The baby was born in Brazil last week to a 25 year old Brazilian woman, Maria de Nazare,who said she had been told by doctors that she was set to welcome twins.
The baby has two brains and two spines but shares one heart, lungs, liver and pelvis. They've been named Emanoel and Jesus.
really amazing. Siamese twins! i wonder how doctors are going to handle this.
Why name the child emma and jesus? Why not abel and cain?
Check out this video on YouTube about Abigail and Brittany Hensel "Joined for life"
They are similar to the new born babies but they are now much older. Follow the link to this comment for the video.
Strange thingy
God is great...
interesting lets see how dey will survive
God is wonderful
They are known as conjoined twins AKA siamese twins. If the surgeons try to remove one head, they may both die or the one on the left will survive.
Would any barren woman prefer to remain barren or have such siamese twins?
Na real JESUS!!!!
amazing grace cute babys
Dis is indeed a miracle....... Can't shout***
poor babies,dey shud carry out an operation on dem dts d only thing dt can be done.
Omo wonda shal neva end!
God please seperate us from this kind one, will I called it blessing or a curse? If na blessing, abeg I no want am, biko!
A child is a blessing 4rm God, bt a child wit 2 heads, its bizzare. Ppl 'll get scared of him when he grows up. All d same. GOD knows best.
very healthy
Wots wit her givin the names of Jesus τ̲̅ȍ her children! Abeg ȍ!
Men!..dis is serious...mercy killing wld jst pay a LIL--
this is scary didnt the mum have an ultrasound they could have operated on her before they were born
Lord have mercy.
These is a set of twins not properly formed.
I have been trying to avoid seeing the pic after reading the article. Didn't know linda will have it as a headline now I'm forced to look at it. These kind of abnormalities trip me out. Okay, so what's going to happen now? Are they going to leave them or do surgery?
I pray that my children come out with no complications, IJN Amen.
At first comment. Did you mean that she would have had an abortion? What kind of operation can be done on babies before they are born?
Jesus is not an uncommon name there, no need to be alarmed!
But wait Emmanuel was also one of Jesus' names...maybe we should be alarmed :s
Jesus(pronounced Hesus) is a name just like any other name
OMG Linda some of your readers are so effin DAFT! you couldn't make some of these comments up. Okay posters 2, 3 and others like you read the below:
1) Jesus is a very common name in that part of the world. it is not the same as JESUS CHRIST.
2) they are conjoined twins. Yes, quite uncommon but not a complete rarity! stop acting like you have never read a bloody newspaper in your whole life.
3)The mother is not complaining so stop suggesting operation and pointless fucking ultrasound (WTF?!) as a cure.
4) Google is your friend. Ignorance is not bliss and daftness is not entertaining. Get a fucking education and stop sounding like a complete moron.
**Rant Over**
Nigerians did not comment on this post because they are scared, superstitious, believe in ghosts, spirits and Santa Claus.
Oya o, Naija people, make una cum run una mouth. Lets get the comments for this post to 200.
This is genetic mutation, but which of the favours of your Lord will you deny. God knows best
For those wondering, Jesus is quite a common male name in latin America.
And there's a spanish footballer called Jesus Navas..
To donate more hair 2 Nigerian babes
@ Meroh, pele o, ndo o, mr or miss or it "I am smart, have explored the world and well read" assole! U made very valid points but u didn't need to sound so condescending and ur insults were unecessary. Over do oshi. I too know. Anyways my fellow naija people u have heard it all. They are conjoined twins and "hesus" is an extremely common name amongst latin people. As for the one that said if this is a blessing, they would pass, I am speechless. Do u dictate to God?
They share vital organs like the heart and lungs. So there could be danger separating them.
@meroh,i think it nt 2 strange.siasame twins and jesus is a normal name in latin.our pple should upgrade a little.!
This is not siames twins. The only thing they av differently is their head. Its just a baby that malformed. Anyway, who can question God? Maybe it was the fault of the mother, who knows?
To Anon, December 24, 2011 6:08 PM:
They are siamese (conjoined twins). One twin just never fully seperated from the other, hence stalling the 'extra' child's development.
That said, I LOVE this blog. But sometimes, the sheer ignorance displayed in the comment section is insane. Asides the fact that Jesus is a very common latin american name, are some of you actually insinuating that either of these kids are too abnormal to bear a name of such religious significant??
The Jesus we worship was the greatest advocate of love and acceptance. I'm not saying wish this challenge on yourself, I am just appalled at the dumb misguided scrutiny displayed here. Some of you need prayers, seriously.
but they shouldn't have named the baby Jesus tho...:/
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