It was gathered that Deann’s husband, Sylvester Nmezi, stabbed her in the eye during a minor squabble at home. If you think that the act was a mistake, you are wrong. After stabbing his wife in the eye, the man locked the doors against her and left her to bleed to death.
For Deann, this is like a dream. She married Sylvester barely a year ago and hoped to have a good marriage. Their affairs had started when she was a student at the University of Port Harcourt. Their love affair blossomed and they agreed to get married.
However, Deann’s parents, siblings and relatives objected to her marrying Sylvester. Along the line, she got pregnant for Sylvester and her family didn’t have any choice but to grant her wish. She moved in to live with Sylvester. Last year, she gave birth to a baby boy.
It was gathered that Deann is Sylvester’s third wife. First, the man married about five years ago and the marriage crashed after producing a child. He married again but his second wife did not give him a child before they parted ways. He then married Deann.
The fight
Sylvester returned home after being away for two weeks. A quarrel had ensued between him and the wife, in the evening. To Deann, the matter was settled, but her husband did not want to let go.
It was gathered that in the dead of the night, Sylvester woke his wife from sleep and demanded that they talked. His wife told him that whatever discussion there was had to wait till the morning, to avoid waking the baby, who had cough and catarrh. In a fit of anger, Sylvester stabbed her twice in the eye, locked the door and escaped.
Since their home on Ada George Road, a developing part of Port Harcourt, is isolated, neighbours could not hear Deann’s cries. Writhing in pains and on the verge of bleeding to death, she managed to call her siblings in Lagos, on phone. She also called her parents and Sylvester’s parents, who also live in Lagos. She also, in pains, captured her bleeding face with her Blackberry phone camera and sent them to those she called. Her family contacted their friends in Port Harcourt, Mr & Mrs. Castro, who broke the door and took her out. She was then taken to the University of Port Harcourt Teaching Hospital (UPTH) for medical attention.
Nero Igho, Deann’s brother, who was in Lagos when he got this distress call, told Saturday Sun that he called Sylvester severally but he refused to pick his call. He had to fly to Port Harcourt the next day.
After initial treatment, Nero took his sister to police area command, where the matter was reported. She was, thereafter, transferred to Lagos State University Teaching Hospital, Ikeja, where by a team of three doctors confirmed that the eye was dead, after surgery.
On his experience, Deann said: “Sylvester used a knife to remove one of my eyes and locked the door against me so that I will bleed to death.”
How Sylvester was arrested
Saturday Sun gathered that after the attack, Sylvester moved over to Lagos and was lodging in a hotel. While in Lagos, he told those who called him on phone that he was in Yenagoa, Bayelsa State. The bubble bust when someone sported him and told Deann’s family. Nero traced him to the hotel and fooled him into believing that there was no problem, as they saw the matter as his trying time with his wife. He followed them home, where the police picked him up. The police said he would be transferred to Port Harcourt, where the crime was committed.
Sylvester’s plot to flee Nigeria
It was learnt that Sylvester actually planned to flee Nigeria, which was why he came to Lagos. He had made arrangements for an International passport, which he was waiting for before he was nabbed.
While cooling off at Lagos Police Command cell, Sylvester blamed Satan for his action. He denied stabbing his wife. According to him, the ceiling fan cut her wife’s eye.
Quest for justice
Deann’s family wants Sylvester to pay for his deeds. Nero is working with a non-governmental organisation, Crime Victim Foundation, to get justice for his sister.
Source: Sun News Online
They always have to blame the devil.. Poor guy. I hope he rots in jail. What a loser.
he's a beast!!its so alarming how domestic violence is on the increase in Nigeria,with poor helpless women always being the victims!!A word to all sisters out there..please run away from men with shady pasts or with hot tempers because they usually end up either beating or killing their wives,Deann must have seen the signs but she chose to ignore them out of either love or desperation..a word is enough for the wise!!
Naomi---poor guy???
Yep, the devil made him do it. Bless her heart, I hope she recovers well. Ladies and Gents, make una dey look well o. Yes, we should give second chances but when someone shows that he/she is not so great at staying married, find out if they have changed...made progress on the impatience factor and then tie the knot with them. Nothing about you will make them stop the silly behavior that cost them their previous marriages.
This young lady is suffering in the hands of a man that showed he was unfit to be called a husband from his past history with previous wives. Lord be sense and patience.
hes a mad man for doing that to a lady and shuld rot in jail foreva.
thats just wickednes, he must be made to pay 4 dis
when I started readin d story I felt really sorry for d lady but on readin it further I realised she was or is d 3rd wife to d man! Why Did she tink d first two left? Why didn't she do a proper investigation be4 marryin d man and why didn't she listen to her family? Its unfortunate the way she now has to pay! Thank God d man no kill am sha...
he will have to pay for it
he will have to pay for it
hmmmmn that was how a lady poisoned her husband in festac last week,thank God he didnt die.....wat is happenning????i guess the line between love and hate is very thin after all.
The first two wives left and she thinks she cud do better than them. Why will a woman marry a man who has been married 2 times within 5 years. Desperate to marry or what? Now she has paid 4 it wit her eyes,she shld still thank baba God that she survived.
dis baffle me, how can you beat ur wife, for what reason and you claim that you love her, is this love or what can we called this, if this is how love is, i will rather remain single. may her soul rest in peace.
It is better to be single and happy than married and unhappy. Women, open your eyes well. Don't let anybody pressurise you into getting married. You are the one that will be in it not them!
First of all, sorry to the victim and hope she gets justice. If nigerian justice system fails you, go to mile one park and hire boys to remove both his eyes. Second of all, i live at Ada George and it is anything but quiet unless its the part of Ada George she stays.....because ada george happens to be quite the long road. Finally, i just want to appeal to nigerian girls that just love to get married for status sake that they should look and think before they leap because no be by force to marry for school. Na so many of dem for my school dey marry without knowing the guy enough then later we go con dey hear negative tori.
The devil made me sleep with the prostitute, the devil made me slap my wife, the devil made me rape my teenage daughter/niece/housegirl. Men una no get small accountability to self ni. Its always someone/thing elses fault. Stronger sex my petuti!!
What kind of men do we have nowadays, its quite disgusting to hear dis. Women please pray hard before u accept any man's hand in marriage, bcos that marriage will either make or marr ur life. Word of advice.Also get parents consent before u play a smart one "getting pregnant before marriage"
Lord have mercy.. What's wrong with these people?
I ve carefully avoided seeing ds pix after i saw d head line somewhere.i ve not always been a marriage fan cos wen i see things like this i hate this M thing the more.
i ve seen someone that lost about seven teeth through a battering husband.
i keep wondering what the f is gud about this wen the so called love that leads to it gets sour in most cases.
Poor girl!!And the most annoying thing is that another woman will still say yes to this beast.
pay for it?how?
the only acceptable payment for this is having his eyes plucked out.
i sugget women should start saying NO to marriage proposals but they will never hear all in the name of fake ecstasy that ends sooner than later.
They suffer most yet they will be the ones that will put a thousand rings in one finger to show that they are married while the man goes about without even one ........Babes wake up!!!!forget this Marriage thing,just make urselves happy and live right>
First of all, Deann got what she deserve.what is she doing with another woman's husband. She would have cost d woman so much pain n she is living in d guys house without marriage. We girls can be really desperate.
Secondly, is it me or is this story not funny. After an argument in d afternoon, d guy waited till night to stab her n leave her to die. For goodness sake if d guy wanted to kill her, stabbing her in d eye would not be an option. He would jst stab her to death without bothering to wake her up. Something is very fishy abt d story. D truth is yet to be told.
Madness. Utter madness.
Na dem know. Nigerian society is wicked for constantly putting pressure on women to get married. It is also why Nigeria will never progress! After putting unnecessary pressure on young women to marry, many women end up with beasts in human skin. Had she remained happily single, by now, she would still have 2 functioning eyes like mine. This should also serve as a lesson to all those married women who castigate single women. Beware, because you never know when your once upon a time sweet husband will pluck out ya eye or use you as minced suya, lol
This is just a sad case of love gone awry. I feel so bad for the lady and thinking about the kid just breaks my heart. I hope he pays dearly for this.
I do not think domestic abuse is on the rise. However, we have become more aware of it since there is more access to media facilities than ever before.
Women need to be cautious about who they get involved with and also know the tell tale signs of an abuser.
ROFLMAO @ajalahtravel....is that the best advise u can give?hahahahahaha na wa o
and I couldnt agree more..there is a thin line between love and hate afterall....hmmm na only God for us all in this world o..smh
but this woman sef nawa o...they say follow ure heart but u for carry brain along with u nau..which one sef?kmtna so dem dey blame devil o..poor satan sef...every small thing na him cause am..both the ones he do and the ones wey he never even waka pass na still him
nemesis of a strange woman.
im nt saying that syl did right by stabbing her but he began dating her wen he was STILL married to his wife. this girl distroyed a home. (syl has been married only once. he only had a child with jacquline and they never married.)
its a pity justice will never be done as his mum is highly connected and would ship syl out of the country with or without a passport. that is if he aint already out.
When love overwhelms us, we tend to giv evrytin to d person in question.. Girls be sensitive ... tink wit ur head and not ur heart bcuz in ur heart, emotions drive u ... dont make 'a yes or a no' to a lifetime regret...
My God, this is serious! Hp she will not loose the eye. Thank God for the awareness on domestic violence now, am sure mr husband will be made to face the music.
people should learn to hear from both parties before judging.The lady herself gave sylvester a big mark on his face attempting to stab him in the left eye too. They should solve their witchcraft themselves and pls stop getting us involved.iknow the family very well.Thank God she didnt die sha. Sly went to the extreme as well. Women should learn to guard their tongue and pls learn also to tell us the whole story the way it happened.
Very sad and pathetic. Was it that same man who met her and was head over heel in love with her?
pesin wey dey won comot dem eye dey get power to snap foto??? this story is phony men!!!
first and foremost, d media would always give us something interesting to read about.
#1. Sylvester is legally married to only one woman which didnt give him a child and that wasnt the reason why he sent her out. He got married to a devil who ran his financial life down. he went from something to nothing.This girl comes into the house with devilish pastors who taook his clothes, shoes and wat have u to damage his life. she well succeeded. Today, he is not where he used to be. sly never for one day touched her irrespective of the havoc she caused him.
* the first girl was a university girlfriend that had a baby for him but they werent ready to get married.Sly is not a viloent person and i have seen the way he treats his sisters. He enever for one day touched them. He is very humble, nice and friendly. People who know him can justify these facts.
3. this so called wife, got pregnant for him only last year and he felt, it wwas his rresponsibility to take care of the child. Now, b4 every1 starts to rattle their tongues, This girl slaps sly in public and sly wont retaliate but rather leave d house for weeks because he is from aa reputable family. she kept accusing him of cheating and fighting even his friends. As a matter of fact, we his friends, dont visit him in the house becos of this same girl. What happened that night was a mere mistake. She took the standing fan and wanted to hit it on sly. sly got up and was trying to collect the standing fan from her and the blade mistakenly gave her a cut. Look at the pic closely. If it was a stab, it would be deep. The mark was just oin the middle of her eyelids. the father came to Ph to take her to the hospital in lagos while she was in the hospital in PH just to keep her in his custody. Poor sly only travelled back to lagos to see her in the hospital and thats where he was apprehended. this is a man with conscience for crying out loud. We should hear the full story first. This girl has really pushed him to the wall. Putting this whole story on the internet and papers wont solve the issue. This girl has issues and i think the parents should sit her down and advice her. This same girl would wear a boxer to fight the maid guard in the house. Pour swater on whoever comes to the house. The parents in-law cannot even come and visit due to her ill attitude. God is a God of Vengeance and we believe he would judge right. Pls stay away from stories you dont know about. Men! If you have a wife like this, am sure most men would do worst. we cant judge anyone right now. Lets just pray for healing and peace pls people. This is not helping matters. Do u know how many people this same sly has helped and is still helping in the past? He is well respected. Only if you know him and understand what he has been going thru. It is one of marriage challeneges. Marriage is not easy. If you have the opportunity to interview the legal wife, ask her if sly ever touched her before? God help us all.
O Ggabby:
it a pitty, am saying sorry to the girl, the solution is not for single ladies to remain unmarry,but GOD first in any thing u re doing believe me we will not make such mistake,a man who married befor is not surpose to remarry eccept the wife died,so she marry another woman husband.do not marry a man becouse of money,marry to a man who ve a fear of GOD ALMIGHT, you will never encounter such problem in jesus.today many pastors re preaching it a man who married before and diavioce his wife, no woman should marry him let him remain alone. this ia a lession to all u girl, am warning you all according to the BIBLE becouse i love you all with the love of christ.
I ve known sly for more than 10years n we used to date ,didnt work out so we ended up as family friends....Sly is d kindest soul ever,his only weakness is women,and from reading this story i can picture wat might have happened..Sly hates confrontations or arguements,his way out of it is to disappear for days n then show upwhen he feels d person must ve calmed down..he is not violent in any way n would never lay hands on any woman.Sly has been married only once and i was at that wedding,jacklyn had a baby girl called Alicia for sly and they didnt get married coz of family issues,the wife sly married pretended to be a born again n sly fell for her tricks,they barely knew eachother ,they got married only for sly to catch her in her fetish acts,even at dat he didnt beat her.i m sure she attacked him n in self defence he hurt her...the point here is what goes around comes around,she is aware dat Sly had a wife before she went into a relationship wit him,n gettin pregnant sealed it for her,how on earth did she xpect that his womanizing habits wud end d minute she moves in with him? No woman deserves violence,but no man would also put up with a violent woman.my take on this is,Sly should pay for his sin on ashort term basis just to teach him never to batter a woman no matter wat she does,secondly i think he should ditch all this women n go back to Jacklyn or remain single so he can sow his wild oats with willing partners....most of dis gals dat profess love for him r there coz of wat dey can get....watz done is done,sly is prison as we speak.i pray everything gets sorted in time for them to move on with their seperate lives.
I doubt it is Chinenye you are talking about being devilish. Because Chinenye is a nice lady.
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