Video: 2Face Idibia is Trayvon Martin | Welcome to Linda Ikeji's Blog





Wednesday, 4 April 2012

Video: 2Face Idibia is Trayvon Martin

2Face dedicates this song (One Love) to Trayvon Martin, 17-year-old "African American" boy that was shot and killed by George Zimmerman.


Couture By Makioba said...

Jezzz Tubaba gives me chills...this guy is too good ooo..
i'll ever be inlove with tuface even if he is 90years old...

Sheriff Shittu said...

2baba u too much jooor! pierce them and make name for Our Dear country

Laila Ikeji said...

awwwwwwww, sooo nice n thoughtful of Tubaba!!! sooo internationally cool!!

Atobatele said...

Ds guy is talented no doubt. He deserves his success...Am proud of you tu-baba. One love

Tbaby said...


Anonymous said...

Nice 1 tuface

Anonymous said...


Sassy said...

whatever, what has he done to speak out against the ills at home. Every other week a different story is put on women abuse, assault and rape. I don't hear him speak out against that, but when it comes to an issue that would give him an international leverage - then you see him grab a mic. How many times; if ever, have had an hip hop artiste in the US speak out on the social ills going in Africa. Really? What connection do you have with Travyon Martin, you don't even live in the US, jeez...

Tbaby said...

Sassy u are so right...

Amdi said...

Bandwagon calls to bus driver was murdered in Onitsha recently by a trigger loving, roger collecting good for nothing police officer on broad day...nobody sang about it...I don't know if it was reported on this blog. Now this...every opportunity must be exploited to achieve fame. Charity begins at home. Sing about Boko Haram, extra-judicial killing and the rest here. Or maybe he is now for the Americans...if that is the case...fair play to him

Anonymous said...

Please free tuface jor. He's sang so many songs on the ills of the Nigerian society,what's wring with doing one on a racist killing? Besides, he's an artist and you cannot stiffle an artist's creativity. It's about inspiration....

Tbaby said...

@anonymous 10:43 You just said "THE BEST ARTIST TO COME OUT OF AFRICA" not AMERICA. So he should sing about the injustice in AFRICA..

Anonymous said...

Gbam! U have said It all said! There is No need for me to comment again!

Anonymous said...

Thank u! God bless u!!! U just said my mind! Except addin 'stunt' to publicity!!! What a publicity stunt! Abegi go sitdon jare tuface go n sing about the guy killed during fuel subsidy removal riot! Ode... Tshew

Makeover by T.E.J.U said...

Ode baba ni!

Anonymous said...

sassy and tbaby. you guys should just cool down for Jesus. tuface is one person that includes political lines in most of his songs.. Do you expect him to go out his way after been shot more than twice. i think you guys need a camel ride to southern sudan to help find kony's hiding place. smh.

Anonymous said...

Tuface is a moron! Singing about a murder case in America instead of Nigeria which still carries an awful reputation around the world, not to mention the horrible things that happen daily to young girls and boys in Nigeria which brings us to tears especially reading them on lindas blog which never receive any publicity. Using this to try to gain publicity amongst Americans is low!

Anonymous said...



Am proud of you tu-baba. One love

Anonymous said...

dedicating song to the martin boy means tuface is condeming racism, whether america or africa, we are all blacks. Kudos to u tuface!

IamElmiee said...

TF!!! Y‘all should just take chill pills jare! He is doinq his thanq. If he is doinq it for fame or wateva. How in heaven or on earth is it meant to be a problem kwanu?..yu say he is doinq it for fame? What really is the biqqie in that? why do y‘all always find fault in everythinq Bad or qood? He sinqs about our crises atimes doesn‘t he? He should sinq about the BOKOS so they bomb him? How thoughtful of y‘all .. If this sonq is appealinq to you why not say it is rather than complain? Smh4 some of you.

Occupy Me said...

What of the Millions killed here everyday . American justice system will take care the killer but no justice for the Nijja victims.

Anonymous said...

Sassy and Tbaby...I advice you guys to; catch up on tuface's archives. Secondly, Trayvon martin's murder is sensitive and political (white against black). Thirdly, What have you both done about the ills at home?

DON'T BE A HATER. One love.

Anonymous said...

This issue just involves telling the truth to yourself. He is probably helping to promote the trayvon martin case in Nigeria or he is looking for publicity from the world. But unfortunately for us we are not in tubaba's mind so we cannot tell his aim although it twists to the other side more.Nvm i dont knw the side.

Anonymous said...

Nigerians are retarded. All of u shouting what have u pole done 2speak against the ills happening in NIgeria.? And no u don't have to be popular to do something good 4 Nigeria cc that youth copper that built a hostel.
Injustice is injustice NIg, SPain, Mali etc

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Didnt he sing abt d Jos crisis? Abeg make d negative ppl go look bush jor.

Anonymous said...

@Tbaby u r extremely daft nd stupid. what fame?! he already has enough fame to feed u and ur family so stop with the bashing. appreciate dont hate cuntbag!

Unknown said...

I think as commentators we just need to slow down. Half of his recordings since he went solo has been social-conscious compositions about our country.

The said track remixed here was done with the Nigerian/African setting in mind.

If his publicist lashes on the Trayvon case for some political mileage...its called Strategic positioning!

If they do, we talk...if they don't we complain...Lets just slow down abeg!

Kalabarinafurotubo said...

Nigeria will NEVER move forward unless we begin to look inwards. In as much as I respect 2face a as musician, this is totally uncalled for and very stupidly patronising!!! BLOODY COLONIAL MENTALITY!!!

Anonymous said...

So tuface singing about bokoharam will make it stop? Ode. U guys shld get a life abeg. Nothing wrong in him dedicating a 2 mins song to Trayvon. One love is an old song dat Nigerians have been listening to so y make it sound like he recorded an album 4 Trayvon. Tubaba all d way.

Anonymous said...

Icon, soon he'll be a legend...

TruSon said...

Tbaby, that was where you got it wrong. The fact that the racially instigated murder of the young black boy by a white guy arroused international condemnation makes it a veritable avenue to send home the message again.
And you need to stop being myopic.Nigerian teens die every day, so what have you personally done about that?...Common.
Were you sleeping when Wyclef sang DIALLO as a tribute to 'Amadou Diallo' that was brutally killed by a hail of 41 bullets from the guns of American cops, simply because he was black???
C'mon, you guys should grow up please.
And give credit to Tuface for the good job.


It's H said...

For the record 2Face has always spoken out on the ills in his country and africa, in every single album he dropped, "E be like say" Grass 2 Grass album, "Go down there" Unstoppable album go do your home work before you speak ill of someone, even in interviews he has granted in the past, this guy even has an NGO, contributing the best he can the way he can through his music, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO INFLUENCE THE HAPPENINGS???????????

It's H said...

For the record 2Face has always spoken out on the ills in his country and africa, in every single album he dropped, "E be like say" Grass 2 Grass album, "Go down there" Unstoppable album go do your home work before you speak ill of someone.
Even in interviews he has granted in the past he always says his mind on Nigeria's bad leaders, this guy even has an NGO, contributing the best he can the way he can through his music, WHAT HAVE YOU DONE TO INFLUENCE THE HAPPENINGS???????????

Anonymous said...

As always, just Beautiful. well done 2 baba. well done. C C

TruSon said...

Thank you CIANCI, that was the point most of these holier-than-thou arm-chair critics have missed. RACISM IS UNIVERSAL.
Moreso, if you are familiar with Tuface's songs in the past, you will notice the 'political' themes. He has been much of a Social critic in the theme of his songs. The most recent one was about the importers of FAKE DRUGS killing hapless Nigerians.
Some people are just being unnessesarily cynical.

Ineffable said...

He didn't even make a music video-isnt it just an amatuer video that someone uploaded on the web?

Do you really think Tuface does not have the resources to do something bigger if it was international acclaim he was after?

Besides hasn't he been nominated for-not to talk of-won some international awards?

Remember, before Dbanj was, there was Tuface attending award ceremonies outside the country.You guys should be objective and make intelligent comments please.....

I think it's really low that anyone would even consider using the death of a human being to gain acclaim?

Remember your skin is still black. this means the Trayvon Martins incident could have been YOU, it could have been your BROTHER or a close FRIEND....unless you are planning never to leave the country again,


Anonymous said...

Enough of the insults jare. Did anyone notice the awkward look between the two if to say, what is the guy on about sef....lmao

Anonymous said...

2baba u too u haters go nd hug transformer or beta still luk 4a hard wall nd hit ur head on mscheww. Al of u vomitin rubbish wn last did u do somfin honorabl for som1 huh? least he's makin a difference in d bst way he can n dts al dt matas.

Anonymous said...

2baba u too u haters go nd hug transformer or beta still luk 4a hard wall nd hit ur head on mscheww. Al of u vomitin rubbish wn last did u do somfin honorabl for som1 huh? least he's makin a difference in d bst way he can n dts al dt matas.

Anonymous said...

TuFace is an entertainer and as such entertainers do stuff for fame and publicity cause they live of your goodwill and patronage to their acts. So he is just taking advantage of the opportunity in front of him for publicity nothing more. If he sings about the ills in 9ja you and i know that he will not be patronized by the fat cats in the corridors of power.

Anonymous said...

Stop d name calling, state ur case n move on, afterall it's nt like 2face is ur relative. Everyone here is just voicing their opinion. U dont knw who she is either, she might be able to feed both ur fam n 2face's as well. Take a chill pill n think b4 calling pple names on a public forum.

Anonymous said...

i laugh when i see idiots talking about tuface. they always say trash. E be like say, Man unkind, One love( the original one), the ending of only etc all these songs where talking about the ills in our society but you critics forget that and come here to just condemn him. If i may ask how many songs has ur dbanj and pqsuare sang that really make sense to a boy on the street or song that address the ills in the society? NONE only party songs they can do! but u fools have the right to come and talk of someone that does it everytime... so my advice to yhu haters pls go hug transmformer

Anonymous said...

The only thing more expensive than education is IGNORANCE. Clearly you have no clue! God bless u Tru Son for the response, touché!
Tbaby what's stopping you from grabbing a mic to speak on the ills of the society? Why wait for tuface? He's doing his thing, I hope some day you can say the same for yourself.

Anonymous said...

Abi o

Anonymous said...

Let the fool keep foamin at the mouth. The anonimity afforded by the internet turns a lot of cowards into bravehearts.

Innoxx said...

Atleast Flavour released a track on Subsidy*he did it here in Nigeria and not in America*.So 2face should take a que 4rm dat haba!

FMB said...

Some people on here just need to fuck right off!!!!

Ztefani said...

What ever you guys and I both know it is for 'the fame'...we in live in a country where an innocent 'black'child is killed by a 'black' police man or whatever...nobody sings about it..the whole Trayvon case created a lot of buzz..(.he's using it for a benefit.) Tuface or any one of us here (born and raised ) in naija have no experienced racism so i wonder y we carry it on our heads...let the americans fight their war and lets focus on our much more serious cases (i'm not saying we should not care...but the song is not necessary). It's smart move to get the attention of the black artists in america..( he really thinks his smart)...Dbanj landed Kanye..Tuface wants .......(dat one na him own)

Anonymous said...

I hope ur not as myopic as u sound

Anonymous said...

For those of you accusing 2face of fame hunting, the only reason you would do that is because he's a star. Ever taken a second 2 ask urself if dis issue affected him personally? Ever wondered if dats Innocent Idibia pouring his mind over an issue? Do u know how many people around d world, famous or not, have commented on this issue? Please let's take it easy and try 2 be human sometimes. So all the Hollywood superstars canvassing 4 kony's capture are all seeking fame? Haba...many of u attacking him here havnt had racist experiences I'm sure, else you will quickly identify with what he's doing.

Anonymous said...

These killings happen every day in Naija let alone Africa.

Now I'm not trying to say that What happened to Trayvon is right - but please - why don't you sing for the kids on the street of naija?

Trayvon's parents will be serious millionaires after they finish suing the police.

What about the hundreds and thousands of kids in Africa who have no one to speak for them?

T said...

T Baby, whether a Nigerian or an American dies, someone still dies. We are all human beings. People r truly are never satisfied. Sassy his song, 'e be like say' in his grace to grass album was it not about Nigeria's ills. WHo knows if he was just chillin with these people, and next thing next they started playing cool tunes, talking about the death of the boi, he strted singing about it and then someone videoed it. No one thinks about that, its all what about us. At the end of the day we are all human beings, and its his race, even if it wasn't its his mouth, his voice, his time. ALl the time he has been singin about Nigeria nko ahan kilode, Flavour already sang about subsidy go and listen to it. There is no harm sef in sending Tuface a message saying, Pls come to my studio and sing about rape lemmi video u shikena! Amdi u want boko haram to go and bomb him? omo mke no body dey carry those people play oh. Gosh people let us just be happy he is even singing something good, the world is not all about 'do me I do u', am American rapper must not sing about Africa first before we sing about America!

Anonymous said...

Great to see the internet trolls and Tuface stans are coming out to play. As an average Nigerian; living in Nigeria, I pray do tell me how does racism affects you? How many Caucasians live in the country? Do they control the government? Do they rape and murder you? Do they steal the national funds? Unless MEN and I mean real MEN begin to take a stand on Women abuse and assault, the likes of Tuface can go to blazes. After all, women to him are nothing more than baby making factory. Like seriously, wow! the sunshine in Nigeria is really frying some brains. 'Cos all i can deduce from the BS am reading is misplaced priority. At the end of the day, the youths keep screaming no job, how can their be jobs for people that lack a simple problem solving skill or innovation. People think!!! This goes beyond a lame song! And for all that have adopt Tuface as their long lost brother, it speaks a lot about your personhood - which is Nothing.

Iamelmiee said...

Your head is so on point...well said!!!

sonia said...

Nigerians are such bitter people sha.
What have any of you condemning him done to stop the ills in Nigeria. Have people forgotten that this is the same tuface that saved the life of a stranger in the middle of the night which was very risky for him. He is just a caring guy but haters gotta hate.

Anonymous said...

KalabarinfUrotubo u are a ponkey real ponkey. That young boy was killed because he was black the case is turned around because its a black child. ARE YOU NOT BLACK SKINNED?? Ote!!!! Tubaba had every reason to do what he did. Mumu

Legendkid@ change your jamb course and institution here said...

Haters are going to hate, but legendkid and friend's love tuface!

Waec questions and answers said...

Tuface you be my man.

Hairess™ Human Hair said...

I concur @michael mno

Xflow said...

@Sassy @tbaby, and all of you condemning tuface, you are just negative people, he made an effort at something, if u didn't realise, the "one love" song itself is dedicated to the mishaps in our society, so take a chill pill, and find a way to make a contribution urself, not going aroung posting negative comments everywhere...nuff said!

Hairess™ Human Hair said...

I concur @michael mno

Anonymous said...

Lots of people in 9ja think with their anus or ass hole so u should always expect them to say bullshits. Gbam....

Anonymous said...

Which song did he do for Nigerian's Trayvon Martin.. Nonsense. Publicity stunt oshi. No i'm not listening to it. I"m tried of this Monkey see monkey do attitude of Nigerians. Before you can be an advocate for another country, you should be an advocate for you own country.

Quamica said...

lots of haters.
tuface was all about the killings in jos-jostify.
he hooked up with nafdac to release a song
this song is a remix.
its ok to have a different opinion, but be informed. and yes i am a stan sue me.
identifying with whats going on where you are has never been a sin.
he's a talented musician and he was inspired by happenings where he is at the moment.
its just bothersome why we cant all get along and why people have to be so hateful and negative.
ms kalabari especially nigeria will NEVER move forward with people like you. why dont you just play your role and let others be. what you refer to as colonial mentality others will call a chance for tuface to bring awareness to the country, afterall the world is a global village and music is a means of communication. fall in love with this snippet, search for more songs by the artist and discover a whole new world.
i am american and after listening to african queen, i have been a fan.

Anonymous said...

@ ocupy me, i dont think so. justice isnt being done for trayvon. so many other trayvons have died at the hands of racists and police officers in the US and justice hasn't been done. I'm so tired of nigerians thinking america has such a just legal system when in all reality ITS ONE OF THE WORST ONES. Forget about nigeria im only talking about americas horrible legal system amoung developed nations. im not even going to compare two countries such as the US/Nigeria.

Anonymous said...

Ignorance is a Disease... See all these People saying Crap here. Wait for the New Album 2baba is Releaing soon. Its Very International with a lot of Intenational Artistes. This Song is Old, He only just put Trayvon's name. Nigerians are too Backward sha, Try to Understand 2face kind of Music. This is not Terry G or even Dbanj singing here.

kawasaki said...

The good thing about all negative comments is that tuface and his camp would have analysed that frustrated nigerians typically where going to condemn him since the song is about another national! The story of trayvon martin if u have followed it from day one is extremely sad, youths die out here in naija, and every other part of the world, but the circumstances surrounding the death of certain people cause emotions to flow uncontrollably, trayvon martin story is not just yankee anymore its gone beyond boders, its a world wide story now, i signed the petition and asked my bb contacts to sign, one specifically said why, has anything been done about niyi ehindero, i replied show me a petition to prosecute his killer and i will sign it, all we nigerians do is sit and condemn in the face of progress,how many children have been unjustly killed by vigilantes or policemen in nigeria, what has been done about it, what have the parents tried to change about it,in a bid to accepting that thier son would be the sacrifice for change? Now tuface singn a song is obviously emotion but publicity is goin to come, did he anticipate it? Yes he did, its his luck! So also it could have been anyone who does that, if its posted on the net, and the right eye sees it, the person could become popular too, but cos its two face you guys only think negative he is lookn for publicity, do u think further, his stunts may be akin to one that might just cause a revolution in nigeria in regards of unjust killing? Everyone knows the america police force arrests once theres a suspect, zimmerman wasnt even a suspect, he was clearly identified as the shooter yet wasnt arrested, its not the killing only its what transpired before and after! Get a life sympathetic nigerians always ready to condemn progress!

blunt said...

abegi,make e go siddon!! he did not since about d injustice of the Fuel subsidy,The bombings all over and many rendered widows and orphans,he forgot the rape cases all here in Naija!!! Na matter wey no concern am,e wan sing about...He should park well or go look for a baby mama to distract him if he is bored!!

Femiluv said...

Proud of 2face!

Anonymous said...

i find it hard 2 understand how some of us reason, 2face sang bout Trayvon then so what? Is Trayvon not black skinned? Is 2face not black skinned? 4 wat so eva reason 2face sang that song i must say his a bundle of talents after all he didn't steal any body's ideas, he does'nt hav 2 seek any1's consent to sing any song, if u don't like it its best u start wrking on ur's nd put ur criticism in2 consideration, u myt be d one naija is waitin 4, do ur own part nd stp criticising the efforts of others. Bad belle people throw way

Onelove said...

Finally, a reasonable Nigerian. I do believe Nigerians should be more educated and enlightened on issues about African Americans. For the same reason that most of African slaves brought to America came from Nigeria. I hate the hatred between these two groups when we are all black people.

Nothing new with the constant negativity with Naijas, it's the norm, they will never be satisfied with anything. There's a difference between speaking out about racism in America and Nigeria's issues where you know it's difficult to get your voice heard with the failed government who don't care about anybody but themselves.

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