These pictures are very disturbing and I am sorry I had to bring them to you, but you guys need to see what that monster Akolade did to his wife, Titi. The pictures were taken at the scene of Titi's murder and they are horrifying, so if you don't heart, don't look. You've been warned.
I think I need to state this here. These pictures were released by family members and friends of the late Titi for the world to see exactly what her husband did to her. And they only decided to release the pictures after Akolade arolowo claimed in an interview with journalists that Titi killed herself. This was just to prove that there was no way in the world she could have done this to herself and they are hoping that the more people who see this, the more people who will fight on their behalf to get justice for Titi.
Her chest showing the breast cut off |
Her mutilated hands |
Her dismembered body |
Her face showing her eyes gouging. |
And he said she did this to herself. What an animal! If you are in an abusive relationship, please walk away, please!
And just in case you are reading about this for the first time, then read the full story
here and
and who released these photo??
so distasteful!!
This Arowolo guy must rot in jail. I appeal to all well meaning Nigerians to take real interest in this case. It must not be swept under the carpet. Anytime this case is called up in court, we must turn out enmasse and ensure Justice is done. This must stop.
OMG!!!d hatred dis guy had for his wife must have been extremely terrible.dis guy shouldnt been killed cos he will die once and wont knw d gravity of what he has done.
In my opinion,they shut cut his 2 hands off,remove all his toes(chop them off).then cut off d head of his penis,and remove his tongue!!!
I ant juge u,but the Almighty God dat created u will judge u.
One of the travails of a marriage bred outside the word of God. Inhumanity - showing the end of the age...
hmmm... this is wicked oo haa!!... may her soul rest in peace.. this is not fair at all oo **sobs**...
Linda this is very inappropriate. how old are you? you should know better than to display this on your blog. I dont think Titi's family will be very pleased with the lack of respect you have shown. please do the right thing and take these off. highly unacceptable. I pray you dont land yourself in a hot mess. yes we read the story and what kolade did was horrendous. sad.
man is wicked; simple n short
do we have the electric chair in naija?
that's where that dude, arowolo, should be cooling off.
I palpitated while looking at these pictures. He should be made to look at them for as long as he lives (if he doesn't get the death penalty.)
sad sad..sad much
God! This is horrible! Maybe he needed the parts for money rituals? What are Naija men turning into? This and all the other violent stories just put me off naija men forever !!!!! I hope justice is done in this case sha.
kano state high court aka sharia passed judgment, death by hanging on a lady who killed her bf with eclairs sweet....what will lagos state high court do?everyone is just waiting arms akimbo to hear. i dont want to caste stones here oh but i have dis little feeling that the guy might be sent to life imprisonment and from there he might walk.
Quiet frankly, If i was her sister or even her friend i wouldn't have this!!!. suppose this was your sister ?. A woman has died due to domestic violence .She has paid the ultimate price of losing her life .....why add to the pain of her family by exposing their daughters corps like this. I know for a fact her death has urged many people to get out of their volatile relationships So the message is out there.... for the sake of decency and respect for this woman please remove this.
My heart goes to the young lady. I hope her family will allow the law to take its course and not 'accept their fate' as we do in Africa. To all couples, a leaking pocket is better than no pocket. It is better to separate and be alive than to die for the sake of your children.
Blood of Jesus!what beastly act!horrible!!!
how wicked can one get?this is so think he did this to a woman he once professed love and affection to,even married.chai!God have mercy.
Jeeeeeeeeeez...Linda I could not stand those pictures. It is obvious that the guy has mental case. Many questions are going on in my head now. This is madness.
Lord Jesus, Bless us and Forgive us for man's heart is filled with evil thoughts and wickedness. I have no words...
Linda, I'm not sure posting these pictures here is a good idea. Yes, they are gruesome. However, don't forget the poor woman's family. Things seem to remain on the Internet forever.
Is it fair for her poor daughter to have to grow up to see these pictures? Yes, people get curious, but for the sake of decency PLEASE take these down.
Let them be admitted into evidence in court.
Poor child, she was living with a demon from the pit of hell all this while and didn't know it. I have taken time to study this entire saga and have come to the conclusion that this wasn't a simple quarell or misunderstanding that just turned into fistcuffs. Peeps, look at this thing very critically, I am very sure that in his crazed quest for money, some ritualist must have asked him to bring his wife's body parts for the money making ritual and he didn't reckon it would go horribly wrong cos she obviously fought for her life and he became really desperate and ripped her to shreds. This girl fought for her life!! WHAT IN THE WORLD DID HE NEED HER EYES AND BREASTS FOR? Let the government ask those millitary personel trained in the very art of extracting information from criminals and terrorists to employ every means necessary including hypnosis if need be to force the truth out of this depraved bastard. May your soul rest in peace, and may the bastard who did this to you burn in hell!!
Linda,i'm shocked beyond words.The flesh of his flesh and the bone of his bone...he literally killed himself...smh.If he had succeeded,girls woulda been all ova him,dats for sure ooo,i knw my girlz.
My fellow chics,there's no honeymoom in women battering oo,DO NOT TAKE THAT FROM ANY MAN.
#1 The man is innocent until proven guilty.
#2 Other than sway public opinion against him, what useful purpose does this serve?
#3 He is Innocent until proven guilty, innocence by way of insanity is still innocence.
Titi RIP!
About if the pictures should remain here, ultimately the decision is Linda`s. Seeing pictures like this will tell women to run when they see red flags. It could also play a role in the trial.
On the downside, this is disrespectful to her family, and like someone said - it will stay on the web forever.
Linda, do what you think is right. But if this happened to a loved one, would you be okay with a blogger posting her pictures? You also did not explain the rationale behind posting this.
Nigerian justice system, don`t fail us!
@Anon 1:56
So you are now a lawyer? Evidence in court my ass. The pictures have been shown on other websites before linda.
Take it down my ass. GOH
dunno what to say!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so gory!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Linda, how dare you? If you have any compassion for this poor lady and her family, you will take down these pictures. Note that I did not even open the post so I haven't read your reason for putting this up - no reason justifies this though.
This guy has got to be one ruthless wicked devil worshiper. how could someone stab another in this manner? May he get the judgment he deserves
Jesus!!! God wat a wicked heart of man,(tears roll) pls they shd nt let dis idiot live aaaaaaahhhhh.
Omoh! see wetin man fit do to somebody pikin o, God!. Pls dnt tell me dis murderer is still alive
With these pictures, he expected anyone to believe she killed herself?
Eyan gan gan lesu...
He is a beast who should be made to die very slowly after his hands, eyes and "sausage" have been hacked off!!! How can anyone claim she did this to herself? He is sick!!! Poor woman. To die in the hands of an idiot she was even job hunting for? my God... I dont even know what to say. He killed her for money. Simple! He took out one eye and one breast.
OMG!!!!!! This is DISGUSTING How can a human being do dis 2 someone he claimed to love and also someone dat gave him a beautiful baby girl....Some people in dis world can be so heartless....but I personally tink for the sake of the family dis pics shldnt ave been put up...If the little girl shld in future see this, she wld be scarred for lyf
kai! I hope this guy gets a death sentence. I also hope his judge is a woman. This case should be used as a point of reference in domestic violence cases in Nigeria. What are the Nigerian female senators doing? Someone should pass the "Titi Omozoje domestic violence law". How do people even go about sponsoring these kinds of laws in the senate?
O ma se o! Truly sad.
And for those calling for Linda's head cos of the pix, the pix have been passed on via bb broadcast and it's already on the internet.
Distasteful yeah, reality yeah... So what are we on about?
No one prays for so such happening to one's family member but hey, don't cast aspersions ok
This is pathetic,well, to all saying linda should remove the pics,she doesnt have to,cos have seen these pics on other sites since yesterday.i only pray for the family,God's grace on them to be able to forgive cos seeing this pics mennnnnnnn, that man is heartless,infact i just cant imagine what the poor titi went tru b4 she eventually gave up.may God accept ur soul and may u find peace.RIP
I seriously do not think this Akolade guy is really sane. If he is, then there is just a thin line between sanity and insanity for him. He should be kept away from his daughter for the rest of his life. Aside that, Ladies, please If a guy hits you once he will do it again, the moment he lifts up his hand to hit you, begin to run before he even decides to bring it down.
Eyaah...i feel sorry bout the whole thing. alotta mumu people dey visit this blog sha lmaooo, Linda is never d first person to publish news, i see u guy must be dumb in thinking so....if she takes d photo down...mind u other website got them. we live in a global village. Damn!! smh. Evil husband should never go unpunished!
You question if I am a lawyer because of my comments about evidence? Actually I am - licensed in Nigeria and the US.
Yes, please take them down for the sake of her family. Not for my sake.
If it was your sister, would you post the pictures on your blog?
You've only done this to generate traffic. God sees your heart.
Today is the last day I'm reading your blog. You may think loosing one reader is ok, you may even think it's ok for you to post such images because others have done so, but as i said, God will judge.
Just think about her friends and family. Is this really the way they want to remember her?
God will judge.
Because everyone puts them on websites is no reason for Linda to join in. If she wants to put them up because she feels within herself it is right and may be educational to women living with domestic violence-FINE!
However, because everyone is doing something is no reason for one to follow. If everyone decides to put their hand in fire, would you blindly follow?
Apparently to the Follow- follow crowd the answer would be yes.
I repeat foe the sake of sympathy to this girl's family, I think taking the pictures down is the decent thing to do. However, it is Lindq's blog and she can do as she likes.
If it were any civilized country, lawsuits could be following all these websites...and yea, I speak as a lawyer.
Rise above the crowd and do the decent thing. You are bigger than this....
God give us ur grace to follow........inhuman!so sadddd.
mehn that guy is beyond heartless....geez!! she doesnt deserve this mehn! i pray that guy pays 4 what he did to her cos he would never go scot-free
God i don't kn what to say, if u are a woman out there be careful this is a big lession to all us we ladies run away from violet relationship of marriage.
You pple should leave Linda alone, she is helping us the pictures are all over the web
madam linds,
this lady lived a decent life and had a child.she married a beast though and paid the ultimate price for it but that is no reason to further desecrate her memory with these pictures..
beyond being the current poster child for domestic violence,she has family,a father, siblings maybe, a daughter, friends and colleagues who knew her and loved her.
biko linda, take these down.she's dead but lets show some respect for the life she lived and lets help her loved ones begin thier healing process.
God will surely avenge her death.
You said 'I'm sorry I had to bring them to you', concerning your decision to post these gory images.
You didn't have to; you chose to, and in my opinion as a mother and a barrister, you made the wrong choice.
One way it feels right to say Linda get these pictures off ...the other way says ..leave the pics on..
1. So people in abusive relationships can learn and then do the right thing.
2. So it can generate the media attention so all human rights groups can see this and make sure arowolo is given the right judgement.
........but oh well if this was someone I knew closely I won't b happy @ all seeing these pictures here...but then again like someone said this isn't the only blog or site carrying it. I actually saw it in the papers two days ago.<--------- wo I tire jor
Linda, i am happy i saw this...cos i just wanted to understand why he said she killed herself. Its obvious he is a murderer.
Linda,this is absolutely pathetic.Do you not have any moral compass.You certainly lack judgement.I wonder how civilised you really are.You see being civilised and being well educated and cultured(am not talking about fashion as that seems the level of your erudition)would have led you to make better judgement.A recent example was Pres.Obama refusing to release Bin Laden pictures despite enormous pressure to do so.
And he wants us to believe that these were self inflicted? Anyway, with the way things are going, I doubt if anything will happen to that man. Watch him plead insanity and end up at Igbobi (at Lagos state taxpayer's expense). He should have been given the same treatment they gave to that necklace thief the other day. By now, his case would have been forgotten for good.
some people are just so stupid and ignorant of the written words by the blogger L.I quote and repeat she said if you can't stomach it,,,please don't read!!!...but still you can read some comments here by fools saying L should off the pictures,what on earth even made you open your browser to view her blog...what on earth has respect got to do with showing the world what some animals can do to their wife's/spouse or is it because you know L is Nigerian...Stupid fucks here and there...It's just a pity this sadness befell the young lady's family...All i can say is may her gentle soul rest in the bosom of the lord and only God knows what fate holds for her killer/husband...#nuffsaid
Linda, I'M not criticising you, but, these pics are shocking and too graphic. I don't think they should have been released or published.
linda has horrible as the site of this may look linda please do not put this down as it would make other women learn,its a pity titi had die for others to learn rip omo
People on the street are saying that this guy did not kill his wife with an ordinary eye.... I say you get a relief from an evil impulse once you are done accomplishing the mission you are forced to do. But in Arowolo's case when he was done killing the innocent woman, he started cutting her. He knew what he did. And i say, he must have been doing this a long time! And get away with the crimes. It takes a real muderer to murder in the manner he did. Ladies i beg, make u na beware of psychopaths o! E bi like say them don dey Nigeria now..... If i was to be the Justice that will judge Arowolo, he will die a more painful death! He will be cut bit by bit, every two, two weeks until his life ebb. This is a really sad story that terrifies me, and still keep me awake sometimes. I pray God look down from heaven and have mercy on the world.
I don't know Linda...all I know is that she's a blogger. For us to make decision for this grown woman is beyond me. She didn't start this site shut the hell up everyone. She warned us before we saw the pictures and she's taken her decision. Period
That aside: The pictures are gruesome. If you are in a relationship and your partner is abusive, this should not only be a wake up call for you; but a wake-up-and-pack-your-bags-call! You do not want to go through this
Titi..may God bless your soul and for her husbi..someone said he's innocent until proven guilty...and that's the cold truth.
Don't forget what happened in Casey Anthony's case
So, all we have to do is pray to God so that justice will be served..not bash Linda or each other.
Show some love people!!
i won't look. i refuse to look and shame on all of u circulating this pictures., i refuse to look and anyone with an iota of respect and dignity will refuse to further circulate this. how would u feel if ur mutilated body is circulated liek this? ask yourself. just cos someone sent it to you doesn;t mean its ok to go ahead and send it on. have some daagggon respect for human lives. no matter how much we spread this photos,.,.it wont bring her back, neither will it lead to the deserved justic. we did worse with the NYSC corpers and has justice been served? no...have some dignity and respect for human beings cos tomorrow, it might be ur turn
Be unequally yoked with unbelievers. Even the so-called believers need to be 'watched'. Meeting them in church is no guarantee.
This is where you get to test your relationship with GOD. Not judging the poor woman who has lost her life but sometimes someone has to die for a generation to be saved.
Michael Jackson had to die to warn others abusing prescription medication and other drugs to think twise and make wise decisions.
Many marriages are a fake. Its like prison for some. They can't go and they stay in hell for their own safety- especially if its one gloried 'Area boy' with small change. You dare not question them about anything. You have to SLAVE for them, they just buy you gifts like some house accessory with no mind of its own.
E no dey show for face. You need the Higher life to discern.
Some humans look cool and fabulous on the outside, but their spirits look like beasts and snakes and everything evil. - some women get this 'sense of caution' when dating sef and they ignore it because there is no one else to date/marry or they about to clock the 30, or the big 35 or the big 40 or the big 45 - whichever one seemd significant to them - without taking time to actually enhoy this life eeh!
Yes not the 'posh' discussion people like to discuss, but this world is filled with spirits. All sorts. They manifest in various forms - everything evil. By their fruits we shall know them.
Every single person is a potential suspect. Just let God guide.
CHRISTAINS, time to live out your destiny's, if you dont understand your faith, seek to understand.
Its all about continous bible school.
The picture is not advisable for display as it has a way of imprinting images on the minds of already and creates 'fear' unneccesarily. Linda you will be amazed at how images gets stored in the wonderful HUB called the brain. - On the other hand, women living in these sort of relations should know what they may turn into if they cdont cry for help or run away - with enough back up. Leave statements in as many police stations as possible all over the country.
May her soul rest in perfect peace.
She was in 'love' and 'love' led her to a wicked death.
If this phots were not released you all will say its a lie..
If it so distasteful.. why did you guys open to read she warned you!
An as for the person who want to stop coming on linda.. that's exciting news.. Mschewwww! Nonsense as if she does not already have enough visitor.. you must think you are Oprah to think you treat to leave will make any diff. pls go and sleep!
*speechless* wow! this was nothing but pure hatred!!! this man jst really despised this poor lady for no good reason. may her soul rest in peace. very disturbing pics
think if she were your family member, would you want her pictures circulating around the web? and just because others do it doesn't make it right.
Hello LIB
I happen to know Kolade before he got married and when he did get married. I saw him introduced his wife in church. We attended the same church. I think he was under a spell really because he was an astute womanizer i guess even after marriage. No sane person would do this horrible stuff. Ladies need to beware of the kind of guy they get married to. This is bad and unlike human. Hate the fact that I knew Kolade but this is a warning to guys to quit womanizing.
Kolade must have hurt a girl or something ......................blurrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr
I don't like that you posted these pictures up Linda. There isn't anything I will say about the reason why not that anyone else before me hasn't already said.
That being said, in a way, Its a good thing you did. Sometimes, people need the truth shoved in their faces. It is a serious warning flag for any woman that wants to get married to do serious soul searchings before they do.
The guy is an animal, Her bones are seriously broken in places...esp the bones in her arms.
May her soul rest in peace in the bossom of the Lord.
I hope he gets the the death penalty. There is no excuse whatsover!!
Hi Linda
This is my first time of commenting on your blog but I must confess I'm an ardent follower of your blog.keep it up.
Concerning Titi(R.I.P)This her so called husband is not human.I cant even imagine how he took his time to this. He would die a very very painful death.
Words cant even express how unhappy I feel about this.
Justice must be done
I refused to look at the pictures because firstly i cannot stand gory & grisly pictures and secondly to show respect to a young lady who was unfortunate to have met such a painful death. Like everyone has said, Linda if she were your friend or relative you would not put her pictures up. We all have good imagination and would have already pictured the death scene especially after reading the story. We do not need pictures to make us react more or less. I dont think poor Titi would want pictures of her mutilated body spread all over cyberworld. Please lets show respect for the dead. Linda you dont have to post every picture you are sent e.g the baby & the python, the NYSC members etc. Its just not right dear.
Who ever released this picture must be sick in the head. I mean have people no no respect for the dead. Imagine what this images of her mutated body will do to the mental state of her family and friends, this will be the only memories they would have of her. This is truly despicable and I cant not comprehend this inhumanity to man, not by the murderer but by the person who released such grusome pictures. Linda its called empathy, show some morals and take this pictures down!!! Think of Titi's daughter, how she would feel when she see's this in future. You are a popular blogger and honestly I have not seen it anywhere else. The family should investigate and sue whoever is behind this or better still sue the police force. SHAME!!
Some Nigerians are so ignorant. Even CNN shows similar stuffs and viewers are usually warned before such visual or clip is shown. Linda acted professionally by seeking her reader’s discretion. Instead of commending her for bringing this new development to light, some people are busy casting aspersions on her for doing her job. Even the so called “ lawyers” in the house don’t seem to know better. If these pictures had not been released, some people would have accepted Mr Arowolo’s statement of defense that the poor lady killed herself. Infact with the way the guy was speaking the other day I was almost getting swayed by his pretence and lies until I saw these pictures today. I think these pictures would finally lay to rest any doubt about the guilt of this devil called kolade arowolo.
Good job Linda
wow Linda, you have outdone yourself this time.To think in a matter of years the young daughter will google her mother's name and these are the images that will come up.
If i can walk away from perez hilton's blog, yours will be a walk in the park. Peace out.
I disagree with all of you that want Linda to remove these pictures, your reasons are opinions.Posting these pictures will always be a reminder of what a cruel world we live in, some folks are going to find these pictures offensive and some are going to appreciate it cause it will be a constant reminder of what Titi went through in the hand of a man she once called "sweetheart" and not end up in same place she did by them making a choice to leave abusive relationship. If she was my sister, I will want these pictures posted for the world to see and learn from it. It hurts to see a sister's life cut short in gruesome manner.( there is no bological blood) I know her pictures will always bring pain to her family members but I am sure they won't mind using these pictures to create awareness against spousal abuses or violence.
Linda! How dare you!
You just made me throw up my delicious breakfast! I oughta report u 2d ministry of ethics. :)
Abeg jo. The guy na ritualist. The 1st time I learn he's jobless, frustrated, yoruba, ex banker, and money hungry: i add 1+1 and the answer is: blood money. Make them hand the guy to the hangman or the chics family for jungle justice.
Enough about this tragedy lin. I dey come your site make I dey hapi. U f'd up my AM. Abeg no more horror film like this.....Abeg o
OK, let me say this here. These pictures were released by family members and friends of the late Titi for the world to see exactly what her husband did to her. And they only decided to release the pictures after Akolade arolowo claimed in an interview with journalists that Titi killed herself. This was just to prove that there was no way in the world she could have done this to herself and they are hoping that the more people who see this, the more people who will fight on their behalf to get justice for Titi.
so you guys relax.
I bet this guy was out for rituals. This is way too much. Linda please remove. Very disturbing.
There is no way she could have done that to herself. The stabbings on her hands are defensive stab wounds.
I hope this will change the fate of women in abusive relationships. soooo sad.
Linda, thanks for the explanation @ July 16, 8.07. I'm sure Titi's friends and family would've considered all the pros and cons before releasing those pictures. But ultimately they wanted the world to see that their Titi couldn't have killed herself as her husband claimed. Perhaps you should've stated it from the outset when you posted the pictures, but, hey, hindsight is a beautiful thing. Keep up the good work, I like the transparency and resilience with which you operate your blog even in the face of insults.
@linda u should have stated that yesterday. Sorry for the insults, i was one of those who came after u. U really do have a thick skin. Keep it up
Arowolo, God will punish you. You will rot in hell fire Amen!!!
This is my first time commenting on this blog though am a regular visitor.
As a woman Iam really angry at what this beast of a husband did to a person he promised to love and cherish forever. If God forbid justice isn't done and for one reason or the other he is released,he dare not walk the streets of Lagos cos i can't describe what I'll do to him if I happen to see him walking the streets.Regarding these pictures, as an avid watcher of crime shows and crime and investigation network I want to play detective a little.
1st I don't think he 'cut off her breasts' literally, from what I see it looks more like a lot of mutiple stab wounds close together and the caked blood made it appear like there was a big gash (where there's a lot of assumptions that her breast was cut off)
2nd the injury on her hands appear to be typical defensive wounds which she sustained while trying to fight him off.
3rd from the position of her body on the bed as well as the pool of blood beside her body it appears that he was positioned above her and he trapped her beneath him while he stabbed her in a frenzy.
4th regarding her eyes (pls u guys should not abuse me for this o) I feel after he killed her, her eyes where open and appeared to be staring at him, so to make sure she was dead and not looking at him he mutilated her eye (I have watched something similar)
From Akolade's conduct like his apparent lack of remorse,blaming the victim etc I think he is just a narcissist and a psycopath.
This is also the first time am viewing these pictures and am so angry.
May Titi's soul RIP (Amen)
okay now Linda you have explained, sorry for the insult. you should have put the explanation erlier on.
Surprised this hasn't gone international..for the initial period Linda should have them it wouldn't be something people ignore and just move on to the next story..sometimes we get insensitised to deaths..this is what VIOLENT DEATH looks like..
Saw this on my phone cannot bear to see it again..not since Rwanda have I seen someone literally butchered..
The pain she must have been through..surprised no one heard her screams..was the place fortified??..
The deep gash on her hand..she probs tried to stop him..
People talking crap about he might be innocent..those stabbings are those of an estranged lover/husband..that's SHEER HATRED..deep seated..not even Armed Robbers commit this barbaric act..
Noticed Nollywood Actresses are speaking on this..this is groundbreaking stuff for 9ja women..Titi's death I'm confident would emancipate a lot of women in 9ja eventually..she would never die in vain!!...
Nigerians are so bloody one dimensional always dictating no wonder they are being ruled by pseudo-dictators..mehn!! it's a free world..Linda take photo down..Take down that beauty of the day down..soon Linda would have nothing to post if she listened to y'all..go somewhere else..for those in US..some watch FOX NEWS and some don't..yes they are very racist..but you still tune in..catch my drift...
And don't bring Bella into this..Bella brings in her personality to her blog..she plays safe to a SET crowd..that's her portion..
Linda is not the criminal about misplaced priorities and a complete lack of focus..this case for your info needs as much publicity as it can get..and Linda's blog stretches for someone rightly said...Linda mentioned..if you don't have a strong stomach....Really pissed off right now!!
I guess we should never have been shown pictures of Rwanda..Slavery...Holocaust..I'm sure it's u same people that would claim it never happened until you saw the gory evidence in 3-D in the comfort of your living room..said enough already!!..
Anon 12.22PM..have you considered a career in forensics/violent crime analysis??..u were spot on...very impressive..
linda...i understand this constant claim of "photos were released for the world to see, know the truth and hopefully bring justice" i ask again...the charred bodies of the NYSCs were tastelessly posted all over your blog, where is justice several months after jonathan goodluck has been cruising all over ASO rock. the truth is we have a bad system and the truth is whethere we post the photos or not, akolade arowolo will walk. so why bother? why humilate the dead in the name of "seeking justice and wanting the world to know" ?
This is really inhuman of the husband. It will be nice to know exactly what she did that made him to commit such a gruesome act. I know there is nothing she could do to warrant such. I guess the police would have that by now. May her soul rest in peace, what a painful death.
Ade_Cool 5.19pm. Thanks,I was quite nervous that I might get a barrage of criticism for my analysis of the pictures.
As for considering a career in forensics and violent crime maybe someday.
But I guess for now I think I'll just stick to being a lawyer who works a 8-5 job somewhere in Lagos.
I've got an aunt who also went back to her man after abuse. We had been so glad for her when they separated. Alas, she went back again. She's dead. Please listen up my fellow new-generation ladies: we must WALK away if we face such a man in our 'RELATIONSHIPS' & it's hard but we must be true to ourselves in our 'MARRIAGES': stop the they-don't-know-him-like-i-do denials. I beg you. And those of us who are happy wt our men, let's stop being selfish & stand for our friends. Out of no time, organise an Intervention Party for her & help her see reason. I beg you.
Na wa o... I didn't even bother to look at the pics, I just went straight to the comments. The main reason I did not look is because Titi's story really hit me hard. The reality that a man in my age group could hurt his own wife this way just blew me away with grief. I want to preserve the earlier pics on Titi that are ingrained in my memory; the smiley pictures of Titi, a lady that the web world has grown to love, feel remorse for and plead justice for.
It's obvious a lot of people do not read Linda's warning on articles before jumping to comment, even my learned colleagues. BIKO, LOOK (READ) BEFORE YOU LEAP (COMMENT). Simple and short.
For those who have chosen to stop visiting this my grand mother will say..."Buy (BYE) Garri o, greet your people". *Hisses* I bet you'll be sneaky back to read the blog but ofcourse please feel free to hide behind the annonymity of the average www user.
Linda, keep your head up. Your haters make up one of many proofs of your success.Apply reason and when you make a decision to post or feature something, stick with it. if you change your mind, let it not be because some mere commentator drinking horlicks and burping on his/her computer thinks you should.
Please this on LInda, It was after this episode that my friend i'v bn trying 2convince to walk out of a r/ship finally got the gist of wt cn hpn 2her n walked out. It has saved her and cn stil save sm more.....
My heart goes out to titis family. Its really sad.
My heart goes out to Titis family. Its really Sad.
For cryn out loud...u opposers shld shuush ur mouth ai..Linda strictly gave an instruction b4 d posting of ds pics nd sme of y'all r bluffing..cmon free d lady,dt wont mke her remove pics nyways..these pics serves as live evidences dt titi dint murder hersef..only God knows d truth as far as we r all concerned..
LInda pls u v gat a grt wrk goin on dnt mind d I TOO KNOWS.
Titi RIP..a lesson is being learnt ere ladies..
if u see the guy walking on the streets please don't hesitate to kill him immediately!!! Cash reward available
people like this do not deserve to even walk aroud alive in jail. what he deserves is a slow and extremely painful death.
Truth is, many times, it takes the intervention of a third party to force a woman to walk out of an abusive relationship. My mum went with her brother to physically get my aunt out of her husband's house after He beat her and threw her down the stairs. If not for timely intervention, she would have become a statistic today. Please let us learn to be our sisters' keepers. Sometimes, some of us women need an outsider to beat some sense into our pretty little heads.
RIP TITI and may Akolade reap the fruit of his wickedness.
This is not done in Journalism Linda, the pictures are gory; so why now?
While I undersand the intent of the picture to teach women out there to walk away from abusive relationship, and I hope it does touch someone's heart. I personally think it's very disrespectful to the dead, and her family.
For the dead woman and her family's sake, please take down the pictures. If however, you have obtained permission from the family, then I apologize please go ahead with posting.
I think this heartless idiot is pure anti human being
I tell you we have smart people in nigeria now before a man can make up story to reason why he kill his wife and people will say OK. Some women who are not married in nigeria beating them selves up, is better not to be married than to marry this one. I once said something to a friend in eungu(big girls in town o) about her husband beating her, she stop talkin to me. she told me later that her husband told her to stop talking to me. SIGNS of abusive marriage they try to get u away from family or friend that will help u.
Keep on writing, great job!
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Now I'm looking at my fiance with one eye o. Little wonder the Bible says that the heart of man is DESPERATELY wicked. There is no telling what anyone can do; even you. Let justice be served for once in naija!
Now I'm looking at my fiance with one eye o. Little wonder the Bible says that the heart of man is DESPERATELY wicked. There is no telling what anyone can do; even you. Let justice be served for once in naija!
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This matter is no longer family matter, its a public matter, the case of murder is Govt verse perpetrators. Nobody likes d pics they are gory, why should this evil be hidden, why not exposed so that many who would have stayed in abusive marriage n die like this learn . many would learn n run for their life. I differ from people who say why did you post these pictures.
I refuse to be a victim in an abusive relation ship.
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