Our dear first lady made history yesterday by becoming the first First Lady of Nigeria to be appointed Permanent Secretary in a State civil service.
Mrs Jonathan and 17 others were appointed Perm Sec in the state civil service by the governor of Bayelsa State, Governor Seriake Dickson. The announcement was broadcast on the state radio station yesterday evening Wednesday July 11th.
Explaining their reason for the appointment, the senior special assistant to the governor on media affairs, Mr. Daniel Iworiso-Markson, said that the First Lady was a teacher in the state’s civil service and has been on leave of absence since 1999 to join her husband in his political service; first as a deputy governor, governor, vice president, then president. If not for the leave of absence, according to him, Mrs Jonathan would have risen to the status of a permanent secretary by now.
I see! How we ended up with clowns as 'rulers' still beats me!
Chineke!!!! Issorait!!! In God we trust!
"Was a teacher...", hehehe, una know wetin D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ my mind.. :D̶̲̥̅̊.
This is crazy!how can a first lady be perm second of a state? How GREEDY can d jonathans get?mtcheew.we brought nothing into dis world n its CERTAIN we ll take nothing out of it! Wealth perish wit use BEWARE
People actually voted them in; people exist still who say GEJ is God-sent! Rulers and these ruled, imbeciles alike!
Na wa... so with all her grammatical blunders she was or is a teacher??? i dont understand these people. will she move to Bayelsa? Resume 9 - 5, deal with clients? what will her salary be? to what end is this appointment? this country and its rulers never cease to amaze me.
Looting continua......is dat not a demotion,Ps in a state ministry....*Smh*!
Naija na wa ohh
Goodluck is behind boko haram! He is trying to cause serious confusion, so Nigeria can split, then there will be no centralized leader or president to investigate him for all the money he has looted during his years as president. HE WANTS TO BE THE LAST PRESIDENT OF A UNITED NIGERIA. God will show him who's boss very soon. As for madam tabon becoming perm sec. I should say, I'm not surprised. For we have brainless people in power today.
Wen sm pple r stil searchin 4 job. Y give it 2 sm1 datz more d job. Nawa ooo
This is the highest degree of insanity, absurdity and crasy execrcise of collective power,is there not other qualified person in the State ...I thought that Seriake Dickson meant well for the State not knowing that He is ...., May God help Bayelsa
Hhmm oga oo...
So if being a teacher in 1999 means that by now she shd be a PM, then my mama wey be Registrar for College of Education for donkey yrs suppose don be President nau!!!! Bloody idiots. Mschewwwwwwwwwwww
Honestly, Nigerian leaders r getn more and more on my nerves each day! What utter nonsense!! *breathing heavy smoke frm my nostrils* Anyway, she shd be made to choose and drop one for d oda!
This country is finished. Nigeria is a country full of intelligent and hardworking people; but cowards. Or, how else do you explain this kind of thing happening if not that they have seen us so. Useless country!
To simply put it, GEJ and his handlers are fools and bunch of ignorants. They are preparing the ground to break the country. Seriaki Dickson is also a sycophant and a bigger fool.
Linda, if you like don't upload my comment...shogbo.
Omo Baba says so....
its only in my country dat someone who can't speak common English,was once a teacher n now presently a perm sec.!may God have mercy on the citizens of nija
Are you kidding me? That's errr... just errr...
Crazy!!!! Amidst all bombings and chaos, someone that should be concerned is flashing teeth...
Total . These people are jokers
I weep for Nigeria and depth we'll further descend.
i weep for my country! And am wondering how we got to this route.
its only in Nigeria dat dis sorta tin can happen. Naija i hail
I weep for my country! It's a hopeless situation
Linda, the real clowns are the Nigerian public that do NOTHING but just keep repeating "Only God will save us. Only God will help us." Do SOMETHING first and leave the rest to God dummies!!!!!
orisirisi fuckery
What a rotten country! A person has been on leave of absence for 13 years and still qualifies for a 'promotion'. So what about the people that have been working their ass out? We need a revolution in this country, seriously!
Ainsi, cette femme sera sur la masse salariale du gouvernement, encore une fois, quand un citoyen Nigérian moyen vit avec moins de 500 naira en une journée. Dieu va certainement visiter ce peuple oooo. Ils n'auront pas la paix dans leur vie. Bêtes
Perversion! SMH.
This is outright abuse of POWER!!!! The Nigerian government is full with a bunch of illiterates, people who have no qualification let alone, know how skills.
These pple don't understand that they cannot give what they don't have, well they are not interested in giving because of their selfishness rather they are interested in taking what they are not worthy of.
Now u see y 9ja still remains on the same spot and will never move.......
It's funny. How did she get the civil service job in the first place. is it not the same lady that cannot speak a phase without making blunder. i pity for this nation
This is insane, are there no better brains than this umblerraic brain? In a country where first class graduates are roaming the streets!!! Which country can U find a presidents wife doubling as a state staff if not Nigeria? This 21st century Underdeveloped country still has a long way to go!!! SHM!!!!
It's funny. How did she get the civil service job in the first place. is it not the same lady that cannot speak a phase without making blunder. i pity for this nation
linda were did you get this picture from
The state of our nation is sickening.
I pity this government, imagine someone who can't make a simple phrase without a blunder in it. How can she make decisions that with better the civil service system of the state. *SMH for Nigeria*
So bayelsa state did not see any other person to appoint as perm Sec except Patience. Wonders shall never end. Did I hear correctly that she was a teacher.Heheheh.The question now is how is she going to combine 2 posts at the same time.Unfortunately, somebody has now been kept idle while another has 2 posts.Shame
Clowns indeed. I hope she was not teaching English language. Well, they know Jona will soon be impeached so they need to secure smth. These pple really think we all are fools. God help us
most unfortunate so d moni way dem dey thief nevr do dem dey want to add more streams of income for her abi.indeed we have clowns ruling us.soon uniport go make im husband v.c becos im too,take leave of absence if not he would have risen to the rank of v.c abi omashe but one day all dis rubbish go end
First of all the office of the FIRST LADY does NOT exist in Nigeria. Because you sleep with the president you get a post?If she’s bored she should go open a school, a public kitchen for the hungry or a state of the art orphanage.This woman can barely string a complete sentence and now she’s being thrust to the public eye. what qualifications or experience does she even have to occupy THE position.THIS IS A BIG SHAME anyway this is the rubbish we deserve as a people for electing someone president because he is “MY BROTHER”. Mr Jonathan himself is a sham so what do we expect.
They have turn politics in Nigeria into a family affair shey?
We dey here dey look dem sha.
Did i hear she was a teacher? Those her students must have failed woefully :-)
how can a country with 180 mil people end up with bunch of fools like this? May God save us all.
They are all clowns. I mean silly clowns!
OH Lord!!! will this corruption and suffering ever end!!....Nigeria is becoming worse as every year goes by......47vids.com (Too many things on my mind to type!!, but govt won't change)
this must be a joke right and how the hell did the gov no that she would have been a perm sec by now abi nah so others wey be there with am don reach perm sec nah wah ohhh...am just trying to think what grammar should be blowing to her staff chei dem don see wen
If not for the fact that I left my first job years back, I may have made MD by now. Guess I have some calls to make! Lol!
Our situation is turning comical. Yet, come 2015 this same Administration will no doubt be "re-elected". Comedy indeed!
Goodluck Jonathan is MAD, Patience is MENTAL, and the idiot Dickson with his stupid excuses for making her Perm Sec is RETARDED. There is madness in this country, i advise everyone to have their visas ready cos there's gonna be instability the way things are going
and pls post my comment linda cos u neva do
chei I no fit shout, u mean patience was a teacher and she no fit talk one straight correct english? I wonder what she was teaching d poor children in class. This is unbelievable!
Na wah oooo!
These people wan rule us die?
God Have Mercy!
Christ have Mercy!
Dame patience Perm Sec?
Ekwencha!! oo!
she has been on leave of absence and has never participated in any promotional interviews nor examinations. and now "My husband and Sambo is a good people" has made it to the highest position in the state civil service beacuse "A good mother takes care of his children" afterall "We should have love for our fellow Nigerians irrespective of their NATIONALITY" i rest my case here
Dis can only happen in Nigeria.who does dat?i hv gvn up on dis country finally.
Indeed Linda, I'm amazed!Isn't it enough that we have a first Lady who can barely express herself and now this! A perm sec! To bring what reform? Good Lord, what is Nigeria turning into?
omg this country is a big joke
patience was a teacher and she cant construct a reasonable statement? really how we end up with clowns as rulers.....its a shame.
Nigeria is a banana republic......
The statement released by the so-called"Special Assistant" shows a lack of intelligence from all parties involved in this BIG JOKE.......
What responsible govt justifies it actions by:"If not for"
I smh....
May God deliver us.
that is what she wants,that is what she gets,pay back time for governor after installation,silva will be laughing his head off now
Only in Nigeria... Woww!
Who knows where she will be operating (ruling) from - Abuja, Yenogia, USA ...... Of course she can operate from anywhere.
Na wa o. Who appointd dis olodos here?. Its soo obvious dat errytin has bin plannd 4m d on set.
Mtchewww mumu ppl, *kma*
I bet u just finished allians francais that's y u won't let Linda rest abi! Tu est malade?
Would she have to serve by correspondence from State House in Abuja or would have to hop into the next flight to Yenagoa? #justasking.
On a lighter note, this her swagger got me cracked up.
nigeria ndo nu okey.
Ewoooo!!!!!Chei!God pls let this be a nightmare only, and I will soon wake up and find that the story is not true.
Sry Naija.som pple said they can always ajust weda gud or bad... insult upon injury
insult upon injury...nso
e don finish. Will she be on salary or its pro bono work? *SMH* hiss* close laptop.
Clown , bunch of jokers. With her English it shocking to know that she is a teacher .......SMH for her previous students
This is totally way out of order. I am really disgusted, that an ill- educated citizen is appointed to key position such as permanent secretary, this should not be a political appointment. What happens to the citizens that have worked their guts out in the civil service and are skilled technocrats? If this is what Nigeria stands for, the place is finished. The first Lady cannot speak English proficiently, what does she know about good governance? This is an UNMERITED appointment and purely ABUSE OF POWER.This a slap in the face of well educated Nigerians. Citizens of Bayelsa do not stand for abuse of power, make your government accountable to you. You empower and vote the government in.If you continue to allow the government to rule recklessly they will ruin the future of your children. Please do not only think of what you will eat today, think of your children's and grandchildren's future. It is worth doing everything to hold your government accountable or else citizens will suffer some much injustice.
tell me the difference btw late Gadaffi and Goodluck.what a pity
Kai, NAIJA has truly become rubbish , and the way they make us look like fools
HEhehehehehhehe! Chai! I just dey laffffffff! awon eleyi lagbara gan.
My President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan is always a record breaker. Firstly, the only person in Nigeria to become Deputy Governor of a State, Governor of a State, Vice President of our Country and our Country's President. Now his wife is the 1st First Lady in power to become Permanent Secretary of a State. Kudos to you Sir. You will continue to break more records IJN. Amen. Haters should stop and think twice.
cant believe someone actually thought of this and then implemented. omaga o
Thank goodness!I did not vote for those hullabaloos!
Like some one once said we are a country of 180 million idiots. Why would GEJ and his pple throw anythg dey can @ us. God help us
What on earth is our country coming to and what is our government doing. For the first time in my life I have to say that I am ashamed of being a Nigerian. What is the meaning of this? Will she commute between Bayelsa and Abuja everyday to carry out her official duties as Permanent Secretary? Which Commissioner that she will serve under will have the guts or the temerity to give her orders? I mean this really does take the cake. I feel sorry for Nigeria and Nigerians.
Lol someone that cannot speak English was a teacher issokay Warning fellow nigerians pls any leader who says we shd vote for him becos he had no shoes growing up pls buy the mofo shoes becos when he gets into office the shoe plus every other thing he didn't hv growing up he will acquire them @ ur expense
Power keep on recycling within the same cliq. Na waoo
It's either I'm very ignorant or the government of Bayelsa state is more ignorant than I am. There is the 'Office of the First Lady' where she the First lady can exercise her duties as the wife of the President and come up with initiatives to benefit the masses. Some where does this stupid post of permanent secretary come in? Have they finished promoting the eligible candidates in the state, that they are appointing Dame Patience? When a Professor in a University is appointed as Vice Chancellor he does not lecture till his tenure has elapsed. So this whole Permanent secretary thing is so WRONG and she is not even ELIGIBLE. Crappy Nigerian government.
Notice how it was a 'senior special assistant' to the governor that 'made this known'.
'senior special assistant'...crazy country!
Teacher?(Faints with a bold DO NOT RESUSCITATE placard)
Hehehehehe.......u got me finkn too. I wonder d kind students we she get
'my fellow children'
Our govt official r on cheap drugs, crack cocaine n av bin smoking weed! Cuz no normal pesin will do dis!
YOU Know what?no matter what y'all say abt the first lady and our president!!!!!!dey re d ones ruling the nation.good/bad english,quiet lk mumu or not.....dey re d ones ruling ALL OF US FOR THIS PERIOD!!!!its nt lk d pass rulers havnt done worse,so what d hell!!!!the hausa and yoruba have ruled for awhile,so if dis is gonna be d only south-south president to rule,what d hell!!!aftr all the bulk of all the nations money comes frm der!!!so what d hell!!!its der time,so free dem jor!!!weda dey want to walk with der heads!!!free dem!!!u can jugde wen ur given d same opportunity.but for now,jst knw 1 harsh truth,THERE IS NOFIN U CAN DO ABT IT......
so after all the anger n sighs, what do we do? is there no oppositin in Bayelsa to reject this appointee? some1 shd gather a group of offended Bayelsians and stage a peaceful demonstration in front of the governors office and tell him to revoke his appointment or deal with a state strike action!!
You said it all, they are Rulers and not leaders. Now Patience is Perm. Sec, the children will soon be 'Directors' while their relations Commissioners. Mtcheeeeew...moni miss road abi an power miss head ....God pass dem
Dis cud b gud justification for boko haram senselesss bombings!! What kinda fuckery is dat.
CRAPPY AND INSANE.....Can only happen in Nigeria and in this present dispensation.
It's just a position. She's not going to relocate or do anything but she will earn money. Isn't it what the rest of the bastards do? Be idle and make billions.
They are clowns and we are cowards. Csquare.
Always making history sha,make i grab some guguru and sobo dey sidon look!
What do you expect from someone's whose name starts with the word, Dick? Nigger
na wao........dis is ridiculous....
Is any body still in doubt that GLJ is a big JOKE?
i love dis country
Issorai. # singing Nigeria jagajaga everything scatter scatter#
There is one good thing the Lord has made. The rich man or poor man will only eat one plate of food at a time, drive a car at a time, sleep in one room at a time and when his days are over on earth he goes without anything in his hand. Dame Patience will only occupy one position at a time. The choice is hers do not crucify her as the family is not greedy.
.....and a puppet governor is born!
LOL.................. I CANT SHOUT!!!......... PERM SEC keh? haaaa federal government u pple wont kill me with laughter, she was indeed a teacher, of wat VILLAGE PRIMARY SCHOOL if i may ask? JONATHAN y u no appoint am as the NATIONAL SECURITY ADVISER? IDIOT....
seriake dickson, he is really a 'dick'
hmmmmm, wat a relief cos am tired of seeing her being addressed as the first lady. she has made history- the first ever inactive first lady of Nigeria. mscheeeeww.
Was a teacher????? teaching wat kinda english if i may ask pls?
its shocking.does her long service include the long period of absence?- from wife of dep to wife of gov to wife of VP to wife of P.
so she has been one among job seekers. is that so?
could this space not have been filled by one of those pple whose right has been trampled upon for long without any promotion or one who rightly deserves it? wonders will never end
lol keyword here "clowns" that's the BEST word to use....sigh..it doesnt even make sense sef...she was a teacher in 99....y shud she be a minister in 2k12...people have even worked longer dan dat nd just retired at the level 16 post
make dem barikage the office make she no enter otherwise ehhh dem go chop grammar as lunch and what a foolish explanation that was given. i find it very hard to believe that this woman went to the university and she cannot construct a single sentence without tabun nah wah ohhh
honestly dis is total rubbish....im regretting voting for goodluck...anywayzz dey shld also employ grammar police cos dis woman go kill everybody in dat office wit her english..
its shocking.does her long service include the long period of absence?- from wife of dep to wife of gov to wife of VP to wife of P.
so she has been one among job seekers. is that so?
could this space not have been filled by one of those pple whose right has been trampled upon for long without any promotion or one who rightly deserves it? wonders will never end
This is really really ridiculous!!!!!!! God save Nigeria
joke of the day
O my speechless!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First Illiterate Perm Sec. Where are the other pre 1999 teachers who have become Perm Secs? SMH for this Country
@ Samuel - July 12, 10:55am: I truly hope you were being sarcastic by that post you wrote because I really hate to think about how many people may hold the same sentiments. That was the most IDIOTIC comment I have ever read, my friend check your brains o because I think something has gone dreadfully wrong up there!
This appointment lets me know that even a donkey can run Nigeria! This woman already has an office which she hasn't done anything with so far...what exactly has been her platform since her husband became president? This woman was a teacher? She must have been teach deaf/blind/dumb people or equally illiterate people such as herself. May God deal with all them, the THIEVES THAT THEY ALL ARE!
People voted for GEJ and voted for D!ckson too. Some people swore that they were the best things Nigeria could ever have. People forgot to look for merits or antecedents. With this level of mediocrity, some people will still swear with their lives that it's either GEJ, Patience, D!ckson or nothing. I hope that during next elections, people will keep their eyes open, investigate properly and not vote because someone said he is importing fresh air.
she cant even construct a correct line in English..my heart bleeds for the future of whoever that woman lectured during her time.
who was she teaching?? olodo woman
any wonder naija education system is in shammbles if patience can be a teacher then those she thought are worst illiterates than her mschew perm sec kor perm sec ni
This takes the cake...why does the acts of our leaders keep on embarrassing us. To say you are a Nigerian abroad is sickening. I do not blame Nigerian who run away and clean toilet in another man's land....at least he has power 24hrs, water 24hrs and transportation 24hrs. This country is a joke. I can imagine citizens of Ghana, Benin and even Chad laughing at us. My heart is heavy, its so so so sad. Even the goat on BBA dey disgrace us. Wetin nahhhhhhhhh this country?????? HOW BAD DOES IT HAVE TO GET???? Every year budgets in BILLIONS are read but the roads are still death traps, no water and water borne diseases still killing innocent kids.....GOD ALMIGHTY....send down distruction on those who continue to plague us in darkness and sufferring. My heart bleeds as i write.... Why can i not be at home in my HOME......
Can u please check that u are wearing ur brains correctly????
u seem lost.
@SAMUEL what a fool you are or are you patience pro office stupi idiot if you have nothing to say then shut up
yeye people so there was no one else to appiont from those who have given years of service to the role abi and it is this ilterate that was suitable enough
Li Li this picture na die o. Ah ah check out our first lady, odi kwa looking very swaggalicious o! What can I say we deserve what we get. Until we learn to fix our problems instead of sitting around and lamenting and waiting for God to come down from heaven and fix it for us, we will carry on as usual. Mediocrity and corruption will be the order until we fix it. Evil thrives when men do nothing.
No one has asked...perm sec or what ministry...I bet you it is the oil department. Somebody has to hold it down for GEJ and naturally madam, who already gets $30k egunje access fees to see her husband, now sits her fat behind on Bayelsa money.
A woman that cannot speak a correct english sentence . Did she take the civil service exam? Let us see her results. And we thought Turai was bad. She was a good under study.
A country of bright minds have become a joke. And we continue to let them do this to us.
Thank my bros/ sis. Just how does this leave of absence qualify her for a promotion. I don't blame them, its because they know we would jusy grumble and by 6pm today everyone woulda forgotten about it. We missed this revolution in January when Peter Esele decided to sell us out. We should sit up like the egyptians and march for our freedom. Enough is enough walai
Stop exposing ur ignorance and learn from someone who has decided to put what he/she learnt at Alliance Francaise to pratice. By the way that French he/she wrote I bet you except the French guys there will write. Mieux pour toi de fermer ta geule.
When u pple that thinks u av s.thing positive to offer Nigeria is shying away fm politics under the pretence dat it is a dirty game, dont be surprised dat fools will continue to rule us. All we av to do is to flush dem out by joining politics.
Err...she will now be counted among those who are GHOST civil servant...she will simply follow Maku lines...Rule from any where
*Floery in Motion*
Gadaffi provided basic amenities for his people.
Come o, Patience na teacher before? Hmmmmmmmmm.
Umbrerraaaaa we are been ruled by houseboys and house girls.Na back country de take wake Goodluck don put everybody for reverse.
My dear late Ghaddafi did well for his country...the country got tired of him plus his killings or imprisonment of pple just bcos dey don't support him... libya is beautiful compare to naija
wE Are suffering in Nigeria, Joanthan, patience and all those other peopl looting our money are bastards!!! Don't worry, God will soon take all of you away, jonathan cannot come back in 2015, he is just a joker, God will take care of him for us. Ahn han, making an illiterate a perm secretary, a mumu that cannot even construct a proper sentence, Boko haram is there killing people like goats and thay are doing absoulutely NOTHING! And that idiot inuwa abdulkadir said they will continue posting corpers to troubled states, that they should be ready to make sacrifices, oloshi buruku, they should go and die for thieves like you abi? Everyday is for thief, one day is for the owner, keep that in mind. Linda post my comment o.
Sure she went to teacher training school back then...
for those that care to learn:
Her appointment as a perm sec is without portfolio. Its jst a retirement plan for her so that after first lady days, if she want to cm bk to the service, she cms as a perm sec. Odawise if she wanna retire, she retires as that.
She is on secondment. Ofcourse, she cant earn salary from bayelsa state until she resumes duty thr again.
Linda, u r misleading alot of nigerians. And y r u guys allowing urselfs to be misled?
Pls take time to know ur facts ryt.
Not all diasporas clean toilet biko! My mother brought us here with a highly skilled worker visa!! And I'm sure there are others with such visa's ..
Buhahahahhahahahaha,bless ur hrt dear,was goin to ask him\her dat,onye iberibe
Oh Lord, please do not depart from us ur children in this time of need. Come and manifest your power and show us that we are still your children in this country Nigeria.. We can do nothing only if you intervene on our behalf..people are dying all cos of man's inhumanity to man, no jobs, some even have 2 while others have NONE. Manifest your power in NO DISTANT TIME Lord!! Amen..
HAHAHAHAHA...."How we ended up with clowns as 'rulers' still beats me"...lol. Namesake you will not kill me biko...lol
Dis woman dat can't even speak english! mtcheeew!
Maybe she was teaching maths jor or technical drawing or even sign language.
May God save us from the hands of these heartless leaders
Do u hv a brain? R u for real? Breakin records....pls when did governin bcome a track and field event. Is dat y GEJ bcame president?..to brk records. Pls stop talkin out of ur anus and shut ur trap. Sycophants like u are evn worse dan d rulers demselves bcoz u see black and swear it is white.
The country is in a state of chaos and anarchy and all u can say is "kudos to u sir" bcoz he is a 'record' breaker. You shd b ashamed of yourself honestly.
This would come back to haunt some people...when dem tales are re-hashed..retold..
To think Hillary Clinton had to wait for her Husband's tenure to finish before emabarking on her own political quest..but look at this F..cking Illiterates..
Guess Ex Gov Timpere refused her a post and got stabbed by Mumu Jona..delusions of grandeur..maybe she thinks the misused lucky break her husband had would rub off on her..
This is a joke. Nigeria right now is one big joke.
Chei!'my fellow widows' is now a perm sec.pls somebody should tell me this is not true.Wait, you mean this is happening in Nigeria?
How does one take a 13yr leave of absence? What is this a joke? Is civil service now a joke? They need to stop this mockery and madness! For Pete's sake she pretty much quit her job, how can she be made a perm sec.? What is going on here? This is just one big joke. Arrghhhhhh! Jonathan, Jonathan! Patience, Patience! You people need to just stop right now.
Her English is too poor...i read so of her bad English at www.jackophite.com it was really funny....lol
Seriously?? she was a teacher. I bet she never taught in English
As for me o, i get plenty question to ask:
1. Permanent secretary of which ministry?
2. To Perform what function?
3. In whose interest?
4. To earn how much? 5. Which promotional exam did she write to take her up that far........
This is pure 'CORRUPTION'....Hoping to get an answer.
i am about to become an atheist! How can God exist and let imbeciles like jona and his wowo wife still live despite all the misery they have brought to 150million people! If he is not increasing fuel price,he is changing names of establisments or sending soldiers to Ojota or courting Boko Haram and paying condolence visits after each mayhem or sending innocent graduates to the North to die..If she is not disgracing us with her atrocious english,she is blocking major roads in Lagos or causing confusion in PH or wasting millions on fruitless trips abroad.May Karma and the Law of retribution visit calamity on the Jonathan family so they can feel the pinch too.
I can't stop laughing
was she teaching broken english or what seriously it can't be true that she was a teacher and she cannot even complete a sentence right
"Please don't quote me out of proportion. I am educate and to be educate does not mean big big English" DPJ
This is the kind of useless perm sec they have elected!
"All of u say I cannot spoke in English but all of u r nodding 2my English.Among u n me,all of us is a fool"DPJ.pls do somethin2 this woman o
How many of her serving colleagues have been made Perm Sec? How could that woman have been a teacher? She speaks so badly. And to think that she s been out of service for 13 years? It's unimaginable! Is it for her contributions to the development of the state or the country that this dumb, visionless and thoughtless governor made this unlearned, half literate woman a Perm Sec? This is very very laughable.
"to all my fellow widows" na watin una president wife call her self and una say she go school! sariei is a lunatic
you all will still foolishly vote for these imbeciles in 2015 with the idiotic excuse that "the devil you know is better than the angel you do not know"...how stupid!!
quote "all my fellow widow here today" c watin permsec wey teach english for school dey speak!
What have u urseld done to better the condition of your next door neighbour???
Mes gars, il ne faut pas avoir honte de vous exprimer dans votre deuxieme langue officielle.....cest bon ca!!!!
La dame du haut...tu as fait des erreurs, mais cest bien compris, faut continuer, et les forces sera avec toi
Alrait buddy! Maybe yu're makin a lil sense outta dis,BUT ur proferred soln starts with YOU!!!! So tell me,wat hv yu done???(Ok! I undastnd dt its too sudden,so I rephrase;)-wat do u intend 2 do??? Dnt get me wrng pls; I'm quite intersted.
What have u urseld done to better the condition of your next door neighbour???
I stand to condemn the act of Governor Dickson appointing Patience Jonathan as a perm sec,this actually shows that bayelsa as a state have no leader, wat they have is a figure head.
U are mad.... Mo re rin... Mo de japo sayaaa.... I gbadun ur blunder Englishness.... Lol....speaking from d OFFICE of HER EXcellency.... Lwkmd
Omo ibo via Transistor ontop okada.
May be she was an Igbo language teacher....
Igbo language was a major then....,!!!! She has double major in Igbo language
We've many graduates in dis country seeking 4 job. 2 dem notin seems 2 happen. And sone on top of countrys money was given anoda opportunity wt her bad english. A big shame 2 dis country
TEACHER KE!!? how come? and she can't speak English correctly, i guess her students will be OLODOS
like her.
At dis point all i can say is "I are ashames to be a Nigerian''in DPJs voice.....when a greedy ass fat illiterate marries a badluck animal...dats what we get...smh
hmn then what is my mum waiting for oya Aregbe of Osun State I hereby recommend my mama Mrs Grace Abike Ogunniyi is Parmalat secretary kiakia
It is well our amiable first lady, she is very beautiful and good representative of the womenfolk. Her handwork is clear. The best administration to bring women representation to the fullest.
@ChiChiLuv, @Anonymous July 12, 2012 2:28PM, @BOLGLORD or whatever rubbish you call yourself, President Goodluck Ebele Jonathan will continue to be a history maker whether you like it or not. After all, have you heard or seen any official statement from the First Lady accepting the appointment? I can deduce that envy has ravished all of you which cannot be hidden again from your comments. You guys should go get a meaningful life out there. Fools!
hmmmmmmmmmmm, mama nigeria now perm sec.does it make any sense? how on earth can a first lady be under a commissioner? is the office of the first lady not higher than that of a perm sec? what do we call this? demotion or promotion? we are in trouble in this cuntry. may God help us.
@ SAMUEL - you are about as ignorant as they come. Please continue to worship at the throne of the Jonathans until they crack your neck with their heels as they are cracking the back of Nigerians with every day of their rule! You are the fool, you are not only a stark raving mad fool, you are blnd, deaf and ought to be dumb so you don't spew your propaganda out in the world.
You think they are making history? Yes, I will agree with you but is their history, the legacy they will leave behind one of respect, honor, care, compassion, hard work, ETHICS? PLEASE! If that is the kind of history we are talking about, I think I am safe in saying that we can all do witho ut it!
The woman has issued a statement that she will hold the office in absentia while not drawing a pay, I guess until she returns to Bayelsa to resume the post so your statement was dead wrong. She has ACCEPTED the post, bone up on your facts before you open you mouth and spew out what somebody stuffed in there like a ZOMBIE OH ZOMBIE!!!
Stop supporting FOOLISHNESS!!! Patience na your mama? My friend, use your brain wisely! You are probably supporting this cause of action because you are eating from their stolen gains, IF YOU WERE SELLING PURE WATER WITH YOUR DEGREES SWEATING ON THE WALL WHERE YOU HUNG THEM YOU WOULDN'T BE TALKING THIS CRAP!!!
Your god Jonathan has proven himself to be yet ANOTHER useless, corrupt, by-luck president who does NOT care about the lives of his nationals, does NOT care about the image of Nigeria in the international community. He is only concern with pleasing his friends, his people and enriching his pockets! HE IS A LAME DUCK SEATING PRESIDEND WHO WILL NEVER BE WRITTEN DOWN IN THE PAGES ON HISTORY ALONG THE GREAT AFRICAN LEADERS THAT PROVE THEIR METTLE LIKE NELSON MANDELA. He could have used his office for great good BUT HE HAS NOT BECAUSE FELL INTO IT BY LUCK AND DOESN'T HAVE ANY LEADERSHIP SKILLS! CHEMISTRY PROFESSOR KO, CHEMISTRY PROFESSION NI!
You had better NOT punk out and not post my diatribe, o LINDA!!!
this is wat i call 'gross bastardization' of public office.Bullshit
Na wa o....teacher???..This country is something else....but why should we be surprised? no be the same Bayelsa throw party for DSP when he came back in drag?
I bless God for the day I relocated to Yankee.
I rest my case!!!!!
Hope she no go face international rulers with that kind of English she dey speak o......
Sometime it is alright for her to masuonu, but there is always tendencies to open the mouth and say something. Bikooo! Teacher of what sef...so sorry for the students. I beg talk something better Linda!!!!!!
There's nothing like the office of the first lady in the constitution of nigeria.
enta d gorilla mr.dickson seriake! U neva finis ur evolution 2 human beans?
Nigeria never fails to disappoint in "backwardness". Nigeria is indeed a failed country. With so much "BOOKSMART", you will think that will transition into wisdom, discretion, commonsense, but I guess not.
a teacher? who was she teaching
I disagree with this,as a matter of fact,this an obvious lie.Not only a teacher,she was a prof.
Humans are very selfish,what money is she looking for,i hear she already own ships and exports crude oil.Much of every thing is bad.
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