More than 2.5m people are out of work across the UK, but the number of 16-24 year-olds unable to get work has been rising almost without interruption since well before the recession. - BBC
So erm, why are young Nigerians scrambling to go to the UK if there are no jobs or even a better life there?
am guessing they failed to mention that those without jobs are not even qualified enough to work majority of them just finished college and don't want to further..
Linda there is a better life in the UK far better than Nigeria and job opportunities for those qualified..the problem now is that indigenes are complaining that the jobs available are been given to foreigners..
ah ah linda, you sound quite ignorant, there isnt a better life in the UK compared to Nigeria ?!! come on
The UK has gone down hill! its so sad.
@natasha50 there are many graduates who are unemployed too!
the pregnacy is fake and she knew she was bursted. Watch the exposed video via this link
There are various reasons why want to go to the UK or travel outside Nigeria. Firstly, when you're outside your environment you get to learn new "things", you see how other people behave and get on with life.
In the UK which is obviously developed than Nigeria. People in the UK, have pride for whatever they do i.e. work, vocation etc. You get what you pay for i.e. service, goods etc. If you're a victim, the police or any agency responsible carry out their responsibilities and be accountable. You don't need to know anybody to have the basic things of life i.e. food, shelter, etc - all you need the willingness to work hard.
Finally, people just want to better themselves..which is no ones business afterall...it's a choice thing.
uhm im in the uk and i can tell u that even part-time jobs are hard to comeby and also when i wanted to do my placement year it was hard to get placement! so yes life in uk is hard!
There are various reasons why people want to go to the UK or travel outside Nigeria. Firstly, when you're outside your environment you get to learn new "things", you see how other people behave and get on with life.
In the UK which is obviously developed than Nigeria. People in the UK, have pride for whatever they do i.e. work, vocation etc. You get what you pay for i.e. service, goods etc. If you're a victim, the police or any agency responsible carry out their responsibilities and be accountable. You don't need to know anybody to have the basic things of life i.e. food, shelter, etc - all you need the willingness to work hard.
Finally, people just want to better themselves..which is no ones business afterall...it's a choice thing.
dont mind all those mumu nigerians e.g my boyfriend,,,he hasent gotten a job even after his masters n claims its better to be there,,,living like slaves,,,when he can come n do sumtin better n be treated like a real citizen here....msheeeew,,,,,na dem sabi sha........
Anon 11.50am thanks for speaking the reaal truth.
natasha50, i know of 1st class uk graduates both Uk citizens and foreign UK graduates who cant get jobs; doctorate holders who are too qualified to get jobs too... the economy is in recession but they dont want to say that yet.
I dont mean getting healthcare jobs which is the basic aspiration of the average nigerian in england. when you say quality of life is better, what you mean to say is that you can live on credit easier. Even Universities and research institutes are downsizing seriously as grants are not available.
Anon 10.56, if life in the uk was so much better, how come most nigerians who come here are looking for one fraud or scam to do, get rich and then run? even so called deacons in church are doing the same. Forget what you see on TV. Life in the UK in the last 2 years has been hard!!
People come here expecting the rosiest kind of life only to find out its not as easy as hollywood presents it. Go and find out how many nigerians in the UK are debt free. I am not saying £10,000 debts oh; I mean £30,000 to £100,000 credit debts and they dont even have the faintest idea how it would ever be cleared. Is that life?
Nigeria is a land of vast oppurtunities. Just pray to God to open your eyes to know what you are good at. I have seen alot of homeless people. You dont just get shelter like that but you can get food from the salvation army which is a charity or NGO not govt.
In Naija we buy phones like they are going out of fashion. here you must be sure you need it before you invest in it not just because others are using it for fashion accessory.
Nigeria may be bad, but if all those who want to come here by any means work a little harder at what they do, they would excel and live happily rather than waiting for the day the would be caught in a scam.
Life in the UK may well be hard but compare the unemployment rate to that in Nigeria and you get an answer.
Linda you are so IGNORANT, how can you compare life in the UK to Nigeria, despite the recession life is by far better than that hell called Nigeria.
Ori won lope ke? Kini won wa kiri? I work in the Uk, (with a fake accent) They should come back home Jare and join the league of entrepreneurs who are making a difference in their generation. We can build this nation as we are indeed the giant of Africa. We should begin to look inwardly and stop thinking there is a better life anywhere else. Brits are Brits. Naija be naija ok?
Well actually those in the Uk are heading back. My brother went back to Naija after ten years in the UK. Shame.
God Bless America. Soo many jobs for smart Nigerians.
How can you compare 2.5 Million unemployed in the UK to 30 odd million unemployed in Nigeria??? Please do the math!
@Natasha50 you have said it all.that is so tru!!
because believe it or not, u might think its a better life here but the uk actually has a better quality of life. where else can u have a proper xmas dinner for less than 5k(20 pounds) for the whole family and i dont dinner with meat or a starved chicken, i mean proper turkey! my 2 cents! the govt has to do something, we cant be locally producing resources yet paying a lot for them, its not on. Fix the roads, improve the healthcare (doesnt have to be perfect but better), better schools and they'll all return home for good.
i work here in lagos, pay my taxes but still enter ditches that almost destroy my suspension smhhh
B, £20? it must be a long time since you had a christmas dinner here. Life in the uk "was" better, but not at the moment. Anybody coming to england to settle now is in for a shocker. if you have been in the system for a while for 4 to 5 years, there is no problem as your kpali sure small but if you only came 2 years ago, notin 4 you oh. The problem is many nigerians just go out early in the morning to work, return late at night and never read news. in the last one year, the immigration and settlement rules have been changed at least 6 times. how many nigerians in the UK know this? veeeeery few. they are still believing they will get kpali after 5 years.
If you currently live in england and you dont have kpali yet, I would advice you go to the UKBA site and read more. After you have read, you will understand why you are better in naija at the moment.
The new laws have been designed to exploit immigrants and then send them back when they have sapped you dry.
The problem is Nigerian's are too damn proud. They go to the UK & work at McDonald's or do house cleaning jobs but if they were in Naija they would NEVER do such jobs because they don't want to carry last. When they return from the UK all they have to show is their fake accent and discounted clothes from Primark.
The UK is a well developed Nigeria and Nigeria has such much opportunities. But most people in Naija don't want to start at the bottom to get to the top, they just want to magically appear at the top and life doesn't work like that.
@ oteriagoro , I doubt very much you are building anything with your foul language, negativity and semi illiterate comment.
You'd probably be first on board the plane to the UK , stop being a hypocrite.
Call a spade a spade! Life in Nigeria is hellish unless you are a thief, scammer or downright corrupt. Even then you run the risk of getting kidnapped and your ill gotten gains taken off you to pay your ransom.
The only way this country can get fixed, is if we recognize the mess the country is in and stop being in denial.
You can't compare the UK and Nigeria, its absurd to even begin to.
My two cents! Goodbye!
@ Anonymous 9:55 PM:
You must be one of many Nigerians dying to the leave Naija because of the Magazines & fashion blogs you've been reading. When you go to the UK and "make it big" like you've been dreaming let me know what your two cents is saying then.
a million people without jobs. agreed. do u know how many of these people are on benefits? they run a welfare state that even without jobs u still get pocket money from the government.pls dont let us decieve ourselves nigeria is hellish. treatment is totally free in uk. drugs an the rest. there is something called relative povery that is what they are going tru. 1 million people to over 30 million in nigeria without jobs. uk unemployment m is news for us. it is a shame. our own employment cannot make the papers sef.pls no comparison at allllllllll
I thhank GOD i live in norway..but i think if u re not working in uk the govt give u some money every month? cos in norway they give us 600 euros even pay our house rent if we are not working..so it better than naija where u wont receive one kobo..
@ Anon 10:06 PM:
Unemployment doesn't last forever & how much you get is based on a lot of things, such as household, # of children, previous salary etc, which is not a lot of money. And what exactly are you trying to compare, since when did you become the Commissioner of Population.
Am Happy here in the uk, at least am not hungry and non of my family back home are, I have built a solid 4flat in Lagos from my 'omodo' job, i came here illegally and am happy, am on my second project. When 9ja beta I will return PERIOD
Why would I want to leave heaven for hell, I live in Dublin and if you have no job the govt pay your rent, and you get €1400 for a family with 4kids, so why would i want to suffer?
Those unemployed youths in the UK still travel free on the train and bus, get money weekly. their rent paid, free health, milk token for new mom,why wouldn't anyone kill for that?
Am glad i smuggled myself here during the abacha era, thank YOU UK.
As i type this comment am sure linda has no petrol to run her gen to edit my comment UK for life
Am a 27years old security guard, a graduate from Unillorin I earn about £1800, after tax a month, I came here illegally 5years ago, I have almost completed my house in 9ja, i sponsor 2 of my younger ones in the university, would i have done that in that hell called NIGERIA? except if am into crime. Am happy and I will urge other youth to do what i did.
@anon 11:50 life in uk are har'then life in africa lol..
A vast majority of the people "scrambling" to go to the UK would either be going via HSMP(whatever they call it now),student or visiting visa. While some of them are are allowed to work without restrictions,others don't even have the correct permit. The UK govt is able to monitor the number of people unemployed based on the welfare benefits they get.Bear it in mind that "scrambllers" are not even in the statistics mentioned by BBC. With people from the EU moving to the UK, its even harder for people to get jobsas there are less jobs for a large numebt of people .The saving grace is that the people claiming welfare benefits still get their rents and council tax paid by their local council. Their children get free meals at school .Please warn the scramblers to stay where they are if they haven't got the correct visa and work permit. Lastly the day the Nigeria becomes a welfarist state , then you can compare it with the UK at least the roads are motorable , the hospitals are functioning,NO power cut. The list is endless
What i've learnt in naija is that if you don't have "leg" you will most likely be "roasting" somewhere with no job,no healthcare, no security....Very rarely are people with good jobs in naija not the children of connected ,wealthy or middle class people.These are the same people who can afford to fly their relatives abroad for treatment.On the other hand in the u.k most jobs are given on merit,health care is free, there is security for the poor and rich.
So the way i see it, if you have the opportunity or connections to make it in naija, there is no reason to leave but if you don't then you are on your own if you decide to stay in nigeria when the opportunity to zap presents itself!
Life in the UK is unbearable, thinking of moving back everyday and i will move back.... the UK is SHITE, i think i wud make it in 9ja instead
I don't live in UK but with my good knowledge of "Naija" you sound ignorant (i mean d blogger). To westerners,not having or able to access a washing machine to them is suffering can u say that of average Nigerian? I just want u to get the pic of being poor in the west.
@Son of Babylon, you said so the math. The truth is that there no national card system to prove all the unemployed people in Nigeria, therefore Nigerians are mostly liars. Most of them are unemployed.
Only a fool that has never travelled to Europe would say Nigeria is better if he is not ignorant; a 419ner, thief politician or real millionaire.
Britain is far better. You can start your own business if you have business acumen. There is no kidnapper to kidnap you and robbers (like those in Nigeria) do not exist.
Most people in Britain are not ready to do low paid jobs, that is why there is a raise in unemployment. Most cleaners are not British. Britons feel that they are too big to do menial jobs. Too much pride... and they drink too much alcohol.
Anon@October 12, 2011 10:06 PM, you have my big support. Don't bother to even argue with people that don't want to accept that Nigerians are worse off.
If Nigeria is better, would a Nigerian woman travel to deliver five babies in London free-of-charge? Which hospital in Nigeria would have delivered the quintuplets (safely) without hospital bills?
How many adult Nigerian triplets that were born and bred in Nigeria are alive today? Nigerians should stop living in denial.
@ Anon 11.04
hahahaha Nepa just brought light sef...
I guess life in d uk is nt as it used to be... Little wonders why ma uncles no gree send my 40 40 pounds again... Na wah ooo..... Me sef no fit wait make i finish dis degree sha, Canada all da way
i'm in the UK, work in a recruitment organisation and i can tel u of a FACT that all these no of unemployed pple are gotten from statistics of pple who are lazy, not ready to work, unskilled or are to proud to try their hand on something small. We always get jobs in my firm we never get skilled pple to fill for months on end. also i av been going around seeing job vacancies everywhere ( go to westfield stratford there're so many sales job available, so many stores are also recruiting for xmas, i bet there are jobs u just need the right information and placement especially for highly skilled jobs.
Also comparing UK to our beloved 9ja, THERE IS NO PLACE LIKE HOME. the truth is "THERE IS A BETTER STANDARD OF LIVING AND LIFE IN UK REGARDLESS OF IF U ARE RICH OR POOR" For 9ja "THERE IS A BETTER QUALITY OF LIFE IN 9JA ONLY IF U AV BIG MONEY" in UK either u are rich or poor, u will survive wiv help of govt, In 9ja if u dont av money u will spend ur time asking 4 death becos life can be hard there without money.
MY VERDICT: stay where God puts u, use ur head and dont follow follow, many pple ere are going back home and some are regretting it while some are happy! some of us dat are ere are OK and happy even though we look 4ward to coming home and enjoy the luxurious life when we get rich, so DIFFERENT STROKE FOR DIFFERENT FOLK!
The responses belies the topic. The reality is, this is a global recession and the unemployment figures for the UK in comparison to the US and other EU countries. There are arguments for and against both countries but making general assumption especially when some of these individuals know nothing about living in another country makes the whole arguments flawed.
Thank you Aunty E. You are the only one making sense here. I don't know why we keep trying comparing residents of Nigeria and UK and keep trying to make each other feel worse off. What is the point?
The truth is, the UK has not always been in recession...it's a relatively new development so for those whom life is really difficult in Nigeria, they are still operating with the mentality of the past i.e. jobs are plentiful in the UK, so if they are coming in droves, that is what is informing their move. The truth is most skilled people here (apart from recent gradutes i.e. inexperienced) are in work. I don't know one SKILLED person who has lost their job or who is currently unemployed. However for the un or under-skilled and inexperienced, it is extremely tough at the moment. However, even for those without jobs, accomodation and food is pretty much a given because of the social services.
With Nigeria, if you happen to know the right people, or you are business minded and\or are lucky, you'll do exceedingly well. To be truthful, far better than most, not all, but most of your counterparts in the UK. Your quality of life would almost be the same, save for the inescapable Nigerian peculiarities like road safety, healthcare, robberies etc. That said, there are also UK peculiarities, not as much as Nigeria but there are some. For example, due to drug use, alcohol misuse, frustration, youthful anger or misdirection and disguised mental illnesses, if you are unlucky you could easily be a victim of muggings, stabbings etc. The UK is certainly not as safe as it used to be.
In summary, as Aunty E said, you need to be where works best for you, where God has placed you and there you will excel. It's a given, where ever you are, you need to work hard, use your brains and most importantly, trust God. Finish.
Let's stop trying to bring each other down in the name of comparing notes. It is counterproductive. Wherever you are based, continue to do your bit for Nigeria to bring her game up to scratch. Even if you are a british Nigerian, we still need to create a good Nigeria that our children would be proud of and that we can enjoy. Do your bit.
I love naija so much. As for those doing house help obs abroad i beg dont give up. For naija house help salary no reach 20k. And them go use you finish like fire wood.
I beg make una let me know if any better house work dey make i find my way jarre. I serious o!
even the so called BIG MEN, i visited on of those isladers with fence like wall of Jericho, their massive fridge was filled with water and a pack of boost, my fridge here is like your average super market, trip to mr biggs once a year is a treat, linda when was the last time you had chinese noodles, which is the cheapest meal on every street
how many unemployed uk youths go to bed hungry, or sleep on the street, or by bend down, every 18year old in this country have a flat, linda still lives with her parents at 35
Gosh, a lot of you should really thick I must say. It’s quite sad that some Nigerians don’t see past their nose. Is Nigeria any better, please tell me how Nigeria is better that the UK. Do you know that Nigeria has one of the highest rates of death for expectant mothers and babies, as in they die because you have to pay before treatment. Nigeria is on the list of top ten worst places in the world to give birth. There are no benefits for being Nigerian except the bad looks that we are 419ers. Programs about us are shown every other month In the UK of how dishonest Nigerians are. I go to work the next day hoping and praying the people at work did not watch it. Nigerians are now labelled as 419ers. More over there is structure and visibility on how the UK’s funds are spent. You can see it in the society e.g. the roads, NHS, benefits etc. No society is ever going to be perfect but you’re better off in England not that you will be rich but there is security for life and property. Let’s be real Naija is FUCKED.
Aunty E, people are unemployed not because they are lazy but uenemployable by the standards set by some companies when hiring. Think of thousands with good qualifications applying to top firms and only 25 can go into a firm because of costs or whatever reason.
The so called sales jobs you are talking about are even available for school drop outs but with the current economic situation things have changed.
The UK is a place for the survival of the 'fit or fittest' so why would anyone be 'too lazy' to work to survive.
Donty forget that you get your rent paid and weekly allowance from the government if you are unemployed in UK, subject to having a valid residency
Haba! comparing 9ja to uk,it like comparing death n sleep..last year me n my family were in 9ja for vacation my husby was shot by armed robbers becos of phone can u imagine dat? after d attack he stayed 3weeks in d hospital, we spent lot money for d operation before we fled him back to europe.it wasnt easy at all but glory to lord n govt here(europe) we re living like king with free meals,hostipal bills n apartment.Moreover my husby had been in bed almost a yr now becos he couldnt walk but very soon by God grace he going to walk... so the difference is clear pls....
Can we make one point clear here; in the UK if you are unemployed and have the right status they pay the weekly benefit allowance. You only get your house rent and council tax paid if your savings are below £16K if the savings are above that then YOUR HOUSE RENT AND COUNCIL TAX IS NOT PAID but you still get your weekly allownce.
Also if you are coming here as a student you are no longer allowed to work. Previously students could work for 20 hours then it was reduced to 10 hours and now they cannot work any longer.
Aside that,the UK is still a better place to reside than nigeria
The UK is not a good habitat for people that wants to succeed exceedingly.
Why should I be happy that Government will pay my rent if I dont have enough money?
The same Government will deny you access to some benefits because they are the one paying your rent and you cannot afford it.
Enough said. America is the best place to be in the World (I have been around the world). As I am talking to you, there was an opening that they need 120 people to fill and they could not. The state has to sponsored the training so that they can employ instantly.
Anon @October 13, 2011 10:25 PM, if the money is more than 16k and it was won on lottery it would not count. Maybe you forgot to add that...
I love Nja to bits its my heart and soul and represent them everywhere I go..but FACTS don't lie
Isn't it damning that Nigerians in Libya beg to remain in war torn libya?
Rapes...In the UK girls in the shortest skirts can walk home after clubbing MOST of the time safely!!
Check out the No of rapes in 9ja in DAYTIME!!..and those are the recorded ones
Turn on your tap..nothing..unless you got your own borehole
Safety..Can decide say by 1am damn it!!...need a snack i can just drive to the nearest filling station..no chance of me dying due to Bad roads..Kidnappers or Armed Robbers..look at the no of celebs dead through driving..??COINCIDENCE??
Electricity..life shouldn't stop at 7pm..in 9ja that's when everything just goes Pitch Black...and usually BAD!!...not just the mosquitoes...as well as spending a sizeable amount of your profits on diesel??
UK has its own issues..however you can get a solid education..solid clients on your resume/CV..that would serve you well anywhere...
There's been a worldwide recession since 2008...but this things are cyclical...they come and go..
What I love about 9ja is you can become a bonafide personality overnight if you very good at what you do.. look at Adora Oleah..Tiwa Savage..Banky W..enough honchos in the Business/Banking sector..enough of this lot were just middle of the road people abroad a few years ago
9ja has huge potentials but as I keep saying there's a fine line between progress modernity and being primitive..'cos how can you make sense of somene stealing 50 Billion Govt Funds..or people chopping people off 'cos they a different tribe/religion??...or raping a girl 'cos she wore a short dress..
When Nigeria Govt get serious..they would provide adequate Water..Security..Electricity..Good roads not much to ask from a oil producing country..with that young population and natural resources our useless Govt cannot even see the future is ours to have!!
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