She's had a lot of work done on that face of hers over the years but the latest one has really altered her old look. Plastic surgeons in LA say her new look is an example of surgery gone bad and are worried the singer has suffered some sort of muscle or nerve weakness due to her numerous cosmetic procedures. They said her lower lip on the left side is not working well.
OMG. wat d heck z dis world turning into
God is shaming all of NickiMinaj's enemies. Look at LiLKim trying so hard to look like Nicki. Funny and pathetic stuff...
My God why did she do this to herself? She doesn't even look like a star anymore...
Ode oshi look @u now
Sikiratu sindodo has got nothing on her mehn..
Lil Kim ur surgery go dey complicated pass Micheal jackson.wtf!we're u tinkin wen u did dis surgery,I must be beautiful by all means,u look so old!sorry gal just d truth!
That pussy old, dat pussy squicky...lol. This ill Kim is just a nicki minaji wanna be jor ...irritated much jor
Why does she keep doing plastic surgery???She looks really scary! :(
pls dat is not lil kim..nor ol kim biko
Wtf....me no likey,dis is crap
oh lord!! B.I.G would be sobbing for you now.....why go extreme ? you should never come out again.just fade like the wind...introducing the female M.J
She has nt learn frm micheal jackson
Technology wuld surely destroy dis world people na over use it to abuse celebrities and only a fool wuld believe.....especially photoshop version 3.2-that i hav on my blackberry..
Linda if i get ur pics i go photoshop wen u dey f***(omo-iwo)says soo....via blackberrybold.5-www.twitter.com/lilspicer
my comment don pain sum people die lindibaby lmfaoooo.legooo
she should hide herself
After MJ, no one has an excuse to not do this anymore
She has killed herself with too much plastic surgery. Good Grief!
Whatever happened to her? She used to be a brown skinned not drop-dead gorgeous but still beautiful lady
Now... she allowed crazy surgeons to mess her up really bad
She looks like a hideous rag doll.
Question: how were they able to know it was her sef??? Cos I kept trying to conjure her 'old' face. #Maybe Leanda Lee you should help us by putting a pix of her 'former' face side by side. Bet why do these women(and men) do this to themselves na. She's almost looking like Wendy Williams. Oops!
WTH....no wonder nicki disses er,she luks like a beached whale.Am new here linda publish ma comment oooo
Hmmmmm! God I beg o!!!
Linda its her makeup,her hips tho,too cute and her shoes those versace's are Killers,think I saw a Naija artist on her here wearing them,oops nvm it was a picture of Dencia and rukky sanda and Dencia wore them.Lil kim please stop with the Surgeries please stop now
Jeez!!! Even her smile is crooked
What is this world turning into,y can't pple b contented with what God gave them,no 1 is perfect.am sure she is wishing she could turn back time.
Hiss!!!Cartoon Network
via curve2
Dammit.. She looks like a doll.
Linda Ikeji post my comment, for once. It won't make you any less awesome. Hian ohh
That's her fucking business. She looks HORRIBLE.
oh my days!! she looks horrible. look @ d nose n lips. when will these pple ever learn to appreciate d body God gave them? rhetoric question tho. *sighs*
B U T W H Y????
Her plastic surgery doctor must be indian mt-flipping-chewwwwwwwwww
Just 2 words..FAT n UGLY
Madam nicki minag take note, cos your new looks in starship video says it all
Woah!!! this lady is fast becoming MJ, or better still, that tiger lady Jocelyn Wildenstein aka bride of frankenstein.
She looks totally GROSS!!!TC
9jadeltapikin... She b ℓi̶̲̥̅ke̶̲̥̅ dracula kai
Na so MJ do sotay turn to monkey. Ds one has started her own. Ibere were. Nothing beats yr God given natural beauty.
Na so MJ do sotay turn to monkey. Ds one has started her own. Ibere were. Nothing beats yr God given natural beauty.
some people will never ever learn from other peoples mistakes.....haba?
Oh my gosh! Lil kim, what have you dooooooone??? I was a BIG fan of hers back in the days because she was too darn cute for words! Her cute face and cute petite body all gone!
*weeping profusely*
This surgeries kill peeps everyday yet some idiots still keep doing it. She used to be pretty but she looks like babrbie doll now. Smh
Gradually and slowly becoming Michael Jackson
You are stupid, you are stupid, your are you are stupid, that's the best line for lil kim right now
Hmmmmm.......the wonderful effect of trying to have a perfect body....u can still do 2-3 more before u get to 40...congrat
Lil kim is threadin d path of Michael Jackson, I am afraid 4her. Daisybrownn
Ugly bitch....y alter ur looks?? this is just d height of low self esteem.....
Lmao...when will lil'kim get d message...she keeps struggling so hard to remain relevant..*sigh*
Hmmm....the thing wen @Stella Obasanjo do so tay,,,wen she no return home again com cook food for baba Iyabo............ladies,,learn a lesson,,,abi make una borrow leaf
linda,u shld hv put her old face side by side wit d new one. Haff forgotten what she looked like before before. Nw nicki minaj has something new to sing about#hehehe#
D blood of jesus what's with d makeup ewwwwwwwwwwww
Good of her,naa by force? Now she has succeeded in makin herself look foolish kmt.
Take care of urself in ur youth so u don't punish urself physically like lil Kim or emotionally- low self esteem as u age. I pity her
she looks like a japanese doll. Inferiority complex.smh.
Lol @lower lip not working well
..Vanity!tis' all vanity.
people will not learn. may she not end up looking like donatela versace and co... ko bo si!!
Sweet lol
All diz Americans re jst crazy'linda y dnt u lyk to post ppl's comment?
Ohmilawd! Kim, are you in there? Realy?! i mean REALLY?!!!
You were NEVER comfortable in your own skin, always wanted to look white. Look at what you've become! Even biggie smalls (RIP)would walk past you without recognizing you. Paralysis on the lower lip! Jeez!!!!! Thats some serious sh*t!
You look like a nightmare, a walking corpse! This is so sad... MJ's nose was WAY better than this. WHY WHY WHY!!!! Why are some black women so insecure? Anyone who could do this to herself has no love for herself.
Hot mess!!..explains the slant of the mouth to the left..can't remember the last time she had a HIT!!...if only she spent more time in the studio rather than at the Plastic beauty enhancers!!
Her new name shld be Dolly kim!pple can be soo vain sha,and 2tink she wz a rily beautiful lady back in da day.yeye fowl!!! Abeg Linda post comments nw,dem say employ pple u no gri,nw u jst making me n so many odas parade ur blog all mrng.no post any news jor if u no go post comments cos dats wat makes dis blog thick.
Horror show, n she saw what hapend 2 MJ! Just pathetic.
"... the singer has suffered some sort of muscle or nerve weakness due to her numerous cosmetic procedures. They said her lower lip on the left side is not working well."
That means she can't do much with her mouth. It looks like her blow job days might be over. Poor Lil Kim.
Can someone tell lit Kim it all over for her, she's trying to much to be relevant in spot light.
I really feel bad for her, that is some chicken filet filler in her cheek n it was too much. It all gone wrong.
Sh**t she looks like a Hot mess.....safe to say dat plastic surgery is a BITCH!!!
She looks horrible
Lil K used to be a very pretty and hot girl back in the day. Now she is looking older than her age. Me think plastic surgeries should be strictly for the white folks, not black people cos our skin is much more better than theirs. My opinion.
Ahnahn. Re you sure this is lil kim?
Hey everybody...we just got our female MJ!
Sure you didn't read anything like soon her ears may start growing like an elephant's because of the many surgeries that has altered her hormonal balance?
Nonsense. A bunch of insecured and confused lot. In short, I think I love that Kola Boof or whatever her name is. Her comments about African Americans makes very sense.
awwwww aunty kim used to be such a hottie.kai vanityyyyy.
'They said her lower lip on the left side is not working well'......lol
She really looks like a doll. I feel sorry for her. The surgeons who agree to keep working on her are just greedy and wicked!
Lobatan! Soon she ₪☺ go fit rap(make noise) again.....nw dt ha lips is ₪☺ longa wokin properly....hehehehe
What you ask for is what you get. If they have money and can't use it for a good cause like charity and stuff, then they start to feel insecure and the madness would start.
Good lock to her.
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Yuck as fuck!!...
the face of the lady watching her by the side line sums it up, lil Kim looks horrifying.
Lwkmd, ojuju calabar what a wasted beauty, sorry kim u got wat u asked for.
no no no dis aint lil kim jor.was she hit by a molue or trailer.dis is sooooo scary
Haaaaaaaaaa! She surely look like a monkey
D surgeon needs to be flogged... Dis is ugly... Bye bye lil kim...hello Ol' kim..
Linda you should know by now dat comments r a big part of LIB. If u won't be around to update comments, Kindly delegate someone else to do it. Thanks
She's like the Bride of Wildenstein. To think she was so pretty when she first came out and when she was with B.I.G to this look. Horrendous!
Wow, she looks......different and she's all dressed up. Wow. RUBBISH
Lol,,,do I pity her,NO WAY
She shld av just maintained d old surgeries she did,,,now she has d same nose wiv Micheal Jackson
Oh!!! She wnted 2 av Nicky Minaj's cheek bone.....lol u luk Yuck!!
This is so scary!
One word... UGLY!!!
Oshisco, who send her message.....crap!
Ewwwwwww!! she looks like micheal jackson, aπϑ tis so pathetic,smh for hε̲̣я̲̣ cuz she is on a dangerous path
Hey she looks like a totally different person...eyes much smaller everything changed..very very botched job
Used to luv this chick but now she luks ugly like the wizard of the ox am kinda changing my mind.via blackberry curve 4
Na wah and lil Kim used to be so pretty, why did she do this to her self with her own money too.*smh
She don use her money buy gbese.lol-Palo
I feel for lil kim o..she's becoming to look like a lion!
this is called hanging on to past glory....give it up Kimmy you are looking terrible...accept you are getting older embrace it and age gracefully look at the Halle's and Mariah's older than you and yet we can't even tell
Good for her
she is looking more like his counterpart michael.next is propofol
Are you sure this is not a dude in drag? Lil kim really? wow!
Oh hell no!
Her lighters are really up. She'll soon be the next Cat woman.
what has she done 2 haself??omg,dis mite kill ha somday..smh
Snookie's grannie.LOL
Ndi be anyi le lenu Mmuonwu ooo.
God go create person d person go create him/hersef again..wtf????
Nickki Minaj don cause wahala 4 Lil kim oo...luks like she ad ha hips done 2,jst saying.
i think Kim has some serious issues think inferiority complex insecurities etc
Dis's jst d beginnin.... Her cheek is lyk Gpofpof.... Baby king's way...... D left lower lip de work only durin BJ... Yeye pickin..
#d oracle's watching#
She looks like a witch...highly disappointed.
Omg , choi s dis lil kim? Ts not her o. Jeez she looks lyk she's gonna melt, full plastic.
she looks down-right awfull..like a bloated toad..when will all these 'celebrities' learn that altering their looks via surgery is a recipe for disaster esp. when over-done.I bet d only thing natural on her face are her ears..fake eye lashes,contact lenses,fake nose,fake teeth,fake cheeekbones and chin,botox-enhanced lips,fake hair...silicon boobs,cement butt..haba!
This is really surgery gone wrong, how many times do we want to see this before this useless rich people give up?...She was so good looking 10-15 yrs ago!
ojuju calabar
She use to be naturally beautiful! What da hell?!!! I wonder why pple spend their money on stupid things and destroying good things in the process? Smh this is so ugly!...Meggy!
All I feel for her is pity :(
Those lips used to be Full and Rounded and nice...but now she has to force a smile....is it me or she's now lookn like nicki minaj,but wit bad make up n hair,n lashes.....I feel sorry sha...she jus no wan give up...
@ Galor and Nzewine,i taya for her o, ojuju calaba con fine pass am sef.I dey pity dis woman-girl by d time she clocks 50, she go dey waka for road part of her face go fall for ground lol...
dis babe looks like trash nw,*wtf*
I second you. Mehn I have wasted lots of precious minutes typing my opinion on this blog yet only the comments where I ask for my comment ever appear!
Two words..... FUCKIN UGLY
Can this "HAS BEEN" look for where to go hide... Wth is dis!!! sandx
she added more weight. smh + her surgeon really did s horrible work.
exactly wat came to my mind.tryna luk lyk nicki.biutiful amoeba
Y kim?I use to feel u b4
Hahahahahahahahaha yes ooo! Wendy Williams looks like a drag queen, I tot I was d only one whu noticed der is something wrong wit her face! lwkmd
Not sure dis pix is normal too. Lol
i guess it going to be hard for any 9ja babe to take this next step number 1 FEAR 2 000.00 lolzz cant shout.But i love u babes sha even with the fake hair,nails, fake boobs too.hmm una biko
Plastic surgery done by mechanics lolz,all this old mamas she go and sit down they not come and die on stage oh, Jlo,Madonna and d rest..
d world is turning upside down jst luk at a girl half neakend
For once..we should say d truth..all ds things r deceit u can't see wth physical eyes..ds ppl worship demons & need repentance..u ppl shud stop being sentimental & abhor nonsense lik so it doesn't continue..
firstly, this grand ma has to put some clothes on ... secondly,she just gave Nicki Minaj something to laugh about ...
O.M.G just as I was recovering from the shock of the sudden barbie doll look I noticed that hideous outfit. Joan rivers would have a swell time bisecting her hahahaha *evil laugh*
all for what???
while some are laffin, others are insulting...bt d sad reality is dt dis is d world we live in n pple cnt get past d distorted reality dt d hollywood hype has placed dem in...I dnt knw wat happened to her n hw someone wit lots of money at her beck and call cnt get good plastic surgeons, bt wat I do knw is many of us on dis blog are living "lil kim" inside wit twisted ideas of wats beauty and wats nt...
what is this wit lil kim. did she get her plastic surgery from a carpeter. look at the nose and the face,it so baaaaad
Nikki is stupid for those ass injections too its only a matter of time before these fake bitches melt like the witches they are
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