From left: Jim Iyke, Nonso Diobi, Mike Ezuronye, Ramsey Noah, Van Vicker and Desmond Elliot.
I would have written 'who would you 'hit'? but some of them are married and I'm sure their wives won't appreciate the question :-). Fine men!
BTW, it's Desmond Elliot's birthday today. Happy birthday to him!
very tacky pic.if these men are what west africa can offer to rival the beck hams,denzel washingtons,and a host of others then we are lagging behind terribly
no hating o but jim tyke with the frog eyes and fake phonetics,the non so diobi dude with the ibotic phonetics and nna dressing.cant even start with the van vicker and the other one desmond elliot overweight
sorry o sexiest men in africa
How come d r all wearing hoodies when is hot as hell in nig
Lol, u don ask am already...funny girl
I guess i am the first to post a comment here because i am in Sydney Australia and its our Saturday morning.All these are sweet.OMG.Nonso and Jim should try and marry this year because everybody i this pix are all married except the two.Anyways,I wish Desmond the best on his birthday because he is a very nice guy i must confess.I had fun chatting with him when he came to Sydney last year.He is a correct guy
Happy birthday my dear,wishing you the very best on your special day,u will never lack in JESUS NAME,AMEN
Whaaatttt!!! Vicker over the rest of those niggas!!! cutie!!!
@lucabracee abeg park well joor. if u dont have anything nice to say you shut up. btw try to spell names correctly next time you are beefing...its not "beck hams". and post ur pic lets see if anyone would actually comment on your pic...mscheeew.
My finest naija guys...u guys rock!!!!
@lucrabee....pls don't hate,appreciate. @ anon feb3 4:24pm....only one person is wearing a hoodie....and who's to say the picture was taken in Nig?
Bunch of GiGGOLLOS.Msheeeeeeew
@Anonymous 1:24 Who says they took the pic in nigeria?
Is that nigger Nonso Diobi grinding Mike? He gay? lol
They are all razz and fat! The only one who manages to look decent sometimes and who obviously takes care of his body is Ramsey N. The rest need to cut down on their consumption of eba, mountain of rice and beef, alcohol, orange juice, pounded yam etc. Yes, and do a total wardrobe and speech/diction makeover.
@lucabracee u r just a hating hoe
Yippeeee to me! I'm debuting my new line of sunglasses this spring..
Yeah I agree with Lucabracee ... Very tacky picture. And d 1st 3 from d left should loose d wide framed sunglasses; so hideous on men!
#Amara thanks for Letting us know you are in Australia and you have met one of them. Now we know your claim to glory.
#lucabracee harsh comments but I agree they could have put on a more dignified pose but come on cut them some slack. Our entertainment industry has developed in leaps and bounds and we are getting there gradually
awwww.....nice pix
Desmond elliot.........I like. He's so so matured and cool. Now I said like o, I know he's happily married, so am I b4 una go attack me. HBD Des Elliot
Well, you need not ask the question, Linda. I already know that I am going to do Jim Iyke. Abeg @ Lucabracee or whatever your name is, Africans just started with movies, Denzel has been there since "thy kingdom come"...Rome was not built in a day. People like you have no clue...Over sabi, park well jor!
finest for sure. ramsey <3 hehe
These men, whether ibotic, razz, overweight or whatever you say have made their marks in west Africa, Africa and beyond.. Who sabi u and your stupid name? Beefer..get a life.
4:24pm.did anyone say de picture was snapped in Nigeria? You pple and ur PhD degrees sha(pull him down).
Despirado oshi! NEXT
And that was exactly what they were saying before the picture was Taken; the four of us are married, that is Ramsey, Mike, Van& Desmond, what are u two waiting for, I beg stay behind us and get seriou jor, ODEs, Ugly Jim Iyk And Puffy looking Nonso with butt like a woman.
You said the finest but i can't see the likes of chidi mokeme, in my opinion he is the finest of all
Pls amara y ar u annoncing 2 d world dat u in sydney, na u 1st go der....
Happy Birthday Des, God bless. Xxx
just 2 r free and they look like playboys to me..hbtu des
finest ke? where RMD? JUST KIDDING!Nonso=cute,jim=?????,mike=crap!!!desmond= down to earth. Linda, i'll choose whoever you choose!xoxo
They were not in nigeria! Common sense
Finest kor.if its luks,its a no no.talent,no no.so wats fine abt them
WTH?!?...Very TACKY pic indeed!
Whats with all the GHETTO dressing n the very ugly sunnies they all have on?!...Smh.#FAIL!!
Amara thax for tellin us tht U̶̲̥̅̊ hv been to australia, re U̶̲̥̅̊ the first person tht has travelld, well kudos to my forcin guys actors. Nonso n jim A̶̲̥̅♏ aviliable oooo but A̶̲̥̅♏ not askin U̶̲̥̅̊ to com n marry ♍ε̲̣̣̣̥ Ooº°˚. Oleeeh
i'l hit nonso all the way......besides john dumelo is missing
Who cares?
Okay...this just made me depressed.
These guys are supposed to be our escape from reality, the ones we could never have but totally dream about. basically they are supposed to be our fantasies.
For example Blair Underwood, Shemar Moore,Djimon Hounsou, Matt Damon, Michael Fassbender,Ian Somerhalder. Who wouldn't want these men? I love dreaming about these men. Why? cos they are hot. period.
Jim Iyke, Nonso Diobi, Mike Ezuronye, Ramsey Noah, Van Vicker and Desmond Elliot *facepalm*, are not hot. I can't look at them and not feel sad. None of them have a six pack, ok? It is their job to have a six pack or something remotely close to it! who wants to look at expanded faces and beer bellies
I can't face reality all day and then come back home, try to watch a romantic Nollywood film to escape for a while and then unceremoniously get reality thrusted back in my face.
Nigerians!!!! Encourage and support ur own.they are doing what they know best. Am not a fan of nollywood movies but I still appreciate our people wherever I can. U look good guy.
HBD Desmond!!
why r allof dem now wearin shades ehn????????/
It is very easy to criticize,if any of them were your brother,wouldn't you be proud of him.Those writing rubbish about these established acts,should wait till they have their own kids and see what they'll look like.Non sense.I am proud of them joor.
@Dannyboy i'm with 100%.
Thank you for answering the person who is comparing them to denzel!this people are max 15years and denzel etc have been there forever!i love my african men,married or otherwise.you all rock and i would hit on most of you if i wasnt already married and most likely older than you all.i do have a little weakness for RN though!wink...
Why jim iyke face look like rabbit and frog own 4 dis phooto? Abeg my ppl make una look am well.
lucabracee..i bet u re dieing to get one of them...david beckham with his yellow teeth cannot be compare to these guys ...and pls forget about denzel washington ...they all had the oppotuniies hese guys country couldnt provide but they strife their way up !so they should be commended for that..what u see is all natural,natural sets of bodies no surgery or pills,and no bleached teethlike ur beckham and no socks to package the manhood like the beckhams and co..pls give them some love if u are not an enemy of progress..love all of them.and b4 i forget they re doing brilliantly..and beautiful ,natural faces
Raz and certainly won't touch it with a barge pole talk less of hitting it. Get dress sense from RMD.
You can't honestly say that these are "Africa's finest Actors". How many non-Nigerian productions have you seen? If yousay nigeria'sfinest it would make sense, as you can't even claim thattheyrethe hottest in WEST Africa.
give me some ramsey noah...and i will be all blessed .looooooove him
Ramsey all d way jor. I dnt knw what he's doing with these pple sef. If nollywood is a sch, ramsey was in pri 6 wen they rest where in kindergarten. L̃̾Õ☺Õ̾Ô=D:D=));)ÕÔ☺ÔÕ̾L̃̾. Well maybe, jim iyke, coming a close second!
Hapy bday Des Elliot!!!
No be burglary proof dey for that window so? Na Naija dem take the picture jo!
WOw last to comment. I guess I'm just seeing this because I'm in Canada. It's barely morning here :p #dead
U r sooo sad! Poor u. Their weight dosent take away their talents or the mark they've made in the film industry in africa. So stop hatin and get a life
They're like boys high school new entrants
OMG, was mike trying to pout? Wth?! My best three are d ones on the right; desmond, van and ramsey. Jim iyke grow up wif ur dress code. Give it up! Ur gettn old..
so proud of these men. congrats to all. u have all made some type of mark in this world. to all the haters and negative commentators, the Lord knows your houses. Gosh such bitterness at people who are busy doing them and making money...sad miserable people never have anything nice to say about people
Wow, hatred is in the African blood. It's truly sad that we can't be happy for each other.
They look good and happy in those pics. When men are close, don't immediately think Gay, that's an American thing.
Abeg, carry go jor. Happy birthday, Desmond.
De luk lyk bunch of fags
Gosh..why are we so mean?Whatz wrong with just looking at a pix and moving on without hating?SMH..No wonder Nigeria has all these problems. We are not nice!!
Naaaaaan, vicker is that short, didn't realise, still cute though!
Pls let us learn to appreciate our Stars is not easy whether married or not married I wish u all the best.HBD Desmond and keep up the good job. Shallom......
Ok na
HAVE you notice that it is only among females that they fight! male actors don't fight. they take care of their business. may be the reason is they don't take one another's girls friend like the females do! just joking!!!
lucabracee park well joor...iva sabi dey worry u...
Naija can hate. I like them all jor. But were is chidi mokeme and majid?
why must you always compare..ugly cow..u sef u fine reach halle..beyonce..or megan goode..nonsense!!...appreciate ur own
See all my Naija brothers!! Una too much. Anybody who said Tacky, shook your head come out make we see what you look like. Rubbish.
Correct brothers, una try jo!
No shaking, carry go!!!1
Thanks for that reply. You spoke my mind.
Hmmnn lucabrace they are not american!! Infact I would have loved d picture more if they were intheir traditional attires !! Jheeze they woul have looked hotter ! Not with this yeye western clothing mcheew me wey live for jand don tire sef!
Not the best pose they could have struck, but, it shows a carefree group of men.
Nice one.
Wots so special abt dis jim iyke sef, dat guy no get any talent o, all his movies I have seen are a mess, better pple like ramsey dey there n u are talking of jim, make he park well jor.
hit what. all these midgets except desmond elliot. abeg gone are the days when we had hot nigerian actors.
amara d austaralian lady..tnks 4 leting us kno u in sydney.mtchew
Thanks guys for putting Naija and indeed Africa on the world map.
The yahoo,yahoo boys need to learn from you.
Progress all the way!
#JustSaying...why don't u just stay in ur fantasy..olodo..do u know how much surgery they've had and amount of steriods those dudes u mention pop!!..everyone knows 90% of the people in L.A..are false have had things done/fixed..shows your level of exposure!!
Y r u guys beefing dis guys. They r our own people, let us appreciate them. You guys r looking so cool. I lk u all. HBD Desmond.
I love all these awesome actors. they are working hard, paying their bills and somebody else's. That's sign of God's favor.
Happy birthday Desmond Elliot. we want to see more of you in movies.
We need to celebrate these hardworking and industrious men more. Your fans love you.
@anon 12:55. you just killed me with laughter! oh! Linda! my fingers froze!hehehe!
I guess i would be the last last person to see this pix cos it's still dark here in Tokyo Japan. #Ooops
Jim Iyke..no no
Nopes! d picture aint complete without JOHN DUMELO and MAJID!!! kai!
no offense you must mean fine as in their acting skills, even though mike,ramsey and van vicker are cute, the other three nnonso, desmond and jim, they seriously needs to lose weight. Unfortunately for their face shape and features they look better skinner.They should take a lesson from ramssey, with age he seasoned and looks better than he did in his youth. Jim needs to fix his teeth, and yeah, but i think if they were being considered as fine pat attoh and john dumelo, plus countless other fine actors in both movie industry lik o.c ukeje and others that beat most of these guys in looks hands downn.
wer is my john dumelo linda
Cut off Jim Iyke from this pic pleaseeeee...
*blushing*.....o'well, i can only see van vicker :p
RMD; far ahead of all these ones put together
Happy Birthday to the boss man himself! Lol @anon February 4, 2012 4:08 AM. I swear I was thinking it.
Linda abeg please don't let haters post their comments first, it's disheartening
Chei!!! i missed oh just waking up in Vanuatu lmao
Pls, this guys are all hamson. Happy birthday to desmond!
D pix is ok.i lv it
Van Vicker should clear from there jo. Who is calling him fine?
one for each day of d week ooo. off d hook hawtness
who cares hate all their guts.They should all go learn how to speak English first eheeeen.Especially the Nigerian actors, they should learn from their Ghanaian counterparts. IMPECCABLE ENGLISH
Good looking men..... but even at 50 RMD beats them all hands down....
@LUCABRACEE.....................VERY NICE..................LOL
Who put Jim 4 dat pix.If we talking of fyn guys is one? Anyway i wud hav reccommeded Van Vicker for u linda, if dat's not okay for u den I am your solution, WIEU;
Happy Birthday DES
Keep it up guys, u r loved.
@Lucabracee,,,,,i'll really like to see what u look like,,,,,,u are just so full of hatred.....
Wheres rmd and chidi mokeme?
wo abeg all of them are getting old and fat already they should go and rest jare
Ermm,hope its not too late to comment...
Its actually the start of the week in Karachi.
Hbd in arrears Des.
okay,i have anoda birthday mate...nice
They are all razz and fat! The only one who manages to look decent sometimes and who obviously takes care of his body is Ramsey N. The rest need to cut down on their consumption of eba, mountain of rice and beef, alcohol, orange juice, pounded yam etc. Yes, and do a total wardrobe and speech/diction makeover.
-I concur. The speech is my biggest problem as for who I would let hit... Van Vicker, who is the worst actor of the lot but has me watching his movies when they are on by default. Can't name anything he has starred in sha.
They are all razz and fat! The only one who manages to look decent sometimes and who obviously takes care of his body is Ramsey N. The rest need to cut down on their consumption of eba, mountain of rice and beef, alcohol, orange juice, pounded yam etc. Yes, and do a total wardrobe and speech/diction makeover.
-I concur. The speech is my biggest problem as for who I would let hit... Van Vicker, who is the worst actor of the lot but has me watching his movies when they are on by default. Can't name anything he has starred in sha.
The first 3 are wearing women's sunglasses just in case they don't know...
I love the picture! It's a nice, spontaneous picture taken in the moment. They look happy, like they are having a good time. See, this is what I love about dudes, they do their job and have fun without none of the rivalries all the women seem to have in the business. Except for the one fight between Jim Iyke and Emeka Ike, you never hear any of them hating on each other unlike the women. Genevieve no like Omotola, Tonto Dikeh dey fight with Mercy Johnson, Rita Dominic wants to strangle Ini Edo...ridiculous!
Now breaking it down...
I don't know why Nonso Diobi is in the picture because if one mentions Nigeria's finest actors as in experts in the craft of acting, I will NOT be placing Nonso in that group. He is a mediocre actor who screams through all his lines, he has been giving the same monotonous performance from his first screen appearance until today. I have NOT seen an improvement in his work unlike Jim Iyke who has grown in leaps and bounds since One Dollar. Give me Muna Obiekwe or U.C anyday for a supporting actor than this guy who must apparently be undirectable IF he giving the same standard performance with each role.
Desmond does need to lose weight desperately! Yes, brother you are making a good living directing and producing but please, take your health into consideration if not for yourself then for your wife and kids. I am glad to see that he is expanding his territory, there is room for improvement with his directing but he is doing it and I say BRAVO!
Van Vicker like Nonso Diobi does not belong in a picture about who knows their craft assuming that is what Linda meant with her title. He is very HANDSOME, sweet and humble but he is just eye candy for the camera. He cannot act to save his life! He should stick to modeling, leave the producing, writing, directing and acting alone! I do LOVE that he is has a great family life. He is very respectful of his wife and I truly admire him for it.
Ramsey is always good except for that useless accent of no particular origin he keeps employing whether he is playing village prince or town pauper. It ruins him every single time! He needs to quit that mess and talk like the Nigerian that he is! He and Stephanie Okereke are heavily guilty of this embarassing ploy to sound "abroad" no matter what the character call for. Rita Dominic and Dakore Egbuson (when she was acting) do/did the same thing but at least they can actually claim to have lived in London for a little bit of time and so their pseudo-Britico is legit. Ramsey has never lived in London, doesn't live in America so where did the accent come from?
Jim Iyke - has just grown so very much as I mentioned earlier but his attitude takes aways from his skills. If he fixes his arrogant attitude, he would do even better.
Mike Ezerounye has just come from the back to really bring it! He is always fun to watch because he is dedicated to his part and one can see that he loves his job.
Shut the fuck up all these names uve mentioned hav had actin experiences for over a decade nd dis pic is fucking old you just don't have sense to whom brain is given sense in expected wtf try put out ur pics n see if u'll gain any fucking recognition
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