Mr and Mrs Wale Shofunlayo welcomed their quintuplets (three girls and two boys) on Friday December 16th at the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH), Idi-Araba.
Five children at a time, all healthy and alive? God is marvelous! Congrats to the legal practitioner and his wife.
Wow! God is great. How did she carry all ds in one pregnancy? God u're too much.
watttt......this is a miracul.....i thank God for her,and i pray God grant the children lung life,and provides the mother with strength to take care of them.
Mhen her husband knows how to hit d spot. Mhen but how did she carry 5 children inside her stomach. There reali is a God
God be praised
May God Grant Her Favor She Will Never Lack.
Oh God, this is the kind of miracle this daughter of yours seeks from you. Make it three for me at one visit to the labour room. Amen. Thank you because I believe it shall be so in 2012.
Waaaooowwwwww..........God is awesome,,,,,its a mystery how she could carry 5 babies in her womb at a time,,,,,God be praised!! i pray they experience great financial blessings to take care of them!!
Father Lord there are so many women seeking the fruit of the womb, please bless them, as for these people thank you Lord for blessing them tremendously, and may you continue to bless them so they will be able to properly take care of these children
Oh my goodness,
am loving this
GOD is great...I just pray that GOD would do this for me,,Be it Quaduplet(four)......bcos i wud know that yes,,,,,good....cus sincerely i dont kno how to cope wt dick Penetration......it Hurts..........
This day and age with the sort of bad economy? May God provide them with the wherewithal to provide for the kids.
Mr. husband go for a vascular bypass immediately. no more impregnating of your wife
God is good.
@ nky0409 the lord grant you your heart's desires , you shall celebrate very soon. Iya 5 congratulations the lord will keep them and provide what your husband will use to take care of them go do family planning I beg you oooh
Awesome God you are,,,,may the Lord bless n kip them and may he provide all their needs IJN
Nky0409: I join faith with you and a resounding amen in Jesus name... For me and you as we have desired and professed shall it be done to us, amen. #thankYouJesus20212triplets
and oh yes! the grace to cater for the children will not be lacking in that household in Jesus name, amen... Congrats to them
That is why God well ever b d best. Im hapi 4 her. Great miracle. May God continue 2 guard them always.
I hate news like this from Nigeria because the babies normally die one by one.
Let us contribute money to save these children or ask the state government for help. There is no time to rejoice.
The mother should find how to get those babies out of Nigeria if possible; even if it will be to South Africa for medical care.
Nigeria is a hopeless country where the rich become richer and the poor die in poverty. I pity the quintuplets. I cry every year when babies like these don't survive.
Yeah, God is great.A big congrats to them. I wish I could give birth like that too, I'm a crazy fan of multiple birth.
God is awesome....awakened to a miraculous birth this morning myself...May his name be praised
Oh i thank God the giver of every good gifts and perfect presents for he is worthy to be praised, may God bless you financial and give you and your spouse the needed knowledge to raise them in up in a Godly way.congrats
isin't God wonderful? five children at a time....this children shall be a blessing to them they will neva lack anything in Jesus name....Amen
You are a faithful God, who can fathom the depth of your understanding,you are worthy of all our praises,may joy never cease in their home and the Lord you shall provide for them and send help their ways. @Nky0409 as you have said in His ears today so shall it be unto you, you shall testify,by this time next year you will embrace your own baby(ies) you will go into that delivery room and come out with His testimony.
Waooow! God is Good, his the Greatest, May Almighty Allah be with you and your husband and he shall provide all the needs for you as a mother....
God is indeed a great God,and HE works in miraculous ways.congrats to the family and may their birth bring in blessings in Jesus name.AMEN
most probable that she used fertility pills. I pray she gets all support (especially financial) she needs. 5 kids no be joke.
God bless her! This is wonderful miracle. Oh boy but the expense wey go dey, sha God will provide! I wonder if it was all natural or IVF dey involved.
wow! I can't begin to imagine what size she grew into.
God is great!
How will she cope?Is this IVF?
awesome God!!!
HE Is a marvelous GOD, id say it n say it over and over again.
Congrats to the mother
My cousin too just had quadruplets (4) babies at once almost 4 weeks ago after 12 years of marraige with no kids. She had 3 boys and 1 girl in her late forties so God indeed is a miracle working God.
let God be praised amen
@chichiluv, u yeye oooo,very funny i wonder tooo.Great miracle
please, even before the age of IVF, people were having more then 2 babies. It's rare but it happens!!!
Congrats God will make a way
God bless you.
Am not sure its IVF, the husband is just a struggling lawyer and d wife has bin on sick bed since she was 2 months gone in luth. If dey could afford IVF they wouldn't have opted for luth. Now he said he would welcome financial assistance from pple. Am happy for the family and thank God for them. I want 3 myself, boys and girl. Insha Allah it will happen next year.
Papa God carry go in doin ur wonders
ivf or not!
Galore dey fool urself there. U wey b say na wetin u dey take brush teeth b dat. U no well
@ ANON 12.10PM you are just an ignorant idiot, suffering from inferiority complex or some form of complex. What we need now is well-meaning people to help them in kind or cash to take care of the children. What is this "take to South Africa" business? I believe you and a whole lot of others who think like you have a problem. Anything outside Nigeria is better? Have you ever asked the man walking the street in SA if he's better than you? The woman had her children in Naija so that should tell you that it is not all bad. Yes, the government is useless but do we always have to put ourselves down in favour of other countries who even wish to be like us? Congrats to the parents and the doctors who looked after them. The Lord is good and will give them the wherewithal to look after them.
I pray for a set of twins in 2012 IJN(Amen)Happy for the couple tho
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