From her page in Encomium...
Nice movie script you say? Unfortunately, what you are about to read is not a movie script. The picture was taken in America (There's a pic of them in the mag) when the footballer paid the new love of his life a visit. Even when Ikechukwu and Uche Jombo were dating and supposedly engaged to be married, the footballer was already having a smoky affair with Ruth. There's a particular movie producer in Nollywood who is friends with Ikechukwu and his footballer brother and he supplies them girls anytime they are in the country for holidays or national assignment.
this is real action film. lol.
Who cares?
One word; Recycling! Ruth is so light unlike. before...hmmm I must to go america O! Hia!
I hate Nollywood.....crappy people!and den u see al ds rich bastards called footballers falling prey of ds hungry Nollywood b**thches!.....*smh*
You know what they say Linda.....when you sleep with someone you are sleeping with everyone they have slept with. Uche jumbo Ini edo ike uche and husband has all slept with each other thru this Ruth now lol I love this gossip
I hate it when people call women in Nollywood bitches and slots. Face the issue at hand and stop generalizing! If Ike Uche has chosen to date a left over its no reason why the likes of Dakore Egbuson and Patience Ozokwor, who have done nothing but respect themselves since they entered the nollywood industry have to be called "crappy" n bitches"I know a girl who works with a bank n shags her married boss who works in the same office n don't get me started on how steamy,wild n ridiculous! there affair is... But who dey curse dem for blog?.....no one! These Nollywood people are still humans let's be more sensitive with our comments.... Many of u here given half d chance to be in d limelight will do worse!
Ha! Ini will be laughing her butt off at this arrant irony!
recycle mania
Hey what do you expect? To help reduce global warming, always recycle. But wait o, If Uche Ikechukwu kisses the girl, does that mean he has sucked Ini edo's husbands Di*k? Just asking!!!!
Total madness. Ikechukwu better leave dis slots and go for a better girl. If u marry her u r committing adultary. Read ur bible luke 16:18.
this sounds like a script from Intersexion, the drama series.
Meanwhile, this guys taste in girls is very questionable.
With all the money he makes, can't he find a correct chic to date?
One that we can see her pic and go, aha!
Nawaoooo what goes around comes around
Gues they all av issues, nollyfilmz
Who is Ruth Okoro Kpa kpa? Never heard of her!
Dis Ruth Okoro is a very fake desperado, star-trek ( groupie ) all you need to screw her is name dropping or claim celeb status. Has no bizz acting in nolly films only there to f***k the Jim Iykes and Emeka Ikes.
If Uche Jumbo catch you with that your Akwa Ibow crayfish bleached legs ehn!
Why is this ike uche with his bad English forming new bad boy of super Es? Just saw the paper wow why is he always holding their ass? Mind back on the paper picture of jumbo and him = hand on the ass maybe it's nothing but will like to see him with a girl with his hands on her ass
Who cares!#rolling eyes#dead gist....mscheeew
hmmmmm....d script of recycling of wives/gf's reminds me of go gossip girl, does dat make lagos 9ja's New york? Lol
So wats d exchange rate?!!! Longest hiss
The "bleaching" cream didnt quite complete the knee business but otherwise perfect bleach job!!!(Lol)
Seriously disgusting
Becoming very incestuous the 9ja celeb scene..getting a bit hollywood are we??
Animal,place or thing?
The Uche guy is confused.com
to the idots that are shouting "recycle"
you have never slept with more than one person abi? Sorry for your sexual repression and frustration.
LMFAO...Ruth Okoro, Claim 2 fame: Ini Edo's husband's ex wife!!!! Woooooooow
Ruth wants to be in the news hehehe she tried it with fucking jim and Emeka coursing fight between moving to Nigeria to claim 5 mins on the spotlight by granting every cheap headline and interview trying to bring my queen B Ini Edo down it didn't work now by uche jumbo foolish dating of this guy somehow who is doing is news Ruth has hit her news jackpot. Trust me Linda Ruth leaked this news and the picture to the papers. Counting her 5mins of fame now hehehe
Na dem sabi jare
this world is small. this ruth okoro....i never had an idea that she was the ex-wife to ini edo's husband oh! this uche guy....wat is the rush for him all abt....i dnt even see what they see in him. the same ruth that was attacking ini for going after her ex is now going after someones ex. where is the dignity? frm one trash to another
@Annon January 31, 2012 9:22PM
Everyone ain't a whore like you sweetie. If I were you, I will go and get myself tested for HIV/AIDS. African women like you are severe STD carriers, you just don't know it yet. You hump every gonorrhea and AIDS infested dick so that you can go around telling people you are sexually liberated. Liberated from what if I may ask? From the naija men that rape you every night?
Bitch, you ain't liberated, you are just a triffling fool. You choosing to go around exchanging smelly body fluids with all men you date all in the name of not wanting to come across as sexually repressed is not the way to go.
Bitches like you are the reason why Africa is the HIV/AIDS/STD headquaters of the world! Gurl, keep spreading them viruses with your severly affected genital warts pussy...lol. I see your type in the hospital all the time looking retarded and in so much pain.
Retarded she-slave to the dick who cannot even spell the word "idiot." It's all that contaminated African sperm you're taking in that is messing with your brain's IQ. LOL
What do you mean. Recycle? We are all recycled oh. As long as you are not a virgin and you did not marry a virgin( two virgins) then u r recycled. Please oh, any girl or guy u kiss then its their ex's pussy or dicks u kissing. U fuck without a condom then u fucked every guy she has ever fucked including the girls that fucked those guys she fucked. So please spare me with the word recycle.
So awkward!!! arggggg! Aren’t they ashamed????
this na scene 1 part 1 and 2 when would part 3 be released?
@anon 9:22
ever heard of a condom?
And actually sexual liberation is not why people in Africa are more likely to contract AIDs moron. Africans (and Nigerians) are far from sexually liberated. They are more institutional and substantive factors which your idiotic mind cannot grasp which is why you deploy misogynistic arguments because despite my gender neutral post, you were able to convince yourself that I must be a woman? loooool
A quick google of the issue might help you.
But yes I like to FUCK. It is one of the few pleasures in life honey :)
I now feel bad for. Uche Jombo because on a serious note Linda why is her name part of this and headline of this your post? Just write Ikechukwu uche and new lover Ruth okoro leave who they used to be with because it's a fact of life. Fell in love or fell out of love life goes on
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