The Enugu-State born young lady was a member of Christ Embassy in Damaturu, and was sharing Rapsodies of Reality along New Jerusalem Rd when she was hit and killed.
May her soul rest in perfect peace...amen.
Why are they still sending our young people to northern states for NYSC? Why is this still going on?
The death toll in last weekend's attack has risen to 150 and Boko Haram spokesperson say more attacks on the way. Can the govt please evacuate all the Corps members from the state. They can't be wasting precious lives like this.
why pple still dey allow themselves to be used by the govt.
nigeria hv not done anything for me so i cnt sacrifice shit for it too. i paid heavily to make sure all my siblings are posted in lagos cos they all live wit me. i no dey for asiri!
omg! what a pretty girl! RIP!
may her soul rest in peace
I don't know what Nigerians are waiting to happen before it is realized that this NYSC thing has outlived its usefulness.
In the alternative every youth copper should serve in his Local Govt Area and serve his country at that level.
My people is there any thing wrong with that ???
This is S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ unfair. Poor girl...I wonder y D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ still post corpers to dose states .....
May she rest in peace. Amen.
Poor girl....dis is S̶̲̥̅Ơ̴̴̴̴̴̴͡ unfair.I wonder y D̶̲̥̅̊ε̲̣̣̣̥γ̲̣̣̥ still post corpers to such places...
omg, is this not the girl that played the housemaid role in BlackBerry Babes, she's the one!!!!!!!!!! This is soooo sad, wdh are corpers still doing in northern states, this GEJ see, na mumu, stupidity and karma go kill all those politicians...
Linda, have you observed how people evade commenting or posting anythg negativ about Boko Haram? Nigerians av becom extremely careful and honestly its sickening. We nid to address these issue now, peeps dnt understand d pains until u lose a luvd 1 to dis wicked Terrorist group! God av mercy on us.
I pray God protect and strenghten you to continue to b a voice to d voizless
Why will any one in their right senses,esp Southerners still remain in the North!!??Get the heck outa there and leave the Boko Boko to bomb their kindred to smithereens!! I served in Dutse,then part of Kano in 1991 and a religious riot broke out on the day we left camp.I and a lot of other corpers with the Christian Corpers Fellowship had sent our bags with the bus ahead of our passing-out parade to Kano town.We lost EVERYTHING.We were shut in the NYSC camp,Kano central for 4 days.i came back to Lagos with only my Khaki fatigues and my underwear.Luckily,i had some money stashed in my pockets as sharp omo ibo else i would have been stranded.
Bottomline,get ya asses outa harm's way! NYSC or Naija aint worth dying for!! Jomousethan and Impatience are sitting pretty in Aso with their Israeli guards while they are killing his people.Shame.May he be next!
This is disgusting, why is the government still taking these young people to the Northern states. I am a Yoruba Muslim, and it is sick idiots like these that really tick me off and give Muslims bad name. I am not saying the whole of the North of Nigeria is bad, but if the government cannot control this situation, they should just split the country. If something is not done soon, God forbid something worse happening!
May her soul rest in peace! God really has a lot to judge at the end of this world!!! Warris all diz eh?!!
could you imagine my fellow Nigerians?????? just take a look at this beautiful girl murdered just that after many years in school???? GEJ ur a total disdrace i hate all of u.
could you imagine my fellow Nigerians?????? just take a look at this beautiful girl murdered just that after many years in school???? GEJ ur a total disdrace i hate all of u.
omg she was in blackberry babes..:(
u know Jonathan is a spinless dog and like i always say 'goodluck to those who vote him in' how can a sect hold the country u preside over ransome for months going into a year now and u cannot do anything....I trust Obasanjo he wld hev levelled those states and am sure theose states wl not be on d map of Nig again....what kind of nonsense is this, imagine them threatening to bomb hotels where d seat of power is and everybody scrampling for safety and taking refugee n their cars, n a country where there's law and govt...ha Jona shame on u, u v confimed that its ur wife that is deictatint to u, madam peshi pls help us tell him that the next line of action is to bring boko haram to books, maybe he wl now act.......awon jegugujera ole, look obama developing grey hair, Jonathan is getting fresh and younger, all they r fighting for in Aso rock is what they will eat after their tenure, na so so oil bloc them dey drag.....God arise and come to d defense of d defenseless in Nig....may all what is happening to all these innocent souls be all ur portion IJN...all d people embezzling Nig and dragging us 100yrs behind, may they never rest IJN and when their children are old enough to start delivering the fruits unto them, may their lives be cut short IJN....if i bring out my MFM prayer book...Jonathan wl not complete this term, but i give him time to repent else.....
What exactly is going on in this country for Gods sake?Are these deaths not enough?This girl is someones daughter,sister,cousin and so much more.
i dont even want to begin to think of others who lost their lives.
I think its about time we broke this country into fragments or Oga Jona stops behaving like a man without balls .These deaths can't go on like this.He keeps saying they know those sponsoring Boko Haram,he should pls just shut up and act!
And as if that isn't enough,they say we should be calm and even get mad at a responsible country like America who decided to alert their citizens about visiting specific areas in Abuja.
We youths should mobilize groups not for money sake but for al seriousness so that henceforth no one is sent to the North for service.
The boko haram peeps are just sick ,frustrated idiots trying to get attention,can oga Jona wake up from his coma?
Nysc should stop posting corpers to the north.
Why would any sane Nigerian graduate go to the North? Why?! Especially if you are a Southerner? Why?! May her soul rest in peace.
Linda some months back when you posted the increase in NYSC salary i countered the opinion.I remembered i told this blog that is is a death certificate while your still alive.Our government are wicked.They know the only thing that can lure people to the north is increment in salary and now it finally happened.This is a girl i know.She is loving and fun to be with.All the money the parents spent in training her are in vail.Am not to judge but i leave everything to God.May the soul of Eucharia Remmy and others who lost there lives to the bomb blast Rest in peace.Amen
Rest in peace, Eucharia Remmy. Amen.
May Boko Haram and their financiers suffer pain and hell in this life and in eternal hell. Amen.
Without the Islamic support and finance, there'd be no Boko Haram in Nigeria or anywhere. It's about time Islamic northern Nigeria pissed off, form their own country and driven out of Nigeria. They contribute nothing to Nigeria apart from military coups, looting the treasury, sponsoring terrorism, spreading hate in Africa through Islam and running their bloddy dirty mouth. Northern Nigeria and their religion can peace of if they don't want peace. Why the hell does Hausa / Fulani Islamic people feel the rest of Nigeria must be Muslims by force? They all can jump into river Hausa / Fulani and drown. They are not more important than the rest of Nigeria. It's time they are kicked out of Nigeria so they can join the middle eastern terrorist sponsors and supporters.
The nation known as Nigeria is one where life isn't worth a pitcher of warm pee...
This may not make sense but I think that this people will think twice before killing their own children right? SO for NYSC, send their own children, lets westerners Corpers stay in the West, Northern ones in the north and South in the South, east in east, this way since they can't control themselves they will think twice before killing their offspring....the end!
We have a do-nothing president that is too scared to protect us from harm. Meanwhile, he has a security force around him and his wife while the rest of us have to fend for ourselves.
Na wa o! I hate dis NYSC nonsense. Dis thin shld b stopped. I hope batch c NYSC are nt sent to death traps like dis again. May her soul RIP.
Na wao!
I am very angry right now..what is our president doing towards this...150 innocent soul killed, if this happen in any other country it will lead to war...Goodluck we are disapointed in ur regime....
omG!! whn will these stop,christ hav mercy on these people,bt one thing i knw is dt d almighty God is nt asleep,i jst pity them whn d wrath of God wil visit them.MAY HER GENTLE SOUL REST IN PERFECT PEACE[AMEN]
Its sad that the weak Government of Jonathan will allow this Bastards to continue taking young lives. After how many years of college, just like that!! Its time for students to reject posting to the North, let the North use its own people, last time i checked they have colleges there too. they send them Northern students to the East and West where they are very safe at the very least from suicide bombers; and then send the rest of Nigeria to that hell hole called the North. I am sha looking forward to coming home for my service, fortunately for me i get to choose, and you best believe Lagos is where i am staying, Abuja no sure for me at all, all na North.
NYSC is a defeated programme and should be done away with. it is no longer serving its purpose. by the way, have we noticed that women from the north are hardly sent down to the south?
this is disturbing. my heart is so heavy, i'm struggling to hold back tears. God please come to our aid. we need this Boko Haram people to stop all this violence. no wrong can ever make a right. Killing others is absolutely wrong no matter what point one is trying to prove. Violence should never be the way forward!
Dis is just madness! She is just gorgeous. RIP sweetie, I pray God should rain terror on all thosd boko haramites.
I believe that NYSC was created with good intentions. But at the rate that our children are dying because of "serving the nation", I rather have my children start a business, stay at home and stay alive; rather than to send them to where these nincompoops feel that they weigh authority. The Federal Government needs to either scrap this NYSC thing all together or look for better options that essentially reassure us of our children's safety. Goodluck Jonathan, please tell me that I am not asking for too much. These are people’s children. If they were yours, what would be your reaction? The paltry amount given to them and the idea of servitude to one’s country can never suffice for losing one's life.
i wonder how many more corpers will die 4 nothing before NYSC will stop posting corpers to the North?
Just read up the beatitudes. She has a place in Heaven!
R.I.P !!!!!!God help us!!!!!!!
I remember her from blackberry babes, the movie. She played the house maid and I particularly noticed how well-spoken she was. Very beautiful girl too. So sad. May her soul rest in peace, amen.
These niggers that call themselves leaders need to put an end to NYSC. Why are they forcing the citizens to serve a country they are destroying? Leaders and their people should serve their countries but that is a different story in Naija.
We Nigerians are fond of forgetting so easily.. How can the FG forget so soon what happened during the general election and still send our youths to the northern states? THIS IS PURE MADNESS. NYSC NEEDS SERIOUS REFORMATION OR BETTER STILL SHOULD BE SCRAPED!!!
This is quite saddening. I pray God grants her parents the fortitude to bear the loss. When will GEJ do something about security of lives?
even thought she has left this earth in a sad manner I am however grateful to God for her salvation and certain I will meet her One day in heaven. Dear Eucharia we will continue to carry off the work of preaching the gospel of our lord Jesus Christ to all nations and winning souls, no demon in the form of boko haram can stop us! we will rejoice with you when we all meet in HEAVEN
Jonathan insisted that youth service continue. It is so sad that human life means nothing in Nigeria. Glad God took me out of there. Why can't we Nigerians borrow a leaf from Ghana eh? Nice and peaceful society. I weep for Nigeria and pity those who raise their kids there.
May her soul rest in perfect peace and her sins be upon those who murdered her. I pray the family to take heart. God knows the best. Whose's turn is next in their next attack? Boko Haram is many steps ahead of our security agents.
LORD, have mercy.R.I.P. Btw, Linda...check what I found on this blog this morning.....(not a spam o)
Pardon my profanity, but Nigerian govt is fucking wasting innocent ppls live, and the Snail ass Govt. of Jonathan is not making things look right, now you tell me how this is right.... Anoter KilliNG, See My Opinion is Jonthan needs to get the fuck outta that seat and let some1 capable handle the foolish bokoharam... that are terrorizing Nigeria and fishout the culprits.... behind this.... The Military Needs to strike this ppl and Kill 'em all and wipe their asses outta this world. they have done enuf... but wen u say patience, or when you say one day is for the their and another for the owner, its like that day for the owner will never come when it comes to Nigeria... Boko haram ko Bobo haram ni..... Nonsenseeeeeeeeeeeeee
I wonder why this stupid whatever are sending our youth to be murder in cold blood. Without doing nothing. Gwad!
This is so sad. May her soul rest with the lord. Amen.
A non-Nollywood movie script !!!
Bimbo Akinsanya Arraigned For "conspiracy to murder Rev. Pat Ogechi Dennah"
Bimbo Akinsanya, actress, was arrested and arraigned before an Ikeja Magistrate’s Court for alleged conspiracy to murder Rev. Pat Ogechi.
Could she be jailed for life?
I don't know?
Is she guilty?
I don't know?
i think somebody else should finish the distribution of the rhapsodies, preferably pastor chris or his wife!
Why are people still going there to serve?...May her soul rest in peace
The only thing be say let jonathan know that the bloods of those that died needlessly during his time are on his head due to his scandalous inaction. Period!
We are Nigerians and our rulers believe that our lives are not worth more than that of a chicken crossing Oshodi highway. Tomorrow, the governor of Yobe state will swear on his grandmother's grave that his state is the safest for corpers in Nigeria.
This is unacceptable in a democratic country. Govt needs to take decisive action against this barbaric and senseless killing of innocent citizens. The safety of any country's citizens is in the hands of govt.
Oh no! Linda my heart bleeds for this story.How can such a pretty lady who chose to serve her fatherland be wasted just like that? I don't really understand what FG is still waiting for before taking action? How long shall we contnue to bear this menace? Abeg I can't hold back my tears.
God will surely uproot jona from that seat IJN
I hope Bolaji Abdullahi is not sleeping well these days.
Ever since he became the Youth minister all i have heard is him making all the right noises and doing actually nothing.
The girl in Abia was raped, he spoke big grammar and nothing came out of it.
NYSC members were killed last time, he spoke grammar and nothing came out of it.
He needs to tell us why he has not advocated the scrapping of this lousy program called NYSC? If he has advocated such and his advice is not being heeded, he should resign and let the public know.
There are a million and one programs that can be initiated for community service in this country. These policy makers should quit doing nothing but destroy our commonwealth.
This damn program should be scrapped.
The blood of this girl lies squarely on the heads of the NYSC director, the youth minister and all who are in a position to scrap this program but have chosen to play politics with the lives of young Nigerians.
Create localized community service platforms and scraps this killer program.
Damn you all!!
This is really absurd.....how can a parnet Train a child up to university level and end up loosing the child...To hell with Nysc....what is jonathan doing about it? Absolutely nothing...the president is a failure he cant bring this so called Boko haram group 2 book...innocent citizens keep loosing their lives for reasons i cant explain....Rest in perfect peace darling....I hate hausa's in general
this is mary remmy's younger sister, how sad
RIP my dear like d beatitude u ve a place in heaven.
this is so sad you know. She is the famous Nollywood Actress's Sister,Mary Remmy, who acted alongside her sis in Blackberry babes...such a sad situation!God rest her soul!
Nigeria we hail thee. Would you really let you child serve in the North?? na wa oh me i am scared to death, i live in ----- Lagos and all the Okada riders banned from other parts of Lagos have their HQ here. What scares me is that 80% of them are Boko Haram sleepers ready to strike one day. God help us.
This's crazy & the government is advocating for 5yrs jail term for terrorist. After they most have wasted hundreds or thousands of life while murderers or kidnappers are given life imprisonment. It goes to show that there are the sponsors.
This country is really messed up...God help us
What has NYSC Got to do with Boko Haram? Most of the people killed in Yobe were fellow Northern Muslims...
ok,i was gonna go serve in Naija after graduation but nah man,aint interested! mscheew. EFF YOU JONATHAN! Silly chicken.
How authentic is this link? Her family is yet to confirm this news. Till then, we'll continue to hope.
@dean your comment shows you are still blinded by the foolishness of this world i pray you receive Jesus asap. Christ has given each and every one of us(including YOU if you are saved)the ministry of reconciliation, this girl(unlike many)has successfully fulfilled this mission here on earth and has checked into a better place heaven.
She is surly resting in the bosom of the lord where she belongs.
Lord save us from the wickedness of this world,our country is filled with the wrong,non-God fearing people in power who are constantly making wrong decision for our nation...all we can do is keep strong in faith and intercede for nigeria with prayers
If they post you to this dangerous please, DONT GO!The govt and boko haram dont care about you!They will never care about you..The power lies in your hands...simply DONT GO
mr president is taking a nap... im sure he wont wake up until 10million people die...
OMG shes my sisters friend. Nice gal. Met her a couple of times. She also acted in Blackberry Babes.
This is soooooo sad.
May your soul rest in peace,Amen.I thank GOD because i served in Yobe State in a village called Kannama in which u can go to Nigel to but i was always staying at the Catholic corpes lodge n was in Damaturu when these Boko Haram started that i even saw dead bodies on my way to Postikum.They should stop posting people to Northern States and let everybody serve in in his or her State please.
If possible they stop this NYSC of a thing because their is no gain in it after all they wont even give you job when you fifnish the so call NYSC.Innocent peolple are dying of what they no nothing about .The family should take heart BIKO,I know its not easy
Safety is every ones responsibility. if its not safe, don't do it.to serve Nigeria is not by force nor to defend Her unit.
oh my GOD this is so painful,may her soul rest in peace
Am sorry to say this but Jonathan is a spineless dog with a capless dick and no balls! Screw him a 100 times over!!! What is he doing? Y is it taking hom so long to interven in this matter? Yet he's putting all his energy to removing fuel subsidy.... May he not know peace until he does d right thing! Is it until his child dies in a blast that he'll wake up from this deep slumber?..... May eucharia's soul rest in peace.... Its just so sad
I read an article (naijagossip) stating that she's not dead. She's alive but needs our prayers. Great news!
Hi Linda I'm here to make a plea to you, You do not have to post my comment as I direct this to you personally. Linda I want to ask and beg you to please watch and post this video on your blog;
PLEASE WATCH IT LINDA AND POST IT.Linda millions visit your blog daily and God has given you the power to boldly spread the message of salvation.
God bless you as you post this video and wins souls into the kingdom of heaven Amen.
Don't let this message pass away Linda God needs you to inform his people of his son's return
Bolaji Abdullahi propose to your boss to scrap this damned program.
NYSC is worthless.
When the children of the rich are due for it, they are posted to oil firms in PH and multinationals in Lagos,yet you send the children of the unknown to killing fields.
We don't want a reformed NYSC, we want it scrapped.
Someones wife to be was just killed, let our deaf govt. do something, if the people around the boko haram are not willing to expose them then let the whole state be cleared to stop future lost of precious lives, if this lives are not usefull to the govt. they are usefull to their parents and loved ones.
Goodluck Jonathan is a disgrace to the mandate given to him by Nigerian christian. NYSC is a failed scheme. Nigeria is not one. If we are not divided at one time by regional boundries, it will be by beliefs. It is time to take decisive decisions. We can't keep pretending that we are one when we know that the contrary is the case
I shed tears despite not knowing you. Rest In Peace and may your blood cry for vengence like the blood of Abel.
Jesussssssssssssss. Help us in Nigeria.
Please God, remove JONATHAN GOODLUCK from the seat!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I thought there was a movement against sending corp members to northern states........for how long will dis continue considering the fact that we dont even have a president who can address the situation??? RIP dear...
Rather than ignoring the obvious and make this a sectarian issue, why can't we implore the government to wake up to their responsibility? RIP, nobody deserves to have his/her life taken!
Why did her family allow her to go there? Any youth copper that is posted to the north should redeploy or not go, cos the government cannot guarantee their safety.
beautiful natural beauty girl...what a shame..is goodluck this weak?? i didnt see all these happening with Obasanjo....he needs to do something about this..
Why will a pretty girl like this go to the north for nysc,with all the madness that is going on in the north.
I spent the 17 years of my 25 years in maiduguri, I was born and breed in that city and being a christian I knew what persecution was more than even the most righteous in the south,because even in the midst of all the bombing and everyday shooting we still have to serve God and not in our homes but in our churches,, if only we will see that boko haram issue cannot be solved by just our leaders we will go on our knees and pary seriously about this issue bcos God himself said the heart of man is desperately wicked so even ur president has a wicked heart, can your word of mouth change that? Pray!! Pray!! That is all Nigeria needs,, you think that soon boko haram will only be a northern problem, u shall be suprise! It is simply because of religious fanatism and illeteracy that this sect exists that is why it cannot be cured by man only God, funny enough more muslims have died more than christians in this so it is way more complicated than u all think,,. And yes I support that everyone should serve in his region. Pls no southerner posted to the north should stay it is not safe at all! May God open our eyes and comfort our aggrevied hearts.
RIP Beauty!
May her poor soul rest in peace....Most importantly may God comfort her family..This is rly sad!
if u like eat me! but enuf about God and Jesus in this matter. we all bear personal responsibilities for our safety, the safety of others and the progress of this country. its not just abt commenting on blogs etc. the other people that died - aren't they ppl's children too? the bottom line is that this could happen anywhere in this stupid country. tomorrow now if they say carry banner and protest all of u will sit in your houses and watch from tv yet u are all here lamenting. End of the day, decisive change will only come wen we get up and stop waiting for the govt to change things. if the govt is slacking, lets move out enmasse and get them out. please, enuf about Jesus and God. we all believe in God and at the end of the day, he has given us the means and mind to stand up and revolt. he wont come down from heaven to stop them. u have all it takes to effect the change. thats y this bleeding country is the way it is. no progress! just a bunch of lazy arse miracle seeking spineless morons! stay there let the whole world leave u where u are. How abt u all just being basic decent human beings? instead everyone goes about professing one faith or another yet we are the worst of the bunch! i say SHAME on anyone who sits there dwiddling their thumbs and waiting for God to come down and fight for u!
May her soul RIP what a pretty who kws wether she shd be gvnors wife in d future, why all dis killing in d North
@standupand...I totally agree with u
@dean your comment was not funny in a funny way.
Anon Nov 9,8:33 I do hope you are right.
I sincerely pray for her wherever she is,God bless her soul.
may her soul rest in peace!!! pls wat is rilly goin on in dis nation, SSS spokes woman has bin making plenty noise bout releasing d names of d sponsors of boko haram! n i'm still waitn waitn for d names! Gej shld b impeached! he's nt rdy or capable of takn affirmative action yet on thns d@ matter d most!!! innocent ppl shld nt b dyn lyk dis!!!
Poor girl, so sad. RIP. Funny how the generality of us are just realising what one man Emeka Odimegwu Ojukwu saw 44 years ago in 1967. That Nigeria can NEVER be truely ONE and the safest solution was for us to PART WAYS.
wat a painful death. may her soul rest in peace.
feeling you joor..def on the money..when you all ready for a real battle call us..nuff sermons....
Think this girl is alive..u need to confirm with her sister...indications are she is..beats me how someone sent their daughter out there tho!!...@BadAzz_X
A chill just went through my body right now. We do not value life in Nigeria.
We lose so many lives over senseless nonsense.
Why is President not down there?
her sister is mary remmy one of the BBB actresses...
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