That's what a new Forbes List is Claiming. In a recent Forbes List of World's Most Powerful Black Women, Michelle Obama came first, followed by Beyonce and then Oprah Winfrey.
4. Ursula Burns, CEO, Xerox,
5. Helen Gayle, CEO, Care USA,
6. Ellen Johnson-Sirleaf, President, Liberia.
7. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, Nigerian Finance Minister
8. Nonkululeko Nyembezi-Heita, CEO, ArcelorMittal South Africa
9. Risa Lavizzo-Mourey, CEO Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Do you agree that Beyonce is more powerful than Oprah right now?
Oprah is gonna go down this is just the beginning,she thinks she is a mini God and God resists the proud.
never..........Forbes should get their facts right.......@Beyonce na small pikin for Oprah front.never..........Forbes should get their facts right.......@Beyonce na small pikin for Oprah front.
beyonce shud be below Ngozi on that list.You have to consider how much influence she controls in America compare to a defacto prime minister in most populous black nation.
i dont like either of them but i know for a fact that oprah is more powerful than beyonce and i think she should have been the number 1 on that list
Forbes lists are nothing but an idiotic means to maintain a class system that the world is so desperately get rid of. Ngozi and Ellen are supposed to be at the very top of that list. But since forbes is american......they'll always put their sisters first.
Anon September 3, 2011 11:56 AM;
Beyonce number one over Mrs Michelle Obama? I'm not sure Beyonce can go to a school to inspire children. Mrs M.O easily does that and so does Oprah.
Despite the end of her show, Oprah is still high up there.
Outside of music Beyonce seems like an airhead to me. I wouldn't say that about Oprah.
Where was Tyra's name? LOL! She belives she's the next Oprah....
what positive impact has beyonce made compared to oprah who has personally changed, and impacted thousands of lives for the better in diverse ways...what has booty shakin contributed to the development of mankind???
The list is subjective, not objective. But when it comes to influence with kids, no one has anything on Beyonce.
When it comes to adults, Oprah is more powerful than Michelle when it comes to dishing out influence.
Liberian president and Ngozi are non started as far as the states are concerned. The Xerox lady and others, can have an effect due to the role they play in commerce and industry.
this crazy. How the hell did beyonce get into that list in d first place. Worlds most powerful woman indeed. With what influence
@CLF...learn to read biko i said personally oprah should be number 1.
Do not hate on beyonce. She utmostly deserves to be on that list and even tops also. Her sphere of influence is only quite different from oprah which definitely also influences people .The youth of today are ofcourse quite flamboyant and follow beyonce even more that they follow oprah. They are only so interested in what she wears and what she does and not just interested what oprah deos per se and she is also a model of sorts by every right!.
N.B. the fact that she also broke the twitter records very recently only goes to affirm her post as a leader.
@ Lara really oprah is proud?even though she helps thousands of people?really..smh at your dumb comment
@Lara,@galore@CLF@kkdlegend...ya all need to get your facts right, these women were rated on their sphere of influence...ok,i have been a subscriber,so i can tell you this is how this list are made.its easy,put the face of beyounce on a magazine alongside that of michelle,whom will most people recognize? and then can you tell me something you know about michelle before she became the first lady?galore..its amazing reading you telling to get their facts right? where are your facts? Beyounce caughts across a larger group of people than oprah...ok..thats why the chinese president will always be the worlds most powerful man..notethe word powerful..why? cos he controls over a third of the world....i hope ya all got it
ABSOLUTELY NOT. which kind yeye tok be dat one.
that list is laughable. By no means can Beyonce be more influencial than Oprah. Oprah could tell some women to jump into a ditch and they would! can Beyonce do that?
Influential ma lo n so...how many people follows her on twitter, her fb fan page.who dey pull crowd pass. Believe it or not there are people who'll do stupid things for Beyonce..lol..but whatever sha, tiwon lo ba won yen! Happy for her belle though. #walks away
Oprah is the epitome of entertainment. Beyonce is still teething and learning from the great Oprah
How manage???
i no send about d 2 of dem, i'm just happy to our own Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala on the list!!! Proudly reping Naija! God bless Ngozi, my mother's name sake (which by d way means 'blessing') more & more!
I'm not Oprah fanatic. However, Bey is NOT powerful than many women they put behind her. Honestly, I don;t take Forbes and their stupid list seriously. It's bunch of BS.
I won't be surprise if they put lady gaga or Britney spears over Michelle Obama one day.
@seyi if you don deciv urself finish,,,make u fan yourself,,cus i know you go don dey sweat.........@seyi if you don deciv urself finish,,,make u fan yourself,,cus i know you go don dey sweat.........
Finally a Nigerian is making us proud, top ten in Forbes list.Basman
where is Ms Condolezza Rice name!
so because she is younger than oprah or not an active first lady also cause she doesn't work at the world bank, you don't think she can be powerful??? really??? a 30 year old musician cant influence people enough to be recognized on forbes list? really? people who condemn others just to make themselves or other people look good are just ... pathetic!!! ask yourselves wat has beyonce ever done to you, why do you keep hating... degrading people for no damn reason is a moral sin @galore & co
which Beyonce??? i love the chick but she doesn't win this time. i disagree 100 per cent.... even in the area of female empowerment i think Oprah has got an edge not bee....
is it because she sang one crappy song titled 'who runs the world'???? mtschewwwwwwwwwwwww
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