Lewd lyrics? What part is lewd? Apart from some of the lyrics being a little juvenile, (sorry D'Banj, I love your music but 'I like Nadia Buari because she know dey drink garri?...#what'sthat? lol...but overall, I think it's a nice song, great melody and fantastic beat.
What do you guys think of the ban? Is NBC right to ban it? Does it have lewd lyrics?
For the most part.. Nigeria is a retarded country.. Holy Shit! There are bigger shit in naija worry about!!!
i dont see anything ''lewd'' or whatever about the song o,dont really like most of his songs sha but i love everything about this one.The one they are suppose to ban they didnt.schewwww
Such a silly and unnecessary rule. Not like it makes any difference, anyway. I'll still be blasting my jam.
Daz why we have the internetz... NBC ko, National Bottling Company ni...
NBC are obviously jobless...guess they hate all the attention d song is getting.hiss....lewd ko.
I guess NBC is jst lookin for publicity,cos I don't hear anything lewd in d song.So many very-lewd songs v come out this year alone n I wonder where NBC hz been.Me m jst an Oliver for Dbanj's songs..lol
So, they don't know that to ban it is the better way for this song to be more loved by people?
it is obvious that NBC has nothing serious to do. or better still, the moderators there are poor in English.
NBC will always be 20 years behind.
when did Nigeria become Saudi Arabia?
Have anyone considered that someone may have been offended by the lyrics?The video musical by Dbanj made mention of, Omotola’s Jalade buttocks in the lyrics: “I like Omotola, her y*nsh is bigger”.
Considering that this is a married woman it can be highly offensive to some people especially the husband. I am a man and a husband and I would be offended to have someone speak in that manner about my wife and the mother of my children.
Just my own opinion.
ROTLFMA on y'all comments.
WHO CARES abeg?!!!!
Oliver Twist .. I LOVE! I LOVE! I LOVE..
there's nothing bad in that song ori NBC ti daru o,this country is just backward
Have anyone considered that someone may have been offended by the lyrics?The video musical by Dbanj made mention of, Omotola’s Jalade buttocks in the lyrics: “I like Omotola, her y*nsh is bigger”.
Considering that this is a married woman it can be highly offensive to some people especially the husband. I am a husband and I would be offended to have someone speak in that manner about my wife and the mother of my children.
Just my own opinion.
One of the verses makes reference to a Nikki's (I'm assuming it's Minaj)"yansh" being bigger. We all know that's a vulgar term so zip it folks! NBC is well within its rights to ban for lewd lyrics.D'banj shld clean up his lyrics if he wants to have his stuff played over the airwaves.
who are they people in charge of NBC. hat are their names?
and where were the so called nbc during d reign of ofokasibe????????
NBC dnt understand d meaning of(LEWD) dis means dat those pple working in NBC dnt understand ENGLISH.NBC BOSS need to be SACK 4 dis SILLY ACTION.NBC dnt understand d meaning of(LEWD) dis means dat those pple working in NBC dnt understand ENGLISH.NBC BOSS need to be SACK 4 dis SILLY ACTION.
well there is LEBETE and then LABATA... those are lewd lyrics... Lick balls and Lick a%s.. So maybe they have a point..LOL
it is too necessary, imagine what he was saying in the song, and who is to say, this my be another publicity stunt from dban'j's camp, just to give the song more attention, abeg commot from here! i love dbanj and all but he has to consider the age group of fans he has b4 opening his mouth.
NBC are just a bunch of crappy bastards who don't have direction. Come to think of it, the song was already a hit, and it became a hit through the internet not radio or local stations they restricted the video from. They should go and hang themselves in HELL joor! OLIVER! OLIVER!! OLIVER TWIST!!!
NBC is bored #thatsall
NBC dnt understand d meaning of d word(LEWD).4 dem to BAN dis song,its show dat NBC BOSS dnt UNDERSTAND ENGLISH.NBC BOSS need to b SACK 4 dis SILLY ACTION.NBC dnt understand d meaning of d word(LEWD).4 dem to BAN dis song,its show dat NBC BOSS dnt UNDERSTAND ENGLISH.NBC BOSS need to b SACK 4 dis SILLY ACTION.
Words cant even describe how Mad i am at the NBC clowns.. to me they are bunch of wankers.. Nuff said
They (NBC) are doin there tin..b4 its suddenly nw oliver twist. DBANJ u no ursef
NBC dnt understand d meaning of d word(LEWD),its show dat NBC BOSS dnt UNDERSTAND ENGLISH.NBC BOSS need to b SACK 4 dis SILLY ACTION.
doesn't add up
LINDAAAAAA omg i wish i cld see u right now 2 give u a hug!!!! like wtf @ d nadia part. wen i heard it i nearly hit my head on d wall in disbeleif. gosh i love dbanj but his lyrics r whack. he seriously needs to improve his flows. he jus wasted d oliver twist beats as far as i am concerned. shoulda been given 2 wande coal or so. dbanj's lyrics SUCK big time
it should be banned for the empty lyrics.someone needs to write songs for these guy.
haba Linda! Don't tell me u do not know dat D'banj is just lukin 4 somefin dat will rhyme with "Nadia Buhari" and dat is "Garri"
Linda, I learnt NBC has denied the ban. Read it here
Ken/ Anonymous:
He never said anything about Omotola's backside. He said Nikki (Minaj).
What he said about Omotola is that he likes her because people like her.
wait o... dis song didnt make so much sense so honestly good riddance to bad rubbish. dnt get me wrong im a huge fan of d banj buh dis song was pretty lame....
Guys, let us not be taken by the selfishness of our own desires. The destinies of the upcoming generation is at stake if such lewdness is the norm. We don't want a society as rotten as the US society do we?
IF this isn't plain beef, then nothing is! NBC pls get a life. Jobless fucking nit-pickers!
puhleaseeee! y'all are just famzing with the mo hits crew jo. the song is rubbish! which one is i like kim kardashian her nyash is bigger? nonsense song NBC ban am well jo. nonsense!
i really support the ban of that song. its about time NBC woke up. MAjority of Nigerian artists sing a whole lot of CRAP! Dbanj's song has rude contents. personally im tired of these artists singing all this crap especially when young people make up the majority of their Fanclub. the next thing that needs banning is NIGERIAN MUSIC VIDEOS...all that VULGARITY and ASS SHAKING they show as early as 7am in the morning is RIDICULOUS. Im very happy about this news..cos in the end i wouldnt want my kids singing along to this GARBAGE or SHAKING their ass before they even hit 13.
Laugh laugh e catch monkey. Hehehe! Wahala really dey for naija
If indeed NBC has dissociated itself from such, it might be a publicity stunt afterall
Dis is absolute rubbish! wat are they banning it for?? bcos he's asking pple 2 shake their bum bum! nawa o!As if there aren't songs dat are worse. btw ken, go n sit down smewhere abeg!! he ddnt talk about omotola's nyansh! it ws nicki minaj.. n evn if he did, do u hear her complaining about it? drinking panadol 4 anoda person's headache.. mscheww!
God bless you! I thought I was the only one with the placard. Phewww!
dont see why it should be banned, but personally, i think d song is shit.. yeah childish. D'banj has lost it. after that 'entertainer' album everything else went down. but i love him.. i love mohits. they even follow me on teitter.lol
D banj and President Goodluck Jonathan are friends. Is a matter of putting a call across to his friend and the ban will be lifted. In fact the NBC boss should be jittery by now cos he can be sacked any moment from now... Oliver Twist song is the best song for this year. It is infectious , it is appealing.
Our problem is not lewd content from a song but corruption and embezzlement of govt treasury which the people at NBC can not deny.
With the sadistic gradual cultural DEATH and MORAL DECADENCE in Naij. It becomes absurd for people who see black as the new white to find any fault in the song. Thumbs of NBC (Naij still gets something right).
Abeg, Let the NBC go find something important to do
abeg,let the NBC find sumtin else to do...
their are no concrete reason for banning the song, abeg Dban'j fly high, NBC work down d street and go HUG TRANSFORMER... LOL
I pretty much like Don jazzy and d Mo'hitz crew, people danced to the song for fun right and isn't that what entertainment's about? KMT. NBC, c'mmon theres got 2 be a better reason for this like seriously!
well i hav the song and i love it, wud continue to jam it so its der buisness... mtcheeewt.
biggest mistake, they just made that song more popular
Has anyone ever listened closely to what D'banj said about Genevieve in the song? I think it's high time everyone listened over and over again...Although it's popularly thought that he said and I quote-"I like Genevieve, I *think* that she's so sweet". However, on a closer listen, you'll discover these were the exact words he said-"I like Genevieve, I f***ed her, she's so sweet". I couldn't believe my ears at first! Don't you think this is grevious enough for the NBC to give the song a slam under a blanket reason called 'lewd lyrics'. Methinks D'banj is just being childish, puerile and immature judging from this his latest 'kiss and tell song'
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