Fatai, who had come to the WAEC office to help a relative submit some documents, had stepped out of the elevator when the doors opened midway on the eight floor, thinking he had reached its destination. Unfortunately he stepped out into open space and plunged to his death. The elevator wasn't functioning well and there was no notice to warn people.
Saw on TV this evening as his mangled body was being removed from the building...his arms, legs almost detached from his body. WAEC officials have expressed regret over his death but according to reports, the family of the deceased have taken the matter to the police and might be suing WAEC for wrongful death.
If this happens in the U.S, you can bet your ass WAEC will be paying HUGE millions in dollars as compensation.
This is what is called NEGLIGENCE..Gosh man Naij is pretty much messed up..For an elevator to work properly is a problem..They have serious issues in that country..RIP Mr Fatai
unbelievable...i feel like dis is a dream,hw does sumtin like dis happen...ahn ahnnnn
What shame, they should really sue WAEC, what elevator opens ? I don't even get this. Nigeria mhen, long way to go
They should sue! We are too damn irresponsible in this Africa. Haba!
It's a real pity. People are dying due to our general inefficiency. The lift wasn't maintained because nobody cared. Nobody ever cares. As long as it doesn't affect us we are prepared to overlook and carry on. Then something like this happens ...
Hmmmm, wonders shall never cease. Malfunctioning elevator and no sign to warn pple... Why was it not shut down completely till it was fixed? Their negligence has cost someone his LIFE!
I advise that the family sue WAEC but sadly, that won't bring Fatai back. Imagine going to drop off documents @ WAEC office and dying there. Who woulda thought... RIP Fatai
PS, Linda that second paragraph was so painful to read with punctuations in the wrong places. Pls get someone to proof-read before you post. This isn't a 2 cents blog, step it up a notch. Thnks.
they have to compensate the family!
this is sheer carelessness.
tufikwa nigeria...way backward country.
no hope for the poor.
wow what a way to loose ur life!! only in naija!
i don't understand how an elevator would lead to an open space? rip this is sad.
That is just horrible..never ever take lifts in 9ja..a place with hardly any power supply..imagine being trapped in that..what a way to die..R.I.P
Why do we waste peoples' lives indiscriminately in this country? A simple notice could've saved that young man's life. Except the family has financial muscle, I don't think they'll come out the Court with anything meaningful.
R.I.P Fatai
so sad!
I am, the no Sender.
Sue WAEC so bad that they won't know what hit them. That's negligence of the highest evil order.
Too bad....RIP !
My God!This is just soooooo wrong!WAEC really needs to be sued!How irresponsible of them not to have put up a warning sign or even completely shut down d elevator from working!
RIP Fatai.
How can they allow a faulty elevator to be working, now it has cos a young man is life... So sad... R.I.P!
negligence smdh!!!!!!!!. only in naija.
How can waec not put sign on a non-functionin elevator. After, they can fail people in english and mathematics.. Sue dem ass til it shrink. God punish waec. Rip fatai.
What a shame! Nigeria
Just three words they needed to type on a paper and paste near the elevator OUT OF ORDER!!!. dummies!!!
What sort of lift is that ?? A human being falling into a lift shaft!!How wide is the gap?? Even f the lift was stuck bbetween floors, the door shouldn't have opened .May his Soul Rest in Peace.what an unnecessary death
Exactly! What sort of elevator opens mid-way? That shit was faulty, and the negligent people knew about it. You know the problem with Nigeria is that they don't value human life.
The bloody WAEC should be sued! Period!! I only wish the judicial system works in Nigeria, because that country is really messed up, and the people in it corrupt and wicked. I really don't give a damn about the way things are run in that country.
May the soul of the innocent sacrificial lamb rest in peace! Amen!!
Nigeria will never make a head way until they decide to change their ways. Rubbish!!
At bar beach towers many yrs ago, I got into the elevator to get to the 6th floor, som1 pulled me out b4 the doors culd close. There was no sign to indicate that the elevators were out of order, except experience wuld hav taught me ofcourse. Same thing at that same warfare building 10yrs ago, a staff screamed at me to get out cos it wasn't working. Too bad there was no one there to tell him not to use those lifts since the maintenance unit of warfare didn't hav d common sense to put up a sign alerting pple to stay away from the elevators n except the family of Fatai is financiallymuscled, I really don't see any justice from the law court since the law in Nigeria is meant to protect the rich. Rest in peace brother. Linda, I beg u, post my comment, u hear?
And so will WAEC too. Save them Right! Nigerian don't no d meaning of health and safty. Good luck to his family in all de will do.
Nawa ooo, i was in waec office last month, on entering the elevator, i was veryyyyyyy scared, i sha knew my mind is not at rest with this old elevator in an old building, we have a long way to go in nigeria
God rest his soul but I am finding it hard to fathom how someone will step out into empty space from an elevator...didn't he notice there was "no ground"? ....just wondering (can't picture it in my mind so no one should crucify me)
God have mercy!!!
I hear all these horrible elevator deaths but I'm still trying to figure how it happens.
Such a shame! I weep for Nigeria...We cannot even get simple things right...I will say it any day we still have a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong way to go!
The man don finally die, all hands would definitely be on deck
WAEC has failed as an institution. Not only a legal matter, all the people at the helm of affairs in WAEC should be relocated to the labour market for negligently causing yet another big embarrassment to the nation.
now i know, last time i was n naija, i went to visit a friend n a hotel and as we were going down, i headed to d elevator and he said, 'never, i wl not go into that elevator with u, my legs wl see me thru the stairs', with this naija can hold dem elevators o, stairs for me all d way, careless people, life is like 1cent n naija, they never get anything right, shame of a nation, wt all d monies they make from people - all gone and embezzled, is it by force to put elevator if u cannot maintain it, Fatai's family get a good lawyer and sue their stupid and miserable life, useless establishment, damn illiterates
We really have a long way to go in this country. RIP Fatia!
eff that. The monies were probably paid for the upkeep of the building. WAEC needs to be sued along with the people in charge of the place. retards i swear
Yeahhh thy were too lazy to even rght 'out of order'!!smh! Ths is utter laziness n absolute neglgence at its highst level!
All i can say is Jesus.......
na wa o! R.I.P
Na Wa O! R.I.P Mr.Fatia...
Elevator opened mid-way...A lot is wrong in this country.
What d heck???
his family had better sue.
d man too ought to have looked now...
too bad and too sad. Nigeria sef!
There is something not logical about this whole event. It is either the design of that building is greatly flawed or the man died in another manner in the elevator.
I mean, how do you explain the fact that there is a gapping hole or space all through the 8th floor of the elevator right to to the ground. Does that make any architectural sense, if actually the door openned and he mistakenly went out of the elevator, he should have fallen on the next floor below and not straight on to the ground. Seriously, there is more to this story than meet the eyes, at least we have seen the outside of an elevator during movement thanks to hollywoods movies and stuff. Unless they want to tell us that the elevator opened into a window, I don't see how he plummeted from the opening of the elevator door to the ground floor without first landing on the closest floors below. Is anyone understanding it?
Besides, I have never heard of an elevator stopping midway and opening all of a sudden, it looks like a concocted story, it is one thing for one to get trapped or for it to just stop midway, but to claim that it just stopped midway and openned its doors seems far-fatched. If that was the case Mr Fatai prolly would have noticed how unsual the such occurrence is, it will be glaring even to a first time user that the elevator had problems and had stopped and "opened" as they claimed the wrong time. I mean, you will see something that will tell you that immediately such happens. But I doubt this is the real story jare. The real story has not been told jare.
hmmmmmm......R.I.P sir
"... there was no notice to warn people."
Of course they had a choice and ways to inform people. They could have shut down the elevator and placed a notice saying it is dangerous and users would be using it at their risks. Do not make excuses for WAEC.
Might be suing? The family would be stupid not to sue WAEC unless they are settled out of court.
May his soul rest in peace!!!!
very scary story....I weep for his family...NIGERIA!
I wonder what the workers in WAEC do all day long... I'm sure dey don't have maintenace dept there. And I'm sure govt pays for maintenace...but they would rather steal and let people suffer. They should sue dem so dat it will b a lesson to all.
This one thing i do "Never use the Elevator"....except if there is a security guy in it!!!
That's why I don't enter elevators anyhow o. If its an eko hotel, maybe but a government parastatal like Waec or Nitel; I take the stairs! I once climbed up 14 floors at one building on Lagos Island, the lift worked but it looked scary! RIP Fatai, such a shame!
I remember going to WAEC office and notice that problem sometime this year and there is a gaping hole between the elevator door and the floor level and i told a WAEC staff that this is a death trap without actually knowing i was making a prediction.
Gosh our institution are failing what will it cost to have fix that problem since that period and now its has claimed a life!
So disgusting and really sad.RIP dear young soul.
RIP Fatia, and may God save us in this country
m even really upset....like crzzly, y all dis negligence...only to be embezzling funds and b failing students una knw...God wuld judge
it cant even be well with d useless leaders we have in dis stupid country....waec and all officials, ur reward is in ur final destination...na only to dey fail pple in maths and English and b withholding results una knw...wut a painful death
RIP.Dat is one reason why I never use elavators or escalators xcpt I'm doubly sure thy r in good order.
Pure negligence, a body as big as WAEC. Am sure it would cost less than a 100k to fix the elevator but they ignored it. Now they will still fix it and pay millions of naira for wrongful death. The family should sue the hell out of them. Even though it won't bring back the man, it will teach everyone a lesson. Just like what happened it AAU! RIP Fatai.
What sort of a country is Nigeria turning into? Taking peoples life for granted, my God.
My bro, that's hollywood, but this is naija where d impossible happens all the time.
I meant 'waec' not warfare. Na done I dey use wey get I'm own mind. Rest in peace my brother.
I am Nneka
Okkk,that's it,no more elevators for me in government building!I don't care if d flight of stairs reach heaven,I go march on!BTW,was d dude pinging or wat?not to have noticed a wall before you and a space beneath you before stepping out
this same incident happen in this same waec office to a lady some few weeks ago.fatia family should charge them and collect $300 million from waec next time they will arrange them self folish people and they like failing students
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