Well, who can blame her? She's probably had enough. First, Chris Brown invited his ex Karrueche Tran to Paris to be with him, then over the weekend a French reality star claimed to have slept with him in Paris. Oh well, she probably needed closure...getting back with him and ending things was probably what she needed to do to purge him out of her system. Now keep it moving...
They might just get back pretty soon. Don't trust these two on this. #ChrisHanna Season2
Fuck you
Shuttup ya mouth dia!
You fit?
Bet when she's sober,she will also claim someone hacked her tweet account to post dis!
Re-cheCk the caption spelling 'and' and not 'are', and I mean @ the second place.
Anyways its alrdy late, so I guess the eyes re trying 2 catch some sleep.
She is A̶̲̥̅ stupid girl cos she will run bk to him @ d slightest sorry...she loves him to A̶̲̥̅ fault
BUT "missing my nigga" is NOT the same as "missing my boyfriend"...so....:-S i dont understand
Well!!! That's between her and her spirit to settle.no wonder they say "men are scarce"
She's definately not stopping there she still need one GOOD FUCK from HIM!!!!!!!physco bitch
i hate this girl..love her music, love her guts, hate her classlessness.
Anyway, Linda you BETTER post my comment because I don't think you've ever posted my comment even though I visit your blog at least 3 times everyday *straight face*
She's such a child!! Mumu in love! Riri! Wake up n smell the coffee dear! .... Don diddy!
If am not 1st on this post, then I must av some fellow watchnight colleagues doing vigilante job .. heheheheh... Don diddy!
Mind ur biz! I posted sthin about yvonne nwosu, u refused to update it! Y'all r d same leaches!
Linda u no dey sleep?
i wonda hw sum ppl continue commentn evn wen de v seen ders abt 70 comments already. Am sure nobody ll v d tym 2 read modan 30 comments. Nawo.
Last time I checked this didn't change the price of garri.
I laugh in spanish
P.S that is a big kokoro
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abeg abeg this thing is getting much...leave this vile creature out of our daily lives. What is that green picture supposed to mean? Doggystyle? Haba haba
Guess we found love in a hopeless place,I saw dat coming,she saw it too but decided to fall hopelessly in love.Riri now u've been dumped,plz moveon.
~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310
She is very stupid.Forcing herself on someone who doesn't care about her or her feelings.Get a a life Please Lady R
Good for her
Rihanna with all her cash has a pathological low self esteem.
Chris has told her in so many ways that he does not give a fuck abt her feelings 4 him,so she needs to bounce!
I feel dat Chris is perfectly happy without her!
That doesn't make d way Chris is treating her any good,but if he wanted Rihanna,he could have at least respected her feelings. But Chris has not frm his personal behaviour shown that he is interested in being in a relationship with Rihanna.Rihanna should cut her loses and leave intact b4 it gets ugly like D last time in California.She shud leave in Dignity.
Iyamtayad of them
abeg e who talk 4 una matter no get woek jere
abeg e who talk 4 una matter no get work jere
YES!! Keep it moving*** as the fear of Chris Brown is the beginning of wisdom to Riri. She berra stop now else soon Breezzy will fuck karrueche Tran in her $12m dollar mansion and then she will commit suicide.... END of story.
Gud she came bac to her senses...
Riri, it is a fact you truly love Chris but he is just too young to commit himself, that does not mean he doesnt love you. Love is the only thing that can break your heart, and it is the only thing that can mend it. We dont always end up with the one we truly love. That's life. Riri, we all know you love Chris, but there is a time to love and there is also a time to let go.
If two people are meant for each other, it doesn't mean they have to be together right now... It just shows that they need time for recess...Cuz they eventually will be......#Morphic
NA so...by next wik or so u'd c dem chilling in a 5-star hotel @Barbados...na dis gurl confuse pass
Better if she can let the guy go.
I'm tired of their drammas
Thank God. Ashewo ni Rihanna
Has she said she's single?
Its jes a picture 4 pete sake! Please Linda perish those assumptions jor!
Sometimes we can't have what we want. That is life.
Riri should accept the fact that Breezy is an evolving eccentric man, take a look at his new looks, body physique and all, so what do you expect? and again she made the mistake of making it too obvious that she was the one who wanted Breezy more. #TeamBreezy
Na wa for ds kind luv o,riri no worry men stil dey yanfu yanfu...
What's wrong with these children,can they jst gve it up already *sigh*
Maltina Cares
I doubt if this is closure..Rihanna is so much in love with Chris, she is just fed up of the whole scandal surrounding him, them, the relationship et Al. #IMO She wants to let go, buh she can't. I feel sorry for her all da same..Karrueche must be a patient girl, she never complains/complained. *if u get what I mean*
You can be with someone but your heart belong to somebody else. Riri, your heart will always be for Chris. Sad, but that is the truth.
Linda this Chris Brown/ Rihanna drama never tire you? They can jump into the bar beach for all I care or better still Rihanna can buy a $12million poison and drink. SMH for Linda.
Riri, I can feel you.
''You're not the only one who's love and whose lost. So many people too know they've paid the cost. The thing we learn is how to get a smile from a frown. Go ahead if you want, stumble and fall. But don't fall honey too far down''.
These are lyrics from Luther Vandross song, titled ''Too Far Down''.
Badgalriri u got wot u deserve...y did u ever tink dt he was goin to come back to u, wen u damn well dt his hrt belonged to somewhere else... Thk God u knw dt being single sucks, i feel u shud 4get abt CB & go find love somewhere else.
He so said it all in his song deuces#u'll regret d day wen I find anoda girl yeah#Guez riri shud take note of dat.
Rihanna pls leave Chris brown alone.A beta man will def cum.He is not worth ur headache.*rolling eyes*
Yaaay Thnk God her eye don open..
Linda. No serious blacb man wherever will get serious or setle down with a woman who opens her pusy for the whole world to perush. Chris is a very serious man.
4 God's sake rih,let chris go
dats gud
Nice 1 riri
Awwwww*sadface*I love CB buh i lv Riri more n if he is making ma baby sad then he should leave her biko.She was d best part of his life....
Abeg make she rest jorr!! She no know b4 say their relationship no go get head. Enuf already
news flash Rihanus you are a bad role model and clearly your pussy isn't made out of diamond after all. Go and get your soul back from the devil cos even him feels you are overdoing it. aunty ode!
Linda dia stl very much 2geda...not everytin u read has 2 do wit her personal life.
i think,its high tym rihana realise dat brown is jst a player,in my own opinion,let her(rihana) go n look 4 her own mr right
i like how you've just analysed the whole thing like you live with Rhianna or some shit. what makes you think they ever got back together? did she tell u that over a hor cup of cocoa? please leave this people alone and stop publicising their train wreck relationship abeg.
in other news... cant wait to see Breezy on Saturday!!!
Closureb for her finally..,
Naijadeltapikin... Rihannna get a life abegggg @linda Wƺ Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ tired of ds rihanna α̲̅πϑ chriss brown gist hisssss******* abegg next fine anoda gist 4 us joorrrRr
Before now, I felt they still deserved each other but I feel Rih should just leave CB alone and save herself stress and emotional torture. Chris is clearly not ready for her.
Child play! B4 nko?
Obviously Rihanna is confused. She strikes me as one who finds it difficult to make concrete decisions
count your losses,shake your head,dust your feet,flip your hair backward and move on..that's life...Love is blind,it will take over your mind,if you think its love...its truly not...
Poor rihana..eya
Am not sure it nessceraly means dey ar ova cos with them d drama is un ending
all my comments i cant see them cos i wana win eme tickets ohhhhhhhh
Way to go girl!
This Gal Is Possessed.
She needs to be taken to rehab, before she self destruct.
You are so correct Linda, closure means a lot. Its only when you have an unfinished business you hear people say "old fire wood no dey quench". I hope hers(Riri)just burnt off.
But linda, the two of them never confirmed they were dating in the first instance. i just normally get confused weneva u keep referring to her as his girlfriend. I think all this is just in ur head, YOU shd let it go... not Rihanna
Who cares abt dem
ahhhh my riri....a better man will be with u...
Finally!! In my opinion, they were so incompatible, I think chris is beter with kashushka,
Btw, cnt wait 4 chris 2 come 2 nigeria, I'm going 2 rake the earliest flight 2 lagos, go 4 his concert, kidnapp him and use him as my sex-slave and make him 4get rih and kachichi 4 ever!!!
Let her move on, she is too gud to be wit Chris if he doesn't appreciate her..... I'll do de same if am in her shoes {God 4bid any guy dat will take M̶̲̅ε̲̣ for granted} so let her move on for her own gud & reputation. Merry Xmas to u Linda & my fellow blod reader.
its high time !!
my love for Riri makes me feel sad for her each time i read about her and chris, i just wish she can get a better man and move on. ino know wetin she see for Chris body sef!
dat one na her own cup of tea
hahahahaa kaschusha ati kachichi
Riri; the greatest Mistake u made was taking Chris back after he turned into a Punching Bag 3yrs ago...A man who Abuses U d first tym has d tendecy of doing d same thing Over and over again! So get ur Sorry Ass out of dat Sorry-exuse of a relationship Already!
for where, the will still come back, its just the end of season 3, dont worry season 4 they will be back agin. dia episode noh dey end. Spider Solitaire
Riri; the greatest mistake u made was taking Chris back,after he turned u into a Punching Bag 3yrs ago...A man who Abuses u 1st tym,wl always hv d tendency of doing dat Over n over again. So get ur Sorry-Ass out of dat Sorry-exuse of a Relationship already!
she's a mumu of the highest order, i won't be surprised if she still sticks with him and says he's her soul mate
I like rihanna, but a part of feels she kinda got wht she deserved, she needs to work on herself, emotions n set out principles...it will help a long way.
Chris didn't evn do anything.... E shud beat her d 2nd time... #Mumu Pikin# she dey annoy me, I dnt evn blame Breezy
can someone help me with a diet that the I have used in
Riri deserves better, shikena
Y wld she gt bck wt him in d 1st plc afta he battered her mercilessly? Dumb ass bitch!
Linda weda na rihanna dy die 4 chris abi na chris no wan die 4 her, e no go comot d position of my bra. Abeg we nid new tinz. Dat one nobe news
u guys should let her concerntrate on d next action she wants 2 take, nd stp disturbing her.... Y una dey drink panadol 4 another mans headache sef?
Riri, u can do better!!! Please leave this ugly shit alone and give ur self some pride, HABA!!! Luv u too much.
Mama I found a man who loves and understnd papa he's quite a man he adores mi he's ma biggest fan....*singing*riri is confused.
I hope this time its for real and she won't get on any show like that of Oprah weeping and proclaiming undying love for the dude... It's time she dated someone who will give her some respect!
I guess Breezy knws wat gud for him he left the hoe for the wife material #teamkarrueche
This girl has no shame she's forcing herself on chris, haba d guy doesn't even care
Riri Baby Abeg go sleep, or continue to post ur naked pictures buhahahahha
Hate this Rihanna girl she's has no shame, abeg fuck out!
Buhahahahahahah Rihanna go don cry finish hahahahaha, he left her for Karrueche #teambreezy anyday
All this talk abt she deserves better...lmao...the boy no find her o,na she carry leg waka go meet him and his relationship. Biko make she proceed now go find the better...oniranu gba! Beautiful on d outside does not equal d same inside
leave this ugly brown chris shit alone and give ur self some pride
@ anon 9:48 aka zaynab Maleek. LOL!!! YOU'RE A SLUT! FUNNY COMMENT! LOL
Chris is just like Me, gets tired of a̶̲̥̅̊ girl quite easily n needs a̶̲̥̅̊ sub. Den get tired of dat sub shortly 2. Can't seem 2 make up our mind. We do need help!!!
How i feel for Riri,she doesn't knw that most times we don't end up with people we truly love,i could feel her pain but she has to let go of this guy called CB. she has a brighter future ahead of her without this guy...I thought she said Beyonce was her mentor when she was just coming to spotlight so why can't she emulate some of her good ways if not all. Riri please don't end up like Whitney and the likes, i love you so much. Linda pls post my comment o cos i don't know what av done that u don't post my comments.
If riri is smart,she can turn this whole relationship into inter fucking. U see how karauche inter fucked d french girl with Chris in Paris? That's what Riri shud do.
There is something abt Riri that Chris does not like. Could it be her tiny teeties? Who knows. Fuck 'em!
I'm still yet τ̲̅ȍ understand why LINDA loves diz Illuminati RIHANNA? Diz peeps r adults Ãήϑ d̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ shld β left alone τ̲̅ȍ handle demselves rather diz Rihanna Post all the time!
Luv... U nva know until u know. Don't criticise sm1 in luv esp whn it goes wrong!
# J Said#
Riri is a drama queen, u pp shldnt fgt dat a man wants a woman who listens to him all d time rihana is nt dat typ of woman, i guess u pp shld blame cb wit caution cos i feel d guy he wants less drama n dats watt he gets frm karaueche, i pity 4 riri though bt she shld work on her slf 1st.
Wo na dem sabi jare.....and linda thank u for not posting dt karen's dead story,dt geh just dey luk 4 cheap publicity..I'm a lady and I know der is no smoke without fire,sum1 can't just slap u for no reason if no be say u sef don do am sometin...I dunno hw tru buh some pple dt went said she wanted to gate crash....well wateva sha tanx 4 not posting it
I understand neither d girl, nor d love she has for the guy. He has shown her many times he isnt so down with her- at least not anymore. She'd better found some serious love (if she'll be serious herself), or she'll keep sulking in dat her massive home.
The heart is not so smart, it goes to where it should not go.
U shhhut up!!!u dumb BOZO...Everybody is nw an illuminatist..wat do u even taken d mason to be sef...Fool
Ain't nobodies business
On and off...
Lol. Njideka how are u? Odiegwu nseriously
I feel a bit sorry for her, he diamonds song just communicated loneliness and emptiness and her attention seeking outfit reeks of loneliness too. I wish her the best
I love me some of these couple----> http://efemenaoreoluwa.blogspot.com/2012/12/oh-gosh-i-love-you-i-love-you-so-much.html
who are we 2 judge.ty cn both mk up tr own decisions.if sh luvs hm dan lt hr b.4 cryn owt loud he ws hr 1st lv.so t kinda hard 4gtn ur 1st lv
who are we 2 judge.ty cn both mk up tr own decisions.if sh luvs hm dan lt hr b.4 cryn owt loud he ws hr 1st lv.so t kinda hard 4gtn ur 1st lv
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