I hear D'Banj and his crew planned to storm the award, where he was also billed to perform, but on getting to the airport yesterday to travel to SA, they discovered that the Channel O Awards organisers had gotten him an economy ticket, instead of at least a business class ticket, which I guess he's accustomed to. So he and his crew turned back
But the two parties are saying it was mostly a communication break down...D'Banj had been placed on a wait list for a business class ticket but the flights were fully booked for days etc etc...
So since he won't be there live, the Channel O people went to his Lekki home to record an acceptance speech which will be aired during the show when his award is announced.
Was D'Banj right to refuse to fly Economy? I don't know...I kind support him on this sha...he's definitely earned the right to fly first class. But if it were me, no economy ticket will stop me from attending a show where I'm being honored...but that's me..:-)
lol.. I want to say no, he's got no right to refuse the economy sitting but I understand that stardom comes with a few 'ish-es.' He probably wanted a little semblance of personal space, which is often times not provided for celebrities in the economy section.
Let's be honest, when you reach that level you don't fly economy. He's earned the right to fly business class.
Diva much? If this is 'true' then he Must eat a humble pie, pride goeth before a fall. He could have paid the difference get his award and then Settle with the organisers.
linda, linda, linda, pls dnt make me hate dbanj lik WTH, wats d big deal in flying economy, b4 he became famous, what was he flying, dapo abeg go sit don.....u becoming too arrogant 4 my liking, wt is wrong wit u....cuz u r signed 2 good music, u wanna loose ur humility&turn 2 kanye, respect urself&linda u had better post my comment *RME*
hmmm!...the word am searching for is humility.
whether he flies 1st Class, Economy or Middle class..it does not take anything away from him as a superstar! God forbid, he flies in 1st class and the plane crashes and everyone dies..will his tombstone read "here lies Dbanj who died in an economy/1st class cabin"? and how many hrs is Niajah from SA dat he can't fly economy or those that fly economy not human beings?..
Na im time to dey shine but still he Shd hv humbled himself cos this life get as e be. It wasn't a deliberate attempt to ridicule him by the organizers. No one knows tomorrow. May our future be better than our past. Amen.
Linda! So since morning, this is the only thing news worthy wey u see to post! #bbm.not.interested.smiley....next!
If i were dbanj, i would not board o! For wetin? He's an international star, heavy de-repping. So i support. But since he's so big, dem for charter small private jet na.
If u like no post my message.
when u are big, u are big!
if he enters economy now..trust naija, de will yab d living day lights out of him not bothering to know d underlying reasons why. they will say plus all d milions he's making he cant even book a biz class...even now dat he turned d economy ticket down i can bet even some bloggers here will still diss him that what is he feeling like..Nigerians? u can never please dem.
DBANJ way to go! u did d right thing!
Well done dbanj. Economy bawo? Hell no!
ha dbanj dare not sit n economy o, ah he wl not sleep all night, trust me na autograph & pishor he go dey snap wt people tl d crew go say 'fasten ur seat belt, u r n jobug' ahahahahahhaahhaa i support him, can channel do that to any of their starts? rubbish - one of their ways to ridicule a black man...koko master, i support u nothing do u jor osheeeee
he has every right to even demand a private jet. if he took the flight next time they'll proly expect him to com by ABC transport.
Thumbs up for him for refusing to fly economy class. If it is any of the western world artistes they are inviting, will they buy economy ticket. Any of double standard joor.
Idiots when they are flying awon yankee stars is it economy tickets they send to them?
For all of u yabbing dbanj, u dey craze. At the end of the day, a man should not be disrespected. Them giving him economy ticket is disrespectful.
I'm not even a dbanj fan but omo lets start treating our own stars like STARS. we worship the "has been" yankee stars but want to treat our own like dustbin....pssst
@anon 7:59 . lol. u are so right. he is a big boy n should be treated as one. a whole glo ambassador! international music star! wetin???? give d brother some rep! channel o, c,mon
Absolutely! I totally supprt him not flying! He would have been mugged flying on economy. Stars don't do economy! Which kain mistake be dat nah!
Some people on here have a hard time with comprehension. The guy was on a BUSINESS CLASS WAITING LIST! He thought that was what he was going to fly with.
I agree with you Linda. However, I feel like he should have flown there regardless because they were honoring him and he was meant to perform. Rihanna, who is a much bigger star than him flew economy class not too long ago. There are times when you should judge a situation properly. I feel iffy about this story.
We don't know the exact reason but if Linda's story is accurate then I don't see why it should have been a problem for D'Banj. If I were him, I will fly there and make them compensate me for being disorganized. They will make sure such B/S doesn't happen again. They can't try that sh*t with American artists.
Warren Buffett (2ns richest man in America) and top 5 worldwide flies private. Case Closed. *also did'nt he or sunday are see the ticket before leaving for the airport*
Dbanj is a celebrity,that's how they roll. I think he has absolutely every right to reject an economy ticket. Even celebs like Kim Kardashian that have absolutely no talent, no one dare put them on an economy flight. They don't even fly commercial at all but private planes to engagements and all. I support @shakara, channel O will not do that to any American star or a SA star even those that are not half as successful or talented as D'banj. This has nothing to do with pride or anything, it's just setting your standards in order not to be taken for granted. period!! You will be surprised at the outrageous demands that hollywood celebs make when they are invited for engagements. People like mariah carey demand that gold faucets be fitted in her room a new tiolet seat must be installed before her arrival and other ridiculous things. Flying first class is the least that any celebrity of Dbanj's level could ask for.
Dbanj na back seat economy seat u go dey if u dey go hell so why didn't u just take any seat. Make pride kill you, i don't know why God give stardom 2 d wrong pple. Trust if na 2baba now E no send, after all nobody holy pass. Dbanj don't u know where 2 buy an air plane. With ur big head
y shud d'banj fly economy? how would he have peace during the flight? its poor organisation n he was totally right not to tk it
Truthfully,I donnot think its a case of him been proud.we need to give kudos where due and we in Nigeria would not treat an invitee with such disdain.if they wanted him badly enough,they should have made the arrangements early enough.we are not second rate citizens so we better start acting our parts.like someone said,he has earned the right to have 1st class treatment irrespective of what will be written on his stone when he dies.
If they had agreed on a contract and a business class ticket had been agreed on then he is right to demand what had been agreed upon.I am sure Dbanj would not mind flying economy if the need arise but this is business and people should keep to their side of the agreemeny
Na God wan save am from HIV,,,,,weda na today him for catch Aids for SA..............SA pple make una go tie una yansh ooo,,,,,,,to d gay,,,,make una go tie una Dick,,,,,,No Soapy tonite.........
He was right to turn it down....a pity he won't be there.But the guy is a star and should be treated as one.don't think any of those yankee stars would take anything less,its time we start appreciating our own stars.
i support dbanj....once you lower your standard once,they will keep offering you shit
So what, being humble is being able to sit with and even communicate with people who are not of the same level as you are. I mean c'mon even Jesus sat with sinners, to be exalted...you have to be humble. If he had taken that flight, people would see him another side of that they don't get to see on a daily basis.
Personally, ignorant and proud people make me sick!
i'm glad he refused
At this stage of his career, he should be way beyond the economy class. His actions are fully supported by me. Channel O and other organizers, too, will take correction and learn respectively, not to treat an award recipient (of his class)in such a manner whether by omission or commission.He's 'ENDOWNED' beyond economy class jare, file!
As a human being you have a right to choose your lifestyle ! There are people who are not super stars who will not fly economy....simples!
If my lifestyle affords me a plate of rice at Hilton every lunch hour then i might not fancy lunch at Iya risi at oshodi under bridge ..its not pride...its my lifestyle, Life gives to us what we ask of it.
dbanj u a mentor, u always knows what best 4 u. U a genius, d best, u well packaged and dis thrills u gives out are what puts u far ahead of any naija stars. U a brand.
LOL see his head, if he was really at the top wouldnt he have his own personal jet to fly himself places and have them just reimburse him? He hasnt reached that level, cause if he did, the airlines would have got him off the waiting list for business class.
So D'banj refused to be at the #ChannelOAwards cos he was issued an economy ticket to J'bug. Wats the big deal about economy class seat?
Rihana used the underground subway during her LOUD tour in London. She sat with the commoners (her fans) signing autograph and bonding.D'banj made a bad choice and he needs to learn that your fans can make and break you anytime. I NEVER LIKED HIS MUSIC ANYWAYS. *loud hiss*
Haba! Y will they treat d kokomaster lyk dat, its unfair even klever jay can't fly economy talkless of dbanj. If u r a celebrity and u dnt knw ur worth u will be mistaking foolishness 4 humbleness.
Style Plus won an award and one of them openly tongue lashed the hosts for not sending their tickets on time. I think it was the best award they received. The 'tongue lasher' was ill-mannered.
Pride comes before a fall. D'Banj was a loafer in London. He sang 'Mobo lowo won', which is about how he was told to do fraud and was almost caught, but escaped without doing it in the UK.
I don't think he found out about the economy tickets at the airport. He would have known earlier from the travel agency. The Prime Minister of Britain takes economy class, so who is D'Banj? D what? Rubbish! D'Banj is a university dropout.
If I ever become a millionaire. I will fly economy and give the extra money for 1st class to charity on every trip I make, unless it is a free ticket.
When people die, are their bodies flown to Nigeria by First Class? We can never carry money to heaven. Our families won't allow us to. They will remove it from the caskets. We can only leave good or bad names behind. What would you leave?
this ugly stupid man i wonder who gave him the 2 awards. Dbanj or whatever you call yourself you are a man of no class sorry for you as there is something they call humility. If i were the organisers of that event, i wouuld take those awards away from you nonsense. business class ko economy ni mshew!!!
Abeg make D'banj park well jor! what rubbish? i flew economy with Alex Song on d same line of seat, i was 32e while he was 32f, from London to Germany, all this our Naija so called stars self WTF... Linda you beta post my comment
Me tink dat honour shud be given 2 whom honour is due, someone of Dbanj calibre shud b given some respect although dis celebrities are becoming too egocentric....!!!
Understand Dbanj's point 'cos of standards..it might later become a pattern with Event Organisers..but he should have used some wisdom and discretion..his reaction if true was so razz!!..
When LOST was one of the most syndicated shows on the universe..the Nigerian actor in it..we both flew Economy..he probably stayed there in order to hang with his friends..a bit of humility goes a long way..BadAzzX
@ shakara ----- jare i totally agree with you , these south africans they treat nigerians like s--t , am very glad he didnt settle for less , i once was seated with a white man , we had a good rappor until i ask am say where ehim come from as he talk S.A , i just tell am straight say if i had know he was from there i would have changed my seat , was he dumbfounded after dat na bone , i bone am reach our destination , yeye ppl, the blacks sef dey are useless ooh , i know say na try dem one try my kokomaster , he come show dem say dem born am well , ride on bro, one love !!!!!
If na BEYONCE them give economic or second class make she take go award, she go do am?? Ehnn so make no body blame Dbanj for his opinion .
thats right he did the right thing! i can't even remember when last my daddy didn't fly business class...
@anon nov 7.42 and others stfu if you had 'MONEY' not 'money' in your account you won't be saying that shit
*RME* and every other low class goat that thinks it's not a big deal for Dbanj to fly economy, PLEASE SHUT THE HELL UP.
Dbanj has EARNED the right to fly at least, BUSINESS CLASS. Have you heard the demands other celebs make??? Vivica Fox asks for nothing less than a Cadillac to pick her up. And she is a D-List star. It's only in Nigeria where people expect you to be a slave because you're in the public eye.
I LOVE DBANJ SO MUCH MORE FOR KNOWING HIS WORTH. How dare those cows buy him an economy ticket? So that children will be crying his ear and saying 'Uncle Dbanj, please feed me my food since I like your KOKO' lol... Would they try that if it were ordinary Alexandra Burke or some UK or US star? It's Dbanj they want to use for salad! Thunder fire their yansh!
Abeg Dbanj, keep showing these unprofessional people pepper.... And let these slavish Africans continue to be slaves and be crying over your right. Yeye people sef....
O well Lily as u said, had it been me, I would've gone regardless of my being irritated @ d situation...but he could have refused for a variety of reasons so I'm not gonna judge him, I got nothing against him... I also feel d organizers really did not try...these shows r annual n I guess planning starts well in advance, so for ticket, for an Honouree, to be an issue @ d 11th hour...come on, dats just not good enough!
Instead of crucifying Dbanj who has hustled his way up, we should be crucifying all dose USELESS lawmakers/politicians who deplete our national income on first class tickets n private jet hires..thats who we should be angry at!!!
Abeg u guys shld free dbanj, wen u get hs status,u wld knw hw it is. Wen ure big, ure big
Dbank dont mind the haters. There is not "divalistic" about what you did. Organizers should NOT make silly mistakes like that. They want you at their event, they should get you there the right way. To all those saying he should have upgraded himself and get reimbursed..I differ. If he does not do it this way, these people will conveniently "make the same mistake" again and think they can get away with it. I hope someone got reprimanded for making such a mistake
*I've got so much class they think I own a school...
-D'banj (Mr. Endowed remix)
I support D'banj on this one. Demand respect always - some white folks have cunning ways of undermining Africans. Good one D'banj! Show them you don't come cheap...you've worked to come this far!!!
@Jez, this thinking of yours is exactly why you will never become a millionaire!
As someone said, if Channel O really wanted him there, they would have done the right thing.
They knew they goofed, which is why they went to record his acceptance in Lagos.
This has nothing to do with humility.
Channel O is not MTV so he should have expected economy class. Channel O is based in South Africa and not USA. He is ignorant and very arrogant.
It costs a lot of money to plan awards and pay every awardee's flight ticket. Some awards don't offer free tickets at all.
Pride comes before a fall. That was how Eedris Abdulkareem blew a chance to mix with an American star. Eedris has not made it every since. His luck is in the United States. He would have done several duets. Sorry... but most Yoruba people are very proud of NOTHING.
Linda, it seems most of ur readers r illiterates. The reason its called 'business class' is bcos it was mainly created for business flyers.
D'banj belongs to a company called mo'hits, was invited to SA for business purposes, he shd therefore fly in at least business class.
Now, if he was going about his personal business, it's a different kettle of fish. Anyway, most of the dim bats here have not experienced the discomforts of flying economy.
@anon 12.13 what makes you think dbanj is not way richer than just one of the numerous cast in LOST?if d actor can fly economy its alright but dbanj No way and Nigerians being who they are,if dbanj happened to be seated next to a fan in economy everyone will not stop the yabbing
@anon 8.34 'make pride kill you, i don't know why God give stardom 2 d wrong pple'
you just sounded like a broke ass hater...penniless and ignorant men like you disgust me
guys,lets always respect our celebrities.aw can dey book an economy class 4 him?i believe if truly dey want him dere,dey shud av @least book a business class if nt a 1st class.we av 2 respect our celebrities 4 foreiners too to respect them.as 4 me,he did d best 4 nt showing up.chikena
That is very rude of them. I work with an Event Management firm and we always book D'banj and artist of that calire first class (even ice prince sef flies first!) It's their entourage that fly economy.
Dem no try!
You can't accept whatever people throw at u in this life cos they will start treating u that way in future.
My mom that isnt a celeb sef does the same. They dont even make the mistake of booking her economy and on the rare occasion were they book her at a shabby hotel, I usually laugh at the drama that ensues.
Do u think any organiser will make mistake of booking D'banj economy again??
Peeps will just make money out of ur discomfort in this life! Don't allow them. KPAM
If I'm dbanj I won't even settle 4 business class sef. First class or nothing. His entourage can stay in biz n economy class. Pls Channel O, this is dbanj abeg, no be Teargas or HHP or ur SA celebrities. He's big, what an insult.
If I'm dbanj I won't even settle 4 business class sef. First class or nothing. His entourage can stay in biz n economy class. Pls Channel O, this is dbanj abeg, no be Teargas or HHP or ur SA celebrities. He's big, what an insult.
@honey u so on point....I luv ur comment nd to that anon wu said sumtin about dbanj bin a drop out....so if person don drop out em no fil make am again aabi! 4ur mind.....face book owner dropped out...billi gate droped out 2baba self na drop out nd yet they re respected so forget wetin go be go be. And had it bin the guy had flown the economy classs...na unA again go spread the rumour online probably with an headline which says "DBANJ GoES BROKE: flew economy" or .....sum go even talk say baba dey desperate to win awards!....no be we nigerians! He go o...he no go...it aint anybody's problem but A lil respect foR iz status won't hurt!......
Kini...if I was Dbanj...yes o..I WONT FLY ECONOMY!...d moment he does...thats what he will be offered in future......coupled with newspapers reporting that he is 'broke'.....abeggy he has paid his price so its time to enjoy!....
Next time Channel O will book far ahead so that he gets his buisness/first class.....
he should have made his own travel arrangements and requested a refund.
@Anon 8.06AM
You see typical..u heard me..Typical Nigerian..its not all about money but about status..and a point of reference..
I work as a Contractor and I have a base rate I charge for my services but on the odd occasion have taken a lower rate because of other things that could evolve from that move..point is you never know where other blessings could come from..
If Dbanj had a good support team round him they could have serve this as a business expense and sorted it with Channel O!!..@BadAzzX
This is complete Bullshit! D"Banj and Don Jazzy were both booked on Business Class. They were due to leave on Tuesday, they didn't turn up then on Wednesday and D'banj did a NO SHOW because his VISA had not been issued yet! Channel O then booked him again to fly on Thursday by then all of Business Class was Full, he was put on a waitlist and Channel O did everything they could to get someone off business so D'banj can sit in Business! Business class was full! If he had left on the day he was supposed to there wouldn't be a problem!
You people need to know the facts before commenting!
@Jez...you are dead wrong and dead lying that if you can afford to fly business class, you will still fly economy out of Nigera. flying economy from Nigeria to anywhere in the world is the rowdiest crap you will ever see at 30,000 feet altitude. nigerias are soo disorderly, rude and talkative. they turn the coach cabin into their dang living and believe me you don't need to be a millionaire to fly business class. i do all the time and i dont consider myself a millionaire. i do so i won't have to deal with razz people who have no manners and cant shut the crap up on a long flight. un-freaking believeable. let me not mention how they smell like dry fish and palmoil with their crazy weaves and dirty nails on the outbouund flights from lagos. oshi ati iranu
That was extremely rude of channel O. Regardless of where DBanj is from, he is a celebrity from his part of the world and the same way, they would have honoured someone like JayZ or Drake is how they should have honoured him. I am glad he turned it down and did not play the "oh I don't want to enter their bad books so let me manage". Dbanj denying it is not pride but making a statement. You cannot go around being prejudice to people becos u think they are not up to par. High five Dbanj. No loss to you there bro
the reasons is jst lame afta all dere was an xpalnation....for God sakes wat hapns 2 i am humble dbanj.it doesnt mata d klas u fly its stil d same plane n una go arrive same venue.its jst stupid stats human confirm on demselves, no 1st klas 4 heaven oo.
@mama somtee
you had a good rapor with someone until he told you he was from South Afrcia..after that, you bone!...that sounds a bit childish and immature to me(am puting it mildly)and am sure he was dumbfounded at the level of ignorance displayed!
you just did exactly what would be considered as racism(whether u admit it or not)cos i do not understand why you would judge an individual based on the action of the majority of a type of people.
I don't think d'banj can do that. There was obviously some other reason he couldn't make it.
DAPOOOOOOOO!, maybe i should say, D'Banj!!!! Na wa oo. u wey siddon wit me for economy ehn, u no fit fly am again? They've explained d flights were all booked out n ya pride still couldnt come down. OK, pls buy ur private jet and stop making noise jare. Flying in biz class doesnt add one cubit to ur height, width or extend ur life.
My arguement will be from a business point of view.
What did D'banj lose by not exposing himself the more to Channel O's worldwide audience and other personalities that would have graced the award show?
What did he gain by refusing to fly economy, thereby ensuring that nobody takes him for granted?
Judge his action from the prism of the above two questions.
I also know for sure that international stars lobby so hard to perform at such events, and may atimes, forego some of their ridiculous demands inorder to do that.
Total nonsense! Humility is key no matter what level you get to in life. Upgrade the fare yourself if you feel you are all that & request a refund. Next time CO should honour more deserving people. It was nothing important otherwise he will get on the next available flight regardless. Billionaires use economy in the absence of 1st class seats; so who is he? New money sickness. Ask old money people with true wealth how it's done. Rubbish!
That's his bizzz and not mine... He's not serious..*hiss* what goes up must come down..
Nonr of my bizz...
If you're goin to honour someone of his status, yes, he is a big star in Africa and he's worked realy hard to get there, you DON'T EVER fly him on economy. That's a big insult. And u people saying Rihanna took the subway, she took it to her own gig. They were not honouring her. Can Channel O organisers ever send rihanna an economy class ticket??? no, I don't think so. Humble pie my beautiful black ass. When ur large, ur large. Well done Dbanj for not falling ur own hand.
They owe Dbanj an apology cos they had ample time to prepare for that gig and should ve made appropriate preparations for it. That act of theirs was very very rude and it shows that they dont hold him in high esteem. Would they ve flown kabelo or that rude rat, nonhle on economy? Idiots!
U should alway know your place in life. Well done Dbanj for knowing urs. As for those talking trash bout humility. You'll keep being treated like shit cos that's exactly what u are. Nuff said.
I work in the entertainment industry and Dbanj attending and performing @ this years' channel o awards must have definitely been the highlight of the night for invited guests. Shame they never got to enjoy this. Flying 1st or business class is a COMPULSORY perk that comes with the level of fame and success the likes of Dbanj, 2Face, P-Square has attained and refusing to fly economy by Dbanj is NOT a show of arrogance or lack of humility.
If anyone on this thread has an 'A' list celeb friend, you'd understand why big stars NEED to have a level of preferential treatment. Imagine Dbanj queueing up on the economy line at the airport? That would cause as chaotic situation with fans and the airport authority. Same thing wld happen if he was sitting in economy. When some stars arrive in some airports, they take through a non-public exit so as to avoid them being mobbed by fans and hence avoiding a distuption. Anyone on this thread who is not HATING should understand this. He has earned and bo shay wa niyen!
@Linda: You wrote that if it were you, an economy ticket would not stop you from honouring the award organisers to pick up your awards. With all due respect, you've not attained Dbanj's level of fame & success for you to know that.
Dbanj buys a new car and peeps say he's showing off. He dates a celeb and him own too much. 2Face get 5 children and he's irresponsible while Kwam One has over 30 children, King Sunny Ade over 45, the late Sikiru Ayinde Barrister 55 and not ONE media house ever reported this. Celebs are different from ur average Joe Public hence they have different life styles.
education is sorely missing in this guy's life.
So he could not buy a business class ticket for himself, go for the awards and blast the organizers in public for not making proper arrangements for him.The public will applaud him for it and he will make O look bad.
meanwhile he will blow business class ticket cost on drinks and weed on a good night on a friday nite in club.
Who advices these clowns.
Dbanj action aint pride, is jst setting standard which other artist are scared 2 set. Channel o, some1 u giving an achievement award should fly economy not good. They should start treating africa stars like stars. I support dbanj
Dbanj action aint pride, is jst setting standard which other artist are scared 2 set. Channel o, some1 u giving an achievement award should fly economy not good. They should start treating africa stars like stars. I support dbanj. Nosa
Dbanj action aint pride, is jst setting standard which other artist are scared 2 set. Channel o, some1 u giving an achievement award should fly economy not good. They should start treating africa stars like stars. I support dbanj
People paste some nonsense on this site. eat the humble pie. u people dont get it.beyonce wont fly economy to make u happy. he has made his butter rolls n u who have never seen murtala mohd are talking about pie. u need to travel more n learn wats out there. ikensis.
Mr D'Banj am not gonna fault u totally for ur actions cos I understand how south Africans behave to Nigerians and am sure ur visa even came out last minute! Still, I would av also frustrated them by living last minute on the economy hence joburg is only six hrs frm Lagos then make sure my return ticket is atleast business class even b4 leaving 9ja! U shld av considered to amount of exposure the event would av given u... Oga think well like a good businessman o, person no dey close eyes finish vex o!....Meggy
Bet if it were the Grammys/MTV Awards..he would have entered a canoe/boat to get there...last time Don Jazzy said he shouldn't be nominated 4 some Award..u can never buy class...@BD_X
oh please....even Beyonce said in one interview that she rode in economy once. She didnt care as she was trying to avoid a hurrican in Miami....sometimes comfort is not that important
DBanj was being a tool....He could have negotiated with the airline....they will deny some first class passengers seats and offer the seats to Dbanj and crew. Those denied passengers will get compensation or next day seats. Doesnt Arik fly to SA again??? abeg DBanj sit down abeg....
Am sure Dbanj wanted all his possse in first and channel O probably paid for only a select few
DBANJ u are a CUNT on this one....#loser.....
hmm , economy class? with all the people around? mingling , meddling and rubbing all against him... all the phone pictures that will be posted on you tube and facebook?.... talk abt nosediving his public image...
Even some of us dont respond to calls on our phone when we dont know the caller. its d same principl. BUt I kinda tink if his managers and Admin people were up and doing they wuld av confirmed all this b4 hand... gues we cant be perfect everytime
Me no fil blame most of una wey dey talk about pride or humility cos there is this street sayin which says iwa oniwa ni eyan ma wu if em never get money.....most of this ppl going against dbanj av nvr bin on a plane talkless of flyin economy not to talk of busness class so they don't know the differences....all they know b say plane dey fly nd ppl dey sit inside nd to them does it really matter where you sit as long as u get to ur destination...u re right now but I pray say make una too get money sumday nd u will realise ow wrong u re!....aunty linda uh abi no be yu...economy class self too much even if dia is an okadA goin to south africa that day.....u no mind as long as u go reach dat venue! Lol (Juss 4 laffs ma take e personal!)
Its just the normal Stupidity Syndrome that comes with fame. He better watch it before he crashes down.
he is a twat abeg. Humility dude. Even Warren Buffet still eats at pizza hut and the likes. Naijas get off ur high horse.
I'll do the same. If you fly business class all the time, you will loath to fly economy ever again.
Funny the way people talk of economy class as if it is molue. It is still comfortable though not as spacious as Business or First class. He would not have suffered anything had he taken the ride.
Besides, like anon 'November 12, 2011 4:15 PM' explained, it was his fault for not turning up on the day he was supposed to for which he had a business class booking. The short time withing which an alternative had to be made was what necessitated the economy booking.
I do however concede that it's his right to do whatever he wants.. Will be interesting to know how they have treated other stars... He should however watch out on his prima donna attitude.. He became a star because of music stations like channel o... They can wake up and give him the idris abdulkareem treatment. Nobody likes doing business with prima donnas...
Linda, you go pay me for all this info o... Just lifted this post by Justin (who's a media person and writes for The Guardian) from Chris Kehinde Nwandu's Facebook page...
Justin Akpovi-Esade D'Banj's innability to attend Channel O award: The true story. To set this obvious misrepresentation of facts right, D'banj did not refuse to travel for the Chanel O award because he was not booked on first class. He could not travel when he was first booked due to unforeseen circumstances beyond all our powers. That made the organisers putting him on economy class to waitlist business class, not First Class. On getting to the airport on Friday, there was no seat for him on the plane anymore. If u are a frequent flyer, you would know that waiting list means there is a probability of you flying if somebody already booked did not show up. Guess everybody showed up and there was no seat for D'banj...
Saturday at 11:42pm · Like
Justin Akpovi-Esade ...The next flight to SA is Saturday night, the night of the show. D'banj did not fail to attend the awards because he insisted on First Class as there was no First Class arrangement rather a Business Class. The star has enjoyed a long relationship with Channel O and that was why he had to cancel so many lucrative engagements just to be at the show. D'banj is a humble young Nigerian who was ready to fly Economy if there was an available seat. The organisers of the show are aware of the shortcoming in the travel arrangement and quite understood why he could not make the trip so making an issue out of it is an over kill. D'banj has no issues with Channel O and does not envisage having any with the outfit. He had to monitor the awards ceremony on TV and was quite impressed the way it turned out. Media Image Managers, Mo' Hits media company crave the understanding of all and sundry on this matter. Thanks
Saturday at 11:51pm · Like · 1
The talentless make the loudest noise.
Dbanj should enjoy his lucky break.
He has no true talent worth celebrating.
I don't blame him, i blame Channel O.
He has earn that right, so he has a right to do what he did.Can they put R.Kelly in economy
smh @ some of the comments esp @ the low-class whatsoever, glad anon nov 12, 4:15pm and femiloinaire had explained the circumstances, so lets LEAVE HIM ALONE!
it's some of the comments made here that makes some people do all they can to be rich! someone said there is difference btw MONEY and money, and having like 500million in account for example.....so why do we blame our politicians, ritualist and 419ners?
anybody that earned his money through hard work and honesty would be prudent, because they would be scared to return to the state of being 'broke!'
i tire for naija's pride and materialism which would be worthless on the day of judgement!
I am not into all this celebrity talk but I had to comment on this one. Haba channel-O! DBanj don big pass dat kin tin na. How can they send an economy class ticket to DBanj who can afford first-class on his own. That's disrespectful. It's either you send first-class or you leave it. Would they do that to RKelly or any South African super star? DBanj is simply affirming his worth. And he has the right too! If not next year dem fit send am money for drop.
I am truly in love with this album. I knew it would be great, as I am a big fan of Florence + The Machine, but it exceeded my expectations and then some. This album is amazing. Florence's voice is perfect, as usual. Her sound has matured since Lungs, but that's to be expected, and I think this album overall is much better than Lungs in a lot of ways.
i support dbanj die. channel o should treat people with respect n dbanj has earned that respect. if it was me i sure as hell wont go. i mean how much does a biz class ticket to sa cost anyways. if it was an american star they sure as hell wont put him/her on economy. xenophobic freaks
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