Efe, by his trade, hypnotised women he prophesied to and lured them into believing that they were tormented by evil spirits. He told them he had to have sex with them so he could exorcise all the demons which, he claimed, were responsible for all their misfortunes.
The lid was however blown off his activities when he bolted with a digital camera and a laptop computer during a prayer session with one of his victims after a hot bout of sex.
The Divisional Crime Officer of Tesano, ASP Stephen Donyina Kyeremeh, said on Wednesday December 7, 2011, at about 5pm, the suspect met one of his victims at Alajo where she was about boarding a bus.
He confronted her with some prophesies of happenings in her life which she admitted were true.
The sexy prophet then continued that the lady needed prayers urgently so they had to return to her abode.
The lady aborted her errand and took the strange man to her house at Alajo.
In the cause of the prayer, the self-styled prophet managed to convince his victim to have sex with him in order to exorcise some evil spirits which were presumably tormenting her life.
After satisfying his libido, this dialogue took place:
Prophet: Which of your possessions is very dear to your heart?
Lady: My digital camera and my laptop computer. They are gifts from a relation abroad.
Prophet: The items were possessed by some evil spirits before they were sent to you.
The camera and the laptop ought to be cleansed because according to the prophet, they were the remote causes of her problem, telling her to bring them.
His victim, like a lamb being taken to the slaughter slab, obediently brought the items and another prayer session began.
While the victim was busily praying, the suspect bolted with the computer and the laptop.
In the middle of the prayer, the woman opened her eyes and to her shock, she was alone.
After several hours of waiting, she gave up until a week later, Wednesday, December 14, when Ese called the woman on her phone.
The sexy prophet, who did not know that his plan had been uncovered, told his victim that he had seriously been working on exorcising the evil spirits from the two items but the spirits were so recalcitrant so he would need another bout of sex to speed up the process.
The victim, who had then become aware of the suspect’s intentions, informed the police who ambushed him.
At the appointed time, when Efe showed up, he was arrested and whisked to the Tesano Divisional Police Station where he admitted to the offence and handed over the camera and the laptop to the police.
A search through the camera showed nude photographs of several women suspected to be his victims.
ASP Kyeremeh said while the police was yet to charge him, a female caller who was later invited to the police station came to corroborate a similar event between her and the suspect.
The second victim told the police she had come to remit the suspect, adding that usually after their sex escapades and prayers, she remitted the sexy pastor for his effort in exorcising the so-called evil spirits which she was made to believe tormented her.
Wonders shall never end in Nigeria. I beg, ladies; i dey here o incase you want evil spirits exorcised from your bodies. And to think some ladies fall for this. Yeye man!
smh... dt is why the bible is there as a guide! knowledge is power. hw can a man claim to solve ur problems by having sex with you nd u agree? the lady nids to b arrested for stupidity!
God have mercy........are these women daft or fools???? i cant imagine someone believing such theory of casting out demons with sex......on the other hand he may be using JAZZ to speak with them oooo.....
na wah o. how many inches is his thing. i hope it is long and thick. might be the reason why these women keep going back to him.
when will people learn to know the different btween right from wrong. all this so called prophets sef.
My people perish for lack of knowledge!! The bible is indeed a complete book,I jst wonder how some people can be so gullible to the extent of falling for such trash;MTSCHEWWWWWW!!!
Juts how gullible can anyone get in this day and age?don't people read their Bibles again? I agree 100% with Anon 9.12, the lady should be arrested for gross stupidity, likewise every other person that has agreed for some "strange penis" to enter what's so precious to them.I really can't get over this!
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHHA............CHEIIIIIIII!!!!!!!! This is the funniest story i have EVER read on this blog. Haba!!!!! I dont even know wht to say, the guy na bad guy no be lie!!! But he's not sharp at all. All the same he got pussy
Linda, where on earth do u get ur stories . this looks like a scene from wale adenuga's comedy comic IKEBE SUPER. lmao
Linda, where on earth do u get ur stories . this looks like a scene from wale adenuga's comedy comic IKEBE SUPER. lmao
this kind thing no fit happen for naija, thats why the dirty perv go ghana, sex for deliverance indeed, how stupid are these women??
This story is very weird, what kind of dumb woman is that? I won't be surprised if they say the woman is married *rme*
Rubbish! How can they be so gullible? I wonder if these women have garbage for brains. Mtchewwww!
Omo d guy sabi d scope wela,anyway i dnt blame d lady cos dis man fit d use jazz to talk to dem,fo him fin to penetrate enter
Its nt a funi mata oo... Doz ladies beta go n do Hiv test'.... Afta flogged 4gros stupiditi of d highest order.... Haba!!.. D man no even fine 2start wit!... If na beta persn woo doz ladies dem 4d do shakara oshi... Jst smal trick dem fal yakata!..... Open leg yokota!.. Begin colect kpakapkaka!...mtchew. AMeBo says so...gbam!
fucking them without HIV test, most of this girls wen they see a man that is serious for them, they will be wise, wen they see yaya man, their sense will die completely, hw can u tell me that somebody will tell u that he wan to deliver u with his penis as a mantle u will believe, shame to u, una for show us their picture and take them for award MUMU people competition
These women are so foolish! I am a woman but I don't buy into this kind of gullibility. We just forget and do things our own way. Have you ever heard that sex speeds up prayers? What kind of problem will someone have that he or she will forget these home truths? Please they should release the fake pastor to continue his knacking MINISTRY - Efe the sexy guy. He obviously has a groin problem.
Na God go judge you all false prophets.
Dis is jst rituals..xactly,wat gee-boys use deir gf 4..d more u 4k,d more money u get...nemesis is catchin-up wt dem,sum mysterious death...odaz get caught!..
Our women are a disgrace why are they so desperate , look at the hungry looking scum !!!! Which Kai problem , pickin , husband , money nah it's not worth the man climbing and grinding .
I can't believe dis...dis lady's are just bunch of fools..if u have evil spirit in u,u could alwaz pray&deliever urself..
Bunch of foolish women,maybe most of them are even married now,later they will be saying I married as α̩̩̩̩̥ virgin but wat they do is worst than prostitutes,looking for prophecy up and down ,they want to know if their husbands are sleeping around or y̶̲̥̅̊ hasn't their bf married them mtchewwwww
Just let the man go. The women were so desperate they lost their sense. Nonsense! Take a good look @ the stinking thing you allowed near you.
The truth is dat evil spirit resides in the buttocks of most ladies. The bigger the buttocks, the bigger the demons. So it is logical for a holy penis to screw out the demons. The only fuck up is dat the guy stole laptop and camera.
THIS IS PURE STUPIDITY. I cannot lie. To all those women that are letting men exsorcise demons with their penis and thiefing your belongings int he name of demon possession YOU FRIGGING DESERVE IT!
Why are women so gullible. Even if she has evil spirit, is it by having sex that she will be free? Dull woman.
This is pastor Mboro the 2nd, people are just too stupid i dont understand why any woman can fall for this in the name of deliverance(unless he is making use of uncanny powers)well the prophecies recorded in the bible are undergoing there fulfillment
Abeg Linda where this thing happen? I mean local government area and state. I need to take my next vacation. e be like say na mumu women full there. I am tired of all these lagos babes asking too many questions before dem gree for one touch!!!!lol! Seriously calling the women in this story gullible is a compliment.
Infact eh, the gullibility (is that a word?) of people dey baffle me tire! Sex in the name of removing demons???? The look on d man's face sef makes me feel like he is INTRODUCING demons in the women's body rather than take them out!
Na im be say, if i come outside tomor say i be the messiah, people go follow me oooo.
Foolish women.
I can increase your Internet traffic with my long penis. This offer is for sexy ladies only. Linda, where are you? Call me, now.
some ladies are so dumb that they will believe that trash
Ladies, i can jump start your broken down car with my d*ck.
@anonymous: i think this happened in Ghana. Tesano police station is in Accra...
first time poster!!! Linda ring me bell! I have never laughed so much in my life! Why does the article refer to the guy as 'sexy pastor' lol. All na wash wash. The gals wanted it jare! Leave story that he jazzed them.
Dis is si disguting. The evil spirit dey my vagina?al dese women who need quick solutions 2 problem that arnt even dere. Mchewww
Nigerian so called prophet and their wahala never end!! what a shameless fool.I just hoping he face his judgement and not to be release by nigerian police after their usual settlement
Anybody that fell for it deserves it..
Ladies should run for their dear life anytime you hear about prophesy or the like before you get trapped.
Are those ladies for real? The stupidest thing i hve ever heard. Ladies.....hmmm.
Ndi amuma ugha...false prophets!
Lmfao! So pple could exhibit daftness n stupidity at d same time? Na wa oh
What will they charge him with now? Obtaining sex under false pretense? If so they need to arrest every man in Lagos including moi ;-)
His only crime was running with the laptop and camera, everytin else na jara!
.Why are women so STUPID. in this 21st century ? ? ? Nawao o o..
wao...its had to believe that Nigerians still give in to people like the horny prophet...its crazy
OK, im tired of this thing as "Nigerian prophet, Nigerian pastor, Nigerian man, Nigerian woman," blah blah blah WE GET THAT HE IS A NIGERIAN!!! DUH!!! why do we Nigerians constantly like to drag the name "Nigerian or Nigeria" around with every bad news story?? you can simply say Prophet who claims....etc. SHEESH, enough already.
This is no different from the Bishop that slap people. Where are the people who warn others about "not touching the anointed"? why not let god judge this one since he's a man of god?
blind Nigerians
These women are as gullible as the Shiloh congregation that cheered when a young woman was violently abused by for being a winch for jesus.
Nigeria has been totally enslaved by these frauds called men of god.
see this yeye man oo.bearing my name as his first name and my sister's name as his surname...mschewwwwwwwwww to infinity n beyond...dey shud deal wit him very well
This is Nigeria. Extremely superstitious country.
Choi dis man was getting free cure for "KONGI" haha, his cup don full, but women sef, they need to be arrested for stupidity ooo (even if the man used jazz on them, dey be mumu+mugu joor)
Abeg make they watch him in prison oo, he might be 2nd rev king in prison hahaha.
The first question i would like to ask is.....Did these issues happen in Nigeria? There is no place called Tessano PS i Nigeria as well as Alajo. People do things and claim Nigerian!!! I am doubtful of this cause Naija ladies are more aware to fall into this kind of touted ordeal.
we naijarians re always decieved by RELIGION and ETHNICITY.until we all put aside all these 2things then we 'll have a greater NIGERIA
to think he was successful. Doesn't look like he has game...but has at least for the said 'victims'
Quite funny
this incidence goes a long way to xplain dat women get carried away by what they hear rather than what they see. it high time most women wake up and stop sleeping on bike.
my people perish for lack of knowledge! when they cannot read their bible and pray by themselves but chasing after miracles! mschew! I have no iota of sympathy for the victims!
As its obvious that this man is an impoverished and sex starved dork,nobody is coming to his rescue.what he did was bad.But if he has a private jet,owns a university and goes by the name 'papa';they will come rushing to condemn Linda.she should be careful.fire and thunder on the last day,bla bla.......DOUBLE STANDARDS
LYK SERIOUSLY.....sum women are highly STUPID.dat dirty lukin guy wu luks lyk he has evil spirit himself,plus dey are FOOLISHLY GULLIBLE 2even believe dat crazy tale of usin sex 2chase away evil spirits.dey sud b arrested 4aidin d crime cuz dey opened d door of dier houses WILLINGLY.
When someone comes up to u and say d need sex with u so to exorcise evil spirit with his penis a bell should b going off in ur head (mad man )
people!! read bible for yourselves and dont be deceived by false prophets. If you study the bible, you will know how to avoid wahala instead of running around looking prayer warriors and prophets who can tell you your past. present. and future, take your money and sleep with you on top of all the fasting you must have done. Haba!!!!
People are way too lazy to read the bible for themselves. Too lazy and at the same time in a hurry for financial miracle, so they will do anything a prophet tells them to do. How can a man tell you the only he deliver you from demons is by sleeping with you and you will agree??? He might have HIV or full blown AIDS or any other STD for God;s sake!!!! When you have eyes and can read and see for yourself????
Come here, friends. I am just getting sick of these bad people and OF THE WAY WE REPORT THEIR ACTS. If this happened in the US, the headline would be "MAN WHO CLAIMS TO ...". But in our own case, we must insert "Nigerian" and insert "prophet" or "pastor" for the story to sell. I'm guilty of bashing Nigeria as well. But I am just wondering if it does any real good. This is the case of a psychopath who does evil...nothing to do with being Nigerian.
It serves them right. Why cnt u kneel down and pray to ur God?
really??! some women are damn so gullible!
Lwkmd!!! I can't believe this level of foolishness still exists. Kai! Ikegwuu! And this happened in Ghana, not Naija, just to clarify. Na wa o! Off to open my own ministry in Tesano or whateva it's called!*packing bags*
This total crazy if it true anyway cos linda might just be feeding us with stories from Super story! The lady should be arrested and procesuted for stupidity!
Its unfortunate how people are willing to belief anything in the name of God. Even very educated and well exposed people are gullible enough to fall victim to this kind of Fraud. God help us. Please everyone should know that you are God's creation and you have full access to God. Kneel down and pray to God.He will answer you. Enough of worshiping this false men of God scattered everywhere.
is this story really true? i find it hard to believe that a sharp naija girl will be so gullible. the story smirks of falsehood
Hard Guy! Na Wa oh!!!
its igbo please not ibo
While we delight at calling them daft, I beg to point that the culprit remains our society. There's no such thing as jazz (according to some comments) and there's no such thing as prophets (in this day and age). Move on guys, work hard to achieve success and stop believing these trash talking, lying, randy, and heinous criminals in the name of God!
Naija oooooo,hahahahahahahahahah!
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