A pro-Biafra group, Biafra Zionist Movement, BZM, announced, yesterday, that it had commenced the process to launch the struggle for a State of Biafra with the international community, saying that the formal declaration of the new Biafra Republic had been slated for November 5.
This came as Conference of Igbo Youth Organizations, CIYO, warned that Ndigbo “would no longer watch in silence while our brothers and sisters are slaughtered like animals” in the Northern States.
National President of BZM, Benjamin Onwuka, at a briefing said what prevented the realization of Biafra republic over the years was the inability to get the support of world powers, like the United States of America to back the project.
“As we approach the end of 13 years since the mobilization and struggle for Biafran Independence began under the aegis of MASSOB and other groups, the people of Biafra have not made much effort in realizing our dreams because the struggle has been internalized since 1999,” Onwuka said.
He expressed regrets that the international community did not know the aspirations of the Biafra people, saying “Biafra must therefore be internationalized because the forces preventing the dreams for our independence are vested in the United Kingdom.
Biafra can only be achieved when we secure the support of the United States of America; the day USA comes to our side, that day we shall be free from Nigeria; the story of South Sudan where a bloody civil war was fought for over 24 years is a typical example.”
Meanwhile, the Igbo youths in a statement endorsed by 10 youth leaders, including the National Coordinator, Igbo Youth Grand Alliance, Dr. Uchenna Uchehara, who read it after their emergency meeting in Owerri yesterday said: “Events of the past few months in Nigeria have become very disturbing to stakeholders, especially the Igbo nation that played a major role in the founding of Nigeria and inspite of the tragedies of the Biafran war, resolved to give total support to one united Nigeria”.
They lamented that the ugly experience of Ndigbo in Nigeria had been the persistent and unprovoked killings of Igbo citizens out
Culled from Vanguard
Ngwanu,ndi igbo kwenu!!!! Kwezuonu! Greatest biafrates,great
Ah! Thankyou Jesus! I am sick of being nigerian sef, may God be wiv d biafra movement ppl so I can no longer be among d God-forsaken nigerians. Nigerians, u can have ur tribalistic nd boko-haram shit, I'm leaving you!
Crase Man says...
Una go wait for the backing of USA tire. Why can't we all just live in peace biko kwanu. This is why an ibo man can never be president
Abeg make dem go siddon for gutter na today we dey hear am olodo's,who go gree dem wen we neva agree on soveirn national conference-unto the next one-omo-iwo says so..via b.b bold.5
I don't know abt biafra bt I really serz think d rest of nigeria should secced from the north, let us have some peace. Maybe its best 4 us.
Odiegwu ooo. Let's watch and c. (Mmaoluwa)
Joblessness in full force. They better get a better goal...Biafra in this present age? what Ojukwu with all his clout could not achieve they want to accomplish?
Na today? If una want go make una just go. Stop all these ranting of an ant. Let me remind you, first go and put your house in order, the ibos are yet to have a common front that is acceptable by majority of their people.
Secondly, stop abduction and kidnapping for ransome as well as robbery.
People just like wahala. What's the sense in this?
God help Nigeria stand! all i can say
All I can say is...Why cudn't they come up wit a beta flag :P
I think Col. Ghadaffi is trying to say something here... Ppl remember his words. God Bless Nigeria
du u tink dis we happen in dis life? Ogono 4rm nokia e6
I tink d tym z now or neva,we r tired of d unprecedentd killins of our brodas n sistas,even doz ugly sentiments we receive 4rm yoruba nitwits....Biafra shall stand 1 day...Ndigbo,ekene m oo...
Biafra ko,bloody retards,they neva think of d ripple effects of deir actions,dey neva see beyond aving dier beloved biafra,is it worth killing ourselfs(cos dere's no way d igbo's can get wat dey want without a war),tot we're suposed to learn from past mistakes.Like we don't av enough on our plates already.....Mcheeeew!!! pass d mike abeg
The Concept of Biafra is unrealizable!!! "Igbo enwegi Eze" The internal squabbles of diverse Igbo nationalities(Onitsha factor) and the fact that other sections of the former Biafra(south south)that are not pro Biafra, makes it a pipe dream. The dis-intergration of Nigeria will lead to utter chaos.
BIAFRA is the way to go.
Readers get this to your heads, if Nigeria doesn't separate, it can never be united.
Nigeria is too corrupt to be united, we need to break Nigeria into 3 country or more countries. So things can move ahead and for the better of our people. Lets sha give the northerners a country and lets live.
Jokers! keep wasting your monies.
I support them and I know the US will support them. Fuck PDP coz they rubbished democracy......olumayo
unnn Nig govt go send soldiers after them oh den for just do am unannouced. idokay
*Lips are sealed*
Hmmmm dis is war Oº° ..
Haha. Jokers
Hmmmm!! Waiting 2see hw it wil end.Igbos dat discriminate demselves nw want 2 form a govt n own a country?issorai!
Na wa o. My people, let us face boko haram instead of each other.
I support dem cos dese things are getting outta hand.SHIKENA
state of biafra is vry much needed now xpecially d way d country is headin. I had my reservations abt biafra initially but now am in full support.*sipping my alomo*
it's about time o!
It just keeps getting worse... division of the country isn't the solution, IMO
I support this cause, too many innocent people dying for nothing.pls Linda how can Igbos abroad support this cause so that we that live in America can get the US Govt involved, Enough is Enough
Linda why are u slow in getting us updated?? There is a blast in bauchi NYSC camp!!http://t.co/dHmeP8nw
YAY,.... Super excited!!
About time.
Hmmm! Are they serious...i beta go get my ak47 ready.bcos war go soon start.....lol
This isn't the way out and the USA will not support them! So this is different from MASSOB?
Next thing now MEND will regroup and then OPC and then Arewa, then what?
am not in support of this, let keep praying and believing for God intervention
Checkout this blog
Hmm at least this is a step we all need there is no 1 nigeria....
Fortunately or unfortunately, Nigeria is heading for a split. This will eventually happen. At this rate Biafra will exist sooner than we thought.
At this point....
I dont even blame them....after all these years...we are still killing on another.
or others are trying to destroy the 'union'
..its just all so sad .
finally the solution is here. now the trouble in north will end, cos the idiot bh will see the result of their trouble, it should start happening in every region. maybe if fulani man need visa to come to biafra or lagos they ll carry bomb, or kill foreigners .. good news
Oh goodie! Another book and another award for Chimamanda. i wonder what it would be called this time? Half of a red sun? Quarter of a yellow sun? Idiots.
Ori awon eleyi ti yì oh,are dey for real? USA to back dem up so dt wat will happen?dey'll go on anoda slave experience?inasmuch as d Northerners aren't bein sensible ds days,does it mean yu guys too av to show ur senselessness?.........BLAZYN
i support 100% isabout time abeg! up Biafra!
As in seriously what will happen when Biafra has a state. The Igbo's don't have much land space for everyone hence why they travel far to begin with. And then the ones that are out are afraid to go home because of some village members (1) not wanting them to come back and take the small piece of land remaining to begin with (2) not wanted to see that some people are doing better than they so they arrange kidnapping and sturves. We need to pray for Nigeria and for every tribe. And all the Killing in the North is terrible. But if all the Igbo's were to become a State, and every Igbo in all parts of Nigeria were sent back to their Villages, tell me, where will they stay. Not enough space for a family with 10 brothers, as in, where will these 10 brother's build their country home. Sometimes I worry about all this Biafra movement. It is true that we have enemies. But we also have enemies at home.
I am Yoruba, but I support you guys whole heartedly.mabe one day we Yorubas will have the courage to declear Oduduwa Republic.We don't have much oil but will do better in a republic of our own without 6334, without Abuja,without Normadic education, without Malam administration sorry maladminidtration .
why is it that these people are always depending on USA for everything. yesterday i saw a news posting about Nigerian guy blaming the USA for not putting Boko Haram on terrorist list. believe it or not people, you have to help yourselves. you cannot depend on the USA for everything.
On a side note, this Biafra thing is a noble idea, i hope it works out.
I am Yoruba but I support my Igbo brothers with all my heart.They give Nigeria so much everyday and got little or nothing in return. I encourage them to protest at the white house and the UN building for recognition.I would rather tell people am from Biafra, Nigeria is a disgrace.
Supported igbo kwenu oooooo!!!
Every time there is crisis in Nigeria, Biafra remembers it wants to secede. That's fine. I really hope this time it works out for you guys. I hope Biafra becomes a great nation, another Norway if you like.
But if you people are not going to do anything concrete, for the love of God, shut up and lets put our hands together to work!
Hmmm! D Falcon can no longer hear d Falconer....things fall apart! Divided we safe!
Is ndigbo trying to secede with or without the oil wells ? with the oil wells ; your chances are very slim. Without; you have a great chance
linda u are ugly .. U ramove my comment
And it will distort d unique shape of d Nigerian map!
For those saying Igbo land is too small, Singapore is even smaller than some local governments in Lagos and about twice as rich as Nigeria in GDP.
For those saying 'Igbo enews eze' which modern nation is run unceremonially by monarchies? Trust me the Jews are more divided among themselves in Isreal than the Igbo are in the East - some ultraorthodox Jews attend holocost denial seminars and disagree with the existence of an Isreal not established by the Messiah. They argue among themselves who are real Jews. Yet Isreal stands as a nuclear nation and gave some military support to Biafra during the civil war.
Nigeria WILL DISINTEGRATE in one of 2 ways - peacefully or otherwise. The less we talk about it, the more likely it would happen suddenly and violently.
Nigeria was not ordained by God to exist so we must think out of the box - many countries have disintegrated in Africa, Europe and elsewhere, the heavens did not fall. We Nigerians should stop thinking it can't happen. Forced unity never works in the long term - it didn't work for the Austro-Hungarian empire(we now have Austra, Hungary and other states and most importantly, PEACE), Russia, 'United' Kingdom (Ireland has broken away, Northern Ireland wants to follow, and Scotland would be next.), and many others. In fact the major reason we didn't have another world war is because self-determination is more respected in Europe.
Nawa oh.... am an igbo man but i dont support that, is baseless
This isn't a dream anyone and by the time other tribes realize, the Igbos would be the happiest at the end.
Go find your cause and stop hating on the Igbos. We have suffered our own share of the pain and still suffering. The earlier this country divides and leave the north with BH, the better it would be for everyone.
They probably took too much isiewu and gulder before making such pronouncement...na magic to get country? Wey fear nor dey let ibo pple go home for holiday nai dem go come back to stay forever?!East wey dem dey kidnap for 10k sef
Abi them nor know say country need security and also resources?
does the east have any tangible developed resource dey can get funds to run a country with?...yeye pple looking for free dollars from USA!them don commot from NGO scam na new Country scam dem wan enter...*hiss* kai I dey come,my garri go don soak reach
Looooooooooooooooooooool! Calm down biafras! Its not as easy as u fink ohh! Long live nigeria,
You know what?? Am tired of dis bullshit.. Igbo should go! Yoruba should go! Hausa should get lost nd we the proud Niger Deltans should be on our own. I can't wait!!! Nigeria should be divided into 4 for peace to reign bcos I know it can't be divided into 2 parts only!!! My only regret is, the people who fought for 'ONE NIGERIA' will be turning in their graves right now cos they didn't fight for Niger Delta, Biafra, Oduduwa Kingdom or Hausa kingdom!! They fought for 'ONE NIGERIA'.. Nigerians are so blind!! They can't see that we are a threat to every other country both African countries and the Western countries bcos we are united and strong. These Boko Haram idiots re from Sudan, Niger, Chad etc!! But its such a pity some Nigerians joined dem in destroying this country!! Nigerians can't see that when we are united no other country can come close to us or even talk to us!! They can't see that other countries are jealous of how united, strong, intelligent, rich and successful we are!!! Nigerians have broken records in everything in this world both good and bad!! There is nothing under the sun a Nigerian has not done!! Nigerians are the best doctors in the world, the best engineers , the best philosophers, the best scientist, the best entertainers even the best thieves!! We are super talented and intelligent!! I know this because I have an uncle who the American govt has seized and refused to allow come back to Nigeria because he is super intelligent and a really good doctor!! There is nothing we can't and haven't done! I have more things I wanna pour out here but I will just end here so other people can air their views but I will be back!! God Bless Nigeria!!!
*Dirty Diana*
Useless ingrates! If not that yorubas r very tolerant people, or shld I say huge cowards, you will not be alive to spray ur goat mouth anyhow. This is d reason why you igbos r scared of hausas, and talk trash to yorubas even when we have accommodated you buffoons to the extent that you bastards seem incapable of. In your lands, out of every 1000 pple, u may only see 7 non indigenes. Please, you animals should pack and go make we hear word.
JOKERS!!!! Biafra ko, Borofo ni!Jobless morons
JOKERS!!!! Biafra ko, Borofo ni!Jobless morons
Simply foolishness!!!!!
This is absolutely absurd. I showed my dad this article, and his response was, ignorance at its best. First of all, my dad is igbo and my mommy is Yoruba. And, I will say there's been merge of culture and more understanding between Yorubas and igbos more and more each day.
Second, Ojukwu tried that and he didn't succeed, because there's no strategy or plan B, which is commonsense but many Nigerians lack that. If you try such nonsense again, you will go from something to NOTHING.
Third, the least Nigeria needs at the moment is MORE CHAOS OR WAR. The relationship between igbos and Yorubas have improved over the years, and Igbos are part of Nigeria. It makes no sense to want to divide themselves. Another backward mentality. Nigeria, is divided enough, you have Yorubas on one side, Igbos on another side, other groups on the third side, and then Lagos is the melting pot of Nigerians.
Last, the North is Nigeria's major problem. Division, is not the answer to anything, unity is the answer, you work out your differences, tolerate and learn to live among each other. If anything, Yorubas, Igbos, Edo, and other tribes should unify and see how we can stop the North from destroying Nigeria.
I'm just exhausted with the backward mentality that Africans, Nigerians have. They like to cause more problems than actually fix it. Division, destroyed Africa. Don't you dare compare other countries who have successfully done it, only few and sorry, we Nigerians are not capable of that, so why don't we just come together and be ONE NIGERIA. I mean, what else do we want, at least the Europeans helped us already by making English our official language.
Na Map dey worry you?
First of all remember without them Nigeria can never stand economically and otherwise. Secondly why did this so call useless Nigerians invade biafra because of the oil, because we are smart, we rule the business world, entertainment, education everything (if i am lying go on youtube and search for biafra you would see the video, if u dont have internet call Nnaemeka Company to buy ur smart phone or to fix u a new and FAST internet). So u all yorubas and huasas and other tribes should shut ur dirty stinky mouth.
For those bush humans saying we have no land, abeg go and see for ur self in the east, go and see mansions the Igbos have built in there villages not to talk of the ones in the west and north, we can never be lazy like u dirty Nigerians.
For those talking about Kidnapping, yes we do kidnap, but at least we do it because we don't have laziness in our blood to wait for the government like the dirty Yorubas and the useless Huasas inshort the whole fuckedup Nigerians.
Let me tell u, if they divide Nigeria today, our biafran mummy Linda Ikeji will go and u can stop saying shit, because she will block u all from commenting. Inshort u can see it from her work, she entertains u, not like u dirty yorubas or lazy hausas.
If God can answer our prayers and let Biafra become reality, or we igbos close our borders and then invest only in the igbo areas.
Trust me i will pity for this poverty Nigeria because it will sink and sink into abyss, penury and *concentrated* poverty to the extent Zimbabwe and Sudan will become America to the useless country.
U guys are just ignorant, u don't want to admit that the Igbos rule Nigeria, forget about the politics we don't care, we don't need that office, it is meant for lazy people like the yorubas and huasas in-short Nigerians.
Linda Nwa Ikeji biko post my comment I beg with God, and tell all this anonymous to show their ugly Nigerian faces not Anonymous.
*And if una insult me further, na God go punish una fatherland there*.
anon 7:51pm, thank u God bless u. igbos are bloody tribalist, the come to lagos to do business n succeed. they become ceos and commissioners and we yoruba's dont say anything. if u go to an igbo state to school(all dese federal govt high schools), they will try to kill u. and i'm saying this cos i kw someone dat almost died there. if u go there to do business, they will hate on you n u cant even become the commissioners secretary not to talk of commissioner gan gan. n to talk bout these biafra pple, all i can say is Good luck to u guys but i kw dat una sufferhead will kw no bounds. linda, dont hate on my comment cos u r igbo. post it!!!
Make una wait oo. Ndi Igbo want Biafra for southeast ...Yoruba oduduwa in the South West... Delta. Want MASSOB in south souht ......Hausa want ? Sharia in the North, but come what of the middle belt that belongs to neither of these in reality? So, Middle Belt.what are going to call ur own movement or you are waiting to see who will adopt your states or fight your cause as usual, 'THe VOICELESS' group wake up and play ur own music before you are left in d bottom of d great rivers!!!!
Do you know where u got it wrong?..where u said Linda will follow biafra rep and block every other tribe..lol..as in,seriously,are u for real? How do u think linda makes her money?by blocking people from her blog abi?..lmao
I deal with facts not fiction..i see nuff igbos in Yoruba land thriving..Linda being one..yet at every turn..u turn round to lambast Yorubas..now imagine if Yorubas were to give you the BH treatment??..
And Yoruba people rarely live in the East..or have much to do there cos folklore says..igbo would never concede land to Yorubas..imagine that mentality..they would find a way to get it off u..by hook or crook..
Yes..Igbos have been wronged but they exploit it when not getting their way..
As someone said..enuff igbos are scared to go back to their villages..why do you think they rather remain in the North and SouthWest??..don't even trust their own..
Laughable so Igbos kidnap cos their not lazy??..and u live side by side with the dirty Yorubas..feel sorry 4 ur azz..
Nigeria as an Entity is powerful do not be fooled..and glad South..East and West..are not taking the bait..killing dem hausas..Yorubas play the game well..and get the best out of all tribes..it would be the most peaceful entity cos they accomodate and integrate Muslims and Xtians...
So where are the members of this group? There's nothing to indicate that they actually LIVE in Nigeria. So with their American resident permits and passports they want to cause commotion for those of us inside abi? Will they come and fight for Igbo people? Abeg I'm tired. We have boko haram to fight and these ones are coming to add fuel to a fire we don't know how to quench. I'm Igbo and I don't see how this is the issue now. And it fascinates me how so many people can come here and call igbo people tribalists using a bunch of stereotypes. Abi you're not tribalistic too with your comments? You see why Nigeria is falling apart. It doesn't take much to distract us. A select group of people have started something and in one minute you've turned against an entire tribe and forgotten the relevant issues in this country. Make una carry go. Proceed o.
U done chatting shit?????
Spoken like the fool u are.
Abegi make them go siddon!! which kind Biafra, ibo's that discriminate against themselves... anambra peopel dont want any bussiness with abia.When anamabra wanna marry Abia they begin to fell goose bumps.. this is a joke...
Bianca Onoh can then be your president, I guess. Lmao.
It's pathetic, how Igbos are always crying about Biafra or not being treated equally. Nigeria, treats them normal, so I don't know what the hell they want.
Igbo people are the most tribalist group, and insecurity is their biggest problem. Igbos go around convincing others they are better than Yorubas. I went to an American event in LA few weeks ago. I met an Igbo guy there, I was happy to see another naija. So, my friend(American) joked around and said, she's sure they will trace her roots back to Nigeria. Igbo dude answered, definitely yoruba because you are TOO black to be igbo. It's like me saying, my friend is yoruba because she doesn't have the Igbo strong head/facial features. So, I told him I'm Yoruba though, and he was very shocked. He already concluded I was Igbo, because I'm naturally light skin and don't have marks on my face. He went further to say, his parent told him, Yorubas are very black, have marks on their faces and less educated. Really? Obviously, there's nothing wrong with being dark skin but the igbos have self hate, low self esteem where they think being fair skin is the biggest achievement in the world. I know, many igbos have that stupid mentality about Yorubas. And, it's sad it's passed down to the younger generation too. I don't care about such nonsense, we come in different skin color, features and we are all from the same country. Igbos talk shit about Yorubas than we do, and I'm speaking from experience. Most of my naija friends are Igbos because I see more of them in my area. Till today, they still joke around about me not looking Yoruba. It's just foolishness to me.
Igbo are all over yorubalands, enjoying the goods of the land. There are few, if any Yorubas in Igboland, because they are NOT welcoming like that. There hasn't been tribal war between ibos and yorubas, why bring it up now? So stupid, they must be really jobless.
Mr akpa fufu gorilla brain. You are saying 'go to the east' not 'come to the east' meaning; you are not there. Why you run comot? If your land wasn't the cursed rubbish that it is, why can't you stay there? Na hunger go kill all of una. You are talking of houses you thieves built in the north and west. You think when you are heading back to your cursed land you can take it with you? Hahahahahaha. I laff at your lizard egg brain. That is the day you pigs will know that yorubas are not as stupid as you think. I pray this biafra shit pulls through. So you accursed things can leave Nigeria with the smelly curses that follow you about. You animals can now go ahead to kill yourselves very well cos of land, sacrifice your children, or wives for money. You think you are the driving force of the nations economyu? Hahahahahaha I laff again. Do you think it's by mistake that the eastern states have no direct access to the sea? That is God punishing you pigs already. Don't even wait till November o, leave now, let's see if Nigeria will not be better for it.
Ori e wambe joor. Go to Yaba and see how the igbo traders harass people anyhow, and yorubas keep mute. Even in eko idumota, same noni. They are bloody ungrateful beasts. I served in the north, and I saw first hand how the igbos composed themselves. They are so afraid of the hausas cos they know those ones no dey hear go come. There's an igbo commissioner in Lagos. In the east, a non indigene will be suicidal to think he/she can become a clerk in their state offices. Yet they can open their gutter mouth to call people tribalists. I skooled in Asaba, where some igbo students from onitsha skooled with us. Their tribalism was just too unspeakable even to little secondary school students. Go to my small village in Ikare Ekiti, igbos are there. Some even live in my grand fathers compound. Sometimes I wonder how they found their way there. My grandpa told me that during the civil war, these same igbos they tolerated in the village for years, were the same ones who tried to get their soldiers to capture the land. They are a cursed people and the curse upon them is probably what is wrong with Nigeria as a whole.
Hmmmm!! Waiting to see how it will end. Igbos that discriminate themselves now want to form a govt and own a country? You guys are bloody tribalist #Fact
Nigerians are so tribalistic. Kai.
the rebellions we run, those of you who don't want the people to go you better wait and fight them.............o fools.. enemy@heart why not show it
It's amazing how those against Biafra do not offer intelligent discourse on this topic, descending into talks of how tolerant yoruba are. Igbos are the most tolerant Nigerians.
Hausa members were ELECTED in the Eastern govt. if u want to be commissioner in the east, what proportion do you contribute to the taxes there? An Igbo commissioner is nominated not ELECTED in Lagos not because Yoruba love Igbo but because IGBO VOTES ARE IMPORTANT FOR ACN. In fact the destruction of the tertiary Education system started in UNILAG with the Eni-Njoku / Biobaku saga. Igbo do not complain too much about discrimination because we expect it. When Igbo children were disallowed from entering schools in the North we built our own schools. I schooled with Yoruba people and I faced discrimination. Igbo prosper in any society not because the indigenes are welcoming but despite all hinderances. Those who keep saying Biafra attacked Lagos, well that was only because Lagos was Nigeria's capital. You attack the the capital of any country u are warring with. That is how wars are fought. Educate yourselves. After all Yoruba soldiers killed Biafran women and children. Yoruba leadership did nothing about the pogroms except thank Northern Emirs that Yorubas were not killed. All these over a coup that was meant to bring Awolowo to rule Nigeria. The first plan to overthrow the govt was made by Awolowo's group. So any time you Yoruba comment about the pogroms remember the saying:
First they came for the communists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a communist;
Then they came for the socialists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a socialist;
Then they came for the trade unionists, and I did not speak out - because I was not a trade unionist;
Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out - because I was not a Jew;
Then they came for me - and there was no one left to speak out for me.
Many infrastructure are laid down in Lagos and elsewhere by the Igbo. If you want to be commissioner in Aba do the same.
Those commenting about internal squabbles, if you can come up with any society without internal squabbles I will give you a gold bar. Is it Yoruba that don't quarrel among themselves? Remember that the reason Nigeria was colonized easily was because of the bloody civil war among the people of Oduduwa. It gave them the excuse to intervene. Till today I observe the divisions amongs them. Is it the North. The boko haram issue shows us that they are even more fragmented than the Yoruba - religiously and ethnically. In fact having a country to ourselves will force us to focus on more important things than the color of Nnamdi's teeth. The thing dividing us is the sharing of oil wealth. That is the only reason Enugu broke out of Anambra and Ekiti out of Ondo.
Those who talk about intermarriage, do we annex Ghana because some Nigerians are married to Ghanaians? When Nigeria divides intermarriage will continue, those who choose to remain out of Biafra will not be forced back. After all, some Jews still reside in Germany, Iran, etc and not Isreal. Some ethnic Chinese reside in Indonesia and not the more prosperous Singapore. In fact I expect more Igbo to live outside Biafra than within building businesses and spreading prosperity beyond Biafran borders. It is not in our interest that our neighbors remain poor, we need our neighbors as a veritable market for our products just like the Jaja of Opobo, who was actually an Igbo man acted as middle man between Igbo traders and the British and resisted direct trade with the hinterland. Nigerians know your history. Biafra is destined to prosper and others who want to prosper with us are welcome.
You all should shut the hell up.
Orji Uzor kalu, Chimaroke Nnamani and Ikedi Ohakim(Former governors of Abia, Enugu and Imo) all had non indegines as special advisers that was before the SW started doing same.
Festus Adedayo was PA on media for Chimaroke Nnamani. There are lots of Non Indigines in the east, bcos you have not left your town doesn't mean other people don't travel.
you all come here and say stuff without traveling out to see for yourselves.
Nigeria does not end in ORE..lol..
KC1 I hope you didn't have a stroke. After all that heated raving and ranting oo; but come to think of it, why can't the Igbo be proactive instead of reactive??? Much ado about nothing
All those fools ranting and insulting Igbos how many times hv they insulted Boko Haram for killing their brothers& sister.
U dislike us so much why not be pleased that we want to go?
If it were the hausas that want to go u will all be gladly allow them.
it has always been obvious that we dont want them.
U the rest of nigerians or what ever u call it that want them shld leave with them.
@ Anon 1:10pm
You accuse people against Biafra not having intelligent discourse on the topic. You are in support of Biafra, and you make absolutely no sense either. Your comment is full of gibberish.
Those FOR Biafra, you guys have no strategy, no plan B, you just want to start war for no reason. It's bound to fail, you will be left with NOTHING, will be worse than the first attempt by Mr Ojukwu. Do Igbos realize the reason many of your women and children also died was because of mismanagement on Ojukwu's part. If you start something, be ready to DIE. You guys are fighting against a whole country, and you think the country won't fight back.
The British gave Hausa power, and that's the reason they feel entitled to it. The history of the Yoruba people go deep in all of Africa. Many African languages came from the Yoruba language, so we've been around for years. First come, first served is what is going on in Nigeria. We currently have a non hausa or yoruba as president, so more hope of having an Igbo president one day. I don't see a lot of Igbos going into politics either, and the ones that do haven't made a mark for themselves.
Igbos are the most tolerant? Such a big lie. The fact, that there are NOT many other ethnic groups in your land confirms the opposite. Yoruba people are very cultured but doesn't mean we are not tolerant. If you guys don't want to intermingle, then develop your igboland and stay there. I mean, the way Igbos are allowed to live freely in Yorubaland is a testament to how tolerant we are. Go to a small Yoruba town, I guaranteed, you will find good number of Igbos there. Some bring good business, others bad business. Igbos were denied school in hausaland? Did you think of the fact, it's more of a religion issue than anything else. There are more Yoruba muslims. Discrimination happens everywhere, yorubas do it to themselves, Igbos do the same thing. We will never perfectly get along, but can learn to tolerate one another. Oil is in regions that are not necessarily Igboland. River state, Calabar, Delta people have their different cultures and languages.
I have nothing against Igbos. Infact, I admire the business mindset. You guys are travelers, bring business to Nigeria. I just hate the superiority and Victim card you guys like to play. You guys are hardworking, and contributed to the small success Nigeria has. The whole back and forth of this group is smarter or better is stupid. If that's the case, we won't have the likes of Wole Soyinka, Chinua Achebe, Fela Kuti, Lazarus Ekwueme, Genevieve Nnaij, Omotola Jalade, etc. I see young Nigerians, no specific tribe who are achievers. Yes, you guys are hustlers, but doesn't equal IQ. So, let's put Biafra aside, let's come together to develop the country. More division, is not what Nigeria needs at the moment. It will cause more problems than fix any problem. Too many crucial issues at hand, Biafra is the least on the list.
@Anon1:58 PM, that is because we focus more on our business and have no time, as such the Igbo states are still at peace from all this problems. Just take for instance let BH guys bomb the east, u will see how reactive the Igbos are. Also the Biafra-Nigeria war destroyed the states so much that the igbos have to start from scratch in rebuilding their states. Let me tell u, if Nigeria gives back Biafra, u guys will see progression, and if u Nigerians dont want to join, u can sleep in poverty.
For those saying Igbo land is too small, Singapore is even smaller than some local governments in Lagos and about twice as rich as Nigeria in GDP.
For those saying 'Igbo enwe eze' which modern nation is run unceremonially by monarchies? Trust me the Jews are more divided among themselves in Isreal than the Igbo are in the East - some ultraorthodox Jews attend holocost denial seminars and disagree with the existence of an Isreal not established by the Messiah. They argue among themselves who are real Jews. Yet Isreal stands as a nuclear power nation and gave some military support to Biafra during the civil war.
Nigeria WILL DISINTEGRATE in one of 2 ways - peacefully or otherwise. The less we talk about it, the more likely it would happen suddenly and violently.
Nigeria was not ordained by God to exist so we must think out of the box - many countries have disintegrated in Africa, Europe and elsewhere, the heavens did not fall. We Nigerians should stop thinking it can't happen. Forced unity never works in the long term - it didn't work for the Austro-Hungarian empire(we now have Austra, Hungary and other states and most importantly, PEACE), Russia, 'United' Kingdom (Ireland has broken away, Northern Ireland wants to follow, and Scotland would be next.), and many others. In fact the major reason we didn't have another world war is because self-determination is more respected now in Europe after the last two world wars. There are prosperous landlocked countries in Europe eg Luxenburg, etc that are smaller than Amuwo Odofin local govt in Lagos but have larger GDPs than Nigeria and Nigerians would die to be smuggled to such countries in Europe. Heck Nigerians are getting deported from smaller countries in Africa and we are claiming giant of Africa. Big heterogenous nation states are unsuitable for Africa. Smaller ones are better manageable, the best African country to live in is little Cape Verde.
You know what?? Infact ehn.. Igbo should go.. But they should remember that they only have 5 states which are Ebonyi, Abia, Enugu, Anambra and Imo... They shouldn't even think of adding the Niger Delta states of Rivers, Calabar, Akwa Ibom, Bayelsa, Delta and Edo to this Biafra shit.. Cos I read somewhere where they added these states to there chicken shit Biafra.. I dare them to do this.. I pity the way my Niger Deltans will massacre them!!! We will do it more than the Hausa people sef... We will let them know this is 2012 and not 1967.. The idiots could not learn from Ojukwu!! Have yall forgotten so soon?? These Igbos went into the Niger Delta areas to build mansions back in the 60s so they could claim our land when the war happened they left everything and ran away. Today, those mansions are occupied by us the proud Niger Deltans. We took it from them and that was 1970. This is 2012. Infact, we will erase the entire Igbo race!!!... Well, its been over 40 years since the civil war so am sure America will agree to this division.
*Dirty Diana*
Thank you o my sis. Everybody except igbos, hate igbos. Crase people! Na so dem wan steal land from ogoni and ph people that time. Thunder fire their head. E good say our weapons still dey. Cos who do anyhow go see anyhow.
@ ispeakmymind you and your whole generation even the ones yet unborn are cursed. IDIOT like you anuofia,ewu,aturul,makakwu,nkita ara,ezi ofia,otoro gbagbukwaa gi.
@ Anon 5:30pm
Another example of not looking at the bigger picture. Nigerians are book smart, but the most group with lack of common sense and bad judgement.
These people are blood thirsty, nothing good will come out of it. Boko Haram is a small group, look at how they scared everybody, let alone if Nigeria involve in another civil war. Some of the countries you mentioned succeeded because they were strategic, don't you get it. I guess, it's a foreign word to Nigerians. Even, a lot of the countries that divided themselves, are not doing any better. It's not that easy, for goodness sake.
If this happens, then every tribe will want to declare their own independence, when there are about 250 tribes. It's better to stick together than divide. It's going to be ONE NIGERIA, whether you like it or not. I see, some people will not rest until Nigeria is completely destroyed into ashes. Such a wicked, evil mentality.
i think dis is all politics oooo like dis boko haram rubbish, its just one igbo politician tryin 2 make money 4rm havin all d oil money.
Civil war, disintegration,Marginalisation, U S A back up, ,Republic of BIAFRA, more states, more countries ALL a chase after d WIND all is meaningless eat nd drink nd enjoy d work of ur hand
Lovely you get sense
@ Anon 4:37pm
Intelligent discourse does not include unnecessary insults and I will not descend to that depth with u. Address my points and not my person. Nothing I said is gibberish, u are just too stuck on ur opinion on a big for nothing Nigeria too see it, beyond ur insults the rest of ur write up says u are educated.
Nobody in support of Biafra is touting war, only those against. Many countries have divided without war or bloodshed. Like Czechoslovakia. Sudan divided by referendum after many wars and would stabilize over time like Ireland stabilized after separation from UK after internal problems.
There are not many nonindigenes in our land because they choose not to come. My lecturer that served in the east enjoyed her time, attended events, ceremonies and burials, and longs to go back. She understand Igbo better than I do because she was welcome in the society. People who actually travel to the east and know what they are talking about don't say what u say. Igbo are in Lagos not because they were invited but because they TRAVELLED there. If u are waiting for an invitation u are on a long tin. Who says Igbo don't intermingle. U can find 50 Igbo men on ur street that know ur hometown, history, culture better than u do.
That Igbo were disallowed from attending northern schools seem to surprise u. Learn about the Igbo union schools. U are a Nigerian, u shld know ur history. I know it was a religion thing. My point is that we saw discrimation, complained abt it and did something abt it. Even now, my relatives that studied in the north do not have their Igbo names on their papers. They answer names that northern Christians are likely to answer.
I did not show any victim or superiority card if u actually read my typing. The talk of who produces the best intellectuals is irrelevant to the issue at hand.
The talk abt Igbo president is a symptom of the real problem. I do not want an Igbo president. Nobody who got their indigene in that post has seen any real improvement in their condition. The north has had the presidency for ages and their society is not better for it. Many yoruba leaders who fought for Yoruba presidency are now saying Obasanjo's tenure did nothing for the yorubas. Jonathan's people are now saying the same thing. All that arrangement has produced a few billionaires like Obasanjo produced Otedola, Northern rule produced the Dantatas, nothing reaches the common man.
The talk of oil not being in Igbo land is ignorant. A lot of the oil sites in rivers for example were excised from Imo state after the war as punishment. The same thing with Aba. In fact I wish we didn't have oil. Does Singapore have oil, or Japan. Texas has oil but is still one of the poorest states in the USA. If oil was the determinant of wealth, Rivers would be richer than Lagos. Their property market, in Port Harcourt, has been beset by unreasonable prices and lack of investment since the seizure of 'Abandoned' properties after the war.
@ Anon 9:07pm
My write up looks at the big picture? If u did same u would understand that breakup does not have to involve war. In fact, no country as diverse as Nigeria has been run without autonomy in some provinces. Scotland has an independent govt from UK an can even print their own currency. They are considering leaving UK. In fact the existence of the EU is a big encouragement for them. The fact is we are going nowhere on talk of true federalism let alone autonomy. Mention it and u would be called an irredentist. That is why for that conversation to move forward irredentist or separatist must stop becoming a bad word in Nigeria. If u want unity mention ways of actually moving forward and don't sit down and complain abt small countries deporting Nigerians. No supporter of unity actually proposes means of moving forward.
I did not write things only to convince people on the need for separation but also to challenge them to defend tangibly and intelligently their position on unity. We cannot be united because the British made Nigeria when they are not united themselves. If we are united it must be in our interest. Our unity has only served western interests. When France wants to generate bigness for their tanking economy they go to one of their former colonies and sign contracts. Why don't they annex the french part of Switzerland just to have one big for nothing country like Nigeria.
The countries I mentioned succeeded because they were forced to be strategic. Singapore was forced out of Malaysia with nothing. Malaysia has all the oil. Yet compare Singapore's GDP per capita to that of Malaysia. Singapore was forced to be prudent because it had nothing. They are now reaping the benefits. This is why the presence of oil in a country has an inverse relationship with the performance of students. They don't have to think why if u have no resources, u have to be strategic.
Read the comments on this post. The only people talking abt war are those against any mention of Biafra. Some talk abt bloodshed and killing Igbo with glee and rage. Who is actually bloodthirsty? This is why we need a nation state. It is more difficult and politically fraught to attack foreigners than fellow nationals. We can take other means in the UN and is necessary financial and military options to protect Igbo people anywhere. The killings that led to the civil war were not the first targeted attack on Igbo. Some others took place under colonial rule and were encouraged by the British. How many killing of the Jews have occurred since the establishment of Israel. There are Jews living in Iran because it is more difficult to kill a national of a foreign country.
The existence of one Nigeria and its unconditional support is the actual bad judgement and I am tempted to say proof of lack of common sense.
I do not supported independence based on tribe. Only people who have agreed to live together. U can see that the south south people are not talking about independence based on tribe because it is not tenable for them.
Some countries that divided themselves are not economically better but they have one thing that is priceless. PEACE. U cannot even plan to do well without peace. They have the breathing space to make decisions that favor them. If they make bad decisions, they do not moan abt the big govt that was the problem in the past. They realize that their leaders are corrupt and boot them out. In Nigeria, poverty is blamed on Abuja because oil goes there. If the Niger Deltans had full access to their oil they would realize that it is not enough even for education or health care given their resident population. They would stop tolerating thieving governors. But right now, Abuja is the easy excuse to ignore the real problem.
@ Anon 9:07pm
My write up luks @ d big picture. If u did same u would understand that breakup does not have to involve war. In fact, no country as diverse as Nigeria has been run without autonomy in some provinces. Scotland has an independent govt from UK and can even print their own currency. They are considering leaving UK. In fact d existence of d EU is a big encouragement for them. The fact is we are going nowhere on talk of true federalism let alone autonomy. Mention it and u would be called an irredentist. That is why for that conversation to move forward irredentist or separatist must stop becoming a bad word in Nigeria. If u want unity mention ways of actually moving forward and don't sit down and complain abt small countries deporting Nigerians. No supporter of unity actually proposes means of moving forward.
I didnt write things only to convince people of d need for separation but also to challenge them to defend tangibly and intelligently their position on unity. We cannot b united because d British made Nigeria when they are not united themselves. If we are united it must be in our interest. Our unity has only served western interests. When France wants to generate bizness for their tanking economy they go to one of their former colonies and sign contracts. Why don't they annex d french part of Switzerland just to have one big for nothing country like Nigeria?
The countries I mentioned succeeded because they were forced to be strategic. Singapore was forced out of Malaysia with nothing. Malaysia has all d oil. Yet compare Singapore's GDP per capita to that of Malaysia. Singapore was forced to be prudent because it had nothing. They are now reaping d benefits. This is why d presence of oil in a country has an inverse relationship with d performance of students. They don't have to think while if u have no resources, u have to be strategic.
Read d comments on this post. D only people talking abt war are those against any mention of Biafra. Some talk abt bloodshed and killing Igbo with glee and rage. Who is actually bloodthirsty? This is why we need a nation state. It is more difficult and politically fraught to attack foreigners than fellow nationals. We can take other means in d UN and is necessary financial and military options to protect Igbo people anywhere. Dkillings that led to d civil war were not d first targeted attack on Igbo. Some others took place under colonial rule and were encouraged by d British. How many killing of d Jews have occurred since d establishment of Israel. There are Jews living in Iran because it is more difficult to kill a national of a foreign country.
D existence of one Nigeria and its unconditional support is d actual bad judgement and I am tempted to say proof of lack of common sense.
I do not support independence based on tribe. Only people who have agreed to live together. U can see that d south south people are not talking abt independence based on tribe because it is not tenable for them.
Some countries that divided themselves are not economically better but they have one thing that is priceless. PEACE. U cant even plan to do well without peace. They have d breathing space to make decisions that favor them. If they make bad decisions, they do not moan abt d big govt that was d problem in d past. They realize that their leaders are corrupt and boot them out. No country succeeds overnight. These countries that have peace will eventually succeed after making mistakes that would be made on d road to nation building. In Nigeria, poverty is blamed on Abuja because oil money goes there. This would continue becos it is too convenient to blame someone else and wait for them to do sumtin about d problem. Meanwhile d problem is never addressed. People in unhappy marriages can relate to this point. If d Niger Deltans had full access to their oil they wuld realize that it is not enough even for education or health care given their resident population. They would stop tolerating thieving governors. But right now, Abuja is d easy excuse to ignore d real problem.
Post my comments now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please post my response to @Anon 1:10.
I want intelligent conversation not censure. Democracies don't move forward by ignoring hot button issues.
We must begin having intelligent convoy here and elsewhere on this issue. Let those that prefer to talk nothing but sex go to other posts. Intelligent arguments devoid of petty insults should b encouraged not censured.
Sorry, i meant my response to @stopthenonsense 4:37pm
To Anonymous,
I apologize, didn't mean to insult you. I didn't say Igbos don't intermingle, yes, some of you guys know Yoruba culture better than us. No doubt about that. I'm saying, since you guys always complain about discrimination or not being treated equally, maybe it's better to stay in your Igboland, so you won't experience discrimination. I'm just being sarcastic.
It didn't surprise me, that Igbos were discriminated against by Hausas o, I'm just saying Hausas discriminate against everybody, including themselves so it shouldn't be taken personal. My best friend is from Enugu, used to go visit her a lot, then lived there for some time and I understand Igbo to an extent. I wondered why I didn't see Yorubas around like I see Igbos around in my area. Then, I will hear what was being said about Yorubas, bcos everybody thought I was Igbo. Then, when I came to the U.S, the talk on both sides continued mostly igbos saying how they are not welcomed among us and other Nigerians. "Confused face".
When we talk about division, we have to put into consideration so many factors. Those countries you mentioned, are a different group of people with different mindset.
There's NO African countries that divided peacefully. Sudan, is the WORST example, the country is in shambles and don't see it getting better anytime soon. Resources/territory is a huge part. Oil has been our so called "special factor", yet it's been a curse than blessing. Nigeria, will definitely thrive without it. But, if managed well, it can also be a blessing just like how other oil countries grow their economy from their main resource. I personally believe, Agriculture is the best way to boost Nigeria's economy due to our vast lands and weather.
For countries to divide, you have to come up with ways to grow economically, to survive and that's what will bring peace. You can't have peace with no basic necessities. The sad fact is, Africans are very tribalist, my own is better than the other is the belief of many. It's just the younger generation that are getting better, more tolerant. With 250 tribes, you are saying, there won't be conflict that will eventually lead to war and more bloodshed. Let's be REALISTIC and not THEORETICAL. Let's say, if Igbo people decide to separate, it's either other ethnic groups will join in or go against it which will eventually lead to more than we planned for. I'm sorry, Nigerians ARE NOT diplomatic or open to effective strategy, we are STUCK in our own ways. We are not much of long term solution, we just think of now, now and with such mindset, it's bound to fail. After 52 years of independence from Britain, if we can't get it together, I don't know how else. Let's face it, the main problem in NIGERIA is not necessarily tribal conflict, it's CORRUPTION in the government. Maybe, religion conflict in the Northern part, which has been a HUGE problem of recent. We are yet to address BOKO HARAM, and we want to add more fuel to the fire. When it comes to corruption, wickedness, greed, etc there's no specific tribe, it's just Nigerians.
The best way for Nigeria to move forward is, better leadership. I don't care who's president, just someone who will come in to better Nigeria as a whole. So, I think we should all focus on holding our government more accountable, fight against these corrupt leaders, and continue to do our parts. And, many Nigerians are not waiting for the government anymore, we are doing our best and let's continue on that path.
@stopthenonsense 6:28pm
Apology accepted. My position is not based on complaining of inequality. This is not important to me. Blacks in US complain about discrimination and do nothing to improve their situation. I addressed this in my last post. My argument for separation is not based on complaints. Complaints keep us in the same position. The Jews are discrimation against but still rule the financial world not because they moan like African Americans do in America. My write up challenges u to come up with big countries that did not have an effective program of ethnic cleansing and annihilation of minority cultures. If u want Nigeria to be as big and important as France, we have to b prepared to make their mistakes. We have to annihilate Yoruba, Igbo and other minority cultures. Read the history of US, Russia (Russification). I also told u we are divided in the east as others are elsewhere. Staying in the east is not going to cure discrimation. Discrimation is a human condition. If everybody in America was white, they would discriminate demselves based on hair color or eye color. In fact they already do, find out what they say about ginger haired people. I am saying d Igbo people did well by not complaining too much abt exclusion from northern schools and directed their energy doing smting abt it. This was directed to earlier Yoruba commenters complaining that Igbo people discrimation against them. Separation frm Nigeria wuld cure d Igbo from d disease d Biobaku/Eni-Njoku incident gave d rest of Nigeria. Trust me Igbo people are more open minded and outward looking than ur average Nigerian.
Sudan is in shambles right now but would adjust. Ireland was in shambles after division from UK but what abt now. Change is never easy but necessary. Enemy neighbor states spend more time on deterrence than war or conflict and this encourages investment in technology. They realize that war is not in the interest. Watch China's response to India's long range missile tests. Compare the trade btw both countries with d internal trade in Nigeria.
Nigeria, as it is, is rigged to fail. D reform in the NPA is not approved by the senate bcos Northern members will not ratify it. Never mind the improvement in operations. They will wake up one day and overturn it bcos it is being carried out illegally. Trust me, we wuld not get better leadership under this condition.
Countries do not necessarily grow from their main resource. If that was d case, south america wuld b richer than north America. An MIT research tells us that politics is the main reason why some countries are rich and others poor.
Making excuses why we can't change is postponing dooms day. That is why this convo is necessary. Our population is exploding. If we are stuck in our ways we wuld die in our ways. The conflict u are afraid of will eventually happen and given population growth, there wuld b more people to b killed and violence wuld b more. We are seeing only a small portion with boko haram. Countries that refuse to change wuld change by force. When Ukraine went into serious depression, cannibalism was common. A serial rapist and killer raised in that condition was always told by his mom, 'don't go out, u wuld b eaten' just d way ur mom told u 'don't go out, u wuld b kidnapped'. I am not fear mongering, I just don't want this situation to b prophetic. 'History does not repeat itself, humans do'.
Nice bantering with u. I see I have outlined a way forward. I wuld love surporters of unity, using historical precedent to outline a way forward 4 dis country instead of complaining abt tins dat wuld not change under present circumstances. This debate must go on, even beyond here. Remember, war starts when people stop talking.
@stopthenonsense 6:28pm
Apology accepted. My position is not based on complaining of inequality. This is not important to me. Blacks in US complain about discrimination and do nothing to improve their situation. I addressed this in my last post. My argument for separation is not based on complaints. Complaints keep us in the same position. The Jews are discrimation against but still rule the financial world not because they moan like African Americans do in America. My write up challenges u to come up with big countries that did not have an effective program of ethnic cleansing and annihilation of minority cultures. If u want Nigeria to be as big and important as France, we have to b prepared to make their mistakes. We have to annihilate Yoruba, Igbo and other minority cultures. Read the history of US, Russia (Russification). I also told u we are divided in the east as others are elsewhere. Staying in the east is not going to cure discrimation. Discrimation is a human condition. If everybody in America was white, they would discriminate demselves based on hair color or eye color. In fact they already do, find out what they say about ginger haired people. I am saying d Igbo people did well by not complaining too much abt exclusion from northern schools and directed their energy doing smting abt it. This was directed to earlier Yoruba commenters complaining that Igbo people discrimation against them. Separation frm Nigeria wuld cure d Igbo from d disease d Biobaku/Eni-Njoku incident gave d rest of Nigeria. Trust me Igbo people are more open minded and outward looking than ur average Nigerian.
Sudan is in shambles right now but would adjust. Ireland was in shambles after division from UK but what abt now. Change is never easy but necessary. Enemy neighbor states spend more time on deterrence than war or conflict and this encourages investment in technology. They realize that war is not in the interest. Watch China's response to India's long range missile tests ("India is not an adversary but a friend"). Compare the trade btw both countries with d internal trade in Nigeria.
Nigeria, as it is, is rigged to fail. Obasanjo's reform of the NPA has not been approved by the senate bcos Northern members will not ratify it. Never mind the improvement in operations - having northerners in NPA's leadership is more important to them and they feel the reform threatens that. They will wake up one day and overturn it bcos it is being carried out illegally. Trust me, we wuld not get better leadership under this condition.
Countries do not necessarily grow from their main resource. If that was d case, south america wuld b richer than north America. An MIT research tells us that politics is the main reason why some countries are rich and others poor.
Making excuses why we can't change is postponing dooms day. That is why this convo is necessary. Our population is exploding. If we are stuck in our ways we wuld die in our ways. The conflict u are afraid of will eventually happen and given population growth, there wuld b more people to b killed and violence wuld b more. We are seeing only a small portion with boko haram. Countries that refuse to change wuld change by force. When Ukraine went into serious depression, cannibalism was common. A serial rapist and killer raised in that condition was always told by his mom, 'don't go out, u wuld b eaten' just d way ur mom told u 'don't go out, u wuld b kidnapped'. I am not fear mongering, I just don't want this situation not to b prophetic. 'History does not repeat itself, humans do'.
Nice bantering with u. I see I have outlined a way forward. I wuld love surporters of unity, using historical precedent to outline a way forward 4 dis country instead of complaining abt tins dat wuld not change under present circumstances. This debate must go on, even beyond here. Remember, war starts when people stop talking.
@stopthenonsense 6:28pm
Please ignore grammatical errors. Most are due to the autocorrect option of my device without which I cannot type as fast as I need to.
@stopthenonsense 6:28pm
Please ignore grammatical errors. Most are due to the autocorrect option of my device without which I cannot type as fast as I need to. It has sometimes led to confusion. I meant:'I am not fear mongering, I just don't want this situation to b prophetic. 'History does not repeat itself, humans do'.
For the MIT research visit this site:
@ Anonymous
I'm afraid, you totally missed my point, I will say this for the last time. You are not being realistic and that's the problem with many Nigerians. It makes the discussion difficult.
You still haven't given any LOGICAL REASON as to why division is the best for Nigeria and how it will benefit Nigerians. Africans are good at SCREAMING division with no thorough thought process.
Do me a favor, go study the history of those other non African countries that did it successfully, the reason behind it and how they got to where they are now. Also, the history of Jewish people, and how it applies to now. The psychological/mental effect slavery has on African Americans.
STOP using European or Asian countries as a reason why separation will work in Nigeria. Those countries don't have as many tribes or languages in the first place. DIVISION never worked in any country in Africa, instead it created bigger problems and doubt it will work now. If it's not that broke, don't fix it. Saying Nigerians are STUCK in their ways is not a compliment, it's a sad reality. I don't expect Naijas to act like Oyibo people because it's different culture and belief system. The solution in Nigeria is NOT by dividing more and more or annihilating minority groups, it's absolutely ludicrous. Yes, annihilate terrorist groups like Boko Haram. The main problem is, Nigerians, can be backward in their thinking, so they need to change up their mentality. Trust me, these corrupt leaders time will soon be over. We, as Nigerians need to challenge our government more, we are too silent, and that's why these leaders think they can do anything without holding them accountable.
Change is necessary, sometimes bloodshed in inevitable, but why go through unnecessary bloodshed. So, that's NOT the answer for Nigeria at the moment. Sudan, has been in shambles far too long, and it's nothing close to peace anytime soon. So, you will rather see Nigeria go through the situation in Sudan right now? Sorry, I prefer how Nigeria is now, where we are trying to live peacefully among one another in the midst of the failed government.
North America is richer than South America because of massive immigration here. Let's work with what we have. Africa, is blessed with so many natural resources, mismanagement is our biggest problem. Let's deal with the REAL PROBLEM.
The fact dat I made historical references means I am being entirely realistic. U want logical reasons, my previous posts are oozing with that. To recap them, here they are listed in concise form:
1. Security reasons. Killing of foreigners is politically sensitive. Why did d south Africans set their military on their own people when they were killing Nigerians and other africans?
2. 2 be free 2 pursue policy that will encourage development and tackle corruption. Try prosecute
Alameseigha and his people like Asari Dokubo will say leave our Ijaw son alone, prosecute Dimeji Bamkole and the YCE will say leave our son. Prosecute boko haram members and the northern leaders set them free. These are actual occurrences in Nigeria. Some of the bk members were to b persecuted and d judge says they are absent so case adjourned. Not one, 2 my knowledge, has been prosecuted.
3. Nigeria WILL DISINTEGRATE ANYWAY. I am interested in promoting discussion on it so that there wuld b a possibility of a peaceful breakup. Do me a favor, research on the various uprisings in the north and note the intensity of each successive one.
The non African countries separated 4 d same reason countries like Nigeria shld, ethnic disharmony and conflict. Why did the Zionist movement come abt? - numerous genocides in Europe, Russia, and even biblical times, read ur bible. D main purpose of the state of Israel is d prevent another target killing of Jews in Europe and elsewhere.
The independence of Lesotho from south Africa created what problems? The plebiscite conducted in the eastern regions of Nigeria created what problems? Peaceful separation IS POSSIBLE IN AFRICA. To suggest otherwise is 2 perpetuate d stereotype dat africans are subhumans and are incapable of thinking. Separation also can create problems as it did in Asian and european countries which can b more effectively managed. African countries are nt different. It is only a fool that chooses to learn from only personal experience. D same Nigerians that say what worked abroad cannot work here also complain that "Nigerian leaders travel abroad and don't bring back the good things they see there". Europe does nt have as many tribes as there are in Africa because they have a long history of large scale warfare and ethnic cleansing. I ask again, "are we ready to make that mistake". I agree that annihilating minority tribes in nigeria is ridiculous. That is why we need 2 separate 2 prevent this from happening. The boko haram issue is just a reflection of what happens in any society, african or european, with serious internal contradictions. Besides I said before that I do nt support separation based on tribe. The Niger Deltans 4 eg are not predisposed 2 dat, neither are d middle belters. Malaysia is a good model. They have a diverse ethnic setting that can agree on one thing: "we don't want the Chinese" just like the Niger Deltans and other Nigerians can agree one one thing: "we don't want the Igbo." Those dat agree 2 stay 2gether can survive 2gether. Greater self determination tends 2 encourage cooperatn even with ur adversaries.
Your defense of unity is based mostly on fear of the future. We must not limit ourselves by fear. It is bcos of this same fear we have made no progress on any offer of the way forward. I was rather looking 4ward 2 u trying 2 convince me of what good can come out of a false unity that is the state of affairs. Fear is however a potent tool, it is used by demagogues like Hitler 2 prevent free thought. We must free ourselves from fear in order 2 plan 4 d future.
We cannot hold our leadas accountable due 2 the disease that the Nigerian condition has bequeathed us - tribalism promoted by demagoguery and fear. Read what I wrote above abt Dimeji and Alams. Who would prosecute strong figures in a big 4 nothing Nigeria like Obasanjo and Babangida. Try it and their tribesmen will attack ur tribesmen.
Some boko haram members are in govt and d military. U cannot annihilate a group like boko haram. Read d history of the ninjas in Japan. Strike them hard and they go underground. Boko haram is an inchoate group. No single leader or even common ideology. D group doing bombings have given a long Arabesque name 2 d media taking umbrage at being refered 2 as boko haram.
There is also massive immigration in Nigeria but Nigeria is not rich. I hope u followed d MIT link and watch d video of the lecturer.
Sudan has been in shambles bcos d north which had d political power employed bad policy in d south of economic and religious suppression again in d interest of d west. It is this same type of policy that wuld serve d west in nigeria. Politics is key. Politics will not improve under a 'united' Nigeria.
Notice that Nigeriens and Nigerians are not mortal enemies like Nigerians and Nigerians are in Nigeria despite d fact dat Nigeriens ares mostly hausa. I understand that slavery had an effect on African Americans. I will never downplay that. But the Jews were also enslaved - read ur bible. Agreed, not for 3 centuries like the African Americans. But, while I do not want dis to distract frm our main conversation, I agree with Booker T Washington dat they shld uplift demselves through educational attainments and economic advancement. That's haw d Chinese and Indians gained respect from d west. This is what d Igbo have tried 2 do since d civil war. D west has rigged Africa to fail by saddling her with unmanageable states. This is why Britain made Nigerian independence dependent on the willingness of all regions to leave. Any region that decides otherwise holds everybody back? Oil is their interest in Nigeria. When it gets exhausted, they wuld move on. If there is oil, like in the Central African Republic, they are only interested in protecting their installations when there is instability. We must learn 2 solve our probs ourselves.
I don't believe that bloodshed is inevitable. That is why wise countries negotiate their problems. Belgium, for instance, has issues of internal bickering btw Flemish and French. They dont shy away from discussing it. Only two major ethnic group u say. But they provide a model. For complex states like Nigeria, Malaysia provides a better model. Do not b deceived that only Africa has diverse ethnic groups in each country. Even Spain has had to appease separatist forces within its borders with autonomy. But u can't mention autonomy in Nigeria. This is the precise reason Africa has a lot of unstable countries. We must join the modern world, first by changing backward mindsets. We are not subhumans. I don't mean to sound cheesy but, "Yes, we can."
This is my strong opinion, Nigeria is not experiencing any major tribal conflict or war that will force it to divide, so we are going to continue to live under ONE NIGERIA, whether some people like it or not. We are not perfect, but will strive to be more tolerant of one another.
Yorubas, Igbos, Edo, Delta, etc, we will all come together to build the country up. Unity will work better than division, and I already see the progress. If we start to hold the government accountable for their actions more, things will get better. Nigeria will get better under ONE COUNTRY. Case closed.
U are right, despite the massive killings in d north, there is no serious ethnic conflict going on in Nigeria. But as northerners keep migrating to d south for economic reasons and for their safety, there is potential for serious ethnic conflict in d future. In fact it is already happening on a lower level with the occasional conflict btw the Yoruba and Hausa in some western states for example. The boko haram situation is encouraging reprisals elsewhere.
I understand that the unity is an emotional issue 4 u as it is for many Nigerians. I did nt expect u to change ur opinion on this issue, I just want to promote good debate on this topic, because I want peace as much as u do. I see u are getting tired of this back and forth argument but I must commend u for engaging in this debate with me and I must say I enjoyed it. This might be d end of our debate here but this talk must go on elsewhere with other people. If dis debate was had more often in this country, we wuld be forced to move forward on other discussions like true fiscal federalism, holding the govt officials of whatever ethnicity accountable, resource control, regional autonomy, etc and we might actually have a reason to defend unity that is based more on pragmatism than emotions like in Spain and other forward moving countries.
Pls if the igbos are insisting on a division,pls they should note that delta will never go along with them.And they may end up not recognized by the world as country,how many states can make up a country,they should think this through.America is strong today because they are united not divided.This my position.
@Anonymous 10:21pm
That's alright, we do not want the non-Igbo and part of the Niger Delta. We don't want anyone that don't want us. We do not believe in forced integration and that is why our culture spread mostly by assimilation and not warfare like most other majority cultures in different countries of the world and why we have a smaller area of land to ourselves compared to other majority cultures in Nigeria. We would however work with d Niger Deltans to justice and progress of the region and work to improve trade and cooperation with our Niger Deltan brothers. We have a vested interest in the progress of the Niger Delta and that is why Ojukwu planned to build the Petroleum Institute in Port Harcourt and not Kano like Nigeria has decided to. I believe the Niger Deltans shld have full control of their resources.
After d world wars and d fall of empires and colonialism in d west, d world has learnt to respect self determination for countries where they want progress in d long run. I have pointed to Singapore as a model stable small state. There are many others in d first world. We wuld do well to emulate them.
America has a different history from Nigeria which included ethnic cleansing of aboriginal people. This is how the Anglo Saxon ethnic group came to b d majority in USA. U have Anglo Saxons controlling d petroleum industry in that country and not Native Americans. If u truely want d American option for Nigeria, then begin to support Boko Haram.
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