The Super Eagles coach, 44, currently earns N5million a month, but following the disastrous outing of the team recently, there are talks that the people who pay him his salary want to slash it by 50%. Siasia has said he won't accept a pay cut.
N5m a month and we didn't qualify for the Nations cup Mr Siasia? For N5m a month, not only should we have qualified for the Nation's cup...we should also win the World Cup...wharrahell?
so much money....so much
Siasia actually failed us.Next time he should learn to talk less and work hard.He should be grateful he is still being considered for the job unlike his predecessors who were handed sack letter for not delivering.5m is too much talkless of being payed to one who performed below expectation.
Ignorance Linda, ignorance...
NFA is being generous with him, even at 2.5 a month he is okay, especially after letting Nigeria down...no excuse at all...Coaching is a result driven career, you fail you go...
Hi,5m,but sure they always owe the guy.
All the foreign coaches that have been coming to Naija earn more than this without anything to show for it. So, kini big deal?
5m a mnth 4 doing nothing!!!!!! Nawa oooooooooooo!!!!!!!!
5m a mnth 4 doing nothing nawa oooooooo 4 nija!!!!!!!!
So, is less than $50,000 a month for a national a lot of money? You people no serious for that Nigeria.
Cut players wages by 50% (the balance of 50% should be performance related) and increase the coach's wages.
give him time and he ll do wonders http://www.campushotworld.blogspot.com
A Coach is as good as his last match. Siasia, you may leave. Thanks.
Linda, you need to see this.
Man Caught Having Sex with Donkey Claimed It Was a Shapeshifting Hooker
He his still being considered cos he's a BAYELSA MAN AS GOODLUCK JONATHAN PERIOD
but dont they pay the foreigners just as much?
Yes i agree with the comments about the Foreign Coaches who earned more. For real, there's too much money in Nigeria and that's part of why the West doesn't feel sorry for us.
Now that he's failed, i think he should step down and take all the over-pampered, over-hyped and dummy sucking players with him.
In football across the globe, that fig. would be considered an insult. To get a better coach would cost much more.
I don,t see anything bad with Siasia failing us because coaching work shall be done collectively. Let there be a medium where all experience coach will come together and bring ideas that will promote our football career and let stop blaming and sacking coach. Remember the saying it is not how many time we fall but the rising. So let do something about the falling of the eagles and not sacking the coach all the time
He was over bloated by our press, refused to perform, arrogantly drinks like a fish in front of his players and now want to hold us all [Nigeria] to ransome. He should rot.
The man has failed and he should simply go...
Na only hungry dog fit guard house well from thieves.....#thistooshallpass
Abegi allow the man...How much were they paying foreign coaches who were 10x worse than him?
Naija and our inferiority complex. We can pay outsider with our lives but refuse to treat our own fairly.
I tire 4 9jerians oooo, foreign coaches earn more nd get paid b4 they even dream of coming to 9ja so y r we complaining nd we all knw siasia is good. y shld they slash his pay cos he didnt qualify 9ja wen dey didnt slash dat of superducks.9erians r 2 4getful,d govt promised superduck 10dolls or thereabout sometime ago to qualify us for a competition which dey failed to do nd d govt still gave dem d money cos they promised.Abeg ooo agreement is agreement,siasia no agree or u quit . i 1der wat yobo has achieved 4 9ja dat they giving him MON #SMH# 4 9JA LEADERS
@ ONYEDIKING, u always hv nothing to say when commenting on each post except those ur annoying "nice one, or "na wa o" etc. Is that ur trade mark? Must u comment on every post? pls try and contribute meaningfully or just read n pass.
Everyone deserve a second chance and i think Siasia should be given one too. Am sure he will do well with time
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