I'm sure most of you know what this is all about. A few Black American senators went to work this week in hoodies in solidarity with Trayvon Martin, the teenager who was shot and killed by neighborhood watch captain George Zimmerman on February 26th for being black and wearing a hoodie inside his gated community allegedly assaulting him. It's not just the senators, black American celebs, footballers, activists, lawyers, pastors, thousands of regular folks have been wearing hoodies all week, riding for the slain teenager.
Trayvon entered the estate to visit someone, the watchman saw him, he was black, he was wearing a hoodie, to him that seemed suspicious, so he started to follow the boy. There was a confrontation, Trayvon gets two bullets to the chest. If this is news to you, continue to read the full story...
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George Zimmerman Trayvon Martin |
Zimmerman was on his way to the grocery store when he spotted Trayvon walking through his gated community.
Trayvon was visiting his father's fiancée, who lived there. He had been suspended from school in Miami after being found with an empty marijuana baggie. Miami schools have a zero-tolerance policy for drug possession.
Zimmerman called police and reported a suspicious person, describing Trayvon as black, acting strangely and perhaps on drugs.
Zimmerman got out of his SUV to follow Trayvon on foot. When a dispatch employee asked Zimmerman if he was following the 17-year-old, Zimmerman said yes. The dispatcher told Zimmerman he did not need to do that.
There is about a one-minute gap during which police say they're not sure what happened.
Zimmerman told them he lost sight of Trayvon and was walking back to his SUV when Trayvon approached him from the left rear, and they exchanged words.
Trayvon asked Zimmerman if he had a problem. Zimmerman said no and reached for his cell phone, he told police.
Trayvon then said, "Well, you do now" or something similar and punched Zimmerman in the nose.
Zimmerman fell to the ground and Trayvon got on top of him and began slamming his head into the sidewalk, he told police.
Zimmerman began yelling for help.
Several witnesses heard those cries, and there's been a dispute about from whom they came: Zimmerman or Trayvon.
Lawyers for Trayvon's family say it was Trayvon, but police say their evidence indicates it was Zimmerman.
One witness, who has since talked to local television news reporters, told police he saw Zimmerman on the ground with Trayvon on top, pounding him and was unequivocal that it was Zimmerman who was crying for help.
Zimmerman then shot Trayvon once in the chest from very close range, according to authorities.
When police arrived less than two minutes later, Zimmerman was bleeding from the nose, had a swollen lip and had bloody lacerations to the back of his head.
Paramedics gave him first aide but he said no to going to the hospital. He got medical care the next day.
Zimmerman was never arrested by police. They took his statement and let him go. He claimed he had acted in self defense.***
New developments have surfaced in the case, including a new witness who came forward suggesting that Zimmerman pinned Trayvon face down after the shooting and did nothing to help him.
According to Mary Cutcher on Dateline NBC, she and her roommate both saw Zimmerman "straddling the body, basically a foot on both sides of Trayvon's body, and his hands pressed on his back."
Mary Cutcher told Dateline NBC’s Lester Holt in an interview:
“It sounded young. It didn’t sound like a grown man is my point. It sounded to me like someone was in distress and it wasn’t like a crying, sobbing boo-hoo, it was a definite whine."Cutcher added that Zimmerman told her and her roommate to call the police. "Zimmerman never turned him over or tried to help him or CPR or anything," Cutcher said.
Human rights lawyers are trying to get Zimmerman arrested and tried for murder.
This finally made it to your blog. Seemed Nigerians just didn't care about this at a point.
Like someone said on twitter, "we've got our own problems here in Nigeria but think about it, Trayvon could have been your relative".
Iv been following this case since it broke out on the national scene some weeks ago and trust me, its one of the biggest things to happen in terms of black Vs. Whites.
This Guy should be arrested period. Unfortunately he has connections in the legal system. Plus Shootings like this have occurred against Blacks, and went unpunished, its about time this rubbish stop. With that said, Nigeria should arrest all those officers that murdered unarmed civilians everyday and they should be tried to court, not covered up too. I know that by God's grace Trayvon will get justice, but i fear that the dead civilians killed by local police officers in nigeria families will never get J, talk of USTICE. God help us all.
Awesome. Love it!!!
Dey beta rearrest him fast,how can he say d@ dis smal boy hit him dat much wit his bare hands nd he cudnt do anytin rada dan 2 shoot him nd oh jeez he cudnt find any oda place 2 shoot him dan his heart,close range,twice,sheer wickedness*sighs*
Linda so toni payne is coming out with a new reality show called my champayne life. Check it out on bellanaija
I am, the no Sender.
Assuming Zimmerman's own story was even right, was that enough justification to use the gun on a 17yr old?
Perhaps it really happened but I do find it hard to believe a 17yr Trayvon Martin could have just wrestled a man as big as Zimmerman to the ground so easily.
This racial thing, I believe is a curse on America and Europe. Let every black everywhere pick up a hoodie for Trayvon. Right on senators.
The world we live in... as rightly as Will Smith said 'a woman who threw flour at Kim K was arrested but the man who killed Trayvon is walking free'
To me all these results from RACISM...
May God help the colour blind guys and those on the darker end from the hatred of those from the whiter end.
Had it been a white in hoodies, would he be death now?
Very few love us, But God loves us.
may the boys soul rest in peace.
How long will this people continue to do this to the black community. The most annoying thin is that the guy has been released from custody and might not be tried...which is a way of saying..."well done". Kudos to the Senators and others who have shown solidarity. However, it should go beyond that.
I'm glad with the awareness all over. Why were the police initially so non-challant?would they have been if it was a black person that assaulted and eventually killed a white person? Zimmerman must not escape justice!This happened for a reason and it's unfortunate that innocent Trayvon had to loose his life, enough already, enough of the discrimination.
yeah the whole choir was in hoodies and some fraternities too this Sunday at church.
American justice is funny, if there is no supporting independent witness, the guilty can always walk away scott free.
Hahahahahahahah.... Haba Aunty Linda google is your friend, Trayvon wasn't visiting. He lived in the gated community.pls don't display ur ignorance her thank you.
this is really sad, whether we like it or not, there is still racism in this world. americans will always support deir own, and when it comes down to this, they will support the white americans over the black ones. may God help us all.
Linda, there are a lot of injustice in your country where you and your family live, please spot light those and leave this one alone. This is one news you don't need to get into.
so sad.
RIP dude.
#When the going gets tough,the tougher gets going# nice moves sirs :-D
All i wnt to hear n knw rght nw is the postmtm report n hw the case ends. Ths zimerman guy has alot to explain n divert!! I dnt undstnd hw trvn martin moved frm the gate are to his car!!while i read somwhr trvon was running away frm zimmerman!
Pls visit this link,beautiful article wrten by michael stlkn on trayvon martin! He is a genius i must admit
These white supremist and their hatred for people of colour! I hope the matter will be treated properly and the murderer brought to book. Anyway i trust oyibo people.
May Trevor's soul rest in peace. *Such a cute boy*.
Justice shall come to pass very soon.
nice, very good. Solidarity all the way. I hope they get justice.
so, a 17 year old guy pinned a grown man down and started beating the living shit out of him, then all he could do was bring out a gun and shoot the guy?? a boy not even a man. that's just wrong. the story is wrong, something is fishy about this story. its not even sensible.
Blacks always been gettin shot at cos of being black? Its not just about race; everywhere and everyday, people are judged by their appearance or wat we percieve em as without focusing on they character. I was always harassed by cops cos i was big and black. WE ALL NEED TO CHANGE!
Wit d fact dat we blacks Я rulin dem,,dεγ still got guts
Am gonna b on hoodies thru out di§ wk 2 protest
Dat white must b arrestd nd jailed
ℓ thot Amercin policemen dnt discriminate,cos if it was a black dat did d shootin,he wld b arrestd immed
ℓ dont kno what dεγ take we blacks foЯ,,,,becos we Я black doesnt make us outcasts,,,
Afterall its GOD dat creatd WHITES nd BLACKS,,abi Nάά DEVIL creat us??? Cos he's black nd GOD i§ white as its bin cartooned
Linda, you obviously missed the report from Trayvon's girlfriend who was allegedly on the phone with Trayvon while he was being chased by Zimmerman.
Hmmm very sad.I have read the story for over 10x and i keep wondering how a 17year will have the nerves to challenge a security man. I know very soon a concrete evidence will emerge and Zimmer or whatever is name is will be punished.
This is one of the reasons why I love Americans they stand for what they believe in regardless of class, status or race. I saw whites, pastors, activist, celebrities etc in the protest. I hope we can emulate this in Naija cos if naa Naija pastors no go show, senators for where? No way.
R.I.P Trayvon...God comfort your family and loved ones
Twisted story
Better! I hope they keep up with this mild protest until justice is served. Nigerians lets learn from this. I remember the rape incident which happened some time last yr at abia,everyone was so angry and involved but now the case is dead(i think) and life goes on once again,need i mention occupyNigeria too?! Lets start a good fight and finish it to the end. May the young lad rip.
He didn't enter to visit someone. He was in town from Miami for the NBA All-Star weekend to see his father's girlfriend and her son. He was on his way back from the store where he went to buy skittles and some soda when the incident happened.
this could be a case of racism. white against black. a white guy shot black claiming self defense, police came, took his statement and let him go, no investigation or further scrutiny. #isorai
no wahala, white against black.
self defence my foot.
took just statement, no arrest,
so any white fella can just kill a black man cos he's some damn white ass hole. #isokay
Miami Heat did it last week too.
I need a hoodie.
America is photographed by satellite - every single day -
I can assure you there is footage of that incident - either via Google or intelligence services.
Time to Rewwwwwwwwwind the reel and SEE what really...went down. '74
This is one thing iv neva understood........these white INGRATES come t niger and are treated like rare dragon eggs meanwhile they kill our brothers and sons
So wearing a hoodie=suspicion????
This is insane
He's dead now so we'll never know
And that white fuck is free carrying around a gun
I bou to put on 1 toooo!
this is shameful. this man should be sentenced to death by hanging.... dear Trayvon, may ur soul RIP.....
The victim was spending time with his father and step mother who live in the estate. He went to the corner store to buy some sweets and a soft drink and it was on his way back home; whilst walking and talking to his girlfriend on the phone, in the rain, that the teenager was accosted by his murderer who claimed to police that he was "looking at all the houses". God help us! May he rest in peace. SMDH!
One would think that things like this no longer happen in this day and age. Sadly, it still does. We still judge each other on the most trivial of things...
What a terrible waste of a young life...
This to me, looking at the various perimeters, doesn't sound like a racist case. Over the last two weeks blacks have come out en masse as though this is another Rodney King. No disrespect to their feelings including President Obama's involvement. But this goes beyond race, its stereotyping. Crimimals wear ski masks or hoodies to rob... Its like Chimamanda rightly said on TED 'Danger of a Single Story'.
they had better try him well......looking at both photos,it is obvious the young lad couldnt over power n sit on the adult fool called zimmer(if dats his name). it is obvious he is lying.
this story to me has the flavor of racism. How can you shot an unarmed chap and claim his actions were suspicious. Mtcheeeeew
Its sad may Trayvon's soul rest in peace but i still believe Zimmerman acted out in self defense and nothing more. Black people in America need to learn to get their acts together, pulling the racial discrimination card is becoming obsolete. If he was being followed and was indeed heading somewhere he should have gone there.All of this would have been totally avoided i believe. Its so sad whats a waste.
EVERY legally-able black person in Florida needs to go and sign up for a concealed holders license.
See how quickly they repeal "Stand your ground" THEN
A Nigerian lady was assulted with Acid in the Uk recently... Is the demon of racisim awaken? God pls save ur children for we are wonderfully made
What a heartless wild white pig. Zimmerman deserves hanging by the balls. I rise.
wat a story Linda....wel letx wait nd c if dey get him but plx, keep us informed..tnx
Wat a loss to d Family
State senators and U.S Senators are two different sets of people...
I love it! Americans need to reduce racial profiling! Could you please cite your sources though? Because I've read opposing accounts on the story. It would probably give your site more credibility as a news source, not just another he-said-she-said blog. Good work otherwise!
linda Dear, ur narration of the event seems bias, u did not mention the boy was on phone, he was carrying candy and ice tea. He was not harmed.
Linda I'v been following this story. Trayvon's antecedents is really fucked, so won't vouch 4 him or Zimmerman(not until facts emerge). Polls show about 73% of Americans (like the senators pictured above) want zimmerman arrested. One thing I'm sure of is that People can have different opinions but can't have different facts. The truth will come out in the end, let the legal process work, let the facts speak for themselves. (Zimmerman is Hispanic BTW)
this is so sad. i have been following this story on CNN and it looks like the authorities are gonna let this one slide. my heart goes out to this family. may his soul rest in peace.
Oh My God!!! all i can say, looks like it is a sin to born black! God have mercy on us. " black and acting suspicious"
Another extra-judicial and unjust killing. No matter how long it takes, the truth will come out. Zimmerman should have fought back an unarmed teenager with his hands and not by shooting him, weak fool!
Zimmermaman..., whether he is arrested and tried or not, knows the truth and knows what happened. Even if he twists the truth, he will live with it in his concience and it will judge him. Not every boy/man who wears a hood around is bad. What you sow is what u reap. He who kills by the sword will die by it. Unfortunately, one life has being wasted cos of mere suspicion.
dis is the white version of the story. so many dif stories about this matter. he was on the fone with his girlfrend accordin to "yahoo" , nd she heard everytin. if d boy survived we for hear his own story nd he wud still b at fault
hmmmmm... The 2sides to the story are both confused. but obviously, wt is goin on ere is dat the blacks r suppurtin their own and america is supportin d white male
all i knw is dat, there shd be a measure of judgement on dat white fella. He killd someone for Godsake!!
my fellow nigerians, i wonder when this racism would stop even in country where you have a black american as their president.i think the colour should not be jugded but GOD who made us black for oppression, humiliation sufferring,killing&inhuman treatment e.t.c
Idiot, how do u know he acted on self defense! Am sure bcos of people like u they make morning after pills! Goat na hin u be
ironic thing is if i ran into zimmerman or trayvon at night, I definitely know who I would run from. Its a shame
ONOME says.........................
what happened to Trayvon is unfortunate.RIP to the young lad.Read he wanted to be an aeronautic mechanic or an Engineer.
Whilst we vent our anger and venom against this injustice with so much ferocity I would like us to take a proper look at our own backyard because charity indeed does begin at home.All the extrajudicial killings going on in my country,I hear the stories but it ends there.If a Nigerian policeman can kill his fellow Nigerian brother for a mere 20naira and nothing comes out of this I think our blowing hot air over this episode is just that: HOT AIR.
I particularly recall with sadness the death of that kid in Bayelsa who was shot in cold blood for challenging a policeman over the collection of egunje.Country people CHARITY BEGINS AT HOME.
God bless Nigeria;God bless Nigerians
Pres obama said if I had a son he'll look just like trayvon! Linda uno write dat 1 o! But am also wearing a hood
@folami...I'm not trying to downplay the trayvon issue...but let's call a spade a spade...black pple do commit worse hate crimes in the US but for some reasons I dnt knw...it never gets out...there is a 13 year old white kid in the hospital right now recovering from first degree burns cos two 16 year old black kids lit him up on his way back from school for being white in a black community....its a pity trayvon had to die for this racist madness....but we blacks should learn to respect ourselves too...violence is high in black communities....we need to put an end to this mess. #my honest 2 cents.
If I see one Naija wear a hoody in solidarity for Trayvon I will slap their face. No offense, may Trayvon's soul rest in perfect peace. We naija people like doing monkey see, monkey do too much. There are I don't see anybody rioting about the girl that got ganged rapped in that school, or doing something about overt sexual harassment in Naija. It is good to be educated on the issue around the world; however, Americans got it. You (Nigerians)should get your own back yard too.
I've been following this story ever since it broke (Linda, u slow for dis gist sha o)
Anyways, there are so many loopholes in the story but one thing is certain- Tray was not armed and even if he attacked Zimmerman, he would have easily been overpowered by him. He's 17 yrs old for pete's sake!
I also find it ridiculous for a state to legalise murder under the guise of 'self defense'. Since that law in that state, over 30 pple have been killed in this manner and their killers were NEVER arrested.
Tray's girlfriend was talking to him on his cell when Zimmerman was following him. He told her that a white man was following him and she told him to run. He said he wld put on his hoodie and walk faster.
Its also funny that Zimmerman, a self appointed vigilante made a 911 call reporting a suspicious black teenager. He told the cop tht he was going to follow Tray and the policeman said it wasn't necesary yet he still did and ended up killing the boy. His story is just too watery, he could have shot him in the arm or leg yet he went for the chest area meaning his intent was to kill.
I do hope that justice is served in this case cos that kid shldnt die for nothing.
RIP Tray, can't wear a hoodie in this Lagos heat. That would be suicidal...
Nigerians, this is how pple come together for a cause. Let's stop looking the other way when pple around us are treated unfairly.
Olodo, u r d one who needs google. He was visiting his father's fiancee who lived in d gated community cos he was on a 10 day suspension from sch where he lived in Chicago. U need to remove the log in ur eyes b4 telling pple to remove the speck in theirs. Na bible talk am n it fits ur situation perfectly. U r accusing linda wrongly of ignorance when ur own ignorance is of an epic scale......olodo
There is something everybody on this blog is forgetting, Zimmerman is hispanic not white,n hispanics are also in d minority, same as d blacks, so there is no way this could be racism. Simply put, its a case of racial profiling which is also wrong on so many levels as well
Shame.... I'm not one to quickly attribute stuff to racism. I find it quite stupid really that people would react to others in a certain way simply because of the colour of my skin. BUT I do remember a similar incident happened to me.
I had to take a walk to the police station once to get a few documents certified. It was a cold evening and my hair wasn't too tidy so I whipped out my hoodie and sneakers and off I went, pleased to take yet another walk by the beach that led to the police station. Hands in my pocket, ear phones with music blaring and an envelope containing the documents I needed to certify in my back pocket, I was good to go!
A man playing with a young child saw me coming and, without even hiding it, quickly locked his car. I noticed what he did but didn't really give it a second thought... After all the man was like twice my size so to me, I didn't think he felt I would attack him though I couldn't really explain the reason for his action. I just knew he felt threatened for some reason.
THEN a lady walking in front of me started walking really fast like she was afraid of me and I was thinking to myself "what is going on?!" I still couldn't explain why she felt threatened. But I just crossed the road and went my way.
The very obvious one was when on my way back, I was walking along the narrow road that led to my apartment and a lady, who was about to get down from her car, turned round, saw me and quickly got back into her car and locked her door till I walked past. THAT I found really amusing and also upsetting of course because hers was just too obvious and I was thinking, "Lady if I wanted to attack you, I'd be holding a knife not an A4 envelope!"
I got home and spoke to my white flatmate who started laughing when I recounted the incidents. Only after explaining to me how people reacted to black people wearing hoodies did I really get angry! I just found it quite ridiculous really! Now in this case, it seemed too much of a coincidence that all 3 experiences I had was with white people so naturally I just labelled it racism.
But in hindsight and from her explanation (which... to be honest kind of made sense but was still stupid in my opinion), I guess that's how people react to people in hoodies generally. In fact I think it is more about the hoodie than the skin colour because I don't think only black people wear hoodies though it is more likened to them. I think the hoodie is more likened to crime than anything else and I guess people's reactions are just reflex based on the fact that the person looks dodgy and it hides a portion of the face. Their reactions obviously stem from hear-say, previous experiences or a certain type of profiling associated with crime.
It, however, is NO justification whatsoever for attacking or killing someone. Truth is noone really knows what happened but it appears the hoodie is a significant part of the story.
I feel so bad that a life was cut short so quickly and I believe the responsible party if found guilty must be punished and his family compensated heavily though sadly, that will not bring him back.
My only prayer is that may we never come across such situations or experience such because it could happen to anyone, same way I was judged simply because of how I was dressed.
May he rest in peace and may God grant his family the fortitude to bear the loss. It really is a really sad story...
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