Rungas Ltd gave me one of these Steel Gauge Cylinders. All the freebies I get. God bless blogging...lol. They also gave me one to give away.
To win this one-of-a-kind gauge CYLINDER, here's all you have to do...tell me what you like about my blog. But please, let me state here that there's going to be partiality here o. I'm giving this gas to a female, so if you're male, don't bother playing.
Yes???, please excuse me, it's my blog, I make the final decision and I say women only! It's not like you guys will put it to good use, so please I don't want any grumbling from the men folk. *hiss* :-)
So ladies, get started. Whoever I chose as the winner will get the gas tomorrow or next!
What I like about this blog is you damn honesty to everything!
I love your blog bcos it's real!
Above comment to Missy
I like the fact hat i wake up to fresh gist and the hottest happenings every morning. The fact that you tell it the way it is makes me ready it every day. Your blog is permanently opened on my system in the office and also on my blackberry.
To top it all a day without reading your blog aiint complete
Always knew you were sexist. Abeg carry ya osho free gas cylider go corner jare. We men will go and buy it
At anon 10:02am good job she's no sexist just keep quiet and go buy it for your girl
What I like about your blog is the sincerity, honesty and reality of life that you bring.
About your blog, i love that you are a two sided sword, you strike both ways with such impartiality that Nigerians should emulate, if its good you rejoice and if its bad, my dear you drop it like its hot.
And today i love that you are a sexist!! Girl power!!!
LOL @Anon 10:02am. YEs go and buy it. If Linda gives a guy now, he'll go and sell it.
@ Linda, i like your blog because there's no cap on what you can post. As opposed to other blogs that are strictly fashion, weddings, gossip etc. Your blog is an eclectic mix of non-stop news, gossip, society happenings, music, weddings etc.
I've been following your blog since 2009 and i can't count how many friends i've recommended it to. Infact, let me share a joke. I recommended ur blog to a friend, who had jst gotten a blackberry. She wanted good sites she could visit. Like some months later, we were gisting,and that Mercy Johnson wedding saga came up. We started arguing and she kept saying, 'i saw it on Linda Ikeji' 'someone said that on Linda Ikeji'. The thing come tire me, so i replied 'Is it the same Linda Ikeji i recommended to you, or is it another one?'. LOL.
Keep up the good work Sis.
Linda, *in terry g's voice* chop chicken and have running stomach, kpom. Wat do u mean by women only? Even if i don't cook, i have a dear mother who it would have loved to have it. This ur dry blog wey u no de update every morning. Mtcheeew!
Your honesty,down to earth,simplicity and ashamed of whom you are,you are proud of yourself never mind who is not for you.Sometimes also you humour in what is affecting you to get the message across to us.
i like your blog because it's real, fresh and ALWAYS has exciting information, and you are quite entertaining as well.
generally welldone keep up the good work
My brother (Mike) use to wonder how i get to hear all the latest gist, considering my ever-busy schedule at work ( I work as a PA to the Chief Executive in a real estate/property dev. firm). I told him about your blog and he's now an addict. i rarely get to read the newspaper or listen to the News, but whenever i'm in the bus, toilet, kitchen, anywhwere....it's LIB for me. dat's how i keep myself updated, u know!
Mike was even more surprised when he read insultive comments about u, and wonders, "why does she posts these annoying comments nauh"....and i tell him, dat's Linda for you oooo.....
final reason, Linda is a Catholic. What is there not to like about Catholic babes. our best qualities are our diversity, sincerity & openness....
ok, enough said....#smiles
Na cylinder we wan chop? abeg give the dang thing away n i sure will be eating 4rm winner's plate
i always suspected u were either Prejudice or a lesbo. Sebi na cylinder u wan take toast babes? anyhow, wish u go luck
there isnt a day i dont come on your blog. the thing i love the most is its versatility, you can find news about almost any and everything. I also love the fact that Linda makes it so funny, i mean there isnt a day i dont laugh. and most importantly, it keeps me abreast and up to date of what is happening around even before the media carrys it. keep it up Linda
For the past three years, i have be addicted to your blog, i love your blog becos u give us current international/local news before it spread. my colleagues and friend call me current woman because of u Linda . I love u gurl
I love your blog because of it's transperency regardless of whose ox is being gored, and it's frequent updates. :)
linda i am an ardent follower blog/twitter.....you are amazing and i admire u alot. your blog is evergreen, up to date and funny. i get all my juicy gossips and LOL while reading up. plsss give me the Cylinder...LOL am also a young and single girl....so the cylinder will serve me well! Much Love!
For me,it's the mix of the straightest & serious news with the bizarre and craziest gist that has me coming back every morning and refreshing the page during the day. I also admire how you keep going on, day after day, especially after each pounding from the mean and sometimes off-point comments on most of your posts. Rock on Girl.
Hello Linda,
I like the updated gists. You give true info and clearly tell us when story is unconfirmed unlike other sources that tell untrue stories.
I also love the topics you throw open for public to comment. And I think you know how to watch your tongue...lol. Adenike
Am a blogger myself, but the thing i appreciate most about ur blog, is the fact that you are impartial about ur views, you say the news as it is, irregardless of which personalty is involved, and this is not common with other bloggers. And ur example is something I am trying to follow as an upcoming blogger aswell. An also, you are down to earth.
Hi Linda,
I've been following your blog for two years now and it has become a daily activity for me. Everyone who knows me will testify that my gist is never complete without mentioning Linda Ikeji.
Your blog talks about everything and I admire your boldness, you're willing to share a part of who you are with us *wink* Thanks for that!
You've given a lot of people a voice though your blog. You're one of the few people that have made blogging a success in Nigeria.
Thanks to you, alot of people are bloggers today, including myself. You certainly are an inspiration! I wish you all the best on your way to the top.
I hope I win this brilliant cylinder - went to their website and i think it's a great innovation and hopefully will promote safety in our homes.
Ur blog is real and unique
i like the fact that i get current information from this blog and i honestly have to commend you on how you cope with all the insultive comment you recieve without getting even, if i must say information is the pivot of the world and you are living it, please keep the light shining you are an inspiration....love yah
Feminista Linda
love it coz it's ACTUALLY readable and real
We all know that information is the pivot where the world evolves and you are living it by keeping us up to date with what is happening around the world, exposing those dirty secrets, you are an inspiration to me if i must say am deeply impressed at how you ignore insults from people's commentm keep the light shining...
Cool....finally something for us ladies.....yea yea let dem all rant about u being sexist....it dont marra. The first thing l do when l get to the office every morning is to check ur blog....l tink ure doing a great job.....u come across as a fun person and dats great cos it shows in the stuff u report.Nothing as good as a little something to brighten up ur day right?..Way to go gal....l say rock on...but ur amebo na die sha....Looool
I love your blog because its simply the best thing since sliced bread! Abby
It is entertaining and top of the news.
linda ,u dont do ojoro. Am male ooo even though i no go win ,i go answer the question. Your blog is never a dull moment.its like guguru and epa for me everyday.
ur blog is da bomb
one thing i like about your blog is that wen i log on to my system every morning your blog loads faster than any other blog, i tink it is the *gossip*, you knows it spreads faster than whirlwind.
What i like about you and your Blog is,,,,,,,U give more preference to Lesbo talk,,,cus ee dey sweet ya Belle......and u like dem Genevi and Kim K,,,cus u fit Tongue wt dem......lol.....@linda me i be lady oo,,,but were i dey too far from Lagos,,,enjoy ya Gas eeh,,,,,
correct gist dat makes us laugh,nd u post comments of peepo dat insult u dats rear
I like the sex topics lolllll, Goodm Lin
Linda do you know what I think, I think you say things the way you here them, believe me there is no day i don't check out info from this blog. I think you are really trying. keep it up Linda.
I love the fact that you speak your mind and don't mind about what others think or say. i also like the fact that you're very sincere and not a fake like some other so-called bloggers. And finally, my day is never complete without visiting www.lindaikeji.blogspot.com
Hey Linda if you care to know, ive introduced your blog to as many people as i can tell and i also let them know that they've been missing all these while....
Dolapo Adeyinka
Mtchewww! Like say na car gift she wan give sef.
Abeg park well.
I like Ur blog bcos d freshest news n events around d globe pops up here,& there is sumtin new each day!
I like ur blog becos u capture the interesting NEWS dat we don't get to watch on TV or read on papers.U are real,unbiased and very controversial as well.Lastly u are not afraid to air ur view(even if everybody wan kill u with insult)
I love your blog and got hooked when l discovered that l don't bother listening to daily morning newspaper review cum d Yoruba version of it ( Koko-lnu iwe lroyin) and lm not crazy again in buying CityPeople/Enconium; all because l know dat l will get all d news/ gists from yr blog,
and you are real. You give us d news cum gists as it were.
I like Ur blog bcos d freshest news n events around d globe pops up here,& there is sumtin new each day!
Im a chick o Linda!
And i love your blog because it is young, unpretentious and you just say it as it is!
I like ur blog bcos my girlfriend hates it...chineke! I don implicate myself..**
You are not biased nor afraid of people and th.eir comments, you have confidence in yourself and cannot be bullied nor intimidated , it's likeacatch twenty two thing take it or leave that's what I have to offer irrespective.that is what I like about your blog.
What i like about ur blog is the originality which presents it coupled with d fact that u always bring the latest happenings within and outside naija withoy any bias. keep it up girl cos for me,no gist is real if not from http://lindaikeji.blogspot.com/.
What I like about ur blog is ur originality,d fact D̶̲̥̅̊ąτ̲̅ u put urslf i̶̲̥̅̊n̶̲̥̅̊ every situation.. U bring a story,say ur view åπϑ give oppurtunity Τ̲̅ȍ others Τ̲̅ȍ say their own view,D̶̲̥̅̊ąτ̲̅ on its own makes ur blog very interesting,people come åπϑ say Aω dey feel,sometimes yab u åπϑ sometimes support u åπϑ most times start an argument which Τ̲̅ȍ me is fun..Infact,u Çãñ get more gist on a story by reading thru d comments,dat Τ̲̅ȍ me is what a blog is all abt åπϑ I ♥ it!.This is honestly y I ♥ ur blog..
i like your blog cos you ll write it as it is without giving a damn whos pants on fire.......
i love ur blog cuz while am readn it my hubby looks at me,shakes his head and says "see her gossiping with 'Ikeja' woman
Linda Ikeji I just have one word for ur blog; Masterpiece
I don't know about others i just love gossip! I like Ʈ☺ know what's going un around me little wonder i spend .M̶̲̥̅γ̲̣̣̥ money buying magazine!
I like ur blog becos, u always update us every hour not like some other blog dat put updates once α̩̩̩̩̥ month,9 days ago,and everything in this blog is so exciting inspirational and ur blog stands out of all other blogs dats y̶̲̥̅̊ we are drawn nearer to u every time,u are really trying for the news update, becos of u boredom is far frm most of us now*mmwaah*
i love ur blog coz of d way u write....dere is a hint of free spirit and fun to it....it makes me laugh and in d process lifts some burdens...and the comments too...i always look forward to the comments...although i hardly comment myself ;):)
what i love bout ur blog is the delivery of the gists. Always detailed. its like am gisting with my 'amebo' friends when i read ur blog..
ur blog is where i get d freshest gist.it's fun & hilarious.ue & ur commentators r all crazy.i like d fact that u post comments even if ua dissed in them.
N.B: lemme know ao i'll get ma cylinder o cos i know i'm d winner.lol
Your honesty,truthfulness,down to earth,always yourself never mind what people says about you,above all the humour in you in the face of critizm. O girl you are too much.
i like your blog because it s hot,fresh,current,diverse and there is no sacred cow(at least i believe so)most of the comments makes me cringe! but i keep coming back for more.well...i guess it s addictive
what i like about your blog? me i like many things ooo but will just mention a few.
...i like the fact that you dont copy and paste like other lazy bloggers do, and when you do that, you give credit.
...i like the fact that you spice it up with a little of ur personal feelings and sincere thoughts even when you know people will criticise you or call you names.
...even when people insult you or call you ugly names, you still go ahead to post it for the world to see. me i wont do that if i were to be a blooger oo.
...i like the fact that you give gifts, free tickets and all.wink*and its fun to see people struggle to win them and i also love to read the abusive comment of people who are disappointed they dint.
...i love the fact that you made this bloog a family thing, it kinda feels like home when i log on it to see whats new. your gay stories? me love to read about them.celebs fashion"who wears it beta", me like that one too. i also like the fact that you bring international gists to locals like me.
Hey Linda,
Don't live in Nigeria so don't need a gas cylinder. However, I was just wondering why this is only open to women. Don't men cook as well (some even better than women)? So I don't understand your statement that only women would put it to good use.
Linda, you behaves childish and comes across as an inexperienced business person. you really need to take some courses on business communication. must you announce that u are not going to give it to men openly.
what you ought to have done is allow everybody to comment and of course the decision is your alone to make who wins. Saying that you would not give to men will be seen as sexist and discrimination and therefore doesnt sound professional for ur business.
Linda,hv been an harden reader of ur blog for over 3 years now and dis is d first time am commenting,i practically introduced all d people in my office to reading ur blog and ur blog is permanently open on my system in d office all i do is refresh.hv followed ur blog all dis years bcos of d way u connect wit ur readers i always feel like i know u personally each time i read anytin u post,u'r so open and i tell people i know Linda very well as if hv met u but it feels like hv met u cos of d connection i hv wit ur blog.just keep doing ur thing.xoxo
Ilove your blog because you just like tatafooing.lol.Anyways,your stories are quite interesting,and i look forward to it everyday,(i mean...even @wrk)choose me r not,i don talk sha.
I started reading linda ikeji's blog after laide '@exschoolnerd' mentioned her απϑ it has become a staple. Not a day goes by that I don't get my daily dose of news, goings-on απϑ, of course, gossip ;). Keep it up Linda, c'est tres enchanteur!!!
I was introduced to your blog by a colleague and ever since then its the second page I open daily (after facebook of course) cos I know I will get first hand information on both the entertainment industry, Nigeria as a whole and also info from other parts of the world. You tell it as it is,never minding comments from people. I have seen blogs of other people, they easily get frustrated whenver fans leave comments but yours is not the same, you give everyone the opportunity to say what they like. Keep up the good work Linda.
Linda what of those outside the country, do we stand a chance of winning? Because no day goes by without me going through your blog(even during my omugwo)
i love ur blog cos its the most controversial,with intelligent minds who not only read and make comments but also offers possible solutions to issues.Linda u rock babe.hope i win*winks*
I like your blog because it's informative and fun, and I like the fact that you publish almost all(if not all) the comments, even when they are not in your favor. I also like the fact that your blog is interactive...but more importantly, I like you because you are a free person, you don't really care about criticism, and when they come, I like the way you respond to them. You seem to have developed a thick skin over time.You are really prepared to be a super star! You have what it takes. Ride on.
N.B- I'm a very frank person and I HATE flattering people, even if they'll give me all the gem stones in the world.
You always try to stick to what is right and don't get discouraged by what some people who do not like your opinion on issues say. A case in point was Tonto Dike's out burst over the picture she took in London that you posted in your blog. She even went as far as calling you a failed model but you kept your cool and refused to join issues with her on your blog.
That is one of the things that makes your blog tick. Coupled with your level honesty & openness. Recall, you posted on your blog, sometime ago that you don't like penetrative sex. Most celebrities wouldn't dare to talk about such sensitive issues in public.
Linda, I love ur blog because that's my major source of first hand information(gist, news)I signed up on twitter just because of it so that I can read up regardless of where I am, I have never commented on any of your posts but I read all comments to the v last to have a v good laugh on pple's, opinion on the topic shared. I have been trying to add a comment since I saw this post, I hope It goes though this time uche
I love the way your blog is current and up to date always,telling it as it is with pictures that are clear and also giving us your views on all the issues.
I like you blog bcos its current and refreshing for me it replaces the newspaper completely
Oh i luv ur blog cos it kips me updated 24/7 on gossips "winks" plus i enjoy d kick-ass comments.
I like you blog cus its always on point with latest information and pics to back it up. Also, follow up on any topic is excellent. Dupebabs
I love ur blog because i get to know all the gists in naija while i am away.
My friends here in the UK call me linda ikeji, very funny. This is because whenever i visit them, the first thing i open on their is ur blog and trust me, i introduced a lot of people here to ur blog nad they thank everytime for that.
I also like the fact that you are what you are, no pretense.
If i get to win this despite the fact that i am away, i have sisters that can come pick it up....lol.
I love your blog because it is educative, informative and above all entertaining.
Nonchanlancy and gbeborun....
Dear linda,
Yes im motivated to comment on your blog.
I like your blog and it has become addictive for me...lol because
1. Its inspiring to see someone doing something new and making money from what she loves;)
2. I love the fact that i get all my news here, i'm not missing out on newspapers or anything at all. Reading your blog keeps me very much abreast and ahead of whats going on in the world.
3. its interesting and easy to read
4. The comments make me laugh for days....Characters!
5. It gives me content to also cheer up my colleagues in the office when the going gets tough
Fresh, sincere & straight 2 d point gist & gossip,waking up everyday looking out 4 a fresh gist & finding it difficult 2 sleep @ nite cos i just cant have enuff of it, a day witout linda ikeji's blog is an incomplete day 4 me. on my blackberry its on 24/7 & i refresh like every 5mins just 2 get a fresh gist,my phone is like a 2nd palm cos my phone is in it & my eyes glued 2 it cos of dis blog. i even follow on twitter, to top it up a lot of family & friends read d blog cos of d way i talk abt it. Linda Ikeji is d Ish
The fact that u make it real, with the fresh hot jist is da bomb..I&My siblings always av something 2 talk abt every 9ite, tnx 2 ur blog.. in my place of work, im ms lastest jist..ur fans r d craizest eva,no jist is complete without d comments, ur blog is off d chain..
Linda i like your blog cos you make me addicted to it...didnt have internet on my computer and had to use my bb...and ur blog crashed my bb(sad face)....your r real; u r current...u r the bomb...You are d queen of all Blog...its lINDA FIRST AND ODAS FOLLOW...other blog copy from you...we have two blogs in africa...LINDAIKEJI blog and others..wen linda spit it out....oda just copy and den its stale cos our original linda has already given us d juicy gist and gossip...yes gossip...winks....
Yaaay! Woman power! Hey linda. Well done o jare, for me to have ur blog as a book mark on my fone and laptop is a plus! I'm damn addicted to this blog. I love it's uniqueness,ur being truthful nd it's simplicity. Upto date information and undoubtable facts and prove. Despite all the harsh comments and insults, you pretend like you don't see them and still post their comments.(I swear you get good mind) I could go on and on,but will end with the note of your blog being 80% naija and 20% international jist! Compared to other blogs. Thank you. Mrs M.
THIS IS WHY I LIKE YOUR BLOG. I like the way you write, as if you are speaking.
linda carry u cylinder go moscow.. Bt me love ur blog cz its ur blog.. Ur blog is in deep lyk wet pu**y..wen oda blog bomb,urz exploded...#imaguy
d difference between your blog and others is like CNN and other news channels (NTA, AlJazzera etc).. while they all might be telling the same stories, CNN tells it in a way that u remember the news afta the news, cos its telling (un)serious things in a fun,creative, personal way.
Hello linda, to be truthful ur blog is the first page I open once I get to work! It feels lyk an addiction sumtyms (coveringface). What I like in particular is ur diversity. Ur gist is not one-sided it cuts across every tin happening around. Dere's fun stuff, politics, personal msgs for ppl in need (kudos) and a whole lot. Also u dont mince words, ur down to earth, u say it just as u feel it and u just ava way of talkn to ur readers lyk we r all padis (way to go). Real naice of u
What I like about ur blog is d originality,u spice it up all d time and d fact dat u're so down to earth u tell it like it is and u don't care if people think otherwise,I vist dis blog everyday cos it gives me undiluted entertainment and I also like d fact dat wen some people comment and they insult u,u still publish their comments lol.
I have followed your blog since 2006 when someone told me about it. You are one of the most sincere, outspoken, levelheaded writer/blogger i know....
...I wake up and one of my first morning routine involves reading your blog....i get back home and one of my last whinning down routines involves reading your blog....I dont live here in Nigeria at this time...but you make me feel connected ...not only to Nigeria but with news around the world......
...I feel that I know you so well because you have let me and your readers into your world with no holds barred.....
....You are so real..and I love you for that....
Ps...My mother is in Nigeria..so Ill give her the cylinder..should I win..(lol)
Thank you.....
Your blog is entertaining and informative at all times one logs in.
I love your blog because of the sincierity, your juicy posts, and the fact that you don't censor comments, knowing fully well that we all are different and unique, thus we have different views, you even go as far as posting comments that insult you, it only takes a true blogger to do such, if i don't come to your blog even for a day, i'll feel like i'm missing out cos i get to hear the latest gist even expositery comments on posts! Pamela Abana
I love your Blog 'cos,i get fresh and sensible world gists......
what i like about ur blog is dt its enjoyable,it gives d feelings of happiness and enthusiasm and above all it gives d real fact.
what i like is that you are so REAL and you bring the latest gist in town
why i love your blog? hmmmm..... Despite the fact that your blog keeps me updated it is very informative. its not all about the gossips and happenings of the town,its also very practical in the sense that you bring up topics for discussion,and this topics are what most men or women face in their marriages or life.i don't need to be a victim to learn.so i learn from other peoples mistakes and this is what your blog has also taught me.it has kind of redirected my steps in some areas and i love it. thanks a lot. Linda
i like your blog because, you say it as it is, not minding whose ox is gored.And if anyone wants to challenge u, babe u re ready to fight it out with ur pen and paper.
for me, i like this blog bcos of entertainment, inspiration and yes GOSSIP
nwa buru ga wa.
Hmmn by the time the contest is over, Linda's head would be as big as one of 'em cylinders....all these compliments! hehe...cool blog tho
Lindos!ur damn tooooo real.uv got guts like crazy.its rare to find such guts amongst ladies.not trying to saik u dearie.@least u simply gave us the opportunity to express how we feel abt u.......ur good,keep it up!
I like ur blog cos of d first hand amebo, n d way pple fight each oda here
I like the news but most importantly the gossips...
i only come to your blog because its you,no matter what the story is,its simply becos LINDA IKEJI owns the blog.
i like ur blog becos u re current on event around the world u re honest abt ur feelgs and u re real
I like your blog because it gives real gist, hot news, breaking pictures and you tell the stories the way it needed to be told.
You are real, especially the part when you talk about your singlehood......winking am quite sure am not alone.
Q'nette Said...
i like your blog cos you say it as it is plus including your love life 'wink', ur desperation to marry 'wink' ur view on gay and lesbianism and you wanting justice all the time and ofcos the funny and out of point comments.
I like your blog because ure arrogant and has raw guts. you tell the story the way it is.
Hahahaha linda , Na wa ooooooo, we go buy our own lolz
I like ur blog cos its entertaining and refreshing . I also like the human touch ur personality adds to it.
I can give you two 4 reasons why i love your blog.
one, your blog report the latest jist.
two, honesty with facts, such as pictures
three, the comment people make....some funny, some sad...etc..there u read comment of pple with different mind set.
Four, the advert. it helps to know what product is the latest and all.
thumbs up!!!
I will be honest with you, I love your blog because of the many many gossip and funny comments, I feel something missing in my day if I don't come here. Abeg keep my cylinder for me if I win ohh, am coming to naija for Christmas. Yessssss
I have reasons why i like ur blog.....its a easy to use blog, never freezes and i love d gists, gossips....yummy & delish.....and for d fact that when i don get fresh news quickly i feel like hitting u Linda hard thru my laptop....above all....it's d best blog wt d hyper traffic...trust me
I love your blog because it is the one place that is guaranteed to lift my spirit after a bad day. You are very sincere, funny and down to earth. You have also annoyed and amused me through the years and I love you for it.
So even if I didn't get to win the gas cylinder, at least you now know how I feel about your blog.
Linda,i looove your blog so much,cos you give us fresh and hot gist,and genuine gist and really appreciate you fr that,please keep up the good work*wink*wink*
The fact that you upload every comment, even when some are insults directed at Linda Ikeji makes me see Linda as a mature Blogger and that makes it real for me.
I love your blog because you get to post anything and everything from local to international occurencies. No boundaries and restrictions. I call it the "dare" blog! Also added is a touch of human feeling when it is a sad case. Bravo!!
I love your blog because I see myself in you, you say what I would have said given the circumstances- no holds barred. You are a truly person, setting your own rules doing no harm to anyone, and to those who they are hurt by truth can go boil bar beach water****
I'm addicted to you..no I MEAN YOUR BLOG*****
Plus I NEED the Rungas steel guage cylinder.shikena!MUAH!
Gist me blog, whatever anybody say,'na dem sabi, e no concern me attitude'. Your blog gives first hand gist, that makes a lot of difference, i like that.
Your blog gives great insight on general and sensitive issues in a way that gets people talking (and sometimes laughing).
Any writer who is especially dedicated to opening dialogue and creating multiple perspectives on the way forward for humanity (and nigeria) has my 21votes (that's 10 fingers, 10 toes and 1 good head).
Good job Linda! Keep 'em coming!
I love your blog bcos it's current, colourful and I'm sure i will get the real gist here. I enjoy comments from you followers too, there is no dull momement.
Opeoluwa O.
I love your blog cause it's always full of fresh gist. I get the most current gist in twon first on your blog."I mean you are up-to-date"
I love your Blog cos I got tired of online newspapers telling me about the woes of Nigeria daily...I come here to brighten my day up ...A day without Linda on my laptop keeps me hugging my husband's phone to get the latest gist at night!!!
Your blog is always up to date
What I like about your blog is that it has no rival when it comes to 'aprokoism'. Your 'gbeborunism' has no equal and your 'ameboism' is 1st class.
Name : Female Surprise
LIB is the bomb. Fresh stories as in ongbona felifeli. A day without your blog for me is incomplete. I need quick deliverance ooooo. Just love your honesty and simplicity, it's just uhmmmmmmmmmmmmm. Love you Linda, what?????? Did I just say that, please o, no gay intentions in mind, fourteen years is too long not to read LIB. LOL
I like (and fear) how bold you are. And the fact you air everyone's view (unlike some other blogs).
i love your blog cos its real and i get to hear all the gossip first hand. There is always a story or comment to make me smile.
Your blog is best described in one word - ENGAGING.
I like that I can always get loads of news & gist. Moreover, the comments are so entertaining.
I don't know how you do this but, this blog is da bomb!!!
I love your blog becos its real and down to earth.You blog about real issues and u present these real issues from a point of view that's very similar to mine.
What i like about your blog is the fact that its a place to get up to date information about what's making news around the world with special emphasis on Nigeria. If anything is happening here , you most likely will read about it on your blog.It also highlights the plight of people who need help whether its the help provided by the public, or the one specifically provided by the authorities.
Your blog is an addiction for me. As every little moment I get to access the internet, your blog is the first thing that i check.
Reasons being that, you're so real with your post and the comments from your readers cracks and makes my day any day lol.
2. The fact that you use your blog as a media to reach out to a lot of depressing issues and a medium to appreciate womanhood and what we stand for.
3. Your blog is very educational.
In fact, just keep making us proud Linda.
Your number 1 Reader
evry day ur blog alwys put a smile on ma face becs its enlight me more on wat is going on in ma evironmt
Linda, l love your honesty,kindness,down to earth,ability to accept critism either positive or negative,always letting go and you learned to move on,loving,receptive,you are real no be photocopy and above wonderfully and fearfully made.
Linda, I love you so muchhhh ooo! You are "ARU EE AYE ELU" ~~ R.E.A.L.! HEHEHE! MUAHHH
What I like about this blog is the transparency,entertainment,oriniginality and the gist is always on time,ihave managed to influence my household too,lol,I enjoy every bit of it,
Keep it up girl!
You Blog is simply a rape to traditional journalism....no apologies please!
Linda, wetin be this naw???
So single men dont cook abi??
you are the best,i was just introduced to your blog and since then, the first thing i do in the morning at work before i carry out any other assignment is to check ur blog,it is just real and exciting,i love your gists,keep it up gal.lots of love
I love ur blog cos its all rounda....u post entertainment,political,sport,educational,foreign gists.That makes it complete
Truth be told I can't do without going through ur blog in a day. It has really "uped"my game with fashion pictures and pple's comment on how a dress should be worn or not. it has given me insight to so many things of life like dear lib readers and contributions from other pple to help solve their issues.I like d pple who visits ur blog too,they make me laff and sometimes make me angry with their comments. It is refreshing and sometimes appalling when they comment on some issues but above all linda u make these things happen. I love you.
I like your blog because you are like 'Oprah'. I kid you not. You have inspired us all. From humble beginnings, you have showed us. It is possible to take charge of our own destiny. Linda Ikeji Blog inspires me into believing, I do not have to wait for the government to put food on my table. I Can turn my passion into a multiple stream earning vehicle. Do not think we do not see all the blogs springing up, here and there. We do! All are inspired by this blog. When we see you taking pictures of your Toyota Camry. Which minimum income job will help us achieve that? We might have to be old and grey first. Even foes of Lib come here on a regular to get updates. If they are not 'Inspired' trust me, they won't even waste their time commenting. People may disagree with me comparing you to Oprah, but if you motivate, inspire, risk your life most times(ABSU rape, politics), come here and vent about issues like your personal relationship experiences, topics other bloggers will not touch. My dear! You are indeed headed for greatness! Thanks
I like your blog because you are like 'Oprah'. I kid you not. You have inspired us all. From humble beginnings, you have showed us, It is possible to take charge of our own destiny. Linda Ikeji Blog inspires me into believing, I do not have to wait for the government to put food on my table. I Can turn my passion into a multiple streams of income. Do not think we do not see all the blogs springing up, here and there. We do! All are inspired by this blog. When we see you taking pictures of your Toyota Camry. Which minimum income job will help us achieve that? We might have to be old and grey first. Even foes of Lib come here on a regular to get updates. If they are not 'Inspired' trust me, they won't even waste their time commenting. People may disagree with me comparing you to Oprah, but if you motivate, inspire, risk your life most times(ABSU rape, politics), come here and vent about issues like your personal relationship experiences, topics other bloggers will not touch. My dear! You are indeed headed for greatness! Thanks
cos you're so damn nasty...
hi linda .. ur blog makes my day everyday even times when my boss acts like an ASSHOLE.. all i do i run to linad ikeji an crack myself up.. thumbs up dear.. u rock. by the way
Hi Linda,
What i love about your blog is much because it is the latest of all blogs and any information i read else where,am always like stale gist..Linda Ikeji already posted that,plus you go into full details of any gist except the ones unavailable, and whenever you post your comments are real,u dont form,u are just you,have booked marked my page to the extent that once i press L,it brings Linda Ikeji's blog,your blog is informative,educative,has comedy,gist,fashion,news,what else..please u deserve an Oscar, but gift or not i appreciate your work,as a lady u are my role model,and u r trying..Thumbs up to you Princess.
So much for equality. Women want to be equal to men, yet they want to do partiality and still want only the men to be romantic.
I have been following your blog for a while now but this is the first i am dropping a comment. And wot do i have to say..Thumbs up for you, everytime i go thru your blog and i see the popularity it gains on a daily basis, i see in myself so many opportunities that lies ahead of me, though not cut out for bloging but ur blog is like a mirror that i behold...Thank you Linda....
You are just yourself, whole, truthful and downtoearth, a day cannot pass by wtout me opening ur blog; even my system is aware of that by default. it is lindaikejiblogspot.com. I avnt seen two of ur kind in recent time
I love the fact that I can get the latest news from around the world on your blog. I have the page bookmarked and I'm constantly refreshing the page to read new gist *winks*
i like the fact that i can get up-to-the minute gist and information. plus there is always something to laugh about
i like the fact that your entries come across as effortlessly written, even though im sure it must take some skill to put all the info together
LOL WTF IS THAT?seriously
My friends call me and ask " babes abeg wetin dey happen?" my response - Go to www.lindaikeji.blogspot.com.. i mean, i dont have to pay attention to most news cos at d end of my stressful day i log on to ur blog and get every current gist happening in d world.. i mean who can do it better than Linda Ikeji? Mbanu! No one.
Make i no lie,i love d tatafo kaiiiiii......gist 2 bahddddd.
Linda Ikeji's blog is being liked by moi coz it posts recent happenings which cut across gossip, beauty, lifestyle, events and a whole lot that the world at large is interested in.
In a world where everything is either politics, religion or both, your blog is one of the few NEUTRAL voices left. Don't loose it!
i like this blog because even when i am not opportune to get the stories when they are fresh, anytime i log on to this blog, i get full load of the gist. I can always refer my pals to this blog to get the latest stories.
Annon December 21, 2011 10:02 AM
why are you getting unnecessarily bitter? How many Nigerian men cook? Abi you want Linda to give you the gas so that you could give it to some girlfriend?
Hi Linda,
You know I love your blog. I'm an ardent fan, so I deserve this cylinder.
I like the fact that you mix serious news with gossip, which actually keeps your audience going.
No wonder your blog won the most controversial blog recently.
Your openness to issues and reactions to topics is worthy of commendation.
Personally I applaud your guts and frequency of news. Your blog to me is the busiest of all I know.No dull moment!
I open your blog every day cos it publicise latest events daily.
'Cos every gist relevant is right here!
Dear Linda, this is my first time of commenting on your Blog even though I follow it regularly. This is just a Piece of advice cos i've read you give so much credit for the Freebies you get to Blogging. I've seen Blogs, I know Blogs that started before yours but are nowhere today. You must thank God first and then YOUR ARDENT READERS and FOLLOWERS! They it is whom have kept your Blog alive all these years. Linda's Blog is not for Linda but for Us. Your Star will never dim and your Blog will keep growing and stand out. Keep up the work. I love your Blog and your personalty as well. Cheers!
There are many reasons why I love your blog. Gee, where do I start? Let me start with one of the most compelling reasons, which I believe will be the leading reason by everyone – you keep it real. You are just true to yourself and your readers. You allow your personality to shine through on your blog and it you come across as authentic. I like the fact that you stick to what you believe in, even if it might be a minority opinion. And because of these, your blog come off as original. It has a unique feel that only Linda can give us.
Many people try to copy you, some even lift your blog’s description verbatim, even with the *wink* - but none can be Linda Ikeji’s Blog because none of them is and can be Linda Ikeji.
I love you – and your blog – for not succumbing to pressure, I know you must face all the time to “rebrand” and get a unique url, and “polish” up your look and feel. I love the confidence to stick with the blogspot format. It adds to my first reason, for loving your blog.
I love that you don’t censor comments. You allow people the freedom to say what they feel and I love your humble responses that come occasionally. It shows that you care about your readers, which is the third reason why I love your blog. I notice that you do mention that someone you blogged about is an LIB reader. It goes a long way to show that you really care about people. That’s a big plus.
Everybody needs a platform to be heard. I love that you lend your blog to have the voices of everyone – famous or not, rich or poor, powerful or weak – to be heard. You publish things that people send to you for free and you are so generous in person and in spirit. It’s an uncommon virtue and it’s highly commendable.
By no means the least, I just love your readers and their loyalty to your blog. Some of them are nasty, but they are loyal readers nonetheless. I like how they remind you of your blog’s history, how they link one story with another. How they even offer you suggestions on what to post on your blog, and how you frequently oblige them.
So, Linda, if this submission isn’t a winner … you will still remain my favourite blogger.
Lots of love.
I get it all here.... from News to fashion trends to gists to gossips and so much more about celebrities, unknown people, pastors, politicians and also the blogger herself- Linda. The whole package is an addiction.
e no fair lindaoooo
wetin dey worry Linda sef. U no knw say some men need am pass women.
I like your blog because you serve your gist Hot and in a manner that makes me always want to have more, and you dont disappoint, you keep the gist flowing. infact i have introduced all my friends, they love it die.
the most amazing fact is that you also talk about yourself too. even though some critics want to kill themselves.
The bottom line is that, i cant do without reading your blog everyday, despite my tight schedules, me i like Gist...lol
Hey Linda,
I like your blog cos u give us the latest gist. I live in Canada and yes we read your blog...lol. Its interesting and its keeps us connected to our Naija...I'm not trying to win the cylinder cos i def dont need it..I'm just saying...pls keep the gists and gbeboruns coming...thanks
Hey Linda,
I like your blog cos u give us the latest gist. I live in Canada and yes we read your blog...lol. Its interesting and its keeps us connected to our Naija...I'm not trying to win the cylinder cos i def dont need it..I'm just saying...pls keep the gists and gbeboruns coming...thanks
I love your blog, its my one stop for all gist and it has that personal feel like u are gisting me whats up. I like the fact that you stay real and you do not relent. It can't be easy doing all the blogging on your own with little or no errors sef , I admire how committed you are to your blog.
I like your blog not just because it is entertaining, socially-conscious and féminist but primarily because you have à lot of broad-minded and sensible commentators. Sometimes burning with passion for my radical view of à topic, I rush to comment only to find several people have written that same point.
Where is my comment Biko nu
Linda,I cannot find my comment O.Na wa for u O!Hian!
I work all day, not having time to listen to news or gossip, so i come on your blog to keep myself updated on happening around me, so i like your blog because it keeps me up to date even with my busy schedules.
I love your blog because of the sincierity, your juicy posts, and the fact that you don't censor comments, knowing fully well that we all are different and unique, thus we have different views, you even go as far as posting comments that insult you, it only takes a true blogger to do such, if i don't come to your blog even for a day, i'll feel like i'm missing out cos i get to hear the latest gist even expositery comments on posts! Pamela Abana
i like your blog because it tells it as it is.
I love your blog cos it makes me laugh in spite of the stress associated with living in this country.
Hi linda
The reason i lik your blog is that i get firsthand jist nd. Ofofo(lol) . I get the late jist news, i get information. And Ɣ☺ur plain nd blunt
lol @ the males comments. Well, I like your blog because sometimes I just laugh at the comments and that makes a difference in my life for that day.
Linda Ikeji's blog is what i call A-Three-In-One blog because it is informative,educative and entertaining,which is something you hardly get with other blogs.
You make your blog very real, and this makes it easy for readers to relate with.
Wow! Linda its a good thing to admire something, and to like that thing, i love your courage, inspiration, showmanship, and above all your continuity; besides if you don't have these qualities there's no way you'll have good produce.
lmao see how people are rushing 4 cylinder chai!
Linda I no say na guy u like give d gas to u jt dey form
Cylinder shud be given to Aziza...Nice composition.
how do we know the winner
With all this ass licking,linda doesnt need wipes anymore!!
lwtmb!! @Nike J....harden reader?? *or my eye don dey squint??*
All these epistles!! Chai,Linda how will u choose naa?? Even me,i don dey confuse oh!!
I no dey find the cylinder sha,but i sure can't wait to see who gets it.......*grabs eba & edikang ikong*....WHO GETS THE CYLINDER? Part two playing...
I love this blog cos i get all the latest updates/news in all areas( wedding,fashion,shows etc),,both local and international.... and of course I love the gossips too,,
what I like about this Blog? Is YOU and is so amazing, no matter what anybody comment about you abuses, insults, or rude comments Linda you never reply or bounce back your page is not a battle ground between you and your blogger....I LOVE THIS BLOG
i love ur blog because every information i got to read are based on fact. u get ur facts before publishing. people are being enlightend through ur blog. u r doing a great job keep it up.
I just got a call from Linda that absolutely made my day. Yet another reason to give thanks! Thanks Linda, LIB readers (she told me some people began to nominate me to win) & Rungas!
Merry Christmas to everyone and a Glorious 2012 ahead!
You LIB readers are incredible. Thanks for this! You all have been such an incredible force in my life.
I'm giving Aziza Uko the cylinder and i'm buying for the lady that compared me with Oprah. Awwwwww...imagine? lol. Contact me lady - lindaikeji@gmail.com - and I will have one delivered to you.
The rest of you, thank you so much for playing. Merry Christmas
Linda u blog like ure relating to ur chummies in a room and it feels like a personal discussion wt u, no holds bars. U make it interesting by the day and ure not afraid to open up on personal issues. U av mastered the art of respondoing to insults from ur fans/foes, my best stil remains ur response to tonto dike callin u a failed model. U are always aware of everything going on and u sure know how to keep it busy. Babe, ur blog is a mix of fun, gossip and news. Makes more sense than NTA I must say.
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