A statement by the White House Thursday said Olopade, who is the Walter L. Palmer Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Human Genetics, Associate Dean for Global Health, and Director of the Center for Clinical Cancer Genetics at the University of Chicago, had been appointed by President Obama as a member of US National Cancer Advisory Board.
Olopade, who is an authority on cancer risk assessment, prevention, and individualized treatment based on risk factors and quality of life, is also a practicing clinician and director of the University’s Cancer Risk Clinic.
A recipient of numerous professional honors and awards, including the MacArthur Foundation Fellowship, ASCO Young Investigator Award, James S. McDonnell Foundation Scholar Award, and the Doris Duke Distinguished Clinical Scientist Award, the White House said: "She also works with educators, doctors, government officials and pharmaceutical companies to improve access to quality education and
medical care in low-income communities.
Olopade holds an M.B.B.S. from the University of Ibadan in Nigeria, did her residency in internal medicine at Cook County Hospital in Chicago, and completed a postdoctoral fellowship in hematology and oncology at the University of Chicago. Others appointed into key administration posts by the US President include Thelma Duggin, member, Board of Trustees of the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars; Marcia Cruz-Correa, member, National Cancer Advisory Board; Kevin J. Cullen, member, National Cancer Advisory Board; Olufunmilayo Falusi Olopade, member, National Cancer Advisory Board; Jonathan M. Samet, member, National Cancer Advisory Board; and Bill Sellers, member, National Cancer Advisory Board.
Announcing the appointment, Obama said: “These dedicated individuals bring a wealth of experience and talent to their new roles and I am proud to have them serve in this Administration. I look forward to working with them in the months and years to come.”
Source: ThisDay
Naijans, we no dey carry last!
Very impressive.
Chicago connection..Oprah made this woman influential!
Congratulations... This is good news, esp after yesterday's story of the 419 ID theft by the Nigerian in the UK.
Key Post ko, Keys are in The Post ni...
Being appointed a mid level board member is as significant as eating a sandwich for lunch...
Now if she was the Secretary for Health, different story...
Congrats Dr. Oluwafunmilayo Falusi Olopade. You are indeed an inspiration to me and reasonable Nigerians. God bless and Increase you.
We're too much!
@ anon 6.39 why the fuck are you hating? men you are a sad person. be happy for once, even if they make you sad at home, try n rejoice with other people. i dont know her but m proud and glad shes from this place. and shes known despite all the whole shit others have done. and theres this one person makin our name stand .so freaking glad. so if its making sad three words GO AND DIE
linda men there are fucking haters on this blog...sad when people are happy..gosh aawon were eg anos 6;39. congtrs MA glad your making us proud here..God bless the works of your hand.....you would move higher and higher
anon 6:39pm foolish girl
Watch this space - find your path in life, have a passion for it, dream it, eat it, bake it, share it, sing it, pray about it, no complaining Just keep doing it. Your diligence will be recognised - that still won't stop you from having the passion for it. You may find yourself in the white House like Obama and have some difficulties, that won't even stop you.
Recognition - any kind - is a sing you are doing something right. You are not fazed by it, rather you are driven. I love Martin Luther King, I respect him, he taught m how to dream, and now I am living my dream. Love to everyone here, are you living your dream, heading there and making 'proper' plans etc
- Or just making excuses and tick, tock, tick tock, the clock goes, recognisng those who have and laughing at those who are wasting theirs and lookign to deposit in their graves.
Someone once said, the grave is filled with so many dead dreams, before you do tufiakwa, where exactly are you headed??? Only one person can asnwer that YOU!
Nigerians are among the best people on earth, there will always be 'Judases' but I love my people! When we get determined na so favor dey follow us.
God bless Nigeria!
Hahaha who is hating? The headline is that she has been appointed to a "KEY POST" ... Being on that board is NOT a KEY POST, no matter how one wants to spin it...
It is a post, and it is a presidential appointment, but in terms of being a KEY anything, no cigar...
That was my sole point.
To all those telling me to go and die because of a post I made, except if you recant your curse publicly on this forum, when I am done cursing you, you will hate ever finding computer talk less of posting here...
Congrats madam for bringing Nigeria into the news positively. More grease to your elbow.
Anonymous 6.39/7.33 - Which one is your own outstanding contribution to this world besides taking up valuable space and sucking up valuable oxygen? Just asking...since you seem determined to undermine the hard work of a woman you don't even know from a can of paint at Home Depot. If you have nothing decent to type, you can always click on the EXIT box, you know? Linda no dey hold gun for your head sey make you comment on this blog, you hear?
Go back to drink your ogogoro, abeg and leave intelligent discussions to people who don't have swiss cheese for brains, okay? *mustering up the most patronising smile in history*
Happy to hear a positive news about a Nigerian. My day is made.
Great news!! Congrats to her
Anon 6:39 has a point, it isn't a key post as far as key posts go.
Either way, kudos to her...
Interesting side note... Her husband, Christopher is an active supporter and fundraiser for Obama.
Pay for play? But of course...
You will always find one Nigerian with something negative to say.
Anon 6:39/7:33 go and get yourself an appointment even as a PA to the PA of the Mayor of Chicago. When you get that, you can talk. Until then just SHUT THE FUCK UP!
She's done her bit and has earned recognition for something she's doing, no matter how small. You on the other hand, what have you contributed to society?
Misery Loves Company. Mstcheeeew!
Great news and encouraging to all..this lady have been making news for a very long time read a magazine about her works couple of years ago. For a president of a country to appoint someone to a post it is a big deal, and to the anonymous 6:39 i'm sure you are miserable in your present job and you will wish President obama can at least pick you to do his laundry.
SMH at anonymous 10:00 and 10:07 your point are?
anonymous 7:33 you need help, and stop your empty
threat and get a life.
Looks like you beat some online news pundits to this news. So, why do you acknowledge them sometimes when they won't do the same vice-versa.
Well, o ga o! Just do the same by writing your own version of such news from the mainsteam media and refer to the source if necessary.
Whatever. Token job. Not happy with Mr Obama.
@ Anon February 25, 2011 11:02 PM
wetin ?
Don't lemme cum and meet yu there !
Stop picking on people !
Wich one concern yu?
Oprah did not make her famous. She discovered a rare breast cancer common among people of African descent and she has done work on prevention and treatment of cancer.
Congratulations, Dr Olufunmilayo Olopade.
Thanks to all those who are making a difference in the world and are an inspiration.
this is a release on whitehouse dot gov and the title of the memo is "President Obama Announces More Key Administration Posts"
need we say more about whether it is a key post or not? anonymous people arguing otherwise, please petition the white house, let them know your concerns - that you do not feel that such a post as this is "key". then you can report back their response to us. thanks.
Linda why didn't you approve my comment I posted in Chinese. I didn't feel like wrting in English. China is taking over the world so we might as well get used to Mandarin.
@anon 7:59...u wrote in mandarin on a Nigerian blog? lol. i deleted it cos i tot it was spam. Try again and this time, pls write in English...:-)
Anonymous whomever/whatever, just try to see if you would be given the Key post as a cleaner to this Honorable Doctor.LOl! I just love this Blog, haters just make the world go round jarre.
After reading about her achievements and all, I was really impressed until I got to the comments. And I began to doubt whether things had been blown out of proportion and my admiration somewhat misplaced. Then I remembered that bad words are like cancer. And in fact God had placed Prof. Olopade in this world with a primary mission to destroy them! Then my esteem of her increased... Sorry to disappoint you anon6:39 or whatever your name is.
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