Here's one of the reasons...
This is the school fees of Church-owned Universities in Nigeria
Bowen University - N650,000
Covenant University - N640,000
Benson Idahosa - N500, 000
Babcock University - N450, 000
Redeemers University - N375, 000
Ajayi Crowther University - N350, 000
What's the church highest source of income? Let me answer that; tithes, offerings, donations. So the thing is, I pay my tithe, my church builds a school, but I can't afford to send my child to that school? And here's the irony, no Nigerian University is in the top 15 Universities in Africa and only one university in Africa is among the 150 best universities in the world, and no, it's not a Nigerian university, it's University of Cairo.
So someone please explain to me why I should change my mind on tithe offering? How does it change and affect my world? Why are these church-owned universities unaffordable to the common man?
No insults please, let's discuss this as civilized adults and concerned citizens

1 – 200 of 275 Newer› Newest»Don't change your mind Linda. Please don't pay tithes, don't even consider giving offerings. Do what you think is right. God does not need your money, so you can keep it. Let those of us who decide to tithe do it. ok?
Linda, i know it can be really annoying but we were told in the bible to give tithes and offerings. So just because of the university's school fees doesn't mean u shouldn't do what the bible says. another way is to give ur tithe to beggars instead of the church. it is mentioned in the bible
These are private institutions, surely you don't expect them to charge the same amount as Unilag? Can you even compare federal universities to private ones? with the constant strikes, overcrowding and the like. My high school was over a million per session and it isn't church owned. Even the university I'm attending costs more than this. Go out of the country and you'll pay more. Bottom-line; if you want a relatively stress free quality education in a condusive environment, you are going to have to pay more.
About the tithe; well if you are a christian, you'll see that it's written in the bible that we should give a certain percentage. It's up to you to decide if you want to obey this or not. My own church is a small one and the money gotten is used to develop the church further so I have no complaints.
Paying tithes is not about who you pay to but about your covenant with God. All you know is that you have paid your tithe, it is not your responsibility to worry about how the church spends it. Also, not every single church has a university or what not. some churches genuinely do great work in the society with the money paid to them such as 'This Present House'. if you don't want to pay to the church because you don't trust them then use the equivalent of that tithe to do something good like pay to a charity or send food to a family. God really rewards those who give.
Linda, I agree with you 100 % regarding tithes. I'd rather give money to different charities who are trying to make life better for the poor, and give whatever offering I can afford at mass on Sunday. There're lots of false prophets out there who have turned churches into money making businesses. Well said about paying tithes to churches who build schools that u can't afford to send your kids to. IMO they should actually offer reduced or no school fees for kids from poorer backgrounds.
honestly i'm more lke u too, u know i'll rather give my sweat to d less privilege homes, orphanages and so than give my tithe to church, infact these days if am on my way to d church armed wt my offering nd i see someone on d way that genuinely need this money, i'll give and when i get to church i'll pass d offering basket to d next person without dropping shishi...'cause some churchee r just not practising the doctrine anymore....what of pators who curse their disciples for not bringing their tithes...s t by force? o ma ga o...God v mercy
Im sorry Linda, but i dont think you have a valid point. if we all looked at what these churches or supposed men of God did with money or their time, nobody would go to church talkless of paying tithe. the truth of the matter is that if you claim to be a real christian, then you will pay your tithe. not cuz the church will use it to feed the poor, or shelter the homeless, or whatever but because GOD himself asked that you do so. God has blessed u abundantly and all that he asks in return is that u give him 1/10th of ur income as a way of expressing your gratitude, and youre saying u wont because the church will use it to build schools you cant afford? im sorry, that isnt a reason its an excuse. and by you delibrately refusing to pay your tithe for whatever reason, that just displays disobedience to God's instructions as well as a serious lack of gratitude on your part.
your own is to pay tithe to the church you are a member of. i doubt very seriously that you attend all the churches you mentioned, so why dont you pay tithe to your church? pay your tithe Linda, whatever the church does with the money is between them and God. if they squander it or spend it foolishly, that one is between them and God. He will deal with it. Its not your battle to fight. Just do your part, and stop using that as an excuse.
Besides, its not by force for your kids to attend those skools, from what i hear, most of them are not even accredited, so what the point? they are still as useless as the fed govt universities, so why not send ur child to a useless, cheaper uni or save up and send d child abroad?
Seems very reasonable for quality private education. Quality being the word here...
Well Linda, this is how I look at it - faithful church members should get heavily subsidised fees and there should be scholarships in place as well.
Tithe and offering is a commandment from God and should be obeyed - now where that money goes is between the pastor/church leaders and God, they will be judged accordingly, that is why everyone should know the word of God for themselves and choose a God fearing church instead of following the crowd.
What do you think?
dear linda,dont follow the multitudes and do wrong. please read ur bible malachi 3:8-10 den wil see reason 4 paying tithe.
Ok,nice topic but your reasoning is a bit absurd though. There are hundreds of churches in Nigeria and probably over 90percent of them dont have universities. So if your real problem is that some churches have universities and yet those churches are in the minority, why dont you go to a church that has no university if you want to pay tithe. The real issue is you dont want to pay tithe - it should be irrelevant whether the church has a school or university or not.
I say if you are going to go to a church and you know that is one of the rules then you should tithe or don't go. I don't know why people are so crazed to belong.
Crazed to belong to something they see as flawed, corrupt and don't even trust. Its CUHRAZY to me. Create your OWN religion that represents your beliefs and morals. Stop being sheep and then beating yourself up about crap you don't even really believe in. It is only YOU that suffers.
As for tithing I think its a load of poppycock but then I am not a Christian, I don't go to church neither do I tithe.
It says in the bible, give God one-tenth of your income. Remember Linda, you're not giving tithes to people, you're giving it to God. What they do with your money should be of little concern to you. If you feel that you're not comfortable giving tithes to big churches like the ones u mentioned, then just go to a small genuine church and give them your tithe. Or give your tithe to charity. Just bear in mind that your tithe is not to the pastors, it is to God
Linda, You are not alone in this school of thought but I take exception to you bringing it to the public. Please, Please let it be personal. You are at liberty to pay or not to pay. I don't pay too!
linda here is the thing abt tithe, its nt abt the church when u do pay ur tithe it abt doin wat God has asked, if u dont pay u tithe u re stealing from God....all he asked is just 10% of ur me when u do pay ur tithe things go smoothly for u and am living witness too dat.dont look at wat the churches re doing, if we all do,on 1 will even step there foot in any church...all am saying is do wat the lord has asked u dont make excuses on why u dont av to pay u tithe...
Linda, giving your tithe and offering just like giving alms to the poor is from your personal convictions and if you are a Christian it is what God wants us to do. it is between you and God not your church and pastor. In the Bible, when Eli's sons stole the offering given to God their end was death! The pastors/churches building schools and charging exorbitant prices will get their own reward and the last time I checked, GOD IS JUST! that will be my own 10 kobo
i guess u need to define tithe first before u start blabbing! and no i dont pay my tithe either, but it doesnt justify anything! what u said and tithing do not tally!
This info is not true, I have more than 6 cousins going to Bowen and they dont pay that much, even not close
Linda, whre did yu get ur own facts from? I'm a bowen university student and i dont pay 650,000 per semester!
I don't 'pay tithes' either. What I do is that, when the church has projects[during bazzaars,harvests,church needs equipments,feed-the-poor-offering box],then I use the supposed tithe money.
But put my money into a well of which I have no idea where it goes, I dunno. I'm not convinced yet.
@Linda, My advise to you is that tithing is b/w you & God, not b/w you & any church. Malachi 3:10-12. God will bless you when you obey His word. So do your part & leave the rest for God. If you do not tithe, you will be depriving yourself of many other blessings from God. Read preceding verses of same chapter. God bless.
I wanted to add a quote from one of my favourite authors Kola Boof -"I call my religion "The Womb" Why is it that The Womb is less important than any of the war-mongering, sexist, racist, bullshit religions that men created and forced upon us for the purpose of power and subordination?"
linda i can undastnd ur sentiments,i watch my dad everyday talk about how he wont go 2 church ever each time he hears of a man of God derailing or committing a grievous sin...dis however wont stop him from going 2 hell if he doesnt give his life 2 christ based on d sins of of God are however human but if they have been called then dt is it,i am in no position 2 judge d churches n how they run d skols but i do knw dis,God never put a clause wen he said we shud pay our tithes,even from d days of abraham,tithe payment was emphasised,God wil not ask u weda or not ur reasons were d ones u gave earlier,d bible does categorically say "bring ur tithe into my store house...",now except u are not a born again christian of which i will understand,pls dont look at d works of one man 2 determine how u go about ur christian faith...dont use logic to serve God,do ur part n leave d rest,i notice u analyse men of God a lot n wat material things they possess,realise that in d bible some men of God were recorded as being very rich,dont judge so u will not be judged,i pay my tithe regularly n even sow seeds n i see d work of God in my life,it doesnt av 2 be financial but my tithe n seeds speak for me,i am nt as rich as them but i dont care,i follow d bible which is my standard n i care less about criticising any pastor,if God called them,let him judge them n not me ...i luv u linda,i hope d spirit of God teaches u even more in dis respect...av a great day
Personally,I'll recommend givin 2 d less priviledgd...Personally,I'll recommend givin 2 d less priviledgd...
linda dont pay ur tithe,soon enuf wen something happens no one will tell u 2 pay,u will go n pay it urself,dnt think bcos u av bin successful in business u can now act smart n use logic for God,God is nt man,he said pay it...if u chose nt 2 then it's up 2 u but i wnt 2 warn,stop analysing wat big churches n men of God do with d money,dis is becoming ridiculous,u were nt called 2 be a pastor,y do u judge,is it bcos christianity is a peaceful religion,can u go on investigating imams dis way...dnt take it 4 granted...stop judging linda...pls in d name of God...STOP IT
linda , take your money to the orphanage .. or pay for a sick man hospital bill. i consider it tite..
Hi linda,
Pastors only get their money from tithes, the offering and donations are mainly to pay the workers in church, diesel, and maintainers if any of the instruments should spoil etc. As a man of God, money needs to come in from somewhere, which is the tithe. Also, pastors that have a lot of money don't only rely on the tithe their members offer, cos these days, no one gives much.
So you not giving your tithe in church does not necessarly hurt the church, its more of an offering to God. God said in the bible pay your tithe, 10 percent of your income belongs to him.
Just learn to do your part and leave the rest to God. Don't judge anybody. God said: seek ye the kingdom of God and all other things will be added onto you.
In that sense, you are trying to make a relationship with God and not man. So you do your part and await the blessings God has for you.
By the way, I love your blog and I Hope you understand what I'm trying to say.
linda, to be candid, it is not too much for the type of education they provide. the highest among them is just £2600 per annum. A nigerian student coming to study in England will pay £13,000 (3,250,000 naira) per annum apart from accomodation and feeding. If we must improve education in Nigeria, it would cost money. These universities also offer scholarships to outstanding students. There is no government subsidy so the institutions foot ALL their bills so dont see it as church but as private universities. Maybe if more people gave tithes, the fees could be subsidized. I work in a Nigerian University and know how much the monthly overhead is. However, because the federal government pays salaries, students dont need to pay so much.
Abeg free them oh. At least Covenant University is one of the highest ranking in West africa now because of its standards.
Well me I was a catholic b4 I got married but statred a well known pentecostal, I felt more at home wit d cathollic n paid tithe but since I started d new church I dnt pay! For some reasons. I rather help the needy wit the mon and even spend more than d 10percent of my income...Meggy
Linda, if you want to experience the benefits of tithing, TRY IT. Even God said you should TRY HIM & SEE if he will not "Open the windows of heaven to pour you out blessing you cannot contain" & many others. You limit yourself when you disobey God's word, particularly in this area. Just out of curiosity, tithe for 6mths-1yr, & check out the difference in your life before tithing & after.
Leave stinginess & excusities, they'll only hold you back.
Let us not talk about this, because they represent God on earth, so whatever they do to tithe & offerings in church is not our business.
Tithing has very little to do with how you perceive it is being spent. It is between you and God. You pay tax regardless of whether it's mismanaged or not. If you are not 'happy' with how your tithe is being spent in a particular church pay it elsewhere that you prefer and you are blessed by their ministry.
Good quality education is not cheap, private universities anywhere in the world are known to charge higher fees. I don't think there is much to argue about.
Only because He (God) says so
No one else should matter
plz o...em wateva ur prob is wif payin tithes..its btw u nd God..its in d bible..nd if ure not a xtian...well life is full of choices
As 4 d skulfees...mehn dats jst overrated..i'm a student of Covenany uni..evn d most expensive course is barely up 2 500k..abeg try nd b sure of d info u av b4 u spread it. CU is one of d cheapest private unis and u av no idea wat d skul offers..nawa o
Let us not talk about this, because they represent God on earth, so whatever they do to tithe & offerings in church is not our business.
Do you not pay taxes because government misappropriates your funds? Do what is right and let God judge what is wrong.
i'm a student of CU..nd i can tell u dat evn d most expensive course is not up 500k. CU is one of d cheapest private unis...nd dey r so many things d skul offers..plz b sure bout d info u give cuz im startin 2 doubt this site
As 4 d tithe...its in d bible dat u give a monthly ur part..if d church elders embezzle it..dey r playin wif d wrath of God!!
linda, i understand your point of view, but tithing is a command from God. the bible says so, so you should honour GOD and not the acts of man
Then dont go to a church that owns a school!PERIOD
if you did not obey Gods command in malachi 3vs10 because of your so called reasons,when devourers will come make sure u do not run to the same God you are robbing.
Hi Linda,
As so many people have rightly said, tithing is between you and God. Like so many life principles, the more you give the more you receive applies to tithing as well.c I'll encourage you to tithe because I've seen God increase me from earning 10,000 a month to 1,000,000 a month. Forget the church and the men of God in the picture! It's between you and God. God bless
I just want to thank the person who posted the 21st comment; spot-on I'd say.
linda, u haff cum wit ur gist o! covenant school fees is not that high...pls confirm ur gist before posting or blogging bout it! thank u.
my dear, tithe is not something created by Nigerian churches or churches anywhere for that matter. the Bible clearly states it in Malachi 3 vrs 10 "Bring all the tithes into the storehouse so there will be enough food in my Temple"
you are paying your tithe to God and not to man. Whatever the church does with it is really non of your business. your tithe is not for man...every man would be accountable for him/herself, so let no church/man influence your decision. let the Bible be your guide.
Any gift brought before God without reconciling with those considered our enemies or those we have rift with is useless in the eyes of God. The same bible also mentioned that we should reconcile with our adversaries before giving him an offering. Our religious leaders don't intreprete this to us?
Hi there,
Firstly, let me express that tithes and offerings are NOT the same. A tithe is when you pay 10% of your income to God, via the Church. This is a commandment from above. Not, one made on earth. Whilst, an offering is when you make a donation or blessing to the Church based on what you feel, not what you have. And this is by no means mandatory. God has not commanded us to give offerings. So, that one is totally up to your discretion on whether you give and how much. It is only the tithe that God said we should give and he has told us exactly how much. 10% ONLY!
Now, I see no basis whatsoever for your argument. What does giving tithes have to do with Christian Unis? Please tell me what! These Christian Unis are private and well priced, I tell you. Compared to the Uni i attend in England. So, I dunno what that has to do with anything. If not that you are looking for a flimsy excise to steal from God.
I didn't know the meaning of tithes and the essence till this year. I do not work yet. I am a student. But, I pay tithes on the pocket money received from my parents. Remember that all the wealth of the world belongs to Him and everything we have or get is not by our power or means but by His provision. And He asks that we honour Him with only 10%. It is a matter of covenant and gratitude. Why won't I give Him that little amount when he gave me the initial 100% anyway. I noticed that since I started paying tithes, my finances have not only blossomed but they have flourished. I am now able to put away £300 a month into savings account. Prior to my decision to tithe, I had no monthly pocket money from my parents. I was on student loans and the likes. I had very little. But now, I have more than enough and even loads to go into savings accounts, which I didn't even have before. I will NEVER stop paying tithes, AMEN. And my aim in life is to tithe in Billions. If I'm tithing in billions, it means I have ten times that. When I think of my wealth, I just think of what I wish to give to Church monthly. And that's how I do it. Please, adopt this approach and you will feel good about obeying God's word and He will bless you more abundantly for obeying his word and for making sacrifice. AMEN
Let me add, if you are in a Church where you do not trust the Pastors or Church, then leave immediately and find a better place where you feel at ease. You do not even have to tithe in a particular Church. Tithe where you feel blessed or where you feel your money will bless the Church. You can even split your tithes. By God's grace, I shall be moving to Nigeria next year and believing in God for my dream job and dream salary. With which I shall split my tithes between my Churches in Lagos and the ones here. Linda, if you are a true Christian, pray about it and ask God to lead you in paying them and where to pay to also. And please come back to tell us. You are blessed in Jesus' Name. AMEN x x x
I don't pay tithe. I'm too wise! Customers pay me "tithes", daily. Religion is a SCAM, SCAM, SCAM :)
Linda, you should pay your tithes, offerings and libations to me - I'm a digital deity (god / spirit). I will see to it that you sit at my right hand in hell,... no!,,...I'm kidding,,,.. I mean "heaven" :)
Read these two book. Use your device to Google the free / pdf versions - if you're unable to order them from
"Christian Science" by Mark Twain.
"Christian Healing" by Charles Fillmore.
My point is there is a power from a single source, but it don't have to be through an agent / church / pastor or "man of God".
All who worship God must do so in truth and in spirit, and not with offerings of money, gold, television, trinkets or farm produce donations to a church.
Read the two book and you will understand that "prosperity Christianity" is a money making "business" (SCAM) and if I have my way, a lot of "Christians" will be jailed for FRAUD on the masses.
Linda i completely understand you. lets be serious here,i thought the church offerings and tithes are mostly for the poor and the needy.
Why pay your tithes and offerings into a church that has a school that charges that amount? like really?
Everyone here is talking about because that's what christ wants us to do. Fine, since na we they go church pass, Africans carry religion on their head like its their breakfast lunch and dinner. Even more than the Europeans that taught it to us.
I am not against tithes and offerings oo, if the pastors use the money for good deeds like providing shelter for the poor and the sick then no problem.
And as for you people that said do what the bible says well the bible also says "we shouldn't cut our hair, have tattoos, have sex or trim your beard"
But i guess we will just skip those ones right? LOL
tithe in the bible was meant 4 the moses generation in the old testament..and dat doesnt apply to us ..jesus christ has come after that to pay for d ransome of our sins..i.e giving his life for us..john 3:16 the only thing GOD need from us is to believe in him and follow him wholeheartedly..if u want to contribute to d church do it with voluntarily..with love straight fro ur heart and let it be within yourself ..d pastor doesnt even need to know or anybody else but ur GOD!!GOD needs our zeal to acquire accurate knowledge in him and have believe in him...not our money!!!nowadays armed robber goes to rob and brings his 10th share to d church or even buy a car for the pastor.
A tithe is a biblical injuction.You pay it in the local assembly where you are blessed. If you do not trust the pastor over your head, then you have no business being there.
The arguement of church based schools i have argued like forever in my office. what quality of education do we get from all the free education programmes by the government... Every good thing has to be paid for. Secondary Schools like Day Waterman, Grange are privately owned and people pay through their noses. Nothing good comes without a price label. I pay through my nose to send my child so she can compete with the rest of the world. Nigerians schools are not there yet, but ultimately we will get there.
first of all how sure are u with those figures you put up there
secondly if you are a true christian following the principles of the bible it shouldnt mater to u if they use it to build schools pple cant afford or if they use it to help the poor it means in the area of tithing you need to read ur bible mal3:8-12 and know more abt it.tithe is to the lord and not to any man its a personal thing btw u and God. wat the church does wit it should be of less concern to u.plssss dont disobey God if ure a true christian and not a title christian
thirdly do u think this schools dont have special fund for those who can't pay the fees at least i knw in covenant university the bishop of the church pays school fees for as many as 50 student thru his foundation and among the student body e.t.c.
fourthly why is it called private university or private hospitals or private ward why is the word PRIVATE used here, it comes with a lot of quality i mean high quality u cant compare the private with the federal universities trust me if the fed govt improves this university(quality) its either higher or free it should be free cause its there responsibility to provide education for all
Give unto God 1/10 of your earnings. It is between you and God, and it is service to God's work and mankind. There are very many out there who are less privileged,give it to them,share it among charities. And ye shall be blessed because ye have fulfilled what is expected of you from God directly to the soceity which the church should have (supposed to have)done with your money in the first instance. My mother paid the salaries of a 'struggling' pastor for a long time, it wasnt even known until she died and funny enough,she was neva wealthy,but she still gave (for a just cause).
onyibe oliver
ironically, the founders of the schools attended free tuition secondary schools founded by early christian missionaries and had scholarship to england. rather than give back to the community that nurtured them, they are milking them.
Nobody cares if u dont want to give tithes that is between you and God, and really, without your money the work of God would continue. Please before you post anything on your blog GET YOUR FACTS RIGHT. I graduated from covenant university and no single person is paying 640,000. The highest being payed is for engineering student and that is 405,000.
biko linda pay your tithe ooooo. trust me, blessings come from doing it. i cant even begin to tell you. i faltered a bit in the previous years but last dec 31st 2010, during the mid-night service, i promised God i will pay my tithe every month this year. i haven't even reached the end of the year and God's blessings have just been choking me. i am not even happy, i am filled with immense joy and divine satisfaction
Hello, you have no idea what it takes to run a private institution; everything has to be paid for- staff salary, infrastructure etc. Ideally, governments even give subventions to such institutions as it obtains in developed countries.
Why don't you complain that your designer clothes costs lots more than the okrika- it is value that matter here.
and you dont need to change your mind its either you follow ur mind, ur heart, ur head, or jst follow the bible my dear sister i pay my tithe and its very evident in my life that i pay my tithe every one in my family is doing great and i have being tithing since i was ten years old and God is definitely rebuking the devourer for my sake and in my church they hardly preach abt tithe maybe once in a year but every sunday pple come to share testimony of hw their tithe helped them
I think your views on tithes and offering remain yours- your obedience to God's word benefits no one but yourself; so you are just robbing yourself of the blessings of obedience.
May be you should start Linda Ikeji University and let us see how far you can go!
linda, all i can advice for now is that you go back 2 ur BIBLE and study MALACHI 3:10. May God open ur eyes of ignorance so as 2 hasten you back to the right steps and decisions. Amen!
Linda, Pls do your research well before featuring wrong figures here; at least I know that the highest fee for Undergrads at Covenant University, is N466,000 (and that is for the engineering students o); I have my wards there. Please, stop misleading people with wrong figures.
Thank you.
Linda, smdh....u have no idea. that's all
You should give the money to the less priviledg
@anony 11:41 GOD BLESS YOU
My prayer for you is 'may God grant you understanding!'
I know most Pastors quote Malachi 3:8 "Will man rob God? Yet you are robbing me. But you say, ‘How have we robbed you?’ In your tithes and contributions". when the issue of tithe comes up. However, we have more than 15 verses in the Bilble that say something about tithe. Secondly, to understand the Bible very well we have to know the people this verse was refering to and in what context. Certainly not to concregation in a Church where the Pastor has 20 exotic cars and planes. And for people that say that you should pay your tithe without and its between God and the pastor what does with it..hmmmm WRONG! We have moral obligations too.
My view about tithe is perfectly summed up by this verse
"I give away everything I own, and if I hand my body over so
that I may boast but do not have love, I gain nothing." [1 Cor. 13:3)"
Linda,You are very right. No more comment again. Thanks
srry about no private university among the top sis linda ROME WAS NOT BUILT IN A DAY, HARVARD IS 375YRS old cambridge was founded 1209 CHECK ALL THE BEST UNIVERSITY IN THE WORLD, AND THEY WERE ALL FOUNDED BY CHURCHES. THEY ARE NOT TEN YEARS OLD AT LEAST COVENANT WAS AMONG TOO 100 IN AFRICA WITH UNIVERSITY OF IBADAN.The Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State, has been ranked as the best private university in Nigeria in the July 2011 edition of the World Universities Web Ranking of universities across the globe.
Out of the 10 Nigerian universities ranked among the top 100 in Africa, CU was the only private university that made the list that ranked the University of Ibadan as the best in Nigeria.
Webometrics ranking is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Laboratory, a research group belonging to the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones CientÃficas, the largest public research body in Spain. The original aim of the ranking was to promote web publication.
Other Nigeria universities that made the top 100 African are the University of Ilorin, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife, University of Lagos, University of Benin; University of Agriculture Abeokuta, University of Jos, and University of Nigeria, Nsukka.
UI listed as the 27th best university in Africa took over from UNILORIN, which the best in Nigeria by the same organisation. UNILORIN.
Thumbs up to the management of the school.
My own advise to you Linda is to ponder this:
5 years ago, did you ever think you'd be where you are today? But here you are on top of the "blogging world"!
I'm sure you know that it's all by God's grace as there are many intelligent, experienced, fine... bloggers who are languishing in obscurity.
So 5 years from now, do you know where you will be? Well, it depends on what you do to honour the one who brought you this far!
Jesus talking to some religious folks of His day on an issue said "You err because you don't know the scriptures..." Mathew 22vs29
How true this is today for many so called religious, "concerned" folks!
Pray tell, when God talked about the Tithes in the Old Testament, what did He say the tithes should be used for? Please read Malachi 3vs10 and understand.
Paul said in the New Testament that God has ordained that they that preach the gospel should live by the gospel! 1Cor 9vs14
So whether the tithes are in thousands or billions, it's the prerogative of the Pastor to decide what use to put it to!
I daresay that many of the charitable works carried out by these ministries are conveniently overlooked just so that people can have an excuse to cast aspersions!
But remember, 5 years from now, where are you going to be....?!
Linda no offence but maybe you might be a tad bit greedy? no? I say that because you know that there are a lot of other churches you can pay your tithe to and for the most part it might not necessarily be your tithe they used because the asking price to establish a university is a lot.
I'm shocked noone has highlighted the major prob with your post - the two issues are unrelated. Are you saying tithes should be used to fund your child's education ? That is your responsibility as a parent. Your tithe is to be paid to the church to do God's work. Now the church can choose to use your tithe to subsidise fees for the less priviledged but that shouldn't be your main concern. Just do your own bit or better still, find someone less fortunate and fund their education or perhaps give them living allowances if that is all you can afford!
Even without your money and the money of people that reason like you do, the church is marching on. God has instructed us to pay tithes, not to scrutinize/Judge how it is being used. Why cant we jut obey God and top trying to be God
2 me! Most of this men of God are thieves! Imagine a̶̲̥̅̊ man of God wiv two private jets! Do men of God in d̶̲̥̅̊ bible spend big? Most of dem piss me off! Linda follow ur heart! Don't give a̶̲̥̅̊ dime2 me! Most of this men of God are thieves! Imagine a̶̲̥̅̊ man of God wiv two private jets! Do men of God in d̶̲̥̅̊ bible spend big? Most of dem piss me off! Linda follow ur heart! Don't give a̶̲̥̅̊ dime
Pls make sure all the info u get is correct...u can check out the fees for CU on this link
they pay their fees every session and not every semester.....
The prices you mentioned aint 4 a semester but a session. Tithe payin accordin 2 d bible is 2 protect ur stores 4m d devourers. It is between u n ur God. Irrespective of why u pay it, ur God nos u ve done ur part. Most esp dis tithe shuld b 4m ur heart not dat u do it grudginly. Any church I find myself I do pay my tithe cos I no God cs my heart n He has bin faithful 2 me since I started.
Linda, imagine a farmer eating his seed. Your tithe is your seed, if you eat it my dear there will be nothing for you to harvest when harvest time comes. What people do with your tithe matter only a little but pleasing God is the ultimate. He commanded us to pay our tithe. I will strongly suggest you read more on this topic.
Giving tithes and offerings is such a powerful thing, that it spills over into the secular world...non christians who are great givers receive is a universal principle that the more you give the more you much more when you give from a biblical conviction and christian is really a personal choice btw you and God, and no one really has to know if you choose to or not, you don't need anyone to try and convince you. The bible says it in black and white..true christianity is such a personal walk, that even your parents will not stand for u on judgment day, and u can't even stand for your children have to seek God for yourself and he will reveal himself to you and give you discernment, and at the end of the day it is your prerogative.
@Maybach Landaulet and the likes: it is a$$holes like you who let this country rot. please, its a church's university, and shouldn't be competing with other private university. where did the church get the money to build it in the first place! and what about the children of the poor members? abeg use your brain jo!
tithe is meant to be paid so that there might be food in the house of God, so that we do not rob God and so we can keep out the devourer. see Malachi in the bible
it isnt meant to subsidize school fees or what have you
Simple as ABC....Obvious to any one with business acumen....the school is being run by fund from the school Fees (Its a business). Not tithe money...get your facts right before writing. BTW how much do you think Churches get from offering and tithes? If u dont pay (as commanded by God) it doesn't affect any1 but you...Its ur choice.
You should pay your tithe because its a commandment and you're robbing God. Read Malachi 3:8 and all of Malachi 3 if you have time.
Obey God and leave all the consequences to Him. If you have doubts about how your church is using your tithe then inquire or join another Church. But you should definately pay your tithes and watch God fulfill His promises in your life.
“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of bondage” (Galatians 5:1). Men cherish freedom in every way. However, man is often led from freedom to bondage unaware. Men have been under various yokes of bondage at various times. All men without Christ are under the yoke of sin and Satan (Romans 6:17; 7:14; Acts 26:18). Men are sometimes under the yoke of slavery (I Timothy 6:1). And some men, like the Jews of Jesus’ day, are under the yoke of religious bondage (Matthew 11:28). In the above text, Galatians 5:1, Paul speaks of the yoke of bondage under the law. Jesus Christ died on the cross to redeem men from the law (Galatians 4:4-5). Yet many people today, like these Galatians, subject themselves to this yoke of bondage in many ways.
Many religious leaders who found churches today do so to enrich themselves. They are motivated by a desire for money, and so they commercialize the Christian religion, whereby they lay all kinds of burdens on people for selfish advantage. They pervert the Scriptures and create unnecessary fear in people, thus bringing them under a kind of religious bondage.
One of these yokes of bondage is the imposition of tithing on people. To achieve their aim, they threaten people with the curse of Malachi 3:8-10. They link any evil or calamity that befalls a person with non-payment of the tithe or unfaithfulness in the paying of the tithe. People have been made to believe that sickness, loss of job, barrenness or any suffering that man may experience is as a result of failure to pay the tithe. Also, men are made to believe that it is by paying tithe that blessings are received from God. In a similar way, the Scribes and Pharisees of Jesus’ day laid a load of religious responsibilities on the Jews (Matthew 23:4). The only scripture passage, it seems, that some pastors and churches know today, is “bring all the tithes into the storehouse.”
The apostle Peter warned us about false teachers who “in their greed will exploit you with false words” (II Peter 2:3). Paul did not put us in darkness concerning those who “serve not our Lord Christ, but their own belly and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting” (Romans 16:18). Jesus offers rest to those who will come to him by learning from him and taking his yoke upon them. His yoke is easy and His burden is light (Matthew 11:28-30). He assures us, “you shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free” (John 8:32). The truth frees from all kinds of bondage.
Does God require tithing from His children today? Does anyone have biblical authority to take a tithe from people today?
Find the answer by listening to the enlightening sermon by the pastor of Poplar Baptist Church and get freed from bondage. The link to the audio is below, Just copy and paste the link in your browser and download/listen iis FREE.
God bless you guys.
Paying tithte is what God has obliged u to do as a christian, what the churches use it for is none of ur business, do ur part n let God bless u. ..Do u think Those that attend these private schls enjoys dishing out money just like dat? its just a bad situation we have here in this part of d world, dis is really not ur headache at all Linda.
hi, pls make sure you get the information you ger is correct...
CU does not collect school fees per semester, but per session and the highest fees for the new session is not up to 500K.
u can confirm on this link
Linda...apart from the tithe issue,both of us are on common ground.You see many of those supporting these outlandish and outrageous fees,have no kids in tertiary institutions.What is the average income for a family of say 5 in Nigeria?Factor in housing,feeding,clothing,power generation,education(private schooling) what is left?Majority of the posters here probably dont have kids,are recently married,or young parents.So the question is in a year or two,with the astronomical rate of increase in our country,these fees will top N1 MILLION.Sincerely how many people can afford that?When the missionaries came-Baptist,Anglican,Presbyterian,Catholic,they did not charge an arm and a leg for educating our grandfathers and fathers.They provided first rate education and also built hospitals.These church owned schools should be run as non-profit schools,but alas majority of their praise singers and choir know nothing...What do they know?Schools that under privileged church members cant afford to send their kids. Schools that ought to be subsidized.Selah
Linda, send me an emai at I just might have a document that may be useful to help decide on this tithing stuff.
King James Bible Acts 7:48
God that made the world and all things therein, seeing that he is Lord of heaven and earth, dwelleth not in temples made with hands;
Acts 17:24 "The God who made the world and everything in it is the Lord of heaven and earth and does not live in temples built by hands
2 Corinthians 5:1 Now we know that if the earthly tent we live in is destroyed, we have a building from God, an eternal house in heaven, not built by human hands.
May God forgive you who told u this is the school fees for Covenant Uni ur informants are so stupid u had better be careful of wat u say or write on ur blog before God deals with u, u can ask around better for school fees the exact one o abeg the highest in covenant is 480000 mschewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
It's not the University of Cairo. It's the University of Cape Town. And their Business School on the list of most elite b-schools in the world.
Linda, your tithe is between you and God. If any church misappropriates the tithe, then that is their sin and they will be punished for it (take Eli in the bible as an example. However, do not say because someone else is committing sin, you also would do the same. Pay your tithe, and let God judge. On judgement day, there will be no room for excuses and long stories o!
Wow Bowen Uni is N650,000...So ridiculous...It was like N150,000 when i was there ooo..Oga ooo
Linda We act like God is just someone somewhere that should be taken for granted.u wake up in the morning, eat, drive ur car, make money and u r is not by chance that u r alive and healthy.God watches over you and provides for u.If he says give ME 10 percent,u shouldnt concern urself with how it is used.ur reward is seperate from theirs.just do ur part.we still pay our tax to the govt whether or not the govt embezzles our money and we have bad roads, no electricity,etc.dont we?please dont grieve GOD.
Linda are u sure that's all the church owned uni we have in nig????
Pay your tithe to your local church (the store house). The main reason you pay tithe is to show you trust in God to take care of your needs and it also shows where your heart lies. You can tell a lot about someone by just scanning the withdrawals from their checking account.
If you are not comfortable with a church or trust them with finances, please walk away, but to base your none payment of tithes on the examples you listed is folly. You don't have to go to those churches nor pay tithes to them. I can understand the frustrations with naija churches, their leaders live in excessive wealth while majority of the congregation wallow in abject poverty.
Again, go to a church you are comfortable with and support their "genuine" ministry with your tithes and offerings.
i think "THEYINX" has said it all
And we say Muslims are worse? Christians are the most illiterate and myopic set of religious group in this world...
How can you say with all the fuckery going on in churches today, that you shouldn't decide, or at least make sure your donations are spent the way they were meant to be spent? All that matters is what the bible says? Didn't the bible also ask us to be careful, as false prophets will arise? A lot of Christians are just as judgmental, extreme, and as blind as the Islamic extremists who believe that killing to enter their kingdom is the right thing.
If all of us thought like you did we wouldn't pay our tithes either. But the truth is paying your tithe is a direct command from the word of GOD. Malachi 3:10 says Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, so that there may be food in My house..." It has nothing to do with what you think the pastor is using the money to do. Let GOD be the Judge of that. But
Linda wat church do u attend? d last time i checked, u were a Roman Catholic o. so Roman Catholic church too has acquired an expensive private uni.? dats good o.
anyway, i know say u jst dey!
Like many pple have rightly said, we are to bring our tithes n offerings to God. Last time I checked my bible, there were no "ifs" and "buts.
It is true that sum men/women of God av abused this act and u wud often hear dem choking their members to pay or face harsh consequences. However, my belief is that I will continue to pay my tithe and leave judgment to God. I believe so far as I do my part, the rest is Gods business to handle.
Bear in mind that out there sum churches( e.g HOTR london) where I attend, my pastor often teaches on benefits of tithing according to malachi 3, he wud never pester u to tithe or die.He wud often say he believes pple shud understand before giving.I belive pastors shud concentrate on explaining this biblical act in depths, rather than just collect. Not everyone understands it and I believe that's one of d major controversy abt this tithing topic.
Linda, if you dont tithe, the only person you are deceiving in yourself.
The Bible commands that we give God our 10% and if we do not do it we are sinning against the Lord.
Now, when we tithe we are making a personal SACRIFICE meaning that we are actively demonstrating the faith we have in our God by putting our hands in our pockets and giving our money. The bible says that God rewards those who give sacrificially. Whether or not the pastor spends the money on prostitutes sef, that has nothing to do with you obeying God's commandment. when this life is over and we stand before God do you think He will take that s an excuse?
Anyway sha, its your life and you can live it how you want to. I pray that you will grow closer to the Lord and let the Holy Spirit convict you concerning your obligation to tithe and indeed other sins you commit (sex outside of marraige etc)
its up to you to find a church which you feel confident about and trust with your money. Either way, every christian should tithe. there is no two ways about it.
Linda, The money you think you have; who gave it to you? even if you dont pay tithe, God/the church will never are only withholding God's blessings from you by not paying tithe.
For those who think they can give their tithe to charity organizations, just note that it is no longer tithe cos the bible said tithe shld be brought to the house of God and not charity orgs...
Whatever the church decides to do with your tithe shld'nt bother you as they will account for it on the last day...
Tithes apart, how much do you want private university to cost? You only listed the church affiliated ones, what about others that cost as much but are not church affiliated.
If they charge $100,000 - how would they maintain the standards?
How much do private universities not affiliated to churches collect? Let's compare before you judge. If you have such information please make it available as well. However, quality education is quite expensive i guess.
hahahhahahahahahaaaaaahhhhhaaaaaa! I dey laugh ooo, ...infact I dey come! watch out!
Linda you really need to think about stopping moderation of comments. You clearly don't have enough time to check them regularly and it is quite annoying to wait hours to see your comment!
I agree with majority of the comments here. The only reason anyone should tithe is cos it's a command, nothing else. Like in the old testament there was a standing order to keep the Sabbath day holy, specifically God wanted people to REST and DO NO WORK ON THAT DAY. How does dat help or affect God? It doesn't. But it was an instruction and one that God took very very seriously. It's a simply rule God gives u and then asks u to give him a small fraction in return out of your own free will. The reason for the instruction or what happens after u obey shouldn't really be your concern Linda. Just fulfill your own part with God
ahhhh Nigerians are SHEEP. SHEEP I tell you.. OK selected bible passages used to subjugate people, i'm confused, which bible passages should i follow or ignore
"Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property." (Leviticus 25:44-45) - anyway sha some of you follow this one to the letter
"But all in the seas or in the rivers that do not have fins and scales, all that move in the water or any living thing which is in the water, they are an abomination to you." (Leviticus 11:10) - Awon peppered snail and prawn lovers, Listen oh!
which one should i listen to? After being dragged to church last week, I listened APPALLED when the pastor (old school church btw) was berating people who had the audacity to give less than 250k naira for mustard seed abi guava seed. SOME PEOPLE IN THAT CHURCH WON'T SEE THAT KIND OF MONEY THIS YEAR and he was busy hailing the well-heeled members of the church, because the poorer people were not worth recognition. I was SO grossed out.
People, give tithe if you want and if it makes you feel better BUT please stop saying that those who don't will go to hell, because YOU DON'T KNOW. I will not tell you what to do but I CANNOT in good conscience give money to people who use it to create massive edifices, fly private jets and so on when a good portion of their congregation don't know when the next meal is coming from. Maybe these churches can reinstate targeted giving - to the poor, for church building etc- , so you know where your hard earned tithe is going to. Because I GO VEX if pastor carries my money to go buy private jet when i'm still jumping okada. Abi armed robbers still dey give tithe? they go enter heaven fast fast then.
give your tithes to the needy then, just ensure it leaves your hand as regularly as you earn money
Who is the bigger thief Govt or Pastors!!!!!
I really hate to sound like a broken record but it really is not your business what the church does with your money. Your place is to obey God's commandments and leave the rest to him.
No offense but your argument seems very baseless to me and inconsequential. More like something my father would say so as to avoid going to church and allow himself time to get ready for the sunday game.
even if they are private universities, but they are owned by the church, which should make matters better. the universities should be built to help the less privileged in the society, most of the people that go to all these private universities are rich peoples children that can even afford going to school abroad. we all know that the govt owned Uni are always on strike and so on.. its just too expensive.. everything shouldnt be on the govt.. abroad, there are missionary free high schools and fairly expensive Uni too..
i tink u shld review these fees,like CU,kind of exaggera.........
linda play ur part as a christain and let GOD do talk like ur tring to help GOD.PLS PLS JUST KEEP PAYING YOUR TITHES AND SEE WHAT IT WILL DO FOR YOU AND MANKIND.YOUR HEART IS ALL HE NEEDS but they people out there that need your money.thanks for having a second tot.
linda with all due respect, DO NOT follow the ways of this world but the ways of the Lord. Our father himself said 'while the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, And cold and heat, And summer and winter, And day and night Shall not cease.'(gen 8:22)
Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house, and prove me now herewith, saith the LORD of hosts, if I will not open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that there shall not be room enough to receive it.
Malachi 3:10
Linda until God disregards tithing, we should not argue and disagree with his word. When we tithe we open new doors of greater blessings from God. I can proudly say so cause it has and is still working for me.Be blessed
this kind of post as you know for yourself,it is a controversial thought.but as you request a pollite and well constructive view(s) in people's comment and i will also believe you will need an advise so as to know what your faith based or build on.In my own point of view(s), i will like to advise you not to think that you are wise or foolish in your own eyes on what the so called or ordained man or men of God spent money they generate through *tithes** offerings**pleadge** sacrificials****donations*** and so on and on.If you believe in God and you have path to God's word,then do what God says in Malachi 3vs6-12. God will bless you Linda and all the Readers of this post.
i'll also like to add,when we give out to charities it comes with a blessing However it is not tithing for tithing(1/10 of your income) goes to the house of the lord where we are being fed the word of God. If you are a christian and do not pay tithe your robbing God of what belongs truly belongs to Him.
"Will a man rob God? Yet you rob me. "But you ask, 'How do we rob you?' "In tithes and offerings.(Malachi 3:8)
Abeg drop this matter already, it is really getting over flogged, i think u hav made it quite clear in one milion posts ur stance on tithe. and u have made it clear nobody can change ur mind, s why do u keep bringing it up, perhaps u r trying t convince urself u r doing d right thing lol,
wat im saying is if u dnt rily blive in tithes u wont bring d matter up so often. take a break and eat kit kat
linda,man's wisdom is foolishness in the sight of God.So don't think you can be smarter than your Maker.Now concerning fees for private universities,these schools don't have the kind of billions in subsidy enjoyed by government schools.If you think the government schools pay staff salaries from fees then think again.I didn't this from you Linda,do your research properly
Like i always say, stick to gossip about celebrities which you're verry good at and leave stuff you dont know anything about....
You pay tithe, you dont pay tithe, it doesn't change anything about these schools, the churches or even the Men of God. Some of us have paid tithes and we've reaped the benefits and promises that go with it so its not compulsory....
Do what your heart tells you to do abeg.....
I know this topic will get hundreds of comments which is what you want anyway.....
I knew it, that someone will quote Malchi 3: 8-10. This chapter is in the old testament. The same old testament that contains the law of an eye for an eye. Also, the old testament calls for the killing of animals for the atonement of sins. Just before Jesus Christ died on the cross, he said, it is finished. As blacks, we inherited the religion from the Europeans, and go figure how they practice the religion today. They have few flamboyant Pastors among them, but those ones are in the USA. Have you seen the expose done on Benny Hinn, how he organise fake miracles and enrich himself? Yet, he is the mentor of some of our Flamboyant Pastors. The problem with us is that we always fail to ask our leaders to be accountable. Like anything that a black man touches, we have brought in so much corruption to the church. We have bad Political leaders, and our Spiritual leaders do not fare any better either. Quite unfortunate. Our leaders are very good at deceiving us, but then leadership is a function of followership, the true and honest leaders, do not have followers in our society. Anybody can claim that he is called by God, and because our people love and enjoy deceit, he will have millions of followers in no time. Food for thought.
Linda, paying tithe is not for the church, but for your own good. It's meant to keep the devourer away. you can only "make money" because God allows you to. if the devourer comes in, and God doesn't allow you to make anymore money, then you won't be "making money" anymore. and then, you would not even have the money to contemplate whether or not to pay tithe on.
by not paying tithe, you are doing yourself, not the church, a dis-service.
Ps: moreover, there are churches that organise charities and aid work worldwide which you can pay your tithe to, it is not restricted to nigerian churches.
Linda, blogger or not, U av a low mentality, period.., period..
Linda,education is serious business and it,s not cheap.Try sending your child abroad and compare the fees.Therefore just because they are church universities does not mean that they should be run at a loss.As for tithes, it is between you and your GOD.but read Malachi 3:8-9,and you will see the consequences of your failure to pay tithes.
Linda,education is serious business and it,s not cheap.Try sending your child abroad and compare the fees.Therefore just because they are church universities does not mean that they should be run at a loss.As for tithes, it is between you and your GOD.but read Malachi 3:8-9,and you will see the consequences of your failure to pay tithes.
All these gist na banza! Tithe or no tithe won't do shit to your pocket. The idea of tithe is not to give the church(building) ten percent but to give the church(you and everyone else) ten percent. Tithing could be in form of charity, helping a family member or friend, buying for yourself things that glorify God etc. It isn't compulsory to pay it in church. If you want to, fine! But if you don't then fine also. If you read the bible from cover to cover, you'd realise that you can choose to never set foot in a church and live your life according to God's word. So do pay your tithe and offering every other day but just don't realise. The people on this blog and their fear for churches and pastors. Linda do you. If you like sef no go church, na your thing. We get more than 50 religions on planet earth and each religion believe say na im own dey go heaven. So my dear, do you and forget us.
Hello Linda! My first visit, will visit you again. Seriously, I thoroughly enjoyed your posts. Congrats for your work. If you wish to follow back that would be great I'm at
Thanks for sharing!
Chop knuckle Linda... I no know why you no dey pay tithe but me I no dey pay at all. These people talk about it being God's commandment but the fact is, it is in one obscure part of the Old Testament. Going by the Bible, we are now living in the New Testament as followers of Christ and there's no where that it was written that Christ demanded his followers to pay 10% of their income to the church.
I see no reason why I should help these pastors live larger than life. People say that it is not your business where the money goes to; well i got news for you - the bible talks of false prophets; that not many that come in my name are from me. What this simply means is that once I see that you are not living like Christ (Christian is derived from Christ), you are a false prophet whom we've been warned against.
Better to use your hard earned money to support genuine charity organizations than to give these pastors to squander
Linda, I might not agree with you on the tithe issue, but with the whole school concept, totally. It makes no sense that these so called "churches of God" can build schools that at least 90% of their congregation cant attend. Look at the prices on these schools jeeez....and not one of them is on the list of even "Africa's top schools"? Then abeg, what are they teaching them?
Are lets just be honest, most of this schools ARE NOT BETTER ACADEMICALLY than the public unis like Lag, ibadan, unical or Abj. the only difference is they dont get the rampant strikes that they do SHIKENA.
there will be a lot of things to answer on the judgement day.....there are about 32 mentions of tithe in the bible including the one in Deut 14:26; i still wonder why church choose to stick with the one in malachi are not alone on this Sis
Haba Linda! Your argument in this instance is devoid of merit to the point of absurdity. What has the one got to do with the other? Search deep within your heart as to why you don't pay tithe and stop trying to hinge it on what church owned universities are charging as fees. A lot of these universities didn't exist 10 years ago and i'm sure you were earning some income then (however minimal) and i can almost bet you had an excuse then as to why you won't pay tithe. So you see, the excuses may change over the years but they will always remain that - an excuse. Paying tithe is between you and God, don't hinge it on extraneous matters.
Those universities are private institutions that offer options in a world where people need to be able to have a choice - what would this world be if we had no options?
am a christain but i dont just think I can buy the tithe thing. offering yes but tithe i dont think so. I'll rather personally give that 10% to the poor or invest in something to affect peoples lives
I dunno wer this quote is in tha bible, but I kinda think it's biblical. "Wat so eva u do to tha least of ma brothers, u do unto me". I give ma tithe to tha least of his brothers (The less priviledged). I don't think it must b tha church taaaaaaaaa!!!
Paying tithes is giving & its left to you to decide whom to give to. Giving does not necessarily mean give to a particular church. It can be give to the less privileged in the streets, orphanage etc.
I am Catholic and the Catholic Church does not ask/ require/ demand tithes. Reason being the Catholic church is one of the wealthiest organisations in the world. They do not need the money desperately. They do however ask that we give offerings during service (if you want and can afford it). But most of all, they ask that we show love to each other and try to impact as many lives as we can along our journey in life.
With all due respect, these are some of the reasons i personally do not do all these new generation churches, as they have interpreted things to favour themselves. I went to new generation service once inn the UK (Nigerian church) and after the pastor ranted on about the cost of his suit, his mercedes benz etc, he then asked the congregation to make a minimum offering of GBP50. "If you cant afford GBP50, you don't belong in my church etc". Whatever happened to the widows mite? Needless to say, i picked up my bag, left the church and never went back. The next day, i gave someone in need GBP100. It is not so much as the money, but i personally detest the way the word of God has been turned into a commercial money-making venture by our Nigerian churches.
Anyway, nuff said.... Linda you can 1) pay the tithes as requested, 2) refuse to pay and risk looking like an agent of satan in your church or 3) you can simply go to a church where the focus is more on the word of God, not how much you have to contribute. I choose 3 all the time.
You said it well, why should i be making payments in the coffers of these churches when i cant afford to send my children there? The very Essence of Christianity which is to be your brother's keeper has be corrupted. Truth be told it is a biblical injunction quiet alright and there other ways i am sure that can be met like using the tithes to provide for old people homes, motherless babies homes even to provide for your neighbor in need
I don't remember anywere in the bible were jesus hammered on tithe, wat he focused on is love, helping the poor and widows. I still pay my tithe though and this is because i see the good work the church does with the money. But i wont pay tithe to a church were the pastor and the church elders live in so much affluence and has no cherity work to show. Why do dey all have to open universities ? how about hospitals and orphanages.
Well.. Is such a shame that we nigerians can shove accountability on d part of the pastors aside.. In d olden times tithes and offerings were meant to feed d poor n d priests.. It doesn't in any way include sponsoring private jets or dese pastors buyn houses in posh areas abroad.. Wisdom is d principal fin.. Givin tithes will not guarantee heaven.. God looks at d heart, n I just wonda sumtimes there is so much poverty in Africa yet pastors own private jets and all..I fink we should individually help our neighbours, the poor.. Pastors r human beings like us and with tithe being a tall order from GOD to us.. I wonda how many other commandments d pastors encourage pple to adhere to as much as paying Deir 10%.. common pple.. Be wise, d almighty is a WISE GOD.. U r doin a gud job.. Lin!!!
Linda just give to charity if you do not care about paying tithes and also become closer to God because I am sure he will appreciate it than anything else.
linda is so transparent!! this silly argument always brings d most hits and comments, hence d need to keep bringin it up. So sick of it already.*rolling eyes*
We get it Linda does not pay tithes no need trying to convince her quotin d whole bible, i say moved d fuck on ppl, and face ur life !!!
From what i know about our Lord Jesus Christ, i do not think it is 10% of my income that will ensure to keep the 'devourer' away. Will money guarantee passage to heaven?
Our Lords asks us to love our neighbour as ourselves. If i love my neighbour, i am sure i will be willing to help him out in his time of need; give him food, money, help with his childs fees, cloth him, offer non-monetary assistance etc, as and when i am able. It is about a state of mind and a way of life, not something to be mandated by any church or pastor, who will turn around and use the money to buy a private jet. Pastor - Private jet??? In a country where the majority cannot eat one decent meal a day?
My dear, leave church and tithe matter. Dial direct to your God. He knows and see all. Pay 'tithes' every single day by trying to do at least one good deed a day to help another.
A relationship with God is an individual thing. 2 people can read one passage in the Bible and both interpret it differently. I do not believe paying tithes constitutes a direct debit from my account to my church. My interpretation of paying tithes is giving of myself daily in accordance with the word and will of God; monetary or otherwise.
Too many comments already jare,so I can't read it all.
Truth is,when Oyedepo was build CU, he told his congregation he was going to provide affordable education for the common man,but surely that didn't happen cos when the school opened, most of his members couldn't afford to send their kids there.He increases sch fees every year.hiss
As for tithe,its between you and your God, if you don't want to and you hav your reasons, fine, but I just paid tithe for the 1st time on sunday and I believe God will continue to Bless me.
My advice to you is to obey what God has commanded. God said give 1/10th. So do it. The pastors building the schools didn't write the bible. Obey God, and let him be the judge of how the pastors use the money.
You don't want to go to hell for not tithing because you don't want the pastors to misuse your money. Let God be the judge.
Instead of benefiting the needy, tithing is the main source of funds for building religious storehouse empire. I post a link here for people to ready and make their own judgement. Its time we Nigerians ask questions and demand ans. Be it your pastor or Gov.
Tithing is not an eternal principle, because it does not describe the character of God. God didn’t create the earth so we could make a profit from its resources to superficially give him a tithe back. I say superficially because he owns it all. God’s eternal purpose for us was to be worshippers and stewards without any slight hints on tithing. The character of God asks for one hundred percent of it back. We are stewards of God's money and are not in business to keep 90% or even a tithe of what God gave us. 100% of what we’ve been entrusted with, should be invested back towards God. If tithing was an eternal principle, we should still be practicing it the way it had always been done. Look at Deuteronomy 14 for an example. Read more :
God got u where u are tdy he can bring u down just for this post...but he luvs u read ur bible or try paying tithe and see d blessings..
@Agbaje Adeyeye Oladipo.... ur pic is cute!!! are u single? holla!
In as much as i EASILY pay my DSTV bills, buy the latest designer shirts and dine out with my family occasionally,tithing seems to be a burden.but when we realize we should give more than 10% as a result of the privilege of being called God's children then i guess we see 10% tithing as more than just a religious obligation but a measure of our spirituality.God would always guide those close to him on whom, where and what to give!
all these to drive traffic to this blog ehn? you know the church/religion debate always causes kalasa. carry go ehn
Church has to provide furnishings and equipment, pay for utilities, and so on and so forth, where does this money come from?
Linda, so u wont pay tithe because some schools charge a lot, why not look at the school that cant afford chalk or books and make your decision on that.
the bible says we should pay tithes, blah, blah, blah. it is still the same the bible that says we should not fornicate, commit adultery and steal, yet we do it, right?so why then are people uptight about the tithes and yet they feel so comfortable sinning against their bodies(am sure that is how saint Paul puts it)? whatever.Linda, i back u up a 100%.i see no reason why i should pay tithes and still be unable to afford a private church owned university for my is not as if the church owned universities even rank the 100 best in Africa. shioooooooooooor!
you don't need to pay your tithe to an established church that has more money than some churches in africa. God does not live inside church buildings. Devote your time to win souls for God and help the needy.
Giving in any form is key to receiving.The Bible speaks on sowing and reaping but then again we need to be mindful of where we sow our seeds.
If we claim to be christians then we should be 'Christ-like". Was it ever recorded that Christ paid or received tithes? Was it ever recordded that any of his apostles paid or received tithes?
The Bible shows us in Deut-14:22-29 how tithes should be paid, It shows us in lev-27:34 the people who these laws were made for, it shows us in Hebrews-8:1-13 the superiority of the new covenant in Christ and James 2:10 summarizes it.
IMO You can choose to give a tenth or evn more as you will as Abraham did even before the law. So Linda dear, You are not under any compulsion to give a tithe it is a choice but do not forget the importance of giving.
linda u dont pay tithe cos ur church askd u 2 do so .....tithing is clearly biblical . . . .its between u nd ur GOD nt between u nd ur church . . . . . . .LINDA I BEG IN THE NAME OF GOD . . .GO AND START PAYING YOUR TITHES OOO . .
you make a very good point about these church owned schools, i think the whole idea of churches building school is to make it affordable not for overseas to buy private jets
linda ,tonto dike is having a go at u on twitter.
Linda the last time you brought this issue of tithing up, people tried convincing you with scriptures same as now. Obviously your mind is made up and you don't want to tithe. Stop looking for excuses to justify yourself. If all the scriptures you got last time didn't convince you then these won't. So keep your convictions and let people stop waisting their precious time and efforts. Na your money abi....the kingdom of God is moving on without it.
Abi is it a slow news day?
i can only tell u linda that i pay my tithes becos God commanded that i should..... whatever the pastor does with the money is btw him and God obey God
ok ok hold up people now we are reading from the bible? what happens to obeying God's law of a man n a woman not man n man or wooman n woman? come on people the bible is a double edge sword it tells u suffer not a witch to live n the next chapter u read love ur enemies. i think what God is trying to tell us with the bible is to do right by what is right say its a guideline to live life. the ten commandments r there let me hear u praech fornication is not a sin...yeah right! pls linda its ur belief n i totally am with u! one pastor's wife i knw be travelling allover the country like its in her backyard she's got ipad2 blackberry touch wears louboutins carries hermes bag might i add she's just a pastor's wife? no other business o...glorified abi na worshipped housewife as people call her mummy....smh so all you quoting the bible and saying "God said.." remember other things he said too like no stealing, lying or FORNICATION! linda i can also tell u paddy adenuga once tweeted how he'll neva pay tithe to any church too that he'll rather give it to his mum's school so u r not the only one my dear. God is a merciful God and always be grateful always be thankful thats enough tithe for me! bless
This is foolhardiness on the part of linda...Private Pry schools in Ikoyi are paying N300,000 per term...Lekki British school,Loyola Jesuits which are secondary schools pay over N1M per session and you are here castigating Church owned universities...Do the lecturers there teach for free.
Mind you all the best universities in USA including Havard,Howard,Stanford,Lincoln were started with xtian tithes and offering and i am sure if you Linda is given scholarship to any of these univerisities ,You would grab them with your four hands
I hope you don't pay TAX too then?
I am a very successful man, I served God on the altar as an altar boy in the catholic church. I was a member of block rosary crusade and legionaries in the 90s. Today, I see religion as an element of those in power. I still believe in God, but I don't pay tithes or go to church weekly.
Linda, give directly to those in need and not thru pastors. Give to the motherless babies, the handicaps, relatives and friends in need and not tithes. it is a sin to pay tithes to pastors who wanna buy private gets
Jesus never asked for your tithe. He asks that you sell all you have, donate to the poor, carry your cross and follow him. He also asks that you give to Caesar what is Caesar's and to God what is God's. The only thing asked of us from God is the most difficult for many of us to give to Him: OUR LIFE in service to the cause of the kingdom of heaven. Give your life to Jesus. Love your brother and sister as yourself.
People need to understand God didn't write the bible. Men of God wrote the bible according to their own interpretation.
Having said that, it's a personal choice. If you don't want to tithe, don't tithe. If you want to tithe, tithe. I seriously doubt it will prevent anyone from getting into heaven either way.
Linda Linda, *smh*...Babes, pls check and double check any info you post on your blog. First,I'm positive that Covenant University does NOT pay as much as that for any course,I'm pretty sure Bowen doesn't, and I think it's quite malicious of you to try to incite people against these schools. Most private universities in Nigeria today are the glue that's holding the tertiary education sector together, providing quality education to our youth. Especially ones like Covenant Uni. As for the tithe matter... I believe most of the previous comments have taken care of that.
Until u begin to see tithing more as a privileged than an obligation done out of fear den no use, as xtians we have a convenant(agreement) with God and paying ur tithe is u fulfilling an end of d agreement amongst other things, God mite as well ask u why shud he kip u alive wen ur not always faithful to him am sure he has loads of reasons while most of us shouldn't be alive but we are alive anyways coz he's a convenant kiping God no matter what u do or hw u live ur life. So my dear don't b ignorant d earlier d better u change ur mentality.
Until u begin to see tithing more as a privileged than an obligation done out of fear den no use, as xtians we have a convenant(agreement) with God and paying ur tithe is u fulfilling an end of d agreement amongst other things, God mite as well ask u why shud he kip u alive wen ur not always faithful to him am sure he has loads of reasons while most of us shouldn't be alive but we are alive anyways coz he's a convenant kiping God no matter what u do or hw u live ur life. So my dear don't b ignorant d earlier d better u change ur mentality.
"... highest fees for the new session is not up to 500K.",my stomach turns when i read this type of statement.a church owned school charges between N370k & N470k per session & someone wrote that rubbish in response to what linda raised.this country is in serious trouble!!the saddest part is that the poor in the church whose children will NEVER be admitted into the church owned university will still pay that tithe for the pastor to acquire private jets.i dont pity such FOOLS!!!
I see you just want to draw attention to your blog. its been noticed! you ve raised a very sensitive issue. have you ever heard of John D. Rockefeller? i think you should google him up. i'm not trying to be rude here, its a shame you are publicly announcing you dont pay tithes. the work of God definately does not need your money to go on. Tithing is a covenant practice and a lot of people already recommended scriptures where you can learn more on this. Imagine, you didnt even get your facts rights regarding the tuition of these universities. you think you are speaking the mind of the average nigerian, abi? pls stop this sour grapes syndrome and lets have productive discussions on this blog, biko!
i pray it wont be too late b4 you understand what tithing really means
wow!!! this is some serious ish! I shall be borrowing this information for the best of high street fashion in nigeria
Linda, stop languishing in Naija despite the tashere you claim to be making. I paid school fees of over 10,000 pounds and I can see the difference with my undergraduate days in Naija. Please if you dont want to pay your tithe, then that is your cup of tea. That you managed to buy your car does not mean that is all. these institutions are private and are not even charging enough IMHO. education is not for everyone, that is why we have too many graduates without work. some cannot even defend their certificates. The government have failed to provide quality education and we have substitute with these. I had the opportunity of asking some people what the schools offer, and for your information they have updated syllabus which help direct their career plans in life. Not like the govt run uni who have obsolete syllabus. Please take some time out and visit the world rather than live in your blind high waters and making dumb comments. If you believe God then follow his commandment if not keep your money, because with or without you the church is already doing well. No one forces church members to pay in the first place.
Linda,Tithes and offerings belong to God (Malachi3:10)and the truth is, God does not come to earth physically to use the tithes and offerings. Therefore, whatever happens with that substance should not be your problem because God will ask you "Linda did you pay your tithes?" and He will ask the pastor "what did you do with the tithes Linda brought". So do what God has asked you to do and let God take care of the pastor.
Have never commented on here before. I spent 4years at the polytechnic ibadan, for a 2years diploma, then i proceeded to Bowen University i spent 3 and half years (standard time) to complete my Bsc, i went for NYSC just weeks after, got a job with Zenith Bank after my youth service, now i just completed my Msc in the UK....and am 24years old. The issue is that quality education is expensive.
@ SAINTS AND SINNERS, WOW! Who is this pastor's wife with iPad 2, BB torch, louboutins, firkin and world travelling pass?
@yolo September 1, 2011 12:50 PM
since we should just forget the old testament, are we to forget the 10 commandments too? you forget that even Jesus preached about the prophets of old. if Elijah and moses are not important, then why did they come see Jesus at his configuration?
Good people of Nigeria,why do you waste your time educating Linda on this tithe issue??Linda doesn't even go to church,no.2, she won't even give to charity oo.Linda is stingy and just believes in hoarding her money.she didn't have this much money before and has suddenly changed since her money started coming in.Linda's case is simply the case of money come life and opinion it pains her to bring out common 10% of whatever she makes to make herself feel less guilty she capitalizes on what pastors use the money for..that's not our business,our business is to obey!!!.and you know what?paying tithe is not an advice from God,it's a is something we MUST I pity anyone who makes excuses to make themselves less guilty.God will surely judge us on that.and please people let's not confuse giving to charity or giving to beggars with paying tithe...they are 2 diff.things and as Christians or good people we must endeavor to be doing those constantly,tithe on a monthly basis for those who earn salary,and Giving of Alms on a constant basis because God has said himself that it is more blessed to give than to receive.if you check the life of a giver..whether a Christian or pagan,or Muslim etc..the always's filled with mercies and blessings..any withness?anyways Linda and the rest of the people who don't believe in tithing,you are all just plain stingy and greedy..and you all owe God believe it not..don't look at what some greedy pastors are doing with the money..God will judge them accordingly,don't drink panadol for God,he is very capable of dealing with such people...this is not the 1st time Linda is putting up this tithe issue...if ur conscience is pricking you with it yourself,don't bring other other people to it and cause them to commit sin of with your issues privately whaever makes you happy cos on judgement day only you Linda can answer for your issues,stop causing other people to sin...each time you mention these issues you just show us how stingy you are...I love you though Linda..just contributing my two-piece...
Linda..u dey try,,many of these posters are vapid,vacuous self hypocritical people.They tithe and fornicate,lie,cheat and steal!! Yet they have pride to quote about tithing..shio.The schools are expensive and in a few years from now,tuition will go up almost 100%.Even sef many of these people right now if they have kids cannot send them to such schools.Apart from paying tuition what of cell phone bills,feeding,pocket money?That easily tops N1 Million.Where dem wan see that kin money??U too correct..tithing is a personal issue..u as a person is entitled to your own opinion(s)
@ thelma- pls i need 2 know were it is mentioned in d bible because i am really giving it a thought 2 give 2 beggars instead.Pastors are buying private Jets and living like people are not suffering..its weird.Jesus wasnt a vain man.
Na wa oh! People your covenant is with God and not man. When I sow seed, its God I look to for my harvest. If not you'll be looking to the pastor as if they owe you something. When they hold event and you dont get put on high table, it'll be wahala. Its God, this is obedience, and between you and God.
There's something called a prophet's reward. When you see someone with a mighty call of God on their life, its not even about sowing into the person's life, but you are sowing into your future, you identify what you see in that person's life.
Nothing you own is yours! Its all God! If you die today, your money and possessions will still remain! Whatever leaves your hand doesnt leave your life!
Its like having a garden. You take the tithe, required by you by God (the 10%) to bless the remaining 90%, and to shield you from the enemy.
The devil is lurking around. If you think you are in control of your life, you are on a long thing. There is good and evil, one can only be on one side. You fit buy gift for man, but to take God's money and give it back to Him now is wahala?? Kai people are on a long thing o!!! Dont close the door to your blessing. You can never be too tied to your possessions that you are unable to give it up!
I've seen WEALTHY people become paupers or worse off die an early death and seen paupers receive abundance and become wealthy because of Obedience to God.
1, Abraham was the first to give a tenth or tithe if we can call it that ( Genesis 14:16-20)
17 After Abram returned from defeating Kedorlaomer and the kings allied with him, the king of Sodom came out to meet him in the Valley of Shaveh (that is, the King’s Valley).
18 Then Melchizedek king of Salem brought out bread and wine. He was priest of God Most High, 19 and he blessed Abram, saying,
“Blessed be Abram by God Most High,
Creator of heaven and earth.
20 And praise be to God Most High,
who delivered your enemies into your hand.”
Then Abram gave him a tenth of everything.
Lessong 1 . Abraham tithed the goods he recovered from the war and not his income, crops, animals or possessions to Melchizedek,
2. God commanded that tithes should be given to the priests and the levites. ( Numbers 18 :8-10, 14-20)
8 Then the LORD said to Aaron, “I myself have put you in charge of the offerings presented to me; all the holy offerings the Israelites give me I give to you and your sons as your portion, your perpetual share. 9 You are to have the part of the most holy offerings that is kept from the fire. From all the gifts they bring me as most holy offerings, whether grain or sin[a] or guilt offerings, that part belongs to you and your sons. 10 Eat it as something most holy; every male shall eat it. You must regard it as holy.
14 Everything in Israel that is devoted to the LORD is yours. 15 The first offspring of every womb, both human and animal, that is offered to the LORD is yours. But you must redeem every firstborn son and every firstborn male of unclean animals. 16 When they are a month old, you must redeem them at the redemption price set at five shekels[c] of silver, according to the sanctuary shekel, which weighs twenty gerahs.
17 “But you must not redeem the firstborn of a cow, a sheep or a goat; they are holy. Splash their blood against the altar and burn their fat as a food offering, an aroma pleasing to the LORD. 18 Their meat is to be yours, just as the bosom of the wave offering and the right thigh are yours. 19 Whatever is set aside from the holy offerings the Israelites present to the LORD I give to you and your sons and daughters as your perpetual share. It is an everlasting covenant of salt before the LORD for both you and your offspring.”
20 The LORD said to Aaron, “You will have no inheritance in their land, nor will you have any share among them; I am your share and your inheritance among the Israelites.
These are what God promised the priest ( Levites from the house of Aaron) for their service to him.
" You can see from the above that Aaron's households are the ones that are to be priests and not all the levites are priests. Other Levites that are not from the household of Aaron are to be ministers. God promised Aarons family these gifts above because of their position as the priest and he said they shall have no inheritance in the land"
Lets us look at what God promised to the ordinary levites who were not priest but ordinary ministers because the priests were to come from the house of Aaron alone (Numbers 18: 21-29)
21 “I give to the Levites all the tithes in Israel as their inheritance in return for the work they do while serving at the tent of meeting. 22 From now on the Israelites must not go near the tent of meeting, or they will bear the consequences of their sin and will die. 23 It is the Levites who are to do the work at the tent of meeting and bear the responsibility for any offenses they commit against it. This is a lasting ordinance for the generations to come. They will receive no inheritance among the Israelites. 24 Instead, I give to the Levites as their inheritance the tithes that the Israelites present as an offering to the LORD. That is why I said concerning them: ‘They will have no inheritance among the Israelites.’”
true, God wants us to pay tithes. But we know these money r not given to God directly. The churchs r supose it for God's work. But these days, too much of the cash has diverted some church leaders from God's plan for the money. So, instead of using my tith to enrich the rich, i rather make a direct offering to motherless babies homes, ophanages, hospitals and any other charity organization. I believe they need it more than the church. Our usual sunday offering can sustain the church.ney r not given to God directly. The churchs r supose it for God's work. But these days, too much of the cash has diverted some church leaders from God's plan for the money. So, instead of using my tith to enrich the rich, i rather make a direct offering to motherless babies homes, ophanages, hospitals and any other charity organization. I believe they need it more than the church. Our usual sunday offering can sustain the church.
This just my answer to you..forget what they use the tithe or the donation for so far you have obeyed Gods commandment every one have a case to answer...pls read the passages from the bible below.
Genesis 14:20 (Whole Chapter)
And blessed be the most high God, which hath delivered thine enemies into thy hand. And he gave him tithes of all.
Leviticus 27:30 (Whole Chapter)
And all the tithe of the land, whether of the seed of the land, or of the fruit of the tree, is the LORD's: it is holy unto the LORD.
Leviticus 27:31 (Whole Chapter)
And if a man will at all redeem ought of his tithes, he shall add thereto the fifth part thereof.
Leviticus 27:32 (Whole Chapter)
And concerning the tithe of the herd, or of the flock, even of whatsoever passeth under the rod, the tenth shall be holy unto the LORD.
Numbers 18:24 (Whole Chapter)
But the tithes of the children of Israel, which they offer as an heave offering unto the LORD, I have given to the Levites to inherit: therefore I have said unto them, Among the children of Israel they shall have no inheritance.
Numbers 18:26 (Whole Chapter)
Thus speak unto the Levites, and say unto them, When ye take of the children of Israel the tithes which I have given you from them for your inheritance, then ye shall offer up an heave offering of it for the LORD, even a tenth part of the tithe.
Numbers 18:28 (Whole Chapter)
Thus ye also shall offer an heave offering unto the LORD of all your tithes, which ye receive of the children of Israel; and ye shall give thereof the LORD'S heave offering to Aaron the priest.
Deuteronomy 12:6 (Whole Chapter)
And thither ye shall bring your burnt offerings, and your sacrifices, and your tithes, and heave offerings of your hand, and your vows, and your freewill offerings, and the firstlings of your herds and of your flocks:
Linda, is this the best excuse you can come up with for not paying your tithe? It's really just your commitment to God telling Him you can freely give back to Him what He has blessed you with.
Going to private uni over a public one is a matter of choice just as drinking pure water rather than bottled water is a choice too.
I think it is completely unprofessional and tactless to publish information without carrying out proper research. Where did you get your figures?!
Linda no offence I enjoy reading your blog and stuff but I think this is one of the stupidest things you have ever said , you are not paying tithe because of some people that build universities or whatever, it is not your God damn business what they do, Your business is to pay your tithe to God and honour God's teachings and let God judge the people who mishandle the tithe! Grow up, like your shitty tithe is going to make any difference to their pockets or God's for that matter! I swear you are like 30 something, maybe that's why God is punishing you and not giving you a husband, Im sorryy if this sounds mean but you are always moaning about churches or religion or whatever, why don't you work hard and build something successful and then you can start having opinions over how religious leaders make their money. Your blog is meant to be a platform for people's growth not spreading those dumbass opinions of yours!
dumbheaded linda "dimwit" ikeji.. Pls dont pay tithe oooo, those of us who do are getting blessed day by day while you hurt continually. u need to understand basic spiritual principles of seed time and harvest time.. your tithes and offerings are not payments to God, Neither are they payments to the church they are for ur own very blessing you IGNORAMUS!!!.. No wonder you broke and only just buying the toyota car u wudn let us hear word.. Hope u no longer live with you folks with them cringy Mosquito nets hanging over...
Hmmmm... My dear God needs your tithe oh! Malachi 3 vs 10... It is stated there... And to this i utmostly object... Ok i'm gonna speak for my school alone tho. I read this on BBM earlier today someone sent it as a BC. And i practically argued with half the people on my contact list! First of all i'll like to advice you... Never ever talk about servants of God like this. I am a student of Covenant University and i've been priviledged to listen to Bishop David Oyedepo tell me little parts of his life history. You don't see people like him everyday. This is a man of God walking in true grace and you talk of him using church tithe to build schools. And just so you know, CU is raising a new generation of leaders who will lift Nigeria up! Yah don't forget that this men of God also get favor's from God's people. Someone might just wake up one day and decide to give one of them a million naira for just doing God's work. That's how God works. It is said that when you walk with God you can't lack anything. Please i beg you... in order not to incure God's wrath, mind how you talk about churches and men of God. PlEASE. Oh yah BTW your blog is very informative! Thumbs Up!
Ok... Yah just read a comment... Ummmmm... to the dude that talked about malachi 3 : 8-10 being in the old testament... Hmmmm... So you're therefor saying that God is ancient. Cos the bible is his word. Old or new, God still speakes to us through both testaments. Remember he's the same God of Yesterday, today and forever, and the bible is the same bible of yesterday, today and forever. It wont change until God decides to bring someone up whom he will speak to to write a new scripture. Please in whatever you say, lets be mindfull. This God e are talking about i the same God that gave you the breath of life. Without him, you wouldn't have been able to even read this post, let alone comment.
Linda though the bible instructed believers to pay tithes & offerings. I don't know if you are a believer in Christ Jesus or not, in that light of these I can't comment on your decision to pay tithe or not. On why Churches build universities, it is the best thing that could ever happened to a nation at least for moral chastity sake. Also a large number of most of the best universities in the world today were started by churches or some christian organization. All US Ivy league universities have a level of Christian influence in their establishment. Oxford and Cambridge were started by christian organizations. One of my children attends a Methodist established university in US and it cost $58,000 per year while her brother attends a state owned university that cost less that that for a four year program. because the state university is subsidized with tax payers money. Linda it costs a bunch to operate a good university, can't blame the private universities for the fees charged it is the same anywhere in the world for the same reason cost of operation period.
Linda seriously though.
You have no problem buying gift for a friend or family member, yet you have a problem giving God 10% when He OWNS you. Yes even the new car you bought, He OWNS it, you are HIS property. As He gave life, He can take it.
You pay taxes in Naija abi? You see how messed up the naija govt is, but you have no choice.
The next time you kneel to pray to ask God for something, ask yourself what you have done for Him. Lets pray that the day you desperately need Him, in His mercy His grace will be poured out.
How is a church suppose to run, from manna falling from sky? Even Jesus showed Peter where to find a gold coin. As a child of God, I've prayed for revelation, and had god show me what companies to invest in before, that yielded me so much profit. I've been able to get a brand new car for 50% less than what it was being sold. I am a full time professional student Linda, but I sow even from money given to me as gift, and because of that Linda I'm wealthier than you can ever think about. When family members are at the feet of death, I can kneel down and use my tithes and offerings as remembrance of God rebuking the devourer, and restoring healing on them. When I go places, I get uncommon favor. I can go on and on.
Dont love money so much that you cant let it go. Dont love money so much that it owns you. This is more than using excuses, because even before these universities came out, you probably used an excuse. Even if you went to a tiny church with 5 members.
Dont confuse tithes and offerings.
Tithes is required, offerings are what you give above your tithes. God gives you seed, you give it back and He multiplies.
Please tell us Linda, do you know how much real education cost? Do you know how much it takes to pay good teachers to come and teach? To build facilities and keep them running? To get equipment that help enhance learning.
Please Linda dont fall my hand making vague comments.
WOW!!!! 171 comments!!! Linda, I think you should try and post more often on religious topics! It brings in the traffic!
Linda, u really don't hav a choice wen it comes to dis. Mal 3. ItS compulsory. U can pay wit an amglican, catholic...
For d unversities, take a trip to covenant university for eg, dn imagine how much it take to maintain such school.
U do nobody else but urself a favour by payin ur tithe.
linda, i gbadu u and i totally agree with u. churches are meant to be a charitable organization where under privileged ones can get help. for exapmle, those university should be for those who could not afford to pay high-cost school fees. am not saying it should be free because they are not government but it should be highly subsidized.
but linda, when u give, u don't have to worry what it should be used for.
Linda owns her life. She controls it too thats why she chooses what to obey in the bible. Tithe is from God and not from the church. Who are the church? you and I. I understand you every well, you are religious and dont have a connection with your creator. God doesn't need your money after all the cattles on a thousand hills are His. My dear, move closer to God and know Him personally and stop been s church goer.
You didn't mention my school CRAWFORD UNIVERSITY owned by the Apostolic Faith. Our school fees is 530K
Please give alms to beggars and motheless babies instead,i've asked this question a million times,on what principle was this religion built?u established institutions were only a rich can send thier kids??wot about d poor who were friends of Jesus????na wa..oooo!!!
Linda, don't just post things, get facts, read wide, get understanding. Also, when it comes to the things of God, be careful. Obey God's word and do your part. God has blessed you, he can take away the blessing if he chooses. Do not frustrate the Grace of God upon your life. thank God because He is not man. God bless you.
Please all of you begging Linda to pay her far as i'm concerned, its probably slow news day, cos if she has made up her mind about something, i'm wondering why she's asking for people's opinion. For those of us paying our tithes, let's continue to bless God for keeping the devourer at bay. I'm a living witness of the faithfulness of God when it comes to tithing and I do not for any reason try to convince anyone to do so. It takes for one to have the understanding of the things of God to know the essence and benefits of tithing. For us who bear the marks of Christ, I can assure you, you'd know the difference when you're tithing faithfully or not. I believe in Jesus and His sent Prophets and I'd enjoin those of you who have not tasted of the goodness of Jesus to come and do so.
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