Seun Kuti's late grandma, political activist and doyen of female rights in Nigeria, Mrs Funmiayo Kuti, is one of the women whose face has been approved to appear on the proposed new N5, 000 bill, but in a Google+ hangout with Channels TV, the afrobeat musician said he doesn't think his grandma would have approved of her image being used on the note.
Putting her face on a note is a real honour and a great way to immortalize a great woman. But I respect how Seun feels!
I guess dat might be because of d hardship it's about to cause d majority of d masses
The image in the N5000 not is not clear/Bright at all.
What do you know about your grandmum? People just looking for cheap publicity. Abeg park well.
Apart from inflation,they are making d money izy for them to still.mtcheeeeew thieves!
Apart from inflation,they are making d money izy for them to still.mtcheeeeew thieves!
The Dude got a point .. I mean , the granny is an activist ... Given the Situation and timing !!! Its the direct opposite of the meaning and what she stood for ...
how did u know what ur mum could have felt about this??
dis sanusi guy,na fish brain...5000 naira note,wen d naira does even have value..the policy makers in dis country,think through their anus
Yes its totaly truth from seun . This another way of politician to still trillions from nigeRia wakeup my people don't accepted this shit no more fight for right now stand up ?
dis sanusi guy,na fish brain...5000 naira note,wen d naira doesnt even have value..the policy makers in dis country,think through their anus
Lamido is boko haram..he wants to use dis means to steal frm d tax payers money...5000 naira note...hmm,dats d stupidest and most ridiculus way of stealin and to top it all he didnt even tell d senate,maybe he is bored and needs a project to occupy him...and also put his name in history.nigerians dont need anoda freakin note..we neva even finish use d one we have,ders just two words to describ dis lamido guy..ass hole
I weep 4 ur myopic n pedestrial sense of thinking. Wat do u knw abt him too,2 say dat he is looking 4 cheap publicity.
You must be very very stupid. Anumanu!!
I don't tink u can do any tin about it bro just chill and watch naija and dat hausa he goatlike man sanusi to do wat is in dia mind.
Abegiiiii this one wants to trend. Oya park well joorrrr
It's "Steal"
Was. She's late!
Just like ur name, you're very daft.
But seriously..what's the reason behind this N5000 note? a poor man can count the number of times he has seen N1000 note not to talk of N5000note. its only a device mechanism to keep the thieves and looters of this country on point with their looting activities.
He has the full right to stand for his grandmum... So stop accusing him. You ate the ones that has no single right to question him.
Well said jare...I agree with u on dis.
@ anonymous 10:05 u are jst jobless goan wash ur head in bar beach mstchwww *patrick*
Your Grandmum died many years before you were born, how would you have known how she'd have felt? Nigerians na wa for us sha. *confused face*
And you write through the whole! *not*
His an ass-hole but won't murder English like u. *Stupidest*
Why mke your case worst than his. @least he can kip us spellbound with written n spoken english.
Annonymous 9:44pm is right. What does dis stupid dude know about his grand ma. He's just seeking public attention and u fools are giving it to him. How can he say for sure dat the woman will not want her face on the naira note. Seun abeg go sleep for ur house on Gbemisola street ikeja and stop seeking for notice. Crazy people
Wow I c dumb pple hia! Una 2 wey dey talk wat do u know bout d grand son! Not to talk of d grandmom! U 2 r so empty. Idiots!
Daft x100
Yeah, you're quite confused.
You can try google though, it would still tell you what Mrs Kuti was about not to talk of her grand son. Going by the current state of the economy and security, we don't need an elder Kuti who lived with her to deduce that she would not have approved. Seun grew up right and knows his family values and what his grand mother and father stood for. That's a good child that has his head screwed on well.
You guys are hilarious,what do you mean by "what does he know about his grandma?" what do you know about his grandma. At least he is related to the woman.
Seriously Nigeria as a country is pretty much crumbling to pieces, and you small minded individuals are attacking him for standing up against such stupidity. There is absolutely no need to create a 5000 naira note, and to then decide to put a woman that advocated so strongly for a woman rights and the advancement of Nigeria on it, is the height of insult. We are using her image, identity and struggle to gift wrap our stupidity as a nation...well done guys! way to effing go
You guys are hilarious,what do you mean by "what does he know about his grandma?" what do you know about his grandma. At least he is related to the woman.
Seriously Nigeria as a country is pretty much crumbling to pieces, and you small minded individuals are attacking him for standing up against such stupidity. There is absolutely no need to create a 5000 naira note, and to then decide to put a woman that advocated so strongly for a woman rights and the advancement of Nigeria on it, is the height of insult. We are using her image, identity and struggle to gift wrap our stupidity as a nation...well done guys! way to effing go
they killed her mama...didn't you all hear Fela shouting and singing about that...The Mum probably wont want their hypocrisy. Learn a bit of history before you criticize the young man.
All this foolish people postin rubish her abt how seun is seekin attention nd nt knowin anifin abt hi grandmum shud jst die pls.how cn u be so stupid,the woman ws an activist who wud always fight against stuff like dis nd u wnt to honour her tru sumtin she wodnt av supported ,u must be sick.I. Fink seun has a point nd he has all right to fight against it.nigeria needs chang but nt dis kind of change .
Ori gbogbo yin ko pe....truth is this is d most brilliant way to embezzle money as no one can prove how much d cost of producing new bills is. They said its N40b, I was expecting N1tr, since no BPE/Due Process cn question the quotations. Note-cost of production of new bills(paper money) has always been greater than the actual value of money produced.Fortunately, the exercise has been suspended. What u fools should be discussing is how to make permanent the decision not to produce the new bills. @Anonymous unconstructive'Gbagaun detector'
Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm na waoooooo#nae persomalFeeling sha# Zinazee20
I shall go by the bible verse..."do not argue with a fool, lest you will be called a fool"
How could you call people expressing their thoughts 'fools'!?
How can this CBN he goat called make awkward decisions to more than 150million people half of which is learned? So incredible!
Obviously you idiots don't know how she passed. Seun kuti tours the world and because he's a free spirit doesn't mean he is seeking TRENDING he doesn't need ur gatdem cheap publicity when he is sought on a world stage. Frustrated beings
See wat alanta,yahooze,azonto has caused in nigeria,pple dnt have time to read history books again,some pple's reasoning is very shallow by sayin wat did seun knw abt his grandmum,the Ransome Kuti family are educated pple,they re social and exposed. A lot of pple dat re not even related to dem knw how nigeria govt treated madam Funmilayo how d soldiers threw her from d window,pls my pple go bck to ur father's study in ur look for books I mean history books and read it..
Gbagaun detector....***whole or hole***???
9jadeltapikin... @annon the guy Ȋ̊§ right n Ǻ♍ sure that the grandma will not accept on the ground of »W̶̲̥̅̊н̣̣̣̝̇̇̇@̤̥̣̈̊̇†̥̣̣̣̇̇̇ Ȋ̊§ happening in Nigeria now she will not want t, also U̶̲̥̅̊ dnt knw seun cos if U̶̲̥̅̊ knw seun U̶̲̥̅̊ will not say he Ȋ̊§ looking for publicity cos he Ȋ̊§ well knwn all over the world S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ google Ȋ̊§ name n do U̶̲̥̅̊я research well B4 U̶̲̥̅̊ start rumbling U̶̲̥̅̊я mouth up n down for ds blog. †̥ånKz
What advantage can dis note add to our economy, D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ are only trying to pave easy way for money londry
Are you guys for real? He has said nothing out of place. She would clearly not have approved of it or of any other dubious "honour" for that matter, being supposedly bestowed on her by this yeye govt.
So it is ok for descendants of other activists/political figures such as MLK, JFK and Medgar Evers to speak on behalf of their gone ancestor....even those that barely have a memory or never met them but when a Nigerian does it, he should go and "park well". How ridiculous! It's called legacy people! I'm sure it is going to be passed on even after Seun is long gone! Thus he has a right to speak on it! Now, on the issue of that N5,000 note....smh!
i dont tink seun is wrong...i mean wats d big deal in apperin in naira notes dat aint got any value/swag. It wil be degradin d poor womans sef image abeg!!!
Is this administration responsible for your grandmum's death?
You commenters can like to fight ehn! Wonderful!
Are u ur grand mum? Grand mum u neva met.
peter debby & sherl..., its better you ignore people like that 'anonymous' guy. People like that are so intellectually limited that they hardly know right from left. Always antagonistic and never seem to have the ability to be objective in their arguments. Ask the idiot to upload a profile and you'll be surprised to see he might just be a primary school dropout!
Make una allow dis guy na,haba..granny na him own;dead or alive.shudnt he knw wat his elders stood for in their time?and who d hell is dat CORRECTION FLUID of a dude?na yu sabi English pass,idiot?yu for go make patience jonathan employ yu so yu go de correct her speeches b4 she rubbish dis naija finally(as yu no get job)
and how would he know that ehh abeg let him shut up joor
Linda, biko, stop posting all these 'gbagaun' ridden comments, they're doing my eyes in
Wats u people's onw? Are u members of their family?..y'all know both His Grandma and Dad stood againt Corruption...for pitsake this 5000naira ish is gon harm us in all ways, inflation, more poverty and all... And Yes She won't av wanted it...#gbam, y'all shud stop hating on Seun, I wonder y some people just want to just insult oda people, its u gan gan dats lookn 4 cheap pub on ds blog, just stay anonymous, coz we all know Seun kuti, *enuf said.
Thank u jare @Make-Up by Teju
Even the woman died long before he was born, he'll know her history at least. Abi u wey dey talk, are u member of their family? You nor hear her history? Only God knows where Linda get all these bad belles and frustrated souls wey full her blog, ehn! O ga ooo
LOL Nigerians will NOT kill me! You're asking how he would know what his grandmum feels? How does CBN know how his grandmum would feel? How do any of you saying he should shut up know? Who has the most right to talk about her between him, the finance industry, and the Nigerian people? After they tossed her off a balcony like she was a sack of rice and no one paid for her murder you want to put her face on 5000 naira note. This is the same thing they did with MKO. You want to name a school after him..HOW DID HE DIE? All this hypocrisy in Nigeria and we're looking for God to come and save us *hiss*
Abeg ah go tok 4 dis 1 ooooo.sanusi,u wan mk d moni d monei d easy 4 u 2 dwload?nawaoooo.
The boy is just an attention seeker. He inherited his dad music, he couldnt even stand on his own like Femi did. He is merely trying to use Naija youths current bashing of the President and being in opposition to seek attention. Funmilayo Kuti is a grand mum to so many, he cant speak for all of them, he is merely speaking for himself. It is an honour to the woman, and who says being an acitvist shouldnt be recognised?
Nawa oo...evribody jus dey run mouth!!!mcheew!
abeg tell themoo
Maybe Its the reason why the honor is given post humously..but hey, Seun has the right to express himself; and except you are a Kuti, let him be. Anyways, its a blog, so yarn on, let's see how many get d liver to tell him to his face that he is wrong!!!!!
Where is that Gbagaun detector he-goat? **whole or hole? ***worst or worse? You must be related to Dame Patience. Mtchew x5000
u dnt nid 2 insult ursef over dis issue,wat i knw 4 sure is dat God is watchn us all.If sum1 say seun knw notin about his grandmum den dat person also knw notin about his/her grandmum.i wonda y sum plle ar so sick in d head 2 wake up and coment uselessly on national issues,seun ride on u ar truely son of ur father.Seun dat sum idiotic element sayin he want a cheap recognation is well knwn all over d world, i wanna ask hw many of u dat pass comment has done anytn dat u cud live 4?..non.If God can conquer Abacha God wil conquer dem all
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