For all you Guinness Stout lovers, wherever you are, be a part of this remarkable success by raising your glasses filled with ice cold Guinness! Take pictures with your friends whilst doing this! Upload pictures on m.guinnessvip.com. The most creative and outstanding picture stands a chance to win a MONTH’S SUPPLY OF YOUR FAVOURITE BEER, GUINNESS FOREIGN EXTRA STOUT! You can also be a fan of Guinness on www.facebook.com/guinnessvip or follow them on twitter at www.twitter.com/guinnessvip. So be part of this epic day. Raise your glasses, upload your pictures and win. That simple!
Guinness Foreign Extra Stout wishes you all a fun Friday in advance and encourages everyone to Stay On-Side and enjoy their drinks responsibly:
Guinness is strictly not for sale to or consumption by persons under 18
Drink water between drinks to keep you refreshed
Eat a good meal before and after the big match
Captain your team - keep an eye on your friends and make sure they get home safely
Don’t drink and drive
Want to stay in touch with everything football, lifestyle and entertainment? Just join Guinness VIP. SMS ’Yes’ and your Date of Birth to ‘1759 and you’re in.
NOTE: Terms and conditions apply
You see we are the highest yet no single reality show from them like gulder does ultimate search. Nonsense.
Yippee! I am raising my glass already. Guinness is the drink, If you are Guinness then you are not a man. I love the taste.
This Guiness advert is screaming,
"Get DRUNK on Guinness (Foreign Extra Stout), you nation of DRUNKARDS, ..."
A sightseeing tour of their Dublin, Ireland factory would put you off Guiness, forever - if you're hygiene conscious. I don't drink it's manufactured. It's not organic. I smoke organic stuffs such as weed / Indian hemp / ganja / marihuana. Guinness is for amatuers and nursery school kids.
I'm kidding ooo - I've never smoked anything in my life. lol
Yipee. Oya now. Let's drink to Guinness. My glass is raised.
Recession Ni ko jeki a mu beer ni Europe. Congratulations for drunkard award.
ooh nne okwa gi ariana. ina emeziri the guinness advert. anyi ga e celebrate ya with one udeme.
Wa sere ....... 17:59 jooo Strictly odeku
All ye nation of drunkards,lol
Warri Girl.
What kind of stupid country is this? So na we drink Guiness beer pass every other country in d world? Dat one na good thing???
so in one word, happy drinking, lets all get drunk! yah! (shaking head)
I Love guiness, I would raise my Glass at 17:59 but what does Guiness give back to Nigeria, they don't even film their adverts here, this advert says we should drink water between drinking but does guiness help provide clean water in a 3rd world country like Nigeria, do they clearly support any sport genuinely apart from running advert during football games, I think this is the time for them to give back to Nigeria, they could start by filming there next advert in Nigeria
Pun lease! What is Gulder? Fake beer. So what they do reality shows. Gulder Ultimate Search is stage managed, like all reality shows. The winners are agreed before the show even starts. Reality shows are testament to how stupid we have become as human beings. Let Gulder have it's group of fans. Leave me with my Guinness.
This is a shame.
I can't believe this is the type of category we come first in. Oti mimu... *kmt*
Just like d first comment, Nigeria is your largest market and she has nothing to show for it. No feseable corporate social responsibility, no grass roots programmes, nothing! After getting you to this status and making so much money for you guys, all you can offer and have always offered are FREE DRINKS. Are we that stupid n gullible? I have been a loyal guiness customer since the day I had my first bottle 15yrs ago but this single advert\writeup could make me change my brand. This achievement will only mean that Nigerians can buy beer so rather than offer free drinks to one customer who u love his\her picture for a Month, generate a corporate social responsibility plan or programme that will affect all nigerian positively(not a select few). Or if u want to give something free then give something GOOD! At the level we are in our national development, companies like guiness who have gained so much from nigeria should also give back. Your sponsorship of the english premier league has no bearing on Nigeria socio-economically its just a way to send money back to mother England(UK) even ur sponsorship of polo n golf is just for a select few who don't make up market that got u to this status(how many nigerian golfers or polo player have hit limelight internationally through guiness?) if you guys want to return the respect and loyalty of Nigerians all these years do something fully and positively Nigerian, WE DESERVE IT. So in the spirit of celebration go back to ur boardrooms and think up something better for US but for 2day I aint raising my glass with you cos I may have gulder or star in it; I just realised, they are more nigerian.
Plz ı need a job @ guıness jare.
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