What are they being trained for? To learn how to assist their husbands on the job. It was the initiative of the Speaker of Oyo State House of Assembly, Mrs. Monsurat Sunmonu, under the “Women of Caliber” programme. They will be in London for eight days with tax payers money!
linda you said it all clowns indeed like seriously training dem how to cook in their husbands kitche. i thought jona said we would not see things like these i smdh for usless people like these
They are just looking 4 more excuse to spend our money.;>
The perks of the job plus estacode must be collected. RME and so sad! I bet you there were some ghost names on the list. Same old, same old!
Na too siphon moni now. I kno no if d den for train for our. Colleges. Yeye de sMell
stevebond say so via BB porsche
Only in Naija
Training to enjoy themselves and open foreign accounts on behalf of their corrupt hubby.
Monsurat Sumonu is actually the Speaker of the Oyo State House. But then again, politicians are the same. Like PDP like ACN
Stupid idiotic undesirable elements!!!Instead of sitting down in their homes and putting their hands to the plough to help creating a better society by taking proper care of their homes,they look foe an excuse to go on summer holiday at the expense of tax paying lawful individuals.
Dont they have mothers or elderly women who were well brought up to pass their legacy on to them?Does it mean that all their mentors were irresponsible and couldnt train them well on how to handle their matrimonial homes?
This is the height of irresponsibility.....we sit down and feed peoples exccesses....... Real undesirable elements...plain stupidity!!!
Arrant nonsense! See all of them like traders. The training will be for how to fuck their husbands to stop looking outside. Rubbish!
My mouth is wide open ........ what a waste when lots of people are hungry in that country . SHM, na wah for naija.
Only the Messiah Jesus Christ can save us in this country .
See how they even look! Very wretched and hungry!! Why wont we be called 4th world?Ndi ala!
Its a welcome development.
Total Rubbish...
Training using government money...
Lack of accountability
rubbish!!!!! God is watching them.
Hahahahahaha real orisirisi...chai!9ja,God de sha...
thot the speaker of Oyo State house of assembly was a woman
Bullshit!!! Taking advantage of the lackadaisical attitude of many Nigerians towards suing as well as the unimaginable ignorance is the root cause of this garbage!
Its a BIG pity for this country...ACN don dey fall we hand for that State oo
Na so we seem am o!!!!
This Stinks, who's next to be trained......their girlfriends then their children.... I really tire sef
Meanwhile the state government is busy sacking workers who finished primary school before 12 years. People lyk us no fit even get job 4 our state oo. HELP!!
Unbelievable is all I can say.... see chopping money system....in 2012, people can still do this and get away with it? I am absolutely livid right now.... I am just short of words
8 days in London shopping, seeing family members and posing like important people, why did the Mrs sumonu woman not pay for just 2 tickets for the trainers to come to oyo state from London to train the women and they would have stayed at the government house to reduce costs..... this is pure rubbish ....what are they even training on? Opportunity to come to London during the Olympics.... yeye people
Is this not waste of taxpayers money? What contribution do they have to make at the State assembly? Chop I chop government!
massive shame on ACN. no better than PDP
na wao! Tax payer's money?
..and this 'training' could not have taken place in Ibadan! Awon oni'ranu!!
This shows that all this "we are for the masses" is a hoax. ACN-led assembly is supporting this waste of tax payers money really cast a dark shadow of the future of this country. These people will stay in their friends homes and still be paid hotel, feeding etc allowances. This country is in trouble.
I never see my comments displaced so I decided to stop commenting....but anyway, I couldnt stop laughing when I saw this.....Lol....Nigeria and the crazy things that happen....
Training kor! Training ni! I'm sure they won't be coming back to this country until the Olympics is over! Kuru kere moves!
I really do hate this country. What r u doing about it Linda? You cursed youth. Why will you not raise up and say NO to all this shit. Why is it acceptable in this country? Mind you the uprising in Egypt started when One person said no to the injustice in Egypt. Raise up pple!!! Raise up!!!!!
Wow! I saw this pple on Sunday on my way back from church with their shopping bags coming of their black cabs and I was like what are this nigbati nigbati pple doing here also so them at the station on tuesday. Pls I don't think the training will help them there manner of dressing and shouting I was like this my pple again . Linda pls ask the to speak English or our broken English and they should carry themselves like wife of what ever they are call.
GOD IS WATCHING THEM OH...............
GOD IS WATCHING THEM OH...............
This is ridiculous.
Incredible, and ACN accuses PDP of recklessness and impunity.
A waste of public fund. However, Hon. Monsurat Sumonu is the speaker of Oyo state house of assembly and not the wife of the speaker.
This is rather sad. That, while people are drowning in Oyo state due to rain downpour,some people are busy learning what their mother did not remember to teach them in London with tax payers money. Even their husbands sure don't know what they are meant to do as legislators.Show of shame
Haba Linda, custom house hotel is not expensive nah. It is just opposite Excel, na our neighbour now
Another case of misplaced priorities that continues to plague the Nigerian political system from top down. ABSOLUTE WASTE of tax-payers money,if they feel so strongly about self development, they should pay for it out of their own personal pockets. Naija never ceases to amaze me at the level of crap that ppl can get away with.....SMH
And ACN would always claim to be a welfarist party.Money dt could hv been channelled into other productive undertakings.Useless people.
thieves to assist in stealing money.nig anything dey happen
Linda, the Speaker of the Oyo House of Assembly is a woman. her name is Monsurat Sumonu.
July 19, 2012 1:11 PM whether the hotel expensive or not no be the point asin the point be say dem go pay for airtravel,food and so on abi just a typical waste and like seriously dem no go learn anything from there guranteed
hehehehe*laughing in hicoughs* women of caliber indeed! Linda, ar u sure you got the correct picture? These women look like Dubgbe market women association. And, why are they showing the bags? At least some go talk say them too don go London abi? Money miss road* Biting my finger* Tax payers money ooo........
I saw all these women in Liverpool street buying shoes and bags for their shops. Training ko Training ni. Oloshi buruku!
Is she involved in this so she would gain the support of women and probably remain in office for ever?what is in for her or what is the game plan?in fact this should be punishable under the law better still she should be withdrawn from office,this is absolutely ridiculous.
Our Legislooters & legislathieves are at it again
Why on earth would the speaker of a house of assembly do such rubbish? she is not a wife of a speaker neither is she a woman leader!! so what happens to the husbands of the female members of the house?
Hummmmmmmm........ Orisirisi graduates ar looking for even 30k job for OYO state dey no see, but they carry our money go do training God will Judge u all.
Where is EFCC when you need them?
These ladies and their husbands need to refund Every tax payer penny spent towards this charade of a trip.
The problem with Nigeria is our inability to have good leaders. This is absolutely ridiculous, selfish and insane, i guess the picture is clear our irrespective of political affiliation, PDP, ACN or CPC, almost all our political class are just wasteful and lack vision. if it were to be a PDP lead GOVERNMENT, the ACN and CPC with their media propaganda will raining curses on PDP, i wonder what will happen if they were to be in charge of the federal GOVERNMENT, guess it will be TRAINING FOR HOUSE HELP, GATE-MAN,COOK, STORE KEEPERS, shame shame shame
@4th world .......lol , it reach to demote Nigeria from 3rd world to 4th world . That country is just ridicolous by the day
The problem with Nigeria is our inability to have good leaders. This is absolutely ridiculous, selfish and insane, i guess the picture is clear our irrespective of political affiliation, PDP, ACN or CPC, almost all our political class are just wasteful and lack vision. if it were to be a PDP lead GOVERNMENT, the ACN and CPC with their media propaganda will raining curses on PDP, i wonder what will happen if they were to be in charge of the federal GOVERNMENT, guess it will be TRAINING FOR HOUSE HELP, GATE-MAN,COOK, STORE KEEPERS, shame shame shame
This is a country where everythings are possible.it means oyo honourable wives didnt have home training.this is a big forkup,ACN state for that matter
The truth is that as women, we are the help-meet of our husbands and it's true that they do require adequate briefing! More women in politics should use their position to impact lives do more with regards to CSR, female empowerment and so on.
However, this could have been done on the shores of Nigeria to cut costs! May God give our leaders the right wisdom and counsel to make the right decisions!! AMEN.
This post will bless a lot of marriages; excelling as a wife- www. princessofzion.wordpress.com/2012/07/19/excelling-as-a-wife-this-is-for-the-women-and-men/
Look at them like akara sellers.... Mseeeetchhhh!
orisirisi abi orisirisi...how far will this go.A big shame and in a state that is drifting.Lord please hear yhe cries of your people.Look at the pain in the eyes of the pple,the hungry looks of even workers1this is painful.
Look at how they are all looking so unkept and sun beaten.The most disheartening thing is that the mixed raced guy who handed out their almighty certificates can't be older than 24 yrs old and am sure is on less than £23k per annum salary.
I hate the way Nigerans do things ...Women of rubbish caliber...Look at all of them..illiterates.
hehehe and who pays for this the govt abi,taken from the hard earned tax of fellow naigerians abii, what are they to do sef they dont hold an official position recognised by law so whats d training about,mtcheeeeeew nigeria and rubbis sha
linda post my comments oo
Don't know y ur comment made mi laff so hard!
You would have made sense if you didn't try to yab their grammar when you are no better than they are. Heck! You're even worse off cos you're younger.
words fail me when most organisations are now having meetings/conference calls via skype to cut costs even when in the same country, naija is sending wives on training to London....na wah!they should have called it OYO STATE LEGISLATORS WIVES CONFERENCE LONDON 2012....THEME:SIGHTSEEING AND SHOPPING
chei we women don finish amean see how dem all look like women selling okrika in the market abi dem no get better cloth to wear or what
This is the type of arrant nonsense that we never tire of hearing from Naija. First Pashay is now a perm sec. Maybe Jonathan has a second wife that will operate as 1st lady. Now, legislators wives in training. Training for what if I may ask? They are probably in some lord help me expensive hotel in London with unimaginable estacode. Only God wil help Naijans.
This is the type of arrant nonsense that we never tire of hearing from Naija. First Pashay is now a perm sec. Maybe Jonathan has a second wife that will operate as 1st lady. Now, legislators wives in training. Training for what if I may ask? They are probably in some lord help me expensive hotel in London with unimaginable estacode. Only God wil help Naijans.
I sabi the Woman well well, the woman dey for Immigration b4 she went back home to contest for election, she is just looking for an avenue to pump our money to UK as a pay back to their Economy. i dont see any intiative senses in that move rather than to waste tax payer money on useless training.
Alhaja Monsura sunmonu (sister to alfa Muydeen) ara Oyo, God dey watch all of una
ratchetness in high places
Why did they give them visa at the first place,,,I see Weakness and corruption on both countries...If they are young Nigeria students, I guess the British Embassy will fined one or two excuses to refuse them Visa ...Idiots
Oyo State legislators will be up in arm against Linda for blogging their free loading wives. Linda Ikeji is no longer allowed into Oyo States :)
what a joke! They should all go get a life... and a real job!
'Women of calibre' Please don't let me die of laughter. I heard that for the Rio + 20 conference some of the people that went spent more time looking for Brazilian hair to buy(as per being in Brazil hehehehe) than at the conference itself. Let them carry on. One day we will all die and will all be buried in the same ground and answer to the same Almighty.
NaijAaaaaaaaaa. To whom much is given less is expected. One day God would save us from this people called lawmakers in disguise of armed robbers
My dears! its so sad.. i was on the same flight as they were, rubbish people i tell u. its just a waste of time. oh well... maybe i shld start considering politics.
Linda, leave us alone, " a ji sebi Oyo la ri meaning we are the pace setter.
dem for carry patience umbllela to complete the list now abi
LORD, have mercy
I'm surprised pple are baffled @ what CAN as a party is churning out. With Tinubu as leader of the party, and his dictatorial style, what do you expect? Pple pls stop seeing the likes of Tinubu and his cohorts as better folks compared to OBJ, GEJ, IBB etc, they are all birds of a feather that deserved to be catapulted to death. I heartily wish and pray their plane crashes on their way back home... But for the innocent ones tht wld be aboard. And to think Boko Haram do not know where to direct their bombs and grenades! My heart weeps and bleeds for this country!!! It's sad, SO SO SAD!!! - Silas Redd.
By d time they leave that hotel,d rooms and toilets will be a stinker uppers!
I heard the training was held at custom house Hotel opposite the excel centre . 'it's just a 6 minutes drive away from me .I guess they've checked out because of the controversy this matter has generated or went to bed early as I tried to go and do amebo there today but it looked dry from outstide .It's a 2 or 3 star hotel jare and the asian guy looks very out of place with his students in his overside suit and shirt.This is foolishness all the way
Dis is a jaunket n its illegal!!! Wt is wrong with dis pple
wonder's shall never end, they could afford to send them to London but could not afford a professional photographer, the picture is blurry or maybe they don't want us to see their faces
nawah they are just waisting 9jas money,most of the so called wives are illiterate they can't speak good english they just want to open their passport with british visa thats all, they thought we are fools even lagos state's wives just return from south africa can you imagine how wasteful they are. olorun amu yin o eyin ika ojelu.
Awon Oloshi God'll deal with em' one by each!
Where would the money come from. i wept for this country. Pls God do not look on our sins pls come and deliver us. it is a shame.
LMFAO!!!!!!! TRaining for what indeed!!!!!!!!!
A big shame but PLEASE!!!! Let’s stop copying the Americans and British , these Women and their wicked husbands are wasting/spend “OIL MONEY” not Tax payers money. How much is OYO State generating on its own?? Poor Poor south south
A big shame but PLEASE!!!! Let’s stop copying the Americans and British , these Women and their wicked husbands are wasting/spend “OIL MONEY” not Tax payers money. How much is OYO State generating on its own?? Poor Poor south south
And wht is she speaking
so now you can see that this people are all the same under different parties.cos oyo state is an AC controlled state.training abroad for legislators wives?i cant believe this?so whose account does the expense go?and we are still hear typing?until we begin to stone this people publicly,we will continue to get this from them.
This Linda self, no be you bring picture? You for tell us wetin the training entail now. abi you sources na only pic dem get? You come dey ask US wetin d training be for. Na to sabi brush teeth; ptschew
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