London Metropolitan University has lost its “highly trusted status” because a survey found significant problems with the qualifications of many of its foreign students, Immigration Minister Damian Green said.
In a “significant proportion” of cases, there was no documentation that students had a good standard of English, Green said, and there was no proof that half of those sampled were attending lectures. He said the sampling of the university’s foreign students indicated that more than a quarter did not have current permission to be in the country.
“Any one of those breaches would be serious,” Green told BBC radio. “We found all three of those breaches at London Metropolitan.”
A degree from a U.K. university is highly prized by many students abroad, and those from outside the European Union often pay higher fees than residents. The British government, which has cracked down on immigration in multiple ways, has pointed to student visas as a category ripe for abuse by those who may instead be looking for work.
London Metropolitan has 30,000 students, and 2,600 are affected by the government’s decision, said university spokesman Nick Hansen. Students from other European Union countries don’t need visas.
The affected students will have 60 days to find new sponsors once they are formally notified by the government, or they could be deported. A task force has been set up to help genuine students who otherwise qualify for visas, Universities Minister David Willetts said, but with the fall term imminent students have little time to find new sponsors and courses.
After uk has whooped a hell lot of money from nigerian students, now they want to deport them!!!! A clear case of 419.... the taskforce should beta hold their own oh or we send boko haram 2 them....
The time you were advertising coventry, this news was out since morning.Now fire don catch HIV for luth you no go post am now, until saturday reach instead you go dey post beauty of the day,karen igho.Step up your blogging level by giving us breaking news as it comes.My opinion
How do u get a sponsor? Look at a country like Nigeria so rich in natural and human potetials,d Britishe bardged in without a Visa and claimed colonial masters,now look at d way nigerians are being treated like lepers in London! Don't blame them!But for our useless leaders who messed up Nigeria,what would one be looking for in Britain?Racist,Bigoted clowns in human skin!
To be fair, it is a very rubbish school.... Its only people who don't knw that would apply to this school. Absolute waste of money. Lesson to naija, before u pay for any school, research , ask around about d quality first before u decide to go there
There a lot of useless school in this uk
A whole 1,500 naijans in one school....biko, why I go won go that kind uni na. That means if I turn left or right its only naija I will see. I might as well remain in lasu then
Hehhehehee to this statment “significant proportion” of cases, there was no documentation that students had a good standard of English........I agree, d school is rubbish jare
damn what a waste of resources
Check out this site. Sign up and start earning. A trial will convince u. U don't need to pay a penny.http://incomepart.com/ref.php?page=act%2Fref&invcod=44783
This is so serious
I said it before that UK Border Agency will deport many non-British citizens once the Olympics is over - once tourists have spent their shopping money. it's gon be harder for many in naija to enter Eu, UK or U.S cos of the economic problems the governments are in. Even without the negative economic climate in EU countries, the Tory party are known for tightening the immigration rules and procedures once they trick their way into office. The luck of those that deportable can only change after the next general election - and Larbour Part comes back into power. I don't see Labour winning the next election because the were the cause of the present economic climate - they left the banks to do as they pleased without the laid down supervision. The truth is UK is burst and in deep recession, but the government and the governor of the bank of England, rightly would not publicly say it cos it will scare off foreign investors.
The current and future immigration rules of UK can be beaten, if you do your research and stay 12 steps ahead of uk immigration rule. Always have a plan, good (Jewish lawyer), and you will beat them. Never ever use a naija lawyer for immigration, commercial or criminal case or the system may discriminate on you and your lawyer. Use oyinbo lawyer that hates oyinbo system, know the law more than them, and use the law to make a mockery of rules.
Thank God. I just got admitted for my MSc into the school though I had my doubts from the onset.
Moral of the story --> Just because it is a uk university does not mean you should invest ur money in them.
This is similar to the coventry uni ish that was here yesterday.
If you must come abroad, do your homework and research on institutions and go for the best.
I think d Nigerian Government should sensitize its people. Am sick nd tired of Britain high nd mighty ways.Nigerans shud understand der r oda options open to them.Canada,USA,scotland,etc.
These are the type of people that make it so hard for us to secure visa to the uk or even other parts of the world. Jeezzzz
The school that is pictured above (LondonMet) is nothing but a joker. they come to nigeria and tell u of so many false rankings about themselves , by the time u land in there ur eyes will clear. You cant evn use their certificate to get atleast a meaningful job in the uk. Its a pity how all sorts of schools come to nigeria to lure students who want to get degrees from 'UK UNIVERISTIES' anyhow anywhere. A big advice for anyone who cares...if u intend to study in the uk....PlEASE SAVE WELL AND ATTEND A TOP SCHOOL...so u dont end of wasting money because when u come back to Nigeria...u will continue to JOB HUNT. A TIP - the school u want to attend should be in the RUSSEL GROUP OF SCHOOLS and atleast in the top 20 in the UK UNIVERISTIES LEAGUE TABLE RANKING. Goodluck people.
So outta d 2000, nigerian students are 1500? Oluwa oooooo!!!! That's a lot na. So all these ones wey dey form since, were actually on grant. Smh.
Ewooooo oooo why dey wan burst someones bubbles!
Fuck the uk nd what they stand for there schools all come down here advertising the uk dream only to get here nd start giving yeye rules I rather stay in my country nd hustle a big blow to those who are desperate to b in uk by force
Isn't this humiliation by foreign schools enough to make them realise we have to step up our own standard too.
Btw, Linda ehn I'm a great fan of urs ooo and dt idea of having ur blog as an app on is great but u ve to increase dt standard ehn.we can't even comment or view comments on it.Weldone tho!
Make sure you guys collect your monies back not even a dime left behind.
lmao ... they can always transfer to Ghana or MAO-LAG
That university sha...please oh after people have paid fees and studied for 3yr and are about to graduate hmmmmmm
wow 60 days is such a short time considering this is not admission time but resumption time
This is so unfair oooo..... the school has always been rubbish but a lot of people dont knw till they get there. I hope they extend it sha and give them more time to look for another school
What is funny in this???
Y is anoda person unfortunate situation funny to u ?
That should have been "deportation FROM the Uk"
This is very unfair... The students should team up and go to court..
Eyah, feel for them.
Warri Girl.
There are so many rubbish school in this UK ....Nigerian please do you research well, if it is not top 20 then save ur money and go to UI or Unilag instead
Go to RUSSEL GROUP OF SCHOOLS and attend only the schools on that list .
Haters its stil UNILAG! Beef till u die!
Gidi is spot on...Russel Group school and research research research your intended schools ratings
lONDONMET...that one no be school na, It is better to go to Lagos Business school before you go and dash oyinbo man money for a useless degree.
University of east london too. they will soon do their own...
I wasn't surprised when I heard the news about London Met because back in July 2008 it was reported that London Met had been misreporting data on student drop-outs for several years and In 2009 the school was ordered to repay £36.5m to the Higher Education Funding Council for England in a dispute over the reporting of student numbers.
Basically here in the uk the schools get money from the government for the amount of students in attendance and London Met lied. Thats when their problems started and they dropped to a low rated school, then they started taking every Tom, dick and Harry.
Everyone here knows that when every school turns you down, London Met would accept you,
I think people should take responsibility by doing their own research when choosing a Uni, you can't say the school reps came to Nigeria and misrepresented, what happened to doing your own research before making a choice, I find that most people in Nigeria are so desperate to come to London that they just accept anything thrown at them, if you google London Met you'll see their full history and in this case I feel like the students and their families are partly to blame for what they are facing now as it would have cost nothing to research before spending thousands of pounds on a school that has a awful reputation and also gives degrees that no one would respect.
Team up 2 go 2 court in a white/strange man's land, may God see u all through.
If only Nigerians will listen and in the next academic year boycott studying in the UK. Their own is becoming too much. First, it was cancelling Post study work visa now this. With all the money we pay, we don't deserve the way they treat us. So what happens to all the money they've paid for their tuition, accommodation and all? They'll just deport them like that? Of course our own government is too useless to fight on their behalf especially if no government/public officers' child is affected.
I am a Nigerian currently rounding up my postgraduate study in the UK and sometimes I regret that I came to this country. Honestly can't wait to be back home. Even with all our wahala and craze, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME! You pay so much money to come here, accommodation, feeding, transportation are all not cheap, then once your programme is over you are expected to leave the country. You can't even get a proper job to recover half of what you have spent. I ask again, is it worth it?
Truth be told after the Asians (Chinese especially), Nigerians are the next highest number of International students. So if we can all unite and speak with one voice (Don't know how possible but i'm hoping), they will feel the impact! Its bad enough that not only do we need a visa to enter the country that colonized us, the visa process can take forever!
PS: I'm sorry, long story but just had to rant
Dave Cameron it is your loss.myou loose out when people will decide to go to other countries to study. In recession you need forein( not eu fees) to boost revenues into UK universities.
Nigerians need to stop coming to UK,its shit here, wish I had taken my money somewhere else. There are better options if you want to study abroad,UK is not the only place. Do your research and choose wisely.
thanks gidi 7.48am.....quite insightful
i appreciate ur comment anon 11.55am ..but what you left out is the obvious please please nigerian govt fix our education system!!!!!!
Another glorified polytechnic. Their devious cup has run over.
Pls what do you think of Middlesex university in London.
reading some comments on here prove so many Nigerians are educated illiterate and unexposed. how would boycotting uk education be of any good. did they beg u to come and school here or they told ur govt to mess up ur education system and be changing name up and down. london met should have be more strict with monitoring their international students but they failed to do that, hence d withdrawer of their license. nigerian students would have been contributed to that by not attending school they applied to. they should come home since no place like home.
@Ahmed, August 31, 2012 1:09 AM- did you actually read the article before commenting????
I'm soooooo glad that I did not go to the UK for my Masters, I had even paid the fees when I changed my mind, collected my refund and found another school in the US. Now I'm here, settled with a fantastic job and anytime I speak with my friends who went to the UK the same time I left, I feel sorry for them. trust me, spending 18 months in the States instead of 12 months in the UK is worth it(regardless of the school's ranking). The time will fly by before you know it and you'll be better off for it.
If no be our useless educational system for Naija sef, will we be going abroad, spending thousands of dollars and pounds to get an education?
@ Gidi, August 31, 2012 7:48 AM- problem is that Nigerian degrees are simply not good enough for most of the top universities in the UK. Top universities are highly competitive and their courses tend to attract really good applicants- in a situation like this, why pump for Nigerian graduates who aren't really that bright in comparison and whose qualifications may be suspect because of the huge problem with corruption and quality of the university sector itself in Nigeria? Top universities will generally only accept Nigerian students who have top grades (ie First Class)
Brilliant comment, well said. Thumbs up!
this is sad most foreign students flock to London Met because it's tuition fee for international students is relatively lower than other universities in the UK although it's academic credentials are nothing to sing home about. i hope the home office can give them a reprieval or at least the students are able to transfer in the 60 day window period they have been given
Well its so sad, The aforementioned university ranking is really very low so am not suprised...its ranked 114 out of 116 uk universities so what do you expect???? i sympathize wiv my brothers and sisters, but its a lesson to everyone outthere about to study in the uk... allowing agents choose a skool 4 u is a wrong decision as they are only concerned with money and nt ur welfare....if u need to know the ranking of uk skool follow this link http://www.thecompleteuniversityguide.co.uk/league-tables/rankings
it will guide you..i can vouch 4 the first 40 schools but the rest, O.Y.O...so mk d rite decision..
Regarding middlesex uni, it best to stick with the top 20 schools. Finding a job is so hard now that its helps to graduate only from d top best . Go to russel group of schools and use that list as a guide, maybe adding the next top 5 schools to that list. Anything other than that, best to save ur money and try d usa instead . Best of luck.
Lot of the uk schools are rubbish and absolute waste of money, time and effort. Conventry uni included
Google russel group wikipedia and u will see d list of school. They are the top 20 best in d uk . Aim to go into those
Middlesex university is equally filled with Nigerians. Like someone said earlier google top 10 uni's in UK.
If people are willing to pay such exorbitant amount for studying in the UK, why not choose a better university. London Met is the worst university here in England and I doubt people go there for the degrees but but because they take on anyone. I know a lady who went there and failed her first year and was told to repeat or leave but she decided to continue on to the second year regardless and was still awarded a degree at the end of 3yrs. This can never happen in any other university.
Can People stop ranting rubbish on here and read properly whats on the news. No one talked about the quality of the school's education being bad but that immigrants were coming under the umbrella of schooling and then not attending lecture, instead working, and even more than the hours required of students to work.
Can people also understand that if the quality of education was bad, the school would be closed. All they did was revoke the licence of the school from sponsoring foreign students.
People just sit in naija and rant rubbish, asking people to do their research well on school b4 coming to UK instead of talking how our country's education system can improve and we stop contributing to the economic development of other countries by way of tuition fees and even human resources. Hence, invest in our country.
abeg make una no dey carry false news? what part of the story did it state 1500 of the students are Nigerians? i got my engineering degree from that uni, its not the best of universities in the uk neither is it the worst. i work in a reputable company in the uk with the same degree i got from londonmet.
...Lol. Madam Linda, shey u don hear na? Change na d only constant thing ooo
Nice one
Na wa for some people o, is the quality of a school poor because there are alot of Nigerians there? Middlesex university is of good quality abeg.
It's not only Nigerians so stop hating.. the country is trying to improve their system of education if you can't get into one of the best schools in the Uk, then please stay at home..capish
lol....a lot of people froming tush here....how many of u can afford the russel unis?? people that havent even traveeled out of nja will be talking rubbish...its not all about the uni, its urself
sad sad sad....
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