The management of Cosmilla Hotel, located at Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin in Lagos, said they sacked the staff because they breached security protocol of the hotel. Not only did Cynthia's murderers check in with fake IDs, the front desk didn't get Cynthia's details, making it difficult to identify her body after her attackers took away all items that could have helped to identify her. She was in the morgue for over 2 weeks before anyone knew who she was.
Cynthia will be buried September 7.
Linda Biko check ur email plZzzzzz RIP Cynthia
Linda Biko check ur email plZzzzzz RIP Cynthia
Nice move but unfortunately it's not going to bring back the dead...
Na wa o. Sad.
And for the pharmacist that gave sedative to the criminals without prescription, I feel so bad for him. But he will teach others a lesson that it is criminal to give non-over-d-counter drugs without prescription, even in nigeria
Somethings are just unnecessary, sacking the hotel staff won't bring her back or anything, just like how they arrested the pharmacist that sold the drug to them that has nothing to do with the murder.
So now if pesin go buy rat poison from kiosk,dem go arrest the kiosk owner?
Anyway Cynthia rest in the bosom of the lord.
useless hotel management, bunch of criminals, what rubbish reason for sacking them. The hotel should be shut down completely. who are u people deceiving....you're bloody selves
Yeeeee!!! First!!! Bad belle people go and such ice cube.
Y can't we see a clear pic of d muderers faces, is d 9ja police hiding anythn
I am happy Cynthia and her family are getting justice. However, I can't help but think that this is only happening because Cynthia is a 'big mans daughter'. There are so many other missing daughters and unidentified bodies at the morgue. I just hope this effective investigation isn't a one time thing.
RIP Cynthia.
- Chichi
I can understand them firing security guards but they should leave cleaners, cooks, etc there is nothing they could have done. Abeg, work is hard to find.
Se thEm jst dey knw that one. Abegiii. Make them park well joo
Sacking them is a good one. I also think coupled with the sack, they should be charged for lack of due diligence together with the management of the hotel. That will serve as a deterrent for other hospitality business practitioners and make them and their staffers be more diligent. Hospitality business is now a big deal in Nigeria and a regulatory framework should exist.
"The Law" says so!
Medicine after death!!!
Sad, God knows best.
This is too little too late. Had adequate security measures been in place, at Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, (where Cynthia Osokogu was murdered on 22 July 2012) the killers would never have gone past the helpdesk with fake ids.
The sacking of the staffs at Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, who were on duty (on 22 July 2012) is nothing but a sad, insulting and diabolical attempt by the management of Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, to distance their silly backside from blame. The management of Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, should be sacked and jailed for at least 10 years each.
The staffs who were on duty on the day of the murder of Cynthia Osokogu were complicit in the heinous crime and should be jailed for 20 years each. I believe other guests have been murdered in that same hotel before and their bodies abandoned in morgues, etc.
The owner of Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, and board of directors should be jailed for at least 5 years each and banned for 300 years from operating a licensed premises and / or acting as company directors. Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria should be closed down and demolished.
The owners of Cosmilla Hotel, Lake View Estate, Amuwo Odofin, Lagos, Nigeria, should pay immediate 100 billion Naira cash compensation to the parents of Cynthia Osokogu. By bankrupting and making an example of Cosmilla Hotel, it's owners, directors and management staffs, it'd serve as an effective deterrent to others.
The killers of Cynthia Osokogu should hanged, after 50 years of solitary confinement and hard labour - no parole or / and forgiveness. May each one of them rut in everlasting HELL.
RIP Cynthia Osokogu.
That is a positive developemnt; hope other Hospitity providers will take a cue from this. Cynthia RIP
Good managerial decision, but its too late already, it wont bring her back*sad*
Will it bring her back 2 life,plz dey shld allow d dead girl rest in peace already.
May God deliver us frm all evil in Jesus name amen.
good for them , i ve been blame them all this while . these are those little things that matters
Smtcheeeew.we no nid story again,abege!make d babe rip jare!post my comment o linda,u no dey post my coment all dis while.
Wow, I happen to know d owner of cosmilla, didn't even kno it was in his hotel it happen. God is d one tru judge. May her soul RIP now dat her killers are in custody. Linda plz o somone has won dat mtn plane ohhh nd plz dear post ma comment.
Serves dem ryt, imagine dere level of security.
Linda why do u always display the pictures of these heartless murderers with their heads bent. Pls I will like to see their faces. Am so sorry for their mothers, that is if they have any.
evil people for u to see how ready they were to murder cythian to d extent of giving hotel fake adress, gosh who knw how long they hv been planing that evil and were busy pretending to cythian all along,if only cythian were able to read there minds through there misurable faces and knw that there smiles were all fake or maybe they were good pretenders thou ,but cythian made a big mistake by nt writing her name and adress or even next of kin phone num while checking into a room wt 2young strangers thou some hotels dnt hv all that,good to sack those idiots who could nt suspect 2guys who checked in wt one girl and spent more than 12hours wtout demanding for an ordinary botle of water or drinks or even food,cant stp imagining how cynthian was feeling then and how she might be busy praying in her minds wishing and expecting sombody to batch in and save her nt nothing nobody was coming to knock, what a pity may her gently soul rest in peace and may all who contribute to her death neve go unpunished.
Dats good
These guys should really bow their head in shame! They have brought big shame to their family! Ewu,Allusi!!!
These guys should really bow their head in shame! They have brought big shame to their family! Ewu,Allusi!!!
Nawaoo,see bad market
yeah i know it hurts dat she is gone but sacking them wont bring her back now couple of people have been sent to the en-employment market. instead wat should be done is re training, and re orientation of staffers in various organizations this should be carried out periodically this will help them function effectively. and girls should learn to shun the lust for materialism
9jadeltapikin... Ǧ☺☺ϑ All dos whose hand Α̲̅я̩̥̊ε̲̣̣̣̥ in cynthia death one way or the other will never know peace in their life α̲̅πϑ their generations Τ̅☺ come iJN Amen. Cos cynthia did not do U̶̲̥̅̊ guys wrong
nylon still on the car seats! naija people and trying to form brand new car? is it really necessary?
Festac is a very scary place. Dia guys r too rough. Wen der r hotels on d island y wld I lodge in festac. Its 2 far frm everywer sef.as a lady smtyms its good 2 ve class it may help u in fallin in2 d hands of sm kinda guys. In d 1st place y wld I cme n look 4 boys dat look like dez 1s. Like serzlY? Well shit happens, deed's bn done buh ladies look b4 u leap, look @ a guys wristwatch, shoes, car b4 u follow dem newer.
Anonymous August 30 4:46pm na nylon you see. she's dead now you fit go help am commot the nylon.Ode oshi.na that one we dey talk?oponu jati jati
Thats why u dont have class and sense. Can happen to you in your imaginary island hotel room. Remember epe is not VI.
U must be outta ur damn freaking baseless totless mind!!! Is dat y we r here? 4 nylon on d car seat! Bloody ass!! Honestly we av more mad men logging on 2 d net than those in mental homes!!! Foolish idiot!! U had nothing else to say but 2 still gossip about d dead!! Its people like u that committ murder and say u dint kw wat u werw thinking!!! Anuofia!!!
****Mufasa said
Mugu man,there are hotels in Irland,what has this got to do with d dead..This dead girl has class 1000times more dan u.Na wristwatch n car dey tell weda person na thief.Ewu u v nothing to say.
annonymous 5.39 chai i indeed see say mumu dey flow for ur blood wel wel how can u 4get d topic at hand and start lamenting abt d lilon on d car a dead person is sitting on?which u dnt even knw d details abt d car if is her's or nt?if they just bought it or nt?if that was where they are selling cars or nt?u dnt even knw y d lilons are there and u are here talking ill of d dead maybe u should go and tel her where she is right nw to remove d lilon frm d car,yorubatic human being lk u.
Hope they also sacked managment
U must be a sniper or a very important member of the swat team
Lmao @ Cosmilla! Cosmilla!! U wan take style spoil market for the Hotel abi? It could have happened @ any other Hotel k!pity d poor girl n her family ! Eehen plus d pharmacist!!
is dat her father's range sport? if not then her waka no pure. should be a lesson to all naija babes. may her soul rest in peace
Guys watch out oo,babes dey steal too! I finiShed gbainshing this fine Unilag babe in Lagos! I foolishly told her I was leaving d hotel to go see my aunt in ikoyi.
I forgot to pick up d perfume I bought 4 ma aunty and behod,d same babe I saw off was at d hotel lobby trying to get into ma room,but luckily for me,d front desk refused to let her in. I read d riot act to her and banned her frm ever coming near me ever again!
If na poor man pikin naw,we no go hear anitin.abeg e.
If na poor man pikin naw,we no go hear anitin.abeg e.
If na poor man pikin naw,we no go hear anitin.abeg e.
Please i am with you on this. I stay in festac and also attended same school with him. I also happen to know nonso from his time @ raforn pharmacy on 24 road. I have been on twitter campaigning for him. @mr_cc. That nonso i know wont even hurt a cockroach. Please lets work on getting him out.
Guys watch out oo,babes dey steal too! I finiShed gbainshing this fine Unilag babe in Lagos! I foolishly told her I was leaving d hotel to go see my aunt in ikoyi.
I forgot to pick up d perfume I bought 4 ma aunty and behod,d same babe I saw off was at d hotel lobby trying to get into ma room,but luckily for me,d front desk refused to let her in. I read d riot act to her and banned her frm ever coming near me ever again!
Stop talkin anyhow, if u hve an hotel, let us see how u will control it, dey did d best dey could, after all through d help of cctv dey were able 2 detect out dose criminals.
So an anonymous person is = YORUBATIC??? I'm seriously getting you igbo people. Truly u people can hate for the devil. Smh
And you sir/ma are an idiot. Whats with the ' yorubatic' there? What makes him/her yoruba out of all possible tribes?
Rest in peace cynthia
why sack the staff @ the hotel,did they lure cynthia to the hotel and the pharmacist,did he knw wht the guys intended to do with the drug,well the truth is cynthia shld hav told her parents before travelling,and even @ dat she shldnt hav gone to meet pple she met on a social network without security,and imagine she dosent even knw the guys,wht was she tinking,well its a tragedy,but say the truth cynthia is also to blame for wht happened to her,and her parents its just so sad,RIP cynthia.
all the staff in the hotel including the owner should be investigated, the owner of the hotel must have suspected that some of his staff could have been involve in the crime, because those criminal must have been regular visitor to the hotel and he is trying to separate is hotel buiz from other culprit that might arise.
R.I.P dear. Assuming it hapened in the states, this kind of tragedy, would have been put up in investigation discovery. Where pple can watch nd learn. Anyway, the God of justice is alive .
Thought you had class, for real... But you just killed yourself with that sentence about "wristwatch and car"... For real???? !!! SMDH!
At anon 2.00pm, eeya I feel ur pain. Yoruba's say sumfin lyk 'akoba adaba,olorun maje a ri'.meanin may we nt b implicated in issues we kno nufin about.ur nephew wz jst implicated. All he did wz 2 help som1 he tot wz a gentleman.truth is if he dint sell d drug 2 dat murderer, d murrderer wld still av gotten it from anoda pharmacy/ chemist.buh d gud news is dat God is too faithful to fail n if truly ur nephew wz jst robed into it, God wld make a way out 4 him. He sounds so promising wif wat I read abt him n he shldnt b allowed to waste away in jail. My prayers r wif you, Take heart. May God comfort d family of d deceased.
Omfg. Wrist watch and car??????? Like seriously. Ur a stack illiterate n d dumbest brain on the 9 planets. Damn u screw u fuckn asshole
Linda wht did i do to u.u v nt b postin ny comments Y?
@ my nephew is chukwunonso.1st of all as a best grad student he doesn't know the least thing as the ethics of his field?what a shame! So bcos somone pleads with u to go against ur ethics u do so at ur detriment? Why didn't ur nephew prescribe vallium or piriton instead.mbok let me hear sth else.excpt God favors him no law court will listen to that BS
Good move!
Tell em!
U see am tired of hearing this case, rest in peace my dear. I knw d family are still hurt.. To hv gone far in investigating this. Case.. Dis lady in question made a mistake meeting smone on net without knowing much abt d person....... at her age talent and status.. She shud have heard abt cases like dis... I knw we all mk mistakes d deed has been done.. Pls let d family punish this criminals and rest.. I also blame d hotel management they were nt security conscious.. Pls incase u dnt lose ur hotel liecense next time d thing shud neva repeat its self.. As for pharmacists.. Pls I knw u guys thinks all are dreams bt its real, pls jst tk hrt and learn frm it sha I hp dey release u guys.. Frm dr queen
i think we shd stop blaming the front office cos i dont see how they would av known dat the id were fake.and dis could av happened in any other hotel. dis hotel was just unfortunate
What a managerial decision, but its too late already.
Lakeview Lodge bed and breakfast gidgegannup
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