A few bloggers around the world, including my humble self, wrote about the tweets from Egyptian/Sudanese-American bestselling novelist and poet, Kola Boof to Kimora Lee, where she claimed she's having more sex with Kimora's husband, Djimon, than Kimora herself. Well, Kola apparently didn't like the way we all wrote the story and has responded to us all on her official PAGE. See it below...
For you at BOSSIP, at Lipstick Alley, at Linda Nigeria (That's me BTW :-)) and all you one-sided BLOGGERS, here is Kola Boof's detailed (A-Z) response to your Kimora Lee gossipfest.
(A) NIGGER "blogs" that hate African women think that consistently posting the worst photo they can find establishes what said woman looks like. NOT.Continue reading...
(B) Black Americans don't know SHIT about beauty. They think a Fat-faced ASIAN who looks like the "Winking Snail" they serve at Benihana automatically equals cute. To their self-hating black asses, she's "beautiful" just because she's not black, just because she's light and other. To her fellow Asians, she's a fat pudgy-faced reject who went to the Black community because niggerstock think anything Non-Black is automatically cute---no matter how "out of shape" and "flat assed" it is.
(C) Men compliment Kola's huge natural breasts, 50-inch legs, nice shapely ass & her dazzling Egyptian cheekbones. HER FACE is striking Men claim. She has amazingly beautiful soft cocoa
skin. When she walks down the street (at 6 feet 2 inches tall)...people call her "Nubian Goddess."
Because she actually is.
(D) Kola Boof is "vaginally infibulated"---so her pussy is outrageously TIGHT. He complains how 'loose' & fleshy the other girl's is. Can't get traction. Maybe Cabbage Patch-face should get that
Bubble Gum twat of hers tightened back up.
(E) Sometimes men MARRY for reasons that are strategic, not romantic. The Ex-Girlfriend they loved "freaking with" in happier days.... becomes part of the P.R. arranged marriage.
(F) Powder Princesses love to gossip & *START* shit. But they cry like babies when someone
is bold enough to call their BLUFF in public. It shocks them when the shit they started turns into
a Boomerang.
(G) You were fucking my man when he was **MY BOYFRIEND**.....so it's okay for me to fuck
him now that he's your husband.
(H) African Men always return....to an African Pussy. It's like radar. Your Korean mother found that out didn't she? Your own dad is fucking Black women now. So why you feel superior?
(I) ASIAN women who marry Black men are often very Racist. They say racist shit...that makes Women like me come back for revenge later.
(J) Sometimes a Black woman fucks a man she doesn't like anymore...just to annoy his wife.
It's called revenge.
(K) Powder Princesses need to learn...that if you don't START NONE....it won't be none. Black Bitches will shut your shit down without a second thought.
(L) The ASIAN lady's NIGGER TOES (Black American bitches who stan for Ms. Benihana)...are nothing more than "Black Maids," wallflowers straining to defend her. They are pitiful and always
relegated to the background in life. As her dutiful Maids, they attack an African woman without
even knowing the Years-Long history. I give not a fuck about a Nigger bitch's love for those I
(M) If you don't like KOLA BOOF, get on your knees and ask GOD if I give a fuck. Then go to church and LOCK your pitiful ass inside.
(N) Biracial & MIXED Women who **THINK** I'm against them for being biracial/mixed.....are in reality Colorstruck Racists underneath. They benefit from Colorism and fear a powerful African
woman like myself who isn't impressed by them being 2% mattress fucks with light skin. They
fear that they will lose their benefits...they are also intensely JEALOUS of authentic Black women
because it's our identity they try to steal and covet.
(O) People who think the "TRUTH" is crazy, insane & crackish...are usually Cretins who can't handle the fucking truth. They fear confrontation and reality.
(P) Sometimes you fuck a man that you don't like anymore....because that DICK is too good to leave alone. And you despise his racist Wife.
(Q) Kola Boof, aka "Kola Wetmouth" is probably the best dick-sucker on American soil. That goes with her bodacious body. She enjoys sex. She is also one of the most ACCLAIMED literary writers
in America--praised by The Boston Globe, Publisher's Weekly, Booklist and chosen by Librarians
of America in 2011 as one of the best novels of the year.
(R) Kola Boof is not one for "Shame." She owns all that she has done in life. Her mistakes & bad personal traits are embraced. NO SHAME.
(S) Kola Boof has never "loved" Osama Bin Laden. She did not WILLINGLY choose to be with him. She was a model-actress 20 yrs. ago in her native North Africa & was taken by force.
(T) There is no such thing as "DATING" in the Arab Muslim World. Women have no rights & need protection. Osama Bin Laden took over Kola Boof's life and kept her for 6 months at La Maison
Arabe. There was no "love story." Kola Boof had to survive and that's what she did.
(U) Kola Boof has dated many famous men. Anyone can GOOGLE her life story. But Kola Boofis judged by a different standard than other famous women are judged. What's cute and celebrated
about Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and other WHITE women is overly-demonized in Kola Boof.
The nerve of that African immigrant bitch thinking she's hot and thinking she's cosmpolitan. Why
would any man want her?
(V) Kola Boof is strikingly beautiful. She is not "out of shape" or shaped like a bread box. Kola's ass is not flat. Kola's pussy is TIGHT.
(C) Men compliment Kola's huge natural breasts, 50-inch legs, nice shapely ass & her dazzling Egyptian cheekbones. HER FACE is striking Men claim. She has amazingly beautiful soft cocoa
skin. When she walks down the street (at 6 feet 2 inches tall)...people call her "Nubian Goddess."
Because she actually is.
(D) Kola Boof is "vaginally infibulated"---so her pussy is outrageously TIGHT. He complains how 'loose' & fleshy the other girl's is. Can't get traction. Maybe Cabbage Patch-face should get that
Bubble Gum twat of hers tightened back up.
(E) Sometimes men MARRY for reasons that are strategic, not romantic. The Ex-Girlfriend they loved "freaking with" in happier days.... becomes part of the P.R. arranged marriage.
(F) Powder Princesses love to gossip & *START* shit. But they cry like babies when someone
is bold enough to call their BLUFF in public. It shocks them when the shit they started turns into
a Boomerang.
(G) You were fucking my man when he was **MY BOYFRIEND**.....so it's okay for me to fuck
him now that he's your husband.
(H) African Men always return....to an African Pussy. It's like radar. Your Korean mother found that out didn't she? Your own dad is fucking Black women now. So why you feel superior?
(I) ASIAN women who marry Black men are often very Racist. They say racist shit...that makes Women like me come back for revenge later.
(J) Sometimes a Black woman fucks a man she doesn't like anymore...just to annoy his wife.
It's called revenge.
(K) Powder Princesses need to learn...that if you don't START NONE....it won't be none. Black Bitches will shut your shit down without a second thought.
(L) The ASIAN lady's NIGGER TOES (Black American bitches who stan for Ms. Benihana)...are nothing more than "Black Maids," wallflowers straining to defend her. They are pitiful and always
relegated to the background in life. As her dutiful Maids, they attack an African woman without
even knowing the Years-Long history. I give not a fuck about a Nigger bitch's love for those I
(M) If you don't like KOLA BOOF, get on your knees and ask GOD if I give a fuck. Then go to church and LOCK your pitiful ass inside.
(N) Biracial & MIXED Women who **THINK** I'm against them for being biracial/mixed.....are in reality Colorstruck Racists underneath. They benefit from Colorism and fear a powerful African
woman like myself who isn't impressed by them being 2% mattress fucks with light skin. They
fear that they will lose their benefits...they are also intensely JEALOUS of authentic Black women
because it's our identity they try to steal and covet.
(O) People who think the "TRUTH" is crazy, insane & crackish...are usually Cretins who can't handle the fucking truth. They fear confrontation and reality.
(P) Sometimes you fuck a man that you don't like anymore....because that DICK is too good to leave alone. And you despise his racist Wife.
(Q) Kola Boof, aka "Kola Wetmouth" is probably the best dick-sucker on American soil. That goes with her bodacious body. She enjoys sex. She is also one of the most ACCLAIMED literary writers
in America--praised by The Boston Globe, Publisher's Weekly, Booklist and chosen by Librarians
of America in 2011 as one of the best novels of the year.
(R) Kola Boof is not one for "Shame." She owns all that she has done in life. Her mistakes & bad personal traits are embraced. NO SHAME.
(S) Kola Boof has never "loved" Osama Bin Laden. She did not WILLINGLY choose to be with him. She was a model-actress 20 yrs. ago in her native North Africa & was taken by force.
(T) There is no such thing as "DATING" in the Arab Muslim World. Women have no rights & need protection. Osama Bin Laden took over Kola Boof's life and kept her for 6 months at La Maison
Arabe. There was no "love story." Kola Boof had to survive and that's what she did.
(U) Kola Boof has dated many famous men. Anyone can GOOGLE her life story. But Kola Boofis judged by a different standard than other famous women are judged. What's cute and celebrated
about Kim Kardashian, Paris Hilton and other WHITE women is overly-demonized in Kola Boof.
The nerve of that African immigrant bitch thinking she's hot and thinking she's cosmpolitan. Why
would any man want her?
(V) Kola Boof is strikingly beautiful. She is not "out of shape" or shaped like a bread box. Kola's ass is not flat. Kola's pussy is TIGHT.
(X) KOLA BOOF....is not one for PRETENTION or "fake manners & mores." Kola Boof is loving, kind & down to earth. But don't fuck with her.
(Y) Kola Boof loves all human beings of every type. Kola is a nice lady. But Kola will give you...what you give her. Kola is no one's victim. Kola does not go "in back"--Kola is not the maid or the
wallflower. Kola disrespects those who disrespect her. Kola is a free woman.
(Z) KOLA BOOF...will kick your motherfucking ass. Or die trying. She thinks the world of herself.
She is not crazy. She has good damn sense. The lies that are continuously perpetuated about
Kola Boof by weak, ladylike gossiping bitches need to stop.
Really this woman crazy going on and on
Someting is definitely wrong with this woman........ seems to me like she's missing Osama! I hope Kimora doesn't respond cuz truly that would be a waste of publicity*
dis one don craze na why is she referring to heerself in 3rd person..osama really scarred her for life...a lost cause..oma shey ooo
@linda :u ve bin served ! shut ur f***** trap and dnt 4get kola boof gives bck wat u give her including gono & oda stds
Ashawo Bekee. This one pass queen bitch biko. Na demon una dey deal with. Tufia!!
Baba way ray no woman ni woman yi sha! But really she actually makes stupid sense
Chai!!!dis is a very proud whore..she takes pride in a whoreful life...wat a disgrace 2 d black race..
Who is this person again???????????????
Mehn, this is some cray shit. I better just keep shut on this woman cos I don't want none. But she aint beautiful facially. I haven't seen the boobs, the ass or hit d pussy but facially she's got nothing on Kimora.
It's obvious Mzz. Boof is pained and still smarting from being dumped by Djimon for Kimora! My advice to her:
You can get any "dick" you want, darlyn! You had mighty Osama's in your mouth, hands, ears and God-knows-where-else for years na! Leave the couple alone and keep doing what you know how to do best (and most!).
Abeg, give us mpre worthwhile stories, Linda. Woman yi o gbadun jare!
This is one ugly representation of black women from an ugly black biatch!
Please my black ladies, do not under any circumstance emulate or think that this akata is the future or how a black woman should think, speak or address issue.
Black girls u r beautiful and should carry yourself with dignity and not like this fool!
Ok....I didn't finish reading this but seriously, I think this woman has lost it. Shekina!
There is enough space for everybody in this world sha...WTH
kolo woof
[mad dog]
This woman is crazy.. Pure n simple plus she's scared for life n has the worst issues bagged up inside of her.. I seriously feel pity for her.. May the lord have mercy on her soul. . Imagine her talking bout GOD in that manner... Na wa.
To be honest I can imagine her being a stunner!!in her 20's and I sort of understand where she is coming from! Hnmmnnnn smh tho hope she doesn't get arrested
I said it oooo. i warned all of you ooooo. i told you Kolo Boof has gone loko!!!
hahahaha@ B & C.Who dash her shapely ass? that thingy looks like misshaped dough.
@Linda, you don big finish ooo.Your blog dey vex Kolo wey dey America, hummm.......go girl!! But when you reach yankee, no let am see you oo becos that geh resemble person wey fit kill with 1 punch.
Ok, see now that her official web page has responded with this exemplary wiki info, it makes all the sense in the world. All those tweets were just silly and misinterpreted, these, on the other hand makes sense *tongue buried soo deep in cheek it nearly bursts out the other side*
Mehnnn this Kola woman is so filled with dirt, she isn't normal.
In her battalion of powerful toasters are Jacob Zuma, South African president. She claimes Jaboc asked for he nude pictures. The news made headline in major dailies in SA. From her tweets
OMG! this woman must be CRAZY. guys, please argue not with a fool, people might not notice a difference. SHOCKING EXPERIENCE!
This woman is obviously a psycho, she needs to be locked up somewhere.
Linda, please this should be the last time, she makes it on your blog.
wooooooooooooooooow...... kick their modafuka asses woman...... de need to be thought a lesson....eish i love what she wrote abt kimilicious who thinks(i am sexy dats y my exes cant let go of me......and you r still single)whats so fantastic about some of dis ladies i would like to know......but me lady u yes u r no religious fanatic but but don't u think have to take it slow with words because God whom u give no shit about made your creation n birth possible........am just saying.
Lol at kolo. This is amazing! Linda has gone worldwide!
Asuu strike has been finally called off.
The picture looks like she has blood on her lips...but she actually does have blodd on her lips...
Sincerely, I think she has serious issues. When you start referring to urself in the 3rd person, you have complex issues. But hey what do I know? Maybe if I bragged about my Nine and half inch dick and Slept with diverse women and talked endlessly about how I have a six pack ab, chiseled muscles and my 6ft 3ins imposing height, i probably would be as notorious as she is. maybe then Linda would date me and we will also be in gossip blogs. But I chose to live for Christ and I have no regrets.
D irony of d whole novel is dt am a fan of errtin she wrote.crucify me!!!
I have no words... I am intrigued...I am sure Google shall fill me in...
I am behind hola boof shebi that ₪α̲̅ the name. Have U̶̲̥̅̊ watched kimora, she is too proud to insulting I really don't like her and for kola she is simply showing off. Let us remember that this same woman had Osama bin laden down smthing Йợ̣̇̇ other has done and even if U̶̲̥̅̊ call her a whore who is kim k, who is paris hilton all those girls of the playboy mansion what do they do exactly so Йợ̣̇̇ double standards here.
its obvious she has serious mental imbalance.
God help this woman is all i have to say...pride goes be4 the downfall of a man.
i dont think she is on drugs; me thinks she is actually pained over something>>>some issues with KLS. everybody has diff ways to plot revenge. guess ds is hers.
an ugly plot though...letting out the "F" word without control
Hmmm she has d hit pussy!
Read dis pls:http://africapage.i8.com/
This lady certainly knows what she is talking about. wow, what a woman.
Shebi i don talk am before say this woman resemble amadioha priestess? Na this picture come bear me witness finish!
And in addition, she is stark,raving mad!
Wetin she dey talk sef - tight pussy, shapy ass, 50inch legs,then tight pussy again???? Na for here craze finish.
Linda she don kuku give you world class publicity. You go pay am ooo
I think she is hating cause she is single. Can she close her legs please and why does she think she is an authority on women of any race.
Thot it was jus me...
She has no eyebrows
kola book is truly dillusional to think shes a representation of african beauty. shes unpretty and quite frankly looks like a shemale. i know what african beauty looks like and it is definitely not kola boof. i am not a kimora fan but if i were a boy and she was poor and in debt ill still choose her over kola boof.
She doesn't av eyebrows.lol
Na wa o na porn story b this Abi wan ti ... So sentence without funk n bitch ... Lydia where u c this crazy ...
She doesn't av eyebrows,lol
chei my head is "painning" me
she's unstable. Really sad.
Gbam!! Way to go Kola!! Tell em..school em!! The black african woman is proud n does kick back! Aint nobody's mop or piece of furniture! Everybody get their mouth o! Everybody..to ur tent oh isreal!!
"I'm a professional cook and that's really the way I relieve stress. I also write poems and listen to a lot of music for recreation. I like to have a lot of sex. I read the Holy Bible, not because I'm a christian, but because I love the fables and I'm impressed by the Bible's awesome literary merit. No other book in creation is in a league with the Bible.----Kola Boof (2003)"
I must say I do love my Kola. read every book she has put out apart from the latest one. Yes she is crazy but she says too much truth that people like to pretend isn't. gooo Kola!
This is one SCHIZOPHRENIC bitch. All she needs is to be chained at yaba psychiatric center. Tight pussy my yansh!
she's just lonely as hell. Needs a man with a consistent dick, purse and heart.
This is one SCHIZOPHRENIC bitch. All she needs is to be chained at Yaba psychiatric center. TIGHT PUSSY MY YANSH!
Would like to f**k this woman.
aro and yaba phycratic hospital here we come infact na ambulance go carry am go as she don kolomenta mschew. People are busy making a name and she is busy here yaning nonsense
Dis woman is crazy n stupid,she nids help immediately.Black women ar nt lyk ha,we have dignity n pride in our self nt dis whore who is proud of being whore n she is soon abt to hv AIDS or already has.She makes me sick thinkin of ha.
Damn. I'd hate for this woman to have anything to do with my man. Geez! She'll wear you you mentally.
i feel sorry for her, she's probably been through a lot in life, she is a lost soul... Hopefully she'll find God.
This woman is cray... Imagine her thinks d world of herslf.. Abeg kimora na frustration.. U too preety to ans dis sucidal woman..
Dis lunatic belongs to lowest of d low class of pple on earth. She's dirt and a smelly scumbag! Kimora's not in her league when it boils down to class and comportment. Kola, or whatever her name is, belongs to d dustbin.
WATS KOLA BOOF SAYING *RME*....shes just blabbing abt stuff we don't even care abt pls abeg talk 2 someone who cares
Who's dis old hag with her collapsing face. U call kimo ugly? Den u must be a chimp! Kimo's beauty is exotic 4 ur info. Ugly old hag with ur white haired punani!
Wow! Her "happy place" has been infibulated. Kai! She has to be mad tho.
That's gory!
I normally don't comment on this kind of issues,and i'm not much for name calling, bit i must confess that this woman is MAD. Simple. Enough said.
If you look beyond her weird style of writing, she actually has a lot to say (especially on race relations). There's a lot of truth in her comparison with Kim Kardashian (who most people celebrate or at least don't condemn just because she does her prostitution in modern day America?! Plzzzzz!). I am not one to air your dirty linen in public but at least she is taking a stance no matter how whooped and she is definitely not spineless. Kimora you need to have a serious talk with your man and pls don't reply.
I think I have become a fan of Kola poof!!!you guys shd try and read in between the lines and see what that woman is saying!!!!plss
She is a low life who is dying for fame . This lady has no class, she is rejected, and she's afailure "because the only thing you achieve in life without any effort is failure" she is a time waster seeking attention! I don't even know her till last night, kola boof or what is her name! What have u achieve in life, apart from sleeping with Osama? Where is ur dignity? She is a disgrace to human race!
Kimora Lee simmon Hounsou! This lady rocks she has made herself out of Nothind! Ride on Iya Ming Lee, Iya Aoki Lee and Mama kenzo Lee! Tooooh badhhh ...am a team fabulosity 100%
How does someone descend this low?
What turns a WOMAN into an animal like this? SHAME SHAME
@kola boof this is coming from an african lady and you are definitely not a true pix of an african woman, mayeb you were once a stunner right now your nothing besides kimora still got the guy Hahaha your just a sore loser
"I give not a fuck about a Nigger bitch's love for those I
curse"- kola boof aka kola wetmouth
lollll....Hmnnn dis woman shld start rapping she fux wit dem words and goes in! Dis bitch is still cray doe! Dahmn I can't even FUX wif err ..lol she is a bitter bitch doe! Definately scar'd
I sure do hope she is lying cos he would not go from sleeping with Kimora to sleeping with this ugly looking lady!!!!
Lmaoo @ur comment
It's sad how people refer to themselves as black women including people who are neither here nor there. A black woman is proud, strong and rational, not this out of control, freakish monster who is obsessed with Kimora.
Men! I don't know how they think at times,what could have ever posessed him(Djimon) to sleep with this crazed freak. Tufiaa! I spit on his behalf.
The Kola individual is just a complete waste of space on this earth. In her mind she knos she doesn't come close to Kimora so she can go to where she belongs..the incinerator!mchewww
I am not one to speak ill about people. I googled this lady and the picture I saw was really bad. First of all she's ugly as in..... She defines ugliness. Secondly, her boobs look horrible, one is extremely flat like dunlop slippers and one is small. Does she knows the definition of huge breast at all??? I wonder what the men who sleeps with her want, AIDS, STDs???. I somehow pity her for being Osama's slave for months but who else will he choose if not her, big mouthed, ugly and mean.
She can not be compared to Kimora in any way. Am an african woman but I recognise beauty when I see one. Get a life Kola Boof. If a man sleeps with you and tells u stuffs does that mean its true???
She is a BITCH and a cheap whore. A disgrace to women all over the world.
Actually she makes sense. This is one very smart woman. You need to read her story first before dissing her. She is also actually beautiful. Google her and look at better pictures of her when she was younger. To whose beauti standards do you hold her too? Are you as stunning? What she said about halfcaste/biracial women...is it not true?
Okay, maybe she is not conventional, she is not a Nigerian and doesn't have our values...so be open minded. This is a woman that has a mind and doesn't conform.
Why judge her??? Are we all perfect...what about you, yes, you reading this?...Which senator or alhaji have you slept with for brazilian hair, jobs or favors; better still which married man have you had an affair with...are you perfect?
Actually she makes sense. This is one very smart woman. You need to read her story first before dissing her. She is also actually beautiful. Google her and look at better pictures of her when she was younger. To whose beauti standards do you hold her too? Are you as stunning? What she said about halfcaste/biracial women...is it not true?
Okay, maybe she is not conventional, she is not a Nigerian and doesn't have our values...so be open minded. This is a woman that has a mind and doesn't conform.
Why judge her??? Are we all perfect...what about you, yes, you reading this?...Which senator or alhaji have you slept with for brazilian hair, jobs or favors; better still which married man have you had an affair with...are you perfect?
I love a woman that can stand up for herself and works by her own morals instead of the status quo defined by the society. Women should embrace her understanding and pain (ignoring her foulness) and start adding value to themselves. Beyond all the curses and swears she still is an Acclaimed writer with substance and no one can take that away.
I hear someone crying 4 attention...
A long list of crap that really bothers her on a personal level.
She needs her head checked out soonest. She's a boofer.
As in ehh..mad dog no be small one o
She sure doesn't take prisoners nor suffer fools gladly!
Kola,pls show us d pussy naa. Let's see how tight is is. Otherwise shut d fuck up!
Blah blah blah ! Is this all you have for us Linda ??? Common !!! Can we read about human beings ? This is cheap popularity cos rlly am just knwing such exits. Hasn't she heard abt those that insultes God ? Lez all watch and ssee how she ends. May God forgive her soul.
Sad. Quite sad
Sad. Quite sad.
Can't stop laughing especially at her points in D,G,J,K,L,M,P,V and Z.
I can see she is a very intelligent and witty woman too.
Madam Kola, you should retire and become a pimp! You no gather shame 4 urself!
This woman is getting uglier and uglier every year. Is it drugs or alcohol? I don't know what those men saw in her apart from her good boobs. Men love to chew!!!
1) She's obviously crazy!
2) By her admission she was Osamas whore
3) She's jealous of Kimora
4) She should be angry with Djimon for dumping her NOT with Kimora
Classic! You pull a fellow woman down to lift your ugly self to the disgrace of this world! You blame Kimora for fucking ur boyfriend but you leave out the man who decided to leave ur pussy for another one while he was dating you. Ugly biatch! If you were that nice and loving why didn't he marry you? You're just bitter and mad at your stupidity.Leave us to praise you and stop ranting like a potential suicide bomber! Scary animal. Go back to your cage and dab ur pussy with some cold water. You have nothing on Kimora. It's a fact you'll have to live with or "die trying". U are ugly in and out. Go and hang yourself! Black inferior animal. YOU'RE BETTER OFF LYING NEXT TO bIN LADEN!!!
she makes a some sense sha.
A lot of African people are so self hating.
the evidence is on LInda's blog everyday for all discerning people to see.
na waoh.... dis lady is blunt and vulgar.... hmmmmmmm, i love her honesty abt osama bin laden... she is a survival but i think she has all the opportunities in d USA to better her life now if she chooses to.... Kimora lee is my girl and am sure she can handle any kind of negative publicity...
Someone should just put this notoriously ugly thing down.. Like the sick sick sick animal that she is.. Vaginally what??! It's quite obvious that she's being driven by hate, jealousy and of course, Stark raving madness!!
She actually does make a lotta sense!People cant deal with the truth! Way to go Kola!
I LIKE THIS WOMAN....she is speaking the TRUTH.....all you calling her crazy and such have missed the road....enough respect for her....she said it as is.....i wonder about some of you black africans - what is so crazy or wrong in what she wrote?
Asians are racists, kimora married dijmon cause she wants to still prove that she can always get a black man, white guyz won't accept her and her wasteful lifestylfe, she should ask herself why her husbands cheat on her inspite of her "beauty"....
she is mad! abeg linda, dont give such a caricature a second on your blog....next story please. were ni e
O boy!! This woman is really scary.
You are proud that you are fucking another woman's husband??? SHAME on you Kola!! She was fucking him when he was your BOYFRIEND. This is a fucking marriage, you whore!! That's why he didn't make you his wife. It's obvious you are CRAZY.
Lol..one word"green owl"thats what she is?has this woman taken a good look @ d mirror,chaiiiii..she is a demented frog..
Did she just say that she was you??? LOL
KOLO WOOF ..........MAD DOG, hahaha she nids 2 get a life and b deliverd she obviously has self esteem issues else she wnt b sayn al dis crap,tell dt 2 d birds gal, u dnt hve such a great body u r a public toilet dt has NO SHAME w@ so ever. Ode until u catch 1 incurable disease den u wld knw hw far.........................PS KOLA D WOLF u luk dirty.
Mad old woman .I pity his 2 sons
Give it to them Kola
Linda is popular for this idiot to include her in this daff response.
She's so silly.....she takes so much pride in a dirty lifestyle,,,what a disgrace to womanhood!!!
Kola is still "vaginally infibulated"---so her pussy is outrageously TIGHT. That one na pure lie. After what she did with Osama and other suicide bombers ? Even my big head go enter her pussy.
@Y.Tee hahahahaha you have killed me loooooooooool Linda biko please arrange for bodyguards in America sharp sharp
In one of her interviews, she was asked whether she still see a psychiatrist, she said yes and admitted that she is mentally damaged.
Abeg I respect that she can express herself without giving a fuck and yes she gets all she wants instead of somepple that pretend all thru their fucking lives. Respect her hustle and mind ur fucking bizness. Is not that hard! Everyone to their freaking opinion. Finito!
Kolo woman. She done mental. Ogba wey re
Kolo woman. She done mental. Ogba wey re
@Producer. My tots exactly. We oh so misinterpreted mshew kmt. next!
she needs help....FAST! LOL!
this psycho needs help. See what Osama has turned her into. A sex-slave, now a mental case. Somebody Pleeeeeese Heeeeeeeelp!
Though I'm sm1 who blievs in hearing both sides to a story, all I can say in dis case is dat dis woman has finally lost it.Her 'outspokeness' is indeed one of a kind.Freaking attentn seeker.
its officia this woman be craze pepsin
Where did this thing emit itself from? I'm in absolute shock and I'm hardly ever shocked. This is the ugliest human behaviour anyone's exhibited in years. Someone needs the help this aging whore. To think she's sending these demented rants as defense? Please Kimora, for the love of all things good in your life, don’t respond, and don’t let your publicists respond. Please do not stoop to the leve lf her aging, ailing and sagging breasts. You've worked way too much and way too hard to grant this mentally ailing piece of God's greatest efforts and human beauty. She represents everything wrong in the human race and most importantly, she represents everything wrong with women. Kimora, if Kola is all what she is claiming, how come Djimon ended up with you. Linda, you bloggers need to pull together and ask the bloggers board (assuming there's any) to please put this hag under serious psychological evaluation.
I have to give it to her, she knows who she is and is not afraid to say it. At least she has not been brain washed by the western media machine. She believes she is a beauty and nobody can tell her otherwise. Call her what you may, but a coward she is not.
This girl fine pass Kimora, she be real African beauty, saying she doesn't give fuck about God..... Me I no support. Asian ladies dey tire man In two day u stay with am, but African, omo u go just dey get power more and more
Nigerians love to hate sha. I didn't know about her before now, but I am off to follow her on twitter. I think I like how frank she is. She cusses a lot and I don't care for her Kimora rant but she never said she DATED Osama, rather that she was TAKEN. You people (the men here especially) just LOVE to kick a woman when she is down sexually. If she was taken how is that her fault?
And as for the person that said she deserved to lay next to Osama, I feel really sorry for you, so full of hate. That is another human being that you're wishing dead. And for what? For beef she has with Kimora?
Thank God that none of us is God...
for those dat critize her as in ladies make una shout up...read nd put ursf in her shoes inmagine wat she went thru right frm childhood and wat she has made for herself with no parent... yeah she s ugly check some ladies without makeup for morning infact daracula better pass them, she s been thru lot so let her be all woman na ashawo wey go lead to marriage or not even the one dat s married still fornicate so wat are we talking about? abeg free d lady nd stop saying some one s ugly afterall she has done well for her self and career.
OMG!! Diz z scary.. wat did i jst read...am nt one 2 judge....but puhleaze z diz woman NUTZ?.
I had to google this lady after reading about her rants here. She seems to be a talented writer and even worked as a ghost writer for a soap drama. Excusing her language and personal issues with Kimora which I won't address, she has been raising awareness of the way black females try to pander to the media stereotype of "blackness". We want to "tone" because being too black looks dirty, we don't love our natural hair because having nappy hair looks ugly, and this is indicated by most of our men preferring light complexioned females to the dark skinned ones.
I would advice the the commenters to read her books first before judging her.
Not to drift away but u cannot call a 'woman'(well ukno.. Inhercase..) A fag!!! U only call a man a fag wen he is acting gay! Loool nigerians and wanting to belong!! Smh
i like this woman..i think Kimora is ugly,that Asian,black mix is weird..i think Kim is a glorified whore..i think Djimon looks like the ape's 1st cousin.I think Kola is blunt,unpretentious and has taken full blame for her life's mistakes and imperfections.We all should do same
Kola boof, kola beef, kola cow, kola snake, kola ram, kola goat...dis woman nids 2 get rehabilitated oh...or is it a vetinary clinic she nids cos she's a sick animal!
ok now dat dick is dat good ???
she went to da extent of writing pages to justify it
i dey feel for what she went through but her past pain can be put front to justify bad behaviour and cheap vulgarity
no class no respect...
GBAMEST!!!I ABSOLUTELY LIKE HER!!She soooooooo makes sense in all that she's said!!One tough woman n very intelligent too!!...People just cant handle the truth!!Kimora Lee with her very rude self! Very insultive n looks down on ppl too!!Let Kola deal with her wella for her to know there r certain paths u just dont cross!!!
And all u who r dissing her n saying all kinds of silly ish,i soooo smh for una!...Who r u to judge tho?!Are u perfect?!?...Some of u ladies sleep with married men n others just so they can buy u COMMON body lotion,cos u cant afford urself!!U'r on here insulting Kola,abegiii!!!Mtcheeeewww...
Go Kola!!!Tell them!!!!
@Anon Feb 1,3:30pm-Very very well said hun!!U get sense!!
@ Devour & Jen, U guys are simply silly. Linda carries the news we want to hear, if u no like am abegi shift. As for the lil ugly and shapeless kolanut, u will remain sad. You have not even started being bitter, u better find God b4 its too late. Wonder what Dj eva saw in ur sorry loose ass. trust me if Osama used u for only 6months den smthing was surely wrong wit you. Sure he neva looked @ ur face cos if he did, u wont be alive to tell dis tale. Anuofia
Linda, the woman don finish you! So u are Kimora's Nigga toe, a slave maid and a wall flower? Chei! Poke mosing no good o...
She is just a cheap Cunt jare make she go rest jooor Cheap publity stunt.....Crap
I Jst googled her kola boofs pix.... all i can say is what was djimon doin with her in the first place... shes so eeeewwwww!!!!!!! and could pass for a whore... kim is way better dan that thing
the way most of are dissin and cussing this woman puts u on the same scale u put her..........u shouldnt be excessively and unnecessarily judgemental as u have no idea wat she went thru or is goin thru in her life, or if u would react better if u had the misfortune to live her life, everybody is entiltled to his or her opinion and ways of expressin themselves, im not sayin she did fantastic wit her rage, but most of u would do as bad or worse......and if u have had sex before marriage or shagged outside ur marriage, then u shouldnt even say jackshit cos u are no different from her.... and pls read the finer print in wat she wrote, alot to be understood.....
and for the record any publicity is good publicity as they say...so linda baby keep up
this is surely crazy i just googled her nd i no see wetin kimora husband see for her ugly face sef....mchew its like she is even missin osama sef. @Linda this woman don give u publicity finish.
and one more thing u guys all claim spiritual superiority now, y dont u pray for her soul, and that she should have the happiness healin and forgiveness she needs and that she should be saved and shown the way of God and light before its late....
Kai e no go better for Osama Bin Ladin, see as him just twist this woman head finish she no get respect for anybody or thing again. She needs to see a psychiatrist ASAP. I wonder who reads the books she writes. I can imagine the kind of stuff she pens down for people to read. When I saw her pix she reminded me of a certain mad woman in my area when I was small but having read her writeup, I feel like she's a wild person gone loose entirely. God have mercy on Ms. Boof
and one more thing u guys all claim spiritual superiority now, y dont u pray for her soul, and that she should have the happiness healin and forgiveness she needs and that she should be saved and shown the way of God and light before its late....
This woman don go KONO, look at her picture sef is like cracy person.
ignore her.. she just made you relevant in America linda. You better capitalize on it. Let me be your manager. LOL!
this woman makes a whole lot of sense if you ask me, the thing is she just said it all in a very wrong way, nobody cares about your fallout with kimora, its a personal thing face her like a true black woman should,are you angry? slap her face, nobody wants to know your shit, i understand your angry about how black women are not respected, and how they worship the white goddesses.....well that's one problem that will take the black woman awhile to overcome
I Loooooooooooooooove Kola Boof!
Goggled this woman. She has been through a lot, having seen both parents killed before her own eyes, people saying she cant be Osamas mistress because she was black and now common Asian Kimora takes her man from her. That is the reason she is using her greatest weapon, her pen, to fight back. She is a super woman I must say for all her achievements but at the same time, her perception about God and the bible is so wrong. God loves Ms. Boof is all I can say.
Linda i like checking ur blog evryday cos ur fans always make my day wit deir comments.lol.i fink Boof needs attitude adjustment.
Kola speaks the truth that most black women are too COWARDLY to confront! All the colorism that we ALLOW and support. All the placing of mixed ppl, especially mixed women, that black WOMEN place on a pedastal, but then want to cry foul when black men do. All the misogynist, sexist, and woman hating lyrics in music that we just love to shake our asses to. Shes confronted color struck rappers to their FACES, while the rest of us just sit back and let them disrespect black womanhood and dark skin. She's called Niki Manaj to task for her anti-nappy hair msgs, while the rest of us by pink wigs and do our best to be 'black barbies'. She speaks with FORCE and with POWER and leaves all that genteel, policitically correct shit for those who only want to pretend like they really care about the issues black women face. She has been through a lot in her life, and still come out, strong and unapologetic. She doesnt run from her past, or pretend to be the Madonna, when she knows she can be the Whore - like many sistas do. She embraces ALL aspects of womahood, not just some watered down, patriarchal version of what MEN, both black and white, have told her she should be.
Maybe if more black women utilized their personal power, the way Kola does, we wouldnt be the most disrespected, denigrated and dismissed group of women on the planet. Maybe if we WOMAN'd up, and stop hiding behind false 'strength' and attitudes, we'd actually COMMAND the respect we say we deserve.
Yall can say whatever you want about Kolas looks (which is stupid cuz shes a beautiful AFRICAN woman, who is aging gracefully and naturally and doesnt need 1000 nose jobs and all kinds of of plastic surgery to UNAfricanize herself (Kimora Lee) and represents what REAL women look like, breasts, ass and all) and whatever foolishness you want to believe about the nature of her 'relationship' with Osama Bin Laden, but the fact of it is, you deride and insult her, and then tune in to watch the Real Housewives, Kim K. and her sisters and all the other HORRIBLE representations of black womanhood, and dont blink a damned eye at that shit!
Black ppl, and in this case, black women are such hypocrites and cowards. You will defend Kimoras half caste ass til the end, when all she has done is pimped the black community and her all the color struck negro males out there, making millions off our self hatred.
WTF? Yall dont even know when you've been played. and you wonder why you get no respect.
And YES! This is a BLACK WOMAN writing this! I support Kola Book, 100%
People una no dey follow news, kola boof is starting a tv show soon I believe its either this feb of march and this of course is a publicity stunt.
Remember shit sells.
crazy low life
Anon ^^ above! I intentionally put it there, it ain't a matter of "trying to belong". Both a male and female can act faggish. Over sabi I musto comment! Hiss
Ehh KOLA is that you in 8.07am no black woman I'm her correct head will present breakfasts in such a way idiot
its really sad how some of us sit behind our computers and throw obscenities @ people involved in a certain story. someone suggested we shld look past wateva kola is saying n try to understand y she cld go any length to bear her heart out. we weren't there wen she had any meeting with kim's hubby. no one knows wat might have transpired btw d 4 walls of a room!
right now she is writing out of anger that is why its appears as an INSANE RANTING.
in this same blog some ladies have bore their heart out over hurt from a partner.....one thing is for sure, u will neva know how it hurts until u fynd urself in dat situation of ranting bc u r trying hard not to cry or let it hurt so bad. @ dat moment, u r pouring ur heart out but to odas,u r just ranting. pls, let the woman be. let her pour her heart out it is allowed. and please madam K on d fab lane.....go n have heart to heart talk with ur hubby just in case bc in every rumor there is an iota of truth.
try to view things from various angles before throwing insults......am just saying.
Kola Boof, i really hope you get to read this. You are so original that the fake world we live in cannot comprehend you. How then do they appreciate you? I never knew about you until yesterday and im glad to know that original people are not extinct.
The world would never and can never appreciate your type because the world is fake. The ordinary people live by set standards and call those who dare to defy the standards 'MAD'. You have a mind of your own that is why they want to destroy you.
It is my prayer that you find peace and may your wounds heal, because you have really been through a lot in life. Its not worth it fighting for what does not represent you. You are not a black woman; you are a real and original person.I think you should be proud of your achievements and celebrate your survival. I LOVE YOU.
Abeg dat, woman should go and rest.wetin dey worry am. if you have a promiscuous life must u broadcast it?
Just found this spot when a friend used my phone...I'll definitely thank her later! Now to this lady,I respect her for her out spoken nature,but DAMN!-she got issuuuueeesss! Its crazy,really,she strikes me as a disturbed person O! Pls pray for her...she needs it. As for the man..".why can't ur snake stay in d box" kai! SMH for d three of them! Apparently,Kimora handled it with more class!
ANONYMOUS 5:07 well said........
Woo.. U don't want to mess wif dis woman at allll ... Dis one na real area mama
At the end of the Day didn't Kola Buff or whatever her name is win?!? If Kimora did indeed take her man, well she fucked him while married to Kimora. So hands down, Kola won!!!! And I find it quite amusing! Next time Kimora won't steal someone else's man!
I also actually agree with A LOT that she said, but maybe she could have said it in a better way. But she owes no one anything! And ya'll know Kimora 'acts' like a bitch on T.V. but I am sure on the street Kola will beat that ass! Ya'll know it's true. Kimora is probably scared as shit!
I'm laughing...on to the next!
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