"Those who are saying she married me for money will always say that. But let me tell you the truth, whosoever propagates such lies does not accommodate good things. There are wives and there are wives. It is easy to have a girlfriend and enjoy yourself and have fun. But I have found out that when you want to settle down, you must do it with someone that will and must make you happy always. Nneoma makes me happy. She is the woman for me" - Chinedu Ikedieze
they look kinda weird (height wise) but that is love. May God grant both of them their heart desires and bless their union.
he should stop trying to justify his marriage he should just go be married.
who cares?????msheeeeewwwwwww
dies he have money????
Weda she marry u for ur money or not...d koko of d issue is dat she don marry u....na one woman go shall marry d guy abi u want him to remain single forever, and u cant expect him to marry his status (celeb concern nah). Aki enjoi ur wife jare
Ok. we have heard
My nephews should'nt see this oh!!......how will i explain to them that they can't kiss till they are older?? *confused*
aki no mind dem jare...... Even if she married u 4d moni...whokes?...as far as u guys wont appear here on /linda blog/ seekin d'voz.....
N 4d records... Most gal marry 4one tin or d oda..so,.... Aki enjoy r marriage.... Gbam!
Forget that thing aki, u r just starting in marriage and so do not have any experience so don't start talking about wives here.
9ice said more things than u r saying and today parade don change.
Just pray u have the kind of partner u desire in ur newly wedded wife. Cheerio.
I guess the other girlfriends werent courageous enough to say "I Do". Lets be real...how many ladies will want to marry him if he were death poor? xcept for those in his class of poor cos any average, beautiful, graduate single girl will waka pass.
that said i do hope for his sake his wife married "him" and not "aki". happy married life
Way to go. Nice 1........God bless ur union AMEN
Oyeah! Hmmm. See bragging... How does Aki even have self? I think she married him because he is famous!
who cares? how many times will he try and justify his marriage? stop talking and go and be married. Happy Shagging Aki ;)
How far naah Brros hope you have started shinning the Congo ? Now dats the koko .leave wetin them write for body of bus. enter the bus .
get out of here!!
you sound like a kid.....
Am very sure when AKI was sayin this NNEOMA was givin him Blowjob.......Ee neva clear for ya Eyes........Aabeg u n ur wife,,,make una park well.
Abeg eh dis money dey r talkin abt,,how long is it? how much is he worth sef?its not lik his dangote rich so pls make dem free us jor.abeg next
dats good to know,congratulations
No she didn't marry him 4 d money. I guess she married him bcos he is eeerm,eeerm eeerm.....
Biko, what is that white thing on his hand? Is it like that thing a lot of brides wear with their wedding gowns? I guess he didn't want to be out done.
Most 9ja women marry for money or into money if they lucky..kini big deal!!..
Anonymous 2:37pm whats your Point?-____- mschew!
@ Anon 3:02pm, exactly my question. How much does he have sef? Babe don marry am, case close issue end.
happy 4 u aki,any gurl wey marry u na ur wife bdat,abi nw,"ohun ani la nani"
these ones should shut up already!
people should just let this couple be
lets just pray that it will last.
Haters are abound everywhere. Without them this world would be boring. So keep on hating. Abeg Carry on with your Life and Love Aki.
For whatever reason she got married to him is non of your business. Yes i mean you!
nigeria is a land of destroctions and disunited,,,
and i like must of the comments here,,it shows me that every nigerian woman married a man becos of what he has,,,,nigerian ladies dont marry for real love,,but what they can gain,,iam happy for those guys that married a richer ladies in nija,,gbam
God Dey! To be happy is all that counts. Gold digging or not.
lets pray dia children be lyk d moda
Na una sabi.......whether she married u for ur money or not is ur own bizness.......at least she has a right to spend ur money as ur wife.........
Well,ao wud u knw u aki knw if she married u jez bcos of ur money? Wateva d case may b,hapi marriage lyf.
tell dem busy bodies to mind der own,d won wei neva marry make him marry person wei go like am 4 am,wen em still no fit chop self....lol,n besides bible said dey shud not put asunder abi...........tell dem MYB
Other than her nostrils and ear holes, I can't think of any other hole that will fit Edu's biro cover. Edu bros!!! U can reach out to me if U need help wit dat buttocks.
Best of luck Aki, but......
Abeg make 2 of dem go sleep,hw dat concern us,linda NEXTTTTT!
Chinedu wht kind of money do u hv..that a woman would wona marry u 4? Ur jst an average man struggling to make ends meet....so wht a 4k are u on abt...hiss
*laughing* even if its bcos of d money, will he say it? let him be deceiving himself so as to be happy, else....
we've heard this countlessly, why broadcasting it again, and again? kukuma put it on CNN let us all know!. We don hear naw... Time will definitely tell. No hating o, buh' its very apparent dt d wifey finks he's got so much money. Let him be poor 2mr & let's see d true love in it. :D
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