Do you know that drinking your urine very early in the morning, every day, makes you stay healthy all year round? It does not matter what the nature of the sickness is, urine therapy will sure be of help, since the principle remains the same; every sickness contains its own cure. Breast cancer or any other form of cancer, when detected early can be effectively treated with urine therapy.Drink urine? Seriously? Excuse me while I go throw up...
Olden days therapy..Lol
Linda and bobo, urine for morning the ozz self
Scientist don come again o.....
yeah right! ...........ayamaaaaaaaaaaaaa...Urine iS a waste product from the body.
Its true ooo linda....I remember ma grandma siping from hers when I was younger....n she said it work ooo**yuk!!!
my grand ma used to drink hers and she lived for long before she passed on.... God bless her soul...... i find it really gross sha buh urine is a very good facial cleanser against pimple, black heads, acne etc.
Sit down there Linda go throw up where? It works drink your own urine cures typhoid and if u always dream and u eat in your dream drink ur own urine for seven days u will neva have such dream ahain.
Na wa oh. That's how someone told me it eliminates dandruff if u use it to wash ur hair. Hian
Me too i wan throw up
I'd rather stick with water therapy. Thank U
Linda I have heard dat urine therapy is very effective but I can't do it cos its so disgusting. Oh my God!!! I just threw up now. Sobs sobs sobs. ...........
Tank God, u stated it * Nigerian Magazine!!!...*rolling eyes, Flips hair!
That's fucking disgusting!!!
Linda dats very true.
I heard drinking one's urine cures one of sicknesses. However, till date I struggle with believing this! Is it true? Any research to verify this??? I wonder
The 1st choice is always better than d last resort oo. Lol.
des wrks alot..u even look younger,linda na ur urine na y u wan go throw up lol
you know there is a reason it is called waste product right? your body excretes these things cox after a while they become toxic to the body so why on earth would you go back and take in the waste...........................God help us all!!!
I drank a lot of it during my service year. Seriously it wasn't dat easy.
I read dis sumtime ago, dey called it 'recycling'
Linda pls no kill me wiv laff a beg I wan sleep
Don't throw up Linda. Regina Askia drinks her urine. You can confirm that from her if you can reach her in the US, and she will proudly tell you that.
If this is true, I wouldn't mind drinking my urine everyday. I'd do anything to cut the risk of disease/infection.
So true,,,my hubby says he wll start first thing in d morning,cos he wana live long hehehehehehehehehe...
there is a reason the body eliminates it, so why drink it? I don't know where people come up with these things
Nw dats d worst tin I'v heard 2day...
i have heard abou this before never tried it but remember urine is sterile so it may be true afterall.....http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urine_therapy
first of all it is biologically dumb for you to drink your own urine because your body has filled it with ammonia substances that are not good for the body. All the nasty stuff your kidneys filter from your body goes into your urine. so NO pls dont drink your urine. It is actually very harmful for you.
first of all it is biologically dumb for you to drink your own urine because your body has filled it with ammonia substances that are not good for the body. All the nasty stuff your kidneys filter from your body goes into your urine. so NO pls dont drink your urine. It is actually very harmful for you.
I've heard this before u know, though it didn't say early morning urine, it just said drinking one's urine could cure an illness. I don't know about it curing all illnesses. May we never be found in a situation where we will have to try it. Amen!
is true my grandmother use give our urine to drink weneva we fell sick is rediculos bt it helps nd it also powerful try and see linda
dir is no fact to back dis story up, so dnt drink ppl. Stay safe everyone....
yea it actually works, i have tried it before when i had rashes all over my body even with a diabetes patient, just pee into a clean cup and drink it as soon as as possible when the urine is still hot.
LOL! When I was a teenager, my mum and dad used to drink their urine every morning. They begged us to do same. They said they felt healthier anyways so I guess it does work.
I also read somewhere that drinking horse urine also cures evry and even makes you lose weight...
I agree with d weight loss bit, coz u will def lose weight on the hospital bed while being treated for poisoning.
Reminds one of vintage Mrs. Kafaru those years growing up. Nobody preached this therapy any close to her on NTA in d 90s. Surprised when her death was announced abruptly. Potent or not, may her soul RIP
Dnt throw up dear its 4
Haha. Just remembered the scene in the sitcom 'FRIENDS', where monica (courtney Cox-Arquette) was stung on the leg by a jellyfish, & the 1st aid was for her to either pee on herself, or for her friend Joey (matt le blanc) who was with her to pee on the spot so as to reduce the pain. Joey finally did it & the drama that ensued afterwards was absolutely hilarious. Lol. So urine isn't just therapeutic, it sure can cure a whole lot of other stuff unknown to many people. Meanwhile, can't see myself doing any urine therapy stuff. *Off to join linda to puke*
hmmmm ahan ahan..thats gross!
There was a time I had this terrible acne and my bestie's father advised me to drink and wash my face with my early morning urine. He even backed it up with a bible passage (one passage about the wells of your body). Desperate me tired washing my face with my early morning urine for about 3days before I gave up; I couldn't bring myself to drinking it though....too repulsive!
God 4bid terrible fin....s nt ma portion n jesus name Amen...oso kwa gi gosi m egbe agahi m anwu ya o. Ndi ara unu na aco onye unu ga ebu...
Linda, u just hearing this? They've been preaching urine therapy like forever. Also heard it aids weight loss and cures diabetes... Mennnn, stuffs disgust me. Don't even think i can try it.
lmfao but Lindiway u didn't tell us d dosage. Trust me and my Igbo brodas to open a shop for dat atleast a sachet will cost #50 nna ife bukwa marketooo!~BONARIO~says so via NOKIA3310.
Heard dis few yrs ago..but I still wonder y I shld drink a waste product tho
Yuckkkk!!! Omg..
hello linda, so u r just hearing this , it just show how shallow you are in terms of information ,you can use urine to cure some diseases yes, but if u have STD it is not advisable
Bt not 4 diabetic patients oooo! Dere urine means notin on dis issue.
Yes...that used to be Regina adjust therapy..and av being following it since 1997.
Have had it once! I nearly died of rashes. It just came once n had to seek for doctors help!! D doc asked d sch I graduated fRom n blamed me seriously!! Dat urine is a waste product! If not for strong antibiotics n tribotan! Omo na so I for die of crawcraw! For me its N O!!
Ekwulifa!...Lekwanu wiz khalifa O!
All these death*gravy* herbalist in d name of Dr r sooo backward in thinking n lyf. Urine contains excess(good n bad,e.g glucose,protein, blood,etc) n unwanted stuffs(urea n creatinine,etc), wot d body must get rid-of is wot is good, huh, if u kill urself, na u knw o. Maybe am wrong sha, google it o. Black man with black sense.
I av tried it and it performed wonders. It was disgusting at first,but I got used to it.
Linda its true. There r some people I hrd of that actually got cured from serious diseases just by drinking their urine.its best to start early tho and it doesn't really taste bad. Just a bit salty..imagine its a cocktail..hehehe
Say what? Drink Urine?
Olorun maje! Olorun maje oooo (In Dbanj's voice)
True! as long as your urine isn't infected u CAN actually drink it....some years ago back when i lived in naija, i went to my villa and came back with some wierd rashes all over my face....it just never went! a well educated woman (i'll never forget that woman on close 24, satellite town lol!)recommended i use urine therapy. sounded funny but i did use my own urine to rinse my face!! (and allowed it to air dry)....within 2 days, the nasty rashes cleared like Vroooooom!!!!! Then the same night i first used it, my cousin drank hers cos apparently it detoxifies and helps you loose weight.....let's just say that was the first and last time she ever did it! lol! But she's well and truely alive today (all this was back in 1995).....so yeah, long as you don't have some nasty bug brewing in your urine, knock yourself out with a pint or 2!! hehehe!...............P xx
No its tru, believe me it works. Criously!!
Hahahahahahahahaaaa.....linda wat r u throwing up 4? Lyk serzly, i was goin 2 say God4bid,hw can one take back his own waste(ewwwwwwww)??? Is nt only urine cure,very soon we'l hear dat faeces gives long lyf 2.
Yep yep..it does.it detoxifies the blood Linda.it is a miracle
The early morning urine works wonders o...shebi people dey drink cow urine
i've actually heard of this before. first time i did, a friend of mine actually asked me if i'd heard of it, and my response was same as yours - "excuse me while i go throw up".... but shortly after, i heard someone who'd been sick with i think cancer singing the glories of it.
quite frankly, there must be some science to it. but the idea sure is nauseating and definitely don't sound right!
Let d drinking begin....I believe this story*smiling*
Ermmmm! Rily? So dat means eating ur poop 'll make U̶̲̥̅̊ healthy or rubbing it all ova ur body 'll mk U̶̲̥̅̊ luk fresher...... I knw urine cures withlow (dunno if its spelt correctly). Drinkn it???? Linda pls shift, lemme puke
Vow vow!!!!!
Do you know that passing out urine is a form of detoxication? Why bring back the toxin after removing it from the body? In my own simple opinion I don't think its safe.
I meant detoxification
I remember back then, Regina Askia said she used to drink her own urine and never fell ill.
To tell u d truth my dad lived on it and he just got up one morning and died right there,in his prime
It actually works o, my mum's cousin sisters do it and they r quiet healthy. The oldest amongst them is abt 80 yrs old or even more and she's as fit as a fiddle. D procedure is simple : drink a large cup of water early in d morning b4 u urinate, then wen u do (urinate) u drink up. I av no intention of drinking my urine tho, but for those who wana try,it works! cheers...
Yeah I heard that from a colleague!!!!Urine therapy actually cured her mum's breast cancer. So I believe it is so true.
I can't imagine drinking my smelly and Gulder concentrated urine in the morning... Tufiakwa
Throw up for where? Ur own urine? Isn't it better than sucking a man's dick and anus? I'll start the therapy tomorow.
How stupid can you be to drink your urine. There's a reason why your body expels the nonsense. Its a by-product an is toxic. Drink at your own risk.
Have tried it on some occasion and it help get rid of the pains.
Yes, I was also disgusted, but when advil etc did not address the extreme pain, I drank it and was better. Go figure
Yes DAHLING!! Seriously. It might even make your face look fresher !!!teeeehehheheee. Lol ok but yes I've used this therapy before against over the counter cures to no avail. Piss eliminated these sores on my face by next day arising.
I would definitely drink if gravely ill but then that never happens since I stopped believing in hospitals.
Linda you go drink first. Na God de give strength joor
wat an irritable idea!
Felt d same way too 1st time I ed abt it!
Buh ts works!
Am a living witness!
Ts nt easy dou'....
Na lie oooo, Linda.God forbid you are critically ill, u go do am with rushing sef.If one is critically ill, and someone tells the sick person to chop sh*t, he/she will be well, the sick person go chop am oo.Person fit spice the urine up by making it urine martini; urine margarita; urine champagne....lol.
True talk
have heard abt it ΒU̶̲̥̅̊ђ not all sickness Oo°˚˚.ΨђåƮ U̶̲̥̅̊ believe that will work t̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥я̲̣̣̥ Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊
traditional herb α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ real so Linda Ÿ̲̣̣̣̥ø̲̣̣̥u̶̲̥̅̊ can try it and give us the result of your findings. =))º°˚˚˚°ºнaĦaнaº°˚˚˚°º=))
That's absolutely true... It works like magic! www.alameennigeria.blogspot.com
I heard this some years back oo.but am yet to undastand how u can take back ur own waste.ur body gets rid of something and u take it bak into d system.can't comprehend
D odour alone can kill talk more of takin it.God forbid dt i wii take it n pray dt non of us(LIB) + linda wil find ourselves in a position dt urine wil b d only option in Jesus name.AMEN!!!!
I knew there was a very simple n unbelievable cure to all these big illness
Have tried it b4 not bad @ all
Whewwwwwwwwww!!!yuuuuuuuck.kaiiii linda pls try not to be seeing things like that to culled down here.man must to die one day now,which come be to de drink urine every morning,ahhhh!in as much as I don't like drinking water,I don't mind to drink water every morning to help flush my system than go drink urine that will make me puke and even fall ill.
Nigeria na wa oooo wonders shall never end...drinking ones urine. What will they come up with next...Nah I don't even wanna think about it lol
Urine!!!!! Ahhh!!!!! Linda abeg wait 4 me make I follow u go throw up. Very soon shit go dey cure H.I.V.
Yes Linda, It is truly working and it cures all kinds of diseases and ailments. You can give it a trial, there is nothing bad in drinking ur urine moreover it is from your Body
Huge lie.
I have a terrible acne.And I was told to use urine every morning to wash ma face.But ve neva tried it cos I feel its not hygenic.I was just telling my fiance about this last night.So I guess urine is good but naaaa I can't.
Lol!!!@ go throw up. Yuck!!! Can people be this naïve to drink their own piss?
can't do ∂ατ̲̅ . Sorry
LmAO!!!! My Granny's Sub ooh!! .. And she's very healthy and strong...Never got the courage still... Still looking for a harmless chemical that can kill the smell ... Any help?
Some pple can b stupid, d body excreted it n cald it waste product. Den how can u give bak d body d poison it has excreted..... Na wa oh.... Neny...
Linda, u try it for 1 Month tell us the result with proofs, then we will follow you.
I can only do that if it is proven to help me stay rigidly immune to HIV and cancer.
Lmaoooo!!!! Urine no b waste again??? Ff@zinazee20
Ewwwwwwwwww!!!!in secondary school a girl was always dropping her urine into her eyes to help prevent boils.Dunno if it worked but it was damn right disgusting for sure.
Na wah for u LInda ohhh,sometimes u dey always fall my hand sha,na today u hear say person dey drink urine? All u need to do is to pray not to find yourself in situation u cant explain COS by then u will be willing to do anything to have ur health back. pls publish my comment ohh cos u dont do.
haba Linda, dis one na old gist nah. Elizabeth Kafaru (late) used to do this programme on NTA. Unfortunately, her urine obviously did not help her when she was ill, because she died of the sickness. However, Linda you can try, a trial will convince you or otherwise as the experience could help you to help your readers in turn
Urine is sterile if bladder and other infections are ruled out. The problem is how can one tell for sure that they r infection free as some infections are asymptomatic(presenting no symptoms)at d early stages. Some pple swear by urine therapy, personally I'll rather pop some pills or take some shots than test-run d less conventional route. If urine therapy is now d new cure for some of these terminal diseases, then by all means but if it's just for staying healthy? Honey a healthy diet plus exercise will do just fine 4 me, thank u!
I can see quite a number of readers are quite young and don't know about Urine Therapy. However, First Urine is not a waste so please take note @8:59. Secondly it has been in existence for a very long time. Also a drop of your urine in your eyes cures your conjunctivitis popularly known as apollo virtually within 12 to 24 hours. The list goes on and on.
Don't mind dem o!
So God dat made urine a waste don't knw anytin abi?
Dey shud go and ask elizabeth kafaru(r.i.p)d woman dat used to preach dis nonsense where she is today! She died barely two weeks I watched her show were she was saying dat urine is gud for d body and dat it works for her!!!!!!!
Ignorance is a disease!!
Abeg tell them ooo.. Infact Madam Kafaru used to drink piss on tv everyday .. We all watched her degenerate and her skin ashened from the obvious poisons she was administering on her self .. Sha sha she eventually died from kidney failure brought about by sustained toxification of the body
I heard about the urine therapy years ago, people say it also cures conjuctivitis(apollo). Me! I can't try it sha! Doctors in house is it true?
linda biko try and give us feedback.
In my thinkin water especialy flushes out waste. ---Does d body not contain salts, ions, electrolytes etc. ---If thers minimal waste in ur system n ur body flushes dat out den 4 d remainder of d day shud ur body b high on waste?--- if u dnt punish ur body wit beer, alcohol, cand foods, preservativ infused store bought products, n heavy carbohydrates---n rather u go on farm fresh veggies n fruits, ---den shudnt ur urine b tasteles, odourles, drinkabl n curable: bsides tastin a drop of ur urine evry day 4 saltines, biternes n esp sugar whc wud indicate ur sugar level 2 guard against diabetes.--- ur urine indicates usualy d quality of ur feedin(not necesarily expensive, mor like healthy,green, fresh n cheap). Aspire 2 pure-kerosine-like(unadulterated kero o) urine.
Twasnt Nigerian's that came up wif the idea! Twas Scientist abroad dt did! NOTE! Vry early morning urine! 1ce u wake up,d 1st urine u pass out is wat ur 2 drink,nt anyoda!
Buy fresh uncooked egg,extract d white part,add little milk 2 it,mix&make a paste in a bowl! Apply on ur face&leave for 15mins,afta dt wash wif warm water&path dry wif clean towel! Afta dt use a moisturizer! Do it every morning and it'l clear ur acne. N/B: Its better to get a seperate towel strictly 4 ur face
Twasnt Nigerian's that came up wif the idea! Twas Scientist abroad dt did! NOTE! Vry early morning urine! 1ce u wake up,d 1st urine u pass out is wat ur 2 drink,nt anyoda!
In my thinkin water especialy flushes out waste. ---Does d body not contain salts, ions, electrolytes etc. ---If thers minimal waste in ur system n ur body flushes dat out den 4 d remainder of d day shud ur body b high on waste?--- if u dnt punish ur body wit beer, alcohol, cand foods, preservativ infused store bought products, n heavy carbohydrates---n rather u go on farm fresh veggies n fruits, ---den shudnt ur urine b tasteles, odourles, drinkabl n curable: bsides tastin a drop of ur urine evry day 4 saltines, biternes n esp sugar whc wud indicate ur sugar level 2 guard against diabetes.--- ur urine indicates usualy d quality of ur feedin(not necesarily expensive, mor like healthy,green, fresh n cheap). Aspire 2 pure-kerosine-like(unadulterated kero o) urine.
Urine nightly body rub/massage is gud. I havnt been around 4 very long, about 30yrs, but 4 about 22yrs, der r times(oncce in a very long while) dat i do d fruit fast, 2 detoxify naturaly n also help my liver whc is also stresd by our synthetic drugs, den do d urine drink/rub thing of course at wkends wen am indoors. As a girl hu knows ''wetin dey hapn'' ppl think am bak frm a holiday/runs(which m not in2). Cos ders a new glow. But it starts wit getin ur diet right.--if u dnt fil d therapy den by al means stay off, if ur adventourous, try it, but it goes wit disciplind diet change, poluted urine isnt it. Gud luck on ur health choices
In my thinkin water especialy flushes out waste. ---Does d body not contain salts, ions, electrolytes etc. ---If thers minimal waste in ur system n ur body flushes dat out den 4 d remainder of d day shud ur body b high on waste?--- if u dnt punish ur body wit beer, alcohol, cand foods, preservativ infused store bought products, n heavy carbohydrates---n rather u go on farm fresh veggies n fruits, ---den shudnt ur urine b tasteles, odourles, drinkabl n curable: bsides tastin a drop of ur urine evry day 4 saltines, biternes n esp sugar whc wud indicate ur sugar level 2 guard against diabetes.--- ur urine indicates usualy d quality of ur feedin(not necesarily expensive, mor like healthy,green, fresh n cheap). Aspire 2 pure-kerosine-like(unadulterated kero o) urine.
Urine nightly body rub/massage is gud. I havnt been around 4 very long, about 30yrs, but 4 about 22yrs, der r times(oncce in a very long while) dat i do d fruit fast, 2 detoxify naturaly n also help my liver whc is also stresd by our synthetic drugs, den do d urine drink/rub thing of course at wkends wen am indoors. As a girl hu knows ''wetin dey hapn'' ppl think am bak frm a holiday/runs(which m not in2). Cos ders a new glow. But it starts wit getin ur diet right.--if u dnt fil d therapy den by al means stay off, if ur adventourous, try it, but it goes wit disciplind diet change, poluted urine isnt it. Gud luck on ur health choices
ELIZABETH KAFARU of blessed memory was at the fore front of Urine Therapy. She died of cancer in 2009 or so......Linda, probably didn't know her.
Linda, please help me warn LIB'ers o! Make una no try am and if u r already doing it, I beg u to stop for ur own good. I have an uncle who did it for yrs and also advised me to do it which I neva did, he died of kidney failure few yrs ago. D urine is toxic waste filtered by d kidney dt d body doesn't need. Wat do u think will happen to ur body if u keep pouring d waste back in. U r playing with kidney failure. My mum is suffering from kidney failure and it costs us 100k naira per week for dialysis. Even a kidney transplant doesn't mean u'll be home free, cos the anti-rejection drugs come with their own drama, some of them actually induce diabetes. I beg u ppl, do not be shallow minded and ignorant. There's a reason y God made human beings to pass out urine as waste. Biko!!!
I don hear about this therapy too, but dunno weda its true. any Liber wen don try am, tell us make we know, not dat am intersted in trying it sha.
Warri Girl
Where is my comment Linda?
I know people who have used Urine therapy and I can say for sure it WORKS.
My uncle had liver/ kidney problem and that worked.
I guess when you are so ill you won't be thinking this is urine but this is making me get better......
For me, asking me to drink Urine is equivalent to death sentence! Its like asking me to suck woman TOTO,Mbanu! Adie emeya eme!!
Remain forever ugly then?!
Piss that can wipe off ur spots in 2 days flat. Even white pps drink it. I only used for the face and I'm a believer cuz I know the money I spent buying rubbish concoctions and drugs for nothing.
Acne is also a result of reactions to poor foods at times. Pay attn to wot uv eaten when u flare up. My body doesn't digest fake oils andfats so I use olive oiland only unadulterated..organic chicken which I don't even buy again.
Less talkn more doing
What has age gat to do with being reasonable ....If u don't know Apollo is a parasitic eye infection and urine is so toxic that it quickly harms the causative parasite... If urine was so good why doesn't the body just absorb it from the bladder and why does the blood become toxic in the advent of any form urinal or renal impairment .. There is too much gullibility in Naija
I think its only good for ailments not as a daily tonic that's just foolhardy. And it doesn't take a whole cup to cure
heard of it but never drank..just applied it on my eyes when i had apollo
Hey.....dont knock it until you have tried it, My Mother in law has been on this for over 15 years, she absolutely swears by it. Their are actually a lot of published material out there on this
heard it too but too irritated 2 try , i fink id rada liv my rashes face nd lapalap dan drink piss wat if u mistakenly drink particles of ur shit lolollll. dis iss d most disgustin tin eva now my lipton tea looks lik piss . tanks linda , irritated nd amused .
Hello My Sweet Linda,
This will only work when your urine is healthy. No be say make you go piss Yellow dirty piss for morning drink am. You are on your own oo!!!
just for laughs visit, Too Funny talking9japictures.blogspot.com
Very True....A friend of mine had chronic stomach olsa & that's exactly what the doctor recommended. Seemed weird at first but it worked & he was healed.
For facials? Maybe the urea in it is peeling d blackheads.
Pls gist us of experience, why did you start drinking your urne, how (is there a process) did you do it, what was d outcome and why did you stop
as a matter of fact i have being doing it since 7yrs
am so sure the doctor that said this is a native doctor very soon shit go cure AIDS or CANCER
It works, i hav used it to cure somtin b4..... And it really works fast
Yea,I once heard abt dis nd that it also Cure wounds,when u wash d wounded part with your early morning urine nd also for those that have eye problem too,wash it with ur early morning urine.#gbam,works like magic.
Yeah... I use it for my facial and it is also very useful for eye related problems... I tried it and it works wonder
mschewwwwwwww....so i should start eating my poop or using it as facial maybe it will cure my acne and diseases....NONSENSE
Urine therapy has been preached for like forever1 it works for those who use it alright, but for me No, its for the face though, early morning urine for your face does wonder!!
No way!
Hell no!
Linda, ur blog don turn comedy! Kolo pipu full here o. Meanwhile for facials is good, buh 4 drinking ke me no kon knw sha
*Photo Model said it*
Hahahahaha OMG... That second paragraph is hilarious!!
Like seriously. Is this real? #throwing up and down inside my humma jeep.
Just like Honey is a bee's waste product...
My mom went for a test and was told something was found in her breasts resembling cancer-like lumps. She was advised by some one about this urine therapy. She forced herself to drink it. The next time she went for follow up appointment, they couldn't find anything. Since then, she's been ok. Its disgusting but when you weigh the alternative (the disease), I wouldn't think twice.
Yes drinking early morning urine truly helps, but the best recipe is to mix 100g of early morning Shit with 500ml or half a liter of urine. Drink it daily and sure u will live for 100year and devoid of diseases. DR Kulman
This totally Hilarious...isn't it?
Old post but totally amusing.
Nicely written though Linda.
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I'm a 52 year old man and have been drinking my own urine since 1995.
It may sound strange or ridiculous until you get sick.
I am faith i don't no how to tell the word the greatest thing that happen in my life.I was so sick that i lose all the money I have in so many hospital still yet there was no solutions on till I go for blood test for different hospital almost five doctor told me I am H.I.V positive. & after then all hope I have was lost I was waiting the lord will called me. One nite I woke up in mind nite start crying so my mind told me to check in Google so I see many testimony about. Dr lala I was daunting if the man is real a great man but just because of the testimony of his good news.I said let me try & I email him he reply me back I told him my problems he said that he will reply me back three minis time after he check the oracle. So he reply me after three minis & told me the doctors were says the truth of my blood test. He said it was spiritual H.I.V. I was having that he can be able to help me. So I respond to all the thinks he ask me to do. after then I go for a checkup in three different hospital the doctors were wonder and told me I am now H.I.V. Negative. Now i fill like greatest woman in the word.am very very I thank. Dr lala for doing great in my life thank ones again I will never forget you. am great full. If help is a great full man email him. Lalapumena@gmail.com
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Urine therapy works! Been drinking first morning urine for almost a year and it has reduced my cholesterol, my blood pressure, and my blood glucose levels. I have very painful diabetic neurapaty and rubbing urine on affected area helps tremendously! My Dr. wonders why my cholesterol is going down since I refuse to take the statin drug she prescribes, but I won't tell her; just continuing to drink midstream, first morning urine and will never stop. Hoping one day it will completely heal my pancreas. Urine is NOT A WASTE PRODUCT!!! It contains numerous healing vitamins, minerals, and enzymes.
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