In case you have not heard, one of Africa's greatest footballers, Rashidi Yekini, 47, is allegedly in dire straits as regards his sanity. The two-time African footballer of the year now walks the streets of Ibadan barefooted, a development that has shocked many people who knew him from his active playing days. Rashidi is said to suffer delusions, a neurological illness which hinges on belief that is pathological and held, despite evidence to the contrary.
Neighbours at his Oni and Sons Ring Road residence in Ibadan say he's been acting strange for some time now, always seen talking to himself. Sources say sometime late last year, Yekini, in the full glare of neighbours, brought out his belongings and allegedly set it on fire.
Yekini lives alone in his house, has a few tenants and rarely gets visitors. Since his marriage crashed in 1994, he hasn't remarried but has two children who visit him on holidays.
Friends and some of his ex-team mates worried about his mental instability are trying to get him help.
I'm particularly sad about this news...'cos I loved him so much as a footballer. Hope help comes his way soon!
I pray help comes his way soonest o. Govt. should help to rehabilitate him.
How true is this report? I kinda find it difficult to believe.
This sounds like neurosyphillis, someone should give him a 10 day IV course of penicillin and he should be just fine
I refuse this is happening to such a national hero.
I'm doubting this particular report bcos i saw him last yr at First Bank Plc in Ibadan when he was about to leave the Bank premises and he gave money to those Beggars chanting his name and he doesn't show any sign of being infected by any form of ailment.
When will Nigerians learn to seek psych help when needed..
@ Surprise, how is this the govt's problem?
Indeed. When in doubt, screen for syphilis
@anon 8.28 am....I only suggested govt. should rehabilitate him bcos he is a national hero and based on this report it seems nobody is coming to his aid.
This man has relations, friends n well wisher even two kids, what are we not talking here, he probably helped n gave monies to so many people when he was sane, how could they leave him get to this extent? I can't imagine my loved one walking the streets barefoot, before he got to that extent, he must have been showing some tell tale signs, i agree with anonymous 8:28, it's not the govt responsibility, he has a family
@suprise i'm suprised ure saying this, he's a national hero we know, did he grow on tress or fall from the sky? D family is d closest unit we have, infact if this is true, d family & friends should be ashamed of themselves for letting him get 2 dis stage witout seeking medical help
MFM and Deeper Life are waiting for him! How sad!!
We need to be careful and not call him a looney but wait until he sees a physician.
Sometimes, people call other people mad people for not talking to them. He should have tried to remarry over the years.
A house is more important than a car to me. In Nigeria, you need a car and a driver to show that you are OK and not a loser. I agree...
He should have moved to Europe a long time ago and get a job as a PE Teacher, at least... He would have hidden himself from disgrace.
He has families abroad, why can't they send for him? I deeply pity him. Can you give us his email address?
In fact, I would like to be in contact with him and send money. I am just afraid of 419! Would he like to move to Scotland?
Neurosyphilis ko hiss, what other sign did he present with that indicates neurosyphilis.
How true is this story sef. smh
@anonymous 3:14, you got it right. Yekini is doing damn good.He is not talking to people the way he did when he got to Ibadan after his career. People around him ask for money and other help everyday. The guy is simply overwehmed and wants to be left alone.
Linda please you got to check the fact of this story. Stories like this about known Naija always pop up and then the person who this story is about later discredit it. I will not believe this. This is like one of those media take out story.give me a reputable source then I will believe.
get your fact right gal!
until i read an official statement to the public through his family for help, then i would believe!
Our heroes must not go like this, our Govt and good Nigerians should try and do something... may God help him....
"Its a goal!!!!!!" sigh!!! I'll always remember that 94 scene of his clutching the net and mumbling jagbajantis! LOL
LOL@Anon and neurosyphilis, if its already late, penicillin will limit progression but wont fix the damage that has already been done.
There are other mental health disorders for which he fits the profile, or it can even just include major depression that wasnt treated. Abi na deliverance, either way its a sad story
my brothers and sisters... Am a graduate of mechanical engineering,single and hard working. Am in need of work to help keep my life going. I can do any work so far is legal, i don't care about prestige, all I need is work to help me leave about frustration and depression. I will pay back whatever is spent to get me a work. My email: oladeleoluwamuyiwa@gmail.com; thanks and my God bless you as u take a step to give me a mean of livin
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