We exchange numbers and start chatting...interesting dude...
A week after meeting he wants us to go to the movies together
Sounds good, that will be a nice change from going to the movies with my friends/siblings
Also haven't kissed in a movie theater in a long while (my specialty *cough*)
But before I go I must ask two questions
So let's begin the conversation
"Let's go to the movies together, Linda"
"You sure you are single?"
"I've been single for a while. I already told you that"
"And how old are you again?"
"29 next month!"
"Sorry, I can't go out with you, I like my men older"
"I never asked to be your man, Linda"
Yeah, yawa!
"I just asked you to the movies...not to the altar."
Bobo yi ti yawere sha! You didn't ask to be my man? Then get off my phone, you moda foca!
"You do go to the movies with your friends, don't you?
"I have enough friends darling, I'm looking for a man. Lose my number"
Conversation ends.
Text comes in: I think you need therapy more than you need a man
Your father!
lmao!..serves u right..when are u girls gonna accept dat this pose mode u girls are always activating doesnt work on every guy..anyway hope u find wot u looking for..ciao xo - KC
linda, u really need to see a therapist....ah ah
LMAO...Linda don vex!!!!
I think I agree with him. No be step by step? You have to be friends with him naw......And regarding the age thing, there are no hard and fast rules. I like men 10yrs+ older than me but I "fell in like" with sm1 jst two years older. I'm still aghast. But it feels good :-)
I can't stand guys that don't know what they want in ladies.he probably wasn't single. all he wanted was a record that "he has hit that".u were smart enuff to have deciphered his true intentions girl *thumbs up*
Hmmm... He might be right about you needing the services of Yaba Left. Flow on, Sister.
He he he he he....LMFAO Lwkmd4h!!!
buhehehehehehehehehe.....linda!u no go kil person
i think i agree with the guy, what has age got to do with it. some older men have refused to grow up while some young men matured quickly so it is all about the person so give the guy a chance
Hahahahahaha....cn't stop lafing. Linda, but the guy did no wrong for asking what he did ask for, but anyway, he spoilt the whole game plan with that text.
u nyd some real good sex in ur life
what is this???
Hey Linda funny massage though, but would like to advice you never ever, I mean never ever ever write about your personal life on your blog even anonymously, one of the greatest things that scares men away from women is stuffs like this oh. Things that happen in relationships should always be kept personal, because anyone that wanted to approach you before and reads this, believe me, is on his heels now.
LMAOOOOO!!! LInda! Oya were o!!
But seriosly linda,its just to d movies na.haba.and with this ur insistence on not "being friends"(hehehe) with a younger guy,u just might end up missing out on a really great guy.haba lindaaaa.the guy wasn't 21 na...
I don't even know what to say to this. Buh Linda, I think u should loosen up. Going to a movie with a friend isn't bad. I think u are just desperate for a guy. Don't worry, d right man will come soon.
lmao at your father!!! lool...but yeh i could understand where the guy was coming from. we women jump into conclusions pretty quick....you could have given him a chance.
lol... linda, two things:
1) give the younger men a chance. some of them are more matured than their age
2) be unassuming and just go with the flow. don't make it too obvious that you "need a man". enjoy all the people around you and live in the moment. life is too short for one to place undue limitations on life experiences. if it does proceed to be something more, good for you. if it does not, you may have just found yourself a good friend. and if it turns out to be neither, well, it would be one more valuable life experience. =)
You ain't never lied, Linda! LOL. If u have enough friends, you have enough friends. That's not a bad thing. No need wasting time with something that is not going anywhere.
P.S. If he's mature enough, you might want to consider younger guys that actually want to be ur man :)
Truth is bitter. You need a shrink.
hahahahah this is so funny! dont mind him Linda... me sef i no get time for time wasters. friends ko
I think he's right Linda.. You prolly need therapy more than you need a man.. lmao
Lmao! Very funny
ouch! but that's what you get linda for assuming that every guy that comes sniffing you wants to be your man and not just friends... its a myopic way of thinking that we african women do....... i'm guilty of it just i don't voice it out , just let the man define what he wants first so as not to learn the hard way as you did cos i will have died
lmaoooo....i cant stop laughing hahahah
lol............. oo serious .
LOL. The fact that he sent that text makes you 100% right for not going to the movies with him. Not very grown up of him.
lol..I love the guy
So u r one of dose dat believe in d age tin?kai! U don break my heart.Anyways,d dude ws rite;u need therapy.lol
hahahaha! too funny. but why do adults throw insults like they are still in nursery school?
Linda *Gba si be*. Dont feel bad about his response, you were smart enough to realize he was a smooth talker and only trying to waste your time. He is also a child, because no real man will ever insult a lady. "Your Father?". Men you dodged a bullet. And one girl will pick up this stray dog and be calling it a boyfriend. When you get older, you know what you want and you can spot bullshit from 1million miles. ;)
Lol! Linda you're a fool! You also need anger management lol.
Chei, Linda! Na so u desperate reach?
Cool down o b4 u jam somtin. A word.
LOL.take it easy on d guy abeg.u dont just expect a modern guy to just toast u like dat.u need to be friends first,go to movies or go oit on dates and get familiar with each other before he asks u out.ohhhhhh u just fall my hand sha.see ur life?
Nna men, serious yawa leleyi ooo.
Linda, na you wey fall you own hand.
1)What's wrong with 29? 29 is a grown ass man. Next time judge him by the content of his character than his age.
2)He probably wanted to be your man, but was responding defensively to your statement.
3)Even if you are looking for a man NEVER come across as determined or desperate for it. Most men see this as scary and off-putting.
4)Even if you don't want/like someone. Always be respectful and polite when refusing or rejecting, atleast for reputation sake.
LOL Linda. Eye dey pain d guy, can't he see how gorgeous u r.
GBAM lose the number fast- let the man come with the theraphy
Oooooo Linda! Why u gta fk up this date now. Younger men can sometimes "get it" better. For you info.
Oooooo Linda! Why u gta fk up this date now. Younger men can sometimes "get it" better. For you info.
i swear linda age does not matter i used like my man older then i met my future husband he was nice and i am 1 year older than him.he was matured
I must say from what I was reading linda that was kinda wrong if that guy was trey songz u would not blow him off just like that,let's be honest here, he did not ask to be your man so the yawa was on point."Tongue out" lloll
Linda, at this point you don't have the luxury of being that picky. Especially with trivial things like 2 years age difference. I've seen lots of marriages work out like that. also, some people start out as friends and things build up so you should really be more open minded
Linda, as a fan and a man who has gone through what your mystery man ha gone through, I must say what you did was unfair to both you and him.
Look, let us put a balance to this thing of modernisation. If a lady can do her own thing without being bothered about needing a a man to support her, she should also be comfortable with a younger man when mutual attraction occurs.
Your reaction was 'overmuch' (I could not resist the malapropism).
I met a young lady myself who approached me first. She was polite, exposed and over time I came to find her more attractive by the day until I decided that I liked her enough to tell her so...then she asked about my age and she had her 'pause'.
I can only guess why you would feel troubled about a man less than a decade your junior (I assume 3 or 4 years younger)?
He will give you more respect, will have more energy...a driven and teachable young man with an older lady who knows what she wants?
There are other names for relationship heaven. Linda. Be nice to him, be nice to yourself...good things are not always in the form we expect.
linda,u'r so funny..
Funnny but u dnt reply tweet on me @lilspicer aint even no ya facebuk name sucks
Firstly watch your tenses, take the time out to do spell check before posting. Second, you don` have to be rude to the guy, every guy that comes your way must necessarily be the husband material you never know where you might need people`s help.Finally I don`t see anything wrong in dating someone you are older than, its all about maturity.I wish you all the best
Is dis for real? Or its jst part of a Home video?..lolz
Im papa, nonsense and ignoramus. I had envisaged a romantic outing between the two of u as the twilight unfolded into a night of unending bliss as he not only engulfs u in his manly arms in the thearter but ravishes u in kisses out of this world that ur knees buckle beneath this Adonis of a man. But alas Linda, it Neva happaens and amounts to not! WHAT A WICKED WORLD!
LMFAO!!! linda u r so funny...chai. Dat guy is a bagger.sha be careful...dont be too desperate.
"I like my men older"
Linda darling, expand your horizon.
Young, younger, rich (no, no poor guy for you. It is an order!), white, black, Muslim, Christian.....
think so too.why dont u calm down
Honestly, You need to take life more seriously so that people will not laugh at you and call you a clown.
Age is just a number. Being older does not mean that he would make a better lover.
LMFAO!! Linda una no go kill persn 4 ur blog o. Chei! Lwtmb.
Lindaaaa hahahahahaha I can't stop laughing haha!
I like d fact dat u kno wat u want,som girls go dey for Mr biggs and Tantalizer for 5 years and nothing go happen.
Am proud of u girl!!! I want to be lik u wen I grow up! Lol
lolzzz. linda, so what's wrong in going with the guy 'as a friend'...you took a long leap without looking..but you're funny sha
Hehehe!!! Lwkmd!!! Sure boy, I'm feeling the guy #no homo. Nive replies, quick and precise...
What is it with u and older guys...i'm 22 and if we ever meet,u bet i'll make a move and there's nothing u will say dat will make me back down..me,i like my chicks older.
hahahahaha!!!!!!!!! Linda plsss don,t kill us with laughter!!!! soo soo funny!!!!
hahahahahahahahahahaha....sounds too good to be true
lmao, but Linda u need to calm down o! besides maturity is not by age this days plus you luk younger dan ur age which is kool, u fit still date 29 or 28 yrs old guys.
what will i say?
Do you ask your men dere age? I do go out with girl aging from 18 to 65 and i like them younger!
That is rude!! Was he asking to be your movie bouncer? Not man? Run linda run linda.
Classic ....can't beat this story...Linda..men..you're the top dog on the net on this shores..no ones deliver it like you..could not stop laughing...you had me in stiches...You're the best...no doubt...
LMFAO! Mad woman!
lmfao!! very funny. younger guys are cute to date too. they have lots of energy, so dont discriminate like that
hahahahahohohoho i don die with lmfao LINDA u no go kill me o
Hi linda, i would advise u take it easy wit ur search for a man besides it starts from friendship and there is no biggie about age.. Wish u all the best!
ROFLMAO!! "Bobo yi ti ya were sha"
On the real though, How old does your man have to be because I am 31 and still dream of dating you one day.
I was weak when I started reading this post because I thought you had found a man. #istillgethopetomarrylinda
LMAO at dude when he said I said I want to take you to the movies and not the altar. Also when dude said you need therapy and not a man.
Anyway he lacks game, he should have said he may be under 30 but his demeanor and bank account are of age 40.
c'mon linda he actually didnt ask u out ....do u hv 2 date evry guy dat ask u 2 d movies
haba! linda youself,d youngman was only trying to b a gentle man,taking things step by step u knw nw....and dont b 2 despirate; God go give you bobo wey brain like you wen time reach..shoogbo?
Linda iwo gan ti kolo
Linda, Linda what if your destiny is not to marry an older guy/man. you better give the youngies a chance mamita. seems like you are either picky, looking for a rich/famous man or a lesbo....my two cent
hahahahhhaha,dats ma guy menh......'ua fada' got me reelin with lafta..........
Lol !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda darlyn dont mind d anumanu. He wants an escort to the movies abi...rubbish.
LMAO...and to think you think you are cool posting this, attitude like this would only keep you single a lot more longer clearly...
sorry to say dis linda.. ur blog is amazing bt doubt u'll ever get a man with that attitude! beggars cant be choosers mate!!! wt if dts wt God has for you.. there r plenty like u out there that did wt u r doin.. lookin for mr ryt and wen dey r 40 they settle for gate men.. call him up b4 u end up wit a bin man or alone wit 40 cats!
@ Anon 12.46 common girl where is your sense of humour --- will that change anyman's opinion of her ? linda be yourself babes who the lord has ordained in your life the bone of your bone the flesh of your flesh , where ever he is the lord will locate him and your paths shall meet . am praying for you if God did mine very soon surely your's is round the corner , keep on the good work joooh i dey gbadun you well well.
first of all Linda please stop with the I MUST DATE AN OLDER MAN parade. it kind of sucks.
secondly, ATTA GIRL! never give confused idiots a chance. NEVER. you are a woman in your thirties so you are supposed to know what you want and you showed that you did. the guy is a fool. what does he take you for? some desperado that would do anything to have a man. fuck him. he's the one that needs a shrink because CLEARLY he's still stuck in his teens.
thirdly, ignore some of the idiots here telling you to tame yourself for men to come. after all, all you need is one man and the rest could go to abyss. my dear, you are a confident woman who knows what she wants and goes for it. so do you. fuck 'em naysayers.
Linda, I wasn't going to comment on this post but I changed my mind.
If you liked the guy enough to chat with and consider him 'boyfriend material' then you should've been open-minded enough to go to the cinema with him, and observe how mature he is before dismissing him. Good relationships often start out as friendships. Your soul mate might not be exactly as you've pictured him so you should be open minded. Of course some things are deal breakers, while others are less important in the bigger picture.
Be glad you dodged that! That guy is a straight up juvie. What did you say to him, that was so bad,before he started 'crying'. The world is a tough place and naij is even harder. Anyone that gets defensive over Initial Gra-Gra talk is certainly not worth it. A serious guy, with good intentions, would have seen that as a challenge and would have done his utmost best to convince you otherwise instead of getting unneccessarily rude. The guy fell his own hand JOOR!!
I kinda agree with the guy Linda, relationship is step by step, funny conversation though with all the curses and swearing ;). Take am easy o, you might need to subscribe to my new blog on www.personaedeve.blogspot.com for these and many more tips on discipline...............
LMAO @ dis piece Linda! @ October 9, 2011 9:32 PM, na u be begger which kain talk be dat...
Onto real issues, Lily (dats u Linda) i think u were too dismissive, I believe in letting em down gently when u dont want anything serious. Respect to pple u dont need is often d biggest show of gud character... If age matters to u den u alone know why, but I'd urge u not to be too rigid... I was like u, turning guys down cos of age, I like older but now i'm wit someone who's a yr older dan me which as far as i'm concerned might as well be younger dan me, but thing is he's got a lot more to him dan his age, n though dere r little stuff dat could annoy me bout it, in d broader scheme of things, no guy's ever treated me better.... so I suggest my motto to u: Keep all doors open till de absolutely need to be shut... let d annoying ones teach u patience n d right ones show u love, dats my take...xoxo!
Linda, i am sorry to say but, this is why your are still single. Also marriage begins with friendship and not a "i want to marry you"
I dey feel you my sis! 100%
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My dear, am old enough to be your mom, stop talking about your private life on the internet, the world is very wicked, don;t let them hurt you, its is not ggod, if you go like this marriage may elude you pls stop it
still laughing...tears running down my eyes oooo
probably next month is your bday
you should have just gone to the movies and had a good time out. Stop limiting urself. If the friendship might have even grown to him introducing u to people on a business or personal level. Women need to stop doing this to themselves. Build a life, build more friendships and be open. The guy was never disrespectful to u in any manner he approached u.
lwkmd oh! linda
she asked d right questions pips let her b.she doesnt want any drama like girlfrnd,baby mama,and angry wife drama .besides she is too mature 4 games
totally bursted hahahahaha
I soooo love the guy! He's got flows mehnnnn
Lol! Linda, how old are you self?
while i agree that relationships are step by step. I used to think like Linda and say I can never date a younger guy until I met this wonderful guy who asked me out for over a year. i finall said yes and he is the best guy ever. We are getting married in a very short while and I have never been happier than now.
So in summary, Linda please give younger men a chance, some of them are Wow.
What do women want sef? I dont think the guy handled it well cos trust me if he had put pressure on linda (considering the fact that she is roasting) she will gell. The guy would have tried to convince and woo linda.
On the other hand Linda except you are a nun, I think you need some hot sex. From what you write I think you are a bit tense. Lets say with your haitus 9which is not self made but circumstaintial) you meet Mr Right (in your words) and he takes advantage of the fact that you are lonely and leaves after all the said and done?What will you do. That guy might have even being a channel to meeting other people. You no try at all. Calm down babes. Mr right might be right in front of you. My wife happened to be living on my street, prior to dat I looked for women in ...... So loosen up.
the guy vex finish, lmho...............
Kai Linda...The first thing you did was to imagine how you were gonna kiss the guy and maybe some cous cous...lol. I can see that you are very hungry...lol. Maybe Mr Kondo or Mr Capable or Mr Incredible would be able to satisfy you lust...lol. But on a serious note, ill like to remind you that age is just a number. The guy might even be more mature and smarter than your average 40 something toaster. Ladies with your type of attitude end up single at 50. My advise is that you try and build friendships because you never know who will take you to your next level.
Kai Linda...The first thing you thought about was kissing the guy at the movies....na wa for you o. I can see that you are very hungry...lol. But ill like to remind you that age is just a number. The guy might even be more mature and smarter than your average 40 something toaster. Ladies with your type of attitude end up single at 50. My advise is that you try and build friendships because you never know who will take you to your next level.
Linda no mind dem, na this kind story we want for ur blog jo, even sef if you get video i beg post am jo. KOLE YE WON.
Linda you are just crazy...but i love you for it.
abeg na true jare, we have enough friends.lol
This is very interesting. I am older than my husband, and I wouldn't have it any other way. I was never worried about the age thing for once, and my hubby was and is still a very confident man. Most people are usually shocked when they get to know he is 29 because of his sense of maturity,demeanor and his ability to hold his own anywhere.
Mind you, I was never ever desperate for marriage. I took each day as it came, and never bought into the "your clock is ticking" bs.
If you allow age become a barrier, them it obviously will.
Na wa you. You fashied the guy because he's 2 years younger?
@Linda you no dey carry last...........LWKMD,,,"ur father".......i stil dey laff,,,,,,,@Linda ur mouth sharp die
please who needs extra friends,Well done Linda. so that 3 months later when he will still be saying 'friends' wasting time in ur life.
men cannot be just friends with a strange woman. lets stop being naive
This is a made up story. Interesting sha.
and u wonder why u ain't getting laid?
Linda no mind d guy. Come to me...I'll be 81 next month.
Darling. I know this is ya blog buh.... Please! keep your personal life away from public. No one need know all dat you do cos in actualty, 'WE' are not exactly your frnds to advise ya and laugh heartily(..not wickedly) in funny buh trying times.
'part from dat, any rlationship that doesn't begin with friendship, is a ship bound to sink!!!!!
Linda, u've got a gr8 sense of humor n u r sooo REAL! 2 attributes i love n admire...back to d blog - Babe, i agree wit u 100%! At dis time in ur life, u know wot u want. Pls don't EVER settle for less, don't lower ur standards n don't let any moda foka waste ur precious time!!! Carry go o jare, i dey gbadun ur blog well well...
lmaooooo dis is so funny
LMAO Girl.....
1)Well the dude is right my dear, because you have to be friends before you know if the person is worth dating and vice versa....
2)You are looking for a man right you have to be willing to start from somewhere movies, or dinner ain't bad because you can talk more and perceive the person's view of things or life.
3)Also, this age thing my dear doesn't mean anything, because the older a man/woman is doesn't necessarily mean they have it all together upstairs....Trust me i always wanted someone around the age of 33-38...but sadly majority i met were on player level and i cut them lose.
4)At least this dude was decent to ask you to the movies, what if he had said come to my house to chill and cuddle with me and we cook together????? Na there ur eye for clear.
5)Relax and let things flow. Yes you want to relationship with a serious man that can lead to marriage and all; but you have to start gradually....Also do not come off DESPERATE cos some guys will play on that and deceive you or some will run away from you. Don't u read all these stories of how people met and what they went through. That is what a relationship is about...Please not everyone has that CINDERELLA or SNOW WHITE ending.
My dear "FAITH WITHOUT WORKS IS DEAD" ....Try something new expand ur horizons girl....
You kinda overreacted. He didn't ask to be your man, like he said. He only wanted a date, JEEZ. Lighten up. LOL
It was kinda funny though. HAHAHAHAHAH!
Sorry o?
that so funny...cant stop laffin...HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH..
I definitely think you over reacted. He was trying to get to know you, but i guess you don't even want to know someone his age. I once dated a man 7yrs older than me that was an ass. I am now married to a man 1yr younger than me that amazes me daily. You should be frightened of a man who wants to marry you on the first date or meeting, because he smacks of desperation/insecurity. Chemistry is one thing but on date one, he doesn't know your flaws or true personality so what's to love? Anyways it's your life, keep shutting the men down...and let's see how it works out for you.
so linda u no like young blood,na old cargo abandoned project u dey find abi?i wish you luck...........
Remi Olutimayin @ your last paragraph touche
nuff said
LWKMD. Linda na PMS dey worry you that time? You no give the guy breathing space with all this yab. lol
I guess you were having a bad day when this happened so I seriously recommend, you calm down, call him back and apologize. He didn't deserve it at all ;-)
All the best babes
Yeh, you deserved that
LMAOOOOOO......Linda shaaaa
U need to chill a little babes and learn to enjoy your being single whilst searching for a hubby.
Also practice turning people down subtly as its a golden virtue..(u never know where/how you might need them later in life)
LOL.... dis babe the guy just wants to hang out now. See, 4 all u know he may have a good and better looking elder brother/cozn ;)
Linda I am 39. Am apparently really ok looking. Not rich. But aspiring lawyer. So potentially. Inthink we can married and have kids. But am separated. So been there but am sure a second chance might be in the offering. Am in London. But hopefully u might respond to Citizen T.
"LOSE MY NUMBER'? Chai Linda u no go wound person with laugh. You must have been having it really rough that day for you to have entered the poor guy like that. You're hilarious girl, but you need to take things easy ehn? When not in a good mood, and you cant trust yourself to be calm enough, just ignore the call okay? Fire brand!!!
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