Encomium Mag reached out to EFCC spokesperson, Femi Babafemi, to inquire about her release. His alleged response was "I'm not aware, please. Only the Nigeria Prisons can confirm that since she's been in their custody."
A source at the Nigeria Prisons confirmed her release to the magazine, saying "Of course she has been freed. She was freed after she completed her jail term."
Completed her jail term in Reddington hospital! Disgusting. Even more disgusting is that she still has a home in St. John’s Wood. She probably flew to London in her private jet! Her plea bargain has helped her. I bet she will now join the committee that is raising money for GEJ’s presidential campaign and will go on a notice me tour to RCCG on Lagos-Ibadan expressway. Big hiss!!
I dont know what these people are smoking
I saw her live and direct in business class of ARIK on August of last year on my way to LAGOS
Busy serving her sentence ko
and to think I was pitying her that she lost so much weight and was looking like a shadow of herself
why do this people keep making a fool of NIGERIANS
why am i not surprised????
St John's Wood, Little Venice, Maida Vale, Regent's Park, ....,are among the sought-after areas of London and "For Sale" signs in those areas are few. Demand outstrips supply and they are no scallies, etc. Properties in the City of Westminster Council are among the prime post codes in London. There are properties in these areas for £3m, £5m, £10m, and more for a four/five bedroomed family house.
Everybody knows how that criminal, Mrs Ibru, acquired her wealth.
No one even knew that woman was here. I bet the British govt know. She is a British Citizen. She lived in UK for for about 20 yrs before she moved to Nigeria. I think she was born here. She robbed Nigeria blind, came back here to enjoy her loot.
Whats could be the excuse of this govt in not prosecuting this thief. Why is the British govt not frozen her UK bank accounts or confiscated this woman's ill-gotten assets? The rotten Conservative govt is in power. Just like that Margaret Thatcher, they love it when Africans bank their ill-gotten billions of pounds here in London. It helps the white man's economy at the expense of the black man's economy. It won't surprise me if it turns out that Mrs Ibru is a card carrying member of the Conservative party. Soon, a donation, registered charity to fool black people, and maybe a knighthood? Smh.
This is another reason the United States is the Worlds Greatest country. Ibru did the same thing Madoff did and look who is still in jail today
I'm a firm believer of no sin goes unpunished! She'll still get hers!
Vengeance is coming says that Lord of host....somewhere in the bible
I am not surprised at her release afterall she only had a 6 month jail term. I was more surprised at her sentencing. And why is the UK accepting such a criminal in their country. It doesn't even matter because this woman was shamed in a major way, alot of her money was taking from her and she was used as an example to others considering doing what she did. They would at least think twice. We are getting better in fighting corruption.
Relax jo. She is an Ibru. She stole money, no doubt, but you have to remember before she became a thief, she was an Ibru. Ask who Olorogun Michael Ibru is. She was a giant thief, but even before she stole, she was rich.
Chilling has said it all
"This is another reason the United States is the Worlds Greatest country. Ibru did the same thing Madoff did and look who is still in jail today"
March 11, 2011 2:55 PM
@ANON 2:55PM
Please do not drink the Kool-Aid. Not a single one of those US bankers who precipiated the financial crises and caused the Great Recession (which exposed Madoff's ponzi when the money dried up) are in jail. NOT A SINGLE ONE! Rather, they got bonuses, taxpayers bailout and are back in business with bigger bonuses!
i am not surprised at all a wat is happenin in nigeria,well God is in control
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