Lagos State Traffic Management Authority (LASTMA) said the demolition and re-building of the bridge will take four months and were seen around the area yesterday assisting pedestrians to cross the highway and also to ensure free flow of traffic.
Lagos State Government said that the demolition was to avoid preventable loss of life
Thank goodness....
Fashola is working walahi, I used ths bridge som wks back in sadiku, I had it in mind to send a writeup to Punch concerning d dilapidated state of the bridge, then I hear ths news. Ths really touches my heart. If he continues ths way, he may just be d saviour Nigeria needs as president.God bless Fashola.
Thats good.
Tank God o atleast 4 once a sensitive govt wit de welfare of its ppl at hrt.
Wahoo that is good, the other day that i happen to use that bridge i have to call on Allah to save me. www.speedyonlinemedia.com
Thats very good. I'm from Ibadan and am so certain the wouldn't be done until people die. Go Fash!
This is good, hope other can emulate fashola. The guy dey try honestly
vewri vewri good am proud of fashola jare
tnk baba God nyz one brf
9jadeltapikin... †̥ånKz God for gov fashola 4 all he has been doing, I ₪☺ regret say I D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ pay tax atleast I can seee evidence of »W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ the govt Ȋ̊§ doing with the money I pay as tax that Ȋ̊§ y Wƺ all Ђåvε̲ Τ̅☺ pay α̲̅πϑ continue Τ̅☺ pay our tax. Fashola Ȋ̊§ really working
Wow thank God for that.Still called my parent and siblings last week to be avoid d bridge.This use to be where I called home,I remember climbing on it several times from hassan bustop to the other side,hmmmm"Memories".I pray things continue to change for the best.
This is really good fashola4president2015...
Fashola is Working.
Warri Girl
Fashola is working.
Warri Girl
@ Linda, the bridge has been blocked since the first rumour of it collapsing. That's about 3weeks ago.. And thanks to the feature written by someone in Sahara reporters that wrote about it and then bbm users translating it and circulating "almost false gist... That made the govt see to it... Glad its been demolished.. Passed there today...
Eko o ni ba je. Fashola is wrkn,Lagos is wrkn. Tuale baba
It wasn't in use yday, had been closed weeks back!
Fashola is workin but shud he be praised for stuff like this.. It is our RIGHT and what we r entitled to.. Its out our money
I live in Ilasa and that bridge has been like that for over a year now. I am actually dissapointed that it took them so long to bring down that bridge. I agree that Fashola is working but i think over one year is very long time and anything could have happened...thank God sha
This is really good news a governor who is concerned about human lives. Fashola I have been reading good news about you. #GoFashola
"It is ur right, it is ur money", y not go tell dat 2 GEJ and d thieves at d Federal level. Kmft
I hope other leaders can follow in the footsteps of Fashola. This is what a real government looks like. This is your job to protect the citizens.
At last!
Plenty ilasa people in the house. I remember using this bridge loads of times back in da days. Ilawest 4life. God bless 9ja. Home sweet Home.
dat bridge has been in a terrible state almjost a year, and has claim many lives. So nothin waz done early.... Our leaders are full of neglect toward d ppl they govern...
I no no say ilasa people plenty for here o! I used to think I was the only ilasa girl here
Yes its ur Right bt how many governors realise that?, appreciate nd stop yanin dust
were people not scared for their lives to be walking on that bridge and did the government just realize that that bridge has been like that for a long time?
thank goodness for that asin the next thing we would have seen would be tragey and then you would see all of them sending condolence on sometin that could have been avoided. well done my gov for taking this action when it was brough to your attention
linda,if you have ever used this bridge, then you will appreciate what big news this is. God bless fashola he is a saviour.
But nothin happened, and now they re fixing it..
That's good to hear
Thank God o. Fashola is really working. God bless you Sir. S
He is working for real. S
Fashola Ʈђi§, Fashola that,H̶̲̥̅̊e Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ working, Lagos Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ working, Eko o ni baje o, best governor, turned Lagos τ̅☺ a̶̲̥̅̊ mega city etc. That Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ all ȋ̝̊̅ hear everytime, everywhere. Nigerians, W̶̲̥̅̊h̶̲̥̅̊e̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ are we all going τ̅☺ push Ʈђi§ man τ̅☺ go4 presidency come 2015 Α̲̅πϑ vote his ass i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊. ȋ̝̊̅ †̥ђȊ̝̊̅n̶̲̥̅̊k h̶̲̥̅̊e Ȋ̝̊̅ƨ̣̇ d one that can ♏kƺ Nigeria a̶̲̥̅̊ great nation. Whoever thought Obama ☺ulϑ contest n̶̲̥̅̊ become the US president today. Let us all stop complaining about our country n̶̲̥̅̊ work towards putting the one(Fashola) that we know as the president. Let's D̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ ђã†̥ we are supposed τ̅☺ D̶̲̥̅̊Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ so it can b̶̲̥̅̊ as I̶̲̥̅̊ts supposed τ̅☺ b̶̲̥̅̊. ȋ̝̊̅ meaaaaan! Common,people.
Na wa Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo God help us Ooº°˚ ˚°ºo .
I stay at Ifelodun street,ilasa and I used dat bridge very day.They came to demolish the bridge dis sunday and I pray dey commence work very soon to replace d old one.My dad almost lost his life last year while crossing dat expressway but thank God he didn't.All becos of d condition of d bridge then,skool student shÙd not be made to cross that bridge by d time dey resume.
i also reside at ilasa and dat bridge was really in a terrible state. i use d bridge everyday and it was shaking like craze. d bridge collapsed some time ago i think last year or so and what did your loving government do? they patched d broken side and left the other part, putting so many lives at risk. so what's d songs of praise all about? abegi jare. if they had repaired it fully d last time it fell, i woulda praised dem too but patching it? Haba dats gross and wicked. Anyways i thank God no life was lost on it though.
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