Hadiza Abutu, the young woman accused of shooting and killing her husband at their home in Abuja (If you missed the story, read it HERE), because he married a new wife, has been granted bail as police continue with their investigations.
Hadiza said her husband shot himself, her late husband's family say she shot him. All we can hope is that the truth eventually comes out. So sad for all the parties involved...
Wow...though one. But really...what was the chick thinking? Our husbands will drive us mad, they will cheat on us, some will disgrace us in other ways...why did she think hers would be any different? One of the commandments says don't commit adultery but another also says don't kill...so? She was a bit extreme, bail is a little too lenient as far as I'm concerned, and yes...I am a woman. What happened to leaving him an going back to her father's house. A beg. And don't let me hear she remarried o!
Kassim Afegbua,the media spokes person for I brahi Badamosi Babangida is her blood brother. so what do you expect??? Hisssss
Ibrahim Bbangida is at work again. But God will destroy him and that arrogant FOOL Kassim.
Nigeria police couldn't process the the gun used in killing the man so let the lady go and take care of her new born baby jare!No DNA FINDINGS, NO FINGER PRINTS! Make they invite CSI, Abi? wetin i wan type here? Nigeria police!Ha! na today!
Linda i know the guys's brother, Henry o! He used to work at cool fm abuja, didn't even know it was his brother (cos henry is a christian). Infact the guys's entire family anr christians. This guy married this lady and turned into a muslim (dunno if its because she's well connected sha). But according to muslim rites, he's allowed to take a wife, the wife he took already had a son a year ago. The whole issue is just complicated. But i know the woman killed the husband.
nawa oo this story is fishy! if she killed this man e no go better for her walahi! no be by force to marry, you cannot take someone else life this is so wrong but then no evidence.
It's interesting how we react to espousal killing. If it was the man that killed the woman we would all condemn him being granted bail but now that it's the woman granted bail, we pray they find a solution abi wetin? Hmmm! Equality indeed!
the victim's sister is my coursemate and she said she's an orphan...whr will she strt from, and why would you shoot ur husband cos he decided to have a second wife and ur a muslim tot u guys whr allowed to have more than one wife...
@ segisonline i don't think it's a female/male issue. I think it is related to the "crime" committed by the deceased. He cheated on his wife and had a child out of wedlock which is a major "crime" to women. If a woman has an affair and a child from the other man, i'm sure the reaction would be the same if not more in support of the husband. The wife's action (if guilty) was extreme though. She probably had serious anger issues/ momentary insanity.
ok I posted earlier that killing him was a bit extreme, i change my mind. Men are bastards.
the victim's sister is my coursemate and she said she's an orphan...whr will she strt from, and why would you shoot ur husband cos he decided to have a second wife and ur a muslim tot u guys whr allowed to have more than one wife...
@first annonymous
So you are saying ALL Nigerian men are cheats, adultrous, will drive their wives mad and disgrace them? If that be the case, no wonder Nigerian women married to Nigerian men back in Nigeria look like crap! They look like a shadow of themselves with 'suffering' written all over them.
Nigerians are so forward, what happen to proper investigation and proven guilty before pointing fingers @ the woman, as far as am concern she didn't do it, unless they prove other wise.
She should just run. I doubt she will get a fair trial.
Linda i think this is a bit biased of u. I sent you a report from the affected families.which i urged u to publish so that both sides of the story could be heard but u didnt publish it. U cant leave issues to the court of public opinion and fail to publish both ends of the story. There were six people in the house on the day of the shooting including the cousin of the deseased and they all attested to the fact that the woman was in the kitchen cooking when they heard the gun shots..the police had since arrested all of them while the family of the deseased claimed they had been bribed by Hadiza's family to say so. Despite the persecution by the police and the family of the deseaded they have all stuck to their stories. And the deseaded had also been having issues with his family prior to this incidence. Infact on the day this sad even occured, they had already started laying claim to his properties and all. I wasnt there but i know that a lot has been going on underneath and that's y she was even granted bail. Lets not be too quick to pass judgement. Linda please publish the other side of the story so that people can ne better informed. For thelove of God this is a pregnant mother with a young child. Can u imagine how those kids will grow up if their mother's reputation was falsely smeared?
Well the mans family have been going about with the lies. Initially they said she shot himat the back, but autopsy shows it was at at the front n close, which can only by accident. Ad for Henry, I also know him, he is blatant liar, this same woman paid his house rent just 3months ago..
She is a cousin to Kassim not sister, You people should stop spreading wrong information
I know the Abutu family very well. The same people accused thier mother when the lost their daddy in 1992, they are doing the same thing to the wife of their dead brother. Its Dejava
I call this the perils of Nigerian marraiges.
i am waiting for you to please post mine and uptil now nufin you have not.
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