
God!!!!Why are you silent??? Why don't you show these men who cannot give life what you are made of??? Why don't you show them pain???
God is getting to that point where he shows himself, irrespective of your religion!
RIP Yakowa and Azazi. I still can't understand how pple can sit and plan murder! I just wonder where GEJ is in all this!
As for muslims celebrating??? Oh well, let's see how the new governor wd improve the state. I hate muslims sometimes rly! Sad.....TC
Yeah, babe. But we can't be too sure whom the target is anyway... both men handle(d) very sensitive positions in the country...former NSA whom have made strong statements against PDP & boko... & governor of terrorism striken Kaduna. The combo in an exploded supposedly 'perfect condition' chopper beats coincidence.
I love PhBoy's point above about 'Lack of infrastructures and insecurity'. If there are well-maintained roads and road networks (which I know Nigeria can very well afford but for corruption and nepotism) coupled with genuine security (not talking about acquiring and flooding the streets with arms and 'toy' security operative), anyone can keep a low-profile and travel by road safely or at least to the nearest airport and fly to any part of the country. Of course, it's not out of place for a governor (or people of the like) to fly by chopper for the distance in question (its also obtainable abroad) but with good infrastructures conscientiously maintained there would have been more options.
Moreso, now the did is done, how can one be sure the chopper was in great shape as claimed 'cos going by our safety and maintenance culture in this part of the world (which is even worse in the military)... one never can tell.
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