A jury convicted the former Southern Illinois University student in October of attempting to make a terrorist threat and unauthorized possession or storage of a weapon.
The judge sided with jurors in dismissing Oduwole's claim that he was an aspiring rapper, and that the threatening words were innocent lyrical musings. He was sentenced to five years on the threat charge and a year on the weapons charge to be served concurrently.
The threat note was found in Tosin's abandoned car by cops in July 2007, just a few months after the Virginia Tech massacre. The writing demanded payment to a PayPal account, threatening "if this account doesn't reach $50,000 in the next 7 days then a murderous rampage similar to the VT shooting will occur at another highly populated university. THIS IS NOT A JOKE!
The aspiring rapper insisted in court that he "did not mean to incite fear. That was never my intention. That is not my character." But he failed to convince the court the writing was innocent lyrics and other musings. Also, unfortunately for him, when they searched his on-campus dorm when he was arrested, cops found a loaded gun.
an idle mind is the devils workshop, if he had to hustle day and night like his mates in Naija before he can feed himself he wont have time to think up such rubbish...........
This one is just a dullard on more levels than one should be allowed to be a dullard on...
OLOSHIII na the Yankee wen dem send am go do b that.....
Nigerians at home are suffering those outside the country are also embarrassing the nation.
Oloshi abi oloshi!!! Ode buruku!
Will sumting good ever come out of ds country?
If it is not bombing,it would be kidnapping,murder, husband killing wife, boyfriend maiming girlfriend, armed robberies,accidents, husband snatching and strike that is d kind of news we read in Nigeria today, don't even go to PM news dt will even worsen d case..it is well..
He don belle full he dey look for wetin go burst him stomach, at 26, ao many of his mate gt a car in Nigeria?...shameless he goat..
freee tosin... i know this guy for 10 years... he harmless jor he was just writing lyrics freedom of speech...
He does not even look sad!
Una don c d difference btw a society dat works & 9ja whr next-2- notn woks?! Imagine conducting such a thorough investigation over a random note in an abandoned car, cos they knw dat prevention is beta than cure. Meanwhile in 9ja, kidnappers or a terrorist grp wld write a similar note & address to Aso rock &........ either they get paid promptly or a new gadget is quickly purchased to protect d already over-protected Aso rock!!! 9ja! Only God go help us!!!
he is such a silly child! his mates r in yankee schooling or trying to make ends meet legally,he is dere fooling himself. he shud rot in jail abeg!
gbenga where d hell are you come and see ur bother! tribalist idiot. As for this rogue, thank you for tarnishing nigeria's image once again!oponu. i eish they gave you life sentence, see his ugly face.
na wa awon yoruba, terrible lot, disgracing us everywhere..just look at his ugly face,wanting to kill for ony $50,000. God help us.
The bible was right, "Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it" am sorry but loads of parents are failing in the raising kids dept, they run after wealth and not focus on what matters the most.....Am not in any position to judge but I think the judgement was fair
The Arabic textbooks which show children how to chop off hands and feet under Sharia law.
The shocking books, paid for and printed by the Saudi government, also say Jews need to be exterminated.
Nigerians, wake up about Sharia Law and Islam.
y not a life imprisonment for sb with such terrorist tendencies. they shdn't take chances o.
It's alws sad when innocent lives loose their lives to actions taken by terrorists; it's better to nip this in the bud.
Again. what is it with blacks and wanting to be rappers and entertainment freaks. who are the pple that will take ova from d generation of aging think thanks policy makers, leaders of today. it's food 4 thot.
every black tom, dick n harry these days want to sing/ own a record label. there are better causes than living a gangster lifestyle
How stupid can u be? Wot is a college student doing with a loaded gun? Gangstar rapper. To say they made a scape goat out of him is an understatement. Let's just say I have "seen" instances where people similar or worse to him got 1 to 2 yrs max and were out in 9mths with gud behavior. Not sure when blacks especially foreign blacks will learn they get the shorter end of the stick whenever they act up. Foolish. Mutallabs long lost twin. Ode oshi
When did he migrate to Ame?? He think he dey Naija where all that ransom note crap works?! Buhahahahaha. Idiot.
I'm sure prison will inspire more of ur rap lyrics.
*clears throat* So what was that idiotic gbenga saying about Igbos again?
What else can I say other than "I close my eyes in shame for this fool". He should know that Americans don't take lightly to terrorist threats. He's even lucky, they gave him five years,and he could probably spend less if he appeals later on. This is stupid. Instead of him focusing on his future, this is what he decided to do...so sad!
if his name was a northern name,they would say it is islam that has pushed him...amunibuni omo!
anonymous 1:32 and others that seem to be "frustrated" this is the problem with Nigerians. I believe we also give ourselves a bad name. why is it that all the things you named happen on a daily basis in other countries as well, i.e. the United States. I mean Nigerians spend so much time airing their own dirty laundry. with every story about a Nigerian they attach "Nigerian woman, Nigerian man" DUH, from the fucking name we get that the person is a Nigerian, why restate it? all those things you named happen in every country, so why the fuss? every time someone is raped, there is a story, every time someone is murdered, there is a story. not saying its not news worthy, but dont take those stories and become insane enough to believe that these things are peculiar to Nigerians or happen to Nigerians more than any other group of people.
PEOPLE THINK and stop shouting Nigerian all over the damn place!
Linda you didnt add that Federal agents already had their eye on Oduwole before as a gun dealer told the police that Oduwole appeared overly anxious to get four semiautomatic weapons when he visited the gun store........
Olushi Ode buruku !!!, they should deport him later and let him go farm for village and hustle. Disgraceful child
This guy is a big fool! Mortgage 5yrs for $50k. Iwa palapala.
Sounds like a mental case to me. Poor thing! I am sure he has parents somewhere in Nigeria boasting that they have a son studying "abroad".
Mutallab's 'protege' i guess. THIS IS definitely NOT A JOKE bro. Lesson learnt i hope. http://zeyzouview.blogspot.com
What a waste
Linda, they found the body of the Nigerian pharmacist lady. http://www.postandcourier.com/news/2011/dec/23/woman-found-sullivans-island-identified/pharmacist girl
may her soul rest in peace
mama born mumu n is prayin 4 d son to live long ,how ? na d mumu go kill her son !
knuckle head!!!
Now you see the consequences of foolishness.
Now his parents and siblings are going to be profiled for life! They literally have to get new identities.
If they were working for the govt, it has affected their clearance. People just don't think.
Quite annoying.
This line is just as good as a violent rap line. Common, let's look at the positive side. I believe he is an aspiring rapper but see what it got him. I feel sorry for him.
So I went to the same school as this dude.....................kinda sad I guess
If you want to be a blackmailer be a smart one fool...lol
This dude went to my high school .............................sad I guess
His behavior is not Yoruba at all. he must have an ibo or Hausa mother,
This is a very sad and pathetic situation, but a deserved judgement.
Aspiring rapper my ass i dnot think he knows what d family of these killed @ virginia tech r feeling he should thank God d that he get 5yrs
in rare cases, d trut do apia 2 b uncompelin. I tend 2 bliv a lil in his defence, dis is largely bcos i've been a victim of false accussation...& I've watched Boston Legal 2(lolz)
ezigbo onye ara...chai just dey fool his country and his family....
Segun,you are totally right,this is nigerian today.
Where the tribalistic Gbenga? I'd like to hear his take on this one.
Ewu, so that's what his parents wasted school fees on? Agbero
Ewu, so that's what his parents wasted school fees on? Agbero
Pathetic Gbenga is at it again. Lol. You can never be omo igbo - the PRIDE of Nigeria.
Unless one of us agrees to clean your sorry ass and walk down the aisle with u.
Unfortunate incident, interesting and sarcastic comments. Could this be the Tosin I taught ten years ago? Only he can tell. I feel for him, sincerely....
Idiotic Gbenga...please google "419 criminals"/ "Nigerian Criminals"/ "Credit card fraud and Nigeria" and please tell me the tribe where the VAST MAJORITY of them are from ode. I bet them too are not "full yorubas". Ofe mmanu n'eji ka ike mbe!
I feel sorry for the Oduwole family from Ijebu land although some of them are well educated and doing well worldwide.
One Oduwole was gunned down in London by gangsters a few years ago. It was very sad because the police are yet to uncover his killer(s).
Is this one from Ijebu too. He does not deserve such a jail term although what he did was wrong. Was he well represented in court? He has tarnished his family name.
National Disgrace...mmtchewww
so according to you "he has an igbo or hausa mother"? Well guess what? HE DOES NOT FUCKTARD! AWON OFE MMANU, AWON OLOSHI BURUKU! See the way your people are disgracing themselves in yankee? If it was an Igbo person now, your black-as-shit ass will be jumping all over the place like a hyper monkey afflicted with HIV, talking shit!
You are lucky Linda is kind enough to post your tribalistic comments. Loser!
Go join ur twin National disgrace in prison! Oniranu aje eyin awo.
@ANONYMOUS -December 24, 2011 6:38 PM CONGRATULATIONS...you are just as TRIBALISTIC and narrowminded as Gbenga. The sane person fighting with a mad person ...its hard to know who is the mad person and which is the sane one.
gbenga continue living in denial odeoshi!ofe nnmanu.
after the 5years he go come do 2yrs with chop agoyin beans and bromide bread
@ gbengq actuallly .tosins mom is from benin. Stop being a tribalistic person. Bad image is bad image and believe it or not, his family members are devastated about this
Where are his parents?
why are you people paying attention to Gbenga? How do you even know Gbenga is not from Niger Republic or Mali or Cameroon.
Those who claim to be his pally! Explain this, why on earth did he order guns off the internet? Why was he trying to sell one online, though he didnt physically have it??? He's jobless jare. Did he finish his degree? Rapper my behind. He should know the fate of a black man in today's US society. Thats like someone screaming nonsense at the airport and telling TSA "they were only joking".
Gbenga just likes to stir up nonsense.
Igbos are known to be the biggest scammers. Hausas are known to be terrorists. But, when I read an article of the names that FBI has on their list. They were all yorubas. I've heard too many yorubas who are involve in 419 crap, so it's not only igbos.
All the people crying over this boy, oh, he's such a good boy, he has disgrace his family. Good, let the oduwole family see the son that they have raised and what he's been up to lately. This is not Nigeria, this is America there will be consequences for your action. I know a guy who has the same last name, very cocky guy. Not sure if they are related but I hope he's ashamed of himself now.
There are many young Nigerians, igbos and yorubas who are involve in some stupid things here. Why do Nigerians like to be in a state of denial. It's so stupid. There are so many disturbing things going on in the Nigerian community in some states here in the U.S, so, why act like Nigerians are always innocent.
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