According to him, his late wife took ill over five months ago and was battling fibroid. He explained that they opted for some kind of treatment supervised by German doctors which will prevent normal surgery. But to his dismay, the fibroid kept growing back and causing his wife more pain. Later, they decided to go spiritual and moved from Abuja to Prophet TB Joshua's synagogue in Ikotun where the prophet gave them emergency appointment based on his personal recognition.Continue reading...
His wife he said, then suggested they move to her brother's apartment at the Airforce Barracks in shasha. While there, she rejected all the provisions that the actor bought and insisted on having pap prepared by her sister at her brother, Group captain David Aluko's home. After the meal, he said her condition became worse and they decide to move her to Synagogue since the appointment was a few hours from then. Oganiru said his wife refused and told him to take her to the hospital, this he did with the aid of her brother Group captain David. But at the military hospital gate, the woman died. That according to him was when the problem started as the brother became hostile despite his condition which resulted in his being medicated as the shock of the death of his beloved wife raised his blood pressure. Later when he came to, he discovered that his Air-force brother inlaw had deposited his wife's body at the morgue and ordered him, Oganiru to go tell their parents that his sister was dead. This the actor said he will do, but demanded the death certificate so as to present to his in-laws to clear himself since the Air-force officer had started insinuating all sorts.
Group Captain David he said ordered him out of the barracks and he left to his hotel room where he discovered his wife's stuff had been removed and his belongings searched and scattered.
According to Oganiru:
"They even seized the keys to my jeep and my international passport. I had to beg for my things to be returned. When I got the keys and my passport back and David insisted that I cannot have the morgue tag for my wife, I left for our home in Abuja. On arriving there, they had locked me out and carted away eveything that belonged to my wife and even our wedding pictures. Eventually I was allowed inside.
Three days later some policemen from force headquarters came to arrest me based on a petition written about me that I killed my wife. I was kept in cell with Boko Haram members and I was the one washing for them. The police didn't care about my medication. When they saw my health was getting bad, they released me. I was asked to report two days later to face my accusers. I took some journalist to the house to see how they vandalized my things. That same evening, a group of policemen came in commando style, broke down my window and said I was under arrest. That was how they took me to Asokoro police station after beating me mercilessly and I was bleeding from ear and nose, A few day later, a professor friend came and told them that they should release me or charge me. He insisted that they should do the autopsy and charge me based on that, When nothing was found after the autopsy was conducted, they let me go.
Meanwhile these heartless people have gone ahead to bury my wife without my consent. Now the next thing is that they are on the internet alleging that I poisoned my rich wife for her property. Let me tell you, my wife was a hardworking woman but about being rich, i don't know, otherwise why did we scrape to the bone to find money for her treatment? We live in a rented apartment, so i don't know the property I killed her for that I wanted to inherit. See, the callous people said I also killed my two former wives. My ex wife is alive, healthy and bubbling with my two children. But I know there is God and I must fight this to a logical conclusion. God is with me and my accusers will soon be put to shame. Thank you for calling me to find out the truth
wat a sad ending of inlaw relationship......hmmmmmm it is possible they never gave their full consent and watver the woman wust av complained to her parent must av fostered the hate as well..........
erh erh...na so e happen? watching on a 4D wireless to see as it unfolds.....
We Africans need to stop with these stupid witch-craft accusations.
Na wah oh.....dem can fit to spoil person name for this 9ja oh! But there is an iota of truth in every rumour sha.....Oga Richy, you sef check yourself...where there is no man, there is GOD oh! and he is watching everybody carefully
naija una too much, coffee wey i dey drink hia comot my nose as i read this
poor man.... maybe he offended his in laws but no mata the offence this is too much..... does he not have a lawyer? secondly the police do not have any proof to show he did it so why detain him and beat him like that. he should sue for breach of fundamental human right, defamation, period
The truth about this issue is that there had been an on-going and un-resolved issues before now. Had they been living peacefully these issues of poisioning and hatred wuld never have come up.its a sad one! Again, from his side of story Its clear that this is her third wif. How easy can someone vouch for a man who has been in three different marriages? May God vindiciate you if you are innocent. I pray she rest in peace.
"We're" worth it? Or the almost twenty adverts I just counted on your page! Just playing. Well done hun : )
Ignorance is a disease that education sometimes finds hard to cure, especially in 9ja with all our belief in supernaturals.
Rich, you better be glad that your inlaws didn't do you in like the university worker in Calabar(?). Things couldn't have been a bed of roses btw your late wife and yourself (she refused to have you cook her food). But see what happened? It turned out to be her last meal. Had you been the one who cooked it where would you be now? Tell me.
At least you have your future to look forward to.
Its amazing how people have a phobia for surgery and go through lengths to avoid it... Alternative German treatment? Spiritual? Even the bible says 'my people perish for lack of knowledge'... She would still be alive if she had taken the bull by the horn... As for the inlaws, a man who has just lost his wife deserves condolence and compassion... Since an autopsy has vindicated him, why torment and intimidate him?
The inlaws are simply exhibiting bad belle. Rich, you lucky say dem nor use dem connections at Air Force Base to extinguish una. Their logic is as dense as saying RMD killed May Ellen Ezekiel. Fibroids na one hell of a winchy. Treatment by alternative means, especially herbs may accelerate its veracity. That might have been the case here. Surgery before it's too late is the preferred option - even if it means a Total Hystorectomy!
Linda I said it here that ma aunt was not rich as d false media carried it. My mum was even contacted to loan them money, she was about doing it when d news came that she passed on. I asked in your earlier post that how can a multimillionare be leaving in a rented apartment? God is d sole judge, d rich was not responsible 4 his wife death and heaven can bear him witness
@justlikme...r u daft? Which truth can't u see the man was framed???? Ur lucky the coffee did not chock u mumu....#Tablemanners Zero!!! Anumpama
Please hear the other party's side of the story before jumping into conclusion. That aside, what were you doing with TBJ if your hands are indeed clean?
There is no need to marry in this naija if ur inlaws are more connected than U .. Cos if anything happen they go harrass shege from ur life ...its clear that he did not kill his wife but his inlaws did not like the was he dug gold into their sisters life .
people say things without getting their facts straight...God help us
Hian! Why take his wife to Synagogue instead of going for Fibroid operation! An operation any roadside Clinic would have carried out successfully? Why won't he be suspected of having ulterior motives? And why is he silent about her parcels of land a church member accused him of selling off to him
Linda, which one are you complaining about typing? You don't know how to copy and paste again? Afterall, you are not the interviewer
you calling him a gold digger did he dig your gold? (figuratively speaking) you dont know for sure so shut up and say what you know. smh
The truth is we have to be wise in all our dealings. Fibroid is not something that should kill anyone in the 21st century.
people are always so scared to undergo surgery(my mum inclusive) and i don't know why.
now the German doctors tried and it was fruitless.... when did T.B Joshua's church turn to a hospital.
when u seek orthodox medical help first, then u can seek spiritual help.
but about the story making rounds that u killed ur wife(that's if u didn't)... its callous and wicked.
You should sue them!
Justlikeme@live.com dis ur coffe still dey comot from ur nose from Nairaland to Lindas blog??
How sad.
May God c u thru
This is just like a scene from a nollywood movie...
na wa for dis world o, after accusin him of killing is wife, d still wit ahead n bury her witout his concept,wht kind of family is dat. Who knws wether d r d 1s dat killed her bc it was after she took d pap dat her condition got worst. Pity d man sha
Issokay!!! We have hear you sir
I assume his own side of the story sounds more real than what i heard from the journalists initially.Anyways,there is more to this and very soon the whole truth will comeout.Just lie the late Cynthias saga. chec out my blog at http://alphamarketer.blogspot.com/
There is more to this, unless he is saying she has cancer, fibroid is not a death sentence, many women live with it even without knowing. And unless there is a baby growing in the womb, there usually is no pain. I have even heard of women giving birth without operating the fibrous growth
ONOME says........
........moved from Abuja to Prophet TB Joshua's synagogue in Ikotun where the prophet gave them emergency appointment based on his personal recognition.....
That's the only part I saw.
So sad.
StFU did u not read d part whr he explained that d wife was not rich? Abi u closed ur eyes there nd posted this rubbish
I don't knw if he killd D̶̲̥̅̊ wife or not, but as 4 D̶̲̥̅̊ wife not bein rich I knw its true.cos I knw her whn I was a corper at D̶̲̥̅̊ office wher she comes τ̲̅ȍ hustle
There are two sides to a story, unfortunately the other person can't tell her part. I just dey look.
God help us o!
Why did you leave ur ex-wife in d first place? You never see anything, olosi, mtchrwwww
So this is the 3rd wife. The smoke is never far from the fire.even if he dint kill her he must be somekind of gold digger period.
And why wld his very own wife on her sick bed refuse husbands food. Suspicion built over time
It's only God that see and knows everything.
Warri Girl.
A lady's key accessory www.warrigirl.com
There is no pastor who can make a fibrod disappear! Either you have an operation or embolization to "melt" it. Ignorance is a disease! No matter what Rich did to his in-laws he shouldn't have been treated like that. Someone has died. Nobody killed anybody! Can't beleive this is still happening in Nigeria!
This is the reason why I don't respect Nigeria's media. Too many lies...Someone hears a story that sounds interesting (especially if it defames another man's character) and without proper investigation, writes a report on it! What a shameful world! Thanks Linda, for distinguishing yourself once again, from the shameful rest...I don't know the truth about this situation, but I always believe in fair hearing before passing any judgement.
Dats pathetic. Dunno who believe nw. Well let God be d judge.....
Hmmm...reads like one of these silly Nollywood movies.
may she RIP though.
Nollywood in 5D
y did d wife refuse to go to synagogue?something is fishy abt d whole story
LMAO @ (that same evening a group of police men came in commando style) buh no matter d case they shouldn't have buried his wife in his absent. That is heartless. Lili do they have kids @all?
For this man to have married three times means he's actually not a nice person and am sure it's d reason y he's Being accused. Am sure they must have had issues dat weren't resolved before her death cos if he was nice, he wont have such problems. He has financial problems and moved to Abuja not too long ago and stays in mpape. I pity him sha cos he just started doing well cos he went into estate developing and selling properties though u can call him an agent. It is well rich oganiru cos ds is trial time, I pray god vindicates u. Linda pls post my comment
GOD sees the hidden things and He alone knows the truth. May God deliver us from wicked people.
spiritual for fibroid? are u kidding me?at this day and age? what the heck hapnd to surgery? abeg pass the mic joor
About 2 days ago, he went on Wazobia fm 2 tlk bout dis issue, he took pics of his trad weddn n all 2 d station...I think he must av offended his in laws hence d accusations...by den again, dis same pesin has lost 2 wives b4 dis 1 happned! Cld he b a black widower?
Ignorance reigneth supreme.
It is unfortunate about her death, on the face on it , it appears to be a case of mishandled healthcare.
Do you know that most woman particularly women of color have fibroids. it get treated all the time. Why was there such a song and dance done over getting the best treatment. The fibroids in itself do not kill. There must have some kind bad medical practices ( and not necessarily from doctors) Just mind numbing
This is sad really, someone is dead and all people can talk about is material things, it's really amazing, at least mourn the dead woman for crying out loud am sure wherever she is she's probably even more shocked than me,people really have to learn to love people for real and not at the expense of material things cause the reality is that in 100 years today everybody alive now would be dead so what are we talking about
Back to basis, let you marriage be a TEAm work (for 2 of u only). Family. Friends, well wishers, advisers should be kept far from it.
Is TB Joshua a medical doctor? Nigerians are ignorantly religious.
na waoh , intimidation in the name of force man, what nonesses.
Na real wa! Tooo bad. But, come to fink of it, is your hand really clean??
Hmmm so sad may she rest in peace
I bet the ex-wife is testifying to God's mercy wherever she is! At least she has her life and her children with her.
hmmmmm wonderful may her soul rest in peace
hmmmmm wonderful may her soul rest in peace
Please read well before commenting, he never made any witchcraft accusations...
Lawyer na money naa! D man na Ogbenye naa,how hin go take pay lawyer! Hia!!!!
Very soon he will marry a fourth wife.
May God help his next wife to be
third wife????? hmmmmmm
He should go back to his first wife with kids.
oga rich wil u stil marry a fourth? #justasking#sori 4 ur loss may her soul rest in peace..
N stop idle bloggers already made it their red hot headline callin the guy a confessed Murderer!
Pele o ....
I strongly believe the man did not kill his wife. its very possible the inlaws have something to hide. will the man and wife mutually leave abuja to come for spiritual help in lagos,only to end up not going there again because the same wife insisted? the inlaws must have played the whole scene for the wife to insist on staying @ her brothers' and eating the food of her sis. u'l be shoked to know wat siblings can do to each oda in this country. God help! but then again i pray the truth comes up soon and not in the next generation of the family.
OY, uve said it all. so on point!
Hmmmm,nawa ooooo.
Hmmm, nawa oooo.
Thank you for this update,i just pray truth prevails wld hate to see the innocent been punished.
Linda where's my comment nau, wch kain tin be ds
I will understand the story better once I watch the video.
Honestly I feel for Ɣ☺ΰ, but why did Ɣ☺ΰ leave ur '1st'wife? Men, una just D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ use una hand gather trouble. May God help Ɣ☺ΰ sha!
Correct ni o!
Annonymous 12:37, u be big fool. So e don reach make u dey count how many adverts wey dey Linda's blog. Am sure u re one of those gold diggers. Keep on counting until u get digged. Idiot
Lmao @ Anon 12:37! Don't mind Linda. Linda don't post na, make money no complete. Loool. Keep em coming babes. We love you too. @ Anon 10:09 pm: Calm down haba. It's not that serious. Recognise a joke and take it easy with the unnecessary insults. WWJD? :)
i just want to ask why would this man leave the hospital in the first place to go spiritual with his level of exposure and education that alone makes him guilty and to suggest it was fibroid that don't make any sense. i want also to suggest that he has been a suspect from day 1 otherwise why would they not alow him feed his wife. he sounds more like a moron than a man.
Big truth all dis sugar mummy,sugar gal,rich father,famous uncle etc ll take u no where he is in dis meSs now cos initially he went for money nd d woman's family knew dis Dats y dey r using it against him now .God knows best
God will vindicate Mr. Rich God knows and sees all things
Whenever a spouse dies in Nigeria, the other spouse is accused, unless it was by motor accident or plane crash or armed robbery incident.
The late wife must have told his brother something, and being a uniformed man, he used his influence to intimidate him.
Her soul rest in peace.
Olodo! Where you for read witchcraft again? Abi na guilty conscience dey worry u so?? See another witch don dey show herself on code. Nice reflex
I know u didn't kill ur wife, I mean why shld u do that over what?
Hian!!we live in a country where the law is lawless..what right have they got to bury the wife without his consent...I hate this part of the world...mtsheeeeewwwwwwwwwwwww.
I don't know what to believe,sorry sha,but why three wives?and why has ur wife refused your food?i can't make any sense of this.You could press charges if you like,i think it would be a wise thing to do.
I can imagine hw u feel bcos I kind of share a similar story wit u I lost my mum abt a year nw nd since then her siblings in america hv been battlering I nd my sis bcos she is nt our real mother nd she wrote myself nd my sis as her nxt of kin its been living hell for us our names hv gone to all d media houses newspaper radio tv u name it wit all sorts of false alligations against us we hv even been detained in cell for 3 nights all bcos of property nd benefits frm our mum's place of wrk. As u said there is God d truth will surely preveal
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