Guess she only wanted to 'sample' a rapper. I love how liberal oyibo people are. You want something, you go get it. If I was brought up in that society, I probably won't be starving myself of...Shut up Linda, Damn! You shut up! OK, continue typing then. I've forgotten what I was going to write. Look at your last words, I'm sure it will come to you. *Looks at it* I think I'm going to shut up now. Good, let's move on the next post. OK!
Oh dear God, please help our darling Linda because from this blog it sounds like she has "multiple personality disorder" lol. To the "other" Linda, please stay where you are, thanks!
Okay Linda, what where you saying about not getting "some"?
this woman na closet racist.
Lol, linda ur mouth no go kill u, love u to bits, wish my elder brother never marry i for force am marry u whallahi cos ure too real
I agree she's a closet racist..used those naive rappers in trying to get a rep..her and rappers are like chalk and cheese..u don't get whither women than this woman..probably the only black people she ever met were the so called celebs on the red carpet..
As for Linda..the first dude that hits that puntang..she's gonna get preggers straightaway..
Just get the plumbers nearby for the imminent waterworks..u get me *winks*..
Linda, u've got a good sense of humour; don't hide; use it, often: it's a good thing. I like how u write your immediate and unadulterated thoughts and the dialogue within you. It gets one attentive and wondering "where is she going to land the conclusion / humour / anger / punchline / or take an indirect swipe at some Naija celebrity". It's soooooooooo cool.
Ps, I must point this out. I don't praise people often. I hope this praise don't get to your head that you will now think you won't blog on Sundays. If that happens, I will kick down your front door and force you to blog.
I kid I kid I kid I kid. I don't know what mood you are.
I swear I'm kidding. I'm kidding about kicking down your front down. I don't know if it's that time of the month and you temperamental and in a foul mood and me childishly kicking down your from .... that would be the death of me.
she has always admitted to dating 50 cent it is old news..she is a slut!!!
50 knows he love dem white girls
Linda...you said the key word...IF...but you werent brought up that way.....so starving u shall endeour until the perfect guy for you..(abeg i said for her o...b4 una all start another conversation about 'there is no perfect guy out there')....
She is not a closet racist my dear.
She is openly racist. The problem is with the dude that agreed for her.
These white chicks have "big expectations" of Black dudes..obviously Chelsea was disappointed so she turned down his gifts ..according to her CNN interview..
Lin-baby, If its lovin' that you want, we fit arrange a "samplin", lol
whho wouldnt want to have a 50cent on her bed.
after dating that trailer trash closet racist now you are officially 5 cents. You devalued by 45. Lol
She dumped 50.......interesting. I am no fan of his but for some fugly like Chelsea to date and dump him is a joke in itself.
@anon 9.43..means a lot to me
love u guys...muah!!!
Linda is a SICKO e ya e ya OH! Lol, your prince is coming dont worry, cool your blood!
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