The Minister of Youth Development, Alhaji Bolaji Abdullai, said yesterday that from next year, 2013, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) will post corps members to rural areas ONLY, with no provision for redeployment. Corpers will no longer be posted to banks, and all dem posh places; only farms, schools, hospitals in the villages, and etc. Hehehehe!
Choi! Thank God I did my youth service many years ago. You new set, sorry o! :-)
All this one is bullshit talk. Will u post the children of wealthy people to villages? You trust Nigeria.. The top peeps will find a way to survive.. otherwise b4 u enact such a law, you'll have to pass it through the National Assembly , that means amending the NYSC act... Well, Lets hope he'll still be in the cabinet as Minister of YD by 2013
nonsense, when his own child is about to serve , the story will be different. Despite the killings in the north hear what this idiot is still saying. So insensitive
Where did he serve?
E be like say d man dey craze...na for all those places he do him own service...all these corrupt people...msheeeeeeeew
I'm currently serving so it doesn't affect me. However, the minister shud make provision for good pay. Corpers dnt hv a problem wit service in rural areas as far as they are properly paid.
If d villages will provide accomodation and good pay why not?
Afterall corpers in Rivers state are all posted to villages except doctors and lawyers, but at d end of the service year they are paid N110,000. Other states and LG's shud emulate. Shikena
Dumbest idea ever. I think they need to do away with NYSC all together.
Linda is it 2013 or 2012, cos i read in vanguard that its from this 2012, and i'm Batch A (March 2012), so sad i had it all planned out to work my posting to a bank. i'm sure some people will still be able to manipulate it. http://www.vanguardngr.com/2012/02/fg-approves-new-posting-policy-for-nysc/
Laughing in my native dialect! like that is going to work, if I did not study agric, what will i be doing on a farm? I am all for overhauling the system but it needs to be workable. Happy new month to all!
he is an idiot
with all the killings going on everywer, so dat the poor corpers can go and die silently in the villages abi?
see his black face
He is mad. Na him go do the NYSC not those graduates. Stupid man.
He is just a very mad man
Who ever took that decision is high on cheap weed jo.
gist..... lets wait and see
dey shuld as well scrap d darn service nii...dis 1 is fresh wereh o...whether d man likes it or nt i'll serve where i please when d time comes...NOnSENSE!
This man must be stupid. His silly plans will not work in jesus name amen. I won't be posted to some village
Those in the cities are not finding it easy, its to confine them to the villages now? is dis man ok?
Most of these villages that dont have water, light, no communication, no hospitals, nothing! so people's children will die of all sorts of diseases abi. Idiot!
dumb idea..corpers re def much more than the villages sef.as if pple where not posted to villages before..dey sud leave them abeg..on top say no job after the whole shit o....mscheeeeeewwww
o bob,dis black ass dude is a joke and a complete wacko.truth is servic in rural places is nt gonna fly at least not without a better pay and attitude adjusment by d locals.just lik u aptly put it dear he seems to b on som kinda cheap weed.
Lmaoooo all the comments are killing me. This minister better fix that shit ohhh or else we will occupy that their House of nonsense Assembly
Aunty Linda please be sure ooo! Abi he haff Madt ni!...am goin dis .march o,my 2'1 from unilag cannot go and waste in Farm o!,dey had better let us do d farming in lagos here!...yeye man, see his black Wugly face, i have vex!,i don kuku dey runz am,dat my link no go wan try me!
Wht a wicked world,wht was he tinking to come up wit such idea.lets wait and see,foolish man
This man is on cheap drug ,to post them to villages where they will kill them abii,some villages dont have light,i will be in a village without light for a year all bcos i want to serve useless father land.copres are really expose to danger in village.im sure that one he said is for his family or pocket,no be nigerai wey dey? let wait and see .any ways thank God im out of service .
LOL,See mee see good thing oh. I bind this act In the name of Jesus,because as the Lord lives,village is out of the question.If dem kill person 4 village or all of dis dem rural places,who go know? Insteard of them thinking of how to better Nysc,they are formulationg one silly law...
Awwwww......d man don kolo ooo... Na him pekin dem go serve 4 village.. 2 me make dem stop dis nysc nonsense.
the guy is an epic nincomput. peopls kids are dying in the noryh and he opens his wide dirty mouth to ........................he is stupid. did he even serve. fool.
he should shut his pie hole!!! his own children will be posted where?? ole oshi! *sorry about the andry comment*
For real?????....abeg abeg dey shud allow us to serve finish nah!!...Im workin mine too
God forbid! i come against this in the mighty name of Jesus.
Tufiakwaa!!!! God punish devil. Not in my time dat dis rubish will start.so corpers will nw go 2 farms nd weed al in d name of servin father land???Dis man need serious knock on his head so he will tink right...
Tufiakwaa!!!! God punish devil. Not in my time dat dis rubish will start.so corpers will nw go 2 farms nd weed al in d name of servin father land???Dis man need serious knock on his head so he will tink right...
Anofia! I no go allow anybody post my pickin to any Boko Haram infested village. Instead dem no go do youth service. Devil hammer their mouth! Dem wan use style make people when dey work for NYSC become multi billionaires over night.
Se his head Nigeria of before isn't of today, am currently serving, U̶̲̥̅̊ want to post people to villages and pay them 3k without accomodation no lodge,and ur making it compulsory, we will block ur office and occupy it, that one NLC and occupy Nigeria did is small. Wicked man, are U̶̲̥̅̊ fit to even be in that office? Isn't it thru connection? Bring ur cv let's se if its worth the portfolio?
what this man doesnt know is that it is easier to be an absentee corper in rural areas. all you have to do is bribe your Zonal Inspector. I served in rural lagos and trust me it was a ball.
No possibility of redeployment....yeah right!
Instead of them to scrap the NYSC program due to all the killings etc, he is busy saying they will be posting people's children to rural areas to go and get killed. Idiot!
its one stupid announcement after another.meanwhile if you are a big man like them you own child's certificate just gets done without stepping a foot in camp. oloshi( without apologies). no mention of issues such as killings, proper renumeration. nothing.. "yen yen yen" (# movement of mouth when one says rubbish )
Silly talk.......just talking for cheap publicity.....mtchewwwwww!!!
Who is this Foolish Man?
Imagine this! and he would post his children where?
I laugh in Efik! MBOK! Protect our your graduates please oh!.
Seriously loling @ all d comments bt...I believe this guy has no idea of d system that's why he can open his big black mouth for publicity purposes...rural areas my a**!
they should scrap the scheme and use the money for other things.
its this kind of people u find in jonathan'S GOVERNMENT. groups of ODE, FLOCKS 2GETHER...
F*ck this bastard abeg that thing had better change before i come back to Nigeria, if not..... na me and agbaya mtchewwww
Nonsense talk...wen his kids r not in naija nd r certainly not serving dere fatherland.y wont he run his mouth.mscheeeew
posting us to the villages is it for us to die of hunger or what? we did nysc in the city and yet we stiull die of hunger nawa o scrape the dam ttttttttthing
Bolaji Abdullahi just does not get it.
This NYSC program needs to be scrapped and a new community service program designed. No need renovating a collapsed building. The entire NYSC program is only serving the interest of the contractors and big wigs of NYSC secretariat.Folks should do community service in either the state they schooled or state of origin and it should be community based. Even if it is in the city,it should be stuff like volunteering for after school classes in primary schools, PE teacher in primary/secondary schools,FRSC special marshall etc. Then in the villages you can do the whole lot.
All these conceited idea of sending folks from Rivers State to Sokoto state et al is just not it.Screw national integration.Whoever wants to travel to the north or east can and should do that voluntarily. Certainly no cheap labour for banks,oil companies, telcos and ministries.
How can one get in touch with the minister? I mean an email address,not Facebook or Twitter o!
WHere did this mad man do his NYSC?
Thats the way human beings are. Very quick to forget where they came from.
Never mind, I'm sure he'll be replaced by next year.
He must be going gaga
From the comments below, I see most of ur readers are still under graduate. No wonder....
Not with the insecurity in the country. If those in Maiduguri (Borno state capital) are not safe, how safe is the person sent to the inner village? Dont these guys think?
May that decision never see the light of the day! What happens after that? Turn our graduates to village champs that's if they are not killed!
i love dis new policy becs is only d rich children are alwys luking for wey to serve in urban area while d poor serve in rural so now evry1 will be posted to rural area afterall we are all graduate ..shikena
I bet you he served in the city some where
He hu is dead already doz nt fear death, am serving presently and in one of d most remote villages in nasarawa state called UGYA TOTO wit no Gsm coverage of any sort, al i need is improved pay mk i fit balance well hia..lol
see what boredom causes.....makes pple think of rubbish.
I served in rivers state during omehia regime, men we really rocked that govt house no be small. Infact I lived in a guest house thru out my service year. What will it be like witout corpers in ph city? Na waaoh. Anyway rivers state govt ,I'm still owing u 4 d gud times! Thank u very much & may God cont 2 bless that state oh.
LMAO! THEY ARE MADDDD! we will see who will come back and do NYSC in dem vilages...fuckin idiots, and by d way did they do theirs there?? odes...be chasing us youths out of Nigeria oh...and to think I was about returnin...hiss.
Otondo corpas una wan burst my bele wit laff. Si curse left, rite, n centre u go fear. Make una nor wori, na e get im mouth e fit use am yan dust. Noting dey happen.
See d matter is very simple, if its paining him dat his farm in d village nids attention,den he shud carry his family n relocate der, who even gave him d nerves 2 come out n talk over d lives of million graduates 2 serve...infct he is very stupid
Don't know if ur children are old enough to serve in d NYSC scheme if they are then I suggest that the honorable minister's children should be the first to be posted to those areas he mentioned he should lead by example
Linda put tweet sharing option!
smh...are we moving forward or backward in this country. People are asking for reforms in NYSC and this is what they could come up with?
Uwarika. Come and post me 2 a village let me see. Post me 2 anywhere north i wont go,let alone a village. BASTARD. mtchw. I don provoke.
I think this is the height of confusion and deficiency of constructive ideas by this so called minister.SMH i think that minister and his ministry should be moved to a village without adequate pay. GTH.
This is a fat lie. Only those that aren't privilege they can do that to. Sorry! Some people already know where they will serve after school. Infact, the oga was even waiting ƒor him. So that crap will not work.
If the moron wants village posting,no problem,shebi its just for a year? But he had better make sure the corpers are posted to their various States of origin.Who wants his or her child killed after investing so much on the child's education?
Hehehehehehe does that include villages in Northern Nigeria? Hey! Boko Haram o.
Well i pity those that are coming on march , instate of them 2 post people children according 2 their region 2 server he is talkin another thing that has no meaning here ,well thank God am going these feb sha
Its not only farm, dey shld turn us to Road Cleaners as well. mschewwww
e no go fit happen
This is so foolish of this man. He is not even saying that they will stop posting southerners to the far north. they just pull ideas from their arses and throw at us. keep quite if you have nothing to say. Alhaji Bolaji Abdullai, u r on your own.
NYSC has long outlived it's usefulness but those financially benefitting from the scheme won't let go.
i am currently serving in a village in sokoto state. the light situation is bad though they have the facility, however our lodge is disconnected due to nepa bill the local government refused to pay. other facility are however available, though many corper of batch c have left for abuja 4 their redeployment.waitin to hear their feedback so i might decide to redeploy or not. However i am enjoying myself in this village
He is very very stupid!!! Someone who has served in rural areas will not wish such kind of life even for their own enemies. NYSC is a useless scheme that has failed hopelessly in achieving its said objectives. It is a scheme that the officials (you know yourselves) use to further divert funds from the government directly into their own pockets. As a corper currently serving, I know what I and so many others are going through in the name of serving our fatherland. Living in inhumane conditions and being paid worse than peanuts. Proper thought should be put into this before making such decisions.
I totally agree with you on this one. I don't think that he served under the NYSC scheme. Because someone who has been through the system will not suggest not to talk of saying such a thing. He must have forged or runzed his certificate and should be investigated.
U are the FOOL of the year and that of 2013,i know that you are out to frustrate youths,they will course you and you will not be alive to accomplish what you've said...............BAD BELLE
What NYSC needs is reform. With all due respect sir, this is not the way to go about it. I'm a corp member currently serving. In my opinion what NYSC should be focusing on is on the living and working conditions of corp members. The facilities of employers should be inspected before the request for corp members is granted. A fellow corp member was posted to a school in a rural area. On getting there, there was no physical building indicating the existence of the school. The pupils have their lessons under the mango tree! Not even a blackboard! Or some that were posted towards the border nigeria shares with Benin Republic where there's no telecom network, no electricity, no water and worse, the natives do not speak english. The life and safety of all corp members must be paramount
Linda i beg what is dis infected thing talkin about?ki o le je efo for all i care,so he wants corpers to be posted in villages,farms etc Mogbe.A̶̲̥̅♏ very sure he is sick.
wat rubbish,did they go school ,so that they can suffer? hey mr man reverse that statement,let evey crops members enjoy their service in watever area they are posted to.
No posting of other tribes to the north and let the northerner evry part of nigeria go back to northern state and serve.
guy go boil stone.. u don madt abi you wan use g|oil drink garri? u like it or not na ASO ROCK I GO SERVE.. IDIOT.. WAAAWA ,BANZA.. MTCHEW...
God will punish you and all of you who decided to make this stupid decision. In stead of you to focus on what is important and stop stealing money at the seat of power, you will bring out stupid decisions as if you would allow your own child to serve in the village. Let me tell you now if this stupid decision comes to pass, anything that happens to any of them, their blood will be on you and your familys hea. God will punish you and family.FOOL!
i laugh in dutch, he's not serious. it cant work abeg,he just wants some form of relevance.
ask this abdulahi of a man, i he can live by example posting his daugther or son to Nguru in Kano state or kind of bush in the North. Bible is complete, it is bizarre seen fools ruling on the wise. God will settle this case for us soon abdulahi
abdullahiiii you are boko aram member, i dey suspect u, where u serve sef? abi u don dey smoke? i dey think am maybe u go vist doctor for brain checkup? abi how una see am?
abdul prepare to relocate your minstry and family members to the proposed villages atleast live by example then we follow suit, He-goat
LWKMD.Somebody please pick up a magnifying glass and help me examine this geezer properly. Put them where? To be murdered silently or to be bitten to death by mosquitoes silently? These people need to get it out of their heads that graduates owe this country anything. Th country must first pay us back what it owes its citizens before any form of patriotism is established.
pls somebody find out where this idiot served, thats if he did serve, instead of u people to think of how to scrap this waste of gradute s time, u re talking trash, as if NYSC has not caused people enuff problems as it is, some have paid with their lives, if govt couldnt guaranttee peoples safety in urban areas let alone villages and farms, what arrangements have this idiot made to secure coriers lives and health before hes spitting this nonsense out of his dirty mouth, were did his children serve?bunch of hypocrites,fool!
Ok I knew this rubbish would soon be scrapped. First step to scrapping NYSC hehehe
Thank God I never bothered! Bladdy waste of one's time
Ok I knew this rubbish would soon be scrapped. First step to scrapping NYSC hehehe
Thank God I never bothered! Bladdy waste of one's time
what many of us fail to realise is,the proposal HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FG!..now all this ones wey we dey talk here na just yans...the question is,what do we do about it?...actions not words... these people feel they can sleep on any given night...dream of a any new policy...wake the next morning,and implement them!...some of us talking here, go talk finish,stil go serve for the rural area. -.-
Nice repliеs in return of this matter with гeal arguments
and ԁescгibing the whole thing on the topic of that.
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