Everyday, the crowd at the Gani Fawehinmi park at Ojota, increases. Nigerians aren't backing down. They are ready for this Government.
Meanwhile, FG and labour are right now talking behind closed doors in Abuja. In a few hours, we will all know the outcome of that meeting.
Nigeria has really show that they are ready for the government, i pray that the labour and the federal government should agree in one term, God bless nigeria, God bless Jonathan.
Negotiation on the basis of good power supply,good transportation system, good wages, cut government expenses on air travels, hotels, and entourage. No more no less. The priorities are power supply and security. Investigation can follow into all the public funds disappearance.
the artists ar d once fuelin dis, dis is concert not protesting.
God bless Nigeria! Carry GO.
naijazobia.com says justice must be done if this deaths continue , or will these people die in vain?
Glad to see this. As i hope that Nigerians not only fight for fuel subsidy/prices issue but also emphasize on their basic rights other citizens of the world enjoy in their countries.
the spirit of onesess, spirit of unity, the fight for freedom, it is the fight of our life!!! ....to our people we say no going back
amazing this is really amazing presi jona jona jona ehh you better listen once in your life mehn see the crowd i guess this would start to bring fear into all these politicians that think they can be talking with the corner of their mouth full of big big lies. imagine it is the protest that made dienzel to now sign the TAM contract for the begining of the repairs of the refineries after being in office for almost 2 years abeg make una help me ask am say wetin she siddon dey wait for ehhh. naija no dey siddon dey look any longer no more suffering and smiling
wowo.....Occupy Lagos
Peace be to Nigeria. Amen.
Thanks for the updates Linda
Linda, thanks so much for your hard work and God will bless you for been a true Nigerian, your blog alone has all the update of the struggle everyday I read update from your blog. That been said, I don't know while police people are killing innocent people from a peaceful protest, peaceful! I am proud to be a Nigerian and I want everyone to know that after said and done, we will be heard! Nigerian government, we must be heard, iMF we must be heard! USA, we must be heard! OccupyNigeria, may God bless the United state of Nigerians.
I pray so hard that this is the start of a revolution. But we should all know that deep down, Nigeria is in the hands of "some" people who do not want to relinquish control. No matter who the president is, they will always assert their authority. GEJ is not the number one problem, it's those, for lack of a better word, leeching bastards that wont let this country move forward. They are the ones we need to fight against because if GEJ goes, they will still control the next person. It's time for them to know that their greed is enough and it's time to SUBSIDISE their greed for the greater good of this nation.
Everybody needs to ask themselves if they will work for the greater good of this nation if given any power at all. It starts individuallly, we need to change our mind frames. Nigeria is still our country and we have to make it one that we can be proud of
We are ready for them this time.
Great nigerites, aluta continue victo asta....BAD GOVMT GOOD PEOPLE
is good to see nigerians fightin 4 what dey want......dis remind of of babagida must go
feels like we r bein ruled by occultic men in dis nation...pray dat God expose and disgrace dem all!
Linda see a columinst view below which makes practical sense on 10 ways GEJ can save money and yet he would not do it let the strike continue enough is enough infact this has never ever happened before imagine all naija's all over the world are stagging their own strike to tell you how bad it is let the oil production be shut down then jona,ngozi,sanusi and dienzel would sit upright and listen as they seem to be the ones in charge of nigeria at the moment!!!
Columnist: Correct Me If I Am Right By Rudolf Okonkwo
So here are the top ten places President Jonathan can get his N479billion.
1.) Go to the last 36 governors that served with Olusegun Obasanjo. Offer them immunity from prosecution if they all return N10 billion naira each. After all, most of them were facing charges totaling over N100 billion before their files disappeared from the EFCC. That will give President Jonathan N360 billion naira overnight.
2.) Get all former Director-Generals of the NNPC in the last 20 years. Offer them immunity from prosecution if they all return N1billion for every year they were director. Having been part of an agency of the government that does not know how much oil the multinational corporations are sucking up each day and cannot account for the crude oil dedicated for domestic consumption, they should each give the government N1 billion and we let bygone be bygone. This will give Jonathan at least N20 billion.
3.) President Jonathan should cancel all import waivers given to religious leaders in Nigeria for 2012. Nigeria lost billions of naira just on the waivers given to Pastor Adeboye and his likes under the Obasanjo administration - waivers they used to import expensive cars and luxury goods. Who knows what the big Imams get in waivers? Right there, another N10-50 billion will be readily available.
4.) A 50% cut in the salaries and allowances of members of the Nigerian House of Representative. At $1.4 million each for 360 members, Jonathan can easily get $252 million dollars, which is over N40 billion.
5.) In the senate, with 109 senators each making $1.7 million, a 50% cut in their pay package will give President Jonathan over N14.8 billion naira.
6.) President Jonathan should audit the record books of the government with oil importers. A good auditing firm will easily unearth stolen wealth of the nation. Since these so-called cabals are friends of the president, some of them members of his economic team, the president should just ask them to refund N200 billion and we will let bygones be bygone.
7.) The president should, as a matter of urgency, investigate and evaluate all workers associated with the importation of fuel into Nigeria. Those found wanting should be prosecuted and fired. A good investigation of their assets and accounts will recover at least N1billion.
8.) The same thing should be done with staff of the NNPC, both those serving and the retired staff. A good investigation will net over N10 billion.
9.) The security votes of all state governors should be cut by 50%. At an average of N300 million a month, it runs up to N3.6 billion for a year each. For the 36 state governors, that amount is N129.6 billion naira. A 50% cut will give President Jonathan N64.8 billion a year.
10.) The president should close half of Nigerian missions abroad in a major scale back and find other countries to manage Nigeria’s affairs. That will save at least N10 billion.
Putting the savings together, we have N745.6 billion for the President. That is before he touches his food money and his security vote. That is before he touches Olusegun Obasanjo, Abubakar Atiku, Turai Yar’Adua and the heads of all the failed banks.
I’ve never seen any protest like this in my entire life, I pray & hope that all innocent blood shared, will not be futile, the Govt' should by now realized that Nigerian are tired of been deceived, they should do the needful ASAP…Cos’ from what I’ve observer since Monday, there’s no going back, see all the support from all Nigerians overseas, it’s quite overwhelming…God Bless our country Nigeria and may the innocent souls whose lives were lost in the course of this noble fight against corruption/ruthless leaders rest in perfect peace, Amen…Tonia.
Dianyi (hopefully that is the spelling) Our collective husband Jon, you've got some major problems.
Hopefully you will wake up from slumber and start addressing this issue and the boko haram issue instead of sticking your head in the sand.
You've got some major problems!!! This a result of being tone deaf. You and all your ministers and congress are not just tone deaf but completely deaf.
Hence the parade in the streets.
The situation is still redeemable, lets see you grow up. You took a big job, do it or get the right type of help to assist. Oh, your PR office sucks too. Get rid of all of them. the have no clue. While you at it, send madam to a finishing school. She will not be the first one to go there. Victoria Gowan was sent to a Swiss finishing school, see the result? It turn out better for all of us.....
I shall stop here
www.gideblog.com says Just received information that hoodlums have attempted to hijack the peaceful protest by attempting to burn the mandate office and Government buildings in Ilorin Kwara. Great citizens caught the perpetrators and handed them to authorities and were able to put a stop to it by preventing loss of lifeand further damage to properties. I call on all good people of Ilorin and Nigeria as a whole to exercise caution by giving room for dialogue www.gideblog.com
With one heart we will fight corruption in this country. God bless Nigeria
Did I hear you say God bless Jonathan? You are hopeless.
Dis is serious ,I pray did issue will be resolve soon
linda investige how much NOLLYWOOD actors and actresses got paid during the campaign for Goodlucks presidency. I want to know. Lets lay all the truth out.
The FG under estimated Nigerians, we have had enough of deceit, blindfolding the masses. We are awake now to monitor all their dealings. We are not going to give up. God bless the masses and strenghten us as we emancipate ourselves from those corrupt and seif centered politicians. God bless Nigeria.
wow......... Nigerians are not playing this time oooo... See all these people, I AM SO PROUD OF YOU ALL .
Occupy Nigeria
They should negotiate well o. God bless Jona but he must GO!
Plz i pray smthg positive comes out of dis meeting. Nigerians .. Am so proud of us.we stood up for smthing.
dey shld please settle dis issue,d masses are suffering,labour union shld please call off dis strike for d sake of d masses
Only the strong will survive! I hope this doesnt end in a mexican standoff. Cos that'll be bad for us all!
even though the corruption level amongs nigerian leaders has made everybody angry over the country....
truly nigerians are good people, creative and talented....it is the govt that has forced people to become fraudstars.
i know that this event was for good......for once in my life time......i have had the voice of the the people of nigeria.....
i am happy that i saw this in my life time
yes i leave abroad but this is the greatest that i have ever seen or heard about nigeria
Most of them are there bcos of d free owambe party. Dey don't have to pay to see obesere, wasiu and others. Hai! Naija and osho free!
What's the essence of fashola and ameachi at d meeting.?Let's pray the outcome is fruiful.God bless Nigeria
em, r u sure say these people no go tire? what is labor discussing? havent we seen this movie before? They raise price of fuel on the guise of subsidy removal, Nigerians protest and they reduce it. I can bet one of my balls, they will drop the price to N100 and Nigerians will end the protests.
It is well with Nigeria. Something has got to shift in this situation. But the rogues in Nigeria needs to put in checks and on hold. Their means of stealing money should be blocked. If we want to tackle corruption in Nigeria, the root and foundation has to be nipped and honestly the root is this subsidy. I hope and wish that these money rogues will stop sponsoring this protests and the people will not act gullibly. They are being taken for a ride. Even Labour Unions are rogues. They are all benefitting from this country. They are part of the rapists. They should ask the Senators to cut their own salaries too like the executive arm.
I believe they are supporting the people now so as to divert the attention of the people from them. If the subsidy remains, believe you me, the rich will become richer while the poor will never get out of poverty. The oil sector is now very attractive because of what they are getting out of it. As soon as these government thieves get out of government, they move into the oil sector. It is this same people that are sponsoring the downing of tools.
Our eyes will be open when the oil reserves dries up. By that time, people like Linda will run to United States of America to enjoy deregulation. (I'm sorry to be hitting Linda this way but she has a means to educate the people and I'm pissed she s not doing it properly). Everything works in U.S.A and Europe because the government does not handle anything apart from security. Investors are in every sector. If you invest your money in a venture, you will make it work and not allow anybody milk you dry, but if it's government business, it is nobody's business.
Ojota rally should be geared towards forcing the government to commit itself into using money from the subsidy to provide infrastructure for the nation. They should make government put pen to paper to sign bonds to make the lives of the masses better instead of fighting blindly and uselessly.
I'm so sad at the calibre of people pushing these protests. God will not forgive them neither will posterity.
I really A̶̲̥̅♏ enjoinin dis common spirit ☺ƒ enuf is enuf movement goin on a.k.a #occupy nigeria#
I support dis course cos we aint gona b treated wit S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ much hardship again..not again....L♥√ع u linda
It is well o. The outcome shall be favorable. I pray for peace and a quick turn around. God is in control and it must be well with Nigeria
@ orange Jan 12,08:08am. You need to have your brain examined. You must b the biggest clown on dis planet. Did I hear u insult Linda? You seem hopeless & irrational like the fools governing Nigeria. If u can't make any meaningful contribution,then suggest u relocate to planet mars where ur type belong. Bastard.
We have had enough....Since 1960 it has been failed promises upon promises,,,,the Nigeria politicains can walk away this time
Wait till GEJ step down/ get out o office, and one Hausa or OBJ like step in, n let see if all these enthusiasm to fight will still be there.
Where were all these fight power while Boko Haram were killing Christians, or are we suggesting that our money is worth more than lives of innocent people being killed. Nigeria they protest against the govt. for miss place priority, but everything w do screams misplaced priority! Perhaps all these wouldn't have gotten this bad if these protest started when Boko haram started chopping people up! Just m 2cents!
Dear Dr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan,
I thought to myself when u contested for the 2011 election that we(Nigerians) would be doing ourselves a great service if we voted for someone with absolutely no military background to put an end to such antecedent in our country. Moreover,this is someone who also has under his belt a doctorate degree which I believe means he understands and appreciates the value of education.
But I must tell you,I am not just disappointed,I have lost faith in you and in your leadership. Why does it seem you have surrounded yourself with some really insensitive people? For example,I just concluded that your minister for labour and productivity must be delusional. While trying to defend the stance of your government on the removal of subsidy on petroleum a while ago on NTA,he claimed the protest had been hijacked.His reason for this being the presence of small children at the protest grounds.When their mothers hawk and sell around the streets,don't we know that they involve their children too. And then to make it sound barbaric,he went on to call on labour to come to a table and dialogue. Who I ask dialogues for d market women? Who dialogues for the unemployed Nigerians,men,youth and women alike? Who dialogues for the countless handicapped? Who represents the farmers and the people who live in obscure villages during your dialogues? Are these groups of people represented by Labour? What in God's name is wrong with you people? Aint u suppose to be operating God's wisdom in all you do? Ask me how:
1.In your choice of people to surround yourself with,you chose those who seem incapable of being truthful nor can tell you the truth. Because if they can,they would have told u just how unwise it is to remain adamant when the entire nation is being brought to its knees by this showdown.
2. They would have told you just how disturbing it is for you to stay quiet while they all try to redeem your image on the television, and also when the people you govern (no matter how little a fraction of them that have taken to the streets is) continue to demand that you change your mind as they refuse to acquiesce with you on the said matter.
3.They would have told you that the major ingredient in leadership isn't in acting sympathetic by looking sober when you broadcast but in being the servant to those you rule and then diplomatically and cautiously selling every of your ideas to them and wait for them to buy into your vision,thus join in preaching it until every single Nigerian is ready to support you.
4.They would have told you this proverb: "mojamosa laa makinkanju logun". Ask them,sure one of them can help you with the meaning.
I no longer want to plead with you,but I will strongly advise Sir, that you go on your knees,and pray that God teaches you to apply your heart to wisdom. After the prayer, pick up your bible and turn to the book of samuel, 1st and 2nd,read through the story of king Saul and David,then go to 2 Chronicles and read about all the kings there. Please read with your pen and notepad. When you done,fall on your face and call on the teacher JESUS; ask for divine wisdom (James 3:17) from the only one who can give you freely.
Finally, I advise that you do according to all that He commands you. Do not be remain obstinate,I plead with you. Listen to the Voice of God and obey Him. I hope to see you manifest manifold wisdom in all your future dealings. Badewole Oluwatosin
We shall overcome and soon too.
Do you want to Occupy Nigeria?
This is how we should do it!
We have all occupied the streets, its been 4 days people are dying and the government has not heard us. Some people enticing us to fight and they pretend to be for us yet they fight for selfish reasons. Look at the person standing beside you today if you are reading this page take a deep long look! do you want the person here tomorrow when there is a better Nigeria? Then this is the person you fight for! The children on the street with no where to go, the mother who can't feed her children, the man who can't afford to pay his rent this is who you fight for! join hands today on those streets instead of carry placards, join hands today and cry out to God all of us in our homes in our churches on the streets in our bathrooms wherever you are, violence has never solved any problem and it won't start now but Praise and Prayer has and The bible said, God threw the oppressors into confusion and they killed themselves...
I am well impressed that Nigerians all over the world are coming together and gaining momentum, I just hope after all this we do not settle for less as we know what happens in all these their so called negotiation meetings we have come too far and too many innocent people have lost their lives during this period so, we cannot give up nor back down on our rights now we must make them see things through our own eyes for once.
I live here in the US and fuel is subsidized. don't let anybody kid you. that is why there is always an on going battle about prices.
Bye the way, in any situation, if you can only trample on people for so long, they are bound to break the you and react badly.
this whole debacle was going to happen ..this is just the trigger that caused it. if the govt don't get it straight....it shall become a very ugly story
ya'll had better start praying for this yolk to end. These govt officials are behaving like Nero (rome is burning oh) Stop playing ya fiddle
NLC & co are normally fund of compromising afta negotiation. I hope dis time around, D money will remain 65naira or less. fuel subsidy shud remain. Govt shud provide basic things for citizens.
@orange jan, wish am seeing you nw.. This knife am holding, for done run pass ur throat 2two timz.#md4fucker#
Free shows everyday. Who wont come out? Mexican standoff in site. Support the removal of subsidy
God bless you all that went out to show solidarity. Enough is Enough. W e must move this nation forward. Enough is enough. God will keep you all safe, amen. You are in our prayers daily.
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