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Bureau de change building set on fire in Benin today |
Over 10,000 Northerners, who until recently resided in the southern cities of Asaba, Port-Harcourt, Owerri, Onitsha, Warri, Uyo, Calabar, Benin, were seen on heavy trucks and luxury buses heading to the Northern part of Nigeria.
They are all leaving the South for fear of reprisal attacks following the recent killings of Southerners by Boko Haram sect in the North. The reprisal attacks have already begun in Benin. A mosque was set on fire at Kings Square, a Bureau De Change building was also set ablaze, and four Hausas have been confirmed dead.
A photo of one Hausa man being burnt in Benin today when you continue. Viewers discretion advised please...this is not the way forward please...

God help us. If we continue this way, we won't have a country to call our home. May this never happen...amen.
I dont know what to say but this so sooo wrong.
Linda shey u're in support of the protest? As far as the protests are allowed to continue, this one is small. There's a thin line btw these protests and violence. Imagine boko haram saying they are in support. Boko haram dt shud be flushed out and apprehended are giving backing to occupy nigeria. God help us.
Let them flee,most of them are very wicked.
Let them flee,most them of them are heartless.
Linda! abeg stop supporting this protests oh. It can easily lead to a civil war as it's getting worse by the minute.
Nigerian's obviously do not deserve a good country as they continously make the wrong decisions no matter how many chances they get.
This is sad...to think a tiny fraction of mentally deranged idiots can actually do this to the unity we have struggled so hard to keep...so very sad.
Pls fellow Benin brothers, dont let us make same mistake as these extremist northerners(Boko Haramist); as xtians the Bible enjoins us to commit the battle to Him.
Its very painful but please for God sake lets not retaliate, we binis are not known for dat.
Joseph Iredia Osunde
naija people open una eyez dm dey use una too much
Any country with oil is cursed
This is just the beginning!!! They kill southern christians without mercy and after that they preach unity!!! They were given the opportunity to leave unlike d southern christians who were slaughtered like pigs.
It should be noted that every islam/xtian, north/south crisis always starts with the northern muslim killing southern xtians for no reason!!!
Can you see what this useless son of a whore called jonathan has brought upon us? There is absolutely no justification for this, but if it is the way out of this quagmire we find ourselves in, then so be it.
Nigerians please do not support this madness! Evil should not be repaid with evil! How in the world can you expect to correct Boko Haram if we in turn do the same thing they are doing? It makes no sense and is unfair, these Hausa people that are being killed have not been proven to be part of the organization. Let's use our common sense, fear of God and wisdom in figuring out what is right. An eye for an eye is not the way forward!
those who do not know their history are doomed to repeat it. who are the agents that are bent on destroying Nigeria?
Jonathan is not the issue..it is Nigerians.....we need to pray, pray and pray...wisdom for Jonathan, patience with Nigerians and peace in Nigeria...The truth is we are going down the drain faster than we can imagine....
Really is that a human on fire
May God have mercy on all of us. The incident just reaffirms my view that President Johnadense has lost total control of security of this country as anarchy and killings prevail.
He should do the honourable thing and step dow. All those who know how to govern do so. We really cannot continue lie this until 2015.
@Rauzmeiri, u are a bastard. Where were u when ur crazy brodas were kiling christians. Idiot, we will kill more xcept u guys wil not do saller, d buses n trailers conveying them wil nt reach north I can promise u, we wil kill them all. Bastards.
we vow revenger on this!
So so so sad! wat is nigeria turning into, let make ourself one and stop this rubish we are doing who are those stupid people who call themseive boko haram and are distoryin the nation.stupid set of people! Idot.
What is my dear country Nigeria turning to?
Linda i hope you and the NLC are enjoying the way people are being killed? you should get ready cos this may be the beginning of a religious war
So when Northerners are done killing Southerner and Southerners are done killing Northerners do we all line up to get lollipops for it? To all you extremely ignorant people out there that do not realise now the implications of war, Just remember that a man that does not have enough money to pay for one litre of fuel will not have enough to transport himself or his family out the country. Its easy to talk revenge and all sorts on the internet but lets see how easy the reality of living in a war torn Sudan, somalia or sierra-leone like nation will be. May we all come to our senses soon.
Lord God arise and let your enemy be scattered.it grieve my heart to see some one being set on fire.fellow nigerians pls dont let us repay evil for evil
All those saying that this is bad, better take your time oh. Are you stupid? . Is it because it wasnt any of your family members that lost his or her life in the mass murder of innocent southerners by this evil called Boko Haram.How can a group of senseless muslims say that because they feel western education is an abomination therefore they'll kill anybody who believes otherwise.These monsters brutally, heartlessly and viciously, without pity,snatched precious innocent lives that they can never create.Think of the blood bath in Adamawa.The wickedness perpetrated by these barbarians in Abuja.The members of the Deeper life bible church murdered on holy ground. May the blood of these individuals for ever cryout for vengance. My heart weeps for these atrocities carried out in the name of religion.Yet, you say an eye for no eye? Smh. Oh what "grand" hatred dat befriends the heart. These murderers have pushed us to the grave. A bloody wish, an unholy prayer, a meal for the ghouls
Linda, do you now understand nigeria is not ripe for this your kind of 'revolution'.. I bet you even this post is a mistake. You are not a journalist! Pls pls pls focus on your gossip blogs..
Nigerians please do not support this madness! Evil should not be repaid with evil! How in the world can you expect to correct Boko Haram if we in turn do the same thing they are doing? It makes no sense and is unfair, these Hausa people that are being killed have not been proven to be part of the organization. Let's use our common sense, fear of God and wisdom in figuring out what is right. An eye for an eye is not the way forward!
Chei, this is so uncalled for! I wonder what Ojukwu would have been thinking if he was alive today...hmmm?
All these violence is happening just for a reason - Failed government! Shame on u Goodluck Ebele Jonathan ... Obi
@ Anonymous 5:37PM- You need to go get a proper education as clearly, you are nowhere close to understanding the English Language. Pls, stop exposing your illiteracy! Plus, I am a die-hard Christian.
I only have one statement to make: "Welcome to the jungle".
Its a̶̲̥̅̊ pity, but this is not †ђξ protest but BH iginite, hence we wish GEJ attack security issue seriously. How can state of emergency be in some Local govt and not †ђξ entire state.
God help us
Rili sad....this is not d way forward @ all. This eye 4 an eye thngy wnt bring peace. It won't.
we are not in support of this inhumanitarian turn out. we plead with out peep to let them carry their cures of innocent kiiling omn their head....Oba a to poe...ise
certainly not the way forward! but ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! the northerners have spilled so much blood that when a man is pushed to the wall, and he has no place to go, he turns around and face his enemy head-on!
YES! this might lead to a civil war which i pray and hope not to happen so as to satisfy the blood thirst barbarians called boko-haram!
There is no love lost among we nigerians, we are not ONE, but simply tolerate each other!
I can't believe this!!!
How can any human being support this?
@ Anon 5.37,you are one of the problems we have in Nigeria,how on earth will you fight evil with evil?
If this continues,we will all die and I hope you will be happy then!
It is now apparent that there is probably no solution to Nigeria's problem.
how can people treat eachother this way?
If we treat eachother this way,how did we except the world to treat us or perceive us.
Please, let us check ourselves before we wreck ourselves!!!
*....do we expect ...
i am surprised that you are posting this picture on the web, linda...! when kasala bust you go dey naija? you will run, so why contribute to this nonsense inhuman behavior by giving it notice? dont you know by doing this, more action will be encouraged by the southerners to continue and for the north to retaliate? let us be careful... if we see that have become public influencers we must exercise caution and wisdom in wat we allow. it is called social responsibility......
Haba! Supporting protest again govt is what this is supposed to be. Ignorance hv turned it into riots. Wonder when we'll learn. Eyes on the prize...
They asked 4 it. Now they've got it
All those saying that this is bad, better take your time oh. Are you stupid? . Is it because it wasnt any of your family members that lost his or her life in the mass murder of innocent southerners by this evil called Boko Haram.How can a group of senseless muslims say that because they feel western education is an abomination therefore they'll kill anybody who believes otherwise.These monsters brutally, heartlessly and viciously, without pity,snatched precious innocent lives that they can never create.Think of the blood bath in Adamawa.The wickedness perpetrated by these barbarians in Abuja.The members of the Deeper life bible church murdered on holy ground. May the blood of these individuals for ever cryout for vengance. My heart weeps for these atrocities carried out in the name of religion.Yet, you say an eye for no eye? Smh. Oh what "grand" hatred dat befriends the heart. These murderers have pushed us to the grave. A bloody wish, an unholy prayer, a meal for the ghouls
This isn't the way... this isn't the way at all and this breaks my heart. This makes us Christians no better. Northerners in the south are not attacking people. How will they then support us against Boko Haram? This country is ridiculous personified.
Let us Pray.
The sad part is that people do not understand that Boko Haram sect is a terror to ALL Nigerians regardless of religious affiliation.
They kill Muslims and Christians alike- anyone who does not accept their extremest views is a target.
Killing some Notherners in the streets, who had nothing to do with those attacks is outright rubbish and inhuman.
Some of these people are even Christians religion no dey show for face. Nigerians can be terribly ignorant.
Do us a favour and do not call yourself a Christian if you support such barbaric acts.
Fed of of Nigerians reasoning, or should I say lack of it.
The problem is that most of those making comments are very much ignorant. Not all northerners are Muslims and not all southerners are Christians. In fact not all Hausas are Muslims just as not all Muslims are Boko haram adherents. Anyone who supports this senseless killings - whether by the so-called Boko haram or even equally senseless reprisals must be as animalistic as the murderers on both sides. Simple.
Secondly, we must be able to differentiate between these barbaric attacks and the genuine protests for change in Nigeria. These barbaric attacks done in the north and the south have nothing to do with these genuine struggles. There are very poor and wretched Nigerians among the Muslims as there are among the Christians. The same among those from the north as well as those from the south. If we look at those struggling for equality and social justice, we will see that there are both Christians and Muslims, and are also both from the north as well as from the south.
We must resist the temptation to condemn a people as a group simply by their religion or the region they come from. That would be grossly unfair! For instance, if we condemn all Muslims just because some are Boko haram what would we say to well known activists that are Muslims like Gani Fawehinmi for instance? Boko haram are bad because of what they do, not because they are Muslims or are northerners or Hausas. If we condemn all Muslims for instance that will affect adherents of Islam like Gani, Tinibu etc. do we also condemn northerners or Hausas all in a swoop then what can we say of the teeming Christians of northern and Hausa extraction? What will happen to such Hausa and northern people like Balarabe Musa struggling for social justice for all?
I think we better sit and give a thought to all this rather than spread hate blindly with our comments and actions.
Now Linda, I support you to continue with what you are doing! Show all the pictures as they are! They are very important pieces of evidence that need to be well documented. We must look for the perpetrators of such acts - attacks and reprisals - and one day bring them to justice.
The government has failed in all it's responsibilities to the people of the south and the north, be they Muslims or Christians. This government is composed of Muslims and Christians from all regions of the country. I have this nagging suspicion that the government, through acts of commission or omission, directly or indirectly have either allowed these attacks or permitted them or encouraged them or even carried them out! Oh yes! It stands to benefit them in more ways than one. We are distracted from the struggle we should be doing to free ourselves. We perceive other fellow wretched people as our enemies and vent our anger against them rather than them and so on and so on
All this is why we Must clearly think before we talk or do something. We must clearly identify our enemies and direct our anger appropriately against them! Not against some equally miserable but innocent souls anywhere they are and from anywhere they may be!
i won't say anything 'cos i'm still grieving over the loss of an entire family on Xmas day!This killings won't solve anything........
Can't blame Linda for posting this, It's news and worthy of being thrown up...yet this is so wrong. To burn some folks who look like muslims alive or dead in retaliation to what's happening in the north of Nigeria is just wrong...and what's happening in the north is WRONG. We go on like this then we have civil war coming to us...unfortunately there're so many out there who don't realize this. WE CAN'T AFFORD TO HAVE A CIVIL WAR IN NIGERIA.
This is really sad.May God not allow us to go into war
Can't u̶̲̥̅̊ see ds strike is givin room 4 more attacks?dː̗̀☀̤̣̈̇ː̖⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡♈̷̴┈┉ protests here in dː̗̀☀̤̣̈̇ː̖⌣̊┈̥-̶̯͡♈̷̴┈┉ north can easily be taken over by dse boko haram youths.pls 2 wrongs don't make right,we xtians,we believe God fights 4 us α̲̅πϑ dy believe dy r fightin 4 God.I seriously weep 4 ds country,I pray dt we shall not experience war IJN.
Linda please use your head some times it not every thing you will post.
Good morning all, @enykings I luv ur comment y the rest are talking out of fear, the kingdom of God suffer violence and violence taketh it by force...the pple killed @madala were innocent souls, & we can'get d boko's.So d only way our msg can b delivered to them is when they hear d news of d death of their innocent brothers too. We don't need to wait for them to retaliate, get them down anytime cox no tyme again oh e don start so oh.
so its now disgusting,barbaric,squemy abi?? Tell that to the little teen girl who lost all her family in d Catholic church bombing or the 23 others or perharps the 6 Deeper life members of the Corper lady that was killed from Christ embassy OR the corpers killed during the election riots OR the ones bombed in Mami market,Abuja!!!! Let the games begin!My cowardly Igbo men,ngwa,take a cue!
@Fearless, u hav clearly shown dat u don't know this people 'hausas'. I hav lived in kaduna all my life, I know what I am talking about, if there is no retaliation, d killings of southerners and christians will continue. This people are lik sheeps, until u hit them, they won't stop. Fealess, if one of ur relative was one those dat lost there lives, wil u keep quiet? I won't respond to raulimire, as far as I'm concerned, he is poverty personified, he has shown his lack of understanding in d whole issue.
Anyone that supports this is wicked and does not have the fear of God.You claim it serves them right,do you know there're millions of christians in the North?????uneducated dummies!I'm from the North and come from a generation of christians,my grand parents were even missionarries,would it then "serve us right" for being from the north?this is just one out of many other examples.I can NEVER support Boko Haram but mind you,their targets aren't only christians.I hate ignorance,that's part of the problems nigeria's facing that won't move us forward,get your facts before contributing to anything.
This should stop. We do not want a civil war in Nigeria. Jonathan, take charge of the situation or resign. His timing of the fuel subsidy removal was very wrong. This nation is sitting on a keg of gun powder at the moment. The insecurity is a major issue that should be on the front burner!!
Nigeria is now a state without government, so its every man for yourself. else how could this happen and no one is arrested, i fear for my children if this is the country they would grow up in. God help them
Nigerians, take it easy! You are playing into their hands. No one will remember what started the trouble and no one will forget the carnage and catastrophic disaster civil war will bring...
Rwanda will be child's play if we don't exercise caution. Do you all want blood on your hands? This will not be war by proxy, it will be house to house, street to street, estate to estate slaughter...
Please don't start what you cannot finish...
@ Anon 7.24, trust me, I am not being insensitive and I am not being ignorant of the plight of the victims and their family! But the point is,having more victims is not the solution!
Btw, God forbid,Me and my family, will never partake in this violence because I know Whom I serve.
You may have had bad experiences with Hausas and or Muslims but that in itself should not be a reason to act like them.
Please let us live and lead by example.
I am a Christian and I will never stand for the killing of muslims or hausas.
This is what boko haram wants, they want to turn us against each other so we can do the job for them and destroy ourselves.
I smell a civil war
so because of dis small attack they r leaving? mtcheww!!! how abt those of us in north since , they for don die now. If u ask me dis occupy NIGERIA is secondary, i tot well meaning NIGERIAN shd hv protested againts d killings in the north esp dat of CHRISTMAS day bombing. Dats d problem wit we Nigerians MISPLACED PRIORITIES!
@Fearless, you know who you serve abi; maybe people that were killed in catholic church, christ apostolic church and deeper life church went there to serve satan. I stand by my two previous comments above 'an eye for an eye.
I appauld those who have taken action to fight for christianity.Muslims in Nigeria have no other agenda than to cleanse the country of christians.While pretending not to know what was going on. Christians should defend themselves and take actions against northern muslims for the thousands of christians they have killed like animals on their streets.
@ anon 8.10pm, Yes I do and I have not made reference to any other person or group!
I confess what I want for myself and family and I expect others to confess for themselves!
Please don't start something I did not insinuate, this is a very sensitive issue!
Stick to your guns and I will stick to mine!
dat house was not burnt,if u look closely der is a postal pasted on d wall of that uncompleted building.if it was on fire the postal wont ve been dere.though dey destroyed the luvers,stole most of the tins in the building nd took alot of moni.benin has been a peaceful place i dont know y all des fighting n killing.i know alot of lives hav been taken.but we ve no right to kill.its left for God .
For the benefit of some educated illiterates on this thread, i want to make a few points clear. For a start, BH is a minute group of deliquents that happen to be muslims but are in no way championing the cause of northern Nigerian muslims nor the entire muslim population. What they are doing is carrying out a guerilla warfare against the society, muslims and xtians, inclusive. Muslims, both high and low, have lost their lives in BH attacks. Over 200 muslims lost their lives during the sallah celebrations in Borno and Yobe states alone. I am a muslim, and i detest their acts from the bottom of my heart.I feel the pains of my xtians brothers especially those who have lost their loved ones in the attacks. I pray daily for Allah to expose and bring to justice those persons behind this devilish sect. I know for sure that this is a wish of the majority of the muslims, prayers to this effect are being conducted in mosques across the country. I, therefore, feel pained anytime people of low understanding make such generalisations as if as a muslim, i am also part of or a supporter of BH. I never believed all Ibos are armed robbers, 419ners or ritual lists just because some miscreants happen to come from that part of Nigeria. I never hated the Niger Deltan because of activities of MEND and other militants. So why are you stereotyping me ? why cant we rise above hate ? why cant we support humanity ? why ?
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