The finance minister tweeted her condolence today.
And then she talks about why the subsidy removal is necessary. Anyone who is in a government where the president gets N1 billion for food for just one year, gets no respect from me...continue reading...
SOUNDS GOOD....all these promises...but when will the government learn that you can not keep on feeding us mere promises....or sweet talk......but besides that did she give Nigeria just 5 YEARS?????!!! NSOGBUuuuuuu
I pray in no distant time it will be the turn of Nigerians to condole her over the loss of her loved ones.
Those young folks who "passed away" did not passed, they were MURDERED BY THE GOVERNMENT WHO YOU work with! !! get it right madam
Linda, whtz going on in our beloved country? check out this: Police intercept Nigeria bound truckload of ammunition from Ghana! http://edition.myjoyonline.com/pages/news/201201/79604.php Are people still safe in that country???
Why should we believe you Madam? Did GEJ not promise us electricity back in April of 2011? What has GEJ's government accomplished so far other than put us back in debt? When SAP was introduced, the government said the same thing and today here we are. We, the Nigerian people have lost faith in the Nigerian government.
Blah, blah, blah. Blah, blah, blah and then some more.
yeah right!! what else is expectd of u... mcheww!! Is ds all dt should b done, or will it bring back those people to their families... Heartless bunch of mother f**kers!!
You are on your own. You said you want to give us something and we say no thank you. We are old enough to know what's good for us. Thank you.
I was listen to her this afternoon in AIT interaction show, she is a gud woman no doubt abt it, she is a gud woman, she is a woman who has a vision for nigeria, she is a woman who hear the cry of the poor, pls we should stop condemning her. The removal of fuel subsidy is for our benefit,
Laugh it off:A plane with
5 passengers was about to
crash in midair and there
were only 4 parachutes.
1st passenger, Lionel
Messi: I'm d world's best footballer, my fans still
need me. He takes one and
2nd passenger, Aliko
Dangote: I'm
Africa'srichest man. I don't want to die now. He
takes another one and
Third passenger, Goodluck
Jonathan: I'm the
President of Nigeria, the most powerful and
intelligent President in
Africa. I have Boko and
Subsidy issues to deal
with. He takes one and
jumps. The 4th passenger was d
Pope, Pope said to d 5th
passenger, an 8 yr old girl
"I'm an old
man, I'll sacrifice my life
for Urs" but d girl replied "no need for dat, there
are 2 parachutes left.
"how can that be?" asked
The girl replied "The
Nigerian President took my school bag! Badluck
mumu www.gideblog.com
Wahala, you really dont get it..do you?!.Enough already! who runs a government from twitter sef! Is this how you did your job in world bank? on twitter? Shame on you! your children's children's children yet unborn will surely pay for all this mess you and ebeole badluck are putting Nigeria through. Just so you know; you did not need to condole the families that lost loved ones in the protest because their blood will forever be on your hands! May you never sleep well all the days of your life..May the cries of the people who died during the protest continuosly haunt you and your generation..You cannot escape it! i advice you resign because sooner or later you and badluck and co would not be able to stand against 160 million of us! What happenned to ghaddafi?
So to enrich urselves u av 2 take d litle d poor av. May u be wiped off like soddom and Gomorah-Aimuan Evans Aghayore
I think NOIweala is missing the point of the protests. She keeps focusing on the fuel subsidy which started the protest but in general, Nigerians are tired of the government treatment they have been receiving. How can a government use $1 billion for feeding when people are suffering? The fuel subsidy in the end is good, we all get that. However, we do not trust that the funds from the fuel subsidy will go towards fixing the country, instead it will end up in the wrong hands as always. I hope the people stand their ground until something is done.
She needs to sit her a*** down, does she think that she is talking to dummies. The least she could was not to ramble on twitter about what the government has said and " will do". What about the people who lost their lives in this fight for a better country?
What a joke. 370K jobs in a 2012 in a country of millions.
This thing has moved beyond the subsidy..all our armchair politics this is time to execute...nuff of the lies and protecting certain individuals..imagine Lagos/Abuja is seen as having the most billionaires in Africa...na wa o!!..off this oil subsidy and 50% of the oil that never gets delivered..yet gets a sign off!!
the should all go and sleep, the have filled us, people go burn for hail oo, have the forgotten the will all die, where is gen Abacha today with vision 2010, it a pity
NOI's over sabi is responsible for the oil subsidy which has led to the death of innocent protesters.
Am sorrt totally off point but can't take this woman serious with that rubbish Gele on her head. No further comment
May God help us in this country
ONYEDIKING ------- very apt !!!!! Lwkm here .
Madam abi na shegoat i go call her self........i think u,re mad nd for u 2 get cure pls go work down d road nd hug transform go blesh ur mouth dey form mumus go have sex with black dog mayb e go cure ur sickness of in human...god punsh imp.world bank nd anybody wa support fule subsidy..nonosesns
Government has been going on and on and on about the subsidy removal and how it is good for us in the long run, they still have not addressed a very important issue which is, how will the poor masses continue to survive until all these their promises are implemented(i.e if at all they will be) because once the subsidy removal takes hold automatically cost of living , transportation etc will double if not triple, so say we buy fuel at N65 Naira now after the implementation of the subsidy fuel becomes N141 where will the poor masses get the difference of N76 to maintain status quo or continue surviving?????....Just my thoughts
plz answer this question and get one free ticket to
subsidy removal protest.
1. Is jonathan
a name,place,
2. Is okonja a
solution or problem to the algebria
lets see, hmmm, let us begin by selling Jonathan's 6 jets, sell all his cars except one. then begin to cut all the unnecessary advisers they have doing nothing and just getting fat off of Nigeria. instead of sharing her condolences, can she spell out what the govt will do for the families? I tire o. It appears these people are out of touch with the masses/reality.
NOI, please just go fuck yourself. And while prepping for that take extra cash for batteries, its price has been jacked up too.
She makes sense to me but not surprised you lot can't see it. It hurts the pocket but it is in your long-term interest & it could really make the country & turn around your fortunes in the long run. It is what any developed country would do.
All this 'OCCUPY NIGERIA' restore the subsidy talk just goes to show you don't even know what the occupy movement is about. If you did you will be seeing this for this as a positive move.
The most relevant tweet was the 1 where she said Nigeria has five years to survive given pre subsidy situation. Good!
Revert back to N65. Come up with your plans to downsize goverment spendings. Let us no what you could muster thru d process. Tell us what you want to do and the cost implications. Further let us no what how you intend to generate revenue for all that you intend to do, which may include how much u want to feed yourselves (N1billion or wateva). Add your removal of subsidy and how much it will accrue to govt purse. Justify d removal and how it will assist in accelerating the actualisation of your projects. Dis cant take up to 6 mths to discus and conclude. Den c weda pple will not follow u. With dis process, Nigeria has 4yrs and 6mths to rearrange herself.
But of course, i am reacting to pple who just wont do the simple and sensible thing.
People, while you and I were still trying to figure out why exactly we need to make any sacrifice in the form of accepting fuel subsidy removal, it was reported by yet unconfirmed sources that the blasted Petroleum Minister, Dieziani Madueke (don't care if i got the spelling wrong), one of those championing the subsidy agenda, bought a house worth 20 million Euros in the most salubrious district in Vienna. Alas! A lot of us still wonder where the phantom national financial leakages are. It is clear to see the migratory direction of the nation's wealth, it is a disturbing pattern. Our political office holders and others in government will never do away with their shenanigans and culture of malfeasance. it is therefore contingent on us the citizenry to rise up and demand better from those who we have handed our mandate to lead us and those who they have appointed, in turn, to assist them.
It's a pity that during the ongoing advocacy for reversal to the old pump price, many people in several states of the federation are being denied the fundamental right to express themselves in a peaceful manner as should free-born citizens of the world. Our leaders, once elevated to positions power, always choose to treat us as denizens of a sub-human realm.
Nigeria is not an oligarchy, Nigeria is a democracy!!
Stupid woman couldn't ansWer when asked on AIT where the gains of the de regulating AGO went and why its price still remains high
wicked annd unreasonable people....you all just implemented this rubbish because you dnt get to be affected in anyway do you guys even buy fuel? plus after the profits from the subsidy removal has been made what should happen to all the people who have lost their lives from poverty,violence and what not in other words the poor and the average can go to hell and burn to ashes be dat...seems the air conditioners in your offices are freezing your brains#fools.. youv all failed God will not allow such scums to rule us..#nonesence
Why do I feel the burning urge to slap this lady and tell her to go hug a transformer or better still jump into the Atlantic?
Obviously this lady has no clue or is simply book smart only. Where has she been lately. We know that theoritically it makes sense if this was country with transparent leadership and without the level of corruption that has become the norm. We know that the money genreated will not be used for the purpose for which is being spelled out to us. We are not stupid. She can be serious. We all need to stand against this collective abuse. We dont believe anyone of them we demand change, REAL CHANGE!
when the foundation is bad its difficult for the righteous to do well, the foundation of our government is demonic, it takes God to sanitize and cleanse it. one day i shall see light in Nigeria.
If they (govt people) stop stealing for just one month, there will be no need for any subsidy. Any monies needed will be obtained
Linda. The amount you talked about does not go to the President's kitchen. It's for his entire itinerary. Guests from other countries, dinners, luncheons, meetings. As you ought to know, he is the president and receives thousands of guests every year. Abeg, let us be pro active and stop acting and speaking dumb. I thought you are learned. Why do you sometimes write things that put question marks on your credibility as an graduate. You are supposed to be a ble to think an inch deeper and better thatn the average person on the street. I also believe that the reason for blogs like yours is not to follow the crowd anyhow but educate and enlighten them when they get things wrong. It won't reduce your followership, rather, it will enhance your integrity. You will also be remembered as one whose influence on the populace in noteworthy. You are here to make impart. Think, think and think Linda. Not like the market woman but like a woman of substance. When you get to a position of influence, you ve got to start mapping out strategies on how to make life better for your followers and not to keep them in their pitiable states. Some of your plans will definitely not go down well with them. But because you understand the bigger picture and know what you are doing and where you are going. You will not back out, you will not relent. You will keep using until you get there. Linda, play your role. Stop crawling.
Now what is the govement go to say about the lost of life.
Mrs Eyes KONGBA,,,Abbeg make u Park well........No worry,,all those smal boys wen dey gv u pussy blow job i just pray make dem no remove Sperm subsidy abbi CUM subsidy coomot for ur body.........Nonsens,,pple don die finish bcos of una selfishness....Mtcheww
If u really mean business. Why not start with slashing all your salaries by 50%. I mean from presido all the way down the ladder. Use that money ur saving to invest in something for the nation. That way when u speak people might be willing to take u a little more seriously. U can be enjoying when other people are suffering. Be a nigerian and share the pain. And maybe we will give u a little love on that. Just saying.
What do they take we Nigerians for? Fools like them? They claim that what they are doing is in our own interest and yet, they don't hear our cries. This is 3rd day of strike and yet nothing is done. Suggestions were made to dat badluck that called himself president †o reverse the subsidy for now till april to give room for more dialogue but he remain adamant and we rare running democracy. Why did he have to impose on us? Fuck all of them
These idiots that keep opening their mouths to say the subsidy ish is a step in the right direction for nigeria ATM are incredibly daft..the morons should checkout figures before they talk..are you guys craze, have you seen the figures alone used for the upkeep of this excuse for president and his likes?!..the govt should grow some balls and fight those responsible..heartless bastards...and lamido might Wann STFU!!
Someone please shut that fool up. Has she taken the time to question her cohorts income, allowances.... I understand their plan,but they should have started from cutting down on their extravagant ways of liiving and then the common Nigerian, then populace would understand.
Pls go nd sleep
surprising when she has already layed nad foundation for her and her boy friend. who do u have to send condelence visit to that will commend u for that.ma dear minister of men chaser pls kindly hold ur raper to ur waste and stop begging to have position frm onen
9it stand......
would u pple give this woman a breathing pace? even if she is behind the removal of the subsidy she is not the president.
and pls stop all the cursing bcos they may just come back to u if she is sincere
I no blame Ʊ(Ngozi),Na dead body Ʊ b, So Ʊ no kn̶̲̥̅̊o̲̣̥w̶̲̥̅̊ ow much dem dey sell Casket...Linda check: point blanknews.com and see their headline OKonjo Iweala bought 1.2billion Naira Mansion at Maitama!!! Can Ʊ blame her? She gat to support fuel subsidy...
When the government has accounted for the funds it saved from the removal of subsidy on diesel and kerosine by showing the Nigerian public the projects that were funded by those savings, we can then discuss removal of subsidy on petrol. Other than that, let Nigeria become broke...
bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla...
Na today we start to de hear all those rubbish???
Keep talking ma'am
This woman is making a lot of irritating comments nowadays
Very soon we will be the ones consoling her with her 50 naira puff puff face.
THIS Mofo woman used her Georgetown based consulting firm, put her brother there and collected that amount in fees for so called helping Nigeria renegotiate our debt. It will be unheard of that one of the cabinet members will directly benefit from their job here in america. Even for one cents, it will be a major scandal.
It is because of her greed which even passed baba iyabo's greed that made him send her packing. If OBJ thinks the woman dey greedy to much, you know we are in trouble.
Only God knows how much she and Aganga stands to make from this extra money from the fuel subsidy. Shine your eyes these so called technocrats they brings from here take home loads of money in the guise of helping. What did they both accomplish their first time around as ministers? Are we not in the same mess? How did she find money to buy N1.2 billion Nara house in Abuja two yrs ago on world bank salary? She paid cash by the way. Nigerians shine you eyes. These people are clearing house for you. The girl that went to howard uni..., Alison Madueke, did they not quietly cover up the $20 million home she bought in Europe just two years into the GEJ administration? Please shine your eyes. We are suckers...we accept it and it shall continue.
If we are going to be broke in five years and not immediately why don't they do the increment in phases and give the people some reprieve? Why did they have to remove the subsidy while they knew people had travelled home for the holidays? Callous.
Those of us here in the Washington DC area know Ngozi. I am surprised no one has actually dug into her past. She is one greedy bitch. She made her home so hot for her husband, the frustrated man, was caught by police fucking a prostitue in broad daylight at the hospital parking lot. He is a doctor. Money and ambition is all she cares about. So if she uses the wrong words to describe the death of the murdered people....understand that empathy is not a strong quality she possess. Like her friends say here, she has seen how easy it is to make money in Nigeria she plans to settle her
family's future.
Talking about family. Se we all already know that the two girls GEJ posed with recently during his birthday are adopted and his two biological boys are actually here in DC. Madam patience ran the poor woman out of town. The older boy was in the picture. One Ms. Lott is the mother of his children....daughter of a south south Judge. Madam threatened her life. But sha that is side gist....the painful gist is that all the children of the prez and Vprez and I think the senate and house leaders too ( not sure about these last two) are covered by government benefits for life. So who are the suckers? This on top of all the e gun jes, millions of dollars in salaries, allowances etc etc. Nigerian leaders are the best paid in the world. We have been sucked dry.
When did condolence for a family that has just lost a loved one become oil subsidy removal matter? It show she is a very cold and heartless individual. Imagine what yeye nonsense ngozi and dienzel are saying. Okay dienzel using the corner of her mouth to talk as usual said a few weeks ago on channels TV that our own naija cannot sustain refineries and now on thisday online only yesterday I was reading her saying that the subsidy would build refineries and create 60 million jobs in 10 years una see am which one is the truth? As if that was not bad enough then ngozi also using the corner of her mouth to talk have been granting interviews left right and centre saying the same thing over and over again as if she is reading from a script… and this is the funny part she says that the subsidy would create 375 thousand jobs for the youths yearly so in order words in 10 years they would create 37.5 million jobs which statistics is right now? is it dienzels one of 60 million jobs created in 10 years or ngozi’s own of 37.5 million jobs? It is really clear they do not know what they are saying I mean even if they want to get together and lie at least let the lie they are telling be consistent!!! They must really think that we naija’s are olodo and did not go to school and only them went to school and the most embarrassing part; both of them being university graduates and yet they both don’t know anything what a big shame and these are the calibre of people that GEJ put as ministers those who are spin doctors and they lie and lie and lie telling half truth WHITE LIES!!!
I really think it is the headgear that both ngozi, dienzel and jonathan have on their head that is making them not to think right and I think it is time for them to remove the headgear so that their brain can be calm and that would make them come out with more sensible things when they open their yeye mouth to talk to the poor masses who are the ones suffering now and would suffer even more!!!!
She was asked in the bbc interview of what happened to the money of diesel that was saved when it was deregulated more than 7 years ago and she could not answer the question instead she started talking about the savings that the deregulation would do for petrol who asked her? it was then clear that the money would just go into the private pocket as usual!!!
How can a man live his house 2 fight wit anoda man dat has gun, bombs etc and eventualy he dies..... Wat do u realy expect 2 happen? Go in and pray 2 God. We need His mercies it's not by our phisical power but By His Grace we il overcome.
Its a welcomed development but too early. We have lots of our fellow brothers stranded on the roads while the costs of Lively hood just sky rocketed. January was not the best timing.
Mada ngozi wahala this was to be a condolence and not you ranting like a someone who does not have fellow feeling...
Egbami mogbe!!!this woman is just manufacturing figures left right and centre she would just put her finger in her mouth and up in the air showing that she is doing creative accounting. When she was interviewed about the job creation for the youth she said 375 thousand jobs now in her twitt it has reduced to 370 thousand is that not a lie? And she keeps saying trust me we would this and we would that!!! When would she ever open that her useless mouth to say we have done this and we have done that ehhh it shows why OBJ removed her as he had a stronger hand but GEJ is so weak he cannot even see when he is digging a hole to stop and ngozi asked jona to put his hand in fire and he said yes and now he has been burnt!!!
this NGOZI woman makes me sick!
Fake ass lady.. if she was so smart.. and had a good team working with her and was determined to make a changes .. we will not be were we are!
Sad! Sad! Sad
Linda you are right! She is a disgrace!!!
Times like this i wish God had one day when he was merciless.. to deal with all those Nigerian leaders who see the poor suffering everyday yet give a blind eyes and sleep on their billions!
wat r they doing about cutting govt spending on themselves?????? A country where ppl live on less than $2 should not have leaders travelling & living in luxury on the countries money...... Dat is what I want to hear her talk about... all this desperate attempt to defend a decision is not helping anyone.
So removing subsidy has been on the governments minds since, why didn't they implement all these promises in the past 20 years?
entertainmentgistme.blogspot.com/, I could not help but disagree with your comment. I do not think the generality of Nigerians have a problem with subsidy removal but they are more concerned with what the Govt will do with the savings emanating from it's implementation. Corruption is the main problem we have in our country and as long as this issue is not addressed appropriately we will be going round in circles, and in my opinion I do not think the present Govt has what it takes to tackle corruption, any president that would budget One billion naira for feeding cannot fight corruption.
Madam! Don't worry, soon it ll be ur own turn u & your whole family, it is nt you dt we ll condole nor ur family bt neighbours nd pple of ur home town, because when d tym comes all of u ll die at once by d grace of God.
inebitok I am now convince that Ngozi is your woman friend/benefactor.
bla bla bla OKONJO IWEALA, you and ur gang of GEJ and madueke n others...u all are THIEVES. see the way it looks good speaking of it..implement it now? u de buy house. dam buru ba!
This cave woman and her big face should keep quiet. Who needs her sympathy? Nigeria will be broke in 5 years? Witch!
If you and your fellow bastards have not being stealing all these while, Nigeria will not be in this situation.
Because of years of stealing (decades of stealing I suppose) Nigeria lacks electricity, water, security,good education, good roads, jobs, proper market, proper health care system, good human rights record etc.
Protesting to kick these bitches out of office isn't the issue because their godfathers of politics are still alive. They have refused to die. However, the leaders need a change of heart. They need to understand their responsibilities and start executing them. It's about time.
they say they want to use subsidy money for this and that when their excess allowances all together can cover the country for 2consecutive years with no struggle...its just cheating, we just have to pray fervently, only God can help us now
It is not just about #FuelSubsidy, it is about good governance!
The 2012 Budget Proposal can be found on http://www.budgetoffice.gov.ng/. It shows that N2.748 trillion will be spent by the Federal Government. This is about 57.86% of the budget. Out of which N1.639trillion is Personnel cost. It begs the question, how many people are we talking about and how much are they paid?
A review of the scanty details provided on the website show that the Office of the Vice President will spend about N1.9bn on travel, transportation and fuel cost, N552m on Training related expenses, N358m on Electricity and Power, N137m on communication and around N884m on provision of health care. It is left to the imagination the size of the Office of the Vice President that those amounts would be spent under those headings. In any case, the trust-seeking government has a meagre N11bn to run that office with a N7bn as capital expenditure.
Please leave your comments to yourself Ngozi is whatever you call yourself. Nigerians are dying for what you and Jonathan are doing and their blood remains on you and shall torment you till your end. Why not revert this price since to avoid all these killings? Your end is near, that much i know
fuck u bastered i hope u are happy about those that lost their lives,may God punish u and ur family in JESUS NAME.NGOZI U ARE D ONE AM TALKING TO BASTERED
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