This is the final week of this competition and final opportunity to win a Nokia Smart Phone. All you need to do is share your experience using a counterfeit phone...we've been doing this for the past three weeks...you know the drill...
After all the comments come in today, LIB readers will pick the most interesting comment and the winner gets a Nokia Smartphone and I hear there might be another prize...erm...sorry can't let the cat out of the bag...you will just have to participate in this competition and cross your fingers to win...so get started...*wink*
I have never used any.Ok make i use scope.There some Nokia phones that are spelt Nukia but u would have bought them hook line and sinker before realizing that you have just been punked with a Fakey.LOL!-Emma,Oko Oba.
Could we tell a lie by framing a story so we could win,as many of the contributors must have done so...I'd love to win that phone too...As I think I would be able to paint an unreal story that is captivating and could earn me that fone*smirks*
It all started when i lost my phone and was too broke to get another one immediately. A friend was trying to be kind and gave me this funny looking phone. First, the phone was branded NOCKIAL! Anyway I didn't have a choice so I started using it and you wouldn't believe...each time I used the phone to make a call, my voice on the other end came out as a woman's voice! You can imagine what happened the first time my wife called me and heard a woman's voice!!! The aftermath required elderly family friends' intervention before she believed it wasn't another woman on the phone. IMMANUEL(matrixgrooven@yahoo.co.uk)
Dis happened 2 mnths ago.dere was ds ma frnd travelln abroad nd I asked him 2 get mi a nokia fone while cmn back.so wen he cme bk,he got me a nokia N8.I tanked him nd tuk ma lovely fone home.I didn't evn notice it was a china fone sef until ma fone rang wit dat fake loud china nokia ringtone.ma frnd den tld me dat its fake.I was evn draggn it wit her sef until we checked d browser nd. Found d truth.I was so embarrased.but @ d end of day,I changed d fone cus its so fake.kelechi
My story isn't so unusual. It was around last year when i got my blackberry and decided to get a smaller phone for my second line. So i decided to buy d Nokia 5130c. I went to computer village, went inside a small shop and purchased one. Twas tested right in front of me... Keypads worked, screen was ok..a lil too bright but it didn't really occur to me then. Next day, i was @ a small reunion wiv my secondary school friends @ a mall in Surulere when i felt d urge to ease myself. So i left my phones in care of my friends and went to d toilet. When i got back, i found dem laughing and jesting that "A whole Punch big gal like me" using a "chinko" phone. Apparently, a call came in while i was away...and we all know how annoyingly loud "chinko" phones are. Twas an embarassing ordeal coz those secondary school friends of mine are unforgiving...they still make fun of me abt it. I still used d phone for anoda 2 weeks b4 i got anoda one but it was permanently on vibrate. I sha won't kill myself. (Molurlah@gmail.com)
Well, I come from a family with 6 kids, all of us trying to form smarter than the other...(oh-so subtly). Well, my father, who happens to loves phones and Samsung phones at that, was finally convinced to try out a Nokia phone. I was the only child at home and was happy to 'impress' my dad with my 'vast' knowledge of phones. We got to computer village and we saw this Nokia 6300 phone (yes, the Nokia was spelt correctly). I tried to look closely at the font, cos Nokia had a particular font (at least in my mind)and the dude selling managed to convince me that it was original. my dad had his reservations but I managed to convince him (which is no small feat)that we were on the right track. Finally we bought it and proceeded to buy another Samsung (which was his plan as he had two phones and the era of double sims hadn't started). We got to SLOT and it was there that we turned on our fake Nokia and discovered that we had been scammed. He didn't say anything to me. (i kinda wished he had screamed or something). We got home and my siblings yabbed the hell outta me. Needless to say that my dad doesn't EVER consult with me when it comes to any electronics whatsoever. I mentally kick myself whenever I remember that incident. I don't offer phone advice either; i think I've learnt my lesson. :I
alright people, before you start reading my counterfeit phone story, i suggest you 1st grab your self a pack of gala, lacasera, or just suck up on your favorite fanyogo for the next couple of minutes.please indulge me, am sure it'l be a juice worth the squeeze!
ok!.. lemme just cut to the chase!
this unforgetable experience happened to me some months back precisely on sat. july 10th 2011 whilst on my way back to lagos from ibadan after the end of the semester, for a hot minute nw, i have been relegated to using a chinko tv phone, all thanks to armed robbers that robbed me of my previous phone, an "ORIGINAL" nokia n8
now this my chinko phone has a missing 0 and # key, so when i want to check my account balance or make a call to a new contact i have to always put my sim in another phone. (yeah!, me and my phone, we gangsta like that!)
but as a sharp omo boi, life must continue chinko phone or not, my swag is never hard to see when it comes to the chics,(although i most of the time cringe about the PHONE in my church mind) but on the outside, i act like nothing dey hapun, (you know as edey go nah!)
so, as i got to the bus park, my eyes quickly went "Christopher Columbus" on all the chics within the perimeter scanning for a prospective babe i could acquaint through the journey.
and bingo!.. i saw her!, a babe in my faculty that i've had under my radar for a while,
for the sake of this story, lets call her mz-oluwaendowed, (so that it doesnt seem like am cramping her style on a public blog like linda ikeji's)
now! mz oluwa endowed is one those babes that on a good day, u will find wearing brazilian hair as long as the third mainland bridge, heels as high as a story building, and mary kay make all plastered to her face looking like a finer female version of michael jackson in 1996. (yeahisaidit!, and i stand not to be corrected!)... **maybe a little exaggerated sha!*
Anyhoo, morale of the story, she, by all means she is(was) a bigz girl in school.
so i gathered some composure and strategically positioned myself where i would be able to sit beside her! in the bus, and boi did my plan work!
about 30mins into the journey, i struck up a conversation and we both got talking, talked about school, music, and general 411, and just as she was basking in the OLEKU moment i put her in, i mean she was really feeling the boi, i suddenly noticed that some of the other guys in the bus were player hating on me, the countenance on their faces about me was screaming! "waris wrong with this one sef, he tinks he's the only one that can talk to a girl abi??"
in my mind, am like DUH! "make una go give hot boiling ring bl*wj*b for all i care" me i dey offload this babe container, and nothing can stop me.
...to be continued in (PART 2)
whilst stil chin-wagging, mz oluwaendowed's phone rang!, and lo and behold it was a chinko version of the nokia n8, (trust me, if yo'ure not phone savvy, u wil gock it as being the real deal at first glance)
immediately i saw it, i was literally *dancing windeck* in my mind, ope o! the two of us are kuku chinko users!, my confidence level just increased by 1000%
now, unknowing to mz oluwa endowed she thouhgt her phone was the original nokia n8, and started to buga telling me that it was mine that was a fake and hers original, i just laughed out loud, telling her that our argument was suppose to be about which was "faker" between both our phones!!, we kept going back and forth until some1 else in the bus confirmed to her that her phone was indeed a fake! in his words... "chinko leleyi, 9k ni won ta ni computer village!"
gosh! she was so embarrassed!!, that i Am sure she wished she could just go rentaghost on all of us!
like that wasnt enough, a few minutes later, our conversation continued, she flipped through my music playlists and marked over 50 songs that she liked them and that i should send them to her via bluethooth!
i gently obliged!, so i started sending the songs!
unfortunatly by the time we got to our destination (lagos), i was only able to send about 20 of the songs to her,
as we were about to part ways, was when i heard the shocker of my life!, she asked where do you live, i told her akoka, and she said she lived in Gbagada, i was wondering, do you want to come to my house ni? she said No o! its just that i really like those songs on your phone..
at this point, i ddnt know whether i should laugh, cry for her, or do both! i gues i just couldnt help myself!
i laughed out so loud that the laugh almost removed my boxers!! .lmfao!!
startled to her pants, she asked me why i was laughing, not wanting to add to the direct embarrassment she had already experienced, i told her nothing!, that it was just a random thought that came to my head,
i just turned round, stopped a bike and just went straight home!
gosh!!! that statement still stands out
as the dumbest and stupidest thing i've heard in 2011!!.
**i still cringe on her behalf**
China Iphone??? GEEZZZzz....It all started when my obodo oyinbo boyfriend came to nja for a visit ...he bought me 'UNFORGIVABLE WOMAN' by Sean John....nice smell ..I complemented his taste...knowing fully well I was ready to settle down only looking for 'd one'...He left my house that evening only to call me back that would I like an iphone? Trust me what would I have said .....I form small sha as per naija girl working with Oceanic bank before he thinks am like some jand hawks ...anyways he says he was at a joint and some old friend brings d product...jand boy doesnt bother putting d phone on ...only collects the pack and gracefully brings it to my house the next day. With all the excitement in my heart ..I open the pack something doesnt feel right at least i know they come with white cables ...this one black with no apple sign behind...I plug to charge ....look at the manual all written in chinese..I dont want to spoil Jand boy's mood by saying anything funny ...10 minutes later I put on my brand new 'hihphone' guess what .....Trrrrrrrrinn like the original chinese my father bought when d craze started....Jand boy feels like entering the ground ......after all the forming and comin from jand simple original he could not buy ..he felt so bad..we couldnt put the sim in so we had to call the seller and he informed us we wont suceed except with a srewdriver included in d box to push the sim down SCREWDRIVER TO PUSH IN THE SIM!!! na wa o ...LANGUAGE WAS CHINESE ALL THRU except for one corner that read 'ENGLESH' The touch screen wasnt touch at all. i had to practically HAMMER my finger on it to respond.To worsen the case it was all echoes and stange noises from the other end anytime i picked a call. Took it to work the next day all my colleagues were dazed at my boyfriend's gift seriously coveting it. Shame no gree make I allow them browse thru...used it for 2 days and my dad saw the pack ....Father in law was so happy to finally see a future son in law buying iphone with his own money ....he was finally disappointed when he saw he couldnt use it ....MAGA DON PAY ....the guy refused to refund our money and i think my brother who loves computer village eventually got another maga to sell it to.....Jand boy don fail us all....he don mess up .....na so he go dey buy counterfeit if I marry am ??.......LMAO
P.S Jand boy and I have been married for 2 years and we are living happily ever after without our "HiHphone!!!!!!!
i bought a fake blakberry curve one to join d pinging club, subscribed for a month bt was told dat d BB settings is nt complete. I took d BB to an MTN outfit bt nobody could set it. After sometime,the scroll stopd working and most keys became stiff. It was so embarassing dat i had to wipe off d Blackberry written on d fone.
I had this china-made phone called Techno and its a touch-screen. It used to be silver colour, but with time its covering peeled off and I went to Wuse market with the thot of buying one one these BB-type casings;in order to belong (whatever that is).
But every vendor I asked for it, in turn asked what type of phone I had, immediately I said 'techno', they said a very big 'NO', looking shocked that a 'bigz girl' like me, could only afford such a phone.
Uche, Abuja. (bevin555@yahoo.com)
True story!!! (happened to me and I have proof)
I was one of the Corp members who took part in the INEC elections. I went through the ordeal of being electoral officer stationed in Mushin (oh agony!) for the prime purpose of buying my own Blackberry. I didnt care if it was a BB Curve or pearl, all i wanted to do was 'PING!!!' like all my girls and buddies did.
At the end of the electoral excersice we were paid our dues, I quickly carried my money to computer village and decided to buy my 'dream' phone from SLOT because I actually thought I'd get an original phone from them.
As I walked out of SLOT that day, I was on cloud 9. I had joined the bigz girlz league who owned a Curve 2 that I had purchased at N30,500.
Lo and behold, less than two weeks after, the phone began manifesting strange traits. It would hang unnessarily, it would unusally grow hot for no reason and finally it packed up.
I went back to SLOT with a copy of my reciept hoping they would either replace the phone or at least try to fix it, that is where my ordeal began.
My phone slept in SLOT for one month, my BIS expired without usage, they refused to change the phone for me.
After fruitlessly screaming the entire shop down,I took my home. Barely one week, after 'the drama' at SLOT, I was walking to my Mum's pharmacy with the phone in my hand (there was no light at home and I wanted to see if I could charge it while working with my laptop), that same night, two thieves with guns robbed my Mum and I. They took our phones, my laptop and the money we had sold.
Although it was a painful experience being robbed by the thieves but it was more damaging to be taking advantage of like that by SLOT WHO PREACH QUALITY BUT DO BUSINESS WELL BELOW THE STANDARDS THEY PREACH!!!
My 'Nokia' phone separated into pieces the first time I tried to use it.
Took it for repairs, was told it's fake.
Sad, sad, sad...
Linda i Havent Had Much First Hand Experiences, Except For that Of a Sagem X7 i used back in the day that I always had to Charge Every 30 minutes, Later Gave it Out to my Younger Sister Tho... @Ayo Orekoya's Story about Miss Endowed, Really Cracked me Up!!, But bros, u Could Have Left Out displaying nw Number now. haba!, interesting Story tho! .lol.
Linda abeg! When are you going to Do Counterfeit Story for us Blackberry users too na? I even have a Business proposition for You, How can i get your contacts?... Btw, *Laff wan Tear my Belle* for That Ayo Orekoya Part 1 and 2 Nollywood story!, .lol. @ the 'Christopher Columbus' part... #Crazy Guy!
Linda abeg! When are you going to Do Counterfeit Story for us Blackberry users too na? I even have a Business proposition for You, How can i get your contacts?... Btw, *Laff wan Tear my Belle* for That Ayo Orekoya Part 1 and 2 Nollywood story!, .lol. @ the 'Christopher Columbus' part... #Crazy Guy!
Wow TMO's story was the bomb....china iphone ke ?? I've never heard of that one before o .I can imagine the shame of bluffing about an iphone and not being able to bring it out.She sure deserves to win.
@TMO LMAO am glad the highphone didnt destroy your relationship. lol wish u all the best.
well this has happen to me, when i went get a Nokia Phone as a newbis i was given NOOKAII. when i went home, i made call to call my pals and inform them that i had a phone,One of my friend came in to my house and just then, my Phone rang and my friend ask me who was using samsung phone in my house and i told him nobody, so i went the phone it was mine. went i brought it out he told my he taught i said i got a NOkia Phone and i reply ya that the Phone he was laughing that. ABA DONE DO AM AGAIN. Nigeria China. i was faustrated i dont knw what to do then. but i had to change the phone because the know me as a big boy with class and can be using ABA made. lol am Proud of Nigeria china o. ABA!!!!!!!!
Well i know my dad deff has alot of stories to tell donno y hes so attracted to to china phones...its his investment ....LWKMD
@TMO your story rocks ...trying to hammer the touch screen to respond cant imagine that you deserve to win
@ Ayo Orekoya you want us to call you ?..lol well are u a fine boy? u can still get fine chics here :)
As a 23 years of age student, I was so anxious to get a phone and I decided to get one. A Nokia which features such as sound/video recorder, FM recorder, browser, front/back camera e.t.c. My heart was fill of excitement having bought a phone; - unfortunately I bought a fake phone.
How I got to know? Ough! My brother was the first person to call on the new phone after I inserting my SIM. On that very day, I had the biggest embarrassment of life as I was shocked with the ring tune (sound) of the phone *it was excess to the normal Nokia phones* it sounded like a Home Theater and everyone around there were just looking at me like a 'bush' man. I left the place with worries why the sound was absurd - I got to found out when I got home that the name on the fake phone was 'NOKLA'. NOKLA? I felt to disappointed and since then I'm wiser and well informed about the so called 'chinko' phones.
My 1st Time on here, and i Must Say am Really Enjoying this Blog and Its Crazy Commenters from the Chronicles of L, now to This, You Guys are really Cracking me Up!, i just Hope My Boss Doesnt Catch me!, liked the Mz Oluwa Endowed phone Story too, Really Crazy Mehn!!, i Am Loving This Site Already!!, am Definitely Coming bk!
My 1st Time on here, and i Must Say am Really Enjoying this Blog and Its Crazy Commenters from the Chronicles of L, now to This, You Guys are really Cracking me Up!, i just Hope My Boss Doesnt Catch me!, liked the Mz Oluwa Endowed phone Story too, Really Crazy Mehn!!, i Am Loving This Site Already!!, am Definitely Coming bk!
A nice lady in my office promised to give me(Being a youth corper) her old nokia n86 phone when she gets a new one, I was so excited about owning an 8 mega-pixel mobile phone, with 8gig internal memory plus s60 v3 os to go with it.
Then after several weeks of patiently waiting she did gave me the phone only for me to discover that my n86 fanasy will not come to pass(not just yet): the phone is an out of world china immitation of a genuine nokia n86, the external built is very similar to Nokia n86, the inscription of the mega-pixel/nokia n86 is the same with the real n86 but once you attempt to access the main menu then you will discover a heart-breaking fact...its a china phone,a classic nokia immittation, it only makes and recieve calls, symbian, java or any other third party applications does not run on this phone, the sound and grapics are so inferior to any original nokia phone...It is always not nice using this phone because I wouldn't want my friends to know the truth-my beloved N86 is a counterfeit!
i bought an Eseries nokia for 12k, i was very happy. only 2 get home and found out it was nolka,it was a 2 sim phone and whenever i want to put it on it can wake everyone in the house up.there was no confidentiality. ringtone was alarm for the whole street. mehn it was am embarrasment in public. LoL! teggy
My husband gave me a Blackberry Nokia phone as a birthday gift. Unfortunately a week after, thief slash my bag with my phone inside very early in the morning(5.15am) on my way to office, it was painful and since then Im using "palasa" phone.
.lol. Chai! see as People just Dey Gbagaun with their Stories, al because of Nokia phone, Ayo Orekoya and TMO's post Realy Cracks me Up!,
I am a support engineer and at my work place we get so many issues including network, computers and phone problems. This wonderful day my colleague came to me saying a lady couldn't connect to the internet with her Nokia phone and since i was using the same Nokia phone I should help out. Of course I was more than happy to i just configured mine a few days earlier. But immediately i held the phone I knew it was 'baba nla' fake. The keys were terribly hard you had to press it down hard. The screen was low quality and mine was 2 megapixel while hers was 3 megapixel. The phone was smaller and in an odd colour.
Of course this phone was fake so i didn't know the specifications to use for the browsing because the supposed model specification i used didn't work. I had to ask the lady how much she bought her phone she told me a ridiculous price. She obviously saw how surprised I was and said "I got it through my phone dealer friend; where I wanted to buy it before it was at a higher price." You know the amazing thing was that she said it so proudly like she was a smart one of some sort and she was kind of forming with it too!
I finally had to tell her to take it to the network provider center for them to configure. I had to use the excuse that we were using different network providers.
My colleague also came back to tell me that she knew the phone was fake in fact she said China. LOL! God bless her soul! This is my FAKE NOKIA PHONE STORY!
erm its obvious that anon october 10th 9:00am, anon october 10th 8:49am and anon october 10th 8:51am are the same person!!LOL
It was my kid sister's birthday and I promised her an LG phone coz she's an LG phone freak. I actually didn't have time to buy the phone myself so I got a friend to get the phone and wrap it up just the way my kid sis will like it.
"Busy me" didn't have time to see the phone until her birthday afternoon after picking it up from my friend and presenting to her. In the presence of her friends she unwrapped what was supposed to be her LG phone only to discover another version of LG. It was an "IG phone". We both contained the embarrassment, but surprisingly she decided to use the phone until I got her the real deal, but 2 days after "IG" came into our lifes the screen went blank after my kid sis attempted playing a game on the phone. Our cute lil IG has remained blind ever since.
@Ayo Orekoya... .lol. Mad Man!, u're fool for this One. i think i know the Babe You're Talking about, no Mind al dz Chics, na Like So dem go dey Form Activity, and dem no Sabi anything. Mtcheeew!
@yemi... .lol. Oga! so You Sef Dey Reach Here?.. omo, na So i See am o!, Guess all that Glitters isnt Gold Afteral, Mostimes they are Always Electroplated!... Thankz for the Heads up! Nyway, .lol
Aunty linda, Unless if we are allowed to Write a Fiction Story, unfortunately, i have never had such Experiences, maybe because am stil 16, Enjoyed @Ayo Orekoya's story, and Some Other One's Tho!
chai see how people just dey form story cos of nokia phone na wa o...at least some of them sound original
@ anonymous noticing the lies of other anonymous- them no fit turn us to maga now we know say na fake story.
TMO's story really cracked me up I wish we could get the phone to steve Jobs(RIP) before he died.that would have given him a great heart attack.
My counterfeit story happened last yr 02-11-2010.
It was my boyfriend's mother's birthday and I decided to get her a phone because, I noticed she used a beat-up Sony Ericsson phone.
Due to nature of my job, I could not go shopping my self so I decided to send a junior staff in my establishment (after giving him specifications of the NOKIA phone I desired and asking him not to bother tearing the wrappers so it appears crisp and gift-like). Okay, in retrospect, maybe that was a mistake!
After getting the 'Nokia' fone, I wrapped it good and proper and put in a lovely pink gift bag in anticipation of the birthday. When she got the gift, she was so pleased, I felt on top of my game sha. No wahala!
Two days later, i saw the phone at my boyfriend's. I asked him what it was doing there and he said his mum asked him to help transfer contacts to her new phone. Okay oh! Next day, it was still there. Then I started teasing him of nabbing his mum's gift and that was when he told me that it was a NCKLA I purchased. *shocked face*
His younger brother switched on the phone and instead of the hands shaking each other, it started as two kids wriggling their fingers, then they started jumping in circles with the most annoying chinese music blasting in the background!!!
The screen LCD is so annoying,ugly colours, uglier fonts, the keypads so stiff(could cause arthritis), the camera(don't even bother), the touch screen should have been called 'punch screen'.
I was beyond mortified.
My boyfriend (bless him had already bought another for her behind my back).
This year, I guess I'll just buy her a nice scarf.
LMAO TMO all the way which kin jand bobo wan razzle chick with barrof we would have felt like a serious maga. Am glad u didnt judge him based on that incident o like some of the chics nowadays would do materialistic girls**yimu**
Some stories here are not so humourous but true. Some are absolute cock-n-bull!!! I won't mention ID here but please stop coming under fake alias repeatedly †o promote your fake story. Love y'all.
Btw Linda, (wrong venue †o post I know) but I adore your "Chronicles of Li". Hope you can make it a regular feature in here.
Can't find my old regular commenters anymore, @surprise, @naijamum, @nigerianmovies, @yemisi etc
The Reason Why i Love L.I.B, Is mainly Cos of the Comments, Mostyms the Comments are Even More Interesting than the Blogpost its Self, na wa o!, al thz Stories al Becos of Phone? Oga o!, enjoyed @Ayo Orekoya's Part 1 and Two Story!
Most of the stories were rather boring. Tell a story dont you get it anyways I am not Linda I would have flung some stories out . I enjoyed TMO, Ayo Orekoya and the lady from the previous week
@ Linda are u planning to compile the stories ? I volunteer to help you out o
@Gbenga.. Yeah i Do Reckon with You, Many of the Stories Were Boring, Only a Few were actualy Interesting!, Guess their Desperation for a Phone Affected the Glucose in their Brains. .lol.. I also Enjoyed Ayo Orekoya's Story too!
@franmi.. Yes i also loved the Chronicles of L, wish she could develop it into a Regular Feature just like 360nobs did with Memoirs. @Linda.. Remember that the voice of the People is the Voice of God o!, you better take Heed now. Sho ti gbo? @Ayo Orekoya.. Erm!, i think i Might have Enjoyed your Story, but wassup with Displaying ur Number na, Dont u Think thats like T.M.O? #jes Saying
@ Newest bride in town I totally agree with you and Gbenga .desperation for a phone .naija people sha just dropping 2 lines calling it a story lmao. I vote for TMO .@ AYo Orekoya na nollywood movie we dey read ? na wa o lol...thats wat tv is doing to us.tell a story not a story with two parts .It was a wonderful and captivating story though!!
@bella4show.. The reason Why i had to write my Story in two parts was Because the coment box could only take about 4096 characters per post, which Obviously couldnt Contain the Full Story, that was why i had to improvise and do it part 1 and 2 just like a Nollywood story, glad u stil Enjoyed it sha../ @Newest Bride in town.. .lol. See this babe o!, shey u knw want make i win ni? Just trying to give myself the Competitive Advantage, as Omoboi need a New phone Badt badt! .lol.
I thought you were thru with this but thank God!
Something happened to my Colleague
yesterday. The company where i work held a board meeting yesterday,board of directors for that matter. As in V.I.Ps!
So i decided to help our office assistant serve tea.
Before then she has this Fake Blackburry fone she uses, now back to where we are serving the tea.
The projector is on, one of the expartriates demonstrating in front of the rest,there we are serving tea and bam!!!
The loud fone with it funny ring tone Oloku puts every one on pause for few seconds, she had to run out of the conference room leaving one of the guys hand pending in the air cos he was about taking a cup of tea from the tray.
I wasnt a nice scene at all!
@Louboutin Chic display number by Ayo Orekoya-I still dont get the concept dont worry chics would call.lol and I really think its TMO. Most were boring stories **yawns**.
@fineboy no Pimples, seems U Missed the Memo, Fyi, i am Not Here to Form Activity like i dont want or need the Phone, like alot of U on here form, cos i actually Do, and Putting a Number with My Identity Should incase i Win, isnt Outrageous or Out of thz World, (afterall, whoever wins will be based on which Story People enjoyed the Most) so you see, am just Trying to Give Myself the Competitive Advantage, by adding my Full Contacts, Comprendè?
Na wa o, seems like the Competition here is nw between TMO, And Ayo Orekoya, i Vote for Ayo Orekoya!, though his Story is Pretty long! Though, but i think i can Relate directly with it smhw.
@Ayo orekoya we no dey fight o ...I just dey yap u .....lite up with a bit of humour !!!!
For me TMO should gerrit
@fineboy No Pimples... Ehn That 1 sef Dey! Sha, Nothing Stil Do You brov, Even Though You no Vote for me!...#Deuces!
@Linda!, Jeeeez! My Eyes are Starting to Hurt Already!, abeg, i Cant find the Previous Weeks Stories, So Many boring Stories on here i must Say, and Some People can be So Terrible with Spellings Sha!..Managed to Enjoy only a few, i Vote for @Ayo Orekoya's part 1 and 2 Story, its Quite Humourous and Entertaining!.. Ff me on twitter @dafyoso
@Linda!, Jeeeez! My Eyes are Starting to Hurt Already!, abeg, i Cant find the Previous Weeks Stories, So Many boring Stories on here i must Say, and Some People can be So Terrible with Spellings Sha!..Managed to Enjoy only a few, i Vote for @Ayo Orekoya's part 1 and 2 Story, its Quite Humourous and Entertaining!.. Ff me on twitter @dafyoso
@Ayo Orekoya, Why is it that you Guyz always Like Yabbing Girls at the 1st chance You get at it?? Enjoyed Your Story best sha, thats if its true o!
@Ayo Orekoya, I Like your Writing Style, Different, Funny, and Quite! interesting, Chipped in a Few Intelligent Jokes i Enjoyed, i Particularly loved the 'CHRISTOPHER COLUMBUS' too!...#Nice One!
@ TMO I LOveeeeee your story, quite humorous. I love ayo Orekoya's too
k so everyone wants to win a phone including the good the bad and the ugly.my first time on this blog and av been glued to the stories all day. I really like TMO's story!! hiphone LWKMD
@Ayo Orekoya.. Interesting Read, Let me Just Vote For You Because You are My ex Boyfriends Namesake (One of the Baddest HEADmasters in Yankee), Even though i knw He's Smarter and ''Handsomer'' Than You!, Shout Out to all The Gbagaun's in almost all the Stories Have Read Here!, @Linda we Voters nko? Shey u no go Give us At least Charger too ni?
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