Meanwhile, I think these people are beginning to play dirty. Sending out photos of someone's mum? C'mon! They sent me so many photos of his mum and I didn't think that was cool. Face him and leave his mum out of it abeg! Jim's tweets below...
More when you continue...

i dont support anyone dissing anyone's mum tho.
face the person and leave family outta it.
but Jim iyke is so uncouth.
these nollywood stars r getting too lousy with words these days. smh.
btw laughed hard for those who said it was BLOGLORD vs DAKORE.
Wasnt me darlyns.
What is this incoherence? Construct proper sentences before you 'shout out' please. Babbling like a confused puppy.
Instead of y'all trying to be John Cena in front of that laptop screen, Am gonna have to strongly suggest that Jim Ikye and whoever he is throwing shots at, should just settle this beef like matured adults..Everyone is hiding behind twitter and posting tweets, without squaring up in real life...
"That's why I see no need to compete with niggas like y’all
I just ask them when you see me you speak up, nigga, that's all
Don’t be ducking like you never wanted nothing"
Not cool bringing in Jim's Mum into all this, not cool at all..
No worry jare Jim, I don fight dirty for u on the blog wey I read am and e be like say ur pic there na photoshop anyway I told her to shut up bcos you service her and she paid! Finito!! No worry u hear!!!
Plz they should leave him alone. He's a nice and cool guy. Pple shld get busy with their lives and leave him alone. Getting his moms pic was to the extreme.
we shall know who is guilty or not...later.
loooooolz on a realz am not a fan of Nollywood and ur movies bruh,but one thing is for sure am LOVING ur guts of recent,u didn't start it first bruh,she did but I can see u're having d last laugh. Plz more of d S/O bruh am feeling ur anger presented in d most polite of manners.~BONARIO~says so viaNOKIA3310.
Linda, why didnt you post hajiya halima's story, dont tell me you are afraid of jim iyke
Well, this fraud case is just complicated.
Your personality caused u all these Mr Jim Iyke. U need to retrace your steps.
And the lady pulling ur mother into this is def inviting irrevocable curse on herself.
Errrr..these tweets r really confusing!
Sup with this guy self!
Hmmmmmmmnnnn, Oro reee oooo, buh no comment șђǺ,
This case don tire person o.These two adults should learn to endure some things and move on.
What does dis crap even mean
Ara na awi onye a!next plz*yawns*
I don't understand all these tins jim is saying......can some1 kindly explain
Chai,dis jim iyke don suffer.make una leave am biko
they(the lady in question) are start struck wanted to date niger actor so they got wht they wanted cos,,,,they use them to step up more cos they got more money to spend for them so please
linda abeg stop showing us this stupid boy. his whole family went and prostrated and begged the woman mercilesly that's why he is not in jail. he knows that the woman is a very nice woman so she has sympathy for his wretched family and sick mother. he is a fraud, and an outcast that's why nobody has time for him, even his film colleagues. very stupid 40 year old man who behaves like a teenager.
i think they need to keep his mom out of this.. irrespective of wht he has done,i think he still need some privacy when it comes to family..u wanna feel the warmth of comfort?
Make all dis bobos stop to dey eat cookies wey pass them cos na when they finish der cookies then jump to another cookie,na der trouble dey start. If u want eat cookie,eat d one wey u fit carry. Bad Water
Its pathetic to c adults behave in dis kinda manners....pls grow up u lots!
plus Jim iyke n Kola Boof should get married...lmao.
Linda u just clearly stated d side u on... U shud av jux kept mute!
When you want to rob and beat people and take advantage of their kindness BE PREPARED for the wrath that shall follow!!! HE should have left his own mother out of it. You know you are scamming people and you are even involving your mother??? Come on! Let some fool come and beat me and teef my money and see if their MOTHER AND FATHER does not get brought into it!!! NONSENSE
Dammit!Linda,u're as boring as shit..sorry 4 whoeva hopes 2 catch his or her weekend groove frm ur blog..wld it kill u to upload comments?..uurgh!!..NEKS
Why is crazy people after this guy for Gods sake,enemies of progress, Let this nigga be.
Is he alright? Una better send am to Yaba apa Osi(pschyo ward). Anyway, that's what you get when u mix with d wrong crowd. Y'all have questionable characters, wanting to make cash without hardwork n wisdom.
Go jimmy!dats why I love u,u don't give 2 fucks!
is this guy for real??
am i d only 1 dt had a problem readin those tweets?!
Use adequate short-forms broda or dnt boda using 'em!
Jim is really really vexed o....buh i fink d best fin is to bone dem haterz....#jst let God judge
Jim pls grow some balls n grow up seriously.this happened to be one of ur deals dat went bad.we all kno u do old ladies get a life n get a wife .ur old not stop using twitter to vent#justsayin#
but seriously, why will someone insult another person's mum. That is totally cheap. focus on your target leave the others alone.Jim Iyke is obviously immature but his mother should NEVER be insulted
but seriously, why will someone insult another person's mum. That is totally cheap. focus on your target leave the others alone.Jim Iyke is obviously immature but his mother should NEVER be insulted
wat can of shout is dat? Am just pasing..from ogono nokia e6
Oh so our don't give a hoot Ms Linda Ikeji have a heart afterall? Not to judge Jim Iyke and the Lady in question but finally, Linda you have convinced me into believing you are very biased. What about Jim's mug shots all around the internet?? Photoshop?? yeah right yall need an optician asap or just plain stupid. All i'm saying is if you will give preferential treatment coz you have a thing or two for your eastern brother then stop putting other celebs dirty biz up and act like its no big deal.
Lastly Jim is no good either (based on personal experience)he's got serious growing up to do. Most people i know share same sentiments about him, he's just annoying with his stank attitude. I'm neither in defense of the woman....coz only she knows what sweetens her into giving him 16.5million with no contract.
Linda last nite I saw barbs of bba n dj exclusive doing d lovers thgs in d club @ embassy club,hw abt maneta .I think its gonna be a war wit barbs whn maneta finds out barbs came dwn to 9ja befor her to hook up wit d dj
Thank you Linda for refusing to publish his mums photos. What has his mum got to do with the fight? How dirty and ridiculous. No fear of God. If you have issue with jim, face him. Leave his family out of this,
Chai jim iyke is deeply hurt;I wonder whom he is referring that to.u re stil my main man.I dey feel u die Via BB SusanPorsche
I'm so sick of this Jim Iyke shit already, dere were no messed up pics of ur mama so can we move on wivout dese numerous childish shoutouts, go bak 2 havin a career plz!
Linda post d pix nau make we see..hahahaha Jim is just a baby
Shout out to a broda who loves seeking attention. Nooo Noooo its freakin childish. I say Nooo
Jim Iyke is a fool ... Dude you need to sort your life out, grow up and get real .... Flipping wannabe!!!
Dear JIm Iyke,
If someone insults me n my family esp if I am a public figure, I will sue u.
Nigerians r not fools, Jim Iyke u did all that u were accused of, ur shout out will not cover u up.
Evidences were brought against u.
If the woman is lying, sue her! Let her pay heavily for this damage. Since u not taking habiba abubakar to court for publicly ridiculing u n ur family, then something is def wrong.
Linda, I know u may not want to post this, but pls do, we need to what is truly going on. U r a woman, n u wldnt want a man to take advantage of u n still lie.
I think he should focus on his career, settle the dispute! Let's be amicable even in disagreements!!
Excelling as a parent-
This aboki(Habiba)shld free jim iyke nd family nau,shebi dey don settle everytin 4 court..wetin again?? Abi u stil dey miss jim's dick??? He said he no wnt ur surgery body again,na by force?? Hian ohh
WordOut enuF saiD
when a supposed relationship goes sour,these re what we expect. Madam NGO!
But what are they doing this for?
It's like they have no work... Hell!
special S/O to the sick dude (JIM) get well soon
special S/O to the sick dude (JIM) get well soon
nor b small drama o. Waitin patiently for the end.
WONU; haters shud leave jim iyke alone naa insultin is mum is d height. KMT
I've never given a Damn about the so-called Jim Iyke Fraud case but the lady in question should leave his Mother out of this.....
Na real Wa!
What d eff??....I want to abuse this guy too much...but I will calm down...for now...the guy thief money dem catch am, im dey do shout outs!! if he really had proof why not show them.thats exactly d problem with Nigeria...a poor person accused of swindling/fraud would be in Jail right now, not tweeting shout outs!!..besides if Linda Ikeji refuses to show the pix, then I think she's being biased...go to, the pixs have been there since (Fuck this idiota!!!..pardon my just vexed)
Respect boundaries, it would be better if pple learn to respect family n occupy themselves with his professional life if they deem neccessary
linda i think its about time you post a write up of the real story, as for the poor fellow.........only time will tell
Na wa
this is just called pala pala ilu apala..they should sort it out ....the dead should be respscted...
Abegy free kim iyke jor,did he mention names? Mtcheeew
Real Journalists do not take sides.
Jimmy Jimjim. Kilonhappen? Woman dey pull out proof from left, right & centre, dey pull out document, dey pull out video ati audio. You, you dey there just dey talk talk talk taaaalk..dey do yeye shout out.
Proof ti e da? Abi the bank, the hospital & the police station..all of them dey lie against you ni? All of them ni wan want ponron e sooooo much that won enter conspiracy papo against you abi? When e no be like say your name be lexington steele.
And come, is this not the point where you should have hired a publicist lati handle gbo katikati yi? Even if she is lying against you, shey o ye ko ma air dirty laundry e nita gbangba.
That goes for the both of them. If the woman has undisputable proof , then why not just let the court speak for her. I know the temptation to vent online is always alluring during this facebook and twitter era..and I can understand feeling quite mad looking at it from BOTH points of view.. But the truth is..right now you BOTH just dey look spiteful, No one is winning anything from this public display of shenanigans.
Let your lawyers duke this out in court.
U are a big fool!so linda should post ur mother's pic on her blog abi?u don't have respect for ur mother that's why u feel everybody is like u!U people should leave Jim alone jor!
den woman wats ur problem......u want fresh bloood wat abt other tins dat hapnd,,,,,u run charity home dnt u see begers on d road even d poor on d street to assist ,,,they ve enuf poor people in d north u didnt assist anyone of dem is jimiyke u want 2 assist.....abeg make i hear word booooh abeg poster nxt chapter jare,,,,,,rubish
She is a blogger!not a journalist!she is allowed to take sides!me am taking sides too n am on jim's side ds tym!....TONI
This is ridiculous
The Jim guy is a common criminal period,419 confirmed .if he wants to fight dirty the victim has the right to fight dirty too.Pay the money and keep your mama out of the matter,when the woman was flying your family first class around the world you guys were posing for pics abi.bloody villagers a fool at 40 they say is a fool for life
Its all sh*t. dey shld be matured enough abt dis whole tin, xpecially him. I tink dey shld end it d same way dey started it & stop feedin us wit crap. Ndgreat.
Both of them no get shame. Am sure he used her and dumped her. He'll hath no fury........ Useless people!
this jim iyke is pathetic. why fight with a woman, i believe hes done something wrong. hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. all these guys that like followin rich women and some of them conspire with thier mothers like one case i witnessed in my area.
Jim Iyke don chop bonga fish don hook him longer im nor fit waka clean mouth!
Sometimes some women are better left alone, regardless of their money and wealth. But Jim is a PIG so he is dealing with one, this Habiba woman; so these two scums both deserve each other!
They should at least spare us the sordid details of their illicit, immoral & fraudulent conjugation...we just nor send dem abeg!!!!!...move on people
40 yrs old. umarried and still chatting like a teen. i have seen the mug shots they are not photoshopped. the lady was linient enough to spread jis repayment period. yet see the rubnksh he is saying. am shocked linda is on his side.
its a shame really. and this exposes some of our so called celebs. living false lives and using people.
fact: there is a case against jom iyke. he owes the lady money. he should quit the childishness
Linda abeg wetin I do u for a long time u have stopped posting my comment be careful
Like seriously jim iyke. Take a break 4rm all dis n do urself a HUGE favor. GROW UP. Focus on ur actin or singin career. If it doesn't work try comedy. But stop all dis. Wen u were following her u dint know she wuz bleachin abi. Get a life. Oma baby
U r d one that needs the eye doctor! Seriously! That was not a mug shot ke kwa! How? It's either for a movie or it was just a plain joke. Eastern brother ke? Abeg abeg go and find a seat somewhere joor! Biased indeed! Mtcheww
He's simply defending himself. Yeah he's hurt and he feels like letting it all out. I don't blame him. Bin there done that.
i love Jim
Thank u o my brother.! Y she still fighting dirty nu! Free the young blood and carry ur plastic body somewhere else eh Biko.
YeAh I agree u are an idiot! Linda is sooo right! Y d hell the scarface gonna drag his mama into this? If ur having a nasty fight with someone how would u feel if they ridiculed ur family too ehn? All u goats that think with ur butt. Linda is no 1. Naija wareva try na stay relevant by posting scandalous things. Mtcheww!
Abeg leave jim iyke alone!!! There's two sides to every story!!! Anon July 21, 2012 3:09 PM,I wholly believe you r halima abubakar. My question to you is this: what is a married woman doing giving him such amount of money? Is this a classic case of a love affair gone bad???
It's also tacky of u to send images of his mum to Linda, whatever curse that woman and her love ones whom you've hurt lay on you will surely follow u. Hiss.
Linda is a blogger ooo! It's her damn blog and if she refuses to defame someone's family it's a very noble thing to do. Look at the idiot that shot up a movie place last night. His father was contacted and they flew him down with respect. His son killed people but when u read the comments from people no one is blaming his parents or insulting them because their son was an adult and made his own decisions. So yeah family is A no no. Face Jim and free mum joor
Jim is a very poor boy wit extreme poverty mentality, wt al d movies he acted put togthr is he worth two million why wud he not apraciate d woman who gave him sixteen million to be a man at 40 not married,no child,no physical cash,no good name.madam,go ahead wit d case and let him be jaild.ungratful laggard.
So bcos Jim is igbo now, you don dey take sides abi? You're a BIG FOOL Linda. Maybe a man will suck you dry and give you S/O on twitter..... Let's see how you'll react then. Idiotic bitch.
Typical okoro feeling funky....imbed go pay your debt 419 ! Bloody scammer! And cut the silly crap about dragging your mum into the issue. Why not? Person wey born devil na hin go carry am.
Jim Iyke is a nice and cool guy? I take it you've never met him, or u r gay as eff.
Because she's a tribalistic sucker, desperately hoping Jim Iyke is her man
So bcos Jim is igbo now, you don dey take sides abi? You're a BIG FOOL Linda. Maybe a man will suck you dry and give you S/O on twitter..... Let's see how you'll react then. Idiotic bitch.
Can these two just shut the hell up and go have SEX!!!!! Its obvious they need to have hot steamy makeup sex. asin Jim needs to viciously grab Hajia from behind, pull her pants down and nack her serious akpako from the back - doggy style. That ought to shut both of you up!
*maximus says so via her best sex position - the wheel barrow*
Bro I gbadu jare
U guys are fools did they tell u she no get husband? 2 mumu's
Excuse me??? U say what??? Seriously, u should stick to just reading thru this blog. NO FUTURE COMMENTS PLEEEASE !!!
My dear God bless u 4 being truthful jor.Jim shld Convince d crt orderwise nt us
well, i have things to say.. first of all, how did the woman know Jim? secondly, d woman claimed to help the mom, well no body begged u.. i have never seen nice people in naija who help random pple.i believe the two were dating.. the woman claimed it was bussiness.and the woman in question is married.. is she not ashamed of her self that she was used, wat does she expect? how can u give some one that kind of money if u dont have anything in common.. itz not loan cos there was no agreement.. to me, it was just benefits cos they were keepin their selves not in support of anybody, they should just settle this matter their self .. its clear, dis is based on love affair.. u should never drag pple parents when dealing with an individual. u helped bla bla, no body cares.. as for jim, next time, shine ur eyes well, go pay her joo or instead kiss and make up..
God u are so dry!! Fack!
...kid,grow the hell up
Read properly before start bleeding bloody Linda ass wipes. I have been reading Linda's blog since its inception so best believe when i say she's biased in this matter.
Now where did the woman in question insult his mother, she stated her own side of the story by saying she took care of his mother and she prayed for her. If Jim is innocent why not arrest and sue her. Please stop acting gullible y'all,its obvious more than s** exchanged body, money definitely exchanged hands too. Linda put this here to help clear Jim's image, but didnt put the woman's side of the story, thats WRONG!
I love ur big bobi...lets forget abt jim iyke and do something together
i totally have no regard for this guy and any other guy that takes money from a woman under the guise of a business deal,a roll in the hay or any other reason and rather than pay back honourably ,resort to trash-talk to get out of it.Jim Iyke is shameless and the lady should drag his family,mum and do anything within her means to recover her money.If mad man no de shame,maybe im family go cover face small! S/O to shameless gigolos that f**k and tell after collecting mullah! no woman ,aboki alhaja or not will go to these lengths if she did not have solid evidence of wrong deeds done!
Linda just showed herself as a dumb and thick persons. Jim iyke is a shady character, why are u supporting him in public? If ur mum is so sacred to you, why involve ur mum in a scam? Ur mum and family benefited from the while scam now you wanna leave them out of mud slinging. It's so gay!
As far as am concerned linda is overrated and Jim iyke is a criminal. If he is not careful hired killers will get him.
Lwkm oooo nyc poet if i may pls u guyz shudnt turn ow lovely naija into a gangstar country ooo...wer tryn to solve boko dnt add dt....
Jim Iyke...Yaba Left awaits you!
The tweets sef need a translator. Incoherent babble
Seconded! :) you jst typed for me, 10 :26 :)
I jst read her side of d story 4rm naijagist...I think it's only fair Linda posts' it! Cuz she has evidence n recordn 2 bak up her claims, she has documents n recordings! Jim Iyke nids a gud PR pesin! He shld stop ranting lyk sum juvi on twitter, n show maturity! Linda post Habiba's side of d story too! Linda u do nt av 2 post Jims' mum's pics, jst post Habiba's side!
who to believe now...only God knows...JIM leave her alone, HAJIA you too leave him alone...God knows who is saying the real truth.
I have some kinda shout outs to make...
-Shout out to those Boko Haramist on NP cos I know NP Admin will delete there accounts someday...
-shout out to every tribalist on NP cos I know they are only wasting their time...
-Shout out to DEDONMICKY,CADANRE,ALLAHISGR8,AJANNI,AISHATUA ,their controversial lifestyle on NP will not help them cos they are making NP more boring for us.
-Shout out to Bendelarmed Robber, I believe his coffee will finish tomorrow.
-Shout out to Finlandguy,sophiebaby,openreality,idbabe,verah,50scent,zionzion,nonsovin,d*1*c;kman and the rest cos I could not remember, cos NP is their house.
-Shout out to our corrupt politicians cos their days are numbered.
-Shout out to Boko Haram, by the grace of God almighty they will soon become a thing of history
Linda you are displaying bias in ur coverage of this drama. I believe you can post Habiba's side of the story without putting up Jim Iyke's mum's pictures. Be balanced and fair in ur reports as that has been a hallmark of this blog...
What's up with the asinine incoherence???
Dude needs to grow up! If he's got beef with someone he should man up and tell the person straight up! Why all the incoherent aspertion casting on twitter of all media?
He should reverse and park one side abeg! Nobody gives a rat's backside!
i rilli dont get what he is sayin at all but he sounds angry...very angry
Jim (James Ikechukwu) please grow up and come out clean in this...
Linda Ikeji, for the first time i'm going to say you're really biased. I rose to your defense several times on several fronts(not that you care or need it). But for the fact that you posted only one side is biased. you're so biased and i guess most stuffs people said on several sites about you were true
did you see this ?
The woman might be wrong in dragging Jim's mother into that, but Jim Iyke is such a toddler with his shout outs after having begged, or did vanguard collect bribe?
I wont be surprise if Jim propose to Linda Ikeji in future.
my point is; if you can post all jim iyke's shout outs, do post all the lady's too. well, make your money and drag your reputation to the mud.
you may choose not to publish my comment, i have said my mind.
It's great that you are getting ideas from this paragraph as well as from our dialogue made at this time.
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