According to their story, Steven and Lulu were fighting over calls that were coming on her phone while she was at his home. He demanded to see the calls and the girl wasn't ready to surrender it. While he was taking it by force, she pushed him and he fell, hitting his head hard. The fall killed him. I hear she has been arrested.
ok.....what was she doing in his house and why him wan see her phn? May his soul rest in peace
Kai! Akoba adaba Olorun ma je ka ri.
elizabeth lulu killed steven by nina kash
awww..dis is so sad..and i really liked dis guy oooo..28yrs no wife no kid after all hiz da suffer 2 b were he is now,,making the money.. 2 young 2 die didnt even enjoy his wealth mchew...stupid gurl she has always been warned about all dat but she wuldnt listen thinking da world revolves around her idiot..am nigerian but ma Tanzanian friendz made me like him..gone 2 soon mahn
R.I.P Steve Kanumba. I remember watching him on Africa Magic Plus and know him as Tanzania's most famous actor. Oh! Death comes when least expected
Its a sad case... The girl obviously didn't mean to kill him. 2 young lives wasted over nothing! Let's keep our anger in check because this was clearly avoidable. It could happen to anybody. God have mercy...
I am, the no Sender.
Now Elizbeth will be awash with the thoughts of had I known.
'Had I known I wouldn't have pushed him'
'Had I known I would have given him the phone'
'Had I known I would have come to spend time in his home'..etc.
Anger, cheating in relationships, lust, deception are things condemnable by God. Indulging in them can be disastrous. Let this be a lesson to us all. It's a pity another life wasted, and for what?
This is officially d most heart breaking news I'v heard all year. I'm soo depressed! :(
Oh Boi, this is d saddest news I have heard all week...... So dis babe has successfully wasted her life and that of someone else..., gosh dis is unimaginable and unexplainable, the men she was hiding from d guy, she ll nver see again, and therein lies the question was it worth the fight !?! REST IN PEACE.
Dis is sad ...whats d root of all evil now money or human beings may his soul rest in peace ......
This is very true linda,currently the lady is in Jail for more investegation,Rest In Peace Kanumba,I am from Tanzania
Linda BABY,
When will you buy lindaikeji.com from those people. you level don pass all this one naw. lol.
I keep accidentally typing lindaikeji.com. if they are being too difficult u can use something similar like Lindablog.com or LIblog.com. you can get creative with it.
keep doing your thing well.
all my love
My God!am very unhappy with this lady and she has a very difficult time and so many blames from Tanzanians,you have a man what are all these ups and down again??
Linda we are in shock Tanzania has lost a talent that will never be replaced...
Oh God of mercy woman, (woo unto man) ..........
Gosh!! this is shocking i still cant believe he is gone that soon,MY Condolences to his family and the whole Nation,he was a hero May his soul R.I.P
Dey were avn an argument, he tried to beat ha en she acted in self-defence by pushin him... He fell en d rest iz RIP... Guys shud learn to walk away wen we av fights wit our partners. OSHEE
Linda my dear its true, the gal has been arrested, steven was my gud friend feels so painful. For his death, there is a lot of tension we all can't believe that he was dating lulu, wahala dey.
Before u guys judge , remember it wasn't intentional, they were arguing . Let's just pray for Steve, see the smallie sef. I shall not get physical with my boo or anyone o.
Hmmmm! Some calls sha!
Though I don.t know who this guy was, news like this hurts me. Any man who wants to live long should pretend as if the word 'cheating' does not exist.
Arresting someone in African countries is synonymous to Jonathan fighting corruption - you know what i'm saying?
Unfortunately we av lost him,op it was not her intention 2 do so
So,so sad,And his jst 28yr old.only God knows if his family and tanzanians will forgive her.He would hve jst let her be and stay alive ,cos her refusal to hand him d phone,means she is seeing sumone else.aaaaaaaa may his soul rest.
Only God knows what actually transpired btw the two of them cos whatever she says will b to save her neck. Rest in Peace Steven.
linda this is a very very serious allegation. if the reports are unconfirmed then why on earth are you posting it? we dont even know who these people are
Never never never never never never bother your head about girls and their properties. It only leads to sudden death. cell phones and girls
Fighting girls is not aloud.
RIP......We truly celebrate you...MM Kenya
RIP....We truly celebrate you
RIP...You are truly celebrated
RIP...You are truly celebrated
sad indeed..may he rest in peace..
RIP...You are truly celebrated
Hmmn, this is how mild quarrels spiral out of control. May God help her.
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Wow. This is why people shouldn't be with people who bring them nothing but frustration. If only the guy knew, he should have just ignored it.
Chineke!! Dis guy is dead? He is lyk d lead actor in tanzania! Wow!! Im soo shockd
So so sad.....
Awwww! so sad. May his soul RIP. See the daughter of eve hairstyle self.
Really?? And he died just like that?? Oh God.. That girl is going to suffer all her life, traumatized, cant imagine what she is living now
May his soul rest in f$4king peace
No be so person enter WAEC office, no comot?
Who would have imagined that a minor quarrel will actually lead to the dude DYING?!!!!
She obviously didnt mean to kill him but...... Wo, i don't even know what to say again. Too many people dying for almost nothing.
RIP dude
We gona miss u Kanumba, we'll never forget U. May God host him!
Ode! Didn't u see 'allegedly'?
why does he want to check her phone. Men can't take a little what women takes from them. May his soul rest in peace.
ONOME says.................
Na wa.Stories like this make me remember how ephemeral and transient life really is.Death is a crown and we all wear it.We all will die,the time is what we don't know.We pray to see old age,our children's children Amen.
May his soul rest in peace.Spare a thought and a prayer for his family and close friends.May God grant them strength to tide this rough time and may He comfort them.
Hmmmmm,I am not holding brief for the girl in question but I am sure she had no intent and no motive so she didn't exactly commit murder.Manslaughter perhaps?Accidental death?I leave it to the lawyers to sort out.The circumstances surrounding the push is questionable.#sigh#She may be charged for aggravated assault causing bodily harm/death #sigh#
Rest in peace.You were soooooo young.
Sori 2 da family
Tresor sabata i guess that was is day to die. No matter what happen
Tanzanians murder is murder, she should be dealt with according to the law...relationships are supposed to be on mutual in interest n respect...why would a lady do that to a man "cheating" infront of him in his house? This world is wicked...the lady should be taken to court n this should act as an example to other young people/girls...Steven RIP.
This is the Lady Lulu Michael,No 1 Suspect on Kanumba's Death
Lulu Michael On Youtube:
The Killer:
Which strenth that this girl have to poush him into death I don't believe the story
Rest in eternal peace the great Kanumba.william from kenya.
I guess she didn't intend to kill him. It was an accident. Though on another side we might say that she was hiding from him, but that's upon their relationship. We don't have to judge someone according to his or her action.
Sad news but a lotta lessons to be learnt:
1. If there's no trust in a relationship, save yourself the turmoil and get out of it. Personally, the men who have serious relationships with cheats/runs girls actually encourage them to continue their waywardness, same goes for the women. We allow them to "eat their cake and have it", mostly cos we think we can't get better. Its IMPOSSIBLE for someone to love you and cheat on you.
2. Avoid physical confrontation by all means. The girl looks so tiny and I assume she feared he might do something worse. I've been in a fight with my muscular ex bf where he slapped me so hard I literally saw stars. I hit him on the head with a pan and he didn't even shake. Na me come begin beg o, just to get out in 1 piece. Let's say I'm attracted to skinny boys now
May his soul rest in peace, and may the young lady find peace within herself
Blak kofee
People are fast to create reports without first taking time to get into the depth of the matter. You and I cannot just suspect that Lulu as so named is the cause of the death of Kanumba, reason being none of us was present. This does not mean that we are impiricists but is illogical and serves no fact to affirm from the world of fantasy. Let us subject the matter to facts and with modern technology for sure the cause will come to the platform. May his soul rest in Peace should be a mystery acclaimation
I think lulu is golddiger lets put a blame on her
U see that's d problem of dating small girls. A 28 year old guy dating a girl of 19, she was too young for him in terms of maturity. So his insecurity of her receiving calls brut his death, cos a mature older girl wud ve don something wit her phone, since d guy was being unreasonable & jealous. Guys a lesson to u.
Though it hurts it has already happened so lets stop condemng lulu and see wats the step 4ward.
So because the guy is dead now everyone suddenly believes the girl is the devil?? how in the first place did this tiny looking girl push a huge man so hard? Even if she did, what was he doing so close to her dragging her phone? was he going to hit her? who knows, the girl could have been the victim too... RIP Steven.
Look maybe it was his day and I don't think the girl killed him on purpose and I think maybe she regrets y she didn't just give her the phone. We all African loved him and stick we do may he rest in peace
Look we all loved STEVEN KANUMBA and I bet that girl regrets why she didnt give him the phone, it's not like she knew he was going to die that day that time with her it was an accident maybe it was his day to leave this world that was God's plan so never judge before God does him self, may just his soul rest in piece <3
This is th second day aftr th news of his death but still every one hasnot recovered frm th shock.and th sadest part is th girl responsible is tryin to save her neck..RIP my beloved..
Hey wt do u mean by ooo women I bet that was an accident she didn't mean to kill him
it's like the same way u can push a person and that person dies while u didn't mean today so don't judge others before God does himself. Maybe STEVEN KANUMBA rest in peace
I am from Tanzania! OOH! How I loved Kanumba on the screen! He was wise, intelligent and hardworking! But he dissapointed me for not being careful enough in taking care of his life! ...what was he doing with that small girl in the middle of the night?? A girl whose scandals have been selling papers for alsmost four years now? A girl whose parents had given up and who had quited school only at Secondary 2 and started enjoying life in clubs and city in corners?... Kanumba knew all these problems and how her parents got tired of her!!! Then he blindly allowed the whole him to get engalfed with this little Delilah and his life is now wasted.....Kanumba you have died soooo cheaply!!! In the middle of the night, killed by a little girl?!?! Phew! Kanumba REST, but you have not been fair to us your fans!!! And why fight out of jealousy?....Worse being jeaouls over a girl whom you knew too well that she belonged to any good looking man??? Or you thought you coudl chaneg her??... My dearshe was aleady emersed in the oblivion of....! Kanumba jealous over a relationship that you could not make it public???? Why be in a relationship that you cant be proud of??? Aaayi! Kanumba! Rest in peace but...what a waste?.... Look now! You are dead and your secret love affair with a small girl who denied publicly on a TV interview to be dating you....just a week ago is now open!! Well, I am not judging you or Lulu, but the truth will free us, so we shall vomit it!!....God is never happy when such a young life is wasted!...so let us not heap everything on GOd, not even our own irresponsibilites....As for Men and women who are still alive....please let us be careful with emotions...especially those surrounding the stupid game that troubles the whol world..."LOVE AFFAIR!"... Kanumba REST, REST, REST!!! I liked every movie you acted!
fuck em Lulu,
fuck em kanumba,
And fuck em all sending comments abt the dead.....4
today is easter and we aint got time to mourn the dead...(kanumba) and his bitch (lulu)...
Happy Easter fox....lets cerebrate JESUS Resseruction....
Death z wt us wherever we go we loved u steven bt God loved u most we r also heading in the same direction.R.I.P KANUMBA
exactly wat was she hiding from him???? or did she think it was a film they were making? and now she has negatively become famous for her greed of fame!!! nktest!!! rip kanumba.
so sad...most relationships r jst ungodly...and men should be careful wt most women...so sorry...bt jst hv to say ds..that ds man died a foolish man..we v to b careful wt who we date and put God in our relationships...be wise peeps!
She did not push him please stop judging her the report suggest that alcohol Jack Daniel as well contributed to his death. The girls says he slipped and fell knocking his head to the ground
She ddnt push him?Were u thr whn it happened?R u an eye witness?
For Steven Kanumba wanted to see the incoming calls on her phone, I think there was a relationship between the 2. I think she didn't mean to kill him. She was protecting her privacy. Now, how does the Tanzanian criminal law prosecute such a killer. I can't wait to see. R.I.P Kanumba. U'll forever be missed by whoever knew u.
May he R.I.P
OMG this is the most saddest news ive ever heard... Nway we loved u but God loves u more. You will always be in our heart and ur memories will live forever. You've inspired me with ur hardworking and i will always love. Let's not judge the girl coz the information is still unconfirmed. REST IN PEACE the GREAT
will always love you Steven Kanumba! REST IN PEACE
am so depressed and still in shock av been literally crying,ma boyfriend has theatened to leave me if i dont stop mourning,i trully need help.i neva thought he meant anything to me
until now.we loved u but God loved u more.R.I.P
he musta been like the ramsey of nigeria, denzel or idris elba of black hollywoood or majid michel of ghana. He musta been well loved. May he rest in peace
Homly actress dream girl. overnight prints and brochure printing Good admin.
rip poor fine boy
The law will have no suffiecient evidence to sustain even the lesser manslaughter charge, lulu will be released in a short 3 months, and a people will move on to other sensational news.
Black kofee oo I'm choking oo'I hit him with a frying pan on d head...'
pardon her cos she still too young and and she has many thing to do in the life...i know she caused kanumba's death bu she is not the one who kill him i think she will tell the truth after...i loved him(R.I.P)
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